
efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water

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Chromium in food and drinking water Figure 15: Cysteine-Cr(III)-DNA cross-link structure as determined by analysis of crystal structure (de Meester et al., 1977; Madafiglio K et al., 1990) The information from several studies indicate that all cellular Cr-DNA adducts are ternary cross-links. Reductive metabolism of Cr(VI) in vitro usually generates a large number of binary Cr(III)-DNA adducts (Zhitkovich et al., 1996, 2000; Quievryn et al., 2002), but the presence of these DNA modifications in cells has not yet been established and is expected to be strongly inhibited due to the abundance of intracellular ligands capable of rapid coordination to Cr(III) prior to its binding to DNA. In cells in culture (human A549 cells) the restoration of physiological concentrations of ascorbic acid is required to detect ascorbate-Cr(III)-DNA adducts (Quievryn et al., 2002). The authors concluded that the availability of intracellular ascorbate for Cr(VI) reduction may be key to the amount of Crinduced DNA damage observed. DNA-protein cross-links (DPC) have also been detected in vitro during Cr(VI) reduction (Salnikow et al., 1992) as well as in various Cr(VI)-treated cells (Costa et al., 1996) and tissues in vivo (Hamilton, 1986; Coogan et al., 1991b; Zhitkovich and Costa, 1992) as well as in vitro during Cr(VI) reduction (Salnikow et al., 1992). In particular, Coogan et al. (1991b) reported the induction of DPC in male Fischer 344 rat liver following 3-6 weeks of exposure via drinking water to potassium chromate at the lowest effective dose of 100 mg Cr(VI)/L. In contrast, no DPC were reported by De Flora et al. (2008) in forestomach, glandular stomach and duodenum cells of female SKH-1 hairless mice administerd with sodium dichromate dihydrate in drinking water at concentrations up to 20 mg Cr(VI)/L for 9 months. Although DPC represent only a very small fraction of initially formed DNA adducts in cultured cells (about 0.1 % according to calculations by Zhitkovich group), DPC have been broadly utilized as a biomarker of Cr-exposure in human populations (Costa et al., 1993). However, it is important to note that the currently used methodologies do not allow differentiating between Cr(VI)-induced and other forms of DPC. Macfie et al. (2010) have recently proposed a three-step mechanism for Cr(VI)-induced DPC involving (i) reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III), (ii) Cr(III)-DNA binding and (iii) protein capture by DNA bound Cr(III). In vitro reduction of Cr(VI) by ascorbate (O’Brien et al., 2002; Bridgewater et al., 1994) or cysteine (Zhitkovich et al., 2000) also produces a small number of Cr(III)-mediated interstrand DNA crosslinks. The most extensive DNA cross-linking was always observed under conditions of limited reducer concentrations. On the basis of the steric considerations and the fact that the yield of interstrand crosslinks had the exponential dose dependence, Zhitkovich et al (2000) proposed that Cr(III) oligomers, not monomeric Cr(III), are the cross-linking species. Mutagenic and cytotoxic properties of Cr adducts The fact that chromium binds preferentially to the N7 position of guanine on DNA was originally suggested by in vitro studies where DNA polymerases of different origin produced guanine-specific EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 108

Chromium in food and drinking water arrests of DNA replication on DNA templates exposed to trivalent or hexavalent chromium in the presence of ascorbate (Bridgewater et al., 1994, 1998). Cr(VI) ascorbate-generated DNA adducts were later shown to be mutagenic and replication blocking by using adduct-carrying shuttle vectors transfected into human cells (Quievryn et al., 2003). Replication of plasmids containing either Cr(III)- DNA or Asc-Cr(III)-DNA adducts revealed that the ternary adducts have a much greater mutagenic potential than the binary adducts. It was estimated that Asc-Cr(III)-DNA adducts accounted for > 90 % mutagenicity induced by ascorbate-dependent reduction of Cr(VI) under these experimental conditions. An approximately equal number of deletions and G/C targeted point mutations characterized the Cr(VI) induced mutational spectrum in human cells. The occurrence of deletion is consistent with the strong replication-blocking potential of these adducts. Voitkun et al. (1998) in their analysis of ternary DNA adducts [Cr(III)-mediated crosslinks of DNA with cysteine, histidine, or glutathione (GSH)] found that these adducts were also mutagenic after replication of adducted plasmids in human fibroblasts. The GSH-Cr(III)-DNA adducts was the most potent pro-mutagenic lesions while binary adducts were only weakly mutagenic. Single base substitutions at the G:C base pairs were the predominant type of mutations for all Cr(III) adducts. Cr(III), Cr(III)-Cys and Cr(III)-His adducts induced G:C--> A:T transitions and G:C--> T:A transversions with almost equal frequency, whereas the Cr(III)-GSH mutational spectrum was dominated by G:C--> T:A transversions. Sequence-specificity for adduct-induced mutations was also reported with mutations occurring preferentially at G:C pairs where a 3’ purine was adjacent to the mutated guanine. The formation of mutagenic adducts was confirmed by Zhitkovich et al. (2002) using a similar approach. In this study they also showed that the cysteine-dependent metabolism of Cr (VI) caused the formation of mutagenic and replication-blocking DNA lesions. These adducts, which are mutagenic in human fibroblasts, are formed in the absence of oxidative damage to DNA (Zhitkovich, 2000). The Asc-Cr(III)-DNA adducts appears to be more mutagenic and replication-blocking than His/Cys adducts and possibly even the GSH adducts (Quievryn et al., 2003). Intracellular replication of Cr-modified plasmids demonstrated increased mutagenicity of binary Cr(III)-DNA and ternary cysteine-Cr(III)-DNA adducts in cells with inactive nucleotide excision repair (Reynolds et al., 2004). Figure 16: Direct coordination of Cr(III) to 5’-phosphate and hydrogen bonding to N-7 of dG. This binding mode can occur for both binary and ternary Cr(III)-DNA adducts. It has been proposed to explain the G selective mutagenesis. To gain insights into the mutagenic properties of chromium induced DNA lesions mutational spectra have been also analysed in mammalian cells exposed to chromate (Yang et al., 1992; Chen and Thilly, 1994). In the first report where hprt induced mutational spectrum was analysed in CHO cells (Yang et al, 1992) mutations occurred predominantly at A:T base pairs whereas in the second study in human lymphoblastoid cells (Chen and Thilly, 1994) G:C base pairs were the mostly frequently mutated with both GC > AT and GC > TA changes. This last mutational spectrum is consistent with the mutagenicity of Cr(III)-derived DNA adducts as detected in single-lesion plasmids replicated in human cells (see above) and differs significantly from the spectra induced by known oxygen radicalproducing agents (H 2 O 2 , Fe 2+ and X-ray) analysed in the same study (Chen and Thilly, 1994). EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 109

Chromium in <strong>food</strong> and <strong>drinking</strong> <strong>water</strong><br />

arrests of DNA replication on DNA templates exposed to trivalent or hexavalent <strong>chromium</strong> in the<br />

presence of ascorbate (Bridge<strong>water</strong> et al., 1994, 1998). Cr(VI) ascorbate-generated DNA adducts were<br />

later shown to be mutagenic and replication blocking by using adduct-carrying shuttle vectors<br />

transfected into human cells (Quievryn et al., 2003). Replication of plasmids containing either Cr(III)-<br />

DNA or Asc-Cr(III)-DNA adducts revealed that the ternary adducts have a much greater mutagenic<br />

potential than the binary adducts. It was estimated that Asc-Cr(III)-DNA adducts accounted for<br />

> 90 % mutagenicity induced by ascorbate-dependent reduction of Cr(VI) under these experimental<br />

conditions. An approximately equal number of deletions and G/C targeted point mutations<br />

characterized the Cr(VI) induced mutational spectrum in human cells. The occurrence of deletion is<br />

consistent with the strong replication-blocking potential of these adducts. Voitkun et al. (1998) in their<br />

analysis of ternary DNA adducts [Cr(III)-mediated crosslinks of DNA with cysteine, histidine, or<br />

glutathione (GSH)] found that these adducts were also mutagenic after replication of adducted<br />

plasmids in human fibroblasts. The GSH-Cr(III)-DNA adducts was the most potent pro-mutagenic<br />

lesions while binary adducts were only weakly mutagenic. Single base substitutions at the G:C base<br />

pairs were the predominant type of mutations for all Cr(III) adducts. Cr(III), Cr(III)-Cys and<br />

Cr(III)-His adducts induced G:C--> A:T transitions and G:C--> T:A transversions with almost equal<br />

frequency, whereas the Cr(III)-GSH mutational spectrum was dominated by G:C--> T:A<br />

transversions. Sequence-specificity for adduct-induced mutations was also reported with mutations<br />

occurring preferentially at G:C pairs where a 3’ purine was adjacent to the mutated guanine. The<br />

formation of mutagenic adducts was confirmed by Zhitkovich et al. (2002) using a similar approach.<br />

In this study they also showed that the cysteine-dependent metabolism of Cr (VI) caused the formation<br />

of mutagenic and replication-blocking DNA lesions. These adducts, which are mutagenic in human<br />

fibroblasts, are formed in the absence of oxidative damage to DNA (Zhitkovich, 2000). The<br />

Asc-Cr(III)-DNA adducts appears to be more mutagenic and replication-blocking than His/Cys<br />

adducts and possibly even the GSH adducts (Quievryn et al., 2003). Intracellular replication of<br />

Cr-modified plasmids demonstrated increased mutagenicity of binary Cr(III)-DNA and ternary<br />

cysteine-Cr(III)-DNA adducts in cells with inactive nucleotide excision repair (Reynolds et al., 2004).<br />

Figure 16: Direct coordination of Cr(III) to 5’-phosphate and hydrogen bonding to N-7 of dG. This<br />

binding mode can occur for both binary and ternary Cr(III)-DNA adducts. It has been proposed to<br />

explain the G selective mutagenesis.<br />

To gain insights into the mutagenic properties of <strong>chromium</strong> induced DNA lesions mutational spectra<br />

have been also analysed in mammalian cells exposed to chromate (Yang et al., 1992; Chen and Thilly,<br />

1994). In the first report where hprt induced mutational spectrum was analysed in CHO cells (Yang et<br />

al, 1992) mutations occurred predominantly at A:T base pairs whereas in the second study in human<br />

lymphoblastoid cells (Chen and Thilly, 1994) G:C base pairs were the mostly frequently mutated with<br />

both GC > AT and GC > TA changes. This last mutational spectrum is consistent with the<br />

mutagenicity of Cr(III)-derived DNA adducts as detected in single-lesion plasmids replicated in<br />

human cells (see above) and differs significantly from the spectra induced by known oxygen radicalproducing<br />

agents (H 2 O 2 , Fe 2+ and X-ray) analysed in the same study (Chen and Thilly, 1994).<br />

EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 109

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