Pediatric Gastroenterology - UT Southwestern

Pediatric Gastroenterology - UT Southwestern

Pediatric Gastroenterology - UT Southwestern


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Andrew Feranchak, M.D.<br />

Associate Professor,<br />

Director, <strong>Pediatric</strong> <strong>Gastroenterology</strong>,<br />

Willis C. Maddrey, M.D. Professor of Liver<br />

Disease<br />

Faculty<br />

<strong>Pediatric</strong> <strong>Gastroenterology</strong><br />

2011 Academic Review<br />

As the major program in North Texas caring for children with gastrointestinal (GI)<br />

disorders, the Division of <strong>Gastroenterology</strong> at <strong>UT</strong> <strong>Southwestern</strong> provides patientcentered<br />

care to an ever expanding population. Our mission is to improve the lives<br />

of children with gastrointestinal and liver diseases through quality care, innovative<br />

clinical programs, education and training of healthcare providers, and state-of-the-art<br />

basic, translational, and clinical research.<br />

This nationally recognized division includes distinguished individuals focusing on<br />

diverse areas of <strong>Gastroenterology</strong>, including molecular biology of cholestatic liver<br />

disease, neurogastroenterology, chronic viral hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease,<br />

therapeutic endoscopy, intestinal rehabilitation, and liver transplantation.<br />

We continue to provide a full-service outreach consultative practice at Children’s at<br />

Legacy and have opened an outreach GI consultation clinic at Southlake. Both of these<br />

outreach practices are thriving and have substantially increased our new patient visits.<br />

Specialized multidisciplinary clinics include:<br />

• Chronic abdominal pain (GI, anesthesiology/pain management, psychology)<br />

• Aero-digestive disorders (GI, ENT, pulmonary, psychology)<br />

• Cystic fibrosis (GI, pulmonary, nutrition, psychology)<br />

• Inflammatory bowel disease (GI, nutrition, psychology)<br />

• Intestinal failure (GI, surgery, nutrition and psychology)<br />

The Division underwent a change in leadership at the end of 2011 as Dr. John Andersen,<br />

who led the division for 21 years, accepted a new position as Vice Chair of Clinical<br />

Operations for the Department of <strong>Pediatric</strong>s. Dr. Drew Feranchak was appointed<br />

the new Director for the Division of <strong>Gastroenterology</strong> and was named the Willis C.<br />

Maddrey, M.D. Professor of Liver Disease. Additionally, Dr. Brad Barth was appointed<br />

the new Clinical Director for the Division.<br />

Amal Aqul, M.D.<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

Edaire Cheng, M.D.<br />

Instructor<br />

Other changes include the addition of two new<br />

faculty members to our division last year. We are<br />

John Andersen, M.D.<br />

Professor, Vice Chair of<br />

Clinical Operations<br />

Bradley Barth, M.D.<br />

Associate Professor,<br />

Clinical Director<br />

pleased to recognize recruitment of Dr. Amal Aqul, a clinical hepatologist specializing<br />

in the care of children with liver disorders, and Dr. Edaire Cheng a physician-scientist<br />

studying the pathogenesis of eosinophilic esophagitis, who both completed their<br />

pediatric gastroenterology fellowships at <strong>UT</strong> <strong>Southwestern</strong> in 2011. This brings the<br />

total number of full-time faculty to 17. The other division faculty are:<br />

Nandini Channabasappa, M.D.<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

Amal Dutta, M.D., Ph.D.<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

Aakash Goyal, M.D.<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

Koorosh Kooros, M.D.<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

Qin Li, M.D., Ph.D.<br />

Instructor<br />

Ashish Patel, M.D.<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

Charina Ramirez, M.D.<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

Norberto Rodriguez-Baez, M.D.<br />

Associate Professor<br />

Michael Russo, M.D.<br />

Associate Professor<br />

Rinarani Sanghavi, M.D.<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

Meghana Sathe, M.D.<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

M. Gaith S. Semrin, M.D.<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

Additionally, 11 Advanced Practice Providers, including eight Nurse Practitioners and three Physician Assistants, work<br />

within the GI Division to provide additional resources to the care of our patients both in the inpatient and outpatient<br />

settings.<br />


Research Activities<br />

Funded gastroenterology research spans a wide range of important areas in both basic science and clinical investigation.<br />

Hepatology, both basic and clinical, comprises the most active area of investigation.<br />

The Liver Research Laboratory, headed by Dr. Andrew Feranchak, is investigating basic mechanism of bile formation and<br />

hepatobiliary transport, the regulatory role of purinergic signaling in biliary secretion, and mechanisms of fatty liver disease.<br />

Dr. Feranchak, a NIH-funded investigator, is recognized internationally for his innovative approaches to elucidating the<br />

basic mechanisms regulating bile formation and signaling within the liver. Dr. Feranchak’s research is pivotal, since it is<br />

very likely that therapeutic interventions for cholestatic liver disease await a basic understanding of the basic mechanisms<br />

of bile flow.<br />

The Liver Research Laboratory also includes Dr. Amal Dutta,<br />

supported by grants from the American Liver Foundation and<br />

Children’s Medical Center Foundation, who is investigating novel<br />

targets for the treatment of cholestatic liver disease. Dr. Qin Li is the<br />

newest member of the Liver Research Laboratory and is working to<br />

identify the pathways involved in bile formation. The Laboratory<br />

is supported by Charles Kresge, lab manager, and provides training<br />

opportunities for post-doctoral fellows, residents, and students.<br />

Dr. Norberto Rodriguez-Baez is the principle investigator at our<br />

site for a national, multicenter, NIH-supported study examining<br />

the causes for fulminant hepatic failure in children. Dr. Rodriguez-<br />

Baez’s second group of studies involves treatment of chronic<br />

hepatitis B and C.<br />

The second general area of active clinical research involves inflammation in the GI tract.<br />

• Dr. Ashish Patel is leader of the nutritional management algorithm development for the Trailblazer Collaborative for<br />

pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease.<br />

• Dr. Edaire Cheng is exploring basic mechanisms responsible for the pathogenesis of eosinophilic esophagitis, while Dr.<br />

John Andersen is investigating new treatments for the disorder.<br />

• Dr. Rina Sanghavi is exploring new therapies for constipation and motility disorders.<br />

Clinical Activities<br />

The nationally recognized clinical programs of the Division of <strong>Gastroenterology</strong> are housed at Children’s Medical Center<br />

Dallas with satellite activity at Children’s at Legacy and Southlake. In the patient-centered environment, 15 gastroenterology<br />

physicians, 8 gastroenterology nurse practitioners, 3 physician assistants, and a child psychologist embedded in the<br />

gastroenterology program, provide multidisciplinary, comprehensive state-of-the-art care for children with virtually any<br />

gastrointestinal or liver problem.<br />

In addition to gastroenterologists, outpatients are seen in parallel by four nurse practitioners with the support of six nursecoordinators<br />

and five medical assistants. The entire program is supported by a psychologist, two full-time dieticians, childlife,<br />

social work, a pharmacist and an enterostomal therapist/educator.<br />

<strong>Gastroenterology</strong> Clinical Laboratory. The gastroenterology laboratory staff of five nurses and two medical assistants is capable<br />

of supporting not only routine endoscopic procedures, but also therapeutic endoscopy (ERCP, balloon enteroscopy and capsule<br />

endoscopy) and a full range of motility procedures (anorectal, esophageal, antroduodenal, small bowel and colonic).<br />

The division also provides several specialized clinical programs, including:<br />

• Neurogastroenterology Program, under the direction of Dr. Rina Sanghavi, provides evaluation and management<br />

of children with a wide range of disorders including abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation and complex motility<br />

disorders.<br />

New outpatient visits 3,845<br />

Follow-­‐up outpatient visits 8,192<br />

<strong>Gastroenterology</strong> procedures (Dallas) 2,501<br />

(includes 1,440 endoscopies; 647 colonoscopies; 37 ERCP; 118 ileoscopies/sig)<br />

• Hepatology & Liver Transplantation Program which is producing internationally recognized research and clinical<br />

studies in acute liver failure, viral hepatitis, and chronic liver diseases. The liver transplant program ranks among the<br />

busiest in the United States with results second to none.<br />

606 <br />

• Intestinal Rehabilitation Program, under the direction of Dr. Nandini Channa, is one of the largest in the country and<br />

1570 <br />

the only program of this type in the Southwest.<br />

• <strong>Southwestern</strong> Center for <strong>Pediatric</strong> Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), directed by Dr. Ashish Patel, provides<br />

specialized care for children with inflammatory bowel disease, conducts research into new treatments, and participates<br />

in national consortiums, such as the Trail Blazer Collaborative and the ImproveCareNow program, 2865 establishing <br />

quality<br />

2,242<br />

improvement indicators and benchmarks in order to rapidly advance patient care and optimize outcomes.<br />

• Therapeutic Endoscopy Program, directed by Dr. Brad Barth, is one of fewer than 10 programs in the United States<br />

performing specialized, cutting-edge endoscopic procedures, including endoscopic retrograde cholangiopanereatography<br />

*(24-­‐bed unit dedicated to gastroenterology and liver, including transplantation)<br />

<strong>Gastroenterology</strong> procedures (Dallas)<br />

Endoscopies 1,440<br />

Colonoscopies 647<br />

ERCP 37<br />

Ileoscopies/sig 118<br />

647 <br />

37 118 <br />

1,440 <br />

Endoscopies <br />

(ERCP) in children of all ages.<br />

New outpa1ent visits <br />

Colonoscopies <br />

• Referrals are accepted for all of these programs and a <strong>Gastroenterology</strong> physician is on call Follow daily up to outpa1ent take calls visits from <br />

ERCP <br />

physicians.<br />

Procedures <br />

Ileoscopies/sig <br />

Statistics for a busy unit at Children’s:<br />

2,501 <br />

8,192 <br />

1,296 <br />

659 <br />

3,845 <br />

Legacy<br />

Follow up outpa1ent visits <br />

New outpa1ent visits * 24-bed unit dedicated to gastroenterology and liver,<br />

1570<br />

Follow up outpa1ent visits including transplantation<br />

2865 Procedures <br />

Procedures 606<br />

5041<br />

Southlake<br />

New outpa1ent visits 640<br />

Education and Training<br />

Follow up outpa1ent visits 662<br />

2<br />

The division continues to provide new and innovative training strategies 1302 for students, residents, fellows, and junior faculty,<br />

as well as educational programs to the local community and nationally.<br />

The Fellowship program, directed by Drs. Norberto Rodriguez and Meghana Sathe, provides comprehensive training for<br />

six gastroenterology fellows (two annually) in specialized clinical care, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, and basic and<br />

clinical research. Focused areas of research by our current fellows include: 640 <br />

• hepatobiliary transport physiology<br />

662 <br />

• pathogenesis of eosinophilic esophagitis<br />

• mechanisms of pruritus associated with chronic liver disease<br />

• metabolic liver disease<br />

• immunobiology of IBD<br />

Presentations/Teaching Activities<br />

Inpa1ent admissions* <br />

Inpa1ent consulta1ons <br />

New outpa1ent visits <br />

Follow-­‐up outpa1ent <br />

visits <br />

<strong>Gastroenterology</strong> <br />

procedures (Dallas) <br />

Follow up outpa1ent visits <br />

John M. Andersen, M.D.<br />

• “Celiac Disease,” <strong>Pediatric</strong> Grand Rounds, <strong>UT</strong> Health Science Center at Tyler, November 2011<br />

Amal Aqul, M.D.<br />

• “Infusion Reaction to Infliximab,” <strong>Pediatric</strong> Morbidity and Mortality Conference,” <strong>UT</strong> <strong>Southwestern</strong>, February 2011<br />

• “Prevention of Neurodegeneration in Niemann-Pick Type C1 Mice,” Second <strong>Pediatric</strong> Senior Fellow Conference, <strong>UT</strong><br />

<strong>Southwestern</strong>, May 2011<br />

3<br />

606 <br />

2865 <br />

Legacy<br />

1570 <br />

New outpa1ent visits <br />

New outpa1ent visits <br />

662 <br />

Southlake<br />

New outpa1ent visits <br />

640 <br />

Follow up outpa1ent visits

Bradley Barth, M.D.<br />

• “Hands-On Endoscopy Training: Single Balloon Enteroscopy,”<br />

NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, October 2011<br />

• “Getting the Most Out of Your Fellowship,” Teaching and Tomorrow<br />

Luncheon, NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, October 2011<br />

Nandini Channabassapa, M.D.<br />

• “Overview of <strong>Gastroenterology</strong>,” <strong>UT</strong> Arlington School of Nursing, January 2011<br />

Edaire Cheng, M.D.<br />

• “Eotaxin-3 Expression After Stimulation with IL-13 and IL-4 in Esophageal<br />

Squamous Cell Lines from Patients with Eosinophilic Esophagitis and<br />

GERD,” Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, IL, May 2011<br />

• “Differences in Th2 cytokine-induced Eotaxin-3 Expression in Esophageal<br />

Squamous Cell Lines from Patients with Eosinophilic Esophagitis and<br />

GERD,” NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, October 2011<br />

Amal Dutta, M.B.B.S, Ph.D.<br />

• “Regulation of TMEM16A by a Novel Mechanism Involving PKC in Biliary<br />

Epithelium,” Experimental Biology Meeting, Washington, DC, April 2011<br />

• “PKC Regulates TMEM16A-Dependent Transport in Biliary Epithelium,”<br />

AASLD Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2011<br />

Drew Feranchak, M.D.<br />

Dr. Edaire Cheng<br />

Poster presentation at the 2 nd Annual<br />

<strong>Pediatric</strong> Senior Fellow Research Day<br />

• “Regulation of Bile Formation by Extracellular Nucleotides,” Invited Lecturer, Digestive Health Center Seminar Series,<br />

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, March 2011<br />

• Organizer and Co-chair, “Recent Advances in Neonatal Cholestatic Disorders,” PAS and Asian Society for <strong>Pediatric</strong><br />

Research Joint Meeting, Denver, CO, May 2011<br />

• “Regulation of Liver Bile Formation by the Vesicular Nucleotide Transporter SLC17A9,” PAS and Asian Society for<br />

<strong>Pediatric</strong> Research Joint Meeting, Denver, CO, May 2011<br />

• “Progress in Determining Causes of Neonatal Cholestatic Disorders,” PAS and Asian Society for <strong>Pediatric</strong> Research<br />

Joint Meeting, Denver, CO, May 2011<br />

• “Regulation of Bile Formation by Mechanosensitive Pathways,” Invited Lecturer, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New<br />

York, NY, July 2011<br />

• “Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Cystic Fibrosis,” Topic Symposium, NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL,<br />

October 2011<br />

• Co-moderator, “Biliary Epithelium: Secretion and Development,” AASLD Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2011<br />

Koorosh Kooros, M.D.<br />

• “Reading Capsule Endoscopy Videos: An Introduction for GI Fellows Part 1: Identifying Normal vs. Abnormal<br />

Variants,” Webinar Facilitator, June 2011<br />

• “Reading Capsule Endoscopy Videos: An Introduction for GI Fellows Part 2: Case Studies with the Expert,” Webinar<br />

Facilitator, June 2011<br />

Ashish Patel, M.D.<br />

• “<strong>Pediatric</strong> Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Biological Journey,” <strong>UT</strong> <strong>Southwestern</strong>, April 2011<br />

• “<strong>Pediatric</strong> Inflammatory Bowel Disease,” <strong>UT</strong> Health Science Center at San Antonio, June 2011<br />

• “Treatment Approaches in IBD: Options,” <strong>UT</strong> <strong>Southwestern</strong>/Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, <strong>UT</strong><br />

<strong>Southwestern</strong>, December 2011<br />

Nortberto Rodriguez-Baez, M.D.<br />

• “Gastroesophageal Reflux in Children,” Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Didactic Conference, <strong>UT</strong> <strong>Southwestern</strong>,<br />

March 2011<br />

• “Acute Liver Failure in Children,” IV Congreso Colombiano y del Caribe, Enfermedades Digestivas en Niños, Santa<br />

Marta, Colombia, April 2011<br />

• “Hepatitis B in Children,” IV Congreso Colombiano y del Caribe, Enfermedades Digestivas en Niños, Santa Marta,<br />

Colombia, April 2011<br />

• “I’m Tired! – Sleep Deprivation in Residents and Fellows,” Fellowship Core Conference, <strong>Pediatric</strong> <strong>Gastroenterology</strong><br />

Division, <strong>UT</strong> <strong>Southwestern</strong>, June 2011<br />

• “Variceal Bleeding in Children,” IV Jornadas Internacionales de Emergencias Pediátricas en Gastroenterología,<br />

Hepatología y Nutrición, Quito, Ecuador, July 2011<br />

• “Jaundice in Children,” IV Jornadas Internacionales de Emergencias Pediátricas en Gastroenterología, Hepatología y<br />

Nutrición, Quito, Ecuador, July 2011<br />

• “Gastrointestinal Diseases in International Adoptees,” NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, October 2011<br />

• “<strong>Gastroenterology</strong> Jeopardy,” NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, October 2011<br />

• “Acute Liver Failure in Children,” Latin American Society for <strong>Pediatric</strong> <strong>Gastroenterology</strong>, Hepatology and Nutrition<br />

(LASPGHAN) Meeting, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, November 2011<br />

Michael Russo, M.D.<br />

• “Clinical Perspectives in Gastroesophageal Reflux,” National Association of Neonatal Therapists Annual Conference,<br />

May 2011<br />

Rina Sanghavi, M.D.<br />

• “Recent Advances in SMA and other Neuromuscular Disease,” Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, Dallas,<br />

February 2011<br />

Meghana Sathe, M.D.<br />

• “Pancreatic Enzymes and Nutrition,” Children’s Dallas CFIT Day, April 2011<br />

• “Baby Care,” BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha Healthfair, Dallas, April 2011<br />

• “AGS and Nutrition; AGS and Endocrine Issues,” Alagille’s Alliance Conference, Chicago, IL, June 2011<br />

Awards and Honors<br />

John M. Andersen, M.D.<br />

• Best <strong>Pediatric</strong> Specialists in Dallas, D Magazine<br />

• Texas Super Doctors, Texas Monthly<br />

• Top US Doctors, U.S. News<br />

• Best Doctors in America<br />

• IBC’s Top 100 Health Professionals<br />

Amal Aqul, M.D.<br />

• One of Best Five Abstracts, 2 nd <strong>Pediatric</strong> Senior Fellow Conference, <strong>UT</strong><br />

<strong>Southwestern</strong><br />

• Featured Article, Journal of Neuroscience, June Issue<br />

Bradley Barth, M.D.<br />

• Best Doctors in America<br />

• Best <strong>Pediatric</strong> Specialists in Dallas, D Magazine<br />

Edaire Cheng, M.D.<br />

• Distinguished Achievement Award, North American Conference of<br />

<strong>Gastroenterology</strong> Fellows<br />

Amal Dutta, M.B.B.S, Ph.D.<br />

• Honorable Mention, APS Award, GI and Liver Section<br />

Drew Feranchak, M.D.<br />

• Awared the Willis C. Maddrey, M.D. Professorship in Liver Disease<br />

Ashish Patel, M.D.<br />

• Best <strong>Pediatric</strong> Specialists in Dallas, D Magazine<br />

Michael Russo, M.D.<br />

• Best <strong>Pediatric</strong> Specialists in Dallas, D Magazine<br />

Publications<br />

Dr. Amal Aqual<br />

Oral presentation at the 2 nd Annual<br />

<strong>Pediatric</strong> Senior Fellow Research Day<br />

1. Aqul A, Liu B, Ramirez CM, Pieper AA, Estill S, Burns DK, Liu B, Repa JJ, Turley SD and Dietschy JM. Unesterified<br />

cholesterol accumulation in late endosomes/lysosomes causes neurodegeneration and is prevented by driving<br />

cholesterol export from this compartment. The Journal of Neuroscience, June 22, 2011 31(25): 9404-9413.<br />

2. Barth BA. Capsule Endoscopy and Small Bowel Enteroscopy. In: <strong>Pediatric</strong> Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, Fourth<br />

Edition. Wyllie R, Hyams J, Kay M (ed). Saunders Elsevier, 2011:679-685.<br />

3. Barth BA. Enteroscopy in children. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2011;23(5):530-4.<br />

4. Chandra M, Zhou H, Li Q, Muallem S, Hofmann SL, Soyombo AA. A role for the Ca2+ channel TRPML1 in gastric<br />

acid secretion, based on analysis of knockout mice. <strong>Gastroenterology</strong>. 2011 Mar;140(3):857-67.<br />

5. Cheng E, Winter HS, Spechler SJ. “Relationship of Eosinophilic Esophagitis To Gastroesophageal Reflux”. Eosinophilic<br />

Esophagitis. Eds. Liacouras C, Markowitz J. New York: Springer, 2011.<br />

6. Crandall W, Kappelman MD, Colletti RB, Leibowitz I, Grunow JE, Ali S, Baron HI, Berman JH, Boyle B, Cohen S,<br />

Del Rosario F, Denson LA, Duffy L, Integlia MJ, Kim SC, Milov D, Patel AS, Schoen BT, Walkiewicz D, Margolis<br />

P. ImproveCareNow: The development of a pediatric inflammatory bowel disease improvement network. Inflamm<br />

Bowel Dis. 2010 Jul 2. [Epub ahead of print], IBD 2011 Jan; 17 (1): 450-7.<br />

7. Desilets DJ, Banerjee S, Barth BA, Kaul V, Kethu SR, Pedrosa MC, Pfau PR,Tokar JL, Varadarajulu S, Wang A,<br />

Wong Kee Song LM, Rodriguez SA; ASGE TechnologyCommittee. Endoscopic simulators. Gastrointest Endosc.<br />

2011;73(5):861-7.<br />

4 5

8. Dutta AK, Khimji AK, Kresge C, Bugde A, Dougherty M, Esser V, Ueno Y, Glaser SS, Alpini G, Rockey DC,<br />

Feranchak AP. Identification and functional characterization of TMEM16A, a Ca2+-activated Cl- channel activated by<br />

extracellular nucleotides, in biliary epithelium. J Biol Chem 2011; 286:766-776.<br />

9. Hong JH, Li Q, Kim MS, Shin DM, Feske S, Birnbaumer L, Cheng KT, Ambudkar IS, Muallem S. Polarized but<br />

differential localization and recruitment of STIM1, Orai1 and TRPC channels in secretory cells. Traffic. 2011<br />

Feb;12(2):232-45. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0854.2010.01138.x. Epub 2010 Nov 24.<br />

10. Huo X, Juergens S, Zhang X, Rezaei D, Yu C, Strauch ED, Wang J-Y, Cheng E, Meyer F, Wang DH, Zhang Q, Spechler<br />

SJ, Souza RF. Deoxycholic Acid Causes DNA Double Strand Breaks while Inducing Apoptotic Resistance through NFkB<br />

Activation in Benign Barrett’s Epithelial Cells. American Journal of Physiology, 301:G278-G286, 2011.<br />

11. Kappelman MD, Crandall WV, Colletti RB, Goudie A, Leibowitz IH, Duffy L, Milov DE, Kim SC, Schoen BT, Patel AS,<br />

Grunow J, Larry E, Fairbrother G, Margolis P. Short pediatric Crohn’s disease activity index for quality improvement<br />

and observational research. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2011 Jan; 17 (1):112-7<br />

12. Long MD, Crandall WV, Leibowitz IH, Duffy L, del Rosario F, Kim SC, Integlia MJ, Berman J, Grunow J, Colletti RB,<br />

Schoen BT, Patel AS, Baron H, Israel E, Russell G, Ali S, Herfarth HH, Martin C, Kappelman MD. Prevalence and<br />

epidemiology of overweight and obesity in children with inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2011 Oct;<br />

17 (10):2162-8<br />

13. Mittal VS, Sathe M, Troendle D, Cox M. An 18-month-old boy with severe dermatitis, edema, muscle wasting. Pediatr<br />

Ann. 2011 Aug;40(8)393-6.<br />

14. Pedrosa MC, Barth BA, Desilets DJ, Kaul V, Kethu SR, Pfau PR, Tokar JL,Varadarajulu S, Wang A, Wong Kee Song LM,<br />

Rodriguez SA; ASGE TechnologyCommittee. Enhanced ultrasound imaging. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;73(5):857-60.<br />

15. Pfau PR, Banerjee S, Barth BA, Desilets DJ, Kaul V, Kethu SR, Pedrosa MC,Pleskow DK, Tokar J, Varadarajulu S, Wang<br />

A, Song LM, Rodriguez SA. Sphincter of Oddi manometry. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;74(6):1175-80.<br />

16. Ramirez CM, Liu B, Aqul A, Taylor AM, Repa JJ, Turley SD and Dietschy JM. Quantitative role of LAL, NPC2, and<br />

NPC1 in lysosomal cholesterol processing defined by genetic and pharmacologic manipulations. Journal of Lipid<br />

Research Volume 52, 2011<br />

17. Rojas I, Rodriguez-Baez N. Wilson Disease. The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of <strong>Pediatric</strong> <strong>Gastroenterology</strong>,<br />

Hepatology and Nutrition. Editors: Judith Sondheimer, MD and Christine Waasdorp Hurtado, MD – October 2011.<br />

18. Rojas I, Rodriguez-Baez N. Elevated Aminotransferases. The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of <strong>Pediatric</strong><br />

<strong>Gastroenterology</strong>, Hepatology and Nutrition. Editors: Judith Sondheimer, MD and Christine Waasdorp Hurtado, MD<br />

– October 2011.<br />

19. Sathe MN, Woo K, Kresge C, Bugde A, Luby-Phelps K, Lewis MA, Feranchak AP. Regulation of purinergic signaling<br />

in biliary epithelial cells by exocytosis of SLC17A9-dependent ATP-enriched vesicles. J Biol Chem 2011; 286:25363-76.<br />

20. Stoll ML, Punaro M, Patel AS. Fecal calprotectin in children with the enthesitis-related arthritis subtype of juvenile<br />

idiopathic arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2011 Oct; 38(10): 2274-5.<br />

21. Tokar JL, Banerjee S, Barth BA, Desilets DJ, Kaul V, Kethi SR, Pedrosa MC, Pfau PR, Pleskow DK, Varadarajulu S,<br />

Wang A, Song LM, Rodriguez SA. Drug-eluting/biodegradable stents. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;74(5):954-8.<br />

22. Varadarajulu S, Banerjee S, Barth BA, Desilets DJ, Kaul V, Kethu SR, Pedrosa MC, Pfau PR, Tokar JL, Wang A, Wong<br />

Kee Song LM, Rodriguez SA. GI endoscopes. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;74(1):1-6.<br />

23. Varadarajulu S, Banerjee S, Barth B, Desilets D, Kaul V, Kethu S, Pedrosa M, Pfau P, Tokar J, Wang A, Song LM,<br />

Rodriguez S. Enteral stents. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;74(3):455-64.<br />

24. Walji-Virani S, Russo MA. An infant with yellow umbilical drainage. <strong>Gastroenterology</strong>, 2011 Jun;140(7):e5-6.<br />

25. Yamaguchi S, Jha A, Li Q, Soyombo AA, Dickinson GD, Churamani D, Brailoiu E, Patel S, Muallem S. Transient<br />

receptor potential mucolipin 1 (TRPML1) and two-pore channels are functionally independent organellar ion<br />

channels. J Biol Chem. 2011 Jul 1;286(26):22934-42.<br />

26. Yang D, Li Q, So I, Huang CL, Ando H, Mizutani A, Seki G, Mikoshiba K, Thomas PJ, Muallem S. IRBIT governs<br />

epithelial secretion in mice by antagonizing the WNK/SPAK kinase pathway. J Clin Invest. 2011 Mar 1;121(3):956-65.<br />

doi: 10.1172/JCI43475.<br />

27. Zhang HY, Zhang X, Yu C, Huo X, Cheng E, Wang DH, Zhang Q, Spechler SJ, Souza RF. Cancer-Related Inflammation<br />

and Barrett’s Carcinogenesis: Interleukin-6 and STAT3 Mediate Apoptotic Resistance in Transformed Barrett’s Cells.<br />

American Journal of Physiology, 300:G454-G460, 2011.<br />

Notable Abstracts, Presentations, and News Articles<br />

Presentation & Abstract. October 2011.<br />

3. Russo MA, and Yoon L. GERD and Proton Pump Inhibitors. <strong>Pediatric</strong> Society of Greater Dallas. 1st Quarter 2011.<br />

Grants<br />

NIH and Other Government Grants & Contracts<br />

Edaire Cheng, M.D.<br />

Antecedents & Sequelae of Childhood Onset Diseases<br />

Child Health Research Career Development Award Program<br />

NIH, 1K12 HD-068369-01<br />

09/01/11 – 08/31/13<br />

Andrew P. Feranchak, M.D.<br />

Mechanosensitive ATP Release and Signaling in Cholangiocyte<br />

NIH, 5 R01 DK078587-05<br />

03/01/08 – 02/28/13<br />

NIH and Other Government Subcontracts<br />

Ashish Patel, M.D.<br />

Genome-Wide Association (GWA) Identified Predictors of Response to Anti-TNFa Therapy in <strong>Pediatric</strong> Inflammatory<br />

Bowel Disease<br />

NIH/Cedars Sinai Medical Center, 5 R21 DK084554-02<br />

08/01/10 – 07/31/12<br />

Gene Discoveries in Subjects with Crohn’s Disease of African Descent<br />

NIH R01-DK087694-01A1<br />

12/01/2010 – 11/30/13<br />

Norberto Rodriguez-Baez, M.D.<br />

Multi-Center Group to Study Acute Liver Failure in Children<br />

NIH/University of Pittsburgh, 2 U01 DK072146-06<br />

09/01/10 – 08/31/15<br />

Non-governmental Organization Grants and Contracts<br />

Edaire Cheng, M.D.<br />

Differences in Eotaxin-3 Expression in Esophageal Cells from Patients with Eosinophilic Esophagitis and<br />

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease<br />

American Gastroenterological Association, Fellowship to Faculty Transition Award<br />

07/01/11 – 06/30/13<br />

Amal Dutta, Ph.D.<br />

Regulation of Biliary Secretion and Bile Formation by the Ca2+-activated Channel TMEM16A<br />

American Liver Foundation, 2010 Liver Scholar-02<br />

07/01/10 – 06/30/13<br />

Andrew P. Feranchak, M.D.<br />

Development and Characterization of a Polarized Cystic Fibrosis Bile Duct Epithelial Model<br />

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, FERANC11/0-01<br />

04/01/11 - 03/31/13<br />

1. Squires R, Dhawan A, Alonso E, Narkewicz, M, Rodriguez-Baez N, Kelly D, Bucuvalas J, Karpen S, Shneider B, Rand<br />

E, Lobritto S, Rosenthal P, Murray K, Kerkar N, Ng V, Subbarao G, Rudnick D, Lopez M J, Schwarz K, Romero R,<br />

Elisofon S, Robuck P, Lawlor S, Belle S for the <strong>Pediatric</strong> Acute Liver Failure Study Group. A prospective clinical trial<br />

shows that intravenous N-acetylcysteine (NAC) does not improve survival in pediatric patients with non-acetaminophen<br />

acute liver failure. Presented at the Digestive Disease Week and the AASLD Plenary Session, Chicago, IL – May 2011.<br />

2. Walji-Virani S, Russo MA. Persistent vomiting: An unusual anatomic variant. NASPGHAN Annual Meeting Poster<br />

6 7

Ashish Patel, M.D.<br />

Risk Stratification & Identification of Immunogenetic and Microbial Markers of Complicated Disease Course in<br />

<strong>Pediatric</strong> Crohn’s Disease<br />

Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation/Emory University, s499572<br />

07/01/10 – 06/30/11<br />

Building Modular <strong>Pediatric</strong> Chronic Disease Registries (Improve Care Now)<br />

Improve Care Now<br />

07/01/11 – 06/30/12<br />

Sponsored Clinical Trials<br />

John M. Andersen, M.D.<br />

Open-Lbl Sfty Study of Reslizumab (CTx55700) for Trtmt of <strong>Pediatric</strong> Sbjs with Eosinophilic Esophagitis Who<br />

Completed Study Res-5-0002<br />

Cephalon Inc., Res-5-0004<br />

10/14/09 – Present<br />

Pharmacodynamics of Intravenous Mepolizumab in <strong>Pediatric</strong>s Subjects<br />

GlaxoSmithKline, MEE103219<br />

11/27/06 – Present<br />

Reslizumab (CTX55700) in the Treatment of Eosinophilic Esophagitis<br />

Ception Therapeutics, Award ID: RES50002<br />

08/01/02 – Present<br />

Study of Reslizumab in <strong>Pediatric</strong> Subjects with Eosinophilic Esophagitis<br />

Premier Research<br />

10/06/09 – Present<br />

Ashish Patel, M.D.<br />

Ph 2 Study of Certolizumab Pegol in Children & Adolescents w/Active Crohn’s Disease (NURTURE Study)<br />

UCB Biosciences, Inc., C87035<br />

03/31/10 – Present<br />

Multi-Center Observational Registry of <strong>Pediatric</strong> Pts w/Inflammatory Bowel Disease<br />

Centocor Research and Development, Inc., C0168Z02<br />

08/14/08 – Present<br />

Norberto Rodriguez-Baez, M.D.<br />

Evaluation of the Pharmacokinetics, Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Entecavir (ETV) in <strong>Pediatric</strong><br />

Subjects with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection who are HBeAg-Positive<br />

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, AI463028<br />

04/01/07 – Present<br />

Assessment of the Safety, Efficacy, Tolerability and Phamacokinetics of PEG-Intron Plus REBETOL in <strong>Pediatric</strong><br />

Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C<br />

Schering-Plough Research Institute, P02538<br />

11/01/05 – Present<br />

Rinarani M. Sanghavi, M.D.<br />

Pharmacokinetics of Lubiprostone in <strong>Pediatric</strong> Patients with Constipation<br />

Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, SPI0211SC0641<br />

02/01/08 – Present<br />

Development of an Instrument to Measure Quality of Life in Children with Chronic Constipation and Soiling<br />

Medical College of Wisconsin, 08-014LUB.01<br />

11/01/09 – Present<br />


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