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Chromium in food and drinking water Langård S, Gundersen N, Tsalev DL and Gylseth B, 1978. Whole blood chromium level and chromium excretion in the rat after zinc chromate inhalation. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica (Copenh), 42, 142-149. LaVelle JM, 1986. Potassium chromate potentiates frameshift mutagenesis in E. coli and S. typhimurium. Mutation Research, 171, 1-10. Leblanc JC, Gu rin T, NoëL, Calamassi-Tran G, Volatier JL and Verger P, 2005. Dietary exposure estimates of 18 elements from the 1 st French total diet study. Food Additives and Contaminants, 22, 624-641. Le Curieux F, Marzin D and Erb F, 1993. Comparison of three short-term assays: results on seven chemicals. Potential contribution to the control of water genotoxicity. Mutation Research, 319, 223-236. Lendinez E, Lorenzo ML, Cabrera C and Lopez MC, 2001. Chromium in basic foods of the Spanish diet: seafood, cereals, vegetables, olive oils and dairy products. Science of the Total Environment, 278, 183-189. Léonard A and Lauwerys RR, 1980. Carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of chromium. Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology, 76, 227-239. Levis AG, Bianchi V, Tamino G and Pegoraro B, 1978. Cytotoxic Effects of Hexavalent and Trivalent Chromium on Mammalian Cells In Vitro. British Journal of Cancer 37, 387-396 Levis AG and Majone F, 1979. Cytotoxic and clastogenic effects of soluble chromium compounds on mammalian cell cultures. British Journal of Cancer, 40, 523-533. Lewalter J, Korallus U, Harzdorf C and Weidemann H, 1985. Chromium bond detection in isolated erythrocytes: a new principle of biological monitoring of exposure to hexavalent chromium. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 55, 305-318. Li H, Chen Q, Li S, Yao W, Li L, Shi X, Wang L, Castranova V, Vallyathan V, Ernst E and Chen C, 2001. Effect of Cr(VI) exposure on sperm quality: human and animal studies. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 45, 505-511. Li J, Liang P, Shi T and Lu H, 2003. Cloud Point Extraction Preconcentration and ICP-OES Determination of Trace Chromium and Copper in Water Samples. Atomic Spectroscopy, 24, 5, 169-172. Li B, Wang D, Lv J and Zhang Z, 2006. Chemometrics-assisted simultaneous determination of cobalt(II) and chromium(III) with flow-injection chemiluminescence method. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 65, 67–72. Liang P and Sang H, 2008. Speciation of chromium in water samples with cloud point extraction separation and preconcentration and determination by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 154, 1115-1119. Lieberman H, 1941. Chrome ulcerations of the nose and throat. New England Journal of Medicine, 225, 132-133. Lim TH, Sargent T 3 rd and Kusubov N, 1983. Kinetics of trace element chromium(III) in the human body. American Journal of Physiology, 244, 445-454. Lin L, Lawrence NS, Sompong Thongngamdee S, Wang J and Lin Y, 2005. Catalytic adsorptive stripping determination of trace chromium (VI) at the bismuth film electrode. Talanta, 65, 144-148. Lindemann MD, Carter SD, Chiba LI, Dove CR, Lemieux FM and Soutern LI, 2004. A regional evaluation of chromium tripicolinate supplementation of diets fed to reproducing sows. Journal of Animal Science, 82, 2972-2977. Lindsay DR, Farley KJ and Carbonaro RF, 2012. Oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI) during chlorination of drinking water. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14, 1789-1797. EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 148

Chromium in food and drinking water Linos A, Petralias A, Christophi CA, Christoforidou E, Kouroutou P, Stoltidis M, Veloudaki A, Tzala E, Makris KC and Karagas MR, 2011. Oral ingestion of hexavalent chromium through drinking water and cancer mortality in an industrial area of Greece - An ecological study. Environmental Health, 10, 1-8. Llagostera M, Garrido S, Guerrero R and Barbé J, 1986. Induction of SOS genes of Escherichia coli by chromium compounds. Environmental Mutagenesis, 8, 571-577. Loubières Y, de Lassence A, Bernier M, Vieillard-Baron A, Schmitt JM, Page B and Jardin F, 1999. Acute, fatal, oral chromic acid poisoning. Journal of Clinical Toxicology, 37, 333-336. Loyaux-Lawniczak S, Lecomte P and Ehrhardt J-J, 2001. Behavior of hexavalent chromium in a polluted groundwater — Redox processes and immobilization in soils. Environmental Science and Technology, 35, 1350-1357. Lukaski HC, 1999. Chromium as a supplement. Annual Review of Nutrition, 19, 279-302. Ma H-L and Tanner PA, 2008. Speciated isotope dilution analysis of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in water by ICP-DRC-MS. Talanta, 77, 189–194. Macfie A, Hagan E and Zhitkovich A, 2010. Mechanism of DNA-protein cross-linking by chromium. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 23, 341-347. MacIntosh DL, Kabiru C, Scanlon KA and Ryan PB, 2000. Longitudinal investigation of exposure to arsenic, cadmium, chromium and lead via beverage consumption. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 10, 196-205. MacKenzie RD, Anwar RA, Byerrum RU and Hoppert CA, 1959. Absorption and distribution of 5l Cr in the albino rat. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 79, 200-250. MacKenzie RD, Byerrum RU, Decker CF, Hoppert CA and Langham RF, 1958. Chronic Toxicity Studies II. Hexavalent and trivalent chromium administered in drinking water to rats. AMA Archives of Industrial Health, 18, 232-234. MacRae WD, Whiting RF and Stich HF, 1979. Sister chromatid exchanges induced in cultured mammalian cells by chromate. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 26, 281-286. Madafiglio K, Manning TM, Murdoch CM, Tulip W R, Cooper MK, Hambley TW and Freeman HC, 1990. 3 Chromium(III) complexes with mixed amino-acid ligands - (l-cysteinato)-(lhistidinato)chromium(III) 3.5-hydrate, (l-aspartato)(l-histidinato)chromium(III) 1.5-hydrate and bis(dl-histidinato)chromium(III) chloride 4.2-hydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications, 46, 554-561. Mandiwana KL, Panichev N and Panicheva S, 2011. Determination of chromium(VI) in black, green and herbal teas. Food Chemistry, 129, 1839–1843. Manzo L, Di Nucci A, Edel J, Gregotti C and Sabbioni E, 1983. Biliary and gastrointestinal excretion of chromium after administration of Cr-III and Cr-VI in rats. Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology, 42, 113-125. Martin WR and Fuller RE, 1998. Suspected chromium picolinate-induced rhabdomyolysis. Pharmacotherapy, 18, 860-862. Marzec Z, 2004. Alimentary chromium, nickel, and selenium intake of adults in Poland estimated by analysis and calculations using the duplicate portion technique. Nahrung, 48, 47-52. Marzin DR and Phi HV, 1985. Study of the mutagenicity of metal derivatives with Salmonella typhimurium TA102. Mutation Research, 155, 49-51. Mateos CJ, Aguilar MV and Martinez-Para MC, 2003. Determination of the Chromium Content in Commercial Breakfast Cereals in Spain. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, 401-405. EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 149

Chromium in <strong>food</strong> and <strong>drinking</strong> <strong>water</strong><br />

Linos A, Petralias A, Christophi CA, Christoforidou E, Kouroutou P, Stoltidis M, Veloudaki A, Tzala<br />

E, Makris KC and Karagas MR, 2011. Oral ingestion of hexavalent <strong>chromium</strong> through <strong>drinking</strong><br />

<strong>water</strong> and cancer mortality in an industrial area of Greece - An ecological study. Environmental<br />

Health, 10, 1-8.<br />

Llagostera M, Garrido S, Guerrero R and Barbé J, 1986. Induction of SOS genes of Escherichia coli<br />

by <strong>chromium</strong> compounds. Environmental Mutagenesis, 8, 571-577.<br />

Loubières Y, de Lassence A, Bernier M, Vieillard-Baron A, Schmitt JM, Page B and Jardin F, 1999.<br />

Acute, fatal, oral chromic acid poisoning. Journal of Clinical Toxicology, 37, 333-336.<br />

Loyaux-Lawniczak S, Lecomte P and Ehrhardt J-J, 2001. Behavior of hexavalent <strong>chromium</strong> in a<br />

polluted ground<strong>water</strong> — Redox processes and immobilization in soils. Environmental Science and<br />

Technology, 35, 1350-1357.<br />

Lukaski HC, 1999. Chromium as a supplement. Annual Review of Nutrition, 19, 279-302.<br />

Ma H-L and Tanner PA, 2008. Speciated isotope dilution analysis of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in <strong>water</strong> by<br />

ICP-DRC-MS. Talanta, 77, 189–194.<br />

Macfie A, Hagan E and Zhitkovich A, 2010. Mechanism of DNA-protein cross-linking by <strong>chromium</strong>.<br />

Chemical Research in Toxicology, 23, 341-347.<br />

MacIntosh DL, Kabiru C, Scanlon KA and Ryan PB, 2000. Longitudinal investigation of exposure to<br />

arsenic, cadmium, <strong>chromium</strong> and lead via beverage consumption. Journal of Exposure Analysis<br />

and Environmental Epidemiology, 10, 196-205.<br />

MacKenzie RD, Anwar RA, Byerrum RU and Hoppert CA, 1959. Absorption and distribution of 5l Cr<br />

in the albino rat. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 79, 200-250.<br />

MacKenzie RD, Byerrum RU, Decker CF, Hoppert CA and Langham RF, 1958. Chronic Toxicity<br />

Studies II. Hexavalent and trivalent <strong>chromium</strong> administered in <strong>drinking</strong> <strong>water</strong> to rats. AMA<br />

Archives of Industrial Health, 18, 232-234.<br />

MacRae WD, Whiting RF and Stich HF, 1979. Sister chromatid exchanges induced in cultured<br />

mammalian cells by chromate. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 26, 281-286.<br />

Madafiglio K, Manning TM, Murdoch CM, Tulip W R, Cooper MK, Hambley TW and Freeman HC,<br />

1990. 3 Chromium(III) complexes with mixed amino-acid ligands - (l-cysteinato)-(lhistidinato)<strong>chromium</strong>(III)<br />

3.5-hydrate, (l-aspartato)(l-histidinato)<strong>chromium</strong>(III) 1.5-hydrate and<br />

bis(dl-histidinato)<strong>chromium</strong>(III) chloride 4.2-hydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal<br />

Structure Communications, 46, 554-561.<br />

Mandiwana KL, Panichev N and Panicheva S, 2011. Determination of <strong>chromium</strong>(VI) in black, green<br />

and herbal teas. Food Chemistry, 129, 1839–1843.<br />

Manzo L, Di Nucci A, Edel J, Gregotti C and Sabbioni E, 1983. Biliary and gastrointestinal excretion<br />

of <strong>chromium</strong> after administration of Cr-III and Cr-VI in rats. Research Communications in<br />

Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology, 42, 113-125.<br />

Martin WR and Fuller RE, 1998. Suspected <strong>chromium</strong> picolinate-induced rhabdomyolysis.<br />

Pharmacotherapy, 18, 860-862.<br />

Marzec Z, 2004. Alimentary <strong>chromium</strong>, nickel, and selenium intake of adults in Poland estimated by<br />

analysis and calculations using the duplicate portion technique. Nahrung, 48, 47-52.<br />

Marzin DR and Phi HV, 1985. Study of the mutagenicity of metal derivatives with Salmonella<br />

typhimurium TA102. Mutation Research, 155, 49-51.<br />

Mateos CJ, Aguilar MV and Martinez-Para MC, 2003. Determination of the Chromium Content in<br />

Commercial Breakfast Cereals in Spain. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, 401-405.<br />

EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 149

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