
efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water

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Chromium in food and bottled water Appendix G: Mean and 95 th percentile dietary exposure estimates of Cr(III) in food and Cr(VI) in water calculated for each of the 26 dietary surveys Table G1: Mean and 95 th percentile (P95) chronic dietary exposure to Cr(III) (µg/kg b.w. per day) for total population in lower-bound (LB) and upper-bound (UB) scenario. Range of dietary exposure (LB – UB) (µg/kg b.w. per day) Code (a) Infants Toddlers Other children Adolescents Adults Elderly Very elderly Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 BE/1 1.29-1.64 2.69-3.10 1.02-1.33 1.98-2.40 0.88-1.15 1.54-1.93 0.90-1.15 1.56-1.98 BE/2 4.39-5.89 - (b) 3.12-4.39 5.78-7.50 BG 2.21-3.63 4.76-9.45 3.77-5.63 5.88-9.02 3.50-4.86 6.06-7.91 CY 1.04-1.32 1.82-2.27 CZ 2.94-3.77 5.62-6.94 1.98-2.53 3.85-4.80 1.10-1.41 1.90-2.42 DE/1 2.44-3.35 3.95-5.02 2.14-2.95 3.89-4.74 DE/2 2.30-3.20 3.40-4.50 2.17-2.96 3.77-4.71 DE/3 2.25-3.15 3.39-4.54 2.10-2.87 3.78-4.49 DE/4 0.90-1.22 1.84-2.28 0.81-1.10 1.48-1.93 0.75-1.01 1.30-1.70 0.76-1.01 1.30-1.72 DK 1.87-2.79 2.92-4.24 1.01-1.53 1.71-2.53 0.78-1.13 1.22-1.75 0.75-1.08 1.16-1.68 0.75-1.09 - (b) EL 1.86-2.45 3.16-4.03 ES/1 0.79-1.14 1.39-1.95 ES/2 1.02-1.38 1.84-2.40 0.87-1.20 1.49-2.01 ES/3 3.19-4.06 5.54-6.73 1.89-2.34 3.78-4.34 ES/4 4.65-5.89 - (b) 3.53-4.37 7.32-7.94 2.06-2.49 4.08-4.79 FI/1 2.37-3.70 5.07-8.44 2.35-3.57 4.20-5.99 FI/2 0.77-1.15 1.37-2.02 0.62-0.96 1.12-1.70 FI/3 2.22-3.02 3.72-4.61 FR 1.33-1.69 2.52-3.05 0.93-1.24 1.59-2.07 0.90-1.21 1.47-1.94 0.91-1.21 1.58-1.95 HU 1.22-1.56 1.99-2.48 1.05-1.35 1.54-1.96 1.16-1.47 1.81-2.25 IE 0.97-1.26 1.61-2.06 IT 1.47-1.88 - (b) 2.41-3.45 - (b) 1.88-2.55 3.16-4.21 1.11-1.51 1.95 -2.66 0.79-1.09 1.27-1.74 0.75-1.04 1.18-1.60 0.74-1.03 1.17-1.65 LV 1.59-2.05 3.26-3.75 1.15-1.48 2.19-2.79 0.80-1.00 1.49-1.82 NL/1 1.12-1.53 2.02-2.64 NL/2 3.30-4.88 5.75-8.54 2.90-4.24 5.26-7.03 SE/1 1.00-1.33 1.68-2.18 SE/2 2.47-3.37 5.33-6.32 1.62-2.11 3.33-3.99 UK 0.82-1.10 1.33-1.72 b.w.: body weight; P95: 95 th percentile; BE: Belgium; BG: Bulgaria; CY: Cyprus; CZ: the Czech Republic; DE: Germany; DK: Denmark; EL: Greece; ES: Spain; FI: Finland; FR: France; HU: Hungary; IE: Ireland; IT: Italy; LV: Latvia; NL: the Netherlands; SE: Sweden; UK: the United Kingdom. (a): Details on the dietary surveys and the number of subjects are given in Table 4. (b): 95 th percentile calculated over a number of observations lower than 60 require cautious interpretation as the results may not be statistically robust (EFSA, 2011b). EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 182

Chromium in food and bottled water Table G2: Mean and 95 th percentile (P95) chronic exposure to Cr(VI) (ng/kg b.w. per day) through the consumption of water intended for human consumption and mineral waters for total population in lower-bound (LB) and upper-bound (UB) scenario. Range of chronic exposure (LB – UB) (ng/kg b.w. per day) Code (a) Infants Toddlers Other children Adolescents Adults Elderly Very elderly Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 BE/1 4.7-26.1 15.9-79.1 5.2-27.9 16.2-79.0 3.9-21.6 13.0-62.7 3.3-18.4 10.5-51.8 BE/2 8.5-34.8 - (b) 9.5-39.9 28.4-111.7 BG 14.1-106.2 49.8-320.2 7.5-56.6 27.0-145.0 7.2-52.0 21.7-150.9 CY 0.01-0.02 (c) 0.0-0.0 (c) CZ 8.5-56.3 23.5-130.7 7.4-44.2 20.7-97.2 7.7-43.7 19.7-90.8 DE/1 30.4-84.4 103.1-186.6 11.8-57.1 34.4-128.9 DE/2 37.5-96.6 104.1-194.1 12.4-56.1 32.6-125.8 DE/3 30.4-89.0 99.6-239.3 13.6-60.8 33.9-133.7 DE/4 10.2-39.3 29.7-110.3 10.9-42.4 29.3-108.3 8.4-33.4 24.1-89.8 7.4-29.9 21.0-76.4 DK 3.3-38.1 6.9-78.5 2.3-25.6 5.4-61.3 2.3-25.5 5.9-66.9 1.9-21.0 4.8-55.1 1.3-15.3 - (b) EL 0.03-0.04 (c) 0.0-0.0 (c) ES/1 1.4-15.8 4.7-50.8 ES/2 1.5-16.8 4.0-46.4 1.4-16.1 4.3-49.1 ES/3 6.1-48.4 23.5-106.1 3.7-31.0 11.1-64.0 ES/4 8.2-60.2 - (b) 6.7-43.7 22.2-126.1 2.8-22.7 9.3-64.1 FI/1 8.2-94.2 16.1-184.2 3.2-37.0 7.0-80.3 FI/2 2.2-24.8 5.4-60.2 2.0-23.2 4.9-56.2 FI/3 0.7-7.4 2.8-28.1 FR 7.9-49.5 20.2-99.1 4.3-27.7 12.0-67.3 4.9-30.5 14.3-77.9 4.8-29.8 13.0-65.3 5.6-33.0 17.0-87.4 HU 1.7-6.5 (c) 8.3-31.0 (c) 1.4-5.3 (c) 6.6-24.6 (c) 1.0-3.7 (c) 5.1-18.8 (c) IE 8.5-9.5 29.0-32.3 IT 33.2-159.1 - (b) 15.2-82.2 - (b) 10.3-56.5 22.8-113.6 6.4-34.5 14.1-73.1 5.4-28.3 13.7-64.5 4.1-23.4 10.2-50.7 4.8-26.2 10.6-51.5 LV 1.6-7.2 (c) 8.6-39.5 (c) 1.2-5.2 (c) 5.0-20.5 (c) 0.8-3.9 (c) 3.9-18.4 (c) NL/1 1.6-13.2 5.9-49.1 NL/2 39.6-44.7 113.3-126.5 26.6-30.3 76.0-86.6 SE/1 1.9-15.9 6.3-48.5 SE/2 1.1-12.1 3.8-37.4 0.9-8.8 2.9-28.5 UK 8.9-18.0 28.8-49.5 b.w.: body weight; P95: 95 th percentile; BE: Belgium; BG: Bulgaria; CY: Cyprus; CZ: the Czech Republic; DE: Germany; DK: Denmark; EL: Greece; ES: Spain; FI: Finland; FR: France; HU: Hungary; IE: Ireland; IT: Italy; LV: Latvia; NL: the Netherlands; SE: Sweden; UK: the United Kingdom. (a): Details on the dietary surveys and the number of subjects are given in Table 4. (b): 95 th percentile calculated over a number of observations lower than 60 require cautious interpretation as the results may not be statistically robust (EFSA, 2011b). (c): Dietary surveys where consumers of drinking water were less than 50 % of the total number of participants. EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 183

Chromium in <strong>food</strong> and bottled <strong>water</strong><br />

Table G2: Mean and 95 th percentile (P95) chronic exposure to Cr(VI) (ng/kg b.w. per day) through the consumption of <strong>water</strong> intended for human<br />

consumption and mineral <strong>water</strong>s for total population in lower-bound (LB) and upper-bound (UB) scenario.<br />

Range of chronic exposure (LB – UB) (ng/kg b.w. per day)<br />

Code (a)<br />

Infants Toddlers Other children Adolescents Adults Elderly Very elderly<br />

Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95 Mean P95<br />

BE/1 4.7-26.1 15.9-79.1 5.2-27.9 16.2-79.0 3.9-21.6 13.0-62.7 3.3-18.4 10.5-51.8<br />

BE/2 8.5-34.8 - (b) 9.5-39.9 28.4-111.7<br />

BG 14.1-106.2 49.8-320.2 7.5-56.6 27.0-145.0 7.2-52.0 21.7-150.9<br />

CY 0.01-0.02 (c) 0.0-0.0 (c)<br />

CZ 8.5-56.3 23.5-130.7 7.4-44.2 20.7-97.2 7.7-43.7 19.7-90.8<br />

DE/1 30.4-84.4 103.1-186.6 11.8-57.1 34.4-128.9<br />

DE/2 37.5-96.6 104.1-194.1 12.4-56.1 32.6-125.8<br />

DE/3 30.4-89.0 99.6-239.3 13.6-60.8 33.9-133.7<br />

DE/4 10.2-39.3 29.7-110.3 10.9-42.4 29.3-108.3 8.4-33.4 24.1-89.8 7.4-29.9 21.0-76.4<br />

DK 3.3-38.1 6.9-78.5 2.3-25.6 5.4-61.3 2.3-25.5 5.9-66.9 1.9-21.0 4.8-55.1 1.3-15.3 - (b)<br />

EL 0.03-0.04 (c) 0.0-0.0 (c)<br />

ES/1 1.4-15.8 4.7-50.8<br />

ES/2 1.5-16.8 4.0-46.4 1.4-16.1 4.3-49.1<br />

ES/3 6.1-48.4 23.5-106.1 3.7-31.0 11.1-64.0<br />

ES/4 8.2-60.2 - (b) 6.7-43.7 22.2-126.1 2.8-22.7 9.3-64.1<br />

FI/1 8.2-94.2 16.1-184.2 3.2-37.0 7.0-80.3<br />

FI/2 2.2-24.8 5.4-60.2 2.0-23.2 4.9-56.2<br />

FI/3 0.7-7.4 2.8-28.1<br />

FR 7.9-49.5 20.2-99.1 4.3-27.7 12.0-67.3 4.9-30.5 14.3-77.9 4.8-29.8 13.0-65.3 5.6-33.0 17.0-87.4<br />

HU 1.7-6.5 (c) 8.3-31.0 (c) 1.4-5.3 (c) 6.6-24.6 (c) 1.0-3.7 (c) 5.1-18.8 (c)<br />

IE 8.5-9.5 29.0-32.3<br />

IT 33.2-159.1 - (b) 15.2-82.2 - (b) 10.3-56.5 22.8-113.6 6.4-34.5 14.1-73.1 5.4-28.3 13.7-64.5 4.1-23.4 10.2-50.7 4.8-26.2 10.6-51.5<br />

LV 1.6-7.2 (c) 8.6-39.5 (c) 1.2-5.2 (c) 5.0-20.5 (c) 0.8-3.9 (c) 3.9-18.4 (c)<br />

NL/1 1.6-13.2 5.9-49.1<br />

NL/2 39.6-44.7 113.3-126.5 26.6-30.3 76.0-86.6<br />

SE/1 1.9-15.9 6.3-48.5<br />

SE/2 1.1-12.1 3.8-37.4 0.9-8.8 2.9-28.5<br />

UK 8.9-18.0 28.8-49.5<br />

b.w.: body weight; P95: 95 th percentile; BE: Belgium; BG: Bulgaria; CY: Cyprus; CZ: the Czech Republic; DE: Germany; DK: Denmark; EL: Greece; ES: Spain; FI: Finland; FR: France; HU:<br />

Hungary; IE: Ireland; IT: Italy; LV: Latvia; NL: the Netherlands; SE: Sweden; UK: the United Kingdom.<br />

(a): Details on the dietary surveys and the number of subjects are given in Table 4.<br />

(b): 95 th percentile calculated over a number of observations lower than 60 require cautious interpretation as the results may not be statistically robust (EFSA, 2011b).<br />

(c): Dietary surveys where consumers of <strong>drinking</strong> <strong>water</strong> were less than 50 % of the total number of participants.<br />

EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 183

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