
efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water efsa-opinion-chromium-food-drinking-water

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Chromium in food and drinking water 1997 but retracted in 2006 by the editors because ‘financial and intellectual input to the paper by outside parties was not disclosed’ (Brandt-Rauf, 2006). Thereafter, Beaumont et al. (2008) and Kerger et al. (2009) published two independent re-analyses of these data. Presence of Cr(VI) (in 75 of 265 wells) was confirmed in both studies but these authors disagreed as to what exposure in later years can be assessed in the drinking water in five villages along a path of the groundwater contamination from the alloy plant from 1965-1979. All cancer mortality and stomach and lung cancer mortality rates (crude and age adjusted) were calculated for the five areas/villages in the contamination zone per 100 000 person years and compared with the rates of four non-contaminated areas which included the industrial town surrounding the ferrochromium alloy plant. The association between Cr exposure and cancer mortality, based on the five villages in the contamination zone and the various comparison groups was quantified using risk ratios (using a Poisson distribution for calculation of 95 % confidence intervals). Beaumont et al. (2008) found a statistically significant ratio of 1.82 (95 % CI: 1.11-2.91) or 1.69 (95 % CI: 1.12-2.44) for stomach cancer when comparing to controls either four or only three areas (excluding the town TangHeZi), respectively. However, Kerger et al. (2009) could not confirm such an increase and calculated a non significant risk ratio of 1.22 (CI: 0.74-2.01) when excluding the town. For other than stomach and lung cancer none of the two investigations reported statistically significant risk ratios; also not for all cancer combined. For lung cancer, Beaumont et al. (2009) obtained a statistically significant risk ratio of 1.78 (CI: 1.03-2.87) when comparing the contaminated areas with the control areas but only when excluding the town. For a discussion of the limitations of the Zhang and Li (1987) study see also Smith and Steinmaus (2009). In summary, the results of few observational studies on the effects of Cr after oral exposure are inconclusive and do not support a possible association between cancer mortality and exposures to Cr. A meta-analysis of 49 epidemiological studies published since 1950 by Cole and Rodu (2005), found statistically significant SMRs for the association between exposure to Cr(VI) (mostly in occupational environment) and cancer mortality (all cancer and 8 organ specific cancer types such as lung, stomach, prostate gland, kidney, central nervous system (CNS), leukemia, Hodgkin, and other lymphatohematopoietic). Statistically significant SMRs were identified for: all cancer = 1.1 (95 % CI: 1.1-1.2); lung 1.4 (95 % CI: 1.4-1.5) (higher for smokers than non-smokers); stomach: 1.1 (95 % CI: 1.0-1.2), and prostate: 1.1 (95 % CI: 1.0-1.3), when performing multiple statistical analyses. Except for lung cancer, the authors identified confounding and heterogenity among the studies which weakened the observed association and concluded that chromium is only weakly carcinogenic for the lung and not at all for other organs. More recently, Gatto et al. (2010) performed a meta-analysis of 32 studies based on a systematic literature review using pubmed referenced studies from 1950-2009 motivated by the findings of the NTP in animals and the public concerns on cancer risk of Cr (including the controversial discussion of the study in Liaoning Province, China). The study aimed to examine the question of whether cancers observed in rodents are relevant to humans, and whether epidemiologic findings for GI cancers among Cr(VI)-exposed workers can contribute to a weight of evidence analysis for cancer risk assessment. The study was undertaken under the premise that ‘although occupational exposures mostly occur by inhalation, breathing in Cr(VI) could expose tissues in the GI tract due to oral respiration and redistribution of inhaled particulates from the respiratory tract to the GI tract’. Therefore, six types of GI tract tumors (oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, and small intestine) were examined in detail but no statistically significant association between occupational exposure to Cr(VI) and any of those cancers were found and the authors concluded that this work indicates that Cr(VI) workers are not at greater risk of GI cancers than the general population. In conclusion, the data from the limited number of human studies do not show convincing evidence of an association between oral exposure to total Cr or Cr(VI) and adverse health effects including cancer. The data cannot be used for a dose-response analysis since the data on exposure are too limited or inadequate. EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 100

Chromium in food and drinking water Allergenic response Oral doses of potassium dichromate exacerbated the dermatitis of sensitized individuals. Worsening of dermatitis was observed in a randomized double-blind cross-over study in 11 of 31 Cr-sensitive individuals after ingestion of 0.036 mg Cr(VI)/kg b.w. as potassium dichromate (Kaaber and Veien, 1977). Goitre et al. (1982) carried out an oral tolerance test using 7 mg K 2 Cr 2 O 7 equivalent to 2.5 mg Cr in an 52 year old worker with a 20 year history of chromuium contact dermatitis with mild potassium dichromate sensitivity. At 2.5 mg Cr an increased local itching after 2 days was observed. Applying 5 mg Cr led to appearance of dysdrotic lesions on the hands 12 h after intake, microbial invasion with slight lymphangitis, axillary lymphadenitis and fever. Insufficient data are available to assess the allergenic potential of Cr(VI) by oral exposure. Developmental and reproductive toxicity The Reproductive and Cancer Assessment Branch of the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment of the CA EPA evaluated in 2009 Cr(VI) for developmental and reproductive toxicity including human data. Two studies on developmental toxicity were identified by CA EPA: The matched case-control study of Aschengrau et al. (1993) that associated late adverse pregnancy outcomes (congenital abnormlity, stillbirth, neonatal death) in the period 1977-1980) with drinking water quality in Boston (MA) in USA and the study of Eizaguirre-Garcia et al. (2000) on birth defects (congenital anomalies) in a population near Glasgow (UK) which has been reported in Section, in particular, for the investigation of leukemia risks. Both studies geo-linked exposure to Cr including Cr in drinking water to effects and were unable to identify statistically significant associations between estimated exposure and developmental effects although the odds ratio for all stillbirth in the first study was elevated (adjusted OR = 1.2). CA EPA noted several limitations of both studies regarding the definition of the exposure, time-delay between conception and exposure determination, co-exposure, selection of the endpoint. For female reproductive toxicity with direct exposure to Cr(VI) (i.e. not mediated via male exposure) only studies from Russia (Shmitova, 1978, 1980) were available which had been assessed by ATSDR (2012). The cited rates of birth complications were larger than 70 % in exposed women reflecting possibly both exposure and working conditions when that of controls were larger than 40 %. Because the publication were in Russian and the ATSDR judgement of poor study quality and reporting no conclusions were made. Male reproductive toxicity studies on Cr(VI) has been studied extensively for welding occupations in stainless steel production regarding semen quality, infertility, fecundability and male-mediated spontaneous abortion, in particular, in Danish populations but also in India. Since the studies were based on exposure measurements on ambient air of the occupational site or on urine or blood (whole blood, erythrocytes) concentrations of workers the CONTAM Panel could not use their results to assess developmental and reproductive toxicity of Cr(VI) in food and water. 7.3.3. Other observations in humans The Chinese Public Health Epidemiological Study investigated the association between oral cancer and Cr concentrations in blood and in farm soil in 79 patients from Changhua County in Taiwan recruited from 2008 to 2009 in one single hospital in Changhua (Chiang et al., 2010). Using n = 641 controls identified as non-cancer residents log(Cr) blood levels were regressed, using piecewise linear and rank regression on log(Cr) farm soil concentrations adjusted for covariates (using a propensity type balancing score) and a statistically significant association (p < 0.02) was found. A case-control study on the association of oral cancer with Cr and Ni exposure concentrations in blood in patients from the same hospital in Changhua County was reported later by Yuan et al. (2011). Blood levels of nickel and Cr in oral cancer cases were 1.6 and 1.4 times higher, respectively, than EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 101

Chromium in <strong>food</strong> and <strong>drinking</strong> <strong>water</strong><br /> Allergenic response<br />

Oral doses of potassium dichromate exacerbated the dermatitis of sensitized individuals.<br />

Worsening of dermatitis was observed in a randomized double-blind cross-over study in 11 of<br />

31 Cr-sensitive individuals after ingestion of 0.036 mg Cr(VI)/kg b.w. as potassium dichromate<br />

(Kaaber and Veien, 1977).<br />

Goitre et al. (1982) carried out an oral tolerance test using 7 mg K 2 Cr 2 O 7 equivalent to 2.5 mg Cr in an<br />

52 year old worker with a 20 year history of chromuium contact dermatitis with mild potassium<br />

dichromate sensitivity. At 2.5 mg Cr an increased local itching after 2 days was observed. Applying<br />

5 mg Cr led to appearance of dysdrotic lesions on the hands 12 h after intake, microbial invasion with<br />

slight lymphangitis, axillary lymphadenitis and fever.<br />

Insufficient data are available to assess the allergenic potential of Cr(VI) by oral exposure.<br /> Developmental and reproductive toxicity<br />

The Reproductive and Cancer Assessment Branch of the Office of Environmental Health Hazard<br />

Assessment of the CA EPA evaluated in 2009 Cr(VI) for developmental and reproductive toxicity<br />

including human data.<br />

Two studies on developmental toxicity were identified by CA EPA: The matched case-control study<br />

of Aschengrau et al. (1993) that associated late adverse pregnancy outcomes (congenital abnormlity,<br />

stillbirth, neonatal death) in the period 1977-1980) with <strong>drinking</strong> <strong>water</strong> quality in Boston (MA) in<br />

USA and the study of Eizaguirre-Garcia et al. (2000) on birth defects (congenital anomalies) in a<br />

population near Glasgow (UK) which has been reported in Section, in particular, for the<br />

investigation of leukemia risks. Both studies geo-linked exposure to Cr including Cr in <strong>drinking</strong> <strong>water</strong><br />

to effects and were unable to identify statistically significant associations between estimated exposure<br />

and developmental effects although the odds ratio for all stillbirth in the first study was elevated<br />

(adjusted OR = 1.2). CA EPA noted several limitations of both studies regarding the definition of the<br />

exposure, time-delay between conception and exposure determination, co-exposure, selection of the<br />

endpoint.<br />

For female reproductive toxicity with direct exposure to Cr(VI) (i.e. not mediated via male exposure)<br />

only studies from Russia (Shmitova, 1978, 1980) were available which had been assessed by ATSDR<br />

(2012). The cited rates of birth complications were larger than 70 % in exposed women reflecting<br />

possibly both exposure and working conditions when that of controls were larger than 40 %. Because<br />

the publication were in Russian and the ATSDR judgement of poor study quality and reporting no<br />

conclusions were made.<br />

Male reproductive toxicity studies on Cr(VI) has been studied extensively for welding occupations in<br />

stainless steel production regarding semen quality, infertility, fecundability and male-mediated<br />

spontaneous abortion, in particular, in Danish populations but also in India. Since the studies were<br />

based on exposure measurements on ambient air of the occupational site or on urine or blood (whole<br />

blood, erythrocytes) concentrations of workers the CONTAM Panel could not use their results to<br />

assess developmental and reproductive toxicity of Cr(VI) in <strong>food</strong> and <strong>water</strong>.<br />

7.3.3. Other observations in humans<br />

The Chinese Public Health Epidemiological Study investigated the association between oral cancer<br />

and Cr concentrations in blood and in farm soil in 79 patients from Changhua County in Taiwan<br />

recruited from 2008 to 2009 in one single hospital in Changhua (Chiang et al., 2010). Using<br />

n = 641 controls identified as non-cancer residents log(Cr) blood levels were regressed, using<br />

piecewise linear and rank regression on log(Cr) farm soil concentrations adjusted for covariates (using<br />

a propensity type balancing score) and a statistically significant association (p < 0.02) was found. A<br />

case-control study on the association of oral cancer with Cr and Ni exposure concentrations in blood<br />

in patients from the same hospital in Changhua County was reported later by Yuan et al. (2011).<br />

Blood levels of nickel and Cr in oral cancer cases were 1.6 and 1.4 times higher, respectively, than<br />

EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3595 101

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