
efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water

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Chromium in food and bottled water these data and back-calculating them to the original scale. It should be also noted that the graphs of PROAST software present the 95 % confidence interval of the means using the lognormal distribution such that the whiskers in the graphic do not indicate the range of the data or the range between plus/minus the standard deviation or standard errors of the mean but a 95 % confidence interval. For quantal data PROAST implemented the multistage models as nested model family and allows such the selection of a best fitting model in that family. Therefore, the best fitting model in this nested family and its BMD/L pair were assessed together with the BMD/L pairs of the other models. When the observed dose response curves for males and females exhibited a high degree of similarity, when the dose ranges were by design identical or at least comparable and when the means was comparable in both sexes, a combined BMD modeling of the male and female dose-response data using sex as covariate was performed using the PROAST software. It should be also noted that PROAST software automatically tests for a statistically significant difference between the two sexes (based on the fitted models and model parameter values). When there is no statistical significant difference (p > 0.05) the data are pooled into one data set and the resulting BMD/L values of that analysis is reported. Therefore no separate curves for males and female are calculated in the graphic of the combined analysis. In that case, the outcome of PROAST could be cross-checked by applying BMDS software to the pooled data. The combined analysis should provide smaller BMDL/BMDU intervals and such the BMDL should be larger than when calculating separate BMDLs for each sex. This reflects the higher precision of the BMDL 05 when combining data and such increasing the power of statistical modeling. The sensitivity of the combined BMD analysis of the data of the two sexes of rats was investigated by fitting the male and the female data also separately. For the most relevant BMD analysis (epithelial adenoma or carcinoma in the small intestine in males and females combined) the sensitivity of the BMDL 10 value on the the number of animals planned and realized in the experiment was investigated, too (details not reported). J1. Chromium (VI) neoplastic lesions J1.1. BMD analysis of squamous cell neoplastic lesions in male and female rats The CONTAM Panel identified one data set reported by NTP (NTP 2007, 2008), Stout et al. (2009), and Witt et al. (2013) on the carcinogenicity of SDD in male and female rats as suitable for DR assessment of Cr(VI). This Section informs on the details of the analysis at first for male and females separately using BMDS software and then on result of the analysis when combining males and females. We start with the evaluation of the carcinoma and papilloma data combined and report then also the evaluations of the carcinoma data only following the order of the results reported in Table 20 in Section 7.5.1. When using the BMDS software, each table informs on the modelling outcome of the non-restricted models applied to the respective data set following the guidance of EFSA (2009c). The corresponding figure shows the fit of the model selected (corresponding to the minimum BMDL 10 ). In some cases also figures of other similarly good fitting models are shown for illustrative reasons. In green are the doseresponse data with two sided 95 % confidence intervals of the incidences, in red is the fitted curve and in blue the one-sided 95 % confidence curve from which the BMDL 10 value of the respective model was derived. EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 226

Chromium in food and bottled water Table J1: Squamous cell carcinoma or papilloma combined in oral mucosa or tongue in male rats. The benchmark dose (BMD 10 ), and the 95 % benchmark dose lower confidence limit (BMDL 10 ) values are given for a BMR of 10 % extra risk with characteristics of the model fit. The model with lowest BMDL 10 is given in bold. Models Restriction N of parameters Minus Loglikelihood P- value Accepted BMD 10 (mg/kg b.w. per day) BMDL 10 (mg/kg b.w. per day) Full model na 5 25.00 – – – – Null (reduced) model - 1 35.34 - - - - Probit na 2 27.11 0.24 yes 5.31 4.33 LogProbit none 3 26.39 0.25 yes 5.65 4.20 Logistic na 2 26.85 0.27 yes 5.40 4.56 LogLogistic none 3 26.39 0.25 yes 5.77 4.39 Quantal-Linear na 2 28.79 0.06 yes 5.87 3.30 Multistage Cancer na 2 27.35 0.19 yes 5.34 3.99 Multistage yes 2 27.35 0.19 yes 5.34 3.99 Weibull none 3 26.39 0.25 yes 5.78 4.44 Gamma none 2 26.39 0.43 yes 5.61 4.34 b.w.: body weight; na: not applicable. Quantal Linear Model with 0.95 Confidence Level 0.3 Quantal Linear BMD Lower Bound 0.25 0.2 Fraction Affected 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 BMDL BMD 11:49 06/10 2013 0 2 4 6 8 10 dose Figure J1: Fit of the quantal-linear model to the dose-response data on the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma or papilloma in oral mucosa or tongue in male rats. EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 227

Chromium in <strong>food</strong> and bottled <strong>water</strong><br />

these data and back-calculating them to the original scale. It should be also noted that the graphs of<br />

PROAST software present the 95 % confidence interval of the means using the lognormal distribution<br />

such that the whiskers in the graphic do not indicate the range of the data or the range between<br />

plus/minus the standard deviation or standard errors of the mean but a 95 % confidence interval.<br />

For quantal data PROAST implemented the multistage models as nested model family and allows such<br />

the selection of a best fitting model in that family. Therefore, the best fitting model in this nested family<br />

and its BMD/L pair were assessed together with the BMD/L pairs of the other models.<br />

When the observed dose response curves for males and females exhibited a high degree of similarity,<br />

when the dose ranges were by design identical or at least comparable and when the means was<br />

comparable in both sexes, a combined BMD modeling of the male and female dose-response data using<br />

sex as covariate was performed using the PROAST software. It should be also noted that PROAST<br />

software automatically tests for a statistically significant difference between the two sexes (based on the<br />

fitted models and model parameter values). When there is no statistical significant difference (p > 0.05)<br />

the data are pooled into one data set and the resulting BMD/L values of that analysis is reported.<br />

Therefore no separate curves for males and female are calculated in the graphic of the combined<br />

analysis. In that case, the outcome of PROAST could be cross-checked by applying BMDS software to<br />

the pooled data. The combined analysis should provide smaller BMDL/BMDU intervals and such the<br />

BMDL should be larger than when calculating separate BMDLs for each sex. This reflects the higher<br />

precision of the BMDL 05 when combining data and such increasing the power of statistical modeling.<br />

The sensitivity of the combined BMD analysis of the data of the two sexes of rats was investigated by<br />

fitting the male and the female data also separately. For the most relevant BMD analysis (epithelial<br />

adenoma or carcinoma in the small intestine in males and females combined) the sensitivity of the<br />

BMDL 10 value on the the number of animals planned and realized in the experiment was investigated,<br />

too (details not reported).<br />

J1. Chromium (VI) neoplastic lesions<br />

J1.1.<br />

BMD analysis of squamous cell neoplastic lesions in male and female rats<br />

The CONTAM Panel identified one data set reported by NTP (NTP 2007, 2008), Stout et al. (2009),<br />

and Witt et al. (2013) on the carcinogenicity of SDD in male and female rats as suitable for DR<br />

assessment of Cr(VI). This Section informs on the details of the analysis at first for male and females<br />

separately using BMDS software and then on result of the analysis when combining males and females.<br />

We start with the evaluation of the carcinoma and papilloma data combined and report then also the<br />

evaluations of the carcinoma data only following the order of the results reported in Table 20 in<br />

Section 7.5.1.<br />

When using the BMDS software, each table informs on the modelling outcome of the non-restricted<br />

models applied to the respective data set following the guidance of EFSA (2009c). The corresponding<br />

figure shows the fit of the model selected (corresponding to the minimum BMDL 10 ). In some cases also<br />

figures of other similarly good fitting models are shown for illustrative reasons. In green are the doseresponse<br />

data with two sided 95 % confidence intervals of the incidences, in red is the fitted curve and<br />

in blue the one-sided 95 % confidence curve from which the BMDL 10 value of the respective model<br />

was derived.<br />

EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 226

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