BOC Report and accounts 2005 - Alle jaarverslagen

BOC Report and accounts 2005 - Alle jaarverslagen

BOC Report and accounts 2005 - Alle jaarverslagen


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Notes to the financial statements 135<br />

30. US accounting information continued<br />

<strong>2005</strong> 2004 2003<br />

Average number of 25p Ordinary shares million million million<br />

Basic 495.0 493.0 492.5<br />

Diluted 496.6 493.8 492.7<br />

<strong>2005</strong> 2004 2003<br />

pence pence pence<br />

Earnings per share<br />

Basic 66.0 60.4 53.7<br />

Diluted 65.8 60.3 53.6<br />

e) Reconciliation of shareholders’ funds<br />

<strong>2005</strong> 2004<br />

At 30 September £ million £ million<br />

Shareholders’ funds reported in the Group balance sheet under UK GAAP 1,942.0 1,675.3<br />

UK minority interests 111.1 202.8<br />

2,053.1 1,878.1<br />

Pensions 107.8 154.7<br />

Post retirement medical costs (16.8) (12.2)<br />

Revaluations of fixed assets (30.3) (36.8)<br />

Goodwill previously charged to reserves 64.1 62.7<br />

Non-amortisation of goodwill under SFAS142 40.1 31.4<br />

Amortisation of other intangibles (1.1) (1.0)<br />

Interest rate swaps (1.2) (2.7)<br />

Share of net assets of joint ventures <strong>and</strong> associates 14.1 17.6<br />

Securities investments – 7.3<br />

Consolidation of variable interest entity under FIN46 (12.8) (29.7)<br />

Goodwill on disposal of subsidiary 5.5 4.4<br />

Fixed asset impairments 8.1 13.3<br />

Restructuring provisions 4.0 6.5<br />

Financial <strong>and</strong> other derivative instruments (3.1) (2.0)<br />

Provision for executive share schemes 0.5 0.9<br />

Sale <strong>and</strong> leaseback (1.8) (1.9)<br />

Goodwill impairments (16.3) –<br />

Deferred tax 6.2 10.2<br />

Minority interests (97.9) (180.7)<br />

Shareholders’ funds under US GAAP 2,122.2 1,920.1<br />

f) Movements in shareholders’ funds on a US GAAP basis<br />

Shareholders’ funds at 1 October 1,920.1 1,872.5<br />

Net income for the year 326.7 297.7<br />

Dividends (204.1) (197.3)<br />

Shares issued 32.6 8.7<br />

Movement in treasury stock (4.2) 2.5<br />

Pensions (54.5) 53.3<br />

Exchange adjustment 99.3 (98.1)<br />

Other movements 6.3 (19.2)<br />

Shareholders’ funds at 30 September 2,122.2 1,920.1<br />

g) Consolidated cash flow statement<br />

The Group cash flow statement on page 88 has been prepared in accordance with UK accounting st<strong>and</strong>ard FRS1, the objectives <strong>and</strong> principles of which<br />

are similar to those set out in US accounting principle SFAS95, Statement of Cash Flows.The principal differences between the st<strong>and</strong>ards relate to<br />

classification of items within the cash flow statement <strong>and</strong> with regard to the definition of cash <strong>and</strong> cash equivalents.<br />

Under FRS1, cash flows are presented separately for: a) operating activities; b) dividends from joint ventures <strong>and</strong> associates; c) returns on investments<br />

<strong>and</strong> servicing of finance; d) tax paid; e) capital expenditure <strong>and</strong> financial investment; f) acquisitions <strong>and</strong> disposals; g) equity dividends paid; h) management of<br />

liquid resources; <strong>and</strong> i) financing. Under SFAS95, however, only three categories of cash flow activity are reported: a) operating activities; b) investing<br />

activities; <strong>and</strong> c) financing activities. Dividends from joint ventures <strong>and</strong> associates, cash flows from returns on investments <strong>and</strong> servicing of finance (excluding<br />

dividends paid to minorities) <strong>and</strong> tax paid under FRS1 would be included in operating activities under SFAS95; capital expenditure <strong>and</strong> acquisitions <strong>and</strong><br />

disposals would be included in investing activities under SFAS95; equity dividends would be included as a financing activity under SFAS95.<br />

Under FRS1, cash is defined as cash in h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> deposits repayable on dem<strong>and</strong> with any qualifying financial institution, less overdrafts from any<br />

qualifying financial institution repayable on dem<strong>and</strong>. Under SFAS95, cash is defined as cash in h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> deposits but also includes cash equivalents which<br />

are short-term, highly liquid investments. Generally only investments with original maturities of three months or less come within this definition.

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