Oratio Matutinalis Morning Prayers

Oratio Matutinalis Morning Prayers

Oratio Matutinalis Morning Prayers


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<strong>Morning</strong> <strong>Prayers</strong><br />

When you awake, lift your mind to God our Creator,<br />

and bless yourself, saying:<br />

9 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the<br />

Holy Spirit, amen.<br />

Raise your eyes and hands to heaven, and say:<br />

come, Creator Spirit, come<br />

O And visit Thou Thy people’s souls.<br />

Replenish with Thy heavenly grace<br />

The breasts which Thou didst once create.<br />

Here make a deep bow.<br />

Thou Who art called the Paraclete,<br />

Gift given by the Most High God,<br />

The soul’s anointing, charity,<br />

The flame of fire, the living stream.<br />

Thou Who art sevenfold in gift,<br />

The finger Thou of God’s right hand,<br />

The Father’s solemn pledge of troth<br />

Ennobling with Thy words our throats.<br />

Light Thou a lantern for our thoughts,<br />

Cause love to flow within our breasts,<br />

Sustaining always, with Thy strength,<br />

The frailty of our mortal flesh.<br />

Our foes do Thou drive far away,<br />

Thy peace give us without delay;<br />

With Thee our Guardian guiding us,<br />

May we flee all unrighteousness.<br />

The Father may we know through Thee,<br />

And through Thee may we know His Son.<br />

O Thou the Spirit of Them both,<br />

May we forever trust in Thee.<br />

Here cross yourself, then make a deep bow:<br />

9 Praise to the Father with the Son<br />

And to the Holy Paraclete,<br />

And may the Son upon us send<br />

The Holy Spirit’s gifts of grace, amen.<br />

= Thou shalt send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be<br />

made. + And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.<br />

Let us pray.<br />

<strong>Oratio</strong> <strong>Matutinalis</strong><br />

When you awake, lift your mind to God our Creator,<br />

and bless yourself, saying:<br />

9 In nómine Patris et Fílii et Spíritus Sancti, amen.<br />

Raise your eyes and hands to heaven, and say:<br />

Veni, Creátor Spíritus,<br />

Mentes Tuórum vísita.<br />

Imple supérna grátia<br />

Quæ Tu creásti péctora.<br />

Here make a deep bow.<br />

Qui Paraclítus díceris,<br />

Donum Dei altíssimi,<br />

Fons vivus, ignis, charitas,<br />

Et spiritális únctio.<br />

Tu septifórmis múnere,<br />

Dextræ Dei Tu dígitus,<br />

Tu rite promíssum Patris,<br />

Sermóne ditans gúttura.<br />

Accénde lumen sénsibus,<br />

Infúnde amórem córdibus,<br />

Infírma nostri córporis<br />

Virtúte firmans pérpetim.<br />

Hostem repéllas lóngius,<br />

Pacémque dones prótinus;<br />

Ductóre sic Te prǽvio<br />

Vitémus omne nóxium.<br />

Per Te sciámus da Patrem,<br />

Noscámus atque Fílium.<br />

Te, utriúsque Spíritum,<br />

Credámus omni témpore.<br />

Here cross yourself and make a deep bow:<br />

9 Laus Patri sit cum Fílio<br />

Et Spíritu Paráclito,<br />

Nobísque mittat Fílius<br />

Carísma Sancti Spíritus, amen.<br />

= Emítte Spíritum Tuum et creabúntur.<br />

+ Et renovábis fáciem terræ.<br />


O God, Who hast taught the hearts of the faithful by the<br />

light of the Holy Spirit, grant us by the same Spirit to<br />

discern what is rightful, and to rejoice in His consolation<br />

forever, through Christ our Lord, amen.<br />

Bow yourself and say attentively:<br />

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.<br />

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is<br />

in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive<br />

us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not<br />

into temptation, but deliver us from evil, amen.<br />

Rise and say the apostles’ creed:<br />

I believe in God the Father almighty, Creator of heaven<br />

and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord,<br />

Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, (bow:) born of<br />

the Virgin Mary, (rise:) suffered under Pontius Pilate,<br />

was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into<br />

hell; the third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended<br />

into heaven, sits at the right hand of God the<br />

Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge<br />

the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the<br />

Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the<br />

forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the flesh, and<br />

life everlasting, amen.<br />

Turn to the icon of Christ and say reverently:<br />

Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us.<br />

(bow:) Who wast pleased to be born of a Virgin, have<br />

mercy on us.<br />

Hail, cause of our creation!<br />

Hail, price of our redemption!<br />

Hail, provender for our pilgrimage!<br />

Hail, prize for our patience!<br />

Hail, solace for our sustenance!<br />

O be our joy, O be our bliss,<br />

For our fulfillment Thou shalt be,<br />

May all our glory rest in Thee,<br />

For ever and eternally.<br />

O Lord and Master, stay with us<br />

And lift the dark of night from us.<br />

Cleanse us from every wrongful thing<br />

And grant Thy gentle medicine.<br />

Cross yourself and make a deep bow:<br />

Deus, qui corda fidélium Sancti Spíritus illustratióne<br />

docuísti, da nobis eódem Spíritu recta sápere et de ejus<br />

semper consolatióne gaudére, per Christum Dóminum<br />

nostrum, amen.<br />

Bow yourself and say attentively:<br />

Pater noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificétur nomen Tuum.<br />

Advéniat regnum Tuum. Fiat volúntas Tua, sicut in cælo<br />

et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie.<br />

Et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus<br />

debitóribus nostris. Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem,<br />

sed líbera nos a malo, amen.<br />

Rise and say the apostles’ creed:<br />

Credo in Deum, Patrem omnipoténtem, Creatórem cæli<br />

et terræ, et in Jesum Christum Fílium ejus unicum,<br />

Dóminum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spíritu Sancto,<br />

(bow:) natus ex María Vírgine, (rise:) passus sub Póntio<br />

Piláto, crucifíxus, mórtuus, et sepultus. Descéndit<br />

ad inférna; tértia die resurréxit a mórtuis. Ascéndit ad<br />

cælos, sedet ad déxteram Dei Patris omnipoténtis, inde<br />

ventúrus judicáre vivos et mórtuos. Credo in Spíritum<br />

Sanctum, sanctam Ecclésiam cathólicam, sanctórum<br />

communiónem, remissiónem peccatórum, carnis resurrectiónem,<br />

vitam ætérnam, amen.<br />

Turn to the icon of Christ and say reverently:<br />

Jesu Christe, Fili Dei vivi, miserére nobis. (bow:) Qui<br />

de Vírgine dignátus es nasci, miserére nobis.<br />

Ave, princípium nostræ creatiónis,<br />

Ave, prétium nostræ redemptiónis,<br />

Ave, viáticum nostræ peregrinatiónis,<br />

Ave, prǽmium nostræ expectatiónis,<br />

Ave, solámen nostræ sustentatiónis.<br />

Tu esto nostrum gaúdium,<br />

Qui es futúrus prǽmium.<br />

Sit nostra in Te glória<br />

Per cuncta semper sǽcula.<br />

Mane nobíscum, Dómine,<br />

Noctem obscúram rémove.<br />

Omne delíctum áblue;<br />

Piam medélam tríbue.<br />

Cross yourself and make a deep bow:

9 Thou Who wast born of a virgin,<br />

O Master, glory be to Thee<br />

With Father and Holy Spirit,<br />

To the ages of eternity. Amen.<br />

Dip your fingers in holy water, cross yourself, and bow<br />

before the Cross, saying:<br />

9 We worship Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee, for<br />

by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world.<br />

Cross yourself and bow, saying:<br />

9 We bow down before Thy Cross, O Lord; we call to<br />

mind Thy glorious Passion. Have mercy on us, Thou<br />

Who didst suffer for us.<br />

Cross yourself and make a prostration, touching your<br />

forehead to the floor.<br />

9 Hail, O holy Cross, worthy Tree, whose ruggedness<br />

held high the costly Price paid for the world.<br />

Cross yourself and bow, saying:<br />

9 Hail, O Cross, who art consecrated by Christ’s Body,<br />

and bejewelled by His limbs as by pearls.<br />

Cross yourself and bow, saying:<br />

9 Hail, O Cross, O Tree of victory,<br />

True salvation of the world.<br />

Never hath a forest yielded<br />

Equal blossom, bough, or bud.<br />

Healing medicine for Christians,<br />

Save the strong, restore the weak. (strike your breast:)<br />

What man’s power cannot do<br />

Be done by thine authority.<br />

Cross 9 yourself and bow before the Cross, then turn<br />

to the image of the Mother of God and say:<br />

Holy Mother of God, ever-virgin, blessèd, blissful, glorious<br />

and graceful, unspotted and unsullied, blameless<br />

and unblemished Mary, immaculate, chosen, and by<br />

God belovèd, possessing peerless holiness and worthy<br />

of all praise, an intercessor art thou for the whole<br />

world’s sore distress. Hearken, hearken, hearken to us,<br />

Holy Mary. Pray and intercede for us; do not refuse to<br />

help us; for we trust and know for certain that any thing<br />

thou wishest, thou canst obtain from thy Son our Lord<br />

Jesus Christ, Who is God almighty and King of all ages,<br />

9 Glória Tibi, Dómine,<br />

Qui natus es de Vírgine.<br />

Cum Patre et Sancto Spíritu<br />

In sempitérna sǽcula. Amen.<br />

Dip your fingers in holy water, cross yourself, and bow<br />

before the Cross, saying:<br />

9 Adorámus Te, Christe, et benedícimus Tibi, quia per<br />

sanctam crucem redemísti mundum.<br />

Cross yourself and bow, saying:<br />

9 Tuam crucem adorámus, Dómine; Tuam gloriósam<br />

recólimus passiónem. Miserére nostri qui passus es pro<br />

nobis.<br />

Cross yourself and make a prostration, touching your<br />

forehead to the floor.<br />

9 Salve, crux sancta, arbor digna, cujus robur pretiósum<br />

mundi tulit taléntum.<br />

Cross yourself and bow, saying:<br />

9 Salve, crux quæ in córpore Christi dedicáta es, et ex<br />

membris ejus tamquam margarítis ornáta.<br />

Cross yourself and bow, saying:<br />

9 O crux, lignum triumphále,<br />

Mundi vera salus, vale.<br />

Inter ligna nullum tale<br />

Fronde, flore, gérmine.<br />

Medicína Christiána,<br />

Salva sanos, ægros sana. (strike your breast:)<br />

Quod non valet vis humána<br />

Sit in tuo nómine.<br />

Cross 9 yourself and bow before the Cross. Then turn<br />

to the image of the Mother of God and say:<br />

Sancta Dei Génitrix, semper virgo, beáta, benedícta,<br />

gloriósa et generósa, intácta et intemeráta, casta et incontamináta<br />

María, immaculáta, elécta, et a Deo dilécta,<br />

singulári sanctitáte prǽdita, atque omni laude digna,<br />

quæ es interpellátrix pro totíus mundi discrímina: Exaúdi,<br />

exaúdi, exaúdi nos, Sancta María. Ora pro nobis et<br />

intercéde, et auxiliári ne dedignéris. Confídimus enim<br />

et pro certo scimus quia omne quod vis potes impetráre<br />

a Fílio tuo Dómino nostro Jesu Christo Deo omnipoténti,<br />

ómnium sæculórum Rege, 9 qui vivit cum Patre

9 Who with the Father and Holy Spirit lives unto ages<br />

of ages, amen.<br />

Reverence and kiss her image, then say:<br />

I entreat and beseech thee, Saint N., in the name of<br />

the Lord, that thou wouldest deign to keep me in thy<br />

prayers, so that the enemy and adversary may not at any<br />

time have the power to harm me.<br />

Lord, I have sinned before Thee and before Thine angels.<br />

Deal with me in Thy mercy, O Lord. Heal me, and<br />

I shall be healed, for Thou art my healing and salvation,<br />

and let my prayer come before Thy holy temple. Honour<br />

and power be Thine for ages of ages, amen.<br />

Reverence and kiss all the holy images. Then say:<br />

O holy angel of God, minister of the heavenly dominion,<br />

to whom almighty God has assigned my care! By His<br />

majesty and loving-kindness, I humbly beseech thee to<br />

preserve my soul and my body and all my senses from<br />

harmful, vain, and impure thoughts, and from the illusions<br />

of the wicked spirits, from defilement of mind and<br />

body, and from the wiles of my visible and invisible enemies<br />

who hunt after my soul. And be a watchful protector<br />

to me, wherever I may go, by day and by night,<br />

every hour and minute, and keep me in clean deeds,<br />

and strengthen me in the fear and love of Jesus Christ<br />

by thy holy prayers. And after this wretched and fallen<br />

life, lead my soul to eternal joy, where it may exult with<br />

God and all the saints without end, 9 our Lord Jesus<br />

Christ bestowing it. For honour and glory are His, unto<br />

ages of ages, amen.<br />

O Lord Jesus Christ, as I rise in the morning, attend<br />

unto me and govern mine actions and my words and<br />

my thoughts, that I may pass the whole day within Thy<br />

will. Grant me Thy fear, Lord, compunction of heart,<br />

lowliness of mind, and a pure conscience, that I may<br />

scorn the world, ponder heaven, hate sin, and love righteousness.<br />

Take from my heart the cares of the world.<br />

Wrench from me, Lord, the appetite for gluttony, the<br />

desire for fornication, the love of money, the plague of<br />

irritability, the sadness of this world, listlessness, empty<br />

joy, and worldly pride. O Lord, plant in me the virtues:<br />

an abstinent body’s self-containment, chastity, humility,<br />

and unfeigned brotherly love. Lord, guard my mouth<br />

that I may not speak empty words, nor tell worldly tales,<br />

nor detract others in their absence, that I may not curse<br />

my parents, that I may not answer cursing with cursing,<br />

et Spíritu Sancto in sǽcula sæculórum, amen.<br />

Reverence and kiss her image, then turn to that of your<br />

patron saint and say:<br />

Praecor te et rogo, sancte N., in nómine Dómini, uti<br />

dignéris me in oratiónibus tuis habére, ne inimícus et<br />

adversárius ullo témpore váleat nocére me.<br />

Dómine, peccávi ante Te et ante ángelos Tuos. Fac<br />

mecum in Tua misericórdia, Dómine. Sana me et sanábor,<br />

quia Tu es salus mea, et véniat orátio mea in conspéctum<br />

sancti templi Tui. Tuus sit honor et virtus in<br />

sǽcula sæculórum, amen.<br />

Reverence and kiss all the holy images. Then say:<br />

O sancte ángele Dei, miníster cæléstis impérii, cui Deus<br />

omnípotens mei custódiam deputávit! Per majestátem<br />

ejus et pietátem te humíliter déprecor ut custódias ánimam<br />

meam et corpus meum et omnes sensus meos a<br />

pravis et illícitis desidériis, a nóxiis, vanis, et immúndis<br />

cogitatiónibus, et ab illusiónibus malignórum spirítuum,<br />

a pollutióne mentis et córporis, et ab insídiis inimicórum<br />

meórum, visibílium et invisibílium quæréntium ánimam<br />

meam. Et sis michi protéctor tutus, ubicúmque íero, diébus<br />

et nóctibus, horis atque moméntis, et consérva me<br />

in mundo ópere, et confírma me in timóre et amóre Jesu<br />

Christi cum sanctis desidériis. Et post hanc míseram et<br />

cadúcam vitam deduc ánimam meam ad ætérnam felicitátem,<br />

ubi cum Deo et ómnibus sanctis gaúdeat sine<br />

fine. 9 Præstánte Dómino nostro Jesu Christo, cui est<br />

honor et glória in sæculórum sǽcula, amen.<br />

Dómine Jesu Christe, atténde michi mane surgéntem,<br />

et dírige actus meos et verba mea et cogitatiónes meas,<br />

ut totam per diem incédam voluntáte Tua. Dona michi,<br />

Dómine, timórem Tuum, contritiónem cordis, humilitátem<br />

mentis, et puram consciéntiam, ut mundum despíciam,<br />

in cælis meditábar, peccátum ódiam, et justítiam<br />

díligam. Rémove a corde meo discrímina mundi. Disjunge<br />

a me, Dómine, appeténtiam gulæ, desidérium<br />

fornicatiónis, cupiditátem, pestiléntiam iracúndiæ,<br />

tristítiam hujus mundi, accídiam, vanum gaúdium, et<br />

supérbiam mundi. Infíge in me, Dómine, virtútes: modéstiam<br />

abstinéntis córporis, castitátem, humilitátem,<br />

et fraternálem amórem non fíctum. Custódi os meum,<br />

Dómine, ne verbis loquar vanis, ne fábulas mundi dicam,<br />

ne álios abséntes detraham, ne maledícam paréntes, ne<br />

maledictiónem pro maledictióne próferam, sed magis

ut rather with blessing. Lord, let Thy praise be ever<br />

in my mouth. Christ, guard mine eyes that they may<br />

not look at what is evil, to lust after it, not the delicacies<br />

of this world nor the goods of my neighbour, but<br />

in the spirit of David let me say: ‘Mine eyes are ever<br />

toward the Lord, for He shall pluck my feet out of the<br />

net.’ And again, ‘Unto Thee have I lifted up mine eyes,<br />

O Thou that dwellest in heaven.’ Guard mine ears, lest<br />

they listen to slander and lies, or idle talk, but let them<br />

be opened every day to listen to the Word of God, Who<br />

hears and reigns unto ages of ages, amen.<br />

Let us walk in the good things of this day,<br />

In the power of the most high God, greatest God,<br />

In the good pleasure of Christ,<br />

In the light of the Holy Spirit,<br />

In the faith of the patriarchs,<br />

In the justice of the prophets,<br />

In the peace of the apostles,<br />

In the joy of the angels,<br />

In the splendours of Thy saints,<br />

In the toils of the monastics,<br />

In the power of the righteous,<br />

In the martyrdom of the martyrs,<br />

In the chastity of the virgins,<br />

In the wisdom of God,<br />

In much patience,<br />

In abstinence of body,<br />

In restraint of tongue,<br />

In abundance of peace,<br />

In praises of the Trinity,<br />

In sharp thinking,<br />

In deeds ever good,<br />

In the spiritual models,<br />

In divine words,<br />

In blessings,<br />

In these things lies the path of all who labour for Christ,<br />

for after their departure He leads His saints into everlasting<br />

joy. Thus, may I hear the voice of the angels<br />

praising God and saying, Holy, Holy, Holy!<br />

Lastly cross yourself, saying:<br />

9 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the<br />

Holy Spirit, amen.<br />

Placing your confidence not in yourself but in the Lord,<br />

read a little from the Holy Scriptures, or if the labours<br />

of the day are pressing, begin them in peace.<br />

benedictiónem. Laus Tua, Dómine, semper sit in ore<br />

meo. Custódi, Christe, óculos meos, ne vídeant pravum<br />

ad concupiscéndum illud, neque oblectatiónes hujus<br />

mundi neque bona vicíni, sed dicam in spíritu David:<br />

‘Óculi mei ad Dóminum, quia Ipse éducet de rete pedes<br />

meos.’ Et idem: ‘Ad Te levávi óculos meos, qui hábitas<br />

in cælis.’ Custódi aures meos, ne aúdiant calúmniam<br />

et mendácia, aut vaniloquéntias, sed omni die aperiántur<br />

ad Verbum auscultándum Dei, qui audit et regnat in<br />

sǽcula sæculórum, amen.<br />

Ambulémus in prósperis hujus diéi lúminis,<br />

In virtúte altíssimi Dei, deórum máximi,<br />

In beneplácito Christi,<br />

In luce Spíritus Sancti,<br />

In fide patriarchárum,<br />

In méritis prophetárum,<br />

In pace apostolórum,<br />

In gaúdio angelórum,<br />

In splendóribus sanctórum,<br />

In opéribus monachórum,<br />

In virtúte justórum,<br />

In martýrio mártyrum,<br />

In castitáte vírginum,<br />

In Dei sapiéntia,<br />

In multa patiéntia,<br />

In carnis abstinéntia,<br />

In línguæ continéntia,<br />

In pacis abundántia,<br />

In Trinitátis laúdibus,<br />

In acútis sénsibus,<br />

In semper bonis áctibus,<br />

In formis spiritálibus,<br />

In divínis sermónibus,<br />

In benedictiónibus,<br />

In his est iter ómnium pro Christo laborántium, qui déducit<br />

sanctos, post óbitum, sempitérnum in gaúdium.<br />

Ut aúdiam vocem angelórum Deum laudántium ac dicéntium,<br />

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus!<br />

Lastly cross yourself, saying:<br />

9 In nómine Patris et Fílii et Spíritus Sancti, amen.<br />

Placing your confidence not in yourself but in the Lord,<br />

read a little from the Holy Scriptures, or if the labours<br />

of the day are pressing, begin them in peace.

Evening <strong>Prayers</strong><br />

In stillness of mind, stand quietly. Then, with fear of<br />

God, cross yourself, saying:<br />

9 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the<br />

Holy Spirit, amen.<br />

Kneel and quietly recollect what you have done in the<br />

day which is past, against the will of our Lord. And cry<br />

to Him for mercy, saying:<br />

confess all my sins to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ,<br />

I all that I have done from mine infancy till now,<br />

in knowledge and in ignorance. And with my whole<br />

heart I beg forgiveness for whatever I did against Thy<br />

will today, sleeping and waking, in words, in deeds, in<br />

thoughts, by the darts of the devil and the desire of my<br />

flesh, praying that Thy wrath fall not upon me, but Thy<br />

grace look down upon me for ever. 9 For Thou livest<br />

and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the<br />

Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages, amen.<br />

O Lord, if it be that I have done a good thing, I thank<br />

Thee. For by Thy grace hath it been done.<br />

Psalm 50<br />

Have mercy upon me, O God, after Thy great goodness,<br />

and according to the multitude of Thy mercies do<br />

away mine offences.<br />

Wash me thoroughly from my wickedness, and<br />

cleanse me from my sin.<br />

For I know my fault, and my sin is ever before me.<br />

Against Thee only have I sinned, and done evil before<br />

Thee, that Thou mightest be justified in Thy words,<br />

and prevail when Thou art judged.<br />

For behold, I was conceived in wickedness, and in<br />

sins did my mother bear me.<br />

For behold, Thou hast loved truth; the hidden and<br />

secret things of Thy wisdom hast Thou revealed unto<br />

me.<br />

Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be<br />

made clean; Thou shalt wash me, and I shall become<br />

whiter than snow.<br />

Thou shalt give joy and gladness to my hearing; the<br />

bones that have been humbled will rejoice.<br />

Turn Thy face from my sins, and put out all my<br />

misdeeds.<br />

Make me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right<br />

spirit within me.<br />

Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not<br />

<strong>Oratio</strong> Vespertinalis<br />

In stillness of mind, stand quietly. Then, with fear of<br />

God, cross yourself, saying:<br />

9 In nómine Patris et Fílii et Spíritus Sancti, amen.<br />

Kneel and quietly recollect what you have done in the<br />

day which is past, against the will of our Lord. And cry<br />

to Him for mercy, saying:<br />

Confíteor Tibi, Dómine Jesu Christe, ómnia peccáta<br />

mea, ómnia quæ feci ab infántia mea usque<br />

ad præséntem, sciénter et insciénter. Et ex toto corde<br />

meo véniam peto, pro ómnibus quæ feci hódie contra<br />

voluntátem Tuam, dórmiens et vígilans, verbo, ópere,<br />

cogitatióne, per jáculos diabólicos et concupiscéntiam<br />

carnis mei, implórans quod ira Tua non cadat in me,<br />

sed grátia Tua respíciat in me semper. 9 Qui vivis et<br />

regnas cum Deo Patre in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus<br />

per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum, amen.<br />

Dómine, si forte bonum fécerim, gratias ago Tibi. Quia<br />

per grátiam Tuam factum est.<br />

Psalmus 50<br />

Miserére mei, Deus, secúndum magnam misericórdiam<br />

Tuam, et secúndum multitúdinem miseratiónum<br />

Tuárum dele iniquitátem meam.<br />

Ámplius lava me ab iniquitáte mea, et a peccáto meo<br />

munda me.<br />

Quóniam iniquitátem meam ego cognósco, et peccátum<br />

meum contra me est semper.<br />

Tibi soli peccávi et malum coram Te feci, ut justificéris<br />

in sermónibus Tuis et vincas cum judicáris.<br />

Ecce enim in iniquitátibus concéptus sum, et in peccátis<br />

concépit me mater mea.<br />

Ecce enim veritátem dilexísti; incérta et occúlta<br />

sapiéntiæ Tuæ manifestásti michi.<br />

Aspérges me hyssópo et mundábor; lavábis me et<br />

super nivem dealbábor.<br />

Audítui meo dabis gáudium et lætítiam, et exsultábunt<br />

ossa humiliáta.<br />

Avérte fáciem Tuam a peccátis meis, et omnes iniquitátes<br />

meas dele.<br />

Cor mundum crea in me, Deus, et spíritum rectum<br />

ínnova in viscéribus meis.<br />

Ne projícias me a fácie Tua, et Spíritum Sanctum<br />

Tuum ne áuferas a me.<br />

Redde michi lætítiam salutáris Tui, et Spíritu prin-

Thy Holy Spirit from me.<br />

O give me the comfort of Thy salvation, and stablish<br />

me with Thy governing Spirit.<br />

Then shall I teach Thy ways unto the wicked, and the<br />

ungodly shall be converted unto Thee.<br />

Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, the God of<br />

my salvation, and my tongue shall rejoice in Thy righteousness.<br />

O Lord, open Thou my lips, and my mouth shall<br />

show forth Thy praise.<br />

For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, I would have<br />

given it; but Thou delightest not in burnt offerings.<br />

The sacrifice unto God is a contrite spirit; a contrite<br />

and humble heart God shall not despise.<br />

O Lord, be favorable in Thy good will unto Zion, and<br />

let the walls of Jerusalem be builded up.<br />

Then shalt Thou be pleased with the sacrifice of<br />

righteousness, with oblation and whole-burnt offerings;<br />

then shall they offer young bullocks upon Thine altar.<br />

9 Glory to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy<br />

Spirit.<br />

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,<br />

even unto ages of ages, amen.<br />

Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison.<br />

Bow yourself and say:<br />

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.<br />

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is<br />

in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive<br />

us our debts as we forgive our debtors. (rise:)<br />

= And lead us not into temptation.<br />

+ But deliver us from evil.<br />

= Save Thy servants and handmaids, O my God.<br />

+ That put their trust in Thee.<br />

Let us pray. O God, Whose property it is always to show<br />

mercy and forbear, accept our humble prayer, that those<br />

whom chains of sin bind fast, the mercy of Thy love<br />

may set at liberty. Through Christ our Lord, amen.<br />

Trace a cross 9 upon the ground with your right thumb,<br />

bend and kiss it, then rise to your feet, and say:<br />

Visit this dwelling-place, we beseech Thee, O Lord, and<br />

drive all the snares of the enemy far from hence. May<br />

thy holy angels, dwelling therein, preserve us in peace,<br />

and may Thy blessing be upon us forever. 9 Through<br />

our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who lives and reigns<br />

cipáli confírma me.<br />

Docébo iníquos vias Tuas, et ímpii ad Te converténtur.<br />

Líbera me de sanguínibus, Deus, Deus salútis meæ,<br />

et exsultábit língua mea justítiam Tuam.<br />

Dómine, lábia mea apéries et os meum annuntiábit<br />

laudem Tuam.<br />

Quóniam si voluísses sacrifícium dedíssem útique;<br />

holocáustis non delectáberis.<br />

Sacrifícium Deo spíritus contribulátus; cor contrítum<br />

et humiliátum, Deus, non despícies.<br />

Benígne fac, Dómine, in bona voluntáte Tua Sion, ut<br />

ædificéntur muri Jerúsalem.<br />

Tunc acceptábis sacrifícium justítiæ, oblatiónes et<br />

holocáusta; tunc impónent super altáre Tuum vítulos.<br />

9 Gloria Patri et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.<br />

Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc et semper, et in sǽcula<br />

sæculórum, amen.<br />

Kyrie eléison. Christe eléison. Kyrie eléison.<br />

Bow yourself and say:<br />

Pater noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificétur nomen Tuum.<br />

Advéniat regnum Tuum. Fiat volúntas Tua, sicut in<br />

cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis<br />

hódie. Et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus<br />

debitóribus nostris. (rise:)<br />

= Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem.<br />

+ Sed líbera nos a malo.<br />

= Salvos fac fámulos Tuos.<br />

+ Deus meus, sperántes in Te.<br />

Orémus. Deus cui próprium est miseréri semper et<br />

párcere, súscipe deprecatiónem nostram, et quos delictórum<br />

caténa constríngit, miserátio Tuæ pietátis absólvat.<br />

Per Christum Dóminum nostrum, amen.<br />

Trace a cross 9 upon the ground with your right thumb,<br />

bend and kiss it, then rise to your feet, and say:<br />

Vísita quǽsumus, Dómine, habitatiónem istam et omnes<br />

insídias inimíci ab ea longe repélle. Ángeli Tui sancti<br />

hábitent in ea, qui nos in pace custódiant, et benedíctio<br />

Tua sit super nos semper. 9 Per Dóminum nostrum<br />

Jesum Christum Fílium Tuum, qui Tecum vivit et reg-

with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through<br />

all the ages of ages, amen.<br />

Verses to the Mother of God:<br />

Rejoice, God’s Mother, spotless Virgin!<br />

Rejoice, thou who didst receive joy from the angel!<br />

Rejoice, for thou didst beget the brightness of the eternal<br />

Light!<br />

Rejoice, O Mother; rejoice, Holy God-bearer and Virgin!<br />

Thou alone art mother without a nuptial union. Everything<br />

created by thy Son praises thee as the Mother of<br />

the Light. Be a merciful intercessor for us.<br />

= Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son.<br />

+ And His name shall be called Emmanuel.<br />

Let us pray. O God, Who wast pleased that Thy Word<br />

should take flesh from the womb of the blessed Virgin<br />

Mary, at the tidings of an angel, grant us Thy humble<br />

servants that we who believe she is truly the Birth-giver<br />

of God, may be aided by her intercessions with Thee. 9<br />

Through the selfsame Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord,<br />

Who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy<br />

Spirit, God through all the ages of ages, amen.<br />

I entreat and beseech thee, Saint N., in the name of the<br />

Lord, that thou wouldst deign to have me in thy prayers,<br />

so that the enemy and adversary may not at any time<br />

have power to harm me.<br />

Lord, I have sinned before Thee and before Thine angels.<br />

Deal with me in Thy mercy, O Lord. Heal me, and<br />

I shall be healed, for Thou art my healing and salvation,<br />

and let my prayer come before Thy holy temple. Honour<br />

and power be Thine for ages of ages, amen.<br />

I believe that thou art the holy angel appointed by God<br />

almighty to guard me. Therefore I entreat, and by Him<br />

Who gave thee this office I humbly implore, that at all<br />

times and in all places thou wouldest guard me, the<br />

weak, unworthy, and wretched sinner, throughout this<br />

life. Mayest thou protect and defend me from all evils,<br />

and when God commands my soul to pass from this<br />

place, do not let the demons have any power over it, but<br />

receive it gently from my body, and bear it with sweetness<br />

into the bosom of Abraham, God our Creator and<br />

Saviour bidding and helping thee, He that is blessed<br />

unto ages of ages, amen.<br />

nat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus per ómnia sǽcula<br />

sæculórum, amen.<br />

Verses to the Mother of God:<br />

Gaude, Dei Génitrix, Virgo immaculáta!<br />

Gaude, quæ gaúdium ab ángelo suscepísti!<br />

Gaude, quæ genuísti ætérni lúminis claritátem!<br />

Gaude, Mater; gaude, Sancta Dei Génitrix Virgo!<br />

Tu sola Mater innúpta. Te laudat omnis Fílii tui creatúra<br />

Genitrícem Lucis. Sis pro nobis pia intervéntrix.<br />

= Ecce, Virgo concípiet et páriet Fílium.<br />

+ Et vocábitur nomen ejus Emmánuel.<br />

Orémus. Deus, qui de beátæ Maríæ Vírginis útero Verbum<br />

Tuum ángelo nuntiánte carnem suscípere voluísti,<br />

præsta supplícibus Tuis ut qui vere eam Genitrícem Dei<br />

crédimus, ejus apud Te intercessiónibus adjuvémur. 9<br />

Per eúndem Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium<br />

Tuum, qui Tecum vivit et regant in unitáte Spíritus<br />

Sancti, Deus per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum, amen.<br />

Praecor te et rogo, sancte N., in nómine Dómini, uti<br />

dignéris me in oratiónibus tuis habére, ne inimícus et<br />

adversárius ullo témpore váleat nocére me.<br />

Dómine, peccávi ante Te et ante ángelos Tuos. Fac<br />

mecum in Tua misericórdia, Dómine. Sana me et sanábor,<br />

quia Tu es salus mea, et véniat orátio mea in conspéctum<br />

sancti templi Tui. Tuus sit honor et virtus in<br />

sǽcula sæculórum, amen.<br />

Credo te esse sanctus ángelus a Deo deputátus ad<br />

custódiam meam. Ita déprecor, et per Eum qui tibi hoc<br />

offícium dedit súpplicans implóro, ut per hanc vitam<br />

me peccatórem semper et ubíque custódias, débilem,<br />

indígnum ac míserum. Prótegas et deféndas me ab ómnibus<br />

malis. Et quando Deus ánimam meam migráre ex<br />

hoc loco jússerit, ne permíttas dǽmones ullam potestátem<br />

in eam habére, sed súscipe eam léniter ex córpore<br />

meo et defer eam suáviter in sinum Ábrahæ. Jubénte te<br />

Deo Creatóre et Salvatóre nostro, qui est benedíctus in<br />

sǽcula sæculórum, amen.

Into Thy hands, O Lord, and into the hands of Thy holy<br />

ones, I commit this night my spirit and my body, my<br />

brothers and sisters, my friends, my cousins, my kin,<br />

my benefactors, and all Christian people. Keep us this<br />

night, O Lord, by the intercessions and prayers of the<br />

blessed Virgin Mary and of all the saints, from sins,<br />

and from the enemy’s snares, and from sudden death<br />

and the torments of hell. Enkindle my heart with the<br />

Holy Spirit, by Thy holy grace. And make me be more<br />

obedient to Thy commandments, and let me never be<br />

separated from Thee, amen.<br />

Make three crosses on your forehead with your right<br />

thumb, saying:<br />

9 Christ is victor!<br />

9 Christ is king!<br />

9 Christ is emperor!<br />

Then sign yourself in the usual way, saying:<br />

= Behold the 9 Cross of the Lord; flee, bands of<br />

enemies.<br />

+ The Lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David has<br />

prevailed, alleluia.<br />

Make the sign of the Cross away from yourself with<br />

three fingers, in all four directions:<br />

East: The 9 Cross puts every evil thing to flight.<br />

South: The 9 Cross restores the universe.<br />

West: By this sign of the 9 Cross, let every wicked<br />

thing now flee.<br />

North: And by the same 9 sign, let all kind and good<br />

things be preserved.<br />

9 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the<br />

Holy Spirit, amen.<br />

_____________<br />

Later, just before you go to bed, sprinkle holy water<br />

over the bed and then sign it with the Cross, saying:<br />

9 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the<br />

Holy Spirit, amen.<br />

Having laid yourself down in bed, pray continually with<br />

a repentant and humble heart, until sleep comes.<br />

In manus Tuas, Dómine, et in manus sanctórum Tuórum,<br />

comméndo in hac nocte spíritum et corpus meum, fratres<br />

et soróres, amícos, consobrínos, consanguíneos,<br />

benefactóres, et omnes Christiános. Consérva nos in<br />

hac nocte, Dómine, intercessiónibus precibúsque beátæ<br />

Maríæ Vírginis et ómnium sanctórum, a peccátis, et ab<br />

insídiis inimíci, a morte subitánea et a torméntis gehénnæ.<br />

Accénde cor meum per Spíritum Sanctum et per<br />

grátiam Tuam. Et fac me mélius obedíre mandátis Tuis,<br />

et ne sinas me in ætérnum separári a Te, amen.<br />

Make three crosses on your forehead with your right<br />

thumb, saying:<br />

9 Christus vincit!<br />

9 Christus regnat!<br />

9 Christus ímperat!<br />

Then sign yourself in the usual way, saying:<br />

= Ecce 9 crucem Dómini; fugíte, partes advérsæ.<br />

+ Vicit Leo de tribu Juda, radix David, allelúia.<br />

Make the sign of the Cross away from yourself with<br />

three fingers, in all four directions:<br />

East: Crux 9 fugat omne malum.<br />

South: Crux 9 est reparátio rerum.<br />

West: Per crucis hoc 9 signum fúgiat procul omne<br />

malígnum.<br />

North: Et per idem 9 signum salvétur quodque<br />

benígnum.<br />

9 In nómine Patris et Fílii et Spíritus Sancti, amen.<br />

_____________<br />

Later, just before you go to bed, sprinkle holy water<br />

over the bed and then sign it with the Cross, saying:<br />

9 In nómine Patris et Fílii et Spíritus Sancti, amen.<br />

Having laid yourself down in bed, pray continually with<br />

a repentant and humble heart, until sleep comes.<br />

These daily prayers in the Western Rite are from sources approved for use in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, Sept., 2008.

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