
efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water

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Chromium in food and drinking water Seoane AI and Dulout FN, 1999. Contribution to the validation of the anaphase-telophase test: aneugenic and clastogenic effects of cadmium sulfate, potassium dichromate and nickel chloride in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 22, 551-555. Seoane AI and Dulout FN, 2001. Genotoxic ability of cadmium, chromium and nickel salts studied by kinetochore staining in the cytokinesisblocked micronucleus assay. Mutation Research, 490, 99- 106. Shanker AK, Cervantes C, Loza-Tavera H and Avudainayagam S, 2005. Chromium toxicity in plants. Environment International, 31, 739-753. Shara M, Kincaid AE, Limpach AL, Sandstrom R, Barrett L, Norton N, Bramble JD, Yasmin T, Tran J, Chatterjee A, Bagchi M and Bagchi D, 2007. Long-term safety evaluation of a novel oxygencoordinated niacin-bound chromium (III) complex. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 101, 1059- 1069. Shara M, Yasmin T, Kincaid AE, Limpach AL, Bartz J, Brenneman KA, Chatterjee A, Bagchi M, Stohs SJ and Bagchi D, 2005. Safety and toxicological evaluation of a novel niacin-bound chromium (III) complex. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 99, 2161-2813. Sharma BK, Singhal PC and Chugh KS, 1978. Intravascular haemolysis and acute renal failure following potassium dichromate poisoning. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 54, 414-415. Shindo Y, Toyoda Y, Kawamura K, Kurebe M, Shimada H, Hattori C and Satake S, 1989. Micronucleus test with potassium chromate(VI) administered intraperitoneally and orally to mice. Mutation Research, 2223, 403-406. Shmitova LA, 1978. The course of pregnancy in women engaged in the production of chromium and its compounds. Sverdlovsk, 19, 108-111. Shmitova LA, 1980. Content of hexavalent chromium in the biological substrates of pregnant women and women in the immediate post-natal period engaged in the manufacture of chromium compounds. Gigiena truda i professionalnye zabolevaniia, 2, 33-35. Shubochkin LN and Pokhodzie YI, 1980. Toxic properties of strontium chromate. Gigiena i sanitaria, 45, 76-77. Singh I, 1983. Induction of reverse mutation and mitotic gene conversion by some metal compounds in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mutation Research, 117, 149-152. Slesinski RS, Clarke JJ, San RHC and Gudi R, 2005. Lack of mutagenicity of chromium picolinate in the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase gene mutation assay in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Mutation Research, 585, 86-95. Sloob W, 2002. Dose-response modeling of continuous endpoints. Toxicological Sciences 66, 298- 312. Smith CJ, Livingston SD and Doolittle DJ, 1997. An international literature survey of "IARC Group I carcinogens" reported in mainstream cigarette smoke. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 35, 1107- 1130. Smith AH and Steinmaus CM, 2009. Health Effects of Arsenic and Chromium in Drinking Water: Recent Human Findings, Annual Review of Public Health, 30, 107-122. Smyth HF, Carpenter CP, Weil CS, Pozzani UC, Striegel JÁ and Nycum JS. 1969. Range finding toxicity data: List VII. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 30, 470-476. Soares ME, Bastos ML and Ferreira M, 2000. Selective Determination of Chromium (VI) in Powdered Milk Infant Formulas by Electrothermal Atomization Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after Ion Exchange. Journal of AOAC International, 83, 1, 220-223. Soares ME, Vieira E and De Lourdes Bastos M, 2010. Chromium Speciation Analysis in Bread Samples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58, 1366-1370. EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 158

Chromium in food and drinking water Sola-Larranaga C and Navarro-Blasco I, 2006. Chromium content in different kinds of Spanish infant formulae and estimation of dietary intake by infants fed on reconstituted powder formulae. Food Additives and Contaminants, 23, 1157-1168. Son Y-O, Hitron AJ, Wang X, Chang Q, Pan J, Zhang Z, Liu J, Wang S, Lee JC and Shi X, 2010. Cr(VI) induces mitochondrial-mediated and caspase-dependent apoptosis through reactive oxygen species-mediated p53 activation in JB6 Cl41 cells. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 245, 226-235. Sora S, Agostoni Carbone ML, Pacciarini M and Magni GE, 1986. Disomic and diploid meiotic products induced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by the salts of 27 elements. Mutagenesis, 1, 21-28. Soudani N, Ibtissem Ben A, Troudi A, Bouaziz H, Boudawara T and Zeghal N, 2011a. Oxidative stress induced by chromium (VI) in bone of suckling rats. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 27, 724-734. Soudani N, Sefi M, Bouaziz H, Chtourou Y, Boudawara T and Zegha N, 2011b. Nephrotoxicity induced by chromium (VI) in adult rats and their progeny. Human and Experimental Toxicology, 30, 1233-1245. Soudani N, Bouaziz H, Sefi M, Chtourou Y, Boudawara T and Zeghal N. 2013. Toxic effects of chromium (VI) by maternal ingestion on liver function of female rats and their suckling pups. Environmental Toxicology, 28, 11-20. Spano MA, Frei H, Würgler FE and Graf U, 2001. Recombinagenic activity of four compounds in the standard and high bioactivation crosses of Drosophila melanogaster in the wing spot test. Mutagenesis, 16, 385-394. Speetjens JK, Collins RA, Vincent JB and Woski SA, 1999. The nutritional supplement chromium(III)tris(picolinate) cleaves DNA. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 12, 483-287. Spigelman AD, Talbot IC, Penna C, Nugent KP, Phillips RKS, Costello C, DeCosse JJ and The Leeds Castle Polyposis Group (Upper Gastrointestinal Committee), 1994. Evidence for adenomacarcinoma sequence in the duodenum of patients with familial adenomatous polyposis. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 47, 709-710. Sreejayan N, Marone PA, Lau FC, Yasmin T, Bagchi M and Bagchi D, 2010. Safety and toxicological evaluation of a novel chromium(III) dinicocysteinate complex. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 20, 321-333. Stallings DM, Hepburn DDD, Hannah M, Vincent JB and O’Donnel J, 2006. Nutritional supplement chromium(III) picolinate generates chromosomal aberrations and impedes progeny development in Drosophila melanogaster. Mutation Research, 610, 101-113. Standeven AM and Wetterhahn KE, 1991. Ascorbate is the principal reductant of chromium (VI) in rat liver and kidney ultrafiltrates. Carcinogenesis, 12, 1733-1737. Standeven AM and Wetterhahn KE, 1992. Ascorbate is the principal reductant of chromium(VI) in rat lung ultrafiltrates and cytosols, and mediates chromium-DNA binding in vitro. Carcinogenesis, 13, 1319-1324. Staniek H, Krejpcio Z and Iwanik K, 2010. Evaluation of the acute oral toxicity class of tricentric chromium(III) propionate complex in rat. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48, 859-864. Stearns DM, Courtney KD, Giangrande, PH, Phieffer LS and Wetterhahn KE, 1994. Chromium(VI) reduction by ascorbate - role of reactive intermediates in DNA-damage in-vitro. Environmental Health Perspectives, 102, 21-25. Stearns DM, Silveira SM, Wolf KK and Luke AM, 2002. Chromium(III) tris(picolinate) is mutagenic at the hypoxanthine (guanine) phosphoribosyltransferase locus in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Mutation Research 513,135-142. EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 159

Chromium in <strong>food</strong> and <strong>drinking</strong> <strong>water</strong><br />

Seoane AI and Dulout FN, 1999. Contribution to the validation of the anaphase-telophase test:<br />

aneugenic and clastogenic effects of cadmium sulfate, potassium dichromate and nickel chloride in<br />

Chinese hamster ovary cells. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 22, 551-555.<br />

Seoane AI and Dulout FN, 2001. Genotoxic ability of cadmium, <strong>chromium</strong> and nickel salts studied by<br />

kinetochore staining in the cytokinesisblocked micronucleus assay. Mutation Research, 490, 99-<br />

106.<br />

Shanker AK, Cervantes C, Loza-Tavera H and Avudainayagam S, 2005. Chromium toxicity in plants.<br />

Environment International, 31, 739-753.<br />

Shara M, Kincaid AE, Limpach AL, Sandstrom R, Barrett L, Norton N, Bramble JD, Yasmin T, Tran<br />

J, Chatterjee A, Bagchi M and Bagchi D, 2007. Long-term safety evaluation of a novel oxygencoordinated<br />

niacin-bound <strong>chromium</strong> (III) complex. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 101, 1059-<br />

1069.<br />

Shara M, Yasmin T, Kincaid AE, Limpach AL, Bartz J, Brenneman KA, Chatterjee A, Bagchi M,<br />

Stohs SJ and Bagchi D, 2005. Safety and toxicological evaluation of a novel niacin-bound<br />

<strong>chromium</strong> (III) complex. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 99, 2161-2813.<br />

Sharma BK, Singhal PC and Chugh KS, 1978. Intravascular haemolysis and acute renal failure<br />

following potassium dichromate poisoning. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 54, 414-415.<br />

Shindo Y, Toyoda Y, Kawamura K, Kurebe M, Shimada H, Hattori C and Satake S, 1989.<br />

Micronucleus test with potassium chromate(VI) administered intraperitoneally and orally to mice.<br />

Mutation Research, 2223, 403-406.<br />

Shmitova LA, 1978. The course of pregnancy in women engaged in the production of <strong>chromium</strong> and<br />

its compounds. Sverdlovsk, 19, 108-111.<br />

Shmitova LA, 1980. Content of hexavalent <strong>chromium</strong> in the biological substrates of pregnant women<br />

and women in the immediate post-natal period engaged in the manufacture of <strong>chromium</strong><br />

compounds. Gigiena truda i professionalnye zabolevaniia, 2, 33-35.<br />

Shubochkin LN and Pokhodzie YI, 1980. Toxic properties of strontium chromate. Gigiena i sanitaria,<br />

45, 76-77.<br />

Singh I, 1983. Induction of reverse mutation and mitotic gene conversion by some metal compounds<br />

in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mutation Research, 117, 149-152.<br />

Slesinski RS, Clarke JJ, San RHC and Gudi R, 2005. Lack of mutagenicity of <strong>chromium</strong> picolinate in<br />

the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase gene mutation assay in Chinese hamster ovary cells.<br />

Mutation Research, 585, 86-95.<br />

Sloob W, 2002. Dose-response modeling of continuous endpoints. Toxicological Sciences 66, 298-<br />

312.<br />

Smith CJ, Livingston SD and Doolittle DJ, 1997. An international literature survey of "IARC Group I<br />

carcinogens" reported in mainstream cigarette smoke. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 35, 1107-<br />

1130.<br />

Smith AH and Steinmaus CM, 2009. Health Effects of Arsenic and Chromium in Drinking Water:<br />

Recent Human Findings, Annual Review of Public Health, 30, 107-122.<br />

Smyth HF, Carpenter CP, Weil CS, Pozzani UC, Striegel JÁ and Nycum JS. 1969. Range finding<br />

toxicity data: List VII. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 30, 470-476.<br />

Soares ME, Bastos ML and Ferreira M, 2000. Selective Determination of Chromium (VI) in<br />

Powdered Milk Infant Formulas by Electrothermal Atomization Atomic Absorption Spectrometry<br />

after Ion Exchange. Journal of AOAC International, 83, 1, 220-223.<br />

Soares ME, Vieira E and De Lourdes Bastos M, 2010. Chromium Speciation Analysis in Bread<br />

Samples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58, 1366-1370.<br />

EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 158

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