
efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water

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Chromium in food and drinking water Table 20: Epithelial neoplastic lesions in the small intestine of male and female B6C3F1 mice in the 2-year study of sodium dichromate dihydrate (modified from Witt et al., 2013). Male Female Dose (mg/L) 0 14.3 57.3 172 516 0 14.3 57.3 172 516 Dose as mg 0 0.38 0.91 2.4 5.9 0 0.38 1.4 3.1 8.7 Cr(VI)/kg b.w. per day N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Duodenum (a,b) Adenoma 1*** (c) 0 1 5 15*** 0*** 0 2 13*** 12*** Carcinoma 0* (c) 0 0 2++ 3+ 0 0 0 1++ 6* Jejunum (a,b) Adenoma 0** (c) 0 0 0 3+ 0** 1+ 0 2+ 5* Carcinoma 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 2+ 2+ 1 Duodenum, jejunum or ileum (combined) (a,b) Adenoma 1*** (c) 1 1 5+ 17*** 0*** 1 2+ 15*** 16*** Carcinoma 0* (c) 2 1 3++ 5* 1*** 0 2+ 3+ 7* Adenoma or 1*** (c) 3 2 7* 20*** 1*** 1 4+ 17*** 22*** carcinoma (combined) (a): The poly-3 test was applied to compare the incidences of each of the four dose groups with the control. Statistical significance was reported by Witt et al.(2013) as *p < = 0.05, **p < = 0.01, ***p < = 0.001 indicated at the respective dose group; (b): Incidences exceeding the historical control range was indicated at the respective dose group by (+) for all routes and drinking water or by (++) for drinking water only (historical control data not collected for tongue because it is not a protocol required tissue); (c): The poly-3 test was applied to test for a trend in the incidences considering the control and the four dose groups. Statistical significance was reported by Witt et al.(2013) as *p < = 0.05, **p < = 0.01, ***p < = 0.001. 7.3. Observations in humans Observations on the toxicity of total chromium, Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in humans are available in the published literature only from retrospective observational studies occasionally with partial prospective follow-up and from studies which compare available information on the occurrence of chromium species in polluted enviroments with mortality and incidence figures available from surveys of populations living in polluted and non polluted areas, often in the vicinity of sites of known contamination by chromium. Well designed prospective cohort studies were not identified. Most study reports on humans stem from occupational surveys. Although those exposures mostly occur by inhalation the CONTAM Panel noted that breathing in chromium could expose tissues in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract due to oral respiration and redistribution of inhaled particulates from the respiratory tract to the GI tract and as such inhalation contributes to oral exposure. However, the amount of chromium ingested can hardly be quantified even for specific exposure scenarios. For all the studies indentified individual exposure information was at best estimated but not available from individual monitoring. As a consequence, human studies do rarely specify the route of exposure (e.g. oral, dermal or inhalation) and the level of exposure is either based on assumptions or characterized using environmental chromium measurements only. Toxic effects considered in human studies are, in general, overall mortality and disease specific mortality, including cancer, but also the incidence of specific diseases or specific health effects (e.g .gastric tumors) have been reported. A comprehensive overview on the health effects of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) for the three major routes of exposure (inhalation, oral and dermal) was provided by ATSDR (2012) recently. In general, Cr(VI) was found much more toxic in humans than Cr(III). Much less information is available on the health effects of Cr(III) species than of Cr(VI). Moreover, the interpretation of the study results on Cr(III) is complicated by concomitant exposures to Cr(VI) for which toxicity has been well established. This Section will provide a brief overview of the effects of EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 96

Chromium in food and drinking water chromium in humans which, in some studies, could be related specifically to Cr(III) or Cr(VI) exposure. Increased chromium (unspecified) concentrations in biological fluids may occur as a consequence of malfunctioning metal-on-metal prostheses of the hip and the knee. Early reports have been reviewed by Sunderman et al. (1989), but the problem became a public health issue only over the last ten years, after the publication of several case reports of severe poisoning in patients with hip implants based on Cobalt-Chromium ( sometimes Chromium-Molybdenum) alloys (Delaunay et al., 2010; Sampson and Hart, 2012). After lumbar disc arthroplasty median serum Cr levels before operation or 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36-months post-operation were found as 0.06, 0.49, 0.65, 0.43, 0.52, and 0.50 ng/mL, respectively (Gornet et al., 2013). 7.3.1. Observations in humans related to Cr(III) Only very limited information from few case studies was not suitable to assess human toxicity after oral exposure to Cr(III) compounds. Few occupational exposure studies and case reports indicate that respiratory effects can occur from exposure to Cr(III). Workers exposed to high concentrations of chromium trioxide in a chrome plating plant experienced nausea and vomiting and symptoms of dyspnea, dizziness, headache, and weakness (Lieberman, 1941). Anemia and liver damage was reported following swallowing of plating fluid containing Cr trioxide (Fristedt et al., 1965). Musculoskeletal and renal effects were observed in two cases of ingestion of Cr(III) picolinate equivalent to 2.2 μg of Cr(III)/kg b.w. over a 48-hour period (Martin and Fuller, 1998) and 1.1 μg Cr(III)/kg b.w. per day for 6 weeks (Wasser et al., 1997). The interpretation of studies on Cr(III) in humans is complicated by the proposed beneficial effects of dietary supplements containing high levels of Cr(III), e.g. up to 0.1 - 0.2 mg Cr(III) picolinate/ kg b.w. per day (EFSA ANS Panel, 2010a). Cr(III) can induce allergic sensitisation in humans after dermal exposure as observed in a few small studies (Fregert and Rorsman, 1964, Estlander et al., 2000, Iyer et al., 2002, Chou et al., 2008). The ATSDR, however, noted that it is unclear if individuals were sensitized to both Cr(VI) and Cr(III) or if cross-sensitivity occurs between Cr(VI) and Cr(III) since positive responses were also observed after challenge with Cr(VI) compounds (ATSDR, 2012). Furthermore, co-exposure to other more significant sources of daily contact, including nickel and cobalt,time of exposure and other factors such as humidity and pH may play a role when assessing the risk of induction and elicitation of an allergic response (Basketter et al., 1993). Khan et al. (2012) conducted a cross-sectional study on 100 Cr(III) -exposed persons living near tanning industry at Jajmau, Kanpur (India) and 100 unexposed persons living away from tanning industry (reported an increased prevalence of dermal effects, pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes, asthma and bronchitis and gastrointestinal effects) in the exposed group. Although the authors adjusted for confounding, some confounding cannot be excluded since there were statistically significant differences (p

Chromium in <strong>food</strong> and <strong>drinking</strong> <strong>water</strong><br />

<strong>chromium</strong> in humans which, in some studies, could be related specifically to Cr(III) or Cr(VI)<br />

exposure.<br />

Increased <strong>chromium</strong> (unspecified) concentrations in biological fluids may occur as a consequence of<br />

malfunctioning metal-on-metal prostheses of the hip and the knee. Early reports have been reviewed<br />

by Sunderman et al. (1989), but the problem became a public health issue only over the last ten<br />

years, after the publication of several case reports of severe poisoning in patients with hip implants<br />

based on Cobalt-Chromium ( sometimes Chromium-Molybdenum) alloys (Delaunay et al., 2010;<br />

Sampson and Hart, 2012). After lumbar disc arthroplasty median serum Cr levels before operation or<br />

3, 6, 12, 24, and 36-months post-operation were found as 0.06, 0.49, 0.65, 0.43, 0.52, and 0.50 ng/mL,<br />

respectively (Gornet et al., 2013).<br />

7.3.1. Observations in humans related to Cr(III)<br />

Only very limited information from few case studies was not suitable to assess human toxicity after<br />

oral exposure to Cr(III) compounds.<br />

Few occupational exposure studies and case reports indicate that respiratory effects can occur from<br />

exposure to Cr(III). Workers exposed to high concentrations of <strong>chromium</strong> trioxide in a chrome plating<br />

plant experienced nausea and vomiting and symptoms of dyspnea, dizziness, headache, and weakness<br />

(Lieberman, 1941). Anemia and liver damage was reported following swallowing of plating fluid<br />

containing Cr trioxide (Fristedt et al., 1965). Musculoskeletal and renal effects were observed in two<br />

cases of ingestion of Cr(III) picolinate equivalent to 2.2 μg of Cr(III)/kg b.w. over a 48-hour period<br />

(Martin and Fuller, 1998) and 1.1 μg Cr(III)/kg b.w. per day for 6 weeks (Wasser et al., 1997).<br />

The interpretation of studies on Cr(III) in humans is complicated by the proposed beneficial effects of<br />

dietary supplements containing high levels of Cr(III), e.g. up to 0.1 - 0.2 mg Cr(III) picolinate/ kg b.w.<br />

per day (EFSA ANS Panel, 2010a).<br />

Cr(III) can induce allergic sensitisation in humans after dermal exposure as observed in a few small<br />

studies (Fregert and Rorsman, 1964, Estlander et al., 2000, Iyer et al., 2002, Chou et al., 2008). The<br />

ATSDR, however, noted that it is unclear if individuals were sensitized to both Cr(VI) and Cr(III) or if<br />

cross-sensitivity occurs between Cr(VI) and Cr(III) since positive responses were also observed after<br />

challenge with Cr(VI) compounds (ATSDR, 2012). Furthermore, co-exposure to other more<br />

significant sources of daily contact, including nickel and cobalt,time of exposure and other factors<br />

such as humidity and pH may play a role when assessing the risk of induction and elicitation of an<br />

allergic response (Basketter et al., 1993).<br />

Khan et al. (2012) conducted a cross-sectional study on 100 Cr(III) -exposed persons living near<br />

tanning industry at Jajmau, Kanpur (India) and 100 unexposed persons living away from tanning<br />

industry (reported an increased prevalence of dermal effects, pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes, asthma<br />

and bronchitis and gastrointestinal effects) in the exposed group. Although the authors adjusted for<br />

confounding, some confounding cannot be excluded since there were statistically significant<br />

differences (p

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