Sea Turtle Recovery Action Plan for Barbados - WIDECAST

Sea Turtle Recovery Action Plan for Barbados - WIDECAST

Sea Turtle Recovery Action Plan for Barbados - WIDECAST


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CEP Technical Report No. 12<br />

and take it to BRI. Dead animals are identified to species, measured, and examined <strong>for</strong> possible<br />

cause of death. Stomach contents and tissue samples are preserved. Injured animals (hawksbills<br />

and green turtles) are usually those that have partially drowned in nets, but human-induced<br />

injuries have also included embedded fish hooks, spear and bullet wounds, and injuries caused<br />

by dynamite blasts and boat propellers. Several leatherbacks have stranded alive with missing<br />

limbs caused by predators, presumably sharks. BRI staff and two veterinary surgeons treat sick<br />

and injured animals. BRI has several seawater tanks suitable <strong>for</strong> rehabilitation.<br />

<strong>Sea</strong> turtle data-base: Data derived from the monitoring of sea turtle nesting activity<br />

(e.g., numbers and locations of nests, numbers of poached nests, numbers of disoriented<br />

hatchlings, data from nests excavated after hatchling emergence) and data derived from sea turtle<br />

strandings are compiled and maintained at BRI. Fisheries Division (and other interested<br />

agencies) are provided with data upon request.<br />

Increasing environmental awareness: The frequent visits by BRI staff to beaches result in<br />

lengthy discussions and exchange of in<strong>for</strong>mation with the person who made the report and other<br />

onlookers. Staff carry copies of the <strong>Barbados</strong> Environmental Association's leaflet with them and<br />

distribute this in<strong>for</strong>mation to interested persons. Many people who report a nest also look out <strong>for</strong><br />

the nest's safety (from poachers, storms, etc.) during the incubation period, and in<strong>for</strong>m BRI of<br />

any potential problems. BRI and Fisheries personnel give talks on sea turtle biology and<br />

conservation to schools and Government departments, and provide in<strong>for</strong>mation on sea turtles to<br />

the media. BRI library offers resource material <strong>for</strong> use by school teachers and students. Other<br />

public service activities, such as requesting beachfront properties to turn off or to redirect lights<br />

away from nesting beaches, are ongoing.<br />


In this section we have outlined six projects that specifically address issues identified in<br />

the <strong>Sea</strong> <strong>Turtle</strong> <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (STRAP) <strong>for</strong> <strong>Barbados</strong> as priorities <strong>for</strong> implementation. A<br />

draft budget <strong>for</strong> these activities is presented in a later section.<br />

1. Produce a video (1/2 hr duration) <strong>for</strong> reproduction on television to increase public<br />

awareness of contemporary stresses and threats faced by sea turtles around <strong>Barbados</strong><br />

and the need <strong>for</strong> sea turtle conservation (see STRAP sections III, 4.124, 4.4).<br />

Responsible agency/group: <strong>Barbados</strong> Environmental Association and Bellairs<br />

Research Institute.<br />

2. Obtain a cellular phone, provide mileage allowance, and employ a research<br />

assistant to enhance response capability of personnel to reach beaches where turtles<br />

nest at night. This will reduce depredation of females, increase the number of<br />

females tagged, and enhance ongoing activities (see STRAP sections 4.233,<br />

4.293, 4.33 inter alia). Responsible agency/group: Bellairs Research Institute.<br />

3. Initiate daily surveys of at least two additional important nesting beaches throughout<br />

the annual breeding season to increase our knowledge of the distribution and<br />

abundance of sea turtle nesting and nest fate, including quantifying depredation,<br />

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