Philippine Tariff Commission

Philippine Tariff Commission

Philippine Tariff Commission


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5 th Floor, <strong>Philippine</strong> Heart Center Building<br />

East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City<br />

January 25, 2010<br />

Her Excellency<br />


President of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

Malacañang, Manila<br />

Madam President:<br />

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 507 of the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s (Presidential Decree No. 1464, as amended), I have the honor to submit<br />

herewith the Annual Report of the <strong>Tariff</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> for Calendar Year 2009.<br />

Very truly yours,<br />



VISION<br />

Th e Ta r i f f Co m m i s s i o n s h a l l b e t h e p r i n c i p a l a n d<br />

i n d e p e n d e n t a u t h o r i t y o n t a r i f f, t r a d e r e m e d y m e a s u r e s<br />

a n d c o m p e t i t i o n p o l i c y t o e n h a n c e i n d u s t r y c o m p e t i t i v e n e s s<br />

a n d p r o m o t e c o n s u m e r w e l f a r e .<br />


Th e Ta r i f f Co m m i s s i o n , a k e y a d v i s e r t o t h e e x e c u t i v e a n d<br />

l e g i s l a t i v e b r a n c h e s o f g o v e r n m e n t o n t a r i f f a n d r e l a t e d<br />

m a t t e r s, a n i n d e p e n d e n t a d j u d i c a t o r y b o d y o n t r a d e<br />

r e m e d y c a s e s a n d a n a d v o c a t e o f a s t r o n g c o m p e t i t i o n l a w<br />

a n d p o l i c y, r e m a i n s c o m m i t t e d t o t h e p u r s u i t o f g o o d a n d<br />

e f f e c t i v e g o v e r n a n c e. In t h e c o n d u c t o f p u b l i c h e a r i n g s<br />

a n d c o n s u l t a t i o n s, w e c o m m i t o u r s e l v e s t o b a l a n c e w i t h<br />

o b j e c t i v i t y t h e i n t e r e s t s o f o u r s t a k e h o l d e r s, i n c l u d i n g<br />

c o n s u m e r s .<br />

Wh e r e o u r c o m p e t e n c e in t a r i f f c o m m i t m e n t s is r e q u i r e d<br />

in r e l a t i o n t o i n t e r n a t i o n a l t r a d e, w e w o r k h a r m o n i o u s l y<br />

w i t h o t h e r a g e n c i e s in p r o m o t i n g t h e n a t i o n a l i n t e r e s t.<br />

We e n d e a v o r t o s e c u r e t h e b e s t f o r o u r s t a f f, t o h o n e<br />

t h e i r skills a n d d e v e l o p t o t h e fullest t h e i r p o t e n t i a l s<br />

e v e n a s w e instill in t h e m t h e v a l u e s o f h o n e s t y, dignity<br />

a n d t h e p r i d e i n h e r e n t in w o r k i n g f o r c o u n t r y a n d<br />

p e o p l e.<br />

Th e Ta r i f f Co m m i s s i o n d i s c h a r g e s i t s d u t i e s a n d<br />

responsibilities w i t h u t m o s t c o m p e t e n c e a n d e f f i c i e n c y<br />

a s a m o d e l o f e x c e l l e n c e a n d i n t e g r i t y in g o v e r n m e n t<br />

s e r v i c e.

Table of Contents<br />

Letter to the President<br />

Vision/Mission Statements<br />


COMMISSION CASELOAD, CY 2009.....................................................5<br />


II.<br />

III.<br />

IV.<br />








A. Competition Policy............................................................. 40<br />

B. Project Proposal ................................................................ 47<br />

C. Assistance to Stakeholders.................................................. 47<br />

TARIFF COMMISSION DIRECTORY..................................................... 63<br />

Annex A<br />


Annex B<br />


Annex C<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />


Calendar Year 2009 was again a banner year for the <strong>Tariff</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>.<br />

It continued its implementation of the relevant provisions of the <strong>Tariff</strong> and<br />

Customs Code with the usual efficiency and thoroughness, notwithstanding<br />

the temporary vacuum created by government reorganization under Executive<br />

Order No. 366 which was implemented at the start of the year.<br />

In both local and international fronts, consultations and public hearings<br />

were conducted, prior to the issuance by the President of several Executive<br />

Orders meant to cure the plight of domestic industries reeling from the effects<br />

of global economic meltdown.<br />

The undertakings of the <strong>Commission</strong> during the year again enhanced<br />

its contribution in the national effort towards economic emancipation and<br />

development.<br />

In a nutshell, following are the accomplishments of the <strong>Commission</strong><br />

during the year.<br />

Section 401 – Modification of Duty (Flexible Clause)<br />

Public hearings were conducted on petitions for tariff modification initiated<br />

by the private sector and the government as well during the year. The findings<br />

and recommendations of the <strong>Commission</strong> on said petitions were submitted to<br />

the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) for consideration<br />

of the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Related Matters (TRM) Technical and Cabinet Committees.<br />

The said public hearings resulted in the issuance of three (3) Executive Orders<br />

(EOs), to wit:<br />

EO No. 790 (Modifying the nomenclature and rates of import duty on<br />

various products under Section 104 of the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of<br />

1978, as amended).<br />

EO No. 818 (Extending the effectivity of the zero rate of import duty<br />

on milling wheat under Section 104 of Presidential Decree No. 1464,<br />

otherwise known as the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of 1978, as amended,<br />

as provided for under Section 3 of Executive Order No. 765, series of<br />

2008).<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

EO No. 819 (Extending the effectivity of the zero rate of import duties<br />

on cement and cement clinker under Section 104 of Presidential Decree<br />

No. 1464, otherwise known as the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of 1978, as<br />

amended, as provided for under Section 3 of Executive Order No. 766,<br />

series of 2008).<br />

Section 402 – Promotion of Foreign Trade<br />

Public consultations were conducted regarding the <strong>Philippine</strong>s’ regional<br />

tariff commitments under the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN);<br />

ASEAN Integration System of Preferences (AISP); ASEAN Trade in Goods<br />

Agreement (ATIGA); ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA); and ASEAN-Korea<br />

Free Trade Area (AKFTA). With regard to WTO activities, the <strong>Commission</strong><br />

reviewed and verified the comments/changes made by the United States on the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s’ HS 2002 Revised Schedule of Commitments submitted to the WTO,<br />

and participated in the Workshop on Market Access for ASEAN Economies.<br />

During the year, the President signed the following EOs drafted by the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong> concerning the implementation of the tariff commitments of the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s arising from its membership in the ASEAN:<br />

EO No. 812 (Modifying the rates of duty on certain imported articles as<br />

provided for under the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in<br />

order to implement the commitment to reduce the tariff rates on ninety<br />

percent (90%) of the products in the normal track to zero with flexibility<br />

under the ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area [AKFTA]).<br />

EO No. 814 (Modifying the rates of duty on certain imported articles as<br />

provided for under the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in<br />

order to implement the 2009-2012 <strong>Philippine</strong> schedule of tariff reduction<br />

under the Normal Track of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area on certain<br />

products and to implement the transfer of certain tariff lines from the<br />

sensitive track to the normal track category of the ASEAN-China Free<br />

Trade).<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

R.A. 8800 (Safeguard Measures Act of 2000)<br />

On June 29, 2009, the <strong>Commission</strong> submitted to the Department of Trade<br />

and Industry (DTI) Secretary its Formal Investigation Report on the petition for<br />

application of safeguard measure against the importation of steel angle bars.<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong> found the existence of a causal link between the increased<br />

imports and serious injury to the domestic industry and recommended a<br />

specific safeguard duty of P7,700/MT to be imposed on imports of steel angle<br />

bars effective for three (3) years counting from January 12, 2009, the date the<br />

provisional measure took effect.<br />

On the monitoring of adjustment plans for the domestic flat glass industry,<br />

the <strong>Commission</strong> submitted its monitoring report to the DTI Secretary on<br />

January 30, 2009 with the finding that serious efforts were being undertaken<br />

by the industry to comply with its adjustment plan and enhance its import<br />

competitiveness.<br />

Regarding the request for the maximum extension of the imposition of<br />

safeguard measure against the importation of figured glass and clear and tinted<br />

float glass, the <strong>Commission</strong> recommended that the imposition of safeguard<br />

measure on said products be extended for another three (3) years.<br />

Section 1313-A — (<strong>Tariff</strong> Commodity Classification)<br />

One hundred ninety nine (199) tariff commodity classification rulings<br />

were issued for the period covered.<br />

Section 506 (Assistance to the President and Congress of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s)<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong> provided technical assistance to the Senate and the<br />

House of Representatives by way of submission of comments/recommendations<br />

concerning proposed bills involving tariff and trade-related matters.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

HS/AHTN Implementation<br />

In connection with the HS/AHTN 2007 implementation, the <strong>Commission</strong><br />

undertook the following activities:<br />

Publication of the AHTN TCCP (January 2009 edition) incorporating the<br />

latest Executive Orders reflecting the MFN (EOs 765 &766) and CEPT<br />

(EOs 613 & 703) rates of duty;<br />

Alignment of products under the AFTA-CEPT and the proposed lists under<br />


Preparation of the Executive Orders on additional products for the Normal<br />

Track lists of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s under AKFTA and ACFTA; and<br />

Implementation of the commitment to reduce tariff rates on certain<br />

products included in the agreement between the <strong>Philippine</strong>s and Japan<br />

(JPEPA).<br />

Competition Policy<br />

As an active advocate of Competition Policy, the <strong>Commission</strong>, among<br />

others:<br />

Supported the passage of a bill on Comprehensive Competition Law<br />

including the creation of a Fair Trade <strong>Commission</strong>;<br />

Represented the <strong>Philippine</strong>s in the ASEAN Expert Group on Competition<br />

(AEGC); and<br />

Participated in various capacity building activities in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s and<br />

around the region.<br />

Advocacy Program<br />

Finally, the <strong>Commission</strong> continued its advocacy program in different<br />

regions of the country by way of lectures/seminars on the latest developments<br />

in trade and tariff policy.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />



CASES<br />



FROM<br />


YEAR<br />




BY GOV’T<br />

TOTAL<br />

REPORTS/<br />

CLASSI-<br />



ISSUED<br />







(as of<br />

Dec. 31, 2009)<br />

Section 401<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong><br />

Modification<br />

4 11 15 15 — —<br />

Section 402<br />

AISP<br />

—<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

—<br />

—<br />

ATIGA<br />

—<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

—<br />

—<br />

ASEAN-China<br />

—<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

—<br />

—<br />

ASEAN-Korea<br />

—<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

—<br />

—<br />


1<br />

—<br />

1<br />

1<br />

—<br />

—<br />

ASEAN-India<br />

1<br />

—<br />

1<br />

1<br />

—<br />

—<br />

Section 1313-A<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong><br />

Classification<br />

33 224 257 199 22 0<br />

R.A. 8800<br />

Original<br />

—<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

—<br />

—<br />

Extension<br />

—<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

—<br />

—<br />

Monitoring<br />

Review<br />

1<br />

—<br />

1<br />

1<br />

—<br />

—<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />


Section 401 (Flexible Clause) of the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s (TCCP) empowers the <strong>Commission</strong> to conduct public hearings on<br />

individual requests and motu proprio petitions for tariff modification.<br />

Under this provision, the petitioner is required to accomplish <strong>Tariff</strong><br />

<strong>Commission</strong> Form No. 3 (Information for <strong>Tariff</strong> Adjustment) which is available<br />

at the <strong>Commission</strong>. Relative to the conduct of Section 401 public hearings, the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong> invites all interested parties and publishes notices of public hearings<br />

in two (2) newspapers of general circulation. During the hearing, concerned<br />

parties are given the opportunity to make oral presentations and to present<br />

evidence in support of their positions. The <strong>Commission</strong>’s investigative process<br />

also involves plant visits which include, among others, the ocular inspection of<br />

both plant facilities and production process and the verification of the accuracy<br />

and authenticity of some or all the data and information submitted in support<br />

of the positions of the parties concerned.<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong>’s report of findings and recommendations are submitted<br />

to the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and deliberated<br />

upon by the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Related Matters (TRM) Technical and Cabinet Committees.<br />

Upon final approval by the NEDA Board, the <strong>Commission</strong> prepares the necessary<br />

implementing Executive Order (EO) for signature of the President.<br />

For the period covered, the <strong>Commission</strong> conducted public hearings<br />

covering various articles as shown below:<br />

Public Hearings Conducted<br />

Actions Taken by the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong>/Status<br />

May 29, 2009<br />

Petitions for tariff modification on:<br />

Milling Wheat<br />

Cement and cement clinkers<br />

Linear alkylbenzene sulphonate acid<br />

EO 818 signed July 10, 2009.<br />

EO 819 signed July 10, 2009.<br />

For CTRM deliberation.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Public Hearings Conducted<br />

Actions Taken by the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong>/Status<br />

July 14, 2009<br />

Petitions for tariff modification on:<br />

Printed books, journals, music, maps and other printed matter;<br />

disc, tapes and other recorded media; stuff toys, jigsaw or picture<br />

puzzles and other toys<br />

Draft EO submitted to NEDA.<br />

August 6, 2009<br />

Petitions for tariff modification on:<br />

Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkyl naphthalenes<br />

Hot rolled steel; cold-rolled steel<br />

For CTRM deliberation after BOI<br />

verifies data.<br />

For CTRM deliberation after BOI<br />

verifies data.<br />

November 4, 2009<br />

Petitions for tariff modification on:<br />

Polyamide-6<br />

Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of<br />

80% vol or higher; ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any<br />

strength<br />

Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude;<br />

petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other<br />

than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included,<br />

containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils<br />

obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic<br />

constituents of the preparations; waste oils; asphalts<br />

Report Submitted to NEDA.<br />

Report Submitted to NEDA.<br />

For CTRM final deliberations.<br />

December 4, 2009<br />

Petitions for tariff modification on:<br />

Milling wheat<br />

Cement and cement clinker<br />

EO 863 signed February 19, 2010<br />

EO 862 signed February 19, 2010<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Chairman Edgardo B. Abon, (above, center), <strong>Commission</strong>ers Edgardo R. Maralit (left) and<br />

Marilou P. Mendoza (right) during the Sections 401/402 public hearing/consultation on the<br />

petition for tariff modification on (a) mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes,<br />

(b) hot-rolled and cold-rolled steel products, and (c) the transfer of hot-rolled steel<br />

products and cold-rolled coils from the <strong>Philippine</strong>s’ Sensitive List (SL) to the Normal<br />

track (NT) in the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) and ASEAN-Korea Free Trade<br />

Area (August 6, 2009).<br />

During the year, the <strong>Commission</strong> drafted three (3) EOs signed by the<br />

President:<br />

EO No. 790 (signed June 5, 2009)<br />

Modifying the nomenclature and rates of import duty on various<br />

products under Section 104 of the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of 1978<br />

(Presidential Decree No. 1464, as amended).<br />

EO No. 818 (signed July 10, 2009)<br />

Extending the effectivity of the zero rate of import duty on milling wheat<br />

under Section 104 of Presidential Decree No. 1464, otherwise known as<br />

the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, as provided for under<br />

Section 3 of Executive Order No. 765, series of 2008.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

EO No. 819 (signed July 10, 2009)<br />

<br />

Extending the effectivity of the zero rate of import duty on<br />

cement<br />

and cement clinker under Section 104 of Presidential Decree No. 1464,<br />

otherwise known as the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of 1978, as amended,<br />

as provided for under Section 3 of Executive Order No. 766, series of<br />

2008.<br />

The 2009 tariff schedule contained 8,986 AHTN lines which is approximately<br />

1.30% more than the 8,871 AHTN lines in 2008 which contained major changes<br />

in tariff nomenclature brought about by the AHTN 2007 amendments. In 2009,<br />

few tariff adjustments were effected by certain EOs relating to MFN rates<br />

implemented during the year, to wit: EOs 790, 818 and 819.<br />

The tariff structure in 2009 ranged from 0% to 65%, of which fifty-nine<br />

percent (59%) included rates of duty of 0% to 5%; thirty-four percent (34%)<br />

comprised rates of duty of 7% to 15%; and only seven percent (7%) remained<br />

at high level rates of duty of 20% to 65%.<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> Level (%)<br />

No. of <strong>Tariff</strong> Lines<br />

2008 2009*<br />

% Difference<br />

0 344 348 1.16<br />

1 2,129 2,140 0.52<br />

3 2,220 2,216 (0.18)<br />

5 604 602 (0.33)<br />

7 889 888 (0.11)<br />

10 1,078 1,107 2.69<br />

15 1,040 1,071 2.98<br />

20 171 193 12.87<br />

25 4 4 0.00<br />

30 217 242 11.52<br />

35 23 23 0.00<br />

40 125 125 0.00<br />

45 5 5 0.00<br />

50 18 18 0.00<br />

65 4 4 0.00<br />

TOTAL 8,871 8,986 1.30<br />

* as of EOs 818 and 819 (issued on July 10, 2009)<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Sugar and rice were given the highest tariff rates of 65% and 50%,<br />

respectively. A total of 150 sensitive agricultural products were subject to inquota<br />

rates of 30% to 50% and out-quota rates of 35% to 65% (e.g., rice, sugar,<br />

coffee and coffee extracts, potatoes, certain live animals and animal products,<br />

certain meat and edible meat offal). Rates of duty of 20% to 30% were<br />

basically levied on automobiles and parts, chemical wastes, made-up textile<br />

articles, high value crops, in-quota agricultural products and other strategic<br />

merchandise; 5% to 15% rates of duty were applied to locally manufactured<br />

intermediate goods; and 3% and below rates of duty were levied on WTO<br />

Information Technology products, inputs to manufactured goods and those<br />

that are not locally produced.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Sector<br />

Year<br />

Simple-Average<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> (%)<br />

Trade-Weighted<br />

Average <strong>Tariff</strong> (%)<br />

2005 11.85 13.12<br />

Agriculture<br />

(HS Chapters 1-24)<br />

2006 11.85 12.76<br />

2007 11.82 12.82<br />

2008 11.95 12.00<br />

2009 11.94 16.93<br />

2005 2.47 2.86<br />

Mining<br />

(HS Chapters 25-26)<br />

2006 2.47 2.76<br />

2007 2.47 2.79<br />

2008 2.47 2.79<br />

2009 2.28 2.70<br />

2005 7.29 3.16<br />

Manufacturing<br />

(HS Chapters 27-97)<br />

2006 7.26 3.25<br />

2007 7.32 3.69<br />

2008 6.08 3.71<br />

2009 6.53 3.90<br />

2005 7.81 4.11<br />

Overall<br />

(HS Chapters 1-97)<br />

2006 7.77 4.11<br />

2007 7.82 4.59<br />

2008 6.95 4.52<br />

2009 7.34 5.62<br />

Notes:<br />

• <strong>Tariff</strong>s were weighted using import levels for the year except for 2009 where averages were calculated using 2008<br />

imports as weights<br />

• Averages were calculated based on ad valorem duties under EOs 818 and 819<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

The average applied MFN tariffs in 2009 increased by 5.61% from last<br />

year’s level. This came about as a result of the extraction of additional alphanumeric<br />

tariff lines (representing <strong>Philippine</strong> national subheadings) specifically<br />

in the manufacturing sector and the reversion of the MFN rate of duty on feed<br />

wheat (AHTN Code 1001.90.99) from 0% to 7% under EO 818 (issued on July<br />

10, 2009). The significant volume of importations in the agricultural sector<br />

levied tariff quotas (e.g., rice, coffee, tobacco, meat of bovine animals, etc.)<br />

resulted to about 24% increase in the overall trade-weighted average tariff in<br />

2009.<br />

The petitioner clarifies a point during the Section 401 public hearing on the petition for<br />

tariff modification on hot-rolled and cold-rolled steel products (August 6, 2009).<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

II.<br />


In order to expand the foreign market for <strong>Philippine</strong> products, the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong> is mandated to conduct public consultations with interested<br />

parties before the <strong>Philippine</strong>s (1) enters into any trade agreement with any<br />

foreign government or instrumentality thereof; and (2) modifies import duties<br />

(including any necessary change in classification) and other import restrictions,<br />

as are required or appropriate to carry out and promote foreign trade.<br />

Interested parties may petition the <strong>Commission</strong> for tariff modification<br />

under Section 402 while submitting the required duly accomplished <strong>Tariff</strong><br />

<strong>Commission</strong> Form 4 (Request for Withdrawal/Suspension of Concessions).<br />

Concerned parties are invited to these consultations the schedules and<br />

product coverage of which are published in two (2) leading newspapers of<br />

general circulation.<br />

As in Section 401 hearings, the <strong>Commission</strong> affords each interested party<br />

reasonable opportunity to express his views during the public consultation.<br />

In order to verify the positions/evidences presented, plant visits are likewise<br />

conducted by the <strong>Commission</strong>. Findings and recommendations are submitted<br />

to NEDA which then schedule these for deliberation by the TRM Technical and<br />

Cabinet Committees. Upon final approval by the NEDA Board, the <strong>Commission</strong><br />

prepares the necessary implementing Executive Order (EO) for signature of the<br />

President.<br />

A. The <strong>Commission</strong>, during the year, held Section 402 public consultations<br />

regarding:<br />

Trade Forum/Subject<br />

Actions Taken by the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong>/Status<br />

ASEAN Integration System of Preferences (AISP)<br />

May 29, 2009<br />

Request of Myanmar under the ASEAN Integration System of<br />

Preferences (AISP).<br />

Report submitted to NEDA.<br />

ASEAN Trade In Goods Agreement (ATIGA)<br />

June 16, 2009<br />

To determine the <strong>Tariff</strong> Reduction Modality for Rice under AHTN<br />

10.06 in compliance with the Phasing-In of Rice from the Highly<br />

Sensitive List (HSL) to the Inclusion List (IL).<br />

Report submitted to NEDA.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Trade Forum/Subject<br />

Actions Taken by the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong>/Status<br />

ASEAN-China Free Trade Area<br />

August 6, 2009<br />

Request to transfer hot-rolled steel coils and cold-rolled steel coils<br />

from the <strong>Philippine</strong>s’ Sensitive List (SL) to the Normal Track (NT).<br />

Report submitted to NEDA.<br />

ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area<br />

August 6, 2009<br />

Request to transfer hot-rolled steel coils and cold-rolled steel coils<br />

from the <strong>Philippine</strong>s’ Sensitive List (SL) to the Normal Track (NT).<br />

Report submitted to NEDA.<br />

December 4, 2009<br />

Request to transfer cochin / refined coconut oil from the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

Sensitive Track List (ST) to the Normal Track (NT).<br />

Preliminary report submitted to<br />

NEDA.<br />

List of products in the Sensitive List of Korea requested to<br />

permanently waive the reciprocity principle under the AKFTA.<br />

Parties in attendance during the Section 401/402 public consultation on (a) the review<br />

of zero duty on milling wheat, cement and cement clinker; (b) the request to transfer<br />

cochin/refined coconut oil from the <strong>Philippine</strong>s Sensitive Track list (ST) to the Normal<br />

Track (NT) under the ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement (AKFTA); and (c) the list of<br />

products proposed to permanently waive the reciprocity principle under the AKFTA<br />

(December 4, 2009).<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

<strong>Commission</strong>ers Edgardo R. Maralit (left) and Marilou P. Mendoza (right) preside over<br />

the Section 401/402 public consultation on (a) the review of zero duty on milling wheat,<br />

cement and cement clinker; (b) the request to transfer cochin/refined coconut oil from<br />

the <strong>Philippine</strong>s Sensitive Track list (ST) to the Normal Track (NT) under the ASEAN-Korea<br />

Free Trade Agreement (AKFTA); and (c) the list of products proposed to permanently<br />

waive the reciprocity principle under the AKFTA (December 4, 2009).<br />

TC Technical Staff during the Section 401/402 public consultation on (a) the review of<br />

zero duty on milling wheat, cement and cement clinker; (b) the request to transfer<br />

cochin/refined coconut oil from the <strong>Philippine</strong>s Sensitive Track list (ST) to the Normal<br />

Track (NT) under the ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement (AKFTA); and (c) the list of<br />

products proposed to permanently waive the reciprocity principle under the AKFTA<br />

(December 4, 2009).<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

B. For the period covered, the <strong>Commission</strong> drafted four (4) EOs signed<br />

by the President:<br />

EO No. 812 (signed June 15, 2009)<br />

Modifying the rates of duty on certain imported articles as provided for<br />

under the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to<br />

implement the commitment to reduce the tariff rates on ninety percent<br />

(90%) of the products in the normal track to zero with flexibility under<br />

the ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area (AKFTA).<br />

EO No. 814 (signed June 30, 2009)<br />

Modifying the rates of duty on certain imported articles as provided for<br />

under the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to<br />

implement the 2009-2012 <strong>Philippine</strong> schedule of tariff reduction under<br />

the Normal Track of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area on certain<br />

products and to implement the transfer of certain tariff lines from the<br />

sensitive track to the normal track category of the ASEAN-China Free<br />

Trade.<br />

EO 850 (signed December 23, 2009 )<br />

Modifying the rates of duty on certain imported articles as provided<br />

under the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order<br />

to implement the commitment to eliminate the tariff rates on the<br />

remaining products in the inclusion list in year 2010 under the Common<br />

Effective Preferential <strong>Tariff</strong> (CEPT) Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade<br />

Area (AFTA)/ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA).<br />

EO 851 (signed December 23, 2009)<br />

Modifying the rates on certain imported articles as provided under the<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of 1978, as amended in order to implement the<br />

commitments on trade in goods chapter of the Agreement establishing<br />

the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA).<br />

Rules of Origin (ROO)<br />

Rules of Origin refers to the “set of criteria used to determine the country<br />

of origin of a good in international trade.” An important component of every<br />

Free Trade Agreement (FTA), ROO does not only identify the origin of the<br />

products that are eligible for preferential tariffs extended to the parties of<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

an FTA from taking advantage of different external tariff rates imposed by<br />

individual member states.<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong> was fully occupied in the area of ROO for the year 2009.<br />

It actively participated in the drafting of the country’s positions, proposals<br />

and counter-proposals regarding issues in the ASEAN-CEPT conversion to the<br />

product specific rules based on tariff shift, and ROO agreements with different<br />

dialogue partners.<br />

An active member of the <strong>Philippine</strong> delegation, the <strong>Commission</strong> continued<br />

to participate in the negotiating sessions, attended inter-agency meetings and<br />

provided comments and recommendations on ROO of the various FTAs such<br />

as the ASEAN Australia and New Zealand FTA (AANZFTA), the ASEAN Japan<br />

Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP) and the ASEAN-India FTA,<br />

including the meetings of the ASEAN Task Force on ROO.<br />

Besides the above engagements, the <strong>Commission</strong> conducted a series of<br />

ROO seminars and workshops with the private sector (e.g., Philexport, industry<br />

associations, customs brokers) and concerned government agencies (e.g.,<br />

Bureau of Customs, Board of Investments, BETP).<br />

Below are some of the major accomplishments of the <strong>Commission</strong> in the<br />

field of foreign trade promotion:<br />

I. Multilateral Trading Arrangements<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

Reviewed and verified the comments/changes made by US on the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s’ HS 2002 Revised Schedule of Commitments submitted to<br />

the WTO;<br />

Reviewed and verified the <strong>Philippine</strong>s’ HS 2002 transposition file<br />

posted in the Consolidated <strong>Tariff</strong> Schedules Database File Transfer<br />

Facility (FTF) vis-à-vis from the original submission of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s’<br />

Schedule LXXV;<br />

Provided comments on the Trade Policy Review (TPR) of European<br />

Community (EC), Japan and New Zealand;<br />

‣¾ Participated in the Hands-on-Training for the Preparation of the<br />

Agriculture Schedule and Developments in the Negotiating Group on<br />

Market Access;<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

Participated in the Non-Agricultural Market Access (NAMA) scheduling<br />

workshop; and<br />

Attended WTO Ministerial Conference and WTO Regional Seminar on<br />

NAMA Negotiations for Asian Economies.<br />

II. Regional Trading Arrangements<br />

A. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)<br />

‣¾<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong>, per requests from other agencies/parties,<br />

submitted comments and observations on the following:<br />

Project Proposal on the Enhancement of the ASEAN Consultation<br />

to Solve Trade and Investment Issues (ACT) in Anticipation of<br />

its Expansion of Coverage;<br />

Terms of Reference (TOR) of the ASEAN Economic Community<br />

(AEC);<br />

TOR on the Mapping of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement<br />

(ATIGA), disciplines on Non-<strong>Tariff</strong> Measures (NTMs) and the<br />

Establishment of ASEAN Trade Repository (ATR) in the AHTN<br />

Website;<br />

TOR of the ASEAN Trade Facilitation Joint Consultative Committee<br />

(ATF-JCC); and<br />

Latest draft of the ASEAN-Economic Community (AEC) Scorecard<br />

particularly on the Trade in Goods Section;<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

Submitted the <strong>Philippine</strong>s’ response to the transposition verification<br />

made by the ASEAN Secretariat on the various PIS products;<br />

Attended Joint Consultative Session on the ASEAN Assessment<br />

Framework on Trade Facilitation;<br />

th<br />

‣ ¾ Participated in the 54 and 55 th Meetings of the Coordinating<br />

Committee on the Implementation of the Common Effective<br />

Preferential <strong>Tariff</strong> for the ASEAN Free Trade Area (CCCA);<br />

‣¾ Attended Workshop on Economic Integration through Trade<br />

Facilitation Among ASEAN + 3 (APT) Countries;<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

As the designated <strong>Philippine</strong> representative to the ASEAN Experts<br />

Group on Competition (AEGC), attended AEGC meetings and<br />

remained active in various projects such as the drafting of the<br />

ASEAN Regional Guidelines on Competition Policy and Law and the<br />

drafting of the Handbook on Competition Policy and Law in ASEAN<br />

for Business;<br />

Attended ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) Meetings, Senior<br />

Economic Officials’ Meetings and its Related Meetings;<br />

Submitted Report on the Results of Section 402 Consultation on the<br />

Request of Myanmar for <strong>Tariff</strong> Preference on Tobacco and Cigarette<br />

Products under the ASEAN Integration System of Preference (AISP)<br />

for 2009 Package;<br />

Submitted Report on the Results of Section 402 Consultation on<br />

the Inclusion of Rice under the CEPT-AFTA Scheme; and<br />

Submitted to NEDA the draft EO to implement the Commitment to<br />

Reduce the <strong>Tariff</strong> Rates on the remaining 20% of the Products in<br />

the Inclusion List to Zero Percent under the CEPT-AFTA.<br />

B. ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA)<br />

The Chairman of the <strong>Commission</strong> chaired the CCCA Meetings that forged<br />

the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA), which is an improvement over<br />

the current Common Effective Preferential <strong>Tariff</strong> for the ASEAN Free Trade Area<br />

(CEPT-AFTA) Scheme. It consolidates ASEAN’s existing initiatives, obligations,<br />

and commitments made with regard to both tariff (trade in goods) and nontariff<br />

elements (e.g. trade disciplines on Sanitary and Phytosanitary [SPS]<br />

measures, customs procedures, and trade facilitation), among others, into one<br />

(1) comprehensive agreement.<br />

ATIGA aims to establish all necessary measures and commitments to<br />

enable ASEAN to achieve a free flow of goods in the region towards establishing a<br />

single market and production base by 2015. The ATIGA was signed in February<br />

2009. Under this Agreement, the <strong>Commission</strong>:<br />

‣¾ Submitted <strong>Philippine</strong> Schedule under the ASEAN Trade in Goods<br />

Agreement (ATIGA); and<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

‣¾<br />

Attended Technical Committee Working Group (TCWG) for the<br />

review of ATIGA Schedules.<br />

Executive Order 850 implementing the commitment to reduce the tariff<br />

rates on the remaining 20% of the products in the Inclusion List to zero percent<br />

under the CEPT-AFTA/ATIGA was signed on December 23, 2009.<br />

C. ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA)<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

Prepared comments on China’s proposed transposition of the ACFTA<br />

Product Specific Rules (PSR) from HS 2002 to HS 2007;<br />

Participated in Meetings of the ASEAN-China Trade Negotiating<br />

Committee and Other Related Working Group Meetings;<br />

Submitted the <strong>Philippine</strong>s <strong>Tariff</strong> Reduction Schedule (TRS) and the<br />

Correlation Table from AHTN 2004 to AHTN 2007;<br />

Participated in Meetings of the ASEAN-China Trade Negotiating<br />

Committee (TNC) and Forum on the Implementation of the<br />

ACFTA;<br />

Submitted to NEDA the draft EO to implement both the 2009-2012<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Tariff</strong> Reduction Schedule under the Normal Track on<br />

certain products and the transfer of some tariff lines from Sensitive<br />

Track (ST) to the Normal Track (NT) Category;<br />

Actively participated in the line-by-line review of the products<br />

included in the said draft EO; and<br />

Executive Order 814 implementing the 2009-2012 <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Schedule of tariff reduction under the normal track of the ACFTA<br />

on certain products and the transfer of certain tariff lines from the<br />

ST to the NT was signed on June 30, 2009 and was published in<br />

the Manila Times on July 7, 2009.<br />

D. ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area (AKFTA)<br />

‣¾<br />

Submitted Correlation Table of AKFTA Schedule from AHTN 2005<br />

to AHTN 2007;<br />

‣¾ Attended Meetings of the AKFTA Implementing Committee;<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

Submitted to NEDA the draft EO to implement the <strong>Philippine</strong>s <strong>Tariff</strong><br />

Reduction Schedule under the NT Category;<br />

Actively participated in the line-by-line review of the products<br />

included in the said draft EO;<br />

Executive Order 812 implementing the commitment to reduce the<br />

tariff rates on 90% of the products in the normal track to zero<br />

with flexibility under AKFTA was signed on June 15, 2009 and was<br />

published in the Manila Times on June 23, 2009;<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong> conducted public hearing/consultation on products<br />

in the Sensitive List of Korea for possible waiver, by the <strong>Philippine</strong>s,<br />

of the reciprocity principle. The report on the results of the said<br />

hearing/consultation was submitted to TRM; and<br />

Submitted Preliminary Report on the Results of the Public<br />

Consultation on the Request for the Transfer of Cochin/ Refined<br />

Coconut Oil from the Sensitive List to the Normal Track.<br />

E. ASEAN-Australia/New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA)<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

Provided data on the availability and degree of processing per<br />

AHTN tariff lines based on AHTN 2007 nomenclature (updated up<br />

to EO 790);<br />

Provided comments on Australia and New Zealand’s proposed 2009<br />

Schedule of Commitment and the Two-Way Concordance Table;<br />

Transposed the <strong>Philippine</strong> Schedule of Commitment from HS 2002<br />

to HS 2007;<br />

Submitted RP’s Proposed Schedule of Commitments and Two-Way<br />

Concordance Table. Actively participated in the line-by-line review<br />

of the <strong>Philippine</strong> Schedule;<br />

Provided response on the comments made by Australia and New<br />

Zealand on the <strong>Philippine</strong>s’ Proposed Schedule of Commitments;<br />

‣¾ Provided confirmation of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s’ Final Schedule of<br />

Commitments which were submitted to ASEAN Secretariat;<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

Provided confirmation of the Australia and New Zealand Final<br />

Schedule of Commitments which were submitted to ASEAN<br />

Secretariat;<br />

Submitted to NEDA the draft EO to implement the product offers;<br />

Actively participated in the line-by-line review of the products<br />

included in the said draft EO; and<br />

Executive Order 851 implementing the commitments on trade<br />

in goods chapter of the agreement on AANZFTA was signed on<br />

December 23, 2009.<br />

F. ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP)<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

Attended meetings of the Joint Committee of the AJCEPA;<br />

Submitted to NEDA the draft EO to implement the <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Commitment on Trade in Goods under AJCEPA; and<br />

Participated in the line-by-line review and the updating of the<br />

product nomenclature in the AHTN 2009.<br />

G. ASEAN-India Free Trade Area (AIFTA)<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

Reviewed the final <strong>Philippine</strong> Offer List (OL);<br />

Attended meetings of the ASEAN-India Trade Negotiating Committee<br />

(AITNC);<br />

Prepared the draft EO to implement the <strong>Philippine</strong> commitment on<br />

Trade in Goods Chapter; and<br />

Participated in the line-by-line review and the updating of the<br />

product nomenclature in the AHTN 2009.<br />

H. ASEAN-European Union Free Trade Area (AEUFTA)<br />

‣¾<br />

Submitted recommendations/comments to the ASEAN-EU Offer<br />

List;<br />

‣¾ Submitted updated TRM Formula Ratings;<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

Conducted consultation; and<br />

Attended AEUFTA Joint Committee Meetings.<br />

I. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong> provided comments on the following:<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

‣¾<br />

Questions posed by the experts and APEC member economies<br />

relevant to Individual Action Plan (IAP) of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s on Chapter<br />

1 (<strong>Tariff</strong>s) and Chapter 8 (Competition Policy);<br />

Query of Indonesia on whether the <strong>Philippine</strong>s extended any<br />

preferential treatment to environmentally friendly products during<br />

the 2009 IAP Peer Review;<br />

Questions regarding non-tariff measure of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s IAP 2009;<br />

and<br />

Draft Study Report of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s regarding the 2009 IAP Peer<br />

Review.<br />

III. Bilateral Trading Arrangements<br />

Japan-<strong>Philippine</strong>s Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA)<br />

‣¾ Attended various meetings regarding the amendment of products<br />

covered by EO 262 for negotiation with Japan.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />


R.A. 8800 (Safeguard Measure Act)<br />

The Act provides for general safeguard measures to relieve domestic<br />

industries suffering from serious injury or threat thereof as a result of increased<br />

importation.<br />

Petition for Application for Safeguard Measure Against the Importation of Steel Angle<br />

Bars<br />

The <strong>Tariff</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>, upon transmittal of the case file and the DTI<br />

Order imposing a provisional safeguard measure on steel angle bars,<br />

acquired jurisdiction of the case on February 19, 2009 for the conduct of<br />

formal investigation to determine the merits of imposing a definitive duty<br />

on steel angle bars pursuant to Section 9 of the RA 8800 and its IRR.<br />

Marathon public hearings were held on May 4-6, 2009 to allow public<br />

participation in the inquiry by providing parties the opportunity to<br />

present evidence, elaborate on their submissions, and respond to the<br />

presentations of the other parties.<br />

In its Formal Investigation Report (confidential version) submitted to the<br />

DTI Secretary on June 29, 2009, the <strong>Commission</strong> found the existence<br />

of a causal link between the increased imports and serious injury to<br />

the domestic industry and recommended a specific safeguard duty of<br />

P7,700/MT to be imposed on imports of steel angle bars effective for<br />

three (3) years counting from January 12, 2009, the date the provisional<br />

measure took effect.<br />

Request for the maximum extension of the imposition of safeguard measure against the<br />

importation of figured glass and clear and tinted float glass<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong> received the request from the Department of Trade<br />

and Industry (DTI) on September 2, 2009.<br />

Public hearings/consultations were held from October 19-23, 2009.<br />

Ocular inspection of the plant facilities of the petitioners and verification<br />

of their accounting records were conducted.<br />

Various computations were performed on the different economic and<br />

financial indicators to determine the impact of the increased imports<br />

to the domestic industry as well as to determine if extension of the<br />

imposition of the safeguard measures is warranted.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

In its Report of Findings and Recommendation submitted to the DTI<br />

Secretary on November 23, 2009, the <strong>Commission</strong> concluded that<br />

the safeguard measure being imposed on figured glass, and clear and<br />

tinted float glass continues to be necessary to prevent the recurrence<br />

of serious injury and that there is evidence that the domestic industry is<br />

making positive adjustments to import competition. The <strong>Commission</strong><br />

recommended that the imposition of safeguard measure on figured<br />

glass, and clear and tinted float glass be extended for another three<br />

(3) years.<br />

Chairman Edgardo B. Abon (top, left) and Presiding Officer <strong>Commission</strong>er Edgardo R.<br />

Maralit (top, right) listen to the exchange of views presented during the public hearing on<br />

the petition for the maximum extension of the imposition of safeguard measure against<br />

the importation of float glass and figured glass (October 19, 2009).<br />

Monitoring of Adjustment Plans on Flat Glass Industry<br />

Rule 16 (Monitoring of the Domestic Industry) of the Implementing Rules<br />

and Regulations of R.A. 8800 (Safeguard Measures Act) provides:<br />

Rule 16.1<br />

So long as any action taken under Rule 13 remains in effect,<br />

the <strong>Commission</strong> shall monitor developments with respect to<br />

the domestic industry, including the progress and specific<br />

efforts made by workers and firms in the domestic industry<br />

to make a positive adjustment to import competition.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Rule 16.1.a If the initial application of action taken under Rule 13<br />

exceeds three (3) years, the <strong>Commission</strong> shall submit to<br />

the Secretary a report on the results of the monitoring,<br />

not later than the date which is the midpoint of the initial<br />

period, and of each such extension, during which the action<br />

is in effect.<br />

Rule 16.1.b<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong>, in the preparation of each monitoring<br />

report, shall conduct a hearing at which interested parties,<br />

including the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE),<br />

shall be given reasonable opportunity to be present, to<br />

present evidence, and to be heard.<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong> submitted its monitoring report to the DTI Secretary on<br />

January 30, 2009 with the finding that serious efforts were being undertaken<br />

by the domestic flat glass industry to comply with its adjustment plan and<br />

enhance its import competitiveness.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

IV.<br />


The ASEAN Harmonized <strong>Tariff</strong> Nomenclature (AHTN) <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs<br />

Code of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s (TCCP) classifies articles imported into the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.<br />

However, when the proper tariff classification of a commodity intended to be<br />

imported cannot be ascertained, the interested party may file with the <strong>Tariff</strong><br />

<strong>Commission</strong> a request for a commodity classification ruling pursuant to Section<br />

1313-a of the Code.<br />

The applicant is required to submit in triplicate a notarized and duly<br />

accomplished TC Form 1a (Request for <strong>Tariff</strong> Classification Ruling). Likewise,<br />

the applicant is required to submit a sample or samples of the product (if<br />

available), technical brochures/catalogues indicating its specifications, its<br />

material or chemical composition and other relevant information.<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong> is a permanent representative (together with the<br />

Bureau of Customs and the Bureau of Import Services) to the Valuation and<br />

Classification Review Committee (VCRC). This committee meets once a week<br />

to resolve issues involving valuation and tariff classification.<br />

During the year, the <strong>Commission</strong> received two hundred twenty-four (224)<br />

requests for tariff classification, and issued one hundred ninety-nine (199)<br />

rulings (see Annex A).<br />

ASEAN Harmonized <strong>Tariff</strong> Nomenclature (AHTN) and the World Trade Organization (WCO)<br />

Harmonized System (HS) Nomenclature – 2007 Amendment<br />

The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (commonly<br />

known as the HS) is an international nomenclature of goods used by more than<br />

200 countries as the basis in classification and coding merchandise for purposes<br />

of customs tariffs collection and for gathering international trade statistics.<br />

After the implementation of the HS in 1988, major reviews were undertaken<br />

which resulted in the 1996, 2002 and 2007 versions. The third major revision<br />

entered into force on January 1, 2007. The <strong>Philippine</strong>s implemented these<br />

amendments in January 2008 in accordance with the decision of the NEDA<br />

Board in its meeting on September 18, 2007.<br />

The ASEAN member countries adopted the Protocol Governing the<br />

Implementation of the ASEAN Harmonized <strong>Tariff</strong> Nomenclature (the AHTN<br />

Protocol)to harmonize the tariff nomenclature based on the HS among member<br />

countries. The AHTN adopted the HS up to the six-digit commodity classification<br />

codes and used the eight-digit commodity classification code for the ASEAN<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

requirements. To reflect its required national tariff lines not included in the<br />

ASEAN nomenclature, the <strong>Philippine</strong>s added an alpha numeric code after the<br />

8-digit code.<br />

In view of the amendments made by WCO to the HS which will take effect<br />

on January 1, 2012, an AHTN Task Force, involving all member countries, was<br />

created by ASEAN to review the AHTN 2007/1. The first meeting of the AHTN<br />

Task Force was on October 20-22, 2009 in Indonesia.<br />

The <strong>Philippine</strong>s, through the <strong>Commission</strong>, recommended adopting the<br />

option to allow remaining MFN tariff lines and tariff lines under ASEAN-plus<br />

FTAs to be considered for incorporation into AHTN 2012/1 at 8-digit level.<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> lines required for bilateral agreements, national tariff needs and national<br />

non-tariff needs are to be catered at beyond 8-digit level by Member States in<br />

their national tariff nomenclature.<br />

Other related activities undertaken by the <strong>Commission</strong> with regard to the<br />

HS/AHTN 2007 implementation include the following:<br />

Publication of the AHTN TCCP (January 2009 edition) incorporating latest<br />

issued Executive Orders reflecting the MFN (EOs 765 &766) and CEPT<br />

(EOs 613 & 703) rates of duty;<br />

Alignment of products under the AFTA-CEPT and the proposed lists under<br />


Preparation of the Concession Manual on products for the Normal Track<br />

lists of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s under AKFTA (EO812) and ACFTA (EO814);<br />

Implementation of the commitment to reduce tariff rates on certain<br />

products included in the agreement between the <strong>Philippine</strong>s and Japan<br />

(JPEPA); and<br />

Information dissemination through seminar/workshops in various ports,<br />

review schools and other agencies.<br />

Assistance to the <strong>Philippine</strong> Trade Mission in Geneva<br />

Reviewed and prepared comments, as requested by the <strong>Philippine</strong> Trade<br />

Mission, on the transposition of the Consolidated <strong>Tariff</strong> Schedules (CTS)<br />

of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s and various WTO member countries relative to their<br />

commitments under the WTO; and<br />

Submitted comments on the 2012 proposed classification of articles<br />

and amendments to the HS Nomenclature and Explanatory Notes for<br />

discussion in the HS Committee meetings.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />



House/Senate Bills/Resolutions and Other<br />

Committee Concerns<br />

Comments/Recommendation/Inputs of the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong><br />

Senate Bill No. 615 (“An Act Amending Certain<br />

Provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1464,<br />

Otherwise Known as the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code<br />

of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s, as Amended, and for Other<br />

Purposes”), introduced by Senator Jinggoy E.<br />

Estrada.<br />

Senate Bill No. 905 (“An Act Rationalizing the<br />

Forfeiture and Disposition of Property Seized by the<br />

BOC, Amending for the Purpose Certain Sections<br />

of the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s,<br />

as Amended”), introduced by Senator Edgardo J.<br />

Angara.<br />

Senate Bill No. 1414 (“An Act Mandating the BOC<br />

to Exclusively Investigate, Prosecute and Handle<br />

Customs Cases, Amending Sec. 2401 of PD 1464,<br />

as amended by Sec. 6 of RA 9135, and for Other<br />

Purposes”), introduced by Senator Juan Ponce<br />

Enrile.<br />

Senate Bill No. 1463 (“An Act Amending Sec. 3513<br />

of PD 1464, [<strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of the Phils.],<br />

and for Other Purposes”), introduced by Senator<br />

Juan Ponce Enrile.<br />

Senate Bill No. 1533 (“An Act Amending Certain<br />

Provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1464,<br />

Otherwise Known as the <strong>Tariff</strong> And Customs Code<br />

of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s, as Amended, and for Other<br />

Purposes”), introduced by Senator Francis G.<br />

Escudero.<br />

Senate Bill No. 2014 (“An Act Amending Certain<br />

Provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1464,<br />

Otherwise Known as the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code<br />

of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s, as Amended, and for Other<br />

Purposes”), introduced by Senator Ramon A.<br />

Revilla, Jr.<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong> supports the amended text of<br />

Section 1313-(a) of the TCCP, though correction is<br />

proposed to the title of Section 1313-(a), in that it<br />

should be read as “Classification of an article for<br />

trade facilitation”. The main purpose of Section<br />

1313-(a) of the TCCP is the issuance of an advance<br />

ruling, consistent with the WTO Agreement on<br />

Trade Facilitation.<br />

The proposal to require the <strong>Commission</strong> to “notify<br />

the concerned/affected industry” in cases of<br />

request for issuance of tariff classification ruling is<br />

inappropriate based on the following reasons:<br />

a. There is no privity or relationship, much less<br />

a connection as between the importer and the so<br />

called “concerned/affected industry,” with respect<br />

to the importation of goods, thus, the <strong>Commission</strong><br />

sees no reason for the inclusion of this phrase.<br />

b. It will add another layer of red tape or delay<br />

to the issuance of tariff classification process, since<br />

by requiring the <strong>Commission</strong> to notify the concerned/<br />

affected industry, there would result questions,<br />

queries and various request for information on said<br />

importation which would just hamper the facilitation<br />

of the issuance of tariff classification ruling. At<br />

any rate, enough safeguards and provisions for<br />

transparency are in place, such as providing copies<br />

of issued tariff classification rulings to the Bureau of<br />

Customs and to the Department of Finance, as well<br />

as uploading issued rulings in the <strong>Commission</strong>’s<br />

website.<br />

c. Issuance of tariff classification rulings is<br />

a governmental function not subject to private or<br />

vested interest intrusion. Confidential documents,<br />

samples and data submitted by an importer to<br />

the <strong>Commission</strong> pursuant to a valid request for<br />

issuance of tariff classification ruling are meant to<br />

be safeguarded by the <strong>Commission</strong>.<br />

On the matter of appeal from any tariff classification<br />

ruling as may be issued by the <strong>Commission</strong> under<br />

Section 1313-(a) of the TCCP, as amended, restatement<br />

is hereby given in this manner:<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

House/Senate Bills/Resolutions and Other<br />

Committee Concerns<br />

Comments/Recommendation/Inputs of the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong><br />

Senate Resolution No. 80 (“Resolution directing<br />

the Proper Senate Committee to conduct an<br />

inquiry, in aid of legislation, on the prevention of<br />

endemic car smuggling in free ports by: amending<br />

free port charters to place them under customs<br />

jurisdiction with respect to foreign cars; legislating<br />

standards for transparency in setting floor prices<br />

at auction of smuggled cars, to prevent smugglers<br />

from buying the cars; and expressing the sense<br />

of the Senate that the perennial problem of car<br />

smuggling cannot be solved by establishing an<br />

extraneous task force, but by limiting the present<br />

discretion enjoyed by Customs, Task Force, and<br />

Free Port officials to pick and chose the smuggling<br />

cases that they will expose, while turning a blind<br />

eye to other smuggling cases protected by very<br />

high government officials.”), introduced by Senator<br />

Miriam Defensor Santiago.<br />

Senate Resolution No. 448 (“Resolution<br />

directing the Senate Committee on Ways and<br />

Means; and Finance to conduct an investigation<br />

in aid of legislation, into the reported disparity in<br />

traded goods, as reported by the <strong>Philippine</strong> Trade<br />

Statistics and the International Monetary Fund, as<br />

well as reports on rampant and unabated smuggling<br />

of agricultural products, drugs, steel products,<br />

ceramic tiles and other commodity with the end<br />

in view of coming up with remedial measures to<br />

improve Customs Administration and strengthen<br />

the fiscal position of the government by addressing<br />

these reported problems.”), introduced by Senator<br />

Juan Ponce Enrile.<br />

“Any petitioning party who is aggrieved by, or is not<br />

satisfied with, the result of any ruling pursuant to this<br />

Section may file a verified appeal or reconsideration<br />

to the <strong>Tariff</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> within thirty (30) days from<br />

receipt of such ruling, based on the sole ground of<br />

new or additional information of the product under<br />

consideration. An appeal fee as determined by the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong> shall likewise be required to be paid by<br />

the appealing party, without the payment of which<br />

his or her appeal would be dismissed outright by the<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>.”<br />

On Section 16 item (7), as appearing in page 16,<br />

the <strong>Commission</strong> reiterates its disagreement on the<br />

existing proposed text and requests the rationale<br />

behind this provision. Many products cannot<br />

be accurately described based on the existing<br />

proposed text specially those falling under “Others”.<br />

We recommend that the description in this Section<br />

instead follow the methodology found in item [c],<br />

Section 1308 (Commercial Invoice) of the TCCP.<br />

This would squarely address the concern regarding<br />

articles not specifically mentioned in the TCCP.<br />

On the issue of undervaluation, misclassification<br />

and misdeclaration in import entry, the <strong>Commission</strong><br />

recommends that the definition of misclassification<br />

be based on Section 2503 of the TCCP, as<br />

implemented in Customs Administrative Guidelines<br />

(CAO) No. 10-93, dated November 16, 1993. The<br />

disposal, however, of the goods found liable for<br />

undervaluation, misclassification or misdeclaration<br />

must be in accordance with law.<br />

Senate Bill No. 252 (“An Act Creating the <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Trade Representative Office, Appropriating Funds<br />

Thereof, and For Other Purposes”), introduced by<br />

Senator Mar Roxas.<br />

Senate Bill No. 1612 (“An Act Creating the Office<br />

of the Trade Representative, Appropriating Funds<br />

therefore, and For Other Purposes”), introduced by<br />

Senator Manuel Lapid.<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong> staff should not be included<br />

in the transfer of those involved in international<br />

trade negotiations to the PTRO. TC technical<br />

staff are particularly valuable in international trade<br />

negotiations because of their knowledge on tariff<br />

nomenclature and classification, as supported by<br />

TC’s in-house pool of tariff classification experts.<br />

It is submitted that even if TC staff are transferred<br />

to the PTRO, they would still defer to TC in the<br />

area of tariff classification as TC would remain the<br />

acknowledged authority on tariff classification,<br />

hence defeating the purpose of the staff transfer. In<br />

lieu, it is proposed that TC retain its current role as<br />

an independent technical support agency.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

House/Senate Bills/Resolutions and Other<br />

Committee Concerns<br />

Comments/Recommendation/Inputs of the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong><br />

Likewise, the consolidated bill should provide for<br />

thorough and meaningful consultations under<br />

Section 402 of the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code with all<br />

key stakeholders prior to the conduct of multilateral,<br />

regional, and bilateral trade negotiations in order to<br />

craft effective negotiating strategies and country<br />

positions, and after, as a feedback mechanism/<br />

post evaluation by government to gauge the<br />

effectiveness of its negotiating strategies.<br />

House Bill No. 5342 (“An Act to Prescribe the<br />

Customs and <strong>Tariff</strong> Modernization Act of 2008 and<br />

for Other Purposes”), introduced by Rep. Francisco<br />

Matugas.<br />

The following are the comments of the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong>:<br />

1. On the sequencing of provisions, the <strong>Commission</strong><br />

proposes that the provisions on tariffs precede the<br />

provisions on customs implementation. It would be<br />

a logical sequencing in the sense that it follows the<br />

normal procedure of setting the policy on tariffs first,<br />

followed by implementation of said tariff policy.<br />

2. It is the understanding of the <strong>Commission</strong> that<br />

Section 1711 (<strong>Tariff</strong> Nomenclature and Rates of<br />

Import Duty) takes the place of Section 104 (Rates<br />

of Import Duty) in the present TCCP. If correct,<br />

the <strong>Commission</strong> proposes that Section 1711 be<br />

re-worded to incorporate the language of Section<br />

104. The <strong>Commission</strong>’s proposal is as follows<br />

(bracketed):<br />

“Sec. 1711. <strong>Tariff</strong> Nomenclature and Rates of Import<br />

Duty.<br />

[a.] The President, [pursuant to the provisions of<br />

Sections 1708 and 1709 of this Act], shall issue an<br />

Executive Order prescribing or amending the <strong>Tariff</strong><br />

sections, chapters, headings and subheadings<br />

and the rate[s] of import duty as originally provided<br />

under [Section 104 of] Presidential Decree No.<br />

1464, otherwise known as the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs<br />

Code of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s, as amended, and based<br />

on the Harmonized System, the AHTN [ASEAN<br />

Harmonized <strong>Tariff</strong> Nomenclature (AHTN)] and<br />

other international Agreement [s], and consistent<br />

with Section [s] 1708 [and 1709] of this Act.<br />

[b.] [There shall be levied, collected and paid<br />

upon all imported articles the rate of duty indicated<br />

in paragraph a except as otherwise specifically<br />

provided for in this Act, Provided, that the maximum<br />

rate shall not exceed one hundred percent ad<br />

valorem.]<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

House/Senate Bills/Resolutions and Other<br />

Committee Concerns<br />

Comments/Recommendation/Inputs of the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong><br />

House Bill No. 5342 (Cont.)<br />

[c.] [The rates of duty herein provided or subsequently<br />

fixed pursuant to Sections 1708 and 1709 of this<br />

Act shall be subject to periodic investigation by<br />

the <strong>Tariff</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> and may be revised by the<br />

President upon the recommendation of the National<br />

Economic And Development Authority.]<br />

[d.] [The rate of duty herein provided shall apply to<br />

all products, whether imported directly or indirectly,<br />

of all foreign countries, which do not discriminate<br />

against <strong>Philippine</strong> export products. An additional<br />

100% across-the-board duty shall be levied on the<br />

products of any foreign country which discriminates<br />

against <strong>Philippine</strong> export products.]”<br />

3. On Section 408 (Request for Classification and<br />

Valuation Ruling), the <strong>Commission</strong> proposes the<br />

following amendments:<br />

i. the issuance of tariff classification rulings<br />

cover both imported and exported items;<br />

ii. given the <strong>Commission</strong>’s internationallyrecognized<br />

expertise in tariff nomenclature and<br />

commodity classification, a paragraph be added<br />

providing for the issuance of decisions/rulings by<br />

the <strong>Tariff</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> on Rules of Origin; and<br />

iii. a paragraph be provided on the right to<br />

appeal any contested ruling.<br />

Thus, the <strong>Commission</strong> suggests that Section 408<br />

be re-worded as follows (bracketed):<br />

Sec 408. Requests For Classification, And Valuation<br />

And Rules Of Origin Rulings<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

House/Senate Bills/Resolutions and Other<br />

Committee Concerns<br />

Comments/Recommendation/Inputs of the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong><br />

House Bill No. 5342 (Cont.)<br />

a. As to classification – [On] Any article imported/<br />

[exported] or intended to be imported/[exported],<br />

[an] importer, exporter, [or any interested party]<br />

may submit to the <strong>Tariff</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> a sample<br />

together with a full description of its component<br />

materials and uses, and request it in writing [for a<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> Classification Ruling] to indicate the heading<br />

under which the article is or shall be dutiable,<br />

and the <strong>Tariff</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> shall comply with such<br />

requests within thirty [30] days from receipt thereof<br />

if it is satisfied that the application is made in good<br />

faith, in which case classification of the article in<br />

question upon the particular importation involved<br />

shall be made according to the heading indicated<br />

by the <strong>Tariff</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>: Provided, however, that<br />

such rulings of the <strong>Tariff</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> on commodity<br />

classification shall be binding upon the Bureau of<br />

Customs, unless the Secretary of Finance shall<br />

rule otherwise. [Any <strong>Tariff</strong> Classification Ruling/s<br />

as may be issued by the <strong>Commission</strong> shall remain<br />

valid and effective, unless such <strong>Tariff</strong> Classification<br />

Ruling/s are amended by the <strong>Commission</strong> in cases<br />

of amendments to the Harmonized System or the<br />

Asean Harmonized <strong>Tariff</strong> Nomenclature, or for any<br />

other reason as the <strong>Commission</strong> may see fit.]<br />

b. xxx xxx xxx<br />

c. [As To Rules Of Origin – Any importer, exporter<br />

or any interested party may request the <strong>Tariff</strong><br />

<strong>Commission</strong> in writing for an official ruling that an<br />

imported or exported product is an originating good<br />

under the preferential and non-preferential Rules<br />

Of Origin Agreements to which the <strong>Philippine</strong>s is<br />

a party, upon submission of a sample, together<br />

with the catalog, brochure and pertinent technical<br />

description, the <strong>Tariff</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> shall comply with<br />

such a request within thirty (30) days from receipt<br />

thereof. The ruling shall be binding upon the Bureau<br />

Of Customs, unless the Secretary Of Finance<br />

shall rule otherwise. Any Rules Of Origin ruling/s<br />

as may be issued by the <strong>Commission</strong> shall remain<br />

valid and effective, unless such Rules Of Origin<br />

ruling/s are amended by the <strong>Commission</strong> in cases<br />

of amendments to the Harmonized System Or The<br />

Asean Harmonized <strong>Tariff</strong> Nomenclature, or for any<br />

other reason as the <strong>Commission</strong> may see fit.]<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

House/Senate Bills/Resolutions and Other<br />

Committee Concerns<br />

Comments/Recommendation/Inputs of the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong><br />

House Bill No. 5342 (Cont.)<br />

d. [Right Of Appeal – Any petitioning party who is<br />

aggrieved by, or is not satisfied with, the result of<br />

any ruling pursuant to this section may file a verified<br />

appeal within thirty (30) days from receipt of such<br />

ruling based on the sole ground of new information.<br />

An appeal fee as determined by the <strong>Commission</strong><br />

and the Bureau shall likewise be required to be<br />

paid by the appealing party.]”<br />

4. The <strong>Commission</strong> suggests that the following<br />

paragraph, found in Section 204 (Effective Date of<br />

Rates of Import Duty) be inserted in Section 118 of<br />

the CTMA:<br />

“On and after the day when this Act shall come into<br />

effect, all articles previously imported, for which no<br />

entry has been made, and all articles previously<br />

entered without payment of duty and under bond for<br />

warehousing, transportation, or any other purpose,<br />

for which no permit of delivery to the importer or<br />

his agent has been issued, shall be subject to the<br />

rates of duty imposed by this Act and to no other<br />

duty, upon the entry, or withdrawal thereof from<br />

warehouse, for consumption.”<br />

5. For purposes of policy flexibility, specifically<br />

the imposition of export tariff and premium duty<br />

as may be required by government in the future,<br />

the <strong>Commission</strong> proposes that the provisions of<br />

Section 514 (Export Products Subject to Duty<br />

and Rates) of the TCCP be added after the first<br />

paragraph of Section 1712.<br />

Section 514 of the TCCP states:<br />

“There shall be levied, assessed and collected an<br />

export duty on the gross F.O.B. value at the time<br />

of the shipment based on the prevailing rate of<br />

exchange, of the following products in accordance<br />

with the schedule specified in the column Export<br />

Duty.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

House/Senate Bills/Resolutions and Other<br />

Committee Concerns<br />

Comments/Recommendation/Inputs of the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong><br />

House Bill No. 5342 (Cont.)<br />

In addition to the export duties, herein referred to as<br />

the basic rate, there shall be levied, assessed and<br />

collected a premium duty on the difference between<br />

the current price as established by the Bureau of<br />

Customs and the base price of the products in<br />

accordance with the schedule specified under the<br />

column Premium Duty; Provided, that should the<br />

current price of any export product be below the<br />

established base price, then only the basic rate shall<br />

be applied; Provided, further, that initially, the base<br />

price upon which the premium duty shall be levied<br />

is 80% of the F.O.B. value of the exports established<br />

by the Bureau of Customs for February 1974. The<br />

National Economic and Development Authority<br />

shall, from time to time, review and establish such<br />

base prices taking into account, among others, the<br />

cost conditions in various industries.<br />

For purposes of computing the duty, the cost of<br />

packaging and crating materials shall be deductible<br />

from the export value, provided such materials<br />

are domestically manufactured using a substantial<br />

portion of local raw materials, as determined by the<br />

Board of Investments.”<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong> further proposes that the<br />

language of Section 515 of the TCCP be replicated<br />

in the proposed paragraph 2 of Section 1712, to wit<br />

(suggestions bracketed):<br />

“The President, upon recommendation of the<br />

National Economic and Development Authority,<br />

may subject any of the [above products to higher<br />

or lower rates of duty provided in this Section,<br />

include additional products, or exclude or exempt<br />

any product from this Section.] In the exercise of<br />

this authority the President shall take into account:<br />

(1) the policy of encouraging domestic processing;<br />

(2) the prevailing prices of export products in the<br />

world market; (3) the advantages obtained by export<br />

products from international agreements to which<br />

the <strong>Philippine</strong>s is a signatory; (4) the preferential<br />

treatment granted to our export products by foreign<br />

governments; and (5) the need to meet domestic<br />

consumption requirements.”<br />

6. Since there are special laws providing for the<br />

above trade remedy measures, namely, (i) Republic<br />

Act 8752 – Anti-Dumping Act of 1999; (ii) Republic<br />

Act 8800 – Safeguard Measures Act of 2000; and<br />

(iii) Republic Act 8751 – Countervailing Act of 1999,<br />

these measures need no longer be in the CTMA and<br />

the <strong>Commission</strong> proposes their deletion.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

House/Senate Bills/Resolutions and Other<br />

Committee Concerns<br />

Comments/Recommendation/Inputs of the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong><br />

House Bill No. 5342 (Cont.)<br />

7. We propose that the first paragraph of Section<br />

1701 (Appointment and Compensation of Officials<br />

and Employees) be re-worded thus (suggestions<br />

bracketed):<br />

“All employees of the <strong>Commission</strong> shall be<br />

appointed by the Chairman in accordance with the<br />

Civil Service Law except the private secretaries to<br />

the Chairman [and member] <strong>Commission</strong>ers.”<br />

8. We would like to propose amendment to Section<br />

1900 (Repealing Clause) as follows:<br />

All other laws, acts, presidential decrees, executive<br />

orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof, in<br />

conflict or inconsistent with the provisions of this<br />

Act, are hereby repealed.<br />

House Bill No. 5971 (“An Act Creating the <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Trade Representative Office, Appropriating Funds<br />

Therefor and For Other Purposes”), introduced by<br />

Representatives Tanada III, Lorenzo, Nograles,<br />

Fabian, Erico, Cua and Briones.<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong> staff should not be included<br />

in the transfer of those involved in international<br />

trade negotiations to the PTRO. TC technical<br />

staff are particularly valuable in international trade<br />

negotiations because of their knowledge on tariff<br />

nomenclature and classification, as supported by<br />

TC’s in-house pool of tariff classification experts.<br />

It is submitted that even if TC staff are transferred<br />

to the PTRO, they would still defer to TC in the<br />

area of tariff classification as TC would remain<br />

the acknowledged authority on tariff classification,<br />

hence defeating the purpose of the staff transfer. In<br />

lieu, it is proposed that TC retain its current role as<br />

an independent technical support agency.<br />

Likewise, the bill should provide for thorough and<br />

meaningful consultations under Section 402 of the<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code with all key stakeholders<br />

prior to the conduct of multilateral, regional, and<br />

bilateral trade negotiations in order to craft effective<br />

negotiating strategies and country positions, and<br />

after, as a feedback mechanism/ post evaluation<br />

by government to gauge the effectiveness of its<br />

negotiating strategies.<br />

House Bill No. 4303 (An Act Reducing the <strong>Tariff</strong><br />

Rates On Corn and Wheat, Amending for the<br />

Purpose Presidential Decree No. 1464, Otherwise<br />

Known As the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of 1978,<br />

As Amended) introduced by Representative Rufus<br />

B. Rodriguez.<br />

The following are the <strong>Commission</strong>’s comments:<br />

1. The proposed nomenclature under Section 1 of<br />

the said Bill may be construed that the structure<br />

of the entire Heading Nos. 10.01 and 10.02 has<br />

been modified. To reflect the intent of the bill, the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong> suggests that Section 1 be modified to<br />

read as follows:<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

House/Senate Bills/Resolutions and Other<br />

Committee Concerns<br />

Comments/Recommendation/Inputs of the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong><br />

House Bill No. 4303 (Cont.)<br />

Section 1. The rates of duty on the articles<br />

specifically listed herein, as classified under<br />

Section 104 of the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of<br />

1978, as amended, shall be subject to the Most-<br />

Favored-Nation (MFN) rate of import duty.<br />

Section 2. The nomenclature and the rates of<br />

import duty on tariff headings not specifically<br />

provided for or listed but represented by the symbol<br />

“x x x” under the above tariff schedule shall remain<br />

in force and effect.<br />

2. Feed wheat is classified under AHTN Code<br />

1001.90.99 and corn falls under AHTN Codes<br />

1005.90.90A (in-quota) and 1005.90.90B (outquota).<br />

The in-quota and out-quota tariff rates on<br />

agricultural products (except rice) are implemented<br />

pursuant to Section 3 (e) of R.A. 8178 signed on 28<br />

March 1996.<br />

3. Note that the existing MFN rate on feed wheat<br />

is 7% (implemented under EO 818 signed on 10<br />

July 2009) while corn is levied 35% (in-quota) and<br />

50% (out-quota) (both implemented under EO 574<br />

signed on 04 November 2006).<br />

4. Under the CEPT-AFTA Scheme, the 2009 CEPT<br />

rates on feed wheat is 5% while that on corn is<br />

30% (in-quota and out-quota). In 2010, CEPT rate<br />

on corn is 5% (in-quota and out-quota).<br />

5. Note further that by 2010, the CEPT rate on feed<br />

wheat is scheduled to go down to zero, subject to<br />

the issuance of the implementing Executive Order.<br />

House Bill No. 6578 (An Act to Implement the<br />

Provisions of Section 1, Article XII of the 1987<br />

Constitution) introduced by Representative Antonio<br />

C. Alvarez.<br />

The following are the <strong>Commission</strong>’s comments:<br />

1. It supports the guiding principles of the House<br />

Bill since the same were meant to put into effect<br />

the constitutional provision of giving protection<br />

to Filipino enterprises against unfair foreign<br />

competition and trade practices.<br />

2. To give full effect to the said constitutional<br />

provision, the <strong>Commission</strong> is supportive of the<br />

enactment of a comprehensive and national<br />

competition law, as well as the establishment of an<br />

independent Fair Trade <strong>Commission</strong> whose powers<br />

include that of protecting Filipino enterprises<br />

against unfair competition.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

VI.<br />


In line with its mandate under Section 1 (1.6) of EO No. 143 entitled<br />

“Instituting Effective Operational Mechanism and Strategies in the <strong>Tariff</strong><br />

<strong>Commission</strong>,“ the <strong>Commission</strong> vigorously pursued its continuing advocacy<br />

calendar on the latest developments relating to tariffs and trade both in the<br />

local and international trading fronts. As part of the <strong>Commission</strong>’s nationwide<br />

advocacy program, the <strong>Commission</strong> acceded to requests for briefing/lecture<br />

from educational institutions and organizations as shown below:<br />

Latest Developments on Trade-<strong>Tariff</strong> Policy<br />

Students of John B. Lacson College, Iloilo<br />

TC Conference Room<br />

November 19, 2009<br />

Market Access Thru Trade Policies and Agreements<br />

(In cooperation with PHILEXPORT)<br />

Cebu City<br />

October 19-21, 2009<br />

Market Access Thru Trade Policies and Agreements<br />

(In cooperation with PHILEXPORT)<br />

Cagayan De Oro<br />

October 5-7, 2009<br />

Seminar-Workshop on Classifying Export Products under the ASEAN<br />

Harmonized <strong>Tariff</strong> Nomenclature (AHTN)<br />

International Property Office Bldg., Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City<br />

March 5-6, 2009<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Isagani D. Garduque, Chief – Administrative Division, gives a briefing on the <strong>Commission</strong>’s<br />

organizational chart, mission and vision to students who visited the office for lectures on<br />

the latest development on trade and tariff policy. (November 19, 2009).<br />

Students from John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation during a briefing conducted by<br />

TC technical staff on the latest development on trade and tariff policy (November 19,<br />

2009).<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />


A. Competition Policy<br />

The <strong>Philippine</strong>s, through the <strong>Commission</strong>, has been actively involved<br />

in the forefront of competition policy activities in the local and international<br />

fora. Among others, the following are the latest developments on competition<br />

policy:<br />

I. Senate/House Bills<br />

In its effort to enact a comprehensive and national competition law, the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Senate approved Senate Bill No. 3197 (“The Competition Act of<br />

2009”) and was subsequently endorsed to the House of Representatives<br />

for concurrence. A counterpart bill from the House of Representatives<br />

was approved at the Committee level by the Committee on Trade and<br />

Industry, but due to lack of time to deliberate on the said bill, the <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Congress failed to pass the same.<br />

II. International/Regional Activities – ASEAN Experts Group on<br />

Competition (AEGC)<br />

At present, the <strong>Commission</strong>, as the designated <strong>Philippine</strong> representative<br />

to the AEGC, remains active in AEGC’s various projects, such as the<br />

drafting of the ASEAN Regional Guidelines on Competition Policy and<br />

Law (including its Reference Document), the drafting of the Handbook on<br />

Competition Policy and Law in ASEAN for Business, and attendance to<br />

AEGC High-Level meetings.<br />

A. Regional Guidelines<br />

The Regional Guidelines on Competition Policy and Law are based on<br />

country experiences and international best practices and are meant<br />

to set out different policy and institutional options that serve as a<br />

reference guide for ASEAN Member States (AMS) in their collective<br />

effort to create a fair competition environment. It is not intended to<br />

be a full or binding statement on competition policy, but rather to help<br />

serve to increase AMS’ awareness of the importance of competition<br />

policy, with the aim of stimulating the development of best practices<br />

and enhancing cooperation between AMS.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

The said draft Regional Guidelines has been finalized and is due for<br />

deliberation and approval by the AEGC Members. Upon its approval,<br />

the Regional Guidelines will be formally launched in a series of<br />

socialization events to be held at various countries within the ASEAN.<br />

The <strong>Philippine</strong>s has been selected to host one of the said socialization<br />

events this year or early next year, 2011.<br />

The Regional Guidelines is not intended to be a full or binding statement<br />

on competition policy, but rather will help serve to increase AMS’<br />

awareness of the importance of competition policy, with a view to<br />

develop the best practices and enhance cooperation between AMS.<br />

Both the Guidelines and the Handbook are scheduled for adoption by<br />

AMS in 2010.<br />

The following are the <strong>Commission</strong>’s involvement on ASEAN Regional<br />

Guidelines:<br />

Attended and represented the <strong>Philippine</strong>s on the 1st ASEAN Experts<br />

Group on Competition (AEGC) Regional Guidelines Workshop held<br />

at Bali, Indonesia; and<br />

Hosted the 2nd Meeting of the Working Group for Developing<br />

Regional Guidelines on ASEAN Competition Policy and Law held on<br />

September 28-30, 2009 at the InterContinental Hotel, Manila.<br />

B. Handbook on Competition Policy and Law in ASEAN for Business<br />

The Handbook on Competition Policy and Law in ASEAN for Business<br />

(Regional Handbook) is another AEGC project made specifically at<br />

providing, in a language easily understandable to non-experts, basic<br />

notions of substantive and procedural competition law applicable in<br />

AMS, to the benefit of regional and transnational businesses engaged<br />

in the ASEAN region.<br />

The Handbook is not intended to be a comprehensive guide on applicable<br />

laws and it is meant purely as a documentation tool. The overall aim<br />

of the Handbook is to inform the business community and investors<br />

of the current approaches and practices relating to Competition Policy<br />

and Law applicable in AMS, raising awareness among this target<br />

group, and to develop a competition culture amongst the business<br />

community, with the end view of creating a favorable environment for<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

the introduction and enforcement of Competition Policy and Law, both<br />

in the individual AMS and at the regional ASEAN level.<br />

The Handbook is about to be finalized this year and like the Regional<br />

Guidelines, will also be deliberated upon and approved by the AEGC in<br />

high level meeting. The venue of the socialization events will likewise<br />

be held in the various AMS, with the <strong>Philippine</strong>s being selected as host<br />

to one of these socialization events.<br />

The following are the <strong>Commission</strong>’s involvement on ASEAN Regional<br />

Handbook:<br />

Attended the Workshop on the Development of ASEAN Handbook<br />

on Competition Policy and Law held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on<br />

14-18 August 2009;<br />

Facilitated and hosted the successful country visit of Atty. Favio<br />

Filpo of the FratiniVergano, competition legal expert, regarding the<br />

latter’s work as an expert in the drafting of the ASEAN Regional<br />

Handbook on Competition Policy and Law for Business; and<br />

Provided inputs to the ASEAN Handbook on Competition Policy and<br />

Law for Business.<br />

III. Capacity Building Activities on Competition Policy Attended by the<br />

<strong>Commission</strong> And Other Related Activities<br />

Drafted and finalized the <strong>Philippine</strong> answer to the Chapter on<br />

Competition Policy as embodied in the <strong>Philippine</strong> Individual Action Plan<br />

(IAP) which was submitted to APEC;<br />

Attended IAP Peer Review of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s by APEC, which covers<br />

Competition Policy;<br />

Drafted and finalized the <strong>Philippine</strong> Strategy Document for the ASEAN-<br />

European Union Free Trade Agreement;<br />

Provided inputs/comments to the ASEAN unified approach in the<br />

treatment of Competition Policy and Law Chapter in the ASEAN-E.U.<br />

Free Trade Agreement;<br />

Provided inputs to the ASEAN Secretariat on the <strong>Philippine</strong> position<br />

regarding the Chapter on Competition Policy for use by the ASEAN-<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Trade Negotiators in preparation for the 7 th Meeting of the Joint<br />

Committee for the ASEAN-E.U. Free Trade Agreement;<br />

Drafted and finalized the <strong>Commission</strong>’s comments to the Executive<br />

Summary and ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Scorecard;<br />

Provided the <strong>Philippine</strong> Country Report (part of the completed study<br />

“Best Practices in the Introduction and Implementation of Competition<br />

Policy and Law”) on Competition Policy to the GTZ Mission;<br />

Attended the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) program<br />

on Competition Policy entitled “Competition Law and Market Economy<br />

Growth”;<br />

Submitted and updated the Japan Fair Trade <strong>Commission</strong> regarding<br />

the <strong>Philippine</strong>s Technical Assistance inventory for the year 2008;<br />

Submitted the official position/inputs of the <strong>Commission</strong> regarding the<br />

chapter on competition policy as appearing in the ASEAN-US Trade<br />

and Investment Framework Arrangement;<br />

Drafted and finalized the proposed text of the Competition Policy<br />

Chapter in the draft RP-EU PCA;<br />

Drafted and finalized the <strong>Commission</strong>’s letter to the Japan Fair Trade<br />

<strong>Commission</strong> regarding the current status of competition laws in the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s;<br />

<br />

<br />

rd<br />

Attended the 3 ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC) Meeting<br />

on March 25-26, 2009 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;<br />

th<br />

Attended the 4 ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC) Capacity<br />

Building Workshop held in Langkawi, Malaysia on 9-13 August 2009;<br />

Attended the Fifth APEC Training Course on Competition Policy (17-19<br />

August 2009) in Chinese Taipei;<br />

Attended the Group Training Course (Leaders Training) on Competition<br />

Policy and Law, August 17 to September 19, 2009, JICA, Osaka,<br />

Japan;<br />

Attended the ASEAN Workshop entitled “The Economics of Monopoly/<br />

Dominance held on 23-27 August 2009 in Da Lat, Vietnam; and<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Attended the training on Competition Law & Impact on Foreign Direct<br />

Investments (FDIs) for ASEAN Countries held in Singapore on 14-18<br />

September 2009 under the Japan Singapore Partnership Program for<br />

the 21 st Century (JSPP21);<br />

The <strong>Philippine</strong>s, with TC at the forefront, hosted the ASEAN Experts Group on<br />

Competition (AEGC) 2 nd Regional Guidelines Workshop on Competition Policy and Law at<br />

the Intercontinental Hotel, Makati City on September 29-30, 2009. Flags of the ASEAN<br />

Member countries represented during the Workshop were raised.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

The <strong>Philippine</strong> delegates during the ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC) 2 nd<br />

Regional Guidelines Workshop on Competition Policy and Law composed of Director<br />

Victorio Mario Dimagiba (extreme right) from DTI-BTRCP, and Ms. Maricor Chua (second<br />

from left), Mr. Ranulfo Cruz (second from right) and Mr. Cesar Villadores, Jr. (extreme<br />

left) from TC. Not in photo are <strong>Commission</strong>er Marilou P. Mendoza from TC and Assistant<br />

Secretary Geronimo Sy from DOJ.<br />

The ASEAN Expert, Atty. Fabio Filpo (top, right), discussing the 2 nd Draft of the Regional<br />

Guidelines on Competition Policy and Law. Mr. Teo Eng Cheong from Singapore (top,<br />

center) presides over the two-day Workshop.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Attended the Regional Workshop on Challenges in the Implementation<br />

<br />

of Competition Law held in Bangkok, Thailand on November 10-13,<br />

2009;<br />

th<br />

Attended the 5 ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC) Capacity<br />

Workshop on Approaches, Methodologies, Techniques and the Related<br />

Best or Replicable Practices in Investigation and Enforcement on<br />

November 24-26, 2009 in Nha Trang, Vietnam; and<br />

Attended the International Conference on Enforcement of Competition<br />

Law in ASEAN countries and International Practice held on December<br />

15-17, 2009 in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.<br />

The participants/delegates from the ASEAN Member Countries during the ASEAN Experts<br />

Group on Competition (AEGC) 2 nd Regional Guidelines Workshop on Competition Policy<br />

and Law. Represented were <strong>Philippine</strong>s, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Singapore,<br />

Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

B. Project Proposal<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong> proposed a project entitled “Helping the <strong>Philippine</strong>s Craft<br />

a Comprehensive Competition Policy Law – Capacity Building and Advocacy<br />

Workshop/Seminar.” The proposal was submitted to the APEC Secretariat for<br />

possible APEC funding.<br />

C. Assistance to Stakeholders<br />

The <strong>Commission</strong>, being a technical agency on tariff and trade-related<br />

matters, accedes to requests for information/inputs from various stakeholders,<br />

including other government departments and agencies with whom it shares<br />

common policy concerns. During the period under review, data/information<br />

were provided to the following, as requested:<br />

Government Agencies<br />

~~ National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)<br />

Topics for NEDA Internal Briefing for 2009;<br />

Duty on cement under EO 766;<br />

2009 monthly import data of yellow corn and feed wheat;<br />

2009 nominal average MFN <strong>Tariff</strong> by HS Section;<br />

Reply that the <strong>Commission</strong> agrees with the analysis derived from the<br />

frequency distribution on AANZFTA rates but the <strong>Commission</strong> found<br />

some discrepancies on the total tariff lines on the AJCEPA rates. Hence,<br />

the <strong>Commission</strong> also provided an updated frequency distribution on<br />

AJCEPA; and<br />

Annexes to EO AIFTA.<br />

~~ National Statistics Office (NSO)<br />

HS 2002 and MFN rates for 2005 and 2008.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

~~ Department of Trade and Industry<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Schedule under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement<br />

(ATIGA) for the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA);<br />

CEPT Product List of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s based on the 2007 AHTN<br />

Nomenclature for transmittal to the ASEAN Secretariat;<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Tariff</strong> Reduction Schedule on AJCEP incorporating EO 262<br />

lines and TC comments;<br />

Draft Executive Order to Implement the Commitment to Reduce the<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> Rates on the Remaining 20% of the Products in the Inclusion List<br />

to 0% under the Common Effective Preferential <strong>Tariff</strong> (CEPT) Scheme<br />

for the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA);<br />

Draft Executive Order to Implement <strong>Philippine</strong> Commitments to Reduce<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong>s on Certain Products Included in the Normal Track under the<br />

ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (2009-2012);<br />

Draft Executive Order for the ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement<br />

to Implement the <strong>Philippine</strong>s’ Trade in Goods Commitment (2009-<br />

2012);<br />

Revised Terms of Reference (TOR) of the ASEAN Economic Community<br />

(AEC);<br />

Offer List of the ASEAN-India Trade in Goods (TIG) MFN rates;<br />

ASEAN-EU Offer List;<br />

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Scorecard, particularly in Trade<br />

in Goods;<br />

Updates re-IAP of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s on <strong>Tariff</strong>s (including the tariff<br />

summary report for 2008), Rules of Origin and Competition Policy;<br />

Updated TRM formula ratings for ASEAN-EU FTA based on the 2007<br />

AHTN Code;<br />

Trade Policy Review (TPR) reported by European Communities (EC)<br />

and WTO Secretariat;<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Trade and trade-related measures undertaken by the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

relative to the WTO Trade Policy Review Body Report on Trade Policy<br />

Development;<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s’ response to the comments of Australia (attachment A)<br />

and New Zealand (attachment B) on the <strong>Philippine</strong>s’ Proposed 2009<br />

Schedules of Commitment under AANZFTA; and<br />

<strong>Commission</strong>’s Formal Investigation Report and Recommendation on the<br />

Petition of AGC Flat Glass <strong>Philippine</strong>s, Inc. for the maximum extension<br />

of the safeguard measure against imports of clear and tinted float<br />

glass and figured glass.<br />

~~ Board of Investments<br />

Correlation of EO 262 products from HS 2002 to AHTN 2000 covering<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> commitments under AJCEP;<br />

Data for NAMA simulation as part of the 23 August 2009 WTO<br />

consultation;<br />

Comparative tariff rates (2009 and 2010) for MFN, CEPT, AKFTA,<br />

ACFTA, AANZFTA, AJCEPA and AIFTA covering motor vehicle lines;<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> Heading of lead-acid batteries;<br />

Assistance in providing the comparative tariff rate (MFN, CEPT, AKFTA,<br />


<strong>Tariff</strong> rates of Natural Gas, Refinery off gases, Hydrogen and<br />

Nitrogen.<br />

~~ Bureau of International Trade Relations<br />

Soft copy of the AHTN 2004-2007 correlation table;<br />

Response to Comments and Questions posed by the experts and<br />

APEC member economies relevant to Individual Action Plan (IAP) of<br />

the Phils;<br />

Draft EO for AANZFTA;<br />

Comments on the updated ASEAN Trade Facilitation Programme;<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Comments on the appeals of the PAFMI, NFEPP, UBRA and NFHFI to<br />

extend EO 765 by 6 months;<br />

Inputs on the draft Terms of Reference (TOR) on the mapping of the<br />

ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA);<br />

Vietnam’s proposal to exclude seven IUT products;<br />

Myanmar’s request for AISP on certain unmanufactured tobacco;<br />

Report on the Chronology of Events/Narration of Facts on Trade in<br />

Goods (TIG) of ASEAN– Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership<br />

Agreement (AJCEPA);<br />

Request of the Taipei Bureau of Foreign Trade re tariff reduction<br />

schedule on Taiwan’s top 30 exports to the <strong>Philippine</strong>s under the<br />

ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement;<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s’ comments on Australia and New Zealand’s proposed 2009<br />

Schedules of Commitment (in HS 2007 Code) which was transposed<br />

from their original schedule of commitment (in HS 2002 Code);<br />

Comments on the latest draft of the ASEAN-Canada Trade and<br />

Investment Framework Arrangement (TIFA);<br />

Comments on the possible areas for cooperation identified by Indonesia<br />

which may be deemed under the ASEAN-US Trade and Investment<br />

Framework Agreement (TIFA) particularly on Competition Policy;<br />

Comments to the query of the Department of Foreign Affairs on ASEAN<br />

Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA);<br />

Endorsement of Subic-Clark Alliance for Development Council’s letter<br />

on the proposed amendments to EO 214;<br />

Updated version of RP’s Offer List under the ASEAN-India FTA;<br />

Comments on the Feasibility Study Report and the Action Proposals<br />

for Accelerating the Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation (PBGEC);<br />

Updated version of the <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Tariff</strong> Reduction Schedule (TRS)<br />

under the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) for 2009-2012<br />

as well as the Correlation Table from AHTN 2004 to AHTN 2007 (in<br />

2009, <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code);<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Comments to the 2009 RP IAP Peer Review on Indonesia’s query<br />

regarding preferential treatment for environmentally friendly<br />

products;<br />

Comments to the transposition verification made by the ASEAN<br />

Secretariat on sixteen (16) PIS products;<br />

Comments on the inclusion of the automaticity section in the cover of<br />

the draft EO on AANZFTA;<br />

Availability and degree of processing per AHTN tariff line in relation to<br />

ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement based on AHTN<br />

2007 nomenclature (Updated up to E.O. 790);<br />

Reply on non-tariff measures of the <strong>Philippine</strong> Individual Action Plan<br />

(IAP) 2009;<br />

Proposed ASEAN-Canada Trade and Investment Framework<br />

Arrangement;<br />

Confirmation that RP’s Transposed Schedule of <strong>Tariff</strong> Commitments<br />

reflects the <strong>Philippine</strong>s’ commitment under AANZFTA;<br />

Reply with the <strong>Commission</strong>’s finding that the revised schedule of<br />

commitments of Australia and New Zealand is acceptable with no<br />

further clarification since both schedules reflect RP’s comments on<br />

their previous submissions;<br />

Trade data, updated product availability of Korea’s sensitive products<br />

under AKFTA and the conduct of the public consultation;<br />

Availability and degree of processing per AHTN tariff line in relation to<br />

ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement based on AHTN<br />

2007 nomenclature (Updated up to E.O. 790);<br />

Validated transposed PSRs for the Trade in Goods Agreement under<br />

ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement;<br />

Photocopies of the reports on the results of consultation that were<br />

submitted to NEDA on various FTAs (i.e. China, Korea, Japan, India,<br />

Australia-New Zealand and European Union);<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Updated <strong>Philippine</strong>s’ Proposed 2009 Schedules of Commitment under<br />

AANZFTA incorporating the comments of Australia and New Zealand<br />

and the two-way concordance tables (HS 2002-AHTN 2007);<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s’ response to the comments of Australia and New Zealand<br />

on the <strong>Philippine</strong>s’ proposed 2009 Schedules of Commitment under<br />

AANZFTA;<br />

Complete <strong>Philippine</strong> AKFTA schedule with availability and the correlation<br />

of AKFTA schedule from AHTN 2005 to AHTN 2007;<br />

<strong>Commission</strong>’s Report on Wheat and Wheat Flour;<br />

Request of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

(TECO) regarding the <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Tariff</strong> Schedule of the AIFTA based on<br />

Taiwan’s Top 30 product export to the <strong>Philippine</strong>s;<br />

Reply on Thailand’s proposal on the AIFTA Single List for Textiles and<br />

Textile Products;<br />

Reply that the <strong>Commission</strong> agrees with Thailand’s proposal on the<br />

AIFTA Single Textiles List to delete ex 7019.19 and ex 9612.10, and<br />

re-insert subheadings 3921.12, 3921.13 and 3921.90;<br />

Single List on Textile and Textile Products;<br />

Correlation of Korea’s Sensitive List to <strong>Philippine</strong> Normal Tract; and<br />

ASEAN Regional Handbook on Competition Policy and Law for<br />

Businesses.<br />

~~ Bureau of Import Services<br />

Invitation for the forthcoming follow-up workshop on Trade<br />

Measures;<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> headings used in the Revision Order 24-2008;<br />

Breakdown of production volume, cost to produce and sell, and increase<br />

in the raw materials and manufacturing overhead on the Safeguard<br />

Measure against float glass imports;<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Information that import volumes per country of ceramic and wall tiles<br />

for the 1 st half of 2005 and 2006 is available in the <strong>Commission</strong>’s<br />

Formal Investigation (SG No. 01-2007) on the <strong>Commission</strong>’s website<br />

and the breakdown per semester on import volumes had been referred<br />

to NSO;<br />

Proper tariff classification of a 1987 GMC Van Model G2500; and<br />

Clarification whether Motor Vehicles in specification as follows can be<br />

categorized as trucks provided under EO 156.<br />

~~ Inter-Agency Committee – <strong>Tariff</strong> and Related Matters<br />

Section 401 Final Reports on:<br />

a. Cotton Linters<br />

b. Hemofil M, Buminate 25%, Gammagard S/D<br />

c. Mastectomy Bra and Swimwear<br />

d. Mosquito Coils and Mosquito Coil Powder<br />

e. Antisera and other Blood Fractions and Modified Immunological<br />

Products<br />

f. Raw and Refined Sugar<br />

g. Linear alkylbenzene sulphonate acid<br />

h. Mixed alkylbenzenes and alkylnapthalenes<br />

i. Printed books, journals, music, maps and other printed<br />

matters; disc, tapes and other recorded media; stuff toys,<br />

jigsaw or picture puzzles and other toys<br />

j. Hot-Rolled Steel<br />

k. Cold-Rolled Steel<br />

l. Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume<br />

of 80% or higher; ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured,<br />

of strength<br />

m. Petroleum oils and oil obtained from minerals, crude<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

n. Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals,<br />

other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or<br />

included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum<br />

oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils<br />

being the basic constituents of the preparations, waste oils<br />

o. Asphalts<br />

p. Polyamide-6<br />

q. Milling Wheat<br />

r. Cement Clinker<br />

s. Cement<br />

t. Fuel Ethanol<br />

Draft Executive Order to extend the effectivity of the zero rate of<br />

import duties on cement and cement clinker;<br />

Draft Executive Order to extend the effectivity of the zero rate of duty<br />

on milling wheat and revert to 7% rate of duty on feed wheat;<br />

Draft Executive Order and its Annex to implement the commitments<br />

on Trade in Goods Chapter on ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free<br />

Trade Area (AANZFTA);<br />

Final report on the request of the Association of Flour and Wheat Millers<br />

to extend the zero duty on wheat (HS Code 1001.10 and 1001.90)<br />

under E.O. 765 for another six months;<br />

Final report on the review of the temporary lifting of the zero duty on<br />

cement (AHTN Code 2523.29 90 and 2523.90 00) and cement clinker<br />

(AHTN Code 2523.10 90) under E.O. 766;<br />

Proposed GANTT Chart on AANZFTA; and<br />

Letter re conduct of a Comprehensive <strong>Tariff</strong> Review for the 2011-2015<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> Structure under Section 401 of the <strong>Tariff</strong> and Customs Code of<br />

the <strong>Philippine</strong>s, as amended.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

~~ Bureau of Customs<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> Classification of Laminated Cover Paper and Coated Paper<br />

Imported from Korea and Consigned to OHC Mktg. Int’l Inc;<br />

Proper classification of “ENVIRONMAT” Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL)<br />

imported from Australia;<br />

Update on the rates of duty in the 2009 Version of AHTN;<br />

Classification of Aluminum Steam Plug Core Vent under TH7616Vs<br />

TH8477 and Distillers Dried Grain with Soluble (DDGS) under TCC<br />

Ruling No. 04-016 dated 26 January 2004;<br />

Request for the electronic summary of import entry declarations from<br />

2006 to 2009 of Figured Glass, Tinted and Clear Float Glass;<br />

Implementation of Sec. 3 of Revenue Regulation No. 3-2006 (Tax on<br />

Tobacco and Alcohol Products);<br />

ERRATA on AHTN 2007;<br />

Comments on the adopted amending the Nomenclature on the<br />

International Convention on the HC Description and Coding System;<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> Classification of Body Stock, Tab Stock and End Stock; and<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> Classification of Electrolytic Tinplates in Coils JISG3303.<br />

~~ Department of Agriculture<br />

Review Process/Amendments for the Exclusion of duty and free<br />

importations on fishing nets;<br />

Exclusion of fishing nets from EO 376;<br />

Conduct of DA Area Wide Consultations on the Inclusion of Rice into<br />

the CEPT Scheme of the AFTA; and<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> Duty of Captive Bolt Stunner.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

~~ Department of Energy<br />

Response to the request for two (2) copies of TCCP Vol. 1.<br />

~~ Department of Environment and Natural Resources<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Indicative List of Environmental Goods;<br />

Report on the Seminar-Workshop of the Inter-Agency Committee on<br />

Toxic and Hazardous Substances; and<br />

Commodity Classification of Chiller Equipment.<br />

~~ Department of Foreign Affairs<br />

Reply to the request of DFA regarding the authenticity of the<br />

Certification that was issued by the <strong>Commission</strong> in favor of BTT Perisia<br />

Berry Compound Mix products.<br />

~~ Department of Trade and Industry<br />

HS Code and AKFTA rate of duty of dried mangoes and mango puree<br />

to be exported in Korea.<br />

~~ Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas<br />

Updates on 2009 tariffs; and<br />

Updates on tariffs review from 2004-2009.<br />

~~ House of Representatives<br />

Official position of TC on the proposed HB No. 129 entitled “An Act<br />

Increasing the Rate of Duty on Imported Tobacco, Cigarette Paper,<br />

Tipping Paper and Filter Rods Used in Making Cigars and Cigarettes,<br />

Amending for the Purpose Certain <strong>Tariff</strong> Headings on the TCCP, as<br />

amended”; and<br />

Official position of TC on HB 4303 (An Act Reducing the <strong>Tariff</strong> Rates<br />

on Corn and Wheat.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

~~ <strong>Philippine</strong> Mission to WTO<br />

Copy of <strong>Philippine</strong> submission on Trade in Goods for Japan and trade<br />

data on JPEPA;<br />

Confirmation on ITA 1A List;<br />

Input/Reply of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s – a Third Party Disputant re: the E.U. and<br />

its Member States tariff treatment of certain information technology<br />

products;<br />

EC-ITA Dispute-Questions by EC and the Panel to 3 rd Parties;<br />

Letter re Inquiry for the issuance of EO 83 on tomato;<br />

Remaining unanswered query of USDA on TRQ Quantities for Live<br />

Poultry, Poultry Meat and Pork;<br />

List of Nominees for the WTO e-learning who will be taking up the<br />

Introduction to WTO from 21 September – 30 October 2009;<br />

Letter regarding the issue of the European Communities and Its Member<br />

States on the <strong>Tariff</strong> Treatment of Certain Information Technology<br />

Products;<br />

<strong>Commission</strong>’s continuing reconciliation of data with that of the<br />

Secretariat for the JPEPA Factual Presentation Report;<br />

Updates on paragraph 16, 17-20 including Table III.1, paragraph<br />

24-27 including Table III.3-III.6 and paragraph 131 of the Factual<br />

Presentation of the JPEPA;<br />

Validation of the trade tariff profile on electronics/electrical sector as<br />

proposed by the Japanese;<br />

Reply regarding the exclusion of UAE from the list of developing<br />

countries exempted from the imposition of extended safeguard<br />

measure on ceramic floor and wall tiles;<br />

Comments on the Proposed Amendments for Anti-Dumping and<br />

Subsidies and Countervailing Measure included in the Highlights of<br />

the Informal Meeting of the NGR held from 29 June – 02 July 2009<br />

and Informal Meeting from 16 – 25 September 2009;<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Comments on the Factual Presentation of the JPEPA;<br />

MFN and bound rates, availability, and degree of processing on<br />

environmental goods;<br />

Comments on the Highlights of the Meetings of the Negotiating Group<br />

on Rules (Anti-Dumping and Horizontal Subsidies); and<br />

Comments on the bracketed and unbracketed issues on Anti-Dumping<br />

and Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.<br />

Foreign Government/Organization<br />

~~ U.S. Embassy<br />

2008 and 2009 <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Tariff</strong>s, on unbound tariffs and products with<br />

high tariffs.<br />

~~ APEC Secretariat<br />

Transposition verification on various Priority Integration Sector<br />

products under CEPT-AFTA; and<br />

Feedback on the Revised Agreed Minutes of the Stakeholders Workshop<br />

on Competition Policy with GTZ Appraisal Mission Team in Jakarta,<br />

Indonesia (May 12-13, 2009).<br />

~~ ASEAN Secretariat<br />

E-Version transmitted at the 8-digit level of the Asean Harmonized<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> Nomenclature (AHTN) to the Asean Secretariat;<br />

Response to the comments made by the ASEAN Secretariat regarding<br />

MFN Base rates under the ASEAN-India FTA; and<br />

ASEAN Counter proposal-AANZFTA CO FORM.<br />

~~ World Trade Organization<br />

ASEAN Proposed Draft CO for the AANZFTA;<br />

Response on the verification of the <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Tariff</strong> Data posted in the<br />

Consolidated <strong>Tariff</strong> Schedules Database File Transfer Facility; and<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

<strong>Commission</strong>’s updated submissions on the JPEPA factual<br />

presentation.<br />

~~ US Aid<br />

Response to the request for 2009 rates under ACFTA and AKFTA.<br />

Others<br />

~~ Kibing Float Glass Export Development<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> market for clear float glass from China.<br />

~~ Business World<br />

Availability of data on safeguard action against imports of ceramic<br />

floor and wall tiles.<br />

~~ Asia Pacific<br />

Clarification re start of the annual tariff reduction of items with category<br />

“B5” under Japan-<strong>Philippine</strong>s Economic Partnership Agreement<br />

(JPEPA).<br />

~~ University of Santo Tomas<br />

Data in the conduct of study “The Impact of Trade Liberalization to the<br />

Competence of Marikina Shoe Industry (1990-present).<br />

~~ PhilBaking<br />

Petition to lift the tariff on flour.<br />

~~ Commonwealth Foods Inc.<br />

Polycarbonate Moulding Board for Production of Ricoa Chocolate<br />

Candy.<br />

~~ New Flavor House, Inc.<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> Classification of Garlic Powder.<br />

~~ Sytengco <strong>Philippine</strong>s Corp.<br />

Technical Clarification on the Procession of Talc Powder.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

~~ Baxter Healthcare<br />

Letter requesting the company to submit a written commitment that<br />

prices of hemofil will be made affordable to end users in the event<br />

that petition will be favorably granted.<br />

~~ University of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

Response on the request for data on average nominal tariffs by sector<br />

for the year 1993-2008; and<br />

Response to the request of Center for the Advancement of Trade<br />

Integration and Facilitation – University of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s for 2008<br />

MFN Rates on selected products.<br />

~~ Yazaki-Torres Manufacturing Inc.<br />

JPEPA implementation by the Bureau of Customs.<br />

~~ Vitarich Corporation<br />

Reply to query on the inclusion of finished feeds in AFTA/ACFTA, raw<br />

materials and their tariff rates, imposition of tariff on Vietnam fish<br />

fillet to be competitive, assistance of the government to producers,<br />

cost comparison of feeds and feed products, occurrence of dumping,<br />

government subsidies, importation of finished feeds, rules of origin<br />

and exemptions on aqua feeds with 60% protein from non-ASEAN<br />

countries.<br />

~~ NEC Logistics<br />

Preferential rates under JPEPA.<br />

~~ Fed Ex Trade Networks<br />

2009-2012 tariff reduction schedule annexed to EO 814 under the<br />

ASEAN-China FTA.<br />

~~ Chamber of Automotive Manufacturers of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s, Inc.<br />

(CAMPI)<br />

Request for information/data in connection with the <strong>Commission</strong>’s<br />

study on products that are being imported under EO 262.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

~~ <strong>Philippine</strong> Fishing Net and Twine Manufacturers Association<br />

Answer to the request to resolve tariff distortion of nylon resin.<br />

~~ KLT Fruits, Inc.<br />

Clarification in the issuance of AK Form under the ASEAN-Korea Free<br />

Trade Area Preferential <strong>Tariff</strong>.<br />

~~ General Milling Corporation<br />

Clarification on the AANZFTA and AIFTA.<br />

~~ Fortune Tobacco Corporation<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> Classification of Expanded Tobacco (Processed).<br />

~~ ADC Phils, Inc.<br />

Clarification on the BOC’s implementation of the 2009 AHTN.<br />

~~ <strong>Philippine</strong> Association of Flour Millers, Inc.<br />

Clarification on the applicable rate of duty on wheat flour (AHTN<br />

1101.00.10) from China.<br />

~~ Belmont<br />

ACFTA rates of duty on various articles.<br />

~~ Faremo International Inc.<br />

<strong>Tariff</strong> Classification on knitted garments.<br />

~~ Association of Abaca Pulp Manufacturers, Inc.<br />

Information that abaca is excluded in the AKFTA consultation.<br />

~~ Confianza Enterprise<br />

Request to submit a cost estimate reflecting the extent to which<br />

savings will redound to lower prices of breast forms/ prosthesis and<br />

mastectomy bras for the estimation of the possible tariff reduction.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

~~ TNC Chemicals <strong>Philippine</strong>s, Inc.<br />

Request to submit a cost estimate reflecting the extent to which<br />

savings will redound to lower prices of cotton linters for the estimation<br />

of the possible tariff reduction.<br />

~~ Avon Products Manufacturing, Inc.<br />

New rulings affecting Australian import/export.<br />

~~ Du Pont Far East, Inc.<br />

CEPT-AFTA rate for 3808.50.11.<br />

~~ KEPCO SPC Power Corporation<br />

Classification of Transformers with Transformer Oils.<br />

~~ <strong>Philippine</strong> Wood Producers Association<br />

Rates of <strong>Tariff</strong> Headings 4407.4410, 4411 and 4412.<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

Office Address:<br />


5th Floor, <strong>Philippine</strong> Heart Center, Medical Arts Bldg. East Avenue, Diliman, Q.C.<br />

Day and Year of Foundation:<br />

June 20, 1953<br />

Agency Trunkline Number/s, Fax and e-mail Addresses:<br />

Website:<br />

PHC Trunkline — 925-2401 to 50 locals 3501-3509<br />

Fax No. — 921-7960<br />

E-mail address — tarcm@mydestiny.net<br />

info@tariffcommission.gov.ph<br />

http://www.tariffcommission.gov.ph<br />

Mother Agency:<br />

National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)<br />

Full Names, Designations of Agency Officials, Direct and Local Lines:<br />

NAME(S)<br />


DIRECT<br />

LINE(S)<br />

EDGARDO B. ABON Chairman 925-2401 to 50<br />

433-5899<br />

921-7960<br />

EDGARDO R. MARALIT Acting <strong>Commission</strong>er 925-2401 to 50<br />

433-4252<br />

928-8106<br />

MARILOU P. MENDOZA Acting <strong>Commission</strong>er 925-2401 to 50<br />

433-5895<br />

921-8106<br />




Director III<br />

Finance, Management &<br />

Administrative Service<br />

Director III<br />

Research, Investigation &<br />

International Trade Analysis Service<br />

Director II<br />

Research, Investigation &<br />

International Trade Analysis Service<br />

925-2401 to 50<br />

929-1964<br />

927-3724<br />

925-2401 to 50<br />

433-5898<br />

926-7476<br />

LOCAL<br />

LINE(S)<br />

3501<br />

3504<br />

3505<br />

3506<br />

3503<br />

925-2401 to 50 3507<br />


Chief Administrative Officer<br />

Financial Management Division,<br />

FMAS<br />

925-2401 to 50<br />

929-1964<br />

3506<br />


An n u a l Re p o r t 2009<br />

NAME(S)<br />









Chief Administrative Officer<br />

Administrative Division, FMAS<br />

Executive Assistant III,<br />

Office of the Chairman<br />

OIC, Planning, Management<br />

Information Systems Division,<br />

FMAS<br />

Officer-In-Charge<br />

Economics, Trade and Industry<br />

Studies Division, RIITAS<br />

Chief <strong>Tariff</strong> Specialist<br />

Financial Studies Division, RIITAS<br />

Officer-In-Charge<br />

Commodities Studies Division,<br />

RIITAS<br />

Officer-In-Charge<br />

International Trade Studies Division,<br />

RIITAS<br />

Concurrent Board Secretary IV,<br />

Supervising <strong>Tariff</strong> Specialist<br />

DIRECT<br />

LINE(S)<br />

925-2401 to 50<br />

929-1964<br />

925-2401 to 50<br />

929-1905<br />

925-2401 to 50<br />

433-5896<br />

925-2401 to 50<br />

928-8419<br />

925-2401 to 50<br />

926-8731<br />

925-2401 to 50<br />

928-8419<br />

LOCAL<br />

LINE(S)<br />

3506<br />

3506<br />

3508<br />

3508/3510<br />

3508/3510<br />

3508/3510<br />

433-5898 3504/3505<br />


Annex “A”<br />


TCC No.<br />

Date<br />

Issued<br />


AHTN<br />

Hdg. No.<br />

Preferential<br />

Rate*<br />

MFN<br />

Rate of<br />

Duty<br />

09-001 21-Jan-09<br />

NPG-25 TONER (BLACK)<br />


8443.99 20 JPEPA – Free Free<br />

09-002 08-Apr-09 SAMSUNG YEPP YP-S2 8519.81 90 B Zero 15%<br />

09-003 08-Apr-09 SAMSUNG YEPP YP-S3 8519.81 90 B Zero 15%<br />

09-004 08-Apr-09 SAMSUNG YEPP YP-U4 8519.81 90 B Zero 15%<br />

09-005 30-Jan-09<br />


POWDER<br />

0402.10 30 1 %<br />

09-006 25-Feb-09 ALUMINUM (CUT-WIRE) SCRAP 7602.00 00 1 %<br />

09-007 CAPTIVE POWERPLANT 3.5 MW W<br />

09-008 25-Feb-09 CORN GRITS SEMOLINA 1103.13 00 40%<br />

09-009 25-Feb-09<br />


MODEL SR - S182FR, - S202FR, 8418.21 00 5 % 10%<br />

SR - 8K<br />

09-010 02-Mar-09<br />


MODEL SR-F245 N, SR-F225 N<br />

8418.10 10 Zero 10%<br />

09-011 04-Mar-09<br />



3916.90 90 ACFTA-HSL 15%<br />

09-012 06-Mar-09<br />



3923.29 00 ACFTA-SL 15%<br />

09-013 04-Mar-09 PRIMER (PERCUSSION CAP) 3603.00 90 7 %<br />

09-014 06-Mar-09 GAS CARTRIDGE ACTUATOR 3602.00 00 10%<br />

09-015 28-May-09<br />



8543.70 90 1 %<br />

09-016 03-Apr-09 PDQ-H 3901.10 90 15%<br />

09-017 06-Mar-09 ACESULFAME-K 2934.99 90 ACFTA-1% 1 %<br />


09-019 26-Mar-09<br />


ASW-A100HT, ASW-A95HT, ASW- 8450.11 90 ACFTA-SL 10%<br />

A85HT<br />

09-020 27-Mar-09<br />



8528.72 90 5 % 15%<br />

09-021 27-Mar-09<br />



8418.50 10 Zero 5 %<br />

09-022 27-Mar-09<br />



8418.50 10 Zero 5 %<br />

09-023 03-Apr-09 SANYO TELEVISIONS 8528.72 90 5 % 15%<br />

09-024 27-Mar-09 SANYO CHEST FREEZERS 8418.30 00 ACFTA-5% 5 %<br />

09-025 27-Mar-09 SANYO UPRIGHT FREEZERS 8418.40 00 Zero 10%<br />

09-026 27-Mar-09<br />



8418.10 10 10%<br />

09-027 24-Mar-09<br />



8418.10 10 10%<br />

09-028 24-Mar-09<br />



8418.10 10 Zero 10%<br />

09-029 24-Mar-09<br />



8418.21 00 5 % 10%

Annex “A”<br />

TCC No.<br />

Date<br />

Issued<br />


AHTN<br />

Hdg. No.<br />

Preferential<br />

Rate*<br />

MFN<br />

Rate of<br />

Duty<br />

09-030 24-Mar-09<br />



8415.10 00A ACFTA-SL 10%<br />

09-031 27-Mar-09<br />



8415.10 00A ACFTA-SL 10%<br />

09-032 17-Apr-09<br />



8415.83 90 ACFTA-8% 15%<br />

09-033 27-Mar-09 FROZEN ORANGE CELL 2008.30 90 - 10%<br />

09-034 Digital Movie Camera W<br />

09-035 Industrial Microwave Oven W<br />

09-036 27-Mar-09 SANYO DIGITAL STILL CAMERAS 8525.80.20 A Free<br />

09-037 07-Jul-09<br />


FACTORY EQUIPMENT AND 8479.89 40 B 1 %<br />


09-038 03-Apr-09<br />


MACHINES: SW-805XT, SW- 8450.12 00 10%<br />

705XT<br />

09-039 18-May-09 SANYO WASHING MACHINES 8450.20 00 1 %<br />

09-040 24-Apr-09 THERMAL LOTTERY ROLL 4811.90 30 1 %<br />

09-041 17-Apr-09 BETTING SLIPS 4911.99 90 10%<br />

09-042 02-Jun-09<br />



8438.90 19 1 %<br />


09-043<br />



W<br />

09-044 24-Apr-09<br />


GRADE 967<br />

4805.40 00 1 %<br />

09-045 11-May-09 LUCTAROM PIGS 1866Z 3302.90 00 1 %<br />

09-046 29-Apr-09 LUCTAROM 18285-Z 2309.90 20 1 %<br />

09-047 06-May-09 LUCTAROM POULTRY 37057-Z 3302.90 00 1 %<br />

09-048 06-May-09 LUCTAROM 2062Z 3302.90 00 1 %<br />

09-049 16-Apr-09<br />



3808.93 00 AFMA – 0 3 %<br />

09-050 04-May-09<br />



8517.62 59 Free<br />

09-051 04-May-09 CHEESE POWDER 2106.90 99 B 1 %<br />

09-052 26-Jun-09 MONO DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE 3824.90 90 C 3 % -ACFTA 3 %<br />

09-053 22-Jun-09<br />



9027.80 30 0 %<br />

09-054 04-Jun-09 SMOKELESS POWDER (LOVEX) 3601.00 00 1 %<br />

09-055 04-Jun-09<br />



3601.00 00 1 %<br />

09-056 23-Jun-09<br />

FAECO G.E.E.S. FK128F T5 IN<br />


9405.10 90 ACFTA-8% 10%<br />

09-057 29-Jul-09 FLOSPERSE 3290 D 3906.90 99A Zero-ACFTA 3 %<br />

09-058 06-Aug-09 ICE PEAK DISPENSER 8418.69 90 5 %<br />

09-059<br />

Schoelle Aseptic Bags(003, 005,<br />

010, 025, 200) liters cap, blue cap<br />


TCC No.<br />

Date<br />

Issued<br />


AHTN<br />

Hdg. No.<br />

Preferential<br />

Rate*<br />

Annex “A”<br />

MFN<br />

Rate of<br />

Duty<br />

09-060<br />


BAGS 003 LITERS CAP, 005<br />

LITERS CAP, 010 LITERS CAP, 025<br />

W<br />


09-061 09-Jun-09 SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE 2835.39 90 1 %<br />

09-062 09-Jun-09 SODIUM TRIPOLYPHOSPHATE 2835.31 00 7 %<br />

09-063 07-Jul-09 DIAPHRAGM SEALS 9026.90 20 0 %<br />

09-064 31-Jul-09<br />



9032.20 10 1 %<br />

09-065 24-Jul-09<br />



7607.20 90B SL 15%<br />

09-066 Maspi Aircondition R410A Series W<br />

09-067 24-Jun-09 PC STRANDED WIRE 7312.10 90B 8% 15%<br />

09-068 17-Jun-09 GARLIC POWDER 0712.90 10 Zero 3 %<br />

09-069 29-Jul-09<br />



8479.82 10 Zero 1 %<br />

09-070 29-Jul-09<br />

LLDPE MP 1888.11 ETHYLENE-<br />


3901.90 90 3 % 3 %<br />

09-071 29-Jul-09<br />



3901.90 90 3 % 3 %<br />

09-072 22-Jul-09<br />


FOR SPECTROMETER, PART 8421.39 90 Zero 1 %<br />

#78060025<br />


09-074 16-Jul-09<br />



3902.10 90B 5 % 15%<br />

09-075 16-Jul-09<br />



3902.10 90 5 % 15%<br />

09-076 25-Sep-09 NOVAPRO COLLAGEN FIBER 3504.00 00 1 %<br />

09-077 23-Jul-09<br />


21/93 HP TONER CARTRIDGES, 8443.99 20 0 %<br />

MODEL CB541 A/Q6000A<br />

09-078 09-Sep-09<br />


(CRYOVAC)<br />

3923.21 90B 15%<br />

09-079 06-Aug-09 DXN MORINZHI JUICE 2106.90 70 Zero 7 %<br />

09-080 29-Jul-09 DXN CORDYPINE 2106.90 99D Zero 7 %<br />

09-081 31-Jul-09 POTEN-ZHI CAPSULE 2106.90 70 Zero 7 %<br />

09-082 24-Aug-09 GANO MASSAGE OIL 3304.99 90 Zero 7 %<br />

09-083 24-Jul-09 DXN CORDYCEPS 2106.90 70 Zero 7 %<br />

09-084 30-Jul-09 LION’S MANE HERBAL CANDY 2106.90 70 Zero 7 %<br />

09-085 30-Jul-09 ROSELLE HERBAL CANDY 2106.90 70 Zero 7 %<br />

09-086 27-Jul-09 SPICA TEA 2106.90 99D Zero 7 %<br />

09-087 30-Jul-09 DXN ROSELLE JUICE 2106.90 70 Zero 7 %<br />


09-089 27-Aug-09 ZHI MINT LOZENGES 2106.90 70 Zero 7 %<br />

09-090 24-Aug-09 ANDRO-G 2106.90 70 Zero 7 %<br />

09-091 31-Jul-09 DXN MORINZYME 2106.90 70 Zero 7 %

Annex “A”<br />

TCC No.<br />

Date<br />

Issued<br />


AHTN<br />

Hdg. No.<br />

Preferential<br />

Rate*<br />

MFN<br />

Rate of<br />

Duty<br />

09-092 23-Jul-09 DXN BEE POLLEN 2106.90 70 Zero 7 %<br />

09-093 24-Aug-09<br />


1005.90 90 A<br />

In-Quota 35<br />


1005.90.90 B<br />

Out-Quota 50<br />

09-094 16-Jul-09 ZINC SULPHATE 2833.29 10B 1 % 1 %<br />

09-095 27-Jul-09 CRODAZOSOFT DBQ 3402.90 94 3 % 5 %<br />

09-096 27-Jul-09 DP CLN WAVE REFILLS 30CT 3304.99 90 7 %<br />

09-097 14-Sep-09<br />


(IDEMITSU)<br />

3903.19 00 5% 15%<br />

09-098 27-Aug-08 YONDELIS (TRABECTEDIN) 3004.90 10 0<br />

09-099 30-Jul-09<br />



8418.10 10 Zero 10%<br />

09-100 06-Aug-09 COMPACT FLUORESCENT LAMP 9405.10 90 5 % 10%<br />

09-101 24-Aug-09 CENASPHERES (CP300-B) 2842.10 00 ACFTA - 0 3%<br />

09-102 24-Aug-09 ARLA WHIPPING CREAM 0402.99 00 5 %<br />

09-103 20-Aug-09<br />



0210.99 20 7 %<br />

09-104 09-Sep-09<br />


MILK 1L<br />

0401.10 00 3 %<br />

09-105 09-Sep-09<br />


MILK<br />

0401.20 00 3 %<br />

09-106 09-Sep-09<br />


EXTRA 1L<br />

0401.20 00 3 %<br />

09-107 09-Sep-09<br />


PURE MILK 1L<br />

0401.20 00 3 %<br />

09-108 25-Aug-09<br />



3909.30 90 ACFTA - 0 7%<br />

09-109 25-Sep-09 MIRALENE 3006.10 90 1 %<br />

09-110 15-Sep-09 PREMICRON 3006.10 90 1%<br />

09-111 18-Sep-09 CATGUT PLAIN 3006.10 90 0% 1%<br />

09-112 16-Sep-09 PREMILENE 3006.10 90 1 %<br />

09-113 16-Sep-09 CATGUT CHROM 3006.10 90 0 % 1 %<br />

09-114 16-Sep-09 DAFILON 3006.10 90 0 % 1 %<br />

09-115 CELSITE W<br />

09-116 29-Oct-09 UNIGRAFT 9021.39 00 1 %<br />

09-117 29-Oct-09 VASCUGRAFT PTFE 9021.39.00 1 %<br />

09-118 17-Sep-09 SAFIL 3006.10 90 1 %<br />

09-119 18-Sep-09 SILKAM 3006.10.90 0 1%<br />

09-120 25-Sep-09 BONE WAX (KNOCHENWACHS) 3006.10 90 1 %<br />

09-121 18-Sep-09 TENDOFIL 300610 90 1 %<br />

09-122 18-Sep-09 MONOPLUS 3006.10 90 1 %<br />

09-123 18-Sep-09 MONOSYN 3006.10 90 1 %<br />

09-124 17-Sep-09 LYOSTYPT 3006.10 90 1 %<br />

09-125 11-Nov-09 PREMILENE MESH 9021.90 00 3 %<br />

09-126 15-Sep-09 PLANTACARE 2000 UP 3402.13 00 3%

TCC No.<br />

Date<br />

Issued<br />


AHTN<br />

Hdg. No.<br />

Preferential<br />

Rate*<br />

Annex “A”<br />

MFN<br />

Rate of<br />

Duty<br />

09-127 02-Dec-09 AMMONIUM CHLORIDE IN BAGS 2827.10 00 0 % 1 %<br />


09-129 18-Sep-09 COPPER WIRE ROD 7408.11 00 AKFTA - 0 1<br />

09-130 14-Sep-09 SWITCH ASSY WIPER 8536.50 99A<br />

09-131 14-Sep-09<br />


(T/S) AND DIMMER<br />

8536.50 99A<br />

JPEPA – 15<br />

CEPT – 0<br />

JPEPA – 15<br />

CEPT – 0<br />

09-132 14-Sep-09 KEY SET 8301.20 00 JPEPA - 0 1<br />

09-133 14-Sep-09 SWITCH ASSY, HAZARD 8536.50 99A<br />

JPEPA – 15<br />

CEPT - 0<br />

15<br />

09-134 14-Sep-09<br />



8536.50 99A<br />

JPEPA – 15<br />

CEPT - 0<br />

09-135 09-Oct-09 POWDERED COOKED CHICKEN 1602.32 90B 40%<br />

09-136 18-Sep-09 CLEXA (ENOXAPARIN SODIUM) 3004.90 10 0%<br />

09-137<br />



W<br />

09-138 TINOGARD TT W<br />

09-139 PE RASCHEL MESH BAG W<br />

09-140 03-Nov-09<br />



2106.90 52 10%<br />

09-141 03-Nov-09 APPLE ACEROLA COMPOUND 2106.90 52 10%<br />

09-142 29-Oct-09 NOVAPOL (LLDPE GI-2024-A) 3901.90 90 3 %<br />

09-143 29-Oct-09 NEURONOX 3004.90 99 AKFTA – 0 5 %<br />

09-144 17-Nov-09<br />



8419.81 20 1 %<br />

09-145 17-Nov-09<br />



8419.81 20 1 %<br />

09-146 29 Oct. 09 DELI MUTISSERIE 8419.81.10 1%<br />

09-147 03-Dec-09<br />



8419.81 10 1 %<br />

09-148 29-Oct-09 VENTURECLAD 1555CW 3919.90 90 15%<br />

09-149 VENTURECLAD 1577CW; 1578CW W<br />

09-150 VENTURECLAD PLUS 1578CW W<br />

09-151 29-Oct-09 VENTUREGUARD -H 1574CW<br />

3919.10 90;<br />

3919.90 90<br />

09-153 29-Oct.-09<br />


OVEN<br />

8514.30 90A 1%<br />

09-154 03-Nov-09 HONEY GRAHAM 506739 T 3302.10 90 1 %<br />

09-155 12-Nov-09<br />



2106.90 52 3% 10%<br />

09-156 12-Nov-09<br />



8704.23 49 JPEPA-15% MFN – 20%<br />

09-157 03-Nov-09 TURBOCHEF - THE 13 OVEN 8514.30 90A 1 %<br />

09-158 04-Jan-10<br />


SPRING<br />

8607.91 00 3 %<br />

09-159 03-Dec-09<br />



3004.90 99 5 %<br />

15<br />

15<br />

15<br />

15%<br />


Annex “A”<br />

TCC No.<br />

Date<br />

Issued<br />


AHTN<br />

Hdg. No.<br />

Preferential<br />

Rate*<br />

MFN<br />

Rate of<br />

Duty<br />

09-160 22-Dec-09<br />



8546.90 00 1 %<br />

09-161 14-Dec-09<br />




8546.90 00 ACFTA – 0 1 %<br />

FIBREGUARD 650<br />

09-162 08-Jan-10<br />



8546.90 00 1%<br />


09-163 08-Jan-10<br />



8546.90 00 1%<br />

09-164 08-Jan-10<br />



8546.90 00 1%<br />

09-165 22-Dec-09<br />



8536.90 19 Free<br />

09-166 08-Jan-10<br />



8536.70 00 C 15%<br />

09-167 12-Nov-09<br />



8517.62 21 Free<br />

09-168 17-Nov-09<br />



8517.62 21 Free<br />

09-169 22-Dec-09<br />



8536.90 19 Free<br />

09-170 08-Jan-10<br />

NENSHI 10-PAIR<br />


8536.90 19 Free<br />

09-171 17-Nov-09<br />



7208.40 00 ACFTA – 3% 7 %<br />

09-172 24-Nov-09 DXN SPIRULINA TABLETS 2106.90 70 0 7 %<br />

09-173 24-Nov-09 DXN GANOZHI TOOTHPASTE 3306.10 90 0 7 %<br />

09-174 03-Dec-09<br />



3304.99 90 Zero 7 %<br />

09-175 03-Dec-09<br />


FOAM<br />

3401.30 00 5 % 10%<br />

09-176 14-Dec-09 GANOZHI SOAP 3401.11 20 5 % 10%<br />

09-177 03-Dec-09 GANOZHI BODY FOAM 3401.30 00 5 % 10%<br />

09-178 17-Nov-09 DXN GANOCELIUM 2106.90 70 0 % 7 %<br />

09-179 24-Nov-09 TALCUM POWDER 3304.91 00 0 7 %<br />

09-180 17 Nov-09 DXN REISHI GANO 2106.90 70 0 7%<br />

09-181 04-Dec-09 GANOZHI SHAMPOO 3305.10 00 0 10%<br />

09-182 14-Dec-09 GANOZHI LIQUID CLEANSER 3401.30 00 5 % 10%<br />

09-183 24-Nov-09<br />


LOTION<br />

3304.99 10 0 7 %<br />

09-184 24-Nov-09 GANOZHI TONER 3304.99 90 0 7 %<br />

09-185 07-Dec-09<br />


PLUS<br />

2101.12 00A<br />

2101.12 00B<br />

5 %<br />

5%<br />

30%-In<br />

Quota<br />

45%-Out<br />


TCC No.<br />

Date<br />

Issued<br />


09-186 24-Nov-09 LINGZHI COFFEE 3 IN 1<br />

AHTN<br />

Hdg. No.<br />

2101.12 00A<br />

2101.12 00B<br />

Preferential<br />

Rate*<br />

5 %<br />

5%<br />

Annex “A”<br />

MFN<br />

Rate of<br />

Duty<br />

30%-In<br />

Quota<br />

45%-Out<br />

Quota<br />

09-187 17-Nov-09 GANOZHI LIPSTICK 3304.10 00 0 7 %<br />

09-188 03-Dec-09 LINGZHI BLACK COFFEE<br />

2101.11 10A<br />

2101.11 10B<br />

5 %<br />

5%<br />

30%-In<br />

Quota<br />

45%-Out<br />

Quota<br />

09-189<br />



W<br />

27-05CH)<br />

09-190<br />



W<br />

27-03CH)<br />

09-191 03-Dec-09<br />



8503.00 19 1 %<br />

09-192 14-Dec-09 LUVIQUAT MONO CP 2923.90 00 1 %<br />

09-193<br />


ELECTRIC MOTOR, MODEL: 8703.90 90 D 30%<br />


09-194 24-Nov-09<br />



8711.90 90C 30%<br />

09-195<br />

CookTek Magnawave Systems,<br />

Models: MC250F, MC-2502S,<br />

MC-3002F, MC-3002S, MC-3502F,<br />

W<br />

MC3502S<br />

09-196 03-Dec-09<br />


GAS-FIRED CONVEYOR OVEN, 8419.81 20 1 %<br />

MODELS: PS520G AND PS540<br />

09-197 24-Nov-09<br />


OVEN<br />

8514.30 90A 1 %<br />

09-198 03-Dec-09<br />


COUNTERTOP CONVEYOR 8419.81 10 1 %<br />

OVEN, MODEL PS520E<br />

09-199 02-Dec-09 EVOLUE-H SP3505 3901.90 90 2 % 3 %<br />

09-200 04-Dec-09<br />


WARMER, MODELS: 12 NCPW 8419.81 10 1 %<br />

AND 15 NCPW<br />

09-201<br />

Star Nacho Cheese Warmer,<br />

Models: 3WLA-P, 3WLA-HS,<br />

3WLA-W, 3WLA-4H, 7WL, 11WLA-<br />

W<br />

P, 11WLA-HS and 11WLA<br />

09-202<br />


5521K and TEC-5531K<br />

9018.19 00 JPEPA – Zero 1%

Annex “A”<br />

TCC No.<br />

Date<br />

Issued<br />


AHTN<br />

Hdg. No.<br />

Preferential<br />

Rate*<br />

MFN<br />

Rate of<br />

Duty<br />

09-203 18-Jan-10<br />

Life Scope BEDSIDE MONITORS,<br />

MODELS: BSM-9101K, BSM-<br />

6301K, BSM-6501K, BSM-6701K,<br />

BSM-2301K, BSM-2303K, BSM-<br />

9018.19 00 JPEPA – Zero 1%<br />

2351K, BSM-2353K, BSM-5105K,<br />

BSM-5135K<br />

09-204<br />


CNS-9701K and CNS-9601K<br />

9018.19.00 JPEPA – Zero 1%<br />

09-205 14-Dec-09<br />

Life Scope BEDSIDE MONITOR,<br />

MODEL: BSM-4000 SERIES<br />

9018.19 00 JPEPA – Zero 1 %<br />

09-206<br />


WEP-420K AND WEP 4208K<br />

W<br />

09-207<br />



9018.19 00 JPEPA – Zero 1%<br />

09-208 14-Dec-09 AQUA TISSUE/MAGIC TOWEL 6307.90 90 15%<br />

09-209 08-Jan-10<br />


235M)<br />

8501.40 10 0 1%<br />

09-210 Pervade 3402.90 11 5%<br />

09-211 Retain Pro 3402.90 11 5%<br />

09-212<br />

Etna Strong Motion Recording<br />

System<br />

9015.80 90 1%<br />

09-213 Mycept (Mycophenolate Mofetil) 3004.90 99 5%<br />

09-214 Tagraf (Tacrolimus) 3004.90 99 5%<br />

09-215 12-Jan-10 DXN NONIZYME 2206.00 90 CEPT – Zero 5%<br />

09-216 14-Jan-10 ZHI CA PLUS 1704.90 90 CEPT – Zero 15%<br />

09-217 08-Jan-10 DXN Aloe V Hydrating Toner 3304.99 90 CEPT – Zero 7%<br />

09-218 DXN Aloe V Aqua Gel 3304.99 90 CEPT – Zero 7%<br />

09-219 08-Jan-10 DXN Aloe V Cleansing Gel 3401.30 00 CEPT – Zero 10%<br />

09-220 07-Jan-10 DXN Aloe V Nutricare Cream 3304.99 10 CEPT – Zero 7%<br />

09-221 08-Jan-10 Ractopamine Hydrochloride 2921.49 00 CEPT – Zero 1%<br />

09-222 08-Jan-10 El-Pro P443J 3902.30 90 CEPT – Zero 15%<br />

09-223 08-Jan-10<br />

Mimiflo PP Feeding Bottle<br />

(Polypropylene)<br />

3924.90 90 ACFTA – 5% 15%<br />

09-224 02-Feb-10<br />



7013.42 00 ACFTA – 0% 5%<br />

* The preferential rate is CEPT rate unless otherwise indicated.<br />

AHTN<br />

MFN<br />

ACFTA<br />

AKFTA<br />

CEPT<br />

P<br />

W<br />

– ASEAN Harmonized <strong>Tariff</strong> Nomenclature<br />

– Most Favored Nation<br />

– ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement<br />

– ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement<br />

– Common Effective Preferential Agreement<br />

– Processing<br />

– Withheld pending submission of required additional information


Annex “B”<br />

Date Trainings/Seminars Venue<br />

December 15-17<br />

International Conference on Enforcement of<br />

Competition Law in ASEAN countries and<br />

International Practice<br />

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam<br />

December 3-4 1st AEGC High-Level Policy Dialogue Medan, Indonesia<br />

November 28- December 3 7th WTO Ministerial Conference Geneva, Switzerland<br />

November 24-26<br />

November 24-25<br />

November 10-13<br />

October 3-18<br />

September 14-18<br />

5th ASEAN Experts Group on Competition<br />

(AEGC) Capacity Workshop on Approaches,<br />

Methodologies, Techniques and the Related<br />

Best or Replicable Practices in Investigation and<br />

Enforcement<br />

Workshop on Trade Facilitation Among ASEAN<br />

Plus China, Japan and Korea<br />

Regional Workshop on Challenges in the<br />

Implementation of Competition Law<br />

Study Visit for High-Level Officials of ASEAN<br />

Competition Regulatory Bodies<br />

Competition Law &Impact on Foreign Direct<br />

Investments (FDIs) for ASEAN Countries<br />

Nha Trang, Vietnam<br />

Changchun Jilin Province,<br />

China<br />

Bangkok, Thailand<br />

Paris, France<br />

Brussels, Belgium<br />

Bonn, Germany<br />

London, United Kingdom<br />

Singapore<br />

August 23-27 The Economics of Monopoly/Dominance Da Lat, Vietnam<br />

August 23-25 Regional Workshop on Competition Policy Dalat, Vietnam<br />

August 17-September 19<br />

August 18-19<br />

August 17-19<br />

Group Training Course (Leaders Training) on<br />

Competition Policy and Law<br />

Workshop on the Development of ASEAN<br />

Handbook on Competition Policy and Law<br />

Fifth APEC Training Course on Competition<br />

Policy<br />

Osaka, Japan<br />

Yogyakarta, Indonesia<br />

Chinese, Taipei<br />

August 11-17 41st ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting (AEM) Bangkok, Thailand<br />

August 9-13<br />

July 30-31<br />

4th ASEAN Experts Groups on Competition<br />

(AEGC) Meeting and 4th AEGC Training<br />

Workshop on Approaches, Methodologies and<br />

Techniques of Competition Law<br />

1st ASEAN Experts Group on Competition<br />

(AEGC) Regional Guidelines Workshop<br />

Langkawi, Malaysia<br />

Bali, Indonesia<br />

July 14-16 RP IAP Peer Review Session Singapore

Annex “B”<br />

Date Trainings/Seminars Venue<br />

July 6-9<br />

June 28-July 1<br />

March 27<br />

March 25-26<br />

Trans Regional EU-ASEAN Trade Initiative<br />

(TREAT) Workshop on Competition Policy<br />

5th East Asia Conference on Competition Law<br />

and Policy and 5th Top Level Officials’ Meeting<br />

on Competition Policy<br />

Kick-Off Meeting with German Technical<br />

Cooperation (GTZ) Team on Appraisal Mission<br />

3rd ASEAN Experts Group on Competition<br />

(AEGC) Meeting<br />

Singapore<br />

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia<br />

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia<br />

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia<br />

March 3-6 7th ASEAN-EU Joint Committee Meeting Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia<br />

February 2-8<br />

2nd Senior Economic Official’s Meeting for<br />

the 40th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting<br />

(SEOM 2/40) and its related meetings<br />

Bangkok, Thailand


Annex “C”<br />

Date Trainings/Seminars Venue<br />

November 23-26<br />

October 22<br />

October 1-30<br />

October 9<br />

Introduction to Trade Policy and the WTO<br />

Seminar<br />

Chief Information Officers Forum (CIOF) 4th<br />

General Assembly<br />

In House Seminar/Workshop on Database<br />

Management Using MS Access<br />

Meeting with the MIS Staff from the National<br />

Computer Center re Bar Code<br />

PTTC, Pasay City<br />

Hotel Intercon, Makati City<br />

TC Conference Room<br />

National Computer Center, U.P.<br />

Diliman, Quezon City<br />

October 8 ACER Technology Product Update Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ortigas<br />

September 30<br />

September 28-30<br />

September 18<br />

Annual Forum on ODS Alternative and<br />

Consultation on Montreal Protocol Issues (EMB-<br />

POD)<br />

2nd Meeting of the Working Group for<br />

Developing Regional Guidelines on ASEAN<br />

Competition Policy and Law (CPL) in the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

Meeting with National Computer Center (NCC)/<br />

CICT re Inquiry/Assistance on Creating Bar<br />

Code<br />

Sulo Hotel, Quezon City<br />

Intercontinental Hotel, Makati City<br />

National Computer Center, UP<br />

Diliman, Quezon City<br />

September 11 Seminar on Linux, Open Source RCBC Plaza, Ayala, Makati City<br />

August 25<br />

August 21<br />

August 17 and September<br />

24<br />

August 17<br />

August 14 and 28<br />

August 12-14<br />

July 20<br />

Chief Information Officers Forum (CIOF) 3rd<br />

General Assembly Meeting<br />

Meeting with BOC on National Single Windows<br />

(EO 482)<br />

TWG Meeting on Substitute Bill on Anti-<br />

Smuggling<br />

Meeting with Bureau of Customs (BOC) on<br />

Interconnection between BOC and TC<br />

Training Program on Benefits and Compensation<br />

Administration, and Conflict Management and<br />

Grievance Resolution<br />

National Forum to Strengthen Policies and<br />

Opportunities for Forest Investment in the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

Seminar/Dialogue on the Implementation of COA<br />

Circular No. 2009-002 on Reinstituting Selective<br />

Pre-Audit on Government Transactions<br />

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ortigas<br />

Center, Pasig City<br />

Bureau of Customs, Manila<br />

Senate Committee on Ways and<br />

Means, Senate of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s,<br />

Pasay City<br />

Bureau of Customs, Manila<br />

UP College of Public Administration<br />

and Governance<br />

AIM, Makati City<br />

<strong>Commission</strong> on Audit,<br />

Commonwealth Ave., Quezon City

Annex “C”<br />

Date Trainings/Seminars Venue<br />

July 10, 2009<br />

GS3, Your Business, Our Tools, Our Solutions<br />

Seminar<br />

Greenbelt 5, Makati City<br />

May 28-29 National Workshop on Trade and Environment DENR, Visayas Ave., Quezon City<br />

May 13-22<br />

Training on Database Management Using MS<br />

Access<br />

Statistical Research and Training<br />

Center<br />

April 15-17 Training on Technical Report Writing TC Conference Room<br />

March 31-April 2<br />

54th Meeting of the Coordinating Committee<br />

on the Implementation of the CEPT Scheme for<br />

AFTA (CCCA)<br />

Richmonde Hotel, Ortigas Center,<br />

Pasig City<br />

March 28-30 30th ASEAN ROO-Task Force Meeting Richmonde Hotel, Ortigas Center,<br />

Pasig City<br />

March 23 2009 National Worker’s Congress Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City<br />

March 4-6, 9-10<br />

February 23-24 and 26-27<br />

February 9-13<br />

Canadian International Development Agency<br />

(CIDA) Technical Assistance Program on Trade<br />

Remedies Phase 3<br />

Seminar on the Analysis of <strong>Philippine</strong> Bioethanol<br />

Policy with Excel Spreadsheet/Add in Tool<br />

(SEEx)<br />

WTO Trade Facilitation National Assessment of<br />

Needs and Priorities for <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

Makati Palace Hotel, Makati City<br />

Dusit Hotel, Makati City<br />

Bureau of Customs, Port Area,<br />


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