2009 Pittcon Final Program - Pittcon Web Archives

2009 Pittcon Final Program - Pittcon Web Archives

2009 Pittcon Final Program - Pittcon Web Archives


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<strong>Pittcon</strong> <strong>2009</strong> Technical <strong>Program</strong><br />

(500-8 P) Capacitive Biosensor for Trace DNA Detection APON<br />

NUMNUAM, Prince of Songkla University, Panote Thavarungkul, Proespichaya<br />

Kanatharana, Punnee Asawatreratnakul, Bo Mattiasson<br />

(500-9 P) Novel Fluorescent Peptides for Detection of Vascular<br />

Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) YOSHIO SUZUKI, AIST, Kenji Yokoyama<br />

(500-10 P) Environmental Sensing of Dichloromethane with Living<br />

Bioluminescent Bacterial Bioreporters NICHOLAS JOHN LOPES, Center for<br />

Environmental Biotechnology, Shawn Hawkins, Gary Sayler, Steve Ripp, Scott<br />

Moser<br />

POSTER SESSION Session 510<br />

All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until<br />

4:30 PM. You cannot get onto the exposition floor until after 9:00 AM.<br />

Authors must be present from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the<br />

posters is on the center of the Exposition Floor - Aisles 2400-3700.<br />

Chemical Analysis of Art and Archaeological Objects<br />

Monday Morning<br />

(510-1 P) Determining the Efficacy of an Alternative Cleaning Method for<br />

Radiocarbon Dating of Archaeological Textiles RUTH ANN ARMITAGE,<br />

Eastern Michigan University, Deidre Hardemon, Christina Phillips<br />

(510-2 P) Development of Effective Chemical Pretreatments for “Nondestructive”<br />

Radiocarbon Dating of Fragile Artifacts RUTH ANN<br />

ARMITAGE, Eastern Michigan University, Mary Ellen Ellis<br />

(510-3 P) Analysis of Archaeological Soils After 30 Years of Storage:<br />

Implications for Site Usage Determinations RUTH ANN ARMITAGE,<br />

Eastern Michigan University, Christina Dean, Silas Hurry<br />

(510-4 P) Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Proteinaceous Binders<br />

in Rock Paintings RUTH ANN ARMITAGE, Eastern Michigan University,<br />

Geneve Maxwell, Melissa Doolin<br />

(510-5 P) Clinical Test Strips in the Analysis of Binders in Rock Paintings<br />

DANIEL FRASER, Lourdes College, Ruth Ann Armitage<br />

(510-6 P) Non-Destructive Analysis of a Japanese Painting YASUHIRO<br />

HAYAKAWA, Nat'l Res. Ins. for Cultural Properties<br />

POSTER SESSION Session 520<br />

All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until<br />

4:30 PM. You cannot get onto the exposition floor until after 9:00 AM.<br />

Authors must be present from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the<br />

posters is on the center of the Exposition Floor - Aisles 2400-3700.<br />

Chemometrics<br />

Monday Morning<br />

(520-1 P) Pretreatment of Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Data<br />

Prior to Chemometric Analysis JOHN W MCILROY, Michigan State<br />

University, Lucas J Marshall, Ruth W Smith, A D Jones, Victoria L McGuffin<br />

POSTER SESSION Session 530<br />

All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until<br />

4:30 PM. You cannot get onto the exposition floor until after 9:00 AM.<br />

Authors must be present from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the<br />

posters is on the center of the Exposition Floor - Aisles 2400-3700.<br />

Clinical/Toxicology Application<br />

Monday Morning<br />

(530-1 P) Effect of Gradually Increasing Intensities of Exercise on Serum<br />

Cholesterol Levels in Indian Athletes RANDEEP BHULLAR, Punjabi<br />

University<br />

(530-2 P) Determination of Cortisol and Progesterone in Human Serum<br />

Using Stable Isotope Dilution Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass<br />

Spectrometry. HISASHI KATO, NMIJ, AIST, Migaku Kawaguchi, Akiko<br />

Takatsu<br />

(530-3 P) High Speed Analysis of Low Level Estrogens and Their<br />

Metabolites from Biological Samples WILLIAM HEDGEPETH, Shimadzu<br />

Scientific Instruments, Robert Jay Classon<br />

(530-4 P) Exploring the Effects of TiO 2 Nanoparticles on Cell Function<br />

with Carbon-Fiber Microelectrode Amperometry MELISSA MAURER-<br />

JONES, University of Minnesota, Christy L Haynes<br />

(530-5 P) Effects of Heat and Light on Triclosan Mouth Rinse Solutions<br />

BRYAN HOANG, University of Utah<br />

(530-6 P) Fast Blood Alcohol Analysis Using Two New Specialized GC<br />

Column Phases KORY KELLY, Phenomenex, Sky Countryman, Jim Archer,<br />

Darcel Hunter<br />

(530-7 P) Detection of Alcohol Metabolites in Urine with HPLC Coupled<br />

with Conductivity Detection MELINDA WILSON, University of Maryland,<br />

Baltimore County, William R LaCourse<br />

(530-8 P) An Improved Method for Aluminum Analysis in the Serum and<br />

Urine of Dialysis Patients: Contamination, Interferences and Method<br />

Development MATTHEW MICHAEL HANLEY, Mayo Clinic, Thomas P Moyer,<br />

Amanda Olson, Susan Hedlund, Mary Ann Wada, Jonathan Good, Dianna<br />

Bowden<br />

(530-9 P) A Novel Ion Exchange Polymer for Drugs of Abuse in Oral Fluid<br />

WILLIAM HUDSON, Varian Inc.<br />

(530-10 P) Forensic Screening Using Scheduled Multiple Reaction<br />

Monitoring on an LC/MS/MS System and Automatic Library Searching<br />

ANDRE SCHREIBER, Applied Biosystems, Robert Ian Ellis, Tania Sasaki,<br />

Sebastian Dresen, Wolfgang Weinmann<br />

(530-11 P) Determination of Methyl Mercury in Urine Samples with<br />

Automated Dynamic Headspace Sampling and Plasma Emission Detection<br />

EIKE KLEINE-BENNE, Gerstel GmbH & Co.KG, Hans-Wolfgang Hoppe<br />

(530-12 P) Generic LCMS Method Using TurboFlow On-line SPE in Support<br />

of Tox and Clinical Studies AMY J RICHTER, Abbott, Ryan H Lee, Auratip A<br />

Paramadilok, Katty X Wan, Matthew J Rieser<br />

(530-13 P) Extraction of Corticosteroids from Urine:- Method Optimization<br />

using EVOLUTE ABN prior to LC-MS/MS Analysis LEE DARRAN<br />

WILLIAMS, Biotage GB Limited, Helen Lodder, Rhys Jones, Steve Plant, Steve<br />

Jordan, Matthew Cleeve, Richard Calverley, Joanna Caulfield<br />

(530-14 P) Automated Sample Preparation for High-Throughput Analysis<br />

of Trans-Fatty Acids ASHLEY RIBERA, CDC ASHLEY RIBERA, CDC, Amy<br />

Dawn Watson, Hubert Vesper, Gary Myers<br />

(530-15 P) Determination of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene,<br />

Phenols and Aromatic Acids in Teeth using Solid-Phase Microextraction<br />

followed by HPLC and GC/MS MANUEL VALIENTE, Universitat Autonoma de<br />

Barcelona, Johannes L Gonzalez<br />

POSTER SESSION Session 540<br />

All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until<br />

4:30 PM. You cannot get onto the exposition floor until after 9:00 AM.<br />

Authors must be present from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the<br />

posters is on the center of the Exposition Floor - Aisles 2400-3700.<br />

Data Analysis and Manipulation<br />

Monday Morning<br />

(540-1 P) Analyzer Device Integration - How to Connect the Silos of PAT<br />


(540-2 P) Comparative Analysis of GCxGC Data for Food Flavorants<br />

Differentiation DANIELA CAVAGNINO, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Flavio<br />

Bedini, Trisa Robarge, Benoit Celse<br />

(540-3 P) Data Analysis Challenges in Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility<br />

Systems Characterization LARA JAMIESON, Owlstone, Ashley Wilks<br />

(540-4 P) Multi-type Templates with Peak Sets, Areas, and Meshes for<br />

Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GCxGC)<br />

STEPHEN REICHENBACH, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Qingping Tao,<br />

Daniel E Hutchinson, Stella B Cabanban, Hung A Pham, Wayne E Rathbun,<br />

Haiyan Wang<br />

(540-5 P) Getting More Done with Less Effort: Usability Advances in a<br />

New Chromatography Data System JAMES A SCHIBLER, Dionex<br />

Corporation, David G Moore, Damon R Gragg, Martina Oefelein, Peter Sauter<br />

(540-6 P) SLICE: A Database Approach to Energy Dispersive XRF<br />

Spectroscopy DENNIS C WARD, xk, Inc., John W Colby, Andrew Whitley,<br />

Sergey Mamedov, Jon Goldey<br />

(540-7 P) Chemical Group Analysis using Smart Templates with<br />

Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography with Mass<br />

Spectrometry (GCxGC-MS) STEPHEN REICHENBACH, University of<br />

Nebraska - Lincoln, Qingping Tao, Edward B Ledford, Stella B Cabanban, Hung<br />

A Pham, Wayne E Rathbun, Haiyan Wang<br />

Monday, a.m., March 9<br />


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