BOC Report and accounts 2005 - Alle jaarverslagen

BOC Report and accounts 2005 - Alle jaarverslagen

BOC Report and accounts 2005 - Alle jaarverslagen


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Operating review (comparing 2004 with 2003) 51<br />

Sales of industrial products increased in aggregate although some developed markets continued to reflect weak<br />

manufacturing activity. Business development was helped by upgrading the retail environment of outlets in some<br />

major markets <strong>and</strong> by the continued introduction of safety products to the markets in the UK,Australia <strong>and</strong><br />

South Africa.<br />

Operating exceptional items in 2004 were for the integration of the industrial <strong>and</strong> medical gases businesses of<br />

<strong>BOC</strong> <strong>and</strong> Air Liquide in Japan that began in 2003, as well as for the restructuring of the ISP business in the US<br />

following the disposal of the packaged gas business.<br />

EuropeTurnover <strong>and</strong> adjusted operating profit increased further in 2004. Manufacturing activity continued to<br />

decline in the UK but <strong>BOC</strong> maintained a strong position in the market. Improved service levels enabled selling price<br />

increases to be implemented.At the same time costs were reduced through improved productivity.<br />

Modest increases in industrial product sales were helped by rejuvenation of retail outlets in the UK. Medical<br />

product sales increased as a result of gaining additional National Health Service business <strong>and</strong> continued dem<strong>and</strong> for<br />

lightweight oxygen cylinders.The range of lightweight cylinders will be exp<strong>and</strong>ed by introducing additional sizes<br />

during <strong>2005</strong>.<br />

The new business supplying helium to Oxford Magnet Technology for medical imaging devices began in 2003<br />

<strong>and</strong> performed well throughout 2004. It was also the first full year of the refrigerant reclaim service in the UK,<br />

based on an exclusive global licence with Hudson Technologies.A range of gases for scientific applications was<br />

introduced during the year <strong>and</strong> some additional sales were generated following the launch of a mail order<br />

catalogue for gases <strong>and</strong> related products. <strong>BOC</strong>’s Sureflow beverage dispense gas operation was exp<strong>and</strong>ed by new<br />

business for Heineken outlets in Irel<strong>and</strong> during 2004.<br />

<strong>BOC</strong>’s business in Pol<strong>and</strong> was enlarged from February 2003 with the acquisition of Praxair’s Polish business.<br />

2004 was therefore the first full year of the exp<strong>and</strong>ed business <strong>and</strong> there were further integration benefits.<br />

North AmericaThe <strong>BOC</strong> Group announced on 27 January 2004 that it had signed a letter of intent to sell its US<br />

packaged gas business to Airgas.This business had turnover of approximately US$240 million in 2003.The disposal<br />

was completed on 30 July 2004 upon receipt of initial cash proceeds of US$175 million.<br />

Following this transaction, the ISP business in north America consists of bulk medical gases, bulk supplies to<br />

distributors, tube trailer <strong>and</strong> liquefied helium in the US as well as the Canadian packaged gas business. In total these<br />

elements currently generate turnover of some US$450 million a year.<br />

The impending disposal of the US packaged gas business created a challenging business environment for a<br />

significant part of the year. US sales volumes <strong>and</strong> adjusted operating profit were lower in the period prior to the<br />

disposal.<br />

Turnover increased in Canada principally as a result of the acquisition of Air Products Canadian gases <strong>and</strong><br />

related products business with effect from April 2003. Cost synergies arising from the integration further boosted<br />

adjusted operating profit in 2004.<br />

Latin AmericaTurnover increased significantly <strong>and</strong> margins improved. Growth across the region was driven<br />

principally by sales of medical products supplemented by sales of <strong>BOC</strong>-br<strong>and</strong>ed cutting <strong>and</strong> welding equipment.<br />

Sales of packaged chemicals increased in Colombia <strong>and</strong> Venezuela.<br />

Results improved strongly in Venezuela, despite a continuation of political unrest. <strong>BOC</strong>’s associated company<br />

achieved better results in Chile but there was a sharper improvement in Argentina.<br />

Selling price increases offset inflation in Venezuela <strong>and</strong> Chile but the trends were less favourable in Colombia<br />

during 2004.A new customer service centre was opened in Venezuela <strong>and</strong> new business systems were successfully<br />

implemented in Venezuela <strong>and</strong> Colombia during the year.<br />

Africa Important sections of South African industry were depressed during 2004 because of the stronger currency.<br />

R<strong>and</strong> exchange rates reduced the profitability of gold mining <strong>and</strong> manufacturing for export in particular.At the<br />

same time the cost of imported goods was lowered making them more competitive with those manufactured<br />

locally. However lower interest rates began to stimulate domestic consumption towards the end of the year.<br />

Despite the more difficult market conditions, adjusted operating profit improved significantly on the basis of<br />

a modest improvement in turnover. Margins improved as a result of better productivity <strong>and</strong> operating efficiency,<br />

partly offset by increased transport costs arising from the temporary shutdown of some key supplier facilities.<br />

Sales of cutting <strong>and</strong> welding products increased in South Africa <strong>and</strong> so did both the sales volume <strong>and</strong> the turnover<br />

of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).Turnover of special products, including refrigerants, grew particularly rapidly.<br />

Export sales of welding products manufactured by Afrox, <strong>BOC</strong>’s South African subsidiary, also increased<br />

significantly.There was a modest improvement in adjusted operating profit despite the currency disadvantage.<br />

Sales of the AfroxPac emergency oxygen kit for underground miners were substantially lower in 2004 as order<br />

intake reflected weak activity in the gold mining sector.<br />

A programme to renovate the Afrox retail network in South Africa with the development of a number of<br />

‘Gas & Gear’ outlets <strong>and</strong> a range of safety products is under way. In addition a range of diving gases <strong>and</strong> a fire<br />

suppression product have been launched in South Africa.<br />

Good progress was made in growing both turnover <strong>and</strong> adjusted operating profit in the other southern<br />

African countries during 2004.A new carbon dioxide plant supported growth in Nigeria.<br />

JapanThe basis of accounting for <strong>BOC</strong>’s business in Japan changed during 2003 as a result of a merger. Full details<br />

can be seen in the PGS section on page 49. In 2004 ISP’s turnover in Japan was slightly less than the previous year<br />

but adjusted operating profit was higher through cost savings following the merger <strong>and</strong> from some asset disposals.

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