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\N"<strong>ESTERN</strong> <strong>AUSTRALIA</strong>.<br />

(Published by Authority.]<br />

This Gazette ;, published for Police infm'mation only, ,,,,cl the Police tiwo"ghout the Oolony<br />

are instnwted to mal," themselves thoroughly rtcquainted with the contents.<br />

GEO. PIIILLIPS, Cornmissione,. of PoWce.<br />

No. 1.J <strong>WEDNESDAY</strong>, <strong>JANUARY</strong> [ <strong>1895.</strong><br />

Circular Orders and Miscellaneous<br />

Information.<br />

C.O. '/.OO3.-Circular Order 6/537 is hereby caucelled,<br />

and, in lieu th ereof, District Officers will see<br />

that a Monthly Retnrn, as per form below, is forwarded<br />

through them to Detective Office, Perth,<br />

from each Station in their respective Districts, giving<br />

the result of all inquiries made in accordance<br />

with the Police Gazette.<br />

In addition to this, an immediate report is also to<br />

be sent through the District Officer to Detective<br />

Office, when the whereabouts of any of the persons,<br />

&c., so inquired for have been found. The Distrit.:t<br />

Officer will, as far as possible. satisfy himself t.hat<br />

the inquiries have been carried out in a bona fide<br />

manner.<br />

Attention is directed to C.O. 6/985.<br />

Return of inquiries made by ..<br />

during... ....... .18 ....<br />

Name or inquiry.<br />

I<br />

Police Ga:ette I<br />

reference.<br />

Result.<br />

...Police<br />

Stealing in Dwellings, from the<br />

Person, &c.<br />

Coolgao·die.-On the 13th inst., from th" person ef<br />

Wm. O'Drea,- 6 £ 10 Bank of AustrahLSia notes,<br />

Nos. 371, 372, 391, 392, 394, and 179, ancl on,- draft on New South Wales Bank<br />

for £34 16s. 4d., p"yable to Anton Anderson, Perth<br />

Branch. 1 £5 bank note, 3 £1 bank notes, 1<br />

sovereign, and several sbiIliugs.- C.I . .!.;H2.<br />

Per/h.- On the 27th ult., froll) t he" No Place"<br />

Inn, open-fac.:ed stem winding 'V"aterbury watch and<br />

dOll bIe gold chain of long links co nnected by 3 small<br />

link., with square gold locket attached, having half<br />

moon (ra.ised) on front and plain back, the propert.y<br />

of J. Dillon.-C.L .!6~11.

2<br />

Perth.-On the 29th uIt., from the Hotel<br />

Metropole,-silve l' hunting English lever keyless<br />

stop-watch, plain case, Roman figures on enamelled<br />

dial, sunk seconds, steel hands, ~lass broken, and<br />

heavy gold chain, curb pattern" WJth two new hool.s<br />

ud 3 or 4 loose links of a dIfferent coloured gold<br />

~ttached, the property of R. D . Pell.-C.I. '-tF·<br />

Perth.- On the 29th nIt., froID owner's dwelling,<br />

South Perth,-silver Waltbam watch (No 1875881),<br />

witb chip ant of dial close to figure VI., With gIlt<br />

chain, seal and key attached, the property of Henry<br />

Eyles. SnRpicion attaches to ''VIlham Glasklll,.age<br />

about 30, height 5ft. 5in., fair complexwn, hght<br />

monstache, slight buil,), round -shouldered. - C.I.<br />

1 ~ !....:1.<br />

Perth.- On the 26th ult., from the person of<br />

Wm. Riley,-silver hunting keyless watch, WIth the<br />

name" W'illiam Riley" enaraved on back case, and<br />

gold chain of plain links engraved" WilIiam Riley"<br />

in five places.-C.I. .!.iH-1t,<br />

--<br />

Fremantle.-On the 24th ult., from the person of<br />

Alexander Clason,--18-carat gold signet ring in the<br />

design of a thistle with filigree work on each side,<br />

silver chain, fetter links, with swivel book at each<br />

end, ancl chamois leather purse containing £1 Os. 4d.<br />

Suspicion attaches to Wm. Butler, medium huild,<br />

height about 5ft. 4in., age about 21 years, dark<br />

brown hair, hazel eyes, oval visage, a labourer, and<br />

Allnie Cl'ollin , stout: height about Sft. Sin., IOllg<br />

features, very fair hair, a prostitute.-C.I. l ~_fl.. .<br />

Apprehensions_<br />

JAMES McALLEN, at Coolgardie, ou the 19th ult.,<br />

by P.C. lIiaurice Sullivan, on warrant; false pretences<br />

on Wm. Hun!er. Committed for trial.<br />

CHARLES MURRAY, at Coolgardie, on the 19th<br />

ult., by P.C. M. Sullivan; unlawfully using et camel,<br />

the property of Thos. Whalley. Fined £10.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1894, page 234 (Escaped Prisoners).<br />

JAMES JARVIS, t.l., Reg. No. 10408, at Jarrahdale,<br />

on the 24th ult., by P .C. Love.<br />

THO"AS ASH, at Carnarvon, on the 20th u It., by<br />

P.C. Thos. Binning; disorderly. 3 .months h.1.<br />

WILLIAM MORRIS (" Scatty"), at Coolgardie, on<br />

the 22nd ult., by P.C. M. Sullivan; larceny. 6montLs<br />

h.l. .<br />

PETER J. ERICKsoN, at Coolgardie, on the 24th<br />

nIt., by P.C. M. Sullivan; assaulting l)olice. Fined<br />

£5.<br />

MICHAEL MOLLOY, at Perth, on the 25th ult., by<br />

P.C. H. Fortescue; disorderly. 1 month h.1.<br />

AGNES BARRoN, at Perth, on the 26th ult., uy<br />

P.C. A. Warnecke; disorderly. 1 month h.!.<br />

JAMES KNOTT, at Cannington, on the 27th ult.,<br />

b;' P.C. J. Casser/ey; larceny. 1 month h.l.<br />

BRIDGE'!' PAL"ER, at. P erth, on the 28th ult., by<br />

P.C. D. Brown; habitual drunkard. 6 months h.i.<br />

ABRAHAM BUTLER, exp., late 7644, at Perth, on<br />

the 28th ult., by P.C. J. Kain; habitual drunkard.<br />

1 month h.!.<br />

RICHARD REEVE, exp., late 7518, at P erth, on the<br />

29th ult., by P.C. J. BYl'lle, on warrant; threatening<br />

to kill his wife. 1 mon th h.1. Further charged by<br />

Dct. Caudan with housebreaking and larceny. Remanded.<br />

.<br />

Vide Police Gazette. 1894. page 10 (Warrants Issued).<br />

NIPPER, ab. nat .. at Kellerberrin, on the 26th ult.,<br />

by P.C. Jas. Edmondson.<br />

\'VILLIAM E. MCGILL~VRAY, at ~arble Bar, on<br />

the 4th ult., by P.C. MlChael 'WhIte, on warrant.<br />

perjury. Committed for trial. '<br />

Vi(le Police Gazette, 1892, page 73 (Escaped Prisoners).<br />

W ALLINGIBBY, ab. nat., at Pal~ Spring, on the<br />

12th October last, by P.C. M. Rhatlgan.<br />

Property Lost.<br />

Fremantle.-·On the 27th. ult.,-gold ring with<br />

row of pearls In claw settIng, one pearl slightly<br />

black, engraved

3<br />

".,...--.<br />

Missing Friends.<br />

Vide Pohce Gazette, 1893, page 205.<br />

DANIEL DONOVAN has been found at Boorabbill.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1894. page 77.<br />

GEOltGE CHAPl\IAN ROBES ON has been fOUllll

~~<br />

-<br />

4<br />

RETURN OF LICENSES issued under "The Wines, Beer, ' and Spirit Sale Act, 1880,"<br />

for the year <strong>1895.</strong><br />

('onditi<br />

on.<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

))0<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Female<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

PrO"c<br />

])0.<br />

Uo.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Uo.<br />

Uo.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Du.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Female<br />

FI'ce<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do<br />

Du.<br />

Ho.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

D"<br />

Do.<br />

Do .<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />


Nallle.<br />


5<br />

R'ETURN OF<br />

LICENSES-continued.<br />



.1<br />

CUl1di_1 .\',~m". Si!\'u. 1'!'OIlI! (J I" District.<br />

lioll.<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Exp,<br />

EToe<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

EXj),<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Female<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Female<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Condi·<br />

tion.<br />

----------~--------~------<br />

BdI, James<br />

DILY, Wm.<br />

Port H otel<br />

Hockingham Inn<br />

Rockingbam<br />

Do.<br />

Cornwall, 'Vrn. Williams Inn \Vllliams<br />

Nicbolls, Fred W. LyudusInn Do.<br />

I<br />

Garrity, Patrick lllll)(>riai Hotel Bl'oome Hill<br />

Garrity, Wm . . Eticup lUll<br />

Eticllp<br />

Palmer, Thomas G. Royal Hotel . K ojonup<br />

Dearie, J ohn<br />

Semblance of Old Do.<br />

Eug'land Hotel<br />

Wagin Hotel<br />

MOWlt Pleasant Inn<br />

Horderll H otel<br />

Sprn.tt, Jnmes<br />

Spratt, Wm.<br />

Bro\',ll, lUichael<br />

White, Francis<br />

McKenzie, '''rn. C.<br />

Heynolds, Edwin<br />

]IcLarty, Duncan H.<br />

Snook, James<br />

Szcecillski, Antonio<br />

Cock-ram, Edward<br />

Trigwell, John<br />

Relly, Jaules ..<br />

Mutton, John<br />

Gorman, J ames<br />

Purchase, John<br />

DUlUl, GeOl'se<br />

Moore. Ednnmd<br />

Bovell,Johll<br />

Gibbs, Stephen<br />

Saw. Fredk. & W. E.<br />

Brown, John<br />

Atkinson, James ...<br />

RobsOIl, John Thomas<br />

Aldermall, 1".<br />

Collins, W. E.<br />

Doseol, J. R.<br />

Bowes, L. P.<br />

H owie, R.<br />

Philbin, Patrick<br />

Trllde, P. B.<br />

Ferryman, J,<br />

:r.Iurphy, M.<br />

Teuny.;;ou,John<br />

Sieveright, D.<br />

Sy-monds, Edwiu<br />

King, Reubtlll<br />

Brown, P. S.<br />

}Iainlaud, Henry<br />

Barnard, J ohu<br />

Fox, John<br />

Hay,H.<br />

Chipp r, H. C.<br />

James, W. G.<br />

Lawl'ence, E. L.<br />

Greig, T.<br />

Gillam, J, P.<br />

Dalton, Thos J.<br />

Payne, Joseph<br />

Kemplay, Audrew .M.<br />

Pickel's, Arthur<br />

Kiuder, Anllie<br />

Keaui, John<br />

Dick, :$amuel ..<br />

McIvOl', Daniel<br />

Sewell, S. H ..<br />

Martin, Jolm,<br />

\Vanderers' Rest<br />

H otel<br />

Bullarra H otel<br />

Exchange Hotel<br />

Prcmier Hotel<br />

Murray Arms Hotel<br />

Serpentine Hotel<br />

Jarrahda:le Hotel<br />

Anchor & Hope Hotel<br />

Railway Hotel<br />

Capel Inn<br />

Bush Inn<br />

Esperance Hotel<br />

Crnnbrook Hotel<br />

Nelson Arms Hotel<br />

Blackwood Inn<br />

Forrest lUll<br />

NarrOL!in Iun<br />

Moori' Hotel<br />

Midland Hotel<br />

Victoria Plains Hotel<br />

Yagabollg Hotel<br />

Cuddillgwarr:t Hotel<br />

Victory United Hotel<br />

Emerald Hotel<br />

Lake Austin Hotel<br />

Miners' Arms Hotel<br />

One in All Hotel<br />

:Mount Magnet Hotel<br />

Peak Hill Hotel<br />

Tra,ellers' Rest Hotel<br />

Oxford Inn<br />

JUllction Hotel<br />

Victoria Hotel<br />

Club Hotel<br />

Pearlers' Rest<br />

\Vagill<br />

Arthur<br />

Narrogin, G.S.R.<br />

Wandering<br />

CnbaIling<br />

Piujarrah<br />

Do.<br />

J arrahdale<br />

SCl'j>entine<br />

:r.Iurray<br />

Pre;;ton<br />

Boyanup<br />

Capel Bridge<br />

Mt, Barker<br />

}Jsperallce<br />

Cr:Ulbrook<br />

Bridgetown<br />

Do.<br />

Canning<br />

Narrogin, P erth<br />

Moora.<br />

l\Ioore Rh'er<br />

Victoria Plains<br />

Star of the East<br />

Cuddingwarra<br />

Do.<br />

Yalgoo<br />

'J'he I sland<br />

Lo.<br />

Mount Magnet<br />

Do.<br />

Peak Hill<br />

The ::\!ainland<br />

Bnmbiuoo<br />

Chidlow's Well<br />

Moore River<br />

Giugin Road<br />

:::;harks Bay<br />

Do.<br />

I.O.U.<br />

Do.<br />

Black Flag<br />

Kurnalpi<br />

Do.<br />

Broad Arrow<br />

Travellers' Rest Hotel Tenterden<br />

General Gordon Hotel Ea-,;tern Harding<br />

Nugget H otel .. Golden Valley<br />

Ree!J.'s Soak Hotel Been's Soak<br />

Thirteen Mile Hotel Parkel"s Road<br />

Koorawalyee Hotel KoorawaJyee<br />

Hunt's Dam Hotel Hunt's Dam<br />

Mount Jackson Hotel MOtllit Jackson<br />

Clackline Arms Olncklille<br />

Southern Cross Pingelly<br />

Hotel<br />

Meckering H otel Hor,;e Valley<br />


)lame.<br />

T O\\\l 01' Oi.~trict.<br />

Free Mitchell, J ohn E. Fremantle<br />

Do. Davies, Geo. Alfred .. Do.<br />

Do. Faddy, Norman N. W. Do.<br />

D o. TyIer, John, & Merritt" Edward . Do.<br />

Do. Noli, Stephen Do.<br />

Do. Sherwood, HenTS Perth<br />

Do. Tredre_l., John T. Do.<br />

Do. Herman, Solomon Do,<br />

Do. Schra.mm, J ohn F, Do.<br />

Do Berman, .t\braham Do.<br />

Do. 'iuanliola, Salvador Do.<br />

Do. B nrnktlll, Abraham Do.<br />

Exp. Speis-ht, Chas. Oweu Do.<br />

Free Turner, Robert Do.<br />

Do Casas, E. R ., Do.<br />

D o. Griffin, Edmund Do.<br />

Female Fienber~, Alice E.<br />

Do.<br />

Do. Friedrich, ]la.tilda S. Do,<br />

Do Mansfield, Pdscilh... Do.<br />

Free Johnson, W. G. Gllildford<br />

Do, Gallop, Richard York<br />

DO~ __ ~B~u~"gce~,,~r.:·CG:C CC __ ~"-__ CC~D::OC· __________________<br />

· ____<br />


Name.<br />

Weld Club<br />

FreelllasonS' do.<br />

Exchange do ....<br />

Royal Perth Yacht do.<br />

T UWll or Oi,1I'i(:1.<br />

P er t h<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

I Do.<br />

'"_"_. ___ + T_'_'_'_"_'_'_D_;'_'_'_;' __ '.<br />

C0l1di· 1 Name. S· I<br />

tion. ______ + ____<br />

Free Davey, Jnartin Wallis Federal Cotl"ee I<br />

Palace Hotel ... Fremantle<br />

Do, OliveI', Adam . Rose Hotel_. __ . N. Fremantle<br />

Do. J llcoby, H:mnah Cafe de Paris Hotel Perth<br />

Do. Tomalin, T. G. Great Britain Hotel I Cue<br />


~~gl~l.l'<br />

Name.<br />

I<br />

--1-<br />

Free I Butler, James<br />

Do. Garrity, Patrick<br />

Do. Hancock, H. W.<br />

D o. Smith, R. B. _..<br />

Condi. I<br />

F ree<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Female<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

}'emale<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

}'cmale<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Female<br />

Do,<br />

Do.<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Female<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

D o.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Town or District.<br />

Katallllin~<br />

Bl'Oome Hill<br />

Spencer's Brook<br />

Beverley<br />


N alllC.<br />


~~- ----- ------------'-<br />

Aug-ier, Joseph<br />

Muller, Carl<br />

ltIead, Henry<br />

'Valdron, Jolm<br />

L Jllam, Margaret<br />

Oaten, Eliza<br />

M c Leod, Mary<br />

Cope, Imen<br />

Roberts, WiUialll ..<br />

Thomas, John George<br />

Scott, Robert<br />

\Vright, Matthew<br />

Green, William F.<br />

Bradshaw, Hem'Y<br />

H Hsop, Bridget<br />

Buswell, EIi:>::t<br />

Duffield, ary<br />

Hooker, Martha<br />

\\'ilson, Cassy<br />

Thomas, Joseph G, .<br />

P ember, J. C.. ..<br />

Hu.rlphries, Geo. F,<br />

lJe::iouza, V, P. R<br />

Veryard, John<br />

Berman, Abrahnlll .<br />

Guardiola, Salvador<br />

TlIl'ner, Robed ...<br />

Julhls, \Ym. -Warner<br />

Gellgc, Chas. 1Vesley<br />

P erry, \V w. J ollll<br />

Thomas, J oseph<br />

Steveus, Isaac<br />

P ottel', Fredk.<br />

Casas, E. R.<br />

Hardy, Edwar d<br />

Silbert & Sharp<br />

Cohell, Nathau<br />

Rosellthal, Solomon<br />

Morris, A. J.<br />

Yates, l\Iary<br />

J a"kson, Martha<br />

Ficnberg, Alice<br />

MUSSOIl, Annie Agnes<br />

\Yilson, Aunie<br />

McLau::::hlin, Anuie ..<br />

BOllcher, Ellen<br />

:r.lan~fie ld, Priscilla.<br />

Donegan, Jaue<br />

Brown, Chll.s.<br />

Scott, Edward<br />

Nrlauds, Jallles<br />

J'iuu, Mars Allll<br />

Hilla,ill, Catherille ...<br />

Stedm~m , Elizabeth.<br />

Nakashina<br />

Zenuskr<br />

John Chi<br />

Ah Heap<br />

Cho Kechi<br />

Setto .<br />

Tllkahash, Karon<br />

:\Io.ssingtoll, Caleb<br />

l\Iiller, Mar), Aun<br />

Can'oU, Mar.r<br />

Evaus, Christilla.<br />

Hyves, Geo . ...<br />

DUC>IS, Albert<br />

}{oberts, Wm,<br />

Gill, Prederick ... ...<br />

HUll ·ton, Alfred Edwlu'd<br />

l\[cFadgen, J ames<br />

Allard & Packhum<br />

T OWll 0 1' District.<br />

Fremantle<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Katannillg<br />

Jarrahdale<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

BUllbury<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Albany<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Perth<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do,<br />

Do<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do·<br />

Do.<br />

Newcastle<br />

Nor tham<br />

Day Dawu<br />

Midland Juuction<br />

Do.<br />

Guildford<br />

Do.<br />

BrOOlll e<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Sharks Bay<br />

Do.<br />

Southern Cr oSS<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />


6<br />


lJolitt ,<br />

-vT<strong>ESTERN</strong> A USTRA L IA.<br />

[Published by Authority. 1<br />

This r:;"zBtte is plth/ishecl jin' Police i'\f'm'mation only, ""d the Police th .. onyh""t the Colony<br />

nI" insi1'11.cied to makp therns,l?!es tho .. mlghly acq""inted wilh the conlents.<br />

GEO. PHILLIPS, Cornnnissione?' of Police.<br />

No. 2.J <strong>WEDNESDAY</strong>, <strong>JANUARY</strong> 9. [<strong>1895.</strong><br />

Circular Orders and Miscellaneous<br />

Information.<br />

C.O. ,j/1t~~.-His Excellency t he Governor has been<br />

l)leased to approve the following Promotions

8<br />

Guildjo'rd.- On the 1st inst., from the pe.l'son of<br />

",Yrn. Davis, at P erth Race-couJ'se,-gold challl, very<br />

light curb pattern, with. another .very light gold<br />

chain of small square lInks l'llllTIlng through the<br />

rinO's at guard and on the watch. The bar is<br />

se:s:~gonal with knob at each end. The chain was<br />

broken near the watch.-C.I. ~~.<br />

F7·e1nantle.-On the Brd inst., from owner's shop,<br />

High Street,- 18ct. gold half round keeper chased<br />

ring, the property of O. K app. Suspicion attacbf's<br />

to two women named Pegdon & Jobnston. No<br />

description given.-C.1. t'}·<br />

Fremantle. -On the 3rd inst., from the "Club l><br />

Hotel,- I S carat gold scarf ring, set with 3 strawcoloured<br />

pearls, maker's name «F. Basse" stamped<br />

on inside, the property of l\fatthew Burnett.- C.1. j ~.<br />

Pertll.-On or about t he 26th ult., from owner's<br />

office, W eld CIHLmbers,-brass plate. 18in. x 12in.,<br />

engraved " H. L. Brookman," the property of H. L.<br />

Broo1.-man.- C.I. ; g.<br />

P,,·lh.- Between the 25th and 28th ult., from t he<br />

" City" H otel,- silvf'r Geneva demi-hunting watch,<br />

No. 49270, back case dented, with steel hands an,l<br />

sunk second-hands, the property of Thomas S. Dunk-<br />

1ey.-C.1. ; ~.<br />

Perth.- On the 31st ult., from Barrack St.reet,­<br />

hurricane lamp, stamped" P .C.C." on bottom, the<br />

property of the City Council.-C.I. i;.<br />

P.,·th.- On t he 1st inst., from the person of Charles<br />

""IV edge, in the t rain betwef'u the Race-course and<br />

Perth,- black leather pocket book, containing an<br />

order for £ 10, drawn by Alexander Hamilton, pa~' ­<br />

a ble to rV. L. L ook, and endorsed b v him order for<br />

£5 odd on D",lgety and Co., Perth, payabl"to Wedge.<br />

RlChardsou and Co., first-class passenger ticket Frt:'­<br />

mantle to Roebourne, a.nd several pounds in notes<br />

and silver.- C.I. ~ ~ .<br />

P el·th.- Between the 21st ult. and 4th inst .. froll l<br />

a room in the "ShalUl'('ck" H otel - chased "old<br />

hunting ?a,~ed Ge.rman watch, old and out of repair.<br />

!lands nussmg, WIth heavy curb pattern cha.in with<br />

nook at each eud rather loose aold scarf l)in oriO'iu-<br />

11' '0 ' 0<br />

a y set Wlt~ ~ pearls pyramid fashion, tht! Uppl..'l'<br />

lJeal'l now 1ll1SSlIlg. and 2 sovereigns, the property of<br />

A. A. Naumann.- C.I. H,. .<br />

Apprehensions.<br />

Vide Police Ga;;ette, l894, page 235 (Warrants Issued).<br />

JA"ES McALLEN. by Cool"arclie Police on the<br />

19th ult. 0,<br />

WILLIAl'tI LASSING, at Geraldton, on the 25th<br />

ult., hy Trayelling Inspector Patrick Troy and P.C.<br />

Charles Walch; disorderly. 21 days h .l. . resisting<br />

arrest, 1 mont h h.1.<br />

BENJAMIN LONGSTAFF, exp., late 8059, at Moora,<br />

on the 29th ult., by L-Corporal F. G. Bewsher;<br />

vagrancy. 2 month s 1.1.<br />

---<br />

Vide P oUce Gazette, 1895, page 2.<br />

JUrES JARVIS, t.l., Reg. No. 10408, brought up at<br />

Jarrahdale on the 31st ult. Horse stealing. 3 years<br />

h .1.<br />

WILLIA1\f FEENEY, exp., late 9446, at Northam, on<br />

the 5th inst., by P.C. John F. Cunningham; vagrancy.<br />

7 days h .l.<br />

JAMES CLINTON, t.l., Reg. No. 10295, at Fremantle,<br />

Oil t he 30th ult., by P.C. A. E. J ones; out after boUTS.<br />

2J days h.l.<br />

ROBERT PRY"E, exp., late 6411, at Fremantle, on<br />

the 1st inst, by P .C. F . E. B. Elliott; vagrancy. 3<br />

m onth s h.1.<br />

ALEXANDER CUNNINGHAl\I, at Fremantle. ou the<br />

4th inst., by P.C. F. E. B. Elliott; disorderly an,l<br />

re'iistiug arrest. 2 months h .1. and 50s. damages.<br />

JOHN MCGOLDRICK, at Fremantle, on t he 4th inst.<br />

by W.P.C. Alexander l\i[cGregor; larceny. 24 hours<br />

11.1. Property recovered .<br />

FREDERICK NELSON, at Fremantle, on the 5th<br />

i nst., by P.C. F. E. B. Elliott; larceny. DiscluLl'ged<br />

on probation under tbe First Offenders Act.<br />

VillI.! Police Gazette, 1895, page 2.<br />

NIPPER, ab. nat., brought up at York on the 5th<br />

inst. £5 fine or 3 month s h.l.; escaping from custody.<br />

6 months h.l.<br />

Missing Friends.<br />

SA'IUEL JEFFRIES, well built., age 43 years, height<br />

6ft., thin features, a contra-cto!', who deserted his<br />

' \life at Brisbane about foul' .veal's ago, and is now<br />

sl1pposed to be in this coleny. Inquiry by Mrs. M.<br />

B. J effnes, c/o Mrs. Riley, Collingwood Street,<br />

Pa.ddingtoll, Brisbane, Quefllslalld. Information to<br />

D etective Office, P erth.-M.F. 'oN.<br />

Mrs. ANNIE MOORE, a half-caste negress, now<br />

snpposed to be living at Coolgardie with a man<br />

named S. E. Moore, a dry-blower. Inqujry by her<br />

sISter Miss Bessy J obnstone, 75 Eyre Street,<br />

Ballarat, who has the cu stody of Mrs. Moore's<br />

children. Information to Detectiye Office, Perth.­<br />

M.F. Ill.<br />

,. _.<br />


SCANLAN, and HENRY CARR, at Gera,ldtoll, on the<br />

24th ult., by P.C. Frederick Tyler and W.P.C. Max<br />

R elChard; l ~ l'cen y . . Can discharged on probation<br />

under the F,rst Offenders Act· others 6 months h I<br />

e.l.Cl1. " . .<br />

I N AH CHIA, Chinaman, a.t Geraldton, on the<br />

22nd ult by P.C. A. G. Brown; 6<br />

months 1;:1<br />

vagT"tncy.<br />

J A"MES O'DOWD, at Geraldtol', th °4 I I<br />

P C H B on c" t 1 ut, by<br />

'. . a .. wden; assaulting poh(;c :3 months h I.<br />

Property Lost.<br />

Pe,·th.- On the 2'lIh ult.,- cheque on ''V.A. Bank<br />

for '£20, drawn by S. R. Hamersley, pay"ble to Tool<br />

or bearer. the property of ''V. B. W ood. On the<br />

2nd inst ..-<br />

bullCh of six keys, and a hutton-hook<br />

marked "Penbertbey," t.he 'property of lVIrs. Eld€'l'.<br />

011 the 1st inst.,-a pair of field"g~a s ses, t he prope r~.'·<br />

of Owen Murphy. On the 1st lllst.,- bl'oad pht:n<br />

a"ld bracelet with lettel's " ]If G E," tbe pl'operty 0f<br />

Mrs. Crosslalld. Ou t he .5th inst.,- pocket-book,<br />

conta.ining tl'avellel's' orders, the pl'ol'el't:" of H.<br />


Property Found.<br />

Perth.·-Silk hanclkerchief; table-clot.h; spectacle<br />

case, crochet needle, and two keys j promissory note<br />

for £15, drawn bv Albelt Caro in favour of H.<br />

Levy; padlock key; pair of spectacles and case; brown<br />

leather pocket book; perambulator j German bronze<br />

medal j pawn ticket for pearll'ing in the nanJe of Ah<br />

Hong ; pocket knife j leat her strap and llu t.:kle j sa.dd Je<br />

cloth j pared of dress material j golll brooch ; b oy'~<br />

jacket; child's frod.: j door key; patterns of cloth j coil<br />

of rope j gold penci 1 case; flandlette CO{\,t and pail'<br />

of gloves; three sets of dress springs; walking stick;<br />

uundle of clothing; silk umbrella; greyhound slnt j<br />

sundry pieces of music; cowtail and handle; spectacles<br />

and case j bamboo walking stick j gig wbip j suit of<br />

clothing; two ducks; photo. album j child's hat ;<br />

silver watch; brass axle. cap i black parasol j gold<br />

trinket (horse-shoe and compass).<br />

Annean.-Two sovereigns.<br />

Albany.- Wooden clock i pocket knife; magnifying"<br />

glasses; gold nugget scarf~pin; pocket knife; lady's<br />

hand-bag; purse and 7d.<br />

Gemldton.-Silk sash; three botUes ale.<br />

Wagin.-<br />

Riding saclclle.<br />

List of Wat.ches Reported Stolen or L ost.<br />

No. of<br />

W atCh.<br />

81927<br />

15017<br />

263!':J::~7*<br />

1077<br />

81882<br />

(For preceding List, see P.G., 1894, pa[Je 191.)<br />

D('~crillliOIl.<br />

O})eo .fa.ce.d, key.winrlilll;, )'el1ow metal cased<br />

Je\'er, gllt llartly worn on<br />

~ilver hunting" En.£"li ~ll le\'er h" 'Vilks<br />

.•• I<br />

S!It-el'lmut!ug" English lel'er: hy Wilks<br />

Sih-er huntmg Walt.hum, cnl!r:wed "O.M. S." in :<br />

monOg"l'am OVel' "Col'iuell " ou case . \<br />

Silver hunting; key.winding" watch, by J. ].[.1<br />

Went, AdelaIde, sCl"ll.tcherl "H. E. I,cane" ill.<br />

side case ...<br />

Open.faced, common metal, kc'viess ·:,..·ntch:<br />

~a~l{ed "Relia.ble Fl'ench" on 'case, and n<br />

lllSlde case .... .<br />

Silt-er hunting Rothera.m ..<br />

Gold hunting keY·l\-incling Walthalli<br />

Lady's silver o})en.faced English lever<br />

Ol)eu.fnced gold EngliSh lever, made ill Carlisle<br />

key.winding, 1)lain smooth case .... . '<br />

Si~ver hunting S ....-iss lever, key.winding', gold<br />

ands ... ... ... ....<br />

Silver hunting American watch, marked "Brook.<br />

lyu Watch" o n dinl<br />

Silver hunting English lever, scratched " Lizzle<br />

Gilpin" and" Geo. Oslom," mside case ...<br />

Silver hunting" Ehrardt" ..<br />

61393 "'" Silver hunting English lever ..<br />

19.ffi.t6<br />

226J..J·6<br />

or2246H7<br />

4143728<br />

160258<br />

Silver open·faced Genem, engraved" A.M." in.<br />

side case.. ... .. ... . ...<br />

Silver hunting English lever, by FlavelJ Brothers<br />

& Roberts, engra,ed .. H " io scroll, outside<br />

case, and "James COl'llell, Mooree, N.S.'V.,<br />

1880," on inside .. ... ... ... ..<br />

Gold hunting stem· winding" 'Valthn.w, engl'aved<br />

"J. Thomas" outside of case, Il.nd "John<br />

Thoma~ . La.nuceston," inside ..<br />

Silver hunting key.winding Geneva.<br />

Silver open.faced key less Geneva. ..<br />

Silver huuting 1Valthnm ... . ..<br />

Silver hunting, key.willcling, American<br />

l',,\if'e<br />

Gazette<br />

r eference.<br />

1894<br />

186<br />

' SO<br />

180<br />

1!)3<br />

193<br />

193<br />

HI7<br />

197<br />

19S<br />

202<br />

202<br />

207<br />

207<br />

207<br />

212<br />

212<br />

217<br />

222<br />

230<br />

230<br />

233<br />

Qgilcifo,·d. - Basket.<br />

Fremantle.- Boat; plan of a house; catUe bell;<br />

receipt for a qua.ntity of gold; bent-wood chair; 3<br />

safe keys; 6 keys on ring.<br />

C .... -<br />

Lady's gold ring; pocket book and papers.<br />

Busselton.- 2 pairs socks j deal raft j 2 snaflie bits.<br />

NO'1·tham.- Lady's shawl; sundry groceries.<br />

MiJJrble Ba,·.- Cheque for £2, dated 19-9-94.<br />

Southern Oross.- Brown leather bag and sundry<br />

papers.<br />

Coolga,·die.-Roll of netting.<br />

The undermentioned property has been claimed :­<br />

Alb",,,y.- Boat, chain, and grapnel (P.G. 1894, p.<br />

199.)<br />

Beverley.-£l note (P.G. 1894, p. 199.)<br />

Warrants Issued.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1893, pa.ge 53.<br />

JIMMY HINEMAN, ab. nat., not to be arrested.<br />

Warrant cancelled on the 5th inst.<br />

SOLOl\IO FRIEDLANDER, stout, age about 45 years,<br />

height 5ft. 8in. or 9in., dark hail', full visage, dark<br />

complexion, da.rk moustache, and small side whiskers,<br />

a trader, supposed German J ew j being indebted to<br />

Court.hope, Drummond & Co. in t.he sum of £90<br />

8s. 3d, To be arrested and brought ashore as often<br />

as he may be found in any vessel about t.o proceed<br />

to sea. Dated Albany, 29th December, 1894.<br />

SULTAN, Afghan, age about 30 years, height about<br />

Sft. 8in., full visage, a, camel~drivel'; assaulting<br />

Freclerick Lindsay Finch. Dated Coulgardie, 24th<br />

December, 1894.<br />

CHARLES SPARKS, height about 5ft. lOin. fair<br />

hair, fair complexion, slight moustache only, winks<br />

very much from contraction of e3Tt~ l i d s, s quar t> ~<br />

shouldered and bow-I cggl~d. has the aplwarallce of it<br />

digger; being- indebted to F. L. T. S"hruth in the<br />

SUlu of .£9 12s. To be arrested at an" seaport of<br />

the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated' P erth, 4th<br />

January, <strong>1895.</strong><br />

Yo"',. - Portmanteau (P.G. 1893, p. 181). £1<br />

note (P.G. 1894, p. 199.)<br />

B""b",·y.-Cloak and paIr of "loves (P.G. 1894,<br />

p. 199.)<br />

P.,·th.-Cheque for 10s. (P.G. 1894, p. 199).<br />

Gold brooch (P.G. 1894, p. 152.)<br />

Miscellaneous.<br />

HARRY THOMAS, charged at Geralc1ton, on the<br />

24t.h ult.., by W.P.C. Max Reichal'll; cruelty to<br />

animals. Fined £5 and costs.<br />

ALFRED DI:S:ON cbarged at Fremantle, Oll the 3Ist<br />

ult., by 'V.P.C.' A. l\Il'GI'\:'gol'; assaultiug P Olil:l'.<br />

£5 fine and costs or 6 weeks h.l.

10<br />

Extract.<br />

From Victol'ia PoUce Gazette, l S~)foy. do. I Albany<br />

Do. do., do. do. OS<br />

Free 10th October, 18!H Coolga.rdie Do. do., 1S94 do. 105<br />

I<br />


11<br />



Couotition.<br />

Exp.<br />

Free<br />

Female<br />

Exp.<br />

Do.<br />

Free<br />

Ab. nat.<br />

r"clllale<br />

Do.<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Exp.<br />

Iteiot. No.<br />

10025<br />

1408<br />

2611<br />

10274<br />

1370<br />

1223<br />

8391<br />

Name.<br />

Ofrence.<br />

Sentence.<br />

------<br />

I<br />

From F1'emantle P'I"ison, du//'ing the 'Week ending Sat'u/I'cl(ty, .5th January, <strong>1895.</strong><br />

Rose, James<br />

Reeckan, Robt.<br />

Drunk<br />

abusive language<br />

10s. or 7 days h.1.<br />

40s. or 14 clays h.1. ."<br />

Fremantle<br />

Do.<br />

O'Farrell, Rate Assault 4Os. or 14 days h.l. Do.<br />

Foley, J ohn Drunk 21 days h.1. Do.<br />

Mcl\fullell, Jas. Disorderly".. 208. or 7 days h.1. Do.<br />

Howitt, Jno. Larceny 3 months h.1. Perth<br />

'l'onuny<br />

Reid, Sarah<br />

Drunk<br />

Do.<br />

5s. or 3 days h .1.<br />

21 days h.1.<br />

Fremantle<br />

P er th<br />

Faunoll, Mary Do. 21 days h.1. Fremantle<br />

Neilson, Peter Larceny 6 weeks h.1. Do.<br />

McGoldrick, J ohn. Do. 24 hours h.1. Do.<br />

F,·o", Bnsselton Gaol, ,lu,.ing the weel.: ending Monday, 31st Decembe,·, 1894.<br />

Runham, J ames I Obscene language ... ! 3 weeks h.1.. . .. I Busselton<br />

Wher e ·-1-<br />

Committed. D/l.te or Di8Chat !::~.<br />

31st Dec., '94.<br />

1st Jan., '95.<br />

2nd do.<br />

13rd do.<br />

I<br />

J 4th do.<br />

15th do.<br />

j 31st Dec., '94.<br />

Free<br />

F'ro1n B ,u,nbwry<br />

Ryan, J ohn<br />

Gaol, d",·i"y the ·week ending S"t

-...<br />

lJolitt Caftttt,<br />

"W"<strong>ESTERN</strong> A USTR.ALIA_<br />

(Published by Authority. )<br />

This Grtzette is published ./0" Police i,\fon",dion only, nnd the Police thToughout the Colony<br />

aTe i" .. tmcted to mnh'p th e""eive" tho"oughly acqu"inted with the contents.<br />

GEO. PHILLIPS, CommissioneT of Police.<br />

No. 3.] <strong>WEDNESDAY</strong>, <strong>JANUARY</strong> 16. [<strong>1895.</strong><br />

Stealing in Dwellings, from the<br />

Person, &c.<br />

C.ossock.-On the 21st ult ., from ownel"s dwelling,<br />

-sllyer key less stop-watch (out of repair) . gold albert<br />

chain, fetter link pattern, with " jubilee" sovereign,<br />

nugget, a~d gold cross attached, gold ring. snake<br />

pattern, WItb small pearl set in bead of suake, gold<br />

brooch , consi sti~ g of two bars, joined at e ~c1s , with<br />

pearls and rubles on oue bar, 16 £5 Umon Bank<br />

notes, 26 £1 U uion Bank notes, and sundry articles<br />

of clotbing, t he property of Antonio ]liartin. Suspicion<br />

attaches to Raboo and Rager, Malay seamen,<br />

belonging to the schooner" Fanny Thornton." -C.I.<br />

I r,.'\ a<br />

\I - ~ •<br />

C,'e.-On the 29tb ult., from tbe person of Alexander<br />

Cail'lls,-silver hunting Rothera m watch, No.<br />

30945, and steel curb chain, and 3 7 sovereigns.­<br />

C.I. l~!.!..<br />

KalgooTlie.- On the 8tb inst . ,~lad y's open-faced<br />

gold Geneva watch, very old. and double chain with<br />

tassel in centre, the property of Kate Griffen.- C.I.<br />

l~·<br />

Coolga,·die.-On the 2nd inst.,-old brown leather<br />

portmanteau, containing leather satchel, marked" J.<br />

Bl'issett" in white paint, three Masonic books, 1<br />

}1:asonic apron, and sundry articles of underclothing,<br />

the property of Joseph Brissett.-C.I. H·<br />

Coolga,·die.-On tbe night of tbe 4th inst., from<br />

the person of James Gray.-gold English lever demi.<br />

bunting stem-winding watch (nearly new), has slight<br />

dent on back case, gold albert chain, of long links,<br />

flattened in centre, with gold band round each link,<br />

round gold pendant, with square and compass, and<br />

plain gold locket attached, a " Miner's Right," in<br />

the name of "James Gra.y," and 13 sovereigns.­<br />

C.r. ~~ .<br />

Frem,antle. -On the 7th inst., from the person of<br />

R. W. Roberts, at tbe Town Hall,- leatber waistbelt<br />

and pouch, containing silver open-faced key.<br />

winding lever watch, maker's name "J. W. Ranwick,<br />

Banalla," printed on dial, "R. \V. Roberts H<br />

scratched on outside of back case.-C.I. ;-%.<br />

Frem""tle.-On the 7th inst., from the person of<br />

John Bmce,-clouble gold cbain, of long links, with<br />

bar III centre, and three links attached for pendant,<br />

and gold buckle ring whicb has been cut and made<br />

smaller, and shows marks of the alteration inside.­<br />

C.I. '~~.<br />

Pertlt.- In September last, from a bedroom of the<br />

" Railway" Hotel,-silver hunting EnO'lish lever<br />

watch, an inscription and the name " Govero" enO'raved<br />

inside back case, and steel curb-pattern chain attached,<br />

the property of Thomas Sampey.-C.I. ; ~.<br />

Pe1'lh.-On the 9th inst., from t he person of H.<br />

G. Leeder,-silver Waltham watch, No. 46.54097,<br />

stem-winding, with enamelled dial, Roman figures<br />

and gold hands, and silver chain, of five small twisted<br />

links, and one long straight link, alternateh.- C.I.<br />

; ~ . ~<br />

PeTth.-On the 9tb inst., frOUl t he "Empire"<br />

Hotel,-silver open-faced English lever watch, No.<br />

78304, by "Stewart Dawsou," key-winding, gilt<br />

hands, glass scratched, with silver chain, link~ about<br />

one inch long, swivel broken off, and guard attached<br />

to .w.atch by small silver ring, the property of John<br />

Wllhs.- C.I. ;!.<br />

P erth.-Between the 4t h and 10th inst., froID tbe<br />

Government '''' orkshop, Old Gaol premises,-a roll<br />

of linoleum, 75ft. x 6ft., weight about 3 cwt., the<br />

property of t he Goverllment.-C.I. t-}.<br />

Apprehensions.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1895, page 3 (Warrants Issued).<br />

S. A. B. DEMPSTER, at Albany, on the 9th inst.,<br />

by Detective Robt. Connell. Discharged. General<br />

warrant issued.<br />

Vide Police Gazette. 1895, page 9 (vVal'rants I ssued.)<br />

CHARLES SPARKS, at Fremantle, on the 5th inst .,<br />

by Cox. S. Hayman. Discharged. General warrant<br />


14<br />

USUP, Malay, at Carna,rvon. on the 27th ult. by<br />

P.C. Thos. Binning; larceny. 6 montbs h.!.<br />

AB MAT, Malay, at. Carnarvon, on the 5th inst.,<br />

by P.C. T. Binning j vagrancy. 9 months h.1.<br />

AH SUE, Chinaman, at Roebourne, on the 20th<br />

ult .. by P.C. M. Leen ; assault. 1 month h.l.<br />

SHEE SHIN, Chinaman, a.t Broome, on the 1st ult.,<br />

by P.C. E. Duffy "nd W.P.C. C. E. Kohler; unlawfully<br />

in premises. 12 months h.!.<br />

MARTIN, Malay, at Broome, on tbe 15th ult., by<br />

P.C. H. Thomas; vagrancy. 6 months h.l.<br />

SAMUEL Roy, 'l..t Coolgardie. on the 1st inst., by<br />

P.C. 111. Sullivan; disorderly. 1 month h.l.<br />

BERNARD FAHLER, at Coolgardie, on the 5th inst.,<br />

by P.C. M. Sullivan; larceny. Discharged on<br />

probation under the First Offenders Act.<br />

ROBERT HARRISON, at Gera,]dton, on the 27th<br />

ult.. by Sergt. W. Lavery; vagrancy. 14 days h.!.<br />

ALEXANDER MCCULLOCH, at Cue, on the 1st inst.,<br />

by P.Cs. F. Blain and H. G. S. Smith; disorderly<br />

conduct. 4 ])lonths h.l.<br />

. MICHAEL KELLY, exp., late 2099, at Dongara, on<br />

the 21st ult., by Lance-Sergt. Patten; endeavouring<br />

to obtain money by false pretences. Committed for<br />

trial. Admitted to bail.<br />

JAMES VVILSON, at Beverley, on the 12th inst., by<br />

P.C. Dohel'ty, on warrant; horse stealing and<br />

larceny. Remanded. Property recovered.<br />

PETER WELLINGTON, at Fremantle, on the 7th<br />

inst., by Corporal Thomas Bonner; vagrancy. 6<br />

months h.l.<br />

GEORGE GRAY, at Fremantle, on the 7th inst., by<br />

Corporal Thomas Bonner; disorderly. 6 weeks h.!.<br />

JAMES O'MAHONEY, at Fremantle, Oll the 11th<br />

inst., by P.C. T. Kelso; vagrancy. 1 month h.!.<br />

FRANK MAYES, at Perth, on the 7th inst., by<br />

P.C. 111. Hehu'; vagrancy. 3 months h.!.<br />

Vide PO~tce Gazette, 1895, page 2.<br />

RICHARD REEVE, exp., late 7518, brought up at<br />

Perth, on the 11th inst. 6 months h.l.<br />

ROSE BAILEY, at Perth, on the 28th ult., by P.C.<br />

~."t.Blencowe, on warrant j child desertion. 3 months<br />

W,LL,A .. CENSER, at Perth, on the 29th ult., by<br />

P.C. Byme; lunacy. Sent to the ASyJ."unl.<br />

ANN COYLE, at Perth, on the 1st inst., by P.C. J.<br />

P. Furlong; vagrancy. 1 month h.!.<br />

LYDIA SCULLY, at Perth, on the 1st inst., by P.C.<br />

P. T. Daley ; vagrancy. I month h.!.<br />

W,LLIAM ROBINSON, at Perth, on the 2nd inst., by<br />

P.C. A. Warneeke; vagrancy. 1 month h.!.<br />

J OSEPH HINDMARSH, expo late 10344 at Perth on<br />

the2d'tb<br />

n ms., y P.C. A. 'Varnecke·<br />

. '<br />

larceny<br />

,<br />

3<br />

months h.t ,.<br />

MARTHA G,ESSON. at Perth, on the 4th inst" by<br />

P.C. Paul Zalinski; disorderly. 1 month h.!.<br />

JOHN FITZGERALD and JOHN KELLY, at Perth, vU<br />

the 20th ult., by Corporal P. English an,l P.C. P. T.<br />

Daley i larceny from the person. Committed for trial.<br />

ROBERT RHONE, at Fremantle, on the 9th inst., by<br />

P.C. T. Kelso; lunacy. Sent to the Asylum.<br />

Special Inquiry.<br />

Special inquiry is requested as to the present<br />

whereabouts of lVIICHAEL FLYNN, who was locked<br />

up at Coolgardie on tbe 5th ult. for lunacy, and<br />

discharged, on doctor's certificate as to sanity, on<br />

the 12th ult. He was proceeding to Southern Cross<br />

with a team, and on the morning of the 20th tut.,<br />

when near the bore on the sand plain, about 6 miles<br />

West of Boorabin, suddenly disappeared. Description<br />

,-Stout, age 32, height 5ft. 9in., dark brown<br />

hair (turing l,{rey) , greyish blue eyes, broad visage,<br />

dark complexion, a labourer. speaks with broad<br />

Irish accent.-B 1 3183.<br />

Miscellaneous.<br />

CHARLES HARVEY, exp., late 6611, charged at<br />

Guildford, on the 8th inst .. by P.C Wm. Green;<br />

sly grog selling. £30 fine and costs and I hour<br />

imprisonment.<br />

HENRY BROWN alias GOVERNOR BROWN. charged at<br />

Guildford, on the 8th inst., by P.Cs. John McGinley<br />

and Ylichael Hehir; sly grog selling. £30 fine and<br />

costs and 1 hour inlprisonmellt.<br />

WILLIAM HENRY BORD:MAN, charged at Perth,<br />

on the 5th inst., by Det. W. F. C"oft; bettinf! on a<br />

mcecourse, fined 40s. and costs; publishing a<br />

handbill relating to betting. fined Is. and costs.<br />

Extract.<br />

From Queenslan(l Police Gazette 1894, P. 347.<br />

Townsville.-THOMAS MASTERS ON is charged, on<br />

warrant, issued by the Townsville Bench, with<br />

having, in the month of November last, absconded<br />

with property, in terms of "The Insolvency Act of<br />

1874.," 38 Vie., No. 5, Section 207. Description ,-<br />

30 years of age, 5ft. 9in. high, medium build, florid<br />

complexion, brown hail', small moustache only, quiet<br />

and steady appearance. Is well known in the back<br />

country, but is supposed to have gone to Western<br />

Australia.-O. 1949, 24th December, 1894.<br />

Inquests,<br />

Roebo"""e.-On the 24th ult., at the Court House,<br />

before VV. D. Cowan, R.:iVI. and Coroner, on the body<br />

of Mar'>aret Grey found dead at her residence on<br />

0' I<br />

the 24th ult. Verdict-" Cause of deat 1 unlmown."-I.<br />

~ ~ .<br />


15<br />

,<br />

Warrants Issued.<br />

GEORGE ROBERT HA.RBOTTLE, forging and uttering<br />

" cheque on the Bauk of Adelaide, for £50, purporting<br />

to be drawn by F. C. Howard and Martin Burgess.<br />

Description: Clerk, English, medium build, age<br />

about 35 years, looks younger, height .sft. 9in., fa~r<br />

fresh complexion, short fair hair turning grey, faIr<br />

moustache, light eyes, shows his teeth when talkiu.g,<br />

fond of singing, and is a fairly good tenor, erect ga:1t,<br />

generally wears pepper-and-salt melange suit, whIte<br />

shirt, blue and white spotted bow necktie, either hard<br />

felt hat with straight narrow rim or white light<br />

Terai hat, fond of dancing, racing, and betting, is a<br />

Freemason, and will probably trade on it. Last<br />

heard of at 3'30 p.m., Sth inst, at Adelaide, "nd m",y<br />

have left in the S.8. "New Guinea" for W.A. on the<br />

same d"te. May be accompanied by Miss Scoulhtrd,<br />

age 21 years, height .sft., fair curly hair cut short,<br />

wears white and cream coloured dress. Provisional<br />

warrant dated Perth, 14th January, lS95. Arrest<br />

very desirable.-W. H·. .<br />

CHARLES SPARKS (for description see P.G., l S95,<br />

p. 9) ; being indebted La F . L. T. Schruth, in the sum<br />

of £9 12s. To be arrested and brought ashore as<br />

often as he may be found in any vessel about topl'oceed<br />

to sea. Dated Fremantle, 5th January, l S95.-vV. :~.<br />

ELIJ"H C. MANTON, age about 55 years, height<br />

5ft. 9in. grey hair, grey moustache and goatee beard,<br />

pale complexion, is gouty and rheumatic, and limps,<br />

a storekeeper ; being indebted to W. Hunter and R.<br />

R. Fry in the sum of £9 17s. 7d. To be arrested<br />

at any sea-porL of the Colony, but not elsewhere.<br />

Dated Coolgardie, 9th January, l S95.-W. H.<br />

HENRY TEMPLE, age about 35 years, height 5ft.<br />

8in., fair hair, grey eyes, full visage, fail' complexion,<br />

a teamster; disobeying summons to appear before<br />

the Coolgardie Bench, on the Sth inst., on the charge<br />

of obstructing a thoroughfare. Dated Coolgardie,<br />

10th January, l S95.-W. ::.<br />


age 27 years, height 5ft. Sin., light sandy hair, grey<br />

eyes with slight squint, thin visage, fresh complexion,<br />

nose slightly turned up, a farmer, late of Annandale,<br />

Beverley; being indebted to J. P. Dempster, in the<br />

sum of £100. To be "lTested anel brought ashore as<br />

often as he may be found in any vessel about to proceed<br />

to sea. Dated Albany, 9th J anuary, l S95.­<br />

W. ~-*.<br />

CHARLIE, ab. nat. (no description given) j wilful<br />

murder .of ab. nat. Paddy Generalia, at Deepdale,<br />

Robe RIver, on or about the 20th December last.<br />

Dated Roebourne, 3rd January, l S9.5.-W. if',;<br />

MANUEL PELGANIE (no description given); maliciously<br />

wounding Jimmy vVesley, on board the<br />

lugger Maon , at Cygnet Bay, 011 the 25th December<br />

last. Dated Derby, 27th December, l S94.- W. '

16<br />

PRISON ER:::; DI;:,;()HAH,G~l.J .<br />

. ~,---~~--------------------.--.'.'---<br />

J,1g;. j R,g'N'· I ___ ~lt.me. ---1------°-"-'-'-,.------ ___'_·,_'_"_°_"_·___ 10,:::'1;1 ... l o""ro"""".<br />

Exp.<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Exp.<br />

Free<br />

jl('tmtle<br />

. 111\Cnile i<br />

Exp.<br />

Do.<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Exp.<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Female<br />

Do. Ab. ''''1<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

AI). nat.<br />

Free<br />

Ah.lla.t.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

All· nat.<br />

Do.<br />

1279<br />

141.j<br />

735<br />

653<br />

0536<br />

1416<br />

6450<br />

10412<br />

1400<br />

62<br />

10043<br />

1402<br />

Local<br />

From Fremantle P'I'ison, du,'1'ing the week ending Scri'll1'day. 12t71 Janua'l'Y. <strong>1895.</strong><br />

llorrisoll, 'Villiam Drunk 21 days h.1. Fremantle<br />

Peace, Charles Do. 10s. or 7 days h.1. Perth<br />

Birch, James Do. 105. or 7 days h.1. Fremantle<br />

H d Pt' k f Drunk ... . \' 21 days h.l. P erth<br />

a1' y, a I'IC' t Resisting Police (2 months h.1. Do.<br />

I Larceny ( 6 months h.1. Guildford<br />

Newcombe, William<br />

l\fidson, Charles<br />

Lemon, Allnie<br />

Audrews, Samuel .<br />

Sampy, Thomas<br />

Smitll. 1'hos., alias<br />

Miller<br />

Variall. Yillcent<br />

Baker, J ohn<br />

Robinson, Daniel.<br />

Kellehar, Patl'ick ..<br />

Smith, James<br />

Brown, Aunie<br />

Fro,,, Derby Gaol,<br />

Hinbin<br />

Magingoora<br />

Coonga<br />

'Wiugilly<br />

l Unlawful possession t 1 month h.1. Do.<br />

Drunk 5s. or 7 days h.1. P erth<br />

Do. lOs. or 7 days h.1. Fremantle<br />

Larceny 86 strokes with birch Do.<br />

Vagrancy<br />

Drunk<br />

1 month h.1..<br />

lOs. or 7 days h.1.<br />

Perth<br />

Do.<br />

Larceny<br />

Resisting Police<br />

Vagrancy<br />

Sly g rog selling<br />

Drunk<br />

Do ....<br />

dUTing the Iou'}' ~Qeek5<br />

Unlawful possession<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

ending<br />

1 month h.1. Do.<br />

3 months h.1. Fremantle<br />

1 month h.1. Northam<br />

3 months h.1. Perth<br />

5s. or 3 days h.1. Fremantle<br />

205. or 14 days h.1. .. ' Do.<br />

S.tu,·day, 1st December, 1894.<br />

1 wep,k h.1., 25 lashes I Derby<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

1 week h.1., 20 lashes Do.<br />

1 week h.1., 12 strokes Do.<br />

birch<br />

~ 7th January.<br />

li<br />

( 8th do.<br />

,9th do.<br />

I<br />

J<br />

~ 10th do.<br />

I 5 11th do.<br />

I ~ 12th do.<br />

~ 3rd Nov.<br />

Lininbun Larceny 7 days h.1., 20 lashes Do. 5th do.<br />

Chew borough Breach of contract 2 weeks h.1.. Do. 1<br />

Mac kanda.. Do. Do. Do.) 20th do.<br />

Mungeo Sheep stealing 1 year h.1. Lennal'd R. 22nd do.<br />

Buudymarra<br />

Yellacrar<br />

Cattle stealing<br />

Do.<br />

3 months h.1.<br />

Do.<br />

Fitzroy R.<br />

Do.<br />

)<br />

j 24th do.<br />

Wand a Wanda Sheep stealing 1 year h.1. Derby)<br />

Ledger Do. Do. Do. f 1st Dec.<br />

Janjiwarrab Do. 6 months h.1. Do. )<br />

Fro,n Cama,""on Gaol, dU"ing the seven weeks ending Satu"day, 22nd Decemb.", 189 i.<br />

Janubiddy Assault 1 month h.1... Carnarvon 27th October.<br />

Dawson, A.lex. Drunk 7 days h.1. Do. 13th Nov.<br />

Batho a7ias Traveller Assault 6 montbs h.1. Clifton DOWllS 21st do.<br />

l\Iunic . Disorderly . 3 months h.1. Cal'uarvon ,<br />

Nung-a. Do. Do. Do. (30th do.<br />

Winga Do, Do. Do.)<br />

Ah Long Vagrancy 1 month h.1.... Do. 5th Dec.<br />

Hughues, Robert. Drunk and disorderly 21 days Do. 7th do.<br />

·White, Jno. Cruelty to animals 3 months h.1. Do. 15th do.<br />

Yadthee<br />

Mungla<br />

Disorderly conduct<br />

Do. ...<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

l) 17th do.<br />

From Geraldton Gaol, d1

VV<strong>ESTERN</strong> AUSTR.ALIA.<br />

(Published by Authority.]<br />

This Gazette is published fm' Police infm'mation only, and the Police thI"0"9ho',

18<br />

{ion bronzf>: medal attached), a. leather waistbelt and<br />

watch pouch, the property of M, Murphy, "Star and<br />

Garter" Hotel.-C.I. -~- ~- .<br />

Ja""ahdale,-Between the 13th and 19th inst.,­<br />

silver kevless Wa,ltbam watch, engraved "JA"<br />

on hack of cases, 1 pair of lavender and hlack<br />

striped tweed trousers and a small tamp-oven, the<br />

property of John AlIiss. Suspicion attaches to<br />

Robert Hannarby, exp.. late 5661, stout, age 60<br />

years, height 5ft. 4in., light brown hail' turning<br />

g l'e.r, li ght blue e.ves, hei1vy round visage.- C.I. ~t·<br />

Frem.antle.-On the night of the 20th inst.,­<br />

boat's lua-sail, No. 6 canvas, dimensions :- head 9ft.,<br />

leach 15ft., luff 10ft., foot 17ft., a patch of No. 4<br />

canvas in 2nd cloth from after leach, roped with It<br />

inch rattlin line, jib sail, of No. 5 canvas, quite new,<br />

dimension :-about Sft. x 5f ' 4ft.., roped with<br />

rattlin stuff, reef points (oue reef) of whipcord, and<br />

main halyards with t.wo small hlocks, the property<br />

of J ohn Luke.-C.I. -H·<br />

Fremantle.-Between the 19th and 21st inst ..-J<br />

pair of red blankets with black stripes, au cIl pair of<br />

grey blankets with red stripes, the property of Carl<br />

Muller. Susoicion attaches to a man, name uuh.llown,<br />

sto ut~ build, height about Sft. Sin., fair<br />

complexion, fair moustache only, a Scotchman, wearing<br />

grey check tweed suit. and grey soft felt hat;<br />

supposed to have gone to Perth.-C.I. H·<br />

ANNJE LEMON, at Fremantle, on the 18th inst.,<br />

by P.C. J. Leavy; vagrancy. 6 months h .1.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1894, page 117.<br />

MINUGARRA, ab. nat., brought up at Northampton<br />

on the 22ncl -inst. Discharged for want of prosecution.<br />

JOHN GILBERT, at E sperance, on the 14th<br />

November last, by P.C. J. T. McAtee; attempting<br />

to commit suicide. Brought up at Albany on the<br />

18th inst. Committed for trial.<br />

THOMAS CASELEY, junior, WILL l AM KELLY, and<br />

JAlIIES WAYLEN, at Perth, on the 1·5th inst., hy Det.<br />

S. Condon j vagrancy. 6 months h.1. each.<br />

PAUL A. DELAKONNY, at Perth, on the 16th inst.,<br />

by Det. S. Condon; larceny. 3 months h.1. Property<br />

recovered.<br />

FRANK HARRIS alias W,LSON, a t Perth, on the<br />

21st inst., hy Det. Con don ; househreaking and<br />

la rceny. Committecl for trial. Property recover ecl.<br />

WILLIAlII KELLY, at Perth, on t he 7th inst., hy<br />

Det. W. F. Croft ancl P .C. James Strapp; storebreaking<br />

and larceny. Committed for trial.<br />

Propert.y recovered.<br />

Apprehensions.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1895, page 15 (W arrants Issued).<br />

ELIJAR C. MAN'roN, at Albany, on t he lSth inst.,<br />

hy Det. R. Connel1. Discharged. General warrant<br />

issued .<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1895, page 20 (Warrants Issued).<br />

DRANGISHA KOWAGEE, at Fremantle, on the 16th<br />

inst., by P.C. T. Conlon. Ordered to return to ship<br />

and pay costs.<br />


and JOHN<br />

FITZGERALD, at Geraldton, on the 4th and 5th inst.,<br />

by W.P.C. M. Reicharcl and P.C. A. G. Brown;<br />

vagrancy. Former 3 mouths h.1.; latter 1 month h.1.<br />

TRO>!AS WISBEY. exp .. late 9917, at York, on the<br />

10th inst., by P.C. J. S. Edmonc1son; vagrancy.<br />

1 month h.1.<br />

FRANK BEGGS, at Geraldton, on the 7th inst., by<br />

Travelling Inspector P. Troy; disorderly £10 fine<br />

and costs, or 1 month h.1.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1895, page 14.<br />

J Al\lES WILSON, brought up at Beverley on th e<br />

16th inst. ; horse-stealiuO', withdrawn' larceny<br />

1 month h.1. 0 '. '<br />

En WARD BUTLER, at Fremantle, on the 15th iust.,<br />

by Corpl. Bonner; unlawful possession. 2 months<br />

11.1.<br />

WILLIA>! STEWART, exp., late 2012, at Fremantle,<br />

on the 16th inst., b:r P.C. James Leavv; vagra ncy.<br />

6 months h.1. .<br />

ANNIE BROWN, at Fremantle, on the 17th iust<br />

by P.C. Thomas Conl on; vagrancy. 6 weeks b.i:<br />

Property Lost.<br />

Peo·th.- On the 15th ult.,- hlack leather pocketbook<br />

containing photo. of lady and sundry papers,<br />

the property of I. A. Nixoll. On the 28th ult.,­<br />

silver sugar spoon with chased handle, the property<br />

of F. Piaggio. On th e 12th inst.,-a bunch of clock<br />

keys, the property of J. S. Bowra. On the 8th inst.,<br />

-gold bar brooch set with one opal, the property of<br />

Miss Hickling. On the 19th inst.,-6ft. ash oar<br />

bound with leather, the property of J. Freeman. On<br />

the 19th inst.,-red morocco purse and £2 19s., the<br />

property of Mrs. Bagot. On the 19th inst.,-fox<br />

terrier dog, whi te body, blat'k ancl tan patches over<br />

eyes. slight scald mark between shoulders, answers<br />

to the name of "Janus," the property of A. N.<br />

Geere.<br />

Ha,nelin.-On the 4th inst.,- 18ct. gold scarf-pin,<br />

horseshoe pattern, set with diamonds, the property<br />

of F. Davies.<br />

Albany.-On the 19th inst.,-gold bar brooch,<br />

mountecl with crescent, set with pearls, the property<br />

of L. McKenzie. On or abou t t he 13th inst.,- l<br />

l ife-buoy, the property of the Harbour Department.<br />

BusHel/on.-On the 9th iust.,-cheque on the<br />

Union Bank, Bunbury, for £S 19s. 6d., drawn by<br />

A. J. Bussell, payable to W. J . Bovell or hearer, the<br />

property of John Bovel!. On t he 4th mst.,- 2<br />

kangaroo dogs (one black, one red), t he property of<br />

P. Reilly. On the 16th inst.,- brown leather purse<br />

and pap'ers, the property of Miss I. Layman.<br />

Vide P oUce Gazette. 1895, page 2.<br />

Northarn.-J. Speigbt's cheque has been found.<br />

19<br />

,<br />

Miscellaneous.<br />

HENRY A. HUl\IMERSTON. licensee of the I< Transcontinental"<br />

Hotel, charged at Northam, on the<br />

14th inst., by P.C. J. F. Cunningham; supplying<br />

liquor to a child under the age of 14 years. Fined<br />

£5 and costs.<br />

THOMAS HOPKINS, charged at Fremantle, on the<br />

14th inst., hy G. E. Renty; larceny. Committed<br />

for trial.<br />

ALEXANDER KIDD, charged at. Northampton, on<br />

the 22nd ult., by P.C. W. T. Pollett; supplying<br />

liquor to ah. nats. Fined £20.<br />

Missing' Friends.<br />

DAVID REES, stout, age 21 years, height 8ft. lOin.,<br />

fair complexion; last heard of at Lion Saw-mill, E.<br />

Railway, hut inquiry there has failed to obtain any<br />

trace of him. Inquiry by Rohert Rees, his hrother,<br />

Ga.rvoc, Victoria.<br />

1/4 0 .<br />

Information to Detective Office, Perth. -<br />

M.F.<br />

ARTHUR RAYNOR BURNS, medium build, age 35<br />

years, height ahout 5ft. lOin., dark hair, side whiskers<br />

and moustache, dark complexion. slightly lame in<br />

both legs, a carpenter and builder, native of Queensland.<br />

Inquiry by GeOl'ge Burns, Railway Department,<br />

Palmerston, Queensland.<br />

Information to Detective Office, Perth.-M.F. ::.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1894. page 213.<br />

HARRY L,LLEY has been found at Kalgoorlie.­<br />

M.F. lU 1 4 2 ,<br />

Special Inquiry.<br />

Information is requested by York Police as to the<br />

present whereabouts of W ALTER HARDING alias<br />

W ALTER BRADLEY, exp., late 7451, medium build,<br />

age 56 years, height about Sft. 3in., light brown hair<br />

turning grey, light brown moustache, florid complexion,<br />

grey eyes, oval visage, long thin nose, is<br />

fluent in conversation, and has rather smart appear~<br />

ance for his age j generally employed as cook or farm<br />

labourer j is said to have been seen in the vicinity of<br />

Beverley on or ahout the 23rd ult.<br />

Information to Detectiv." Office, Perth, or Sergeant<br />

Lemon. York. Tlus Illqmry should he made quietly.<br />

It is not desirable that Harding should know of it.<br />

-Al1498.<br />

CHARJ,ES BERESFORD, medium build, age about<br />

23 ycars, height about Sft. 9in., fair hail', clea.ll<br />

shaved., fair complexion, wears brown check tweed<br />

suit, white straw l""t, and patent leather uoots; last<br />

heard of at Fremantle Oll Saturday evening, 19th<br />

inst., when he expressed his intention of goina to<br />

Perth. Inquiry by t.he Private Secretary. Infotmamation<br />

to the Detective Office, Perth.-M.F. }%.<br />

;< The Game Act, 1892."<br />

The undermentionec1 person has been licensed<br />

under Section 7 of 55 Vie., ]);0. 36, to shoot and<br />

destroy Shags upon the Reserve for Native G"'llle,<br />

between the mouth of the River Swan, the Perth­<br />

Bunbul'Y Ra.ilway Bridge, and the Lower Canning<br />

Bridge:-<br />

Nfl.mc. l{.esidcncc. Date of Licellse.<br />

Shenton, Edward ... \ Perth 17-1-95.<br />

,<br />

Warrants Issued.<br />

GEORGE STOKES, age ahout 40 years, height 5ft.<br />

l Oi n. or llin., dark brown hair, blue eyes, dark<br />

complexion, dark whiskers and moustache, scar on<br />

right ear, a horse dealer j being indebted to Michael<br />

Shea.rn in the sum of £10. To be arrested at any<br />

seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated<br />

Perth, 15th January, <strong>1895.</strong>-W. ii.<br />

WILLIAM CARSTAIRS, stout, age about 33 years,<br />

height 5ft. 9in., light brown. hair and m oustache<br />

only, ulu€' eyes, full visage, fiond compleXIon, naIl of<br />

little finO'er one hand bent downwards, a brewer j<br />

embezzlement. " Dated Geraldton, 17th January,<br />

<strong>1895.</strong> This offender left Geraldton hy rail on the<br />

17th inst., and is said to have left the train at<br />

Mingenew.-W. %~~.<br />

CHARLES SPENCER (no d esc rip~ion. given), was<br />

formerly resident in Ca.nning dIstnct, and was<br />

recently working at Karridale; larceny. Dated<br />

Busselton, 14th January, <strong>1895.</strong>-- W. H ·<br />

ELIJAH C. MAN'rON (for description see P.G., 189.5,<br />

p. 15); being indehted to Messrs. Hunter & Fr.v III<br />

the sum of £9 178. 7d. To be arrested and brought<br />

ashore as often as he may be found in any vessel<br />

about to proceed to sea. Dated Albany, 18th<br />

Ja.r.1Uary, l S95.-W. ~-%.<br />

---<br />

Mrs. PARKER alias Mrs. BURIS, mediun~ huild,<br />

age about 30 years, medium heigl~t, black hall', ~ark<br />

eyes, round visage, dark compleXIOn, good 10okll1g;<br />

larceny in a dwelling. Dated Perth, 21st January,<br />

<strong>1895.</strong>- W. :%.<br />

Inquests.<br />

Coolgardie.-On the 8th inst., at the Court House,<br />

before F. Gill, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the body of<br />

'rhomas Collins, who cut his throat in the Hospitaloll<br />

the 7th inst. Verdict~" Suicic1e."-I. 9fJ 5<br />

C"e.-On the 10th inst., at the Court House, befon'<br />

C. ').1. Von Arnheim, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the<br />

body of Wm. Page, who shot himself at Mille,v Soak<br />

on the 9th inst. Verdict- " Suicide while in:1 stat.e<br />

of temporary insanity."-I. rh<br />

Albany.--On the 14th inst., a.t the Court House,<br />

hefore R. C. Loftie, R.M. and Coroner, touching the<br />

destruction by fire of the W.A. Land Co.'s goods<br />

shed at Albany on the 12th inst. Verdict-" Cause<br />

of fire unknown." - 1. iF;'<br />

Horses, Cattle, &c.<br />

D01lyam.-Sold at Anino on the 8th inst., by<br />

order of F. Pcal'se, J.P.,-black geldmg, aged, about<br />

15 hands high, few white lH1.irs on forehead, both<br />

hind feet white, branded JEl off shoulder and something<br />

like n near shoulder.<br />

Kafa,nning.-Sold at Katanning on the ~6th i.n~t.,<br />

by order of W. K. Adam, R.M.,-bay geldmg, rIsmg<br />

4 years old. about. 14'} hallcls high, one hind foot<br />

white, branded TF near ribs j and brown mare, 5<br />

years old, about 1St hands high, 110 brand.

•<br />

20<br />

Con ·<br />

tltlon.<br />

"" No I<br />

I<br />

E:lt.-p. i855<br />

Do. 8788<br />

Free 1418<br />

T.L. 10443<br />

Free 1356<br />

Do. 1396<br />

Exp. 683i<br />

t'cmale<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

E:~, .. p.<br />

1<br />

10361<br />

PHISONER::::;<br />

Namt'.<br />

Offence.<br />


,<br />

Sentence.<br />

------<br />

I<br />

Where<br />

Committed.<br />

From Fremantle P,·ism>, du.,·ing the week ending 8at,.,.day, 19th Janua,·y, <strong>1895.</strong><br />

Smith, Jacob Drunk lOs. or 7 days h.1. Fremantle<br />

Bl'oadbent. Wm. Larceny (two charges) 2 months h.1. 2 P erth<br />

McKenzie, James ..<br />

Ong Hing Goat<br />

Stream, Charles<br />

Pearsoll, Thomas .<br />

Breen, Michael<br />

Jackson, Martha. .<br />

Newell,Lena<br />

Stephane, Rosanna<br />

Drunk<br />

Breaking into<br />

stealing<br />

Disorderly; resisting the Police<br />

. Absenting from ship<br />

Vagrancy<br />

Drunk<br />

Neglecting her childt·en ..<br />

Larceny<br />

months h.I.<br />

7 days h.1.<br />

Customs and 5 years p.s.<br />

1 month h.I.<br />

months h.1 .<br />

6 week s h.l.<br />

1 week imprisonment<br />

5s. or 3 days h.l.<br />

1 month h.1..<br />

6 months h.1.<br />

Do.<br />

Del'by<br />

Fremantle<br />

Do.<br />

York<br />

Fremantle<br />

Perth<br />

Fremantle<br />

From, Bu,nbwry Gaol, dUl'iug the 'Week ending Sat'U'/"day, 1.9th J anuary, <strong>1895.</strong><br />

JOIUl SOll, Thomas ... I Drunk lOs. 01' 7 days h.1. I Bunbm'Y<br />

~ 14th Jan.<br />

~ 16th do.<br />

l f 19th do.<br />

J<br />

15th Jan.<br />

------<br />

. """ No. 1<br />

381<br />

393<br />

403<br />

43'<br />

~i<br />

1J9<br />

.')26<br />

Colllbonga<br />

Fmnk<br />

Waltbeloo<br />

Dicky<br />

Bu.l.thaga<br />

Larry<br />

Nelson, T.<br />


1, N Con· I<br />

. • eg. 0'1 ditiol1.<br />

!<br />

ab. nat. t:Jth Dec., 1:s90 Donga.ra<br />

do. Sth September, 1891 Williallls<br />

do. :!4th March, 1892 . Northampton<br />

do. 21 stJn.n .• 1893 Willinms<br />

do. 12th February. 1893 Geru.ldton "'1<br />

do. 10th May, do. '1 AlOOny<br />

Free loth October, IS!» Coolgardie<br />

District from. I )C8Cl",p~ioll alld r emal"kb .<br />

Vide Police (;az c/tc, 1890, page 219<br />

Do. do., do. do. 159<br />

Do. do., 1892 do. 56<br />

Do. do., 1S93 do. 24<br />

Do. do., do. do. .~<br />

Do. do.,

,<br />

'JV<strong>ESTERN</strong> <strong>AUSTRALIA</strong>_<br />

[Published by Authority. I<br />

•<br />

• Thi,o,; (.~flzl'tte u. published for Police il~t()(mation only, f~nd the Police thrunylwu,t the UolollY<br />

( /I'P ill:-:.tn£cted to ntake fhentselvef) thorouflh1y r/cqufl,intecl with the contents.<br />

GEO. PHILLIPS, Commissioner of Police.<br />

No. 5.J <strong>WEDNESDAY</strong>, <strong>JANUARY</strong> 30. [<strong>1895.</strong><br />

,<br />

Circular Orders and Miscellaneous<br />

Information.<br />

U.O._u/ltl\iti.-His Exeellency the Governor has<br />

been pleased to approve er the following Promotions<br />

and Appointments ,-<br />

From 13th December, 1894,<br />

Inspector Patrick Troy at £275 per ",nnum. in<br />

charge of the Western District, to be Travelling<br />

Inspector at .£325 per annum, with head·<br />

quarters at Perth.<br />

From 1st J an nary, 1895 ,<br />

To be First Class Constables,<br />

Second Class Constable John Eyrne, vice Cam p­<br />

bell, deceased.<br />

Second Class Constable GeOl'ge Pollard, vice<br />

M. J. Cunning ham, deceased.<br />

To be Second Class Constables,<br />

Probation Constable Francis Harris, vice BYl'ne,<br />

promoted.<br />

Probation Constable vVm. Geo. Cramer, vice<br />

Pollard, promoted.<br />

From 7th January, 1895,<br />

To be Probation Constables,<br />

William Rollo Anderson.<br />

J ames Harris.<br />

From 16th January. 1895,<br />

Second Class Constable GeOl'ge H. Stone to be<br />

First Class Constable, vice Rain, reduced to<br />

the rank of Second Class Constable.<br />


Commissioner of Police.<br />

22-1-95.<br />

Stealing in Dwellings, from the<br />

Person, &c,<br />

Vide Police Ga:ette, 1894, page 229, C.1. 585.<br />

Fre'flwntle .-The gun described in above reference,<br />

the property of H. S. Dixon, has been found.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1895, page 17, C.l. tr%.<br />

Freu1iIatle.-The articles described in above reference,<br />

the property of Percy Rowston, have been<br />

recovered by P.C. Conlon, and traced to the possession<br />

of ~Villiam Robinson. Vide Apprehensions.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1895, page 18, C.1. ~+.<br />

Jal'l'alula1e.-The watch c1es(;l'ibed in above reference,<br />

the property of John AlIis, has been found. not<br />

stolen.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1895, page 13, C.L ~ ~ .<br />

Perth.-The watch described ill above reference,<br />

the property of H. G. Leedel', has been recovered by<br />

Det. S. Condon.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1895, page 13, C.l. ~*.<br />

P.,·th.-The roll of linoleum, above mentioned, the<br />

property of the Government, has been found, not<br />

stolen.<br />

Coolgardie.-On the 19th inst., from the person of<br />

"\Villiam Rosser,-silver hunting Rotbel'hmn watch<br />

much worn, key winding, enamelled dial. silver<br />

hands, scratched "J\lIary" inside back case, and<br />

15 carat gold chain of one long and two small links<br />

alterllately.-C.I. ~ ~.<br />

South."" C,·oss.-On the night of the 19th inst.,<br />

from the person of Margaret Jennings,--lady's 18<br />

carat very heavy gold ring set with 9 diamonds and<br />

1 ruby in centre in claw setting, and 1 lady's 18 carat<br />

gole! keeper ring, very thick, about finch wide, chased<br />

with C1'088e8.-0.1. %-~.<br />

BU/nbw·y.-On or about the 14th inst., from<br />

owner's dwellillg,-lady's gold riDg square - sh~ped<br />

top with 3 narrow grooves in sq ual'e. and set WIth 2<br />

diamonds and 1 r uby, the property of Mrs. Charles<br />

Spencer. Suspicion attaches to Aunie Pitts, uomestlt<br />

servant, lately discharged from Mrs. Spencer's<br />

service.-C.I. ~~.<br />

Perth.-Eetween the 14th and 21st inst .. from<br />

owner's dwelling,-l £2 piece, dated 188~. set ill<br />

plain gold rim with scroll-shaped mountlllg, ~he<br />

property of D. Fienberg, restaurant keeper, HOWICk<br />

Street.- C.I. It.

22<br />

Apprehensions.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1895, page 19 ('Van"ants Issued).<br />

CHARLES SPENCER, at Busseltoll. on the 19th inst.,<br />

by P.C. B. Sutton. Remanded. Admitted to bail.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1895, page 19 ("Varrauts I ssued).<br />

\ V ILLIA"M: CARSTAIRS, at IVlingillew, on the 19th<br />

illSL., by Thiinginew Police.<br />

JOH N SCULLY, exp., lo,te 9976, at Geraldton, on<br />

the 10th inst., by Sergeant W. Lavery; unlawful posses~ioll<br />

of a. pair of slippers. 6 months h.1.<br />

AH CHUE, Chinaman, at Geraldton, on the 13th<br />

inst.. by P.C. F. Tyler; larceny. 6 months h.1.<br />

Property recovered.<br />

W ILLIAr.I GLASS, at Southern Cross, on the 8th<br />

inst., by Corporal John McCarthy; stealing a watch<br />

an,] chain. 3 months h.1. Property recovered at<br />

P erth by Detective J. McCartney.<br />

HANS HANSEN, at Kalgoorlie, on t.he 13th iust.,<br />

by P.C. M. Sullivan; lunacy. Sent to the Asylum.<br />


Coolg·ardie, on the 19th inst., by P.C. W. ·Walker;<br />

former, larceny of two bundles of CIgars, latter, Ulllawful<br />

possessioll of same. Discharged on probation<br />

under" The First Offenders Act."<br />

GEORGE BERTRA" N ICOLL, at Cue, on the 19th<br />

inst., by Sergt. A. L. Evans; larceny. 3 months h.l.<br />

VICTOR 'VESSICK, at Fremantle, on the 14t.h inst.,<br />

by P.C. J ames Leavy; larceny from the person. 6<br />

months h.1. Property recovered.<br />

W ILLIHl ROBINSON, at Fremantle, on the 19th<br />

inst., by W.P.C. A. McGreg-or; disorderly. 40s. fine<br />

or 21 days h.l.; larceny, 3 months h.1. CUlllulative.<br />

JA>!ES CLINTON, t.l., Reg. No. 10298, at Fremantle,<br />

on the 21st inst by P.C. F. C. B. Elliott; disorclerly.<br />

6 months h.1.<br />

WILLIA:M: NICHOLSON, at Fremantle, on the 24th '<br />

inst., by P.C. Charles Jackson; vagrancy. 3 mouths<br />

h.1.<br />

M'CHAEL lRWIN, at P erth, on the 15th inst., by<br />

P.C. J. P. Casserley; vagrancy. 1 month h.l.<br />

GEORGE GORDON, exp., late 9748, at Perth, on the<br />

16th inst., by P.C. A. Warnecke; larceny. 2 months<br />

h.1. Property recovered.<br />

Vi.de Po Hce Gazette, 1895, page 15 (Escaped Prisoner).<br />

CUNDILMANA, ab. nat., at Perth, on the 16t h inst.,<br />

by P.C. P. Fields. 1 month h.1.<br />

JAMES "VATE RSON, at Perth, on the 22nd inst .. by<br />

P .C. P. Zalmsb; unlawfully m the premises of the<br />

R ailway Department. 21 days h.1.<br />

ALFRED E . CLEVELAND, at Geraldton, on the 26th<br />

inst., by Geraldton P olice on provisional warrant<br />

under" The Fugitive Offenders Act. 1881 ". deserting<br />

his illegitimate child at Adelaide, S.A. Brought<br />

up at P erth on the 28th inst. Remanded for<br />

extradition.<br />

MARO>fET TAIJ, at Perth, on the 21st inst., by<br />

P.C. J. P . Casserley; unlawfully ut premises. 2<br />

months h.1.<br />

Property Lost.<br />

Vide Police Gazette, 1895, page 18.<br />

B llsselton.- The cheque described in abOve refer- ~<br />

enCB, the property of John Rovell, has been f0lllld.<br />

York.-?n the 13th i~~t.,-l.ady' s gold mourning<br />

brooch, 1'2li1. long, and ~1l1. WIde, with the letters<br />

"C A R" in diamonds, the property of Miss Stacey.<br />

Pe,·th.-On the 24th inst.,-pocket-book, containing<br />

2 blank cheques on Union Rank CoolO'ardie<br />

drawn by E. Pierson, draft receipt 'for £500 Ol~<br />

Union Bank Sydney, 2 sovereigns, and Some silver,<br />

the property of H. C. PiersOll. On the 25th inst.,­<br />

black morocco purse, 2tm. long, with silver bound<br />

corners, containing a receipted bill, pattern of pink<br />

f1annellete, and some silver,. the property of Mrs.<br />

G. L eake. On the 28th mst., - cheque for £5<br />

drawn by Alfred lIfcKeon, on Union Bauk, Roe:<br />

bourne, the property of James Kenyon. On the<br />

27th inst.,- gold scarf-pin (horse-shoe and whip),<br />

the property of Joseph Armstrong.<br />

"The Game Act, 1892."<br />

The undermentionec1 person has been licensed<br />

under Section 7 of 55 Vic., No. 36, to shoot and<br />

destroy Shags upon the Reserve for Native Game,<br />

between the mouth of the River Swan, the Perth­<br />

Bunbury Railway Bridge, and the Lower Canning<br />

Bridge:-<br />

Name. Re~idez1Ce. Date of License.<br />

F. Mends Stone I Perth 125-1-95.<br />

Missing· Friends.<br />

G. KNIGHT, formerly of H.M.S. "Orlando," said<br />

to have died of fever in this colony. Inquiry by C.<br />

F. Dunne, Launceston, Tasmania.-M.F. ~-t.<br />

JAnIES RAY DUTTON, h eight 4ft. bin., dark complexion,<br />

slight cast in one eye, small piece out of<br />

front tooth; last heard of in Sydney about four<br />

months ago. Inquiry by Mrs. Ho~·ton: Paddington,<br />

Sydney. M.F.; ;.<br />

Certificate of Freedom<br />

issued to:-<br />

EDWARD CARLTON, Reg. No. 10124, at Perth, on<br />

the 25th inst. Convictecl at the Supreme Court,<br />

Perth, on the 7th January, 1874, of receiving stolen<br />

property, and sentenced to 10 years p.s.<br />

Horses, Cattle, &c.<br />

Bev.,.ley.-Sold at Bevedey on the 19th inst., b{<br />

order of S. B. Davis, J.p.,- bay mare, about 14,<br />

hands high, branded J R conjoined near shoulder.<br />

V 'le · t ona . PI· Sold ·,t Danc1araO"an on the 17th<br />

auts.-'~ :::><br />

inst., by order of E. Roberts, J.P.,- black .pon y ,<br />

age d ,a b ou t 13 h an ds hi·o·h shod all round.lnanded<br />

:::>'<br />

M ne,"r shoulder and ~~ near ribs.

RETURN OF LICENSES issu e d u nder " The<br />

Wines, Beer , and Spirit S ale Act, 1880,"<br />

for the year 189 5.<br />

Condi.<br />

tiou.<br />


NauH'.<br />

Si:::;u<br />

T(\\\ 11 or District.<br />

Co"tl i·<br />

liOH.<br />

Free<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />


Cummiuz, Hamilton<br />

Sorensen, Thomas<br />

Tims, Thoma!'<<br />

Mullewa<br />

Do.<br />

Do.<br />

T"" 11

24<br />

Warrants Issued.<br />

Vide Police Ga:ette, lS94, page 235.<br />

'VILLIA;\l LI'rTLE not to be arrested.<br />

Cilncelled on the 22uu inst.-vV. G/:.?_.<br />

'Van'ant<br />


"\VILLIAlI PARRY (no des

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