For the happy man! - Collected writings DEPRESSION: Ed Atkins

For the happy man! - Collected writings DEPRESSION: Ed Atkins For the happy man! - Collected writings DEPRESSION: Ed Atkins
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Or there’s THIS, off the TOP OF MY HEAD: (((((Hindbrain – Myelencephalon (thoughts of he), medulla oblongata (Saguaro, Papago, Arizona, 1938), medullary pyramids on the horizon, inverted; Medullary cranial nerve nuclei thrumming (wing beats), Inferior salivary nucleus (DROOL), Nucleus ambiguous (?), Dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve (the pains of the WEST), Hypoglossal nucleus (New York 1941), Solitary nucleus skulking elsewhere THAN HERE (X, in a moment of reflection, gazes idly at a kitten from the comfort of a bed. The informal quality of her kicked-off shoes and the soft way the kitten seems to blend into the wooden floor connote the quiet and casual tone of the scene, a relaxed time of serenity and ease.). Metencephalon: pons!; Respiratory centres heaving, laboured; pneumotactic centre (Santa Fe Engine), apneustic centre (Church Door, Hornitos), Pontine cranial nerve nuclei (Cracked Earth, Borego Desert), chief or pontine nucleus of the trigeminal nerve sensory nucleus (V – ( Abbr. CoPNotTNSV, or something. Seldom used, that); motor nucleus for the trigeminal nerve (V: spinning through a great dollop of neural grease, applied – a tiny kitten, barely able to open its eyes, mews in protest against the confinement of the hands that hold it. To us, this squirming creature represents the most positive, joyful thing there is: NEW LIFE, BURSTING WITH PROMISE...), abducens nucleus (VI – ‘Dante’s View’), facial nerve nucleus (VII – lost: Ranch Market, Hollywood, 1956.), vestibulocochlear nuclei (vestibular nuclei and cochlear nuclei – NUDE) (VIII – for the pronouncing of Latinate glottal stuff), Superior salivatory nucleus (the accurate spit), paramedian pontine reticular formation (hot coffee!), cerebellum (particular), cerebellar vermis (April – that is the fool month, isn’t it?), cerebellar hemispheres (axioma – juniper), anterior lobe (Iceberg Lake), posterior lobe (an elevator is a small and intimate enclosure, yet the people who ride it are often anything but intimate. In this impersonal record of an

elevator ride the operator, looking rather forlorn, seems not so much human as A PART OF THE MACHINERY.) Meri, flocculonodular lobe (dangling), cerebellar nuclei (dunes), fastigial nucleus (a laceration), globose nucleus (Online), emboliform nucleus (Sleight...), dentate nucleus (hardened, in this case). Midbrain (mesencephalon: a plateau of dried grasses – thousands of different genuses, swaying in unison with the wind and shaded in great damp patches by the clouds): tectum (tacit), inferior colliculi (cochleal mess), superior colliculi (scrabbling inside; a writhing), mesencephalic duct (cerebral aqueduct, Aqueduct of Sylvius – a round man; one of the earliest defenders of the circulation of the blood in the Netherlands), cerebral peduncle (a retired fisherman, deprived by old age and failing vision of the dignity of work), interpeduncular nucleus (dependent), midbrain tegmentum, snagged; ventral tegmental area (approaching the core), RED NUCLEUS (staring right back at that churning eye of Jupiter, fearless), crus cerebri pretectum (velveteen cord); Forebrain (prosencephalon: Antarctic ice cap, a volcanic plug; the ‘throne’): Diencephalon (Greco-Roman), Epithalamus (a threshold), pineal body (slumped), habenular nuclei (A desperate plea), stria medullares (culpability, see?), tenia thalami (NOVATION), Third ventricle (abstruseness), Thalamus – meaning ‘chamber’ – Anterior nuclear group (Aruba!), fermenting, anteroventral nucleus (contrary motion), anterodorsal nucleus (slumped, irretrivable, I fear), anteromedial nucleus (The Warm Jets), medial nuclear group (‘He was an extraordinary performer’), medial dorsal nucleus (In praise of...), MIDLINE nuclear group (‘satisfactory’), paratenial nucleus (, reuniens nucleus (a vineyard worker in the Cognac region of France stands up to the camera with the serene gaze that comes from pride of workmanship – seemingly unconscious of the ironic contrast between his threadbare suit and the expensive liqueur his strong hands toil to make), rhomboidal nucleus (data recovery), askance – in-

elevator ride <strong>the</strong> operator, looking ra<strong>the</strong>r forlorn, seems not so<br />

much hu<strong>man</strong> as A PART OF THE MACHINERY.) Meri, flocculonodular<br />

lobe (dangling), cerebellar nuclei (dunes), fastigial<br />

nucleus (a laceration), globose nucleus (Online), emboliform<br />

nucleus (Sleight...), dentate nucleus (hardened, in this<br />

case). Midbrain (mesencephalon: a plateau of dried grasses –<br />

thousands of different genuses, swaying in unison with <strong>the</strong><br />

wind and shaded in great damp patches by <strong>the</strong> clouds): tectum<br />

(tacit), inferior colliculi (cochleal mess), superior colliculi<br />

(scrabbling inside; a writhing), mesencephalic duct (cerebral<br />

aqueduct, Aqueduct of Sylvius – a round <strong>man</strong>; one of <strong>the</strong> earliest<br />

defenders of <strong>the</strong> circulation of <strong>the</strong> blood in <strong>the</strong> Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands),<br />

cerebral peduncle (a retired fisher<strong>man</strong>, deprived by old<br />

age and failing vision of <strong>the</strong> dignity of work), interpeduncular<br />

nucleus (dependent), midbrain tegmentum, snagged; ventral<br />

tegmental area (approaching <strong>the</strong> core), RED NUCLEUS (staring<br />

right back at that churning eye of Jupiter, fearless), crus<br />

cerebri pretectum (velveteen cord); <strong>For</strong>ebrain (prosencephalon:<br />

Antarctic ice cap, a volcanic plug; <strong>the</strong> ‘throne’): Diencephalon<br />

(Greco-Ro<strong>man</strong>), Epithalamus (a threshold), pineal body<br />

(slumped), habenular nuclei (A desperate plea), stria medullares<br />

(culpability, see?), tenia thalami (NOVATION), Third<br />

ventricle (abstruseness), Thalamus – meaning ‘chamber’ – Anterior<br />

nuclear group (Aruba!), fermenting, anteroventral nucleus<br />

(contrary motion), anterodorsal nucleus (slumped, irretrivable,<br />

I fear), anteromedial nucleus (The Warm Jets), medial<br />

nuclear group (‘He was an extraordinary performer’), medial<br />

dorsal nucleus (In praise of...), MIDLINE nuclear group (‘satisfactory’),<br />

paratenial nucleus (, reuniens nucleus (a vineyard<br />

worker in <strong>the</strong> Cognac region of France stands up to <strong>the</strong> camera<br />

with <strong>the</strong> serene gaze that comes from pride of work<strong>man</strong>ship –<br />

seemingly unconscious of <strong>the</strong> ironic contrast between his<br />

threadbare suit and <strong>the</strong> expensive liqueur his strong hands toil<br />

to make), rhomboidal nucleus (data recovery), askance – in-

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