
efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water

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Chromium in food and drinking water Finley et al. (1997) reported a study in which five healthy male volunteers ingested a liter of deionized water containing Cr(VI) concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 10.0 mg/L. A dose-related increase of chromium was observed in urine, plasma and RBC in all volunteers. The authors indicated that the RBC chromium profiles suggest that the ingested Cr(VI) was reduced to Cr(III) before entering the bloodstream, since the chromium concentration in RBCs dropped rapidly post-exposure. The authors concluded that the RBC and plasma chromium profiles are consistent with systemic absorption of Cr(III) not Cr(VI). They also indicated that their findings suggest that the human gastrointestinal tract has the capacity to reduce ingested Cr(VI) following ingestion of up to 1 liter of water containing 10.0 mg/L of Cr(VI), and that this is consistent with U.S. EPA position that the Cr(VI) drinking water standard of 0.10 mg Cr(VI)/L is below the reductive capacity of the stomach. Coogan et al. (1991a) dosed rats intravenously or orally with Cr(VI). Upon intravenous administration RBC chromium levels were increased significantly 1 hr post dosing and these levels had not decreased 7 days later. When the animals were dosed orally with Cr(VI), RBC chromium levels were increased at the 1 hr time point but returned almost to background levels after 7 days. Thus the toxicokinetics have the appearance as if Cr(III) had been administered and may reflect the predominance of Cr(III). De Flora (2000) estimated that saliva may reduce 0.7 to 2.1 mg of Cr(VI) per day and gastric juices have the capacity to reduce at least 80 to 84 mg of Cr(VI) per day. O'Flaherty et al. (2001) presented a PBK model for the ingestion of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) by humans. The model was calibrated against blood and urine chromium concentration data from a group of controlled studies in which adult human volunteers drank solutions generally containing up to 10 mg/day of soluble inorganic salts of either Cr(III) or Cr(VI) (Kerger et al., 1996; Paustenbach et al., 1996; Finley et al., 1997). Chromium kinetics were shown not to be dependent on the oxidation state of the administered chromium except in respect to the amount absorbed. The fraction absorbed from administered Cr(VI) compounds was highly variable and was presumable strongly dependent on the degree of reduction in the gastrointestinal tract, that is, on the amount and nature of the stomach contents at the time of Cr(VI) ingestion. Kirman et al. (2012) reported a PBK model for rats and mice orally exposed to chromium. The results on erythrocyte to plasma chromium ratios suggested that Cr(VI) entered portal circulation at drinking water concentrations equal to and greater than 60 mg/L in rodents. The authors also indicated that the cancer bioassays of NTP were collected at Cr(VI) doses where saturable toxicokinetics may be expected. They pointed out that at doses above 1 mg Cr(VI)/kg per day (corresponding to drinking water concentrations of approximately 5-6 mg Cr(VI)/L in rodents), the reductive capacity of the GI lumen begins to become depleted resulting in a greater fraction of Cr(VI) remaining for uptake. They also indicated the fraction of total chromium remaining as Cr(VI) in the GI lumen was predicted to be higher in mice than in rats, which can be ascribed to higher transition rates in mice (i.e. less time for reduction to occur in the stomach lumen), combined with fairly similar rates and capacities for Cr(VI) reduction. Arguments against complete reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) upon oral administration can be found in the following studies/evaluations: Collins et al. (2010) reported that exposure of male F344/N rats and female B6C3F1 mice to Cr(VI) resulted in significantly higher tissue chromium levels compared with Cr(III) following similar oral doses. The authors stated that this indicates that a portion of the Cr(VI) escaped gastric reduction and was distributed systemically. Stern (2010) compared the concentrations of total Cr retained in various tissues after 25 weeks of dosing, with either Cr(III) picolinate (NTP, 2010) or sodium dichromate, and concluded that the concentrations of total Cr were 1.4-16.7 times larger for the rats ingesting Cr(VI), and 2.1-38.6 times larger for mice ingesting Cr(VI) despite 1.8 and 2.8 times larger doses of Cr(III) in rats and mice, respectively. From this the authors concluded that despite the assumed capacity of the gastrointestinal tract to reduce Cr(VI) Cr was absorbed as Cr(VI) rather than as Cr(III). The authors also argued that if the reduction capacity of the mice was exceeded at the higher Cr(VI) water concentrations that were associated with intestinal tumors, there would be a threshold concentration at which Cr(VI) would become available for absorption resulting in an increased rate of accumulation of total Cr in the EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 104

Chromium in food and drinking water various tissues. In such a situation below the threshold, reduction would be efficient and allow only low level systemic absorption of Cr(III). Exceedance of the threshold would be expected to appear as a positive change in the slope of the tissue Cr concentration versus drinking water concentration. Stern et al. (2010) reported that analysis of available experimental data (NTP, 2007; NTP 2010) indicated that the dose-reponse data were inconsistent with the existence of such a reduction threshold since the curves were supra-linear across all doses. The authors concluded that their findings do not support the hypothesis that the reduction capacity of the mouse gastroitestinal tract was exceeded within the dose range of the NTP study, where hyperplasia was seen as all doses. Thus at least some Cr(VI) seems to escape gastric reduction. The authors further corroborated this conclusion by comparing the estimated Cr(VI) intake rate to the estimated reducing capacity of the mouse gastric fluid, domstrating that only the estimated intake rate for female mice at the highest Cr(VI) water concentration in the NTP study exceeds the estimated reduction rate. Furthermore, the authors added the arguments that the half-time for gastric emptying of liquids in the mouse has been reported to amount to < 5-9 minutes and that Cr(VI) can be absorbed directly through the stomach membranes. Thus, they argued that even when the hourly rate of Cr(VI) reduction would greatly exceed the hourly rate of Cr(VI) intake, a substantial fraction of the ingested Cr(VI) can be expected to escape reduction by being transported from the stomach to the small intestine. Finally, the authors concluded that, based on pharmacokinetic data in both mice and humans, even low, environmentally relevant doses of Cr(VI) are likely to escape reduction in the stomach, due to the ability of absorption and gastric emptying to successfully compete with reduction. Zhitkovich (2011) concluded that a review of the literature showed that hexavalent chromium was not completely converted to trivalent chromium in animal or human stomachs and that bioavailability results and kinetic considerations suggest that 10-20 % of ingested low dose Cr(VI) would not be reduced in the GI system of humans. Zhitkovich argued that on the basis of the reported high reduction capacity of the stomach (> 80 mg/day), the rate of reduction by gastric juice under fasting conditions could exhibit pseudo first-order kinetics in a broad range of low to moderate Cr(VI) concentrations. Since a fundamental property of first-order reactions is independence of the reaction half-time on concentration it is argued that the extent of gastric reduction should be the same for both very small and very large amounts of Cr(VI). It was pointed out that in line with first-order kinetics, the initial rates of reduction by human gastric juice were found to be independent of Cr(VI) concentrations and that the reduction of 0.1 mg/L Cr(VI) (the current EPA standard for total chromium) by artificial gastric juice was a first-order reaction. Furthermore, it was pointed out that a similar bioavailability of Cr(VI) for small and large doses further supports the first-order reaction kinetics of gastric reduction. In addition the review analyses literature data to estimate the percentage of Cr(VI) that would escape the stomach detoxification and concluded that overall bioavailability and gastric reduction rate-based estimations suggest that 10-20 % Cr(VI) ingested with water escapes the gastric inactivation and reaches the small intestine. For example the fact that 10.6 % and 2.1 % of an equal dose of Cr(VI) was excreted in urine upon dosing directly into the duodenum or upon oral ingestion, respectively, was taken to calculate that upon oral intake 2.1/10.6 x 100 % = 19.8 % of the oral dose of Cr(VI) reached the duodenum and escapes reduction in the stomach. The author notes that these estimates do not apply to the consumption of water with food, which is expected to promote Cr(VI) reduction through increased stomach residence time and delivery of additional reducers. The Panel noted that these calculations assumed that Cr(III) would not be absorbed at all which is not fully correct. The author also compared estimated reduction rates for Cr(VI) by human gastric juice at physiological temperature (t 1/2 =7 min) and the time for human stomach emptying (t1/2 = 15.2 min) to calculate that 22.2 % of Cr(VI) will reach the duodenum. Taking all together Zhitkovic concluded that the bioavailability results and kinetic considerations indicate incomplete gastric detoxification of Cr(VI) at environmental levels of exposure. Proctor et al. (2012) performed ex vivo studies using stomach contents of rats and mice to quantify Cr(VI) reduction rate and capacity for loading rates amounting to 1-400 mg Cr(VI)/L stomach contents, which are in the range of recent bioassays. Cr(VI) reduction followed mixed second-order kinetics, dependent on the concentrations of both Cr(VI) and the native reducing agents. EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 105

Chromium in <strong>food</strong> and <strong>drinking</strong> <strong>water</strong><br />

various tissues. In such a situation below the threshold, reduction would be efficient and allow only<br />

low level systemic absorption of Cr(III). Exceedance of the threshold would be expected to appear as<br />

a positive change in the slope of the tissue Cr concentration versus <strong>drinking</strong> <strong>water</strong> concentration. Stern<br />

et al. (2010) reported that analysis of available experimental data (NTP, 2007; NTP 2010) indicated<br />

that the dose-reponse data were inconsistent with the existence of such a reduction threshold since the<br />

curves were supra-linear across all doses. The authors concluded that their findings do not support the<br />

hypothesis that the reduction capacity of the mouse gastroitestinal tract was exceeded within the dose<br />

range of the NTP study, where hyperplasia was seen as all doses. Thus at least some Cr(VI) seems to<br />

escape gastric reduction. The authors further corroborated this conclusion by comparing the estimated<br />

Cr(VI) intake rate to the estimated reducing capacity of the mouse gastric fluid, domstrating that only<br />

the estimated intake rate for female mice at the highest Cr(VI) <strong>water</strong> concentration in the NTP study<br />

exceeds the estimated reduction rate. Furthermore, the authors added the arguments that the half-time<br />

for gastric emptying of liquids in the mouse has been reported to amount to < 5-9 minutes and that<br />

Cr(VI) can be absorbed directly through the stomach membranes. Thus, they argued that even when<br />

the hourly rate of Cr(VI) reduction would greatly exceed the hourly rate of Cr(VI) intake, a substantial<br />

fraction of the ingested Cr(VI) can be expected to escape reduction by being transported from the<br />

stomach to the small intestine. Finally, the authors concluded that, based on pharmacokinetic data in<br />

both mice and humans, even low, environmentally relevant doses of Cr(VI) are likely to escape<br />

reduction in the stomach, due to the ability of absorption and gastric emptying to successfully compete<br />

with reduction.<br />

Zhitkovich (2011) concluded that a review of the literature showed that hexavalent <strong>chromium</strong> was not<br />

completely converted to trivalent <strong>chromium</strong> in animal or human stomachs and that bioavailability<br />

results and kinetic considerations suggest that 10-20 % of ingested low dose Cr(VI) would not be<br />

reduced in the GI system of humans. Zhitkovich argued that on the basis of the reported high<br />

reduction capacity of the stomach (> 80 mg/day), the rate of reduction by gastric juice under fasting<br />

conditions could exhibit pseudo first-order kinetics in a broad range of low to moderate Cr(VI)<br />

concentrations. Since a fundamental property of first-order reactions is independence of the reaction<br />

half-time on concentration it is argued that the extent of gastric reduction should be the same for both<br />

very small and very large amounts of Cr(VI). It was pointed out that in line with first-order kinetics,<br />

the initial rates of reduction by human gastric juice were found to be independent of Cr(VI)<br />

concentrations and that the reduction of 0.1 mg/L Cr(VI) (the current EPA standard for total<br />

<strong>chromium</strong>) by artificial gastric juice was a first-order reaction. Furthermore, it was pointed out that a<br />

similar bioavailability of Cr(VI) for small and large doses further supports the first-order reaction<br />

kinetics of gastric reduction. In addition the review analyses literature data to estimate the percentage<br />

of Cr(VI) that would escape the stomach detoxification and concluded that overall bioavailability and<br />

gastric reduction rate-based estimations suggest that 10-20 % Cr(VI) ingested with <strong>water</strong> escapes the<br />

gastric inactivation and reaches the small intestine. For example the fact that 10.6 % and 2.1 % of an<br />

equal dose of Cr(VI) was excreted in urine upon dosing directly into the duodenum or upon oral<br />

ingestion, respectively, was taken to calculate that upon oral intake 2.1/10.6 x 100 % = 19.8 % of the<br />

oral dose of Cr(VI) reached the duodenum and escapes reduction in the stomach. The author notes<br />

that these estimates do not apply to the consumption of <strong>water</strong> with <strong>food</strong>, which is expected to promote<br />

Cr(VI) reduction through increased stomach residence time and delivery of additional reducers. The<br />

Panel noted that these calculations assumed that Cr(III) would not be absorbed at all which is not fully<br />

correct.<br />

The author also compared estimated reduction rates for Cr(VI) by human gastric juice at physiological<br />

temperature (t 1/2 =7 min) and the time for human stomach emptying (t1/2 = 15.2 min) to calculate that<br />

22.2 % of Cr(VI) will reach the duodenum. Taking all together Zhitkovic concluded that the<br />

bioavailability results and kinetic considerations indicate incomplete gastric detoxification of Cr(VI)<br />

at environmental levels of exposure.<br />

Proctor et al. (2012) performed ex vivo studies using stomach contents of rats and mice to quantify<br />

Cr(VI) reduction rate and capacity for loading rates amounting to 1-400 mg Cr(VI)/L stomach<br />

contents, which are in the range of recent bioassays. Cr(VI) reduction followed mixed second-order<br />

kinetics, dependent on the concentrations of both Cr(VI) and the native reducing agents.<br />

EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 105

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