Liquid-Liquid Extraction Theory - Chemical Engineering

Liquid-Liquid Extraction Theory - Chemical Engineering Liquid-Liquid Extraction Theory - Chemical Engineering


Department of Chemical Engineering Unit Operations Laboratory Liquid-Liquid Extraction Theory This web-page provides important information on liquid-liquid extraction theory and related issues: o Liquid-Liquid Extraction Theory o Determination of Composition by Titration Method o Computer Simulation o Degrees of Freedom/Sensitivity o Material and Energy Balances o Properties o Statistical Analysis o Important Remarks Liquid-Liquid Extraction Theory The theory is well developed for the prediction of liquid-liquid extraction column operations. This section provides an overview of some of the equations and theory associated with liquidliquid extraction. For additional theory development, see Resources. When LLE is performed, different phases form—the continuous phase and the dispersed phase. When an experiment is performed, the column will be first filled with water. This is the continuous phase. Then the butyl acetate/acetone feed stream will be introduced as the dispersed phase. Several approaches can be taken in theoretical analysis: • Graphical (triangular phase diagram) • Shortcut Methods (Absorption factor method) • Rigorous plate-to-plate calculations The graphical and shortcut methods are specifically for steady state operations. The rigorous plate-to-plate calculations can easily be performed with available computer aided engineering flowsheet simulation programs or special purpose distillation programs. There are several measures that can be used to determine the performance of a column. The most traditional are the "number of transfer units" (NTU) and the "number of equivalent theoretical plates" (NETP). The NTU method is theoretically more satisfying in that the theory behind it is based on continuous contact mass transfer models. The NETP has no theoretical basis and is evaluated empirically. NTU/HTU Approach Modified: 4/19/2007 Kevin M. Sapp page 1/4 Original Document: Jullie Lawson © 2007

Department of <strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong><br />

Unit Operations Laboratory<br />

<strong>Liquid</strong>-<strong>Liquid</strong> <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Theory</strong><br />

This web-page provides important information on liquid-liquid extraction theory and related<br />

issues:<br />

o <strong>Liquid</strong>-<strong>Liquid</strong> <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Theory</strong><br />

o Determination of Composition by Titration Method<br />

o Computer Simulation<br />

o Degrees of Freedom/Sensitivity<br />

o Material and Energy Balances<br />

o Properties<br />

o Statistical Analysis<br />

o Important Remarks<br />

<strong>Liquid</strong>-<strong>Liquid</strong> <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Theory</strong><br />

The theory is well developed for the prediction of liquid-liquid extraction column operations.<br />

This section provides an overview of some of the equations and theory associated with liquidliquid<br />

extraction. For additional theory development, see Resources.<br />

When LLE is performed, different phases form—the continuous phase and the dispersed phase.<br />

When an experiment is performed, the column will be first filled with water. This is the<br />

continuous phase. Then the butyl acetate/acetone feed stream will be introduced as the dispersed<br />

phase.<br />

Several approaches can be taken in theoretical analysis:<br />

• Graphical (triangular phase diagram)<br />

• Shortcut Methods (Absorption factor method)<br />

• Rigorous plate-to-plate calculations<br />

The graphical and shortcut methods are specifically for steady state operations. The rigorous<br />

plate-to-plate calculations can easily be performed with available computer aided engineering<br />

flowsheet simulation programs or special purpose distillation programs.<br />

There are several measures that can be used to determine the performance of a column. The most<br />

traditional are the "number of transfer units" (NTU) and the "number of equivalent theoretical<br />

plates" (NETP). The NTU method is theoretically more satisfying in that the theory behind it is<br />

based on continuous contact mass transfer models. The NETP has no theoretical basis and is<br />

evaluated empirically.<br />

NTU/HTU Approach<br />

Modified: 4/19/2007 Kevin M. Sapp page 1/4<br />

Original Document: Jullie Lawson © 2007

Department of <strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong><br />

Unit Operations Laboratory<br />

One approach to evaluating the NTU is based on the absorption factor. The absorption factor<br />

method assumes that Henry's Law is valid, which is usually only true for (very) dilute solutions.<br />

If the NTU is evaluated using the absorption factor method, is essential that the Henry's Law is<br />

validated, as it is a fundamental assumption (and more importantly, it isn't really true for this<br />

experiment).<br />

NTP/HETP Approach<br />

The procedure for determining the HETP ("height equivalent to a theoretical plate") can be more<br />

involved. One approach is to use the phase diagrams and step off the number of theoretical<br />

plates (NTP) to achieve the LLE separation observed and dividing this number into the height of<br />

the packing.<br />

An alternate method of determining the equivalent NTPs is to use a computer model. Go to the<br />

Computer Simulation section of this document for an outline of this approach.<br />

Determination of Sample Concentration by Titration<br />

Titration of samples will occur in a solution of hydroxylamine hydrochloride (HCl) with a 0.1 M<br />

sodium hydroxide (NaOH) titrant. Use caution when handling the hydroxylamine HCl solution,<br />

as it is highly corrosive. The chemical mechanism of the titration is available in the Titration<br />

Handout written by Young Seok Kim. A step-by-step titration procedure is available on the<br />

<strong>Liquid</strong>-<strong>Liquid</strong> <strong>Extraction</strong> Operation web page.<br />

From the following data, the volume percent of acetone in samples can be calculated:<br />

1. initial pH of hydroxylamine HCl solution (~3.5)<br />

2. initial level of 0.1 N NaOH in the burette<br />

3. pH of solution with sample<br />

4. final level of 0.1 N NaOH in the burette<br />

5. final pH of the titrated solution (as a check that you stopped the titration at the end point)<br />

Next, calculate the volume of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution required to bring the pH of the<br />

solution back to the initial pH. The volume percent of acetone in the sample is equal to the<br />

NaOH volume multiplied by 0.78. The chemistry behind this titration is explained in the<br />

Titration Mechanism handout.<br />

Computer Simulation<br />

Modified: 4/19/2007 Kevin M. Sapp page 2/4<br />

Original Document: Jullie Lawson © 2007

Department of <strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong><br />

Unit Operations Laboratory<br />

Using your knowledge and resources on <strong>Liquid</strong>-<strong>Liquid</strong> <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Theory</strong>, develop a theoretical<br />

basis for predicting steady-state temperatures, pressures, flows, compositions, etc. for your<br />

experimental conditions. Use these results to plan your experimental runs then compare your<br />

actual results with those predicted.<br />

Following the NTP/HETP method, several simulations (using different numbers of theoretical<br />

plates) are made to predict the performance of the column. The simulation exit concentration<br />

values are used to calculate the separation factors which are plotted as a function of the number<br />

of theoretical plates. The resulting plot is used to determine the equivalent NTP (this may include<br />

a fractional plate). The "height equivalent to a theoretical plate" (HETP) is then just the height<br />

of the column packing divided by the NTP.<br />

HYSYS is an excellent programming resource for computer simulation of liquid-liquid<br />

extraction columns. Use of a Three-Phase Separator is recommended. Aspen Plus is useful in<br />

creating phase diagrams for liquid-liquid extraction column design and analysis. Other computer<br />

programs are available as well.<br />

Degrees of Freedom/Sensitivity<br />

The main independent variables available for study in the experiments include:<br />

• Flow rates (water feed, butyl acetate/acetone feed)<br />

• Column size and packing<br />

Consider effects of changes of these variables on key liquid-liquid extraction performance<br />

indicators. Note that there are limits to the control of these variables with the equipment<br />

available, and not all of these variables will affect performance in a measurable way.<br />

Material and Energy Balances<br />

Use the experimentally determined compositions and flow rates to determine overall and<br />

component material balances. It is particularly important to perform an acetone mass balance<br />

during operation in order to check for the steady-state condition. Resolve any data discrepancies<br />

and obtain closure on the material balances.<br />

Properties<br />

Properties for acetone, butyl acetate, and water are well known. Material and Safety Data Sheets<br />

for these major components are available for download on the web page.<br />

Modified: 4/19/2007 Kevin M. Sapp page 3/4<br />

Original Document: Jullie Lawson © 2007

Department of <strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong><br />

Unit Operations Laboratory<br />

HYSYS DISTIL can be used to create a ternary phase diagram for the system of water, acetone,<br />

and butyl acetate. Preparation of XY phase diagrams for the experimental conditions is strongly<br />

recommended. Note the importance of selecting an appropriate property estimation model.<br />

Use available correlations to estimate the mass diffusivities.<br />

Statistical Analysis<br />

Apply appropriate statistical procedures to determine the apparent error in results.<br />

Important Remarks<br />

Whenever possible, measure variables several times and different ways to verify values.<br />

Check and double-check valves and settings. If the column malfunctions and there is an overflow<br />

or spill, there can be considerable effort required to clean up the laboratory.<br />

Modified: 4/19/2007 Kevin M. Sapp page 4/4<br />

Original Document: Jullie Lawson © 2007

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