Developing a Web-Based Service Platform Architecture for Ccontext ...

Developing a Web-Based Service Platform Architecture for Ccontext ...

Developing a Web-Based Service Platform Architecture for Ccontext ...


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Paula Perkola<br />

<strong>Developing</strong> a <strong>Web</strong>-based <strong>Service</strong><br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> <strong>Architecture</strong> <strong>for</strong> Context-aware<br />

Mobile <strong>Service</strong>s<br />

School of Electrical Engineering<br />

Thesis submitted <strong>for</strong> examination <strong>for</strong> the degree of Master of<br />

Science in Technology.<br />

Espoo 23.5.2011<br />

Thesis supervisor:<br />

Prof. Eero Hyvönen<br />

Thesis instructor:<br />

M.Sc. (Tech.) Renne Tergujeff<br />

A’’<br />

Aalto<br />

University<br />

School of Electrical<br />


aalto university<br />

school of electrical engineering<br />

abstract of the<br />

master’s thesis<br />

Author: Paula Perkola<br />

Title: <strong>Developing</strong> a <strong>Web</strong>-based <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> <strong>Architecture</strong> <strong>for</strong><br />

Context-aware Mobile <strong>Service</strong>s<br />

Date: 23.5.2011 Language: English Number of pages:7+65<br />

Department of Media Technology<br />

Professorship: Media Technology Code: T-75<br />

Supervisor: Prof. Eero Hyvönen<br />

Instructor: M.Sc. (Tech.) Renne Tergujeff<br />

In this thesis, the requirements and specifications <strong>for</strong> a context- and user-specific<br />

web-based mobile application plat<strong>for</strong>m were defined. <strong>Based</strong> on the accumulated<br />

requirements, a plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture was designed and documented and was finally<br />

evaluated by a panel of in<strong>for</strong>mation system and mobile web application<br />

experts. This Master’s Thesis and the work involved was completed as part of the<br />

HUBI.mobi Project at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.<br />

The requirements outlined <strong>for</strong> a web-based mobile application plat<strong>for</strong>m were listed<br />

by their characteristics into functional, non-functional and service-specific requirements.<br />

The functional requirements specified were location-awareness, contextawareness,<br />

data input interfaces, map, user profile and user activity tracking.<br />

The non-functional requirements outlined <strong>for</strong> the plat<strong>for</strong>m were reusability, crossdevice<br />

functionality, scalability and multilingual content support. Lastly, the plat<strong>for</strong>m’s<br />

service-specific requirements were identified as Journey Planner, Events and<br />

Recommender.<br />

An architecture <strong>for</strong> the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> was designed and documented based on<br />

the specified requirements. The plat<strong>for</strong>m consists of both server-side and clientside<br />

components. Communication between the plat<strong>for</strong>m’s two sides is handled<br />

via HTTP GET and POST messages that carry data in standard XML <strong>for</strong>mat.<br />

The plat<strong>for</strong>m’s architecture was evaluated by three expert analysts that utilized<br />

their experience in mobile web application development and in<strong>for</strong>mation systems<br />

design to assess how well the plat<strong>for</strong>m meets its requirements. The architecture<br />

evaluation raised issues and concerns regarding the plat<strong>for</strong>m’s context-awareness,<br />

data input interface and scalability requirements. Overall, the expert analysis<br />

proved the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> to adequately meet the requirements specified <strong>for</strong><br />

it.<br />

Keywords: Mobile web application, web service, context-awareness, application<br />


aalto-yliopisto<br />

sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu<br />

diplomityön<br />

tiivistelmä<br />

Tekijä: Paula Perkola<br />

Työn nimi: Verkkopalvelualustan arkkitehtuurin kehitys kontekstitietoisille<br />

mobiilipalveluille<br />

Päivämäärä: 23.5.2011 Kieli: Englanti Sivumäärä:7+65<br />

Mediatekniikan laitos<br />

Professuuri: Mediatekniikka Koodi: T-75<br />

Valvoja: Prof. Eero Hyvönen<br />

Ohjaaja: DI Renne Tergujeff<br />

Tässä diplomityössä määriteltiin vaatimukset konteksti- ja käyttäjäkohtaiselle<br />

verkkopohjaiselle mobiilisovellusalustalle. Alusta-arkkitehtuuri suunniteltiin ja<br />

dokumentoitiin koottujen vaatimusten perusteella sekä arvioitiin tietojärjestelmäja<br />

mobiiliverkkosovellusasiantuntijoiden toimesta. Tämä diplomityö tehtiin osana<br />

HUBI.mobi projektia Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT:llä.<br />

Verkkopohjaisen mobiilisovellusalustan vaatimukset lueteltiin ominaisuuksien<br />

perusteella toiminnallisiin, ei-toiminallisiin ja palvelukohtaisiin vaatimuksiin.<br />

Toiminalliset vaatimukset olivat paikkatietoisuus, kontekstitietoisuus, tiedon<br />

syötön käyttöliittymät, kartta, käyttäjäprofiili ja käyttäjän toimintojen seuranta.<br />

Määritellyt ei-toiminnalliset vaatimukset olivat uudelleenkäytettävyys, laiteriippumattomuus,<br />

skaalautuvuus ja monikielisen sisällön tuki. Viimeiset palvelukohtaiset<br />

vaatimukset olivat matkasuunnittelija, tapahtumat ja suositin.<br />

m.HUBI alustan arkkitehtuuri suunniteltiin ja dokumentoitiin edellä esitettyjen<br />

vaatimusten perusteella. Alusta koostuu sekä serveripuolen että päätelaitepuolen<br />

komponenteista, joiden välinen yhteydenpito hoidetaan HTTP GET ja POST<br />

viesteillä. Viestit välittävät tietoa standardissa XML-muodossa. Kolme<br />

asiantuntijaa hyödynsivät heidän kokemustaan mobiilien verkkosovellusten kehityksestä<br />

ja arvioivat miten hyvin alustan arkkitehtuuri vastasi sille asetettuja<br />

vaatimuksia. Arkkitehtuurianalyysissä nousi esiin puutteita alustan<br />

kontekstitietoisuus-, tiedonsyöttökäyttöliittymä- ja skaalautuvuusvaatimuksissa.<br />

Yleisesti, asiantuntija-analyysi osoitti, että m.HUBI alusta täytti sille asetetut<br />

vaatimukset riittävästi.<br />

Avainsanat: Mobiili verkkosovellus, verkkopalvelu, kontekstitietoisuus, sovellusarkkitehtuuri

iv<br />

Preface<br />

I would like to thank my supervisor Professor Eero Hyvönen and my instructor<br />

Renne Tergujeff <strong>for</strong> their guidance and help throughout this writing process. I<br />

also owe a big thanks to the HUBI.mobi Project Team and the entire Environment<br />

In<strong>for</strong>mation Systems Team at VTT, without whom this thesis would not have been<br />

possible. I also express my sincere appreciation to VTT Technical Research Centre<br />

of Finland and all parties involved in the HUBI.mobi Project <strong>for</strong> financing my thesis<br />

work and offering me the opportunity to work on and learn from such a challenging<br />

project so early in my career.<br />

Last but not least, I would like to thank my entire family <strong>for</strong> offering their<br />

advice, support and encouragement throughout my studies and especially during<br />

the completion of my thesis.<br />

Espoo, 23.5.2011<br />

Paula Perkola

v<br />

Contents<br />

Abstract<br />

Abstract (in Finnish)<br />

Preface<br />

Contents<br />

Symbols and abbreviations<br />

ii<br />

iii<br />

iv<br />

v<br />

vii<br />

1 Introduction 1<br />

2 State-of-the-Art In <strong>Web</strong>, Mobile and Context Systems 3<br />

2.1 <strong>Web</strong> Applications and <strong>Web</strong> <strong>Service</strong>s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3<br />

2.2 Rich <strong>Web</strong> Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4<br />

2.3 Context and Context-aware Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4<br />

2.4 Context-aware Mobile Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br />

2.5 Mobile Positioning Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6<br />

2.6 Mapping <strong>Service</strong>s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7<br />

2.7 Sample Implementations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7<br />

2.7.1 Mozilla Open <strong>Web</strong> Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7<br />

2.7.2 Lively <strong>for</strong> Qt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8<br />

2.7.3 xFace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />

3 Requirements <strong>for</strong> a <strong>Web</strong>-based Mobile <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> 11<br />

3.1 Functional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11<br />

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15<br />

3.3 <strong>Service</strong>-specific Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17<br />

4 <strong>Architecture</strong> of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> 21<br />

4.1 <strong>Architecture</strong> Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21<br />

4.2 Server Core Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23<br />

4.2.1 Database Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23<br />

4.2.2 Identity and Authorization Management . . . . . . . . . . . . 23<br />

4.2.3 Recommender <strong>Service</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24<br />

4.2.4 Support Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24<br />

4.3 m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24<br />

4.4 Javascript API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

4.4.1 Communication Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33<br />

4.4.2 Foundation Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33<br />

4.4.3 Map Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35<br />

4.4.4 Positioning Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36<br />

4.4.5 Display Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36<br />

4.4.6 <strong>Service</strong>s Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37<br />

4.4.7 Auxiliary Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.5 Content Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41<br />

4.6 Use-case Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43<br />

5 Evaluation of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> 48<br />

5.1 Scenario Implementations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48<br />

5.2 Requirement Fulfillment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50<br />

5.3 Critical Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51<br />

6 Conclusion 53<br />

References 57<br />

Appendix: Comments from Expert Analysis 65<br />


vii<br />

Symbols and abbreviations<br />

Abbreviations<br />

AJAX Asynchronous Javascript and XML<br />

CMS Content Management System<br />

CSS Cascading Style Sheets<br />

DHTML Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language<br />

DOM Document Object Model<br />

HTML Hypertext Markup Language<br />

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol<br />

HVGA Half-size Video Graphics Array<br />

JCAF Java Context Awareness Framework<br />

JSON Javascript Object Notation<br />

JSP JavaServer Pages<br />

nHD Near High-definition<br />

QVGA Quarter Video Graphics Array<br />

RIA Rich Internet Application<br />

RSS Really Simple Syndication<br />

SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol<br />

UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration<br />

VTT VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland<br />

W3C World Wide <strong>Web</strong> Consortium<br />

WWW World Wide <strong>Web</strong><br />

XHTML Extensible Hypertext Markup Language<br />

XML Extensible Markup Language

1 Introduction<br />

The World Wide <strong>Web</strong> (WWW) as it is known today has come a long way from<br />

the first static web pages created in the early 1990’s [8, 9]. Modern websites can<br />

consist of complex hierarchies of multiple web pages that render dynamically created<br />

contextual content in real-time. Concurrent with the advances in web technologies<br />

has been the evolution and proliferation of hand-held personal mobile devices. An<br />

indication of the prevalence of mobile devices is the surpassing of 5 billion mobile<br />

phone connections in 2010, a third of which included a mobile web browser. [2, 42]<br />

The coincidence of these technologies and events have created a niche <strong>for</strong> situationspecific,<br />

pertinent, in<strong>for</strong>mative, quick and easy-to-use mobile web applications.<br />

As mobile device characteristics and capabilities have evolved, so has the scope<br />

of mobile device content expanded. Previously, mobile phones were restricted by<br />

low-bandwidth communication, inadequate processing power and memory capacity,<br />

and small screen size and screen resolution. [52, 70] Native applications produced <strong>for</strong><br />

proprietary operating systems and specific firmware were the only implementation<br />

option <strong>for</strong> mobile applications at the time. This means that a single native application<br />

needed to be adjusted separately <strong>for</strong> each mobile phone model or operating<br />

system. [33]<br />

Smartphones are advanced mobile phone devices that are essentially hand-held<br />

computers integrated with mobile telephones. [25] They are subsequently less inhibited<br />

by the drawbacks of conventional mobile phone devices, sometimes called<br />

feature phones, and they can efficiently utilize online web applications as an alternative<br />

to native mobile applications. [33] <strong>Web</strong> applications, contrary to native mobile<br />

applications, run independent of a mobile phone’s operating system and firmware.<br />

They are launched via an Internet browser, which is designed to provide a common<br />

runtime environment across different mobile, or indeed desktop, plat<strong>for</strong>ms. [71]<br />

The growing sophistication and penetration of smartphones in the mobile phone<br />

market combined with the advances in web technologies and standards provided a<br />

fertile foundation <strong>for</strong> mobile-specific web applications. As these mobile webapps<br />

progressed developers realized there was an untapped resource in the mobile device<br />

itself. The inherent sensing capabilities that modern smartphones provide combined<br />

with the dynamic capabilities of rich web applications and technologies enable the<br />

automatic collection and utilization of tacit situational in<strong>for</strong>mation from the usage<br />

scenario. [35, 70]<br />

The purpose of this Master’s Thesis is to specify and design a situation-sensitive,<br />

user-specific, feature-rich, highly portable and easily maintainable application plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

that facilitates the rapid development and deployment of mobile web applications.<br />

The motivation behind this thesis work originated from a lack of existing application<br />

or software infrastructure that facilitates mobile application development<br />

with operating system independent web technologies while harnessing contextual<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation. At the time of writing, state-of-the-art context-aware mobile web applications<br />

are run either as native applications or on top of middleware applications<br />

in order to gain access to the mobile device’s software and hardware. These existing<br />

solutions provide sufficient access to the mobile device’s software and hardware,

which facilitates the collection and utilization of sensor and context data, but both<br />

solutions are at least partially operating system dependent and require extensive<br />

resources <strong>for</strong> application development and modification.<br />

The research questions answered in this Master’s Thesis are:<br />

– What are the requirements <strong>for</strong> an extensible web-based plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture<br />

enabling efficient development of context-aware mobile services?<br />

– How well does the designed and documented plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture meet<br />

the requirements set out <strong>for</strong> it?<br />

– Does the designed and documented plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture facilitate the<br />

implementation of appropriate plat<strong>for</strong>m-based applications in response<br />

to various fictional usage scenarios?<br />

– Are there any critical deficiencies or inadequacies in the designed and<br />

documented plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture?<br />

The work documented in this thesis was completed as part of the HUBI.mobi<br />

Project at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT). The project, which<br />

ran from 2009 to 2011, was funded by VTT in conjunction with the Finnish Funding<br />

Agency <strong>for</strong> Technology and Innovation (Tekes) and a number of companies.<br />

The goals of the project included creating the a<strong>for</strong>ementioned m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>—a<br />

web-based mobile accessible application plat<strong>for</strong>m—implementing a pilot plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

application and developing novel recommendation mechanisms. The recommendation<br />

algorithms utilize explicit and implicit preference data to produce user-targeted<br />

selections that are solicited from a developmental recommendation service. The<br />

HUBI.mobi project aims at adapting and leveraging experiences and knowledge<br />

gained from previous projects including the design and implementation of a webbased<br />

desktop service plat<strong>for</strong>m called the HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>. The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong><br />

emphasizes the combination of data such as event and usage in<strong>for</strong>mation, friend<br />

locations and structured data to provide new content and added-value to users.<br />

Prior to designing a new application plat<strong>for</strong>m, the current cutting edge of web<br />

applications, context-aware systems and related technologies is briefly introduced in<br />

section 2. The following section, section 3, represents the design phase by specifying<br />

the requirements and functionalities of a plat<strong>for</strong>m that supports and exhibits<br />

the a<strong>for</strong>ementioned properties. The resulting design is then implemented in the<br />

<strong>for</strong>m of a plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture and application programming interface (API) that<br />

provides access to the mobile web application plat<strong>for</strong>m. The newly specified and<br />

designed plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture is documented and presented in section 4. Finally,<br />

the scope and functionality of the architecture and API are objectively evaluated by<br />

several web application specialists, the results of which are condensed and outlined<br />

in section 5.<br />


2 State-of-the-Art In <strong>Web</strong>, Mobile and Context<br />

Systems<br />

The in<strong>for</strong>mation, services and applications available via the Internet have evolved<br />

beyond recognition within the past decade. The scope of web technologies currently<br />

in active use, not to mention the spread of emerging plat<strong>for</strong>ms and tools, is too<br />

wide to discuss comprehensively so this section focuses on covering the most pertinent<br />

topics. This section first introduces the state of modern web applications and<br />

context-aware systems and then reviews several of their practical implementations.<br />

2.1 <strong>Web</strong> Applications and <strong>Web</strong> <strong>Service</strong>s<br />

A web service can be generically described as a way to expose the functionality of<br />

an in<strong>for</strong>mation system and make it available through standard <strong>Web</strong> technologies,<br />

i.e. HTTP, HTML, <strong>Web</strong> servers and <strong>Web</strong> browsers. The use of these technologies<br />

reduces heterogeneity and fosters application and system interoperability. [3, p.<br />

94, 123] A more specific definition is provided by the W3C [80], which states that<br />

“A <strong>Web</strong> service is a software system designed to support interoperable machineto-machine<br />

interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machineprocessable<br />

<strong>for</strong>mat (specifically WSDL). Other systems interact with the <strong>Web</strong> service<br />

in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP-messages, typically conveyed<br />

using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with other <strong>Web</strong>-related standards.”<br />

<strong>Web</strong> <strong>Service</strong>s build on top of existing <strong>Web</strong> protocols using open XML standards<br />

to provide a systematic and extensible framework <strong>for</strong> application interaction. These<br />

services are characterized by their interoperability and standardized description,<br />

communication and discovery technologies: simple object access protocol (SOAP),<br />

<strong>Web</strong> <strong>Service</strong>s Description Language (WSDL) and Universal Description Discovery<br />

and Integration (UDDI), respectively. [17]<br />

A web application or webapp, as the term is often abbreviated, is defined by<br />

the W3C as a HTTP-based application whose interactions are machine processable.<br />

<strong>Web</strong>apps are typically based on existing <strong>Web</strong> architecture and infrastructure and<br />

they are plat<strong>for</strong>m and programming language independent. They also promote application<br />

reuse beyond the browser by enabling interoperability with other <strong>Web</strong> or<br />

desktop applications. In addition, webapps require the content used to be semantically<br />

unambiguous, which is usually achieved by using XML or JSON data exchange<br />

<strong>for</strong>mats. [74]<br />

<strong>Web</strong> applications are programs that are accessed over a network. They are<br />

usually coded in a browser-supported language, such as Javascript and HTML, and<br />

they rely on web browsers to execute the application. [85] <strong>Web</strong>apps are fundamental<br />

to interactive websites because they dynamically build programmatic responses to<br />

incoming HTTP-requests. [22]<br />

A web application server usually consists of a HTTP web server, an application<br />

server and a database or simply an application server and a database. A generic web<br />

server handles the distribution of files across a network by receiving and responding<br />


to HTTP requests from other web servers and web browsers. [3, p. 94] However, an<br />

application server enables the distribution of applications and provision of services<br />

over the Internet. [54] Essentially, a web server dispenses only static content whereas<br />

an application server can dispense dynamic content. [13] The database is needed<br />

to provide a data warehouse, transaction processors to add, access and process that<br />

data as well as authorization and identification services to monitor and limit access<br />

to the database. [55]<br />

A web application client contains the front-end portion of a web application. It<br />

constitutes the user interface of the service and is displayed to the end-user via a web<br />

browser. The client contains mechanisms that support and implement application<br />

activity, interaction and communication with the corresponding server.<br />

2.2 Rich <strong>Web</strong> Applications<br />

Classic web applications can be made more interactive and user-friendly or richer, as<br />

these types of applications are commonly called, by using Asynchronous Javascript<br />

and XML (AJAX). [61] AJAX-based web applications can retrieve <strong>Web</strong> resources<br />

asynchronously without needing to reload any pages, freeing up the user interface<br />

<strong>for</strong> other things and improving per<strong>for</strong>mance. AJAX incorporates a group of technologies,<br />

which include but are not limited to:<br />

– Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML),<br />

– Cascading Stylesheets (CSS),<br />

– the Document Object Model (DOM),<br />

– Extensible Markup Language (XML),<br />

– Extensible Stylesheet Language Trans<strong>for</strong>mations (XSLT),<br />

– XMLHttpRequest and<br />

– Javascript. [59]<br />

Originally, as the name suggests, the de facto client-side programming language<br />

of AJAX was Javascript and the data encoding <strong>for</strong>mat was XML. Despite the naming<br />

convention, programming languages other than Javascript and data encodings<br />

besides XML are used in AJAX applications. In addition, applications do not need<br />

to strictly adhere to the asynchrony to be considered rich web applications. [47, 76]<br />

2.3 Context and Context-aware Systems<br />

Unlike machines, human beings are fairly adept at comprehending implicitly conveyed<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation. [21] For example, a person could implicitly assume that if someone<br />

is standing still at a bus stop that the person is waiting <strong>for</strong> a bus to arrive at<br />

which time they would get on the bus. The ability to translate this kind of tacit<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation or context into a machine-accessible <strong>for</strong>mat and to further automate<br />

the collection, storage and retrieval of said in<strong>for</strong>mation has recently become highly<br />

researched. [75]<br />


One of the more frequently sited definitions of context, as it pertains to contextawareness<br />

in applications and computing, is the one provided by Dey [21]. Dey<br />

describes context as in<strong>for</strong>mation that can be used to characterize the situation of an<br />

entity. An entity is further defined as a person, place, or object that is considered<br />

relevant to the interaction between a user and an application, including the user<br />

and the applications themselves. The same author has also outlined a contextaware<br />

system by stating that a system is context-aware if it uses context to provide<br />

relevant in<strong>for</strong>mation and/or services to the user, where relevancy depends on the<br />

user’s task. [21]<br />

In a newly published survey conducted by Truong and Dustdar [75] the scope<br />

of context-aware systems is refined by stating that the system should be otherwise<br />

operable, but the inclusion of contextual in<strong>for</strong>mation allows the system to operate<br />

better or more appropriately. Additionally, context-awareness enables the system to<br />

give improved responses to its use. These characteristics emphasize the existence of<br />

both functional and non-functional requirements in a modern context-aware system.<br />

[75]<br />

Context-aware systems in that past have largely been either tightly coupled<br />

comprehensive software packages, middleware software geared toward application<br />

integration or framework plat<strong>for</strong>ms created <strong>for</strong> a specific programming language or<br />

type of device. [75] One example of the latter is the ContextPhone software plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

[68], which is a set of open source C++ libraries that run on mobile phones using<br />

the Symbian OS and Nokia S60 plat<strong>for</strong>m. Another similarly focused framework is<br />

the Java Context Awareness Framework (JCAF) [6], which has a rigid Java-based<br />

architecture, programming model and infrastructure. Context-aware middleware<br />

has been a popular research topic due to the looser coupling of software components<br />

it provides. [19] It also enables the integration of various external services and<br />

applications, which decreases development time, workload and burden on developers.<br />

[46]<br />

2.4 Context-aware Mobile Applications<br />

During the last decade, mobile phones have become a ubiquitous and natural extension<br />

of personal computing. Faster processors, larger memory, longer-life batteries<br />

and newly emerging input, output and networking technologies help to close the gap<br />

between various mobile devices. [45] These capabilities combined with the ubiquitousness<br />

and proximity of mobile phones and the dynamic nature of users’ lives<br />

has created a need <strong>for</strong> situation-dependent and context-aware mobile applications.<br />

[11, 44, 62]<br />

The emergence and deployment of <strong>Web</strong> 2.0 and applications harnessing its advantages<br />

have also contributed to the growing interest in context-aware mobile applications.<br />

[11, 44, 45] <strong>Web</strong> 2.0 is a concept that consists of wielding the web as<br />

a plat<strong>for</strong>m based on user co-development and data creation in which applications<br />

are services as opposed to products. The concept also emphasizes lightweight programming<br />

models in addition to device and plat<strong>for</strong>m independence. [44, 59] The<br />

essence of the <strong>Web</strong> 2.0 concept can be condensed into services that get better the<br />


more people use them. [44, 60]<br />

Recently, however, the founder of the term elaborated the definition by stating,<br />

“<strong>Web</strong> 2.0 is all about harnessing collective intelligence.” He also recognized that<br />

collective intelligence applications rely on real-time understanding, management of<br />

and response to user-generated data. This data is no longer generated exclusively<br />

by manual keyboard input but, as is increasingly often the case, automatically via<br />

hardware and software sensors. [60]<br />

2.5 Mobile Positioning Technologies<br />

Currently, there are various technologies available to calculate the location of mobile<br />

devices. The most prevalent positioning technology is satellite positioning using the<br />

Global Positioning System (GPS) or Assisted GPS (A-GPS). [12, 77] GPS relies on a<br />

system of satellites orbiting the Earth to calculate the position of a mobile device on<br />

the Earth’s surface. Each GPS satellite transmits a low-power, ultra-high-frequency<br />

radio signal which a GPS-enabled device receives and translates into coordinates.<br />

A-GPS decreases the burden of calculating a mobile device’s coordinates by utilizing<br />

the location of cellular base stations to speed up GPS signal acquisition. [12]<br />

Due to the structure of mobile phone networks, a mobile network operator is<br />

constantly aware of or could easily find out the location of a particular mobile phone.<br />

A mobile phone is connected to one or more cell towers when it is operational and as<br />

the locations of these static cell towers are known, the network operator can deduce<br />

the relative location of each mobile phone based on which towers it is connected to.<br />

[12] The various network enabled location technologies include the a<strong>for</strong>ementioned<br />

Cell-ID and Wi-Fi triangulation techniques. [12, 77] Wi-Fi triangulation, which<br />

uses radio waves <strong>for</strong> high-speed data transfer over short distances [26], exploits<br />

the distance of a mobile device from Wi-Fi access points to calculate the device’s<br />

coordinates.<br />

6<br />

Figure 1: Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps and OpenStreetMap, respectively, are existing web mapping<br />

services. Google and Yahoo represent the commercial sector and OpenStreetMap is an open<br />

source option. These images are screenshots taken from a mobile phone.

2.6 Mapping <strong>Service</strong>s<br />

Geo-mashups, which are applications that combine mapping services with data from<br />

external sources [11, 16], provide a simple, easy and effective way to illustrate and<br />

convey geographically pertinent in<strong>for</strong>mation. Not surprisingly, the web application<br />

that heralded the consumer web mashup market was one that combined housing<br />

listings with mapping services [67] to provide an interactive map with georeferenced<br />

markers indicating the location of each apartment. [16, 23]<br />

There are currently several freely available consumer mapping services to choose<br />

from, such as Google Maps [34] and Yahoo! Maps [87]. A popular open source<br />

alternative is the OpenStreetMap mapping service combined with OpenLayers user<br />

interface software [57, 58]. These existing mapping services, see Figure 1 <strong>for</strong> mobile<br />

screenshots of each, provide users with quick and easy access to maps and mapping<br />

interfaces through public web APIs.<br />

2.7 Sample Implementations<br />

This section reviews existing web applications, that embody and utilize the theoretical<br />

topics discussed in the previous section. The examples include a real-world<br />

web application and two research-oriented mobile web applications. At the time<br />

this thesis was written, the applications mentioned in this section exemplify the<br />

state-of-the-art in context-aware and mobile web applications.<br />

2.7.1 Mozilla Open <strong>Web</strong> Applications<br />

Mozilla Labs has recently released an architecture <strong>for</strong> what they call Open <strong>Web</strong> Applications.<br />

[51] Their applications harness standard web technologies and can run<br />

in any modern web browser on either desktop or mobile plat<strong>for</strong>ms. The majority of<br />

the Open <strong>Web</strong> App’s features are enabled by HTML5, which is the latest version of<br />

the core language of the World Wide <strong>Web</strong>. [81] <strong>Web</strong> browser provided local storage,<br />

offline access to applications and data, geolocation services and rich graphics capabilities<br />

are just a few of the new properties specified in HTML5 that are employed<br />

in Mozilla’s Open <strong>Web</strong> Applications. [51]<br />

Open <strong>Web</strong> Applications augment the features provided by HTML5 with easy<br />

launching, explicit installation flow and proof of purchase authentication. To use<br />

an Open <strong>Web</strong> Application a user has only to browse an online application store or<br />

directory, select one to install, provide possible payment in<strong>for</strong>mation and launch the<br />

installed application from a dashboard that holds all his or her applications. An<br />

application dashboard (Figure 2) is an HTML5 enabled rich user interface through<br />

which a user manages, browses and launches his or her installed applications. In<br />

addition to the dashboard, several other components are used in conjunction with<br />

Open <strong>Web</strong> Applications. Each application must have an application manifest, which<br />

describes the location, requirements and capabilities of that application. A clientside<br />

application repository contains a trusted collection of the manifests from each<br />

of the user’s installed applications. Finally, each Open <strong>Web</strong> Application needs to<br />

publish a method to install that application into a user’s repository. [51]<br />


8<br />

Figure 2: The Mozilla Open <strong>Web</strong> Application Dashboard provides an interface <strong>for</strong> users to<br />

manage, browse and launch their installed applications. [51]<br />

Although there are currently no existing context-aware Open <strong>Web</strong> Applications,<br />

the HTML5 specification [81] combined with the W3C Permissions <strong>for</strong> Device API<br />

Access working draft [78] provide a suitable basis <strong>for</strong> such future work and will<br />

undoubtedly facilitate their appearance. [50]<br />

2.7.2 Lively <strong>for</strong> Qt<br />

Lively <strong>for</strong> Qt is a Javascript-based application plat<strong>for</strong>m <strong>for</strong> both web-based and<br />

standalone mobile web applications and mashups. [49] A web mashup is a web<br />

application that is created by combining content, presentation or functionality from<br />

existing web sources. Mashups serve a specific and sometimes brief need and they<br />

are usually composed of the latest and most accessible web technologies. [89]<br />

As the name suggests, Lively <strong>for</strong> Qt runs on top of the cross-plat<strong>for</strong>m application<br />

framework Qt. Qt is a mature and well-documented framework that supports a rich<br />

set of APIs, widgets and tools that permit the creation and multi-system deployment<br />

of rich web-enabled applications. Lively <strong>for</strong> Qt consists of three major components:<br />

a Javascript engine built around the QtScript module, desktop quality graphics<br />

implemented with Qt’s GUI modules, and asynchronous HTTP networking using<br />

the QtNetwork module. [53]<br />

Mikkonen et al. have built a number of web application mashups using the Lively<br />

<strong>for</strong> Qt plat<strong>for</strong>m. Two mashups that utilize the Google Maps API are QtWeather-<br />

Cameras (Figure 3) and QtMapNews (Figure 4). QtWeather Cameras superimposes<br />

live road weather camera in<strong>for</strong>mation and images over a Google Maps route to supply<br />

the user with real-time road condition data. QtMapNews displays geotagged<br />

news items, natural disasters and national incidents and emergencies compiled from<br />

RSS feeds. An example of a non-map-based application is QtFlickr, an animated<br />

Flickr photo viewer that represents current Twitter trends. The idea behind Qt-<br />

Flickr is to provide a non-textual medium to relate current events and microblog<br />

topics. [49]

9<br />

Figure 3: QtWeatherCameras is a mashup web application built with the Lively <strong>for</strong> Qt Javascriptbased<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m. The mashup combines Google Maps’ route guide with real-time road condition<br />

data and images. [65]<br />

Figure 4: QtMapNews is a mashup web application built with the Lively <strong>for</strong> Qt Javascript-based<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m. The mashup combines Google Maps with geotagged RSS news feeds from various sources.<br />

[64]<br />

2.7.3 xFace<br />

xFace is a web application engine developed specifically with lightweight crossplat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

characteristics. It provides programmers with a web runtime environment<br />

that runs on multiple mobile devices and operating systems. xFace also serves as a<br />

lean mobile web browser or mobile desktop environment. The plat<strong>for</strong>m emphasizes<br />

the use of open standards and consequently mainly applies W3C approved standards<br />

such as HTML, CSS, AJAX and DOM. xFace is made even lighter by its edited tag<br />

library containing merely 27 tags and its compact code, which takes up only 8MB<br />

on a mobile phone memory card. [43]<br />

xFace enables context-aware applications via a Phone <strong>Service</strong>s API, which provides<br />

access to mobile phone services through Javascript functions and parameters.<br />

The Phone <strong>Service</strong>s API allows web applications to e.g. initiate phone calls, access<br />

contact and calendar in<strong>for</strong>mation and control multimedia capabilities such as the<br />

camera. [43]<br />

The xFace development team offer three use case scenarios <strong>for</strong> the plat<strong>for</strong>m:<br />

Restaurant Searching, Mobile Stock Client and Mobile Reader, of which only the

<strong>for</strong>mer exhibits context awareness. Restaurant Searching (Figure 5) utilizes GPS<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation from the user’s mobile device to locate restaurants near the user’s location.<br />

The user may then choose to reserve a table at one of the recommended<br />

restaurants by allowing the application to access the mobile device’s Telephony API.<br />

The Mobile Stock Client and Mobile Reader demonstrate the media capabilities of<br />

the xFace plat<strong>for</strong>m by drawing graphics and playing streaming audio online. [43]<br />

10<br />

Figure 5: Restaurant Searching is a prototype application created with the lightweight crossbrowser<br />

web application plat<strong>for</strong>m xFace. [43]

3 Requirements <strong>for</strong> a <strong>Web</strong>-based Mobile <strong>Service</strong><br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong><br />

The design of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> begins by defining the functional and nonfunctional<br />

requirements <strong>for</strong> a mobile web application plat<strong>for</strong>m. The specifications<br />

support consequent structural and implementation decisions regarding technology<br />

frameworks, architecture configurations and interface layouts. This section first<br />

outlines the functional requirements of a mobile web application plat<strong>for</strong>m, then the<br />

non-functional requirements followed by several service-specific requirements. All of<br />

the requirements explicated in this chapter are labeled <strong>for</strong> ease of reference.<br />

The functional requirements listed in section 3.1 are specifications <strong>for</strong> operational<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m characteristics and qualities which are necessary <strong>for</strong> the usage and<br />

deployment of plat<strong>for</strong>m-supported applications. Functional requirements relate to<br />

concerns regarding the literal functionality of software whereas non-functional requirements<br />

are defined as attributes of or constraints on a software system. [15] The<br />

final service-specific requirements in section 3.3 outline several plat<strong>for</strong>m applicationspecific<br />

functional requirements, which are more localized requirements than the<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m-wide functional requirements listed in section 3.1. The requirements listed<br />

in this section are determined in part by best practices gathered from literature and<br />

in part by HUBI.mobi Project Management.<br />

3.1 Functional Requirements<br />

The functional requirements specified <strong>for</strong> a web-based mobile application plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

are listed in Table 1. The requirements itemized in this section were dictated by<br />

the initial plat<strong>for</strong>m characteristics specified by the HUBI.mobi Project Management.<br />

The project goals maintained that the mobile application plat<strong>for</strong>m needed to<br />

be situation-sensitive, personalized, and able to ingest data from external sources.<br />

The subsequent functional requirements specified <strong>for</strong> such an application plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

were R1: Location-awareness, R2: Context-awareness, R3: Data Input Interfaces, R4:<br />

Map,R5: User Profile and R6: User Activity Tracking.<br />

R1: Location-awareness<br />

Owing to the non-stationary nature of mobile devices, location of a mobile phone<br />

user can change frequently and is a potentially valuable in<strong>for</strong>mation source. [38]<br />

Location in<strong>for</strong>mation can be utilized to show a user his or her location in relation<br />

to the world, as a data source <strong>for</strong> location-based services such as routing or to find<br />

and indicate relevant or interesting places or things in the user’s vicinity.<br />

Being location-aware is one of the main advantages modern mobile devices have<br />

over desktop and laptop Internet devices. Although coordinates are in<strong>for</strong>mative to<br />

a geolocation computer system, they are quite vague to people. In order to translate<br />

geocoordinates into a human-readable <strong>for</strong>m, a street address <strong>for</strong> example, a process<br />

called reverse geocoding is required. Reverse geocoding trans<strong>for</strong>ms a latitude and<br />

longitude coordinate pair into the corresponding street address and city [18].<br />


12<br />

Table 1: The functional requirements defined <strong>for</strong> a web-based mobile service plat<strong>for</strong>m are R1:<br />

Location-awareness, R2: Context-awareness, R3: Data Input Interfaces, R4: Map,R5: User Profile<br />

and R6: User Activity Tracking.<br />

No. Requirement Description<br />

Functional Requirements<br />

R1 Location-awareness Ability to ascertain a mobile device’s location in geographic<br />

latitude–longitude coordinate pairs via positioning technologies.<br />

R2 Context-awareness Ability to automatically collect, interpret and utilize situationsensitive<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding a usage scenario.<br />

R3 Data Input Interfaces Provision of standards-based mechanisms and uni<strong>for</strong>m access<br />

points to support the ingestion of data from external sources.<br />

R4 Map Ability to provide users with visual in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding one’s<br />

location and show the locations of other persons or places of<br />

interest.<br />

R5 User Profile <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> supports the creation, preservation and retrieval of individual<br />

user accounts and personal account in<strong>for</strong>mation. Used<br />

to provide users with subjective service content.<br />

R6 User Activity Tracking Ability to collect and analyze user behavior and actions while<br />

using plat<strong>for</strong>m services.<br />

R2: Context-awareness<br />

Gartner [31] stipulates that in the coming years users will increasingly presume that<br />

their in<strong>for</strong>mation and experiences will follow them around, which mobile technologies<br />

will provide the baseline <strong>for</strong>. This type of situation-sensitive and unique behavior<br />

is called context-awareness (see section 2.3) and it is especially useful in mobile<br />

scenarios. The organic evolution from mobile applications to context-aware mobile<br />

applications has a basis in the needs and habits a user exhibits while acting in the<br />

mobile environment. [4] For example, mobile phones are almost always switched<br />

on, they follow the user closely throughout the day in multiple situations and at<br />

different times and they are often personalized by their owners in ways that give<br />

insight into the personality of the user. [68]<br />

The inclusion of context-sensitive data into an application provides the user<br />

with added value and an more intuitive user experience. The automatic capture<br />

and application of contextual in<strong>for</strong>mation eases the burden on users to manually<br />

input in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding their use case. [44] For instance, a mobile phone user’s<br />

availability status is useful in<strong>for</strong>mation and, coincidentally, relatively easy to automatically<br />

acquire using the mobile phone’s built-in calendar, assuming that the user<br />

has input his or her appointments. Conversely, this in<strong>for</strong>mation could be difficult<br />

or at least intrusive to acquire manually from the user.<br />

Contextual in<strong>for</strong>mation can be used, <strong>for</strong> example, to provide users with unaided<br />

suggestions and guided interactions. [31] Unaided suggestions rely on previously<br />

gained insight into a user’s preferences and habits based on explicitly given personal<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation and implicitly derived personal interests and affinities. Guided interactions<br />

are based more on situational in<strong>for</strong>mation and probabilities than personalized

data. [30] An example of a guided interaction could be, <strong>for</strong> instance, when a user<br />

is reading a description of an ongoing event the application might ask the user if<br />

he or she would like routing in<strong>for</strong>mation to that event or when a user is scrolling<br />

financial news headlines during work hours the news application might provide only<br />

business-related news and filter out entertainment and recreational news headlines.<br />

R3: Data Input Interfaces<br />

The nature of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> is to integrate various external data providers’<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation in a manner similar to how a mashup service operates. A web mashup is<br />

a web service that integrates existing web applications, websites and web accessible<br />

data sources into a new web service or website. [48] The most effective way to<br />

assimilate data in this way is to provide data input interfaces in the <strong>for</strong>m of a web<br />

API. Data input interfaces are critical to allow external data sources and providers<br />

a uni<strong>for</strong>m access point through which they can upload their data to the plat<strong>for</strong>m or<br />

through which the plat<strong>for</strong>m can access external data sources. [11]<br />

The implemented interfaces should support at least one standard web data exchange<br />

<strong>for</strong>mat, such as XML, JSON, or Really Simple Syndication (RSS) as well as<br />

one or more data exchange protocols such as HTTP and FTP. [11, 86] The supported<br />

data <strong>for</strong>mats should be standardized or at least widely accepted, lightweight and<br />

preferably XML-based. Utilizing standards-based technologies ensures a reasonable<br />

technology life span and thus a more resilient interface. Supporting lightweight data<br />

<strong>for</strong>mats and exchange protocols minimizes the processing load on the plat<strong>for</strong>m and<br />

facilitates a lean data structure. The predilection <strong>for</strong> XML-based <strong>for</strong>mats stems from<br />

the nature of the web and XML’s design goals that reflect simplicity, non-specificity<br />

and web usability [79].<br />

R4: Map<br />

An interactive map is essential in providing the user with visual in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding<br />

one’s location and showing the locations of other persons or places of interest<br />

(see section 2.6). It is also required in a number of plat<strong>for</strong>m services, including the<br />

Journey Planner (see R11: Journey Planner on page 18). Furthermore, as locational<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation lays the foundation <strong>for</strong> the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>’s context-aware features<br />

(see section R2: Context-awareness) it is necessary to facilitate the visualization<br />

and presentation of this context to the user, <strong>for</strong> which the logical medium is a map.<br />

R5: User Profile<br />

In addition to anonymous usage without account login, the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> should<br />

also allow the creation, preservation and retrieval of individual user accounts and<br />

personal account in<strong>for</strong>mation. A user profile facilitates features and services such<br />

as Bookmarks and Recommendations (see R13: Recommender on page 20). Bookmarks<br />

are places, events, persons, games, etc. that are frequently used or accessed in<br />

m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> supported services. A user’s bookmarks are stored in a database,<br />


from which they are retrieved when a user accesses his or her account. Recommendations<br />

are unique and personalized suggestions or data and service filtering<br />

per<strong>for</strong>med to provide a user with subjective service content.<br />

User profile in<strong>for</strong>mation includes demographic data gained from explicit user input<br />

such as a user’s e-mail address, interests, service settings, etc. as well as implicitly<br />

gained insight into a user’s preferences based on service usage habits (see R6:<br />

User Activity Tracking on page 14) and attention distribution. The in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

contained in a user profile combined with locational and contextual data gathered<br />

enable the provision of personalized and situation-specific services. [24] Although<br />

user profiles often enrich, focus and personalize user experience, users can also be<br />

wary of registration unless they are convinced it provides substantial added value<br />

and the collection and use of their personal in<strong>for</strong>mation is justified and protected.<br />

[28] Offering anonymous access, partial or unlimited, to a website or service can<br />

justify the need <strong>for</strong> user registration and ensures that users that make the ef<strong>for</strong>t to<br />

create an account are committed users. [29]<br />

R6: User Activity Tracking<br />

User activity tracking is the collection and analysis of user behavior and actions on<br />

websites or single web pages. User activity tracking enables the personalization of<br />

the corresponding websites or web pages by adapting its content or services to the<br />

needs of a particular user or type of user. [24] The type of in<strong>for</strong>mation gathered<br />

includes usage data such as a visitor’s IP address, the time and date of access,<br />

pages and services accessed and the referrer’s URL address. Usage data is the type<br />

of in<strong>for</strong>mation normally automatically included in a web server’s access log and<br />

subsequently rarely requires extensive development.<br />

User activity tracking data can be applied to various uses such as user profiling,<br />

website usage statistics <strong>for</strong> marketing or business purposes, usability testing and<br />

website content adaptation. User profiling is the process of applying the gathered<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation to create categories of individual or groups of users that share similar<br />

characteristics, behaviors or interests. Usage statistics are strong analytical tools<br />

<strong>for</strong> supporting marketing or business decisions as they contain objective in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

regarding customer needs and habits. Usability testing can greatly benefit from realworld<br />

usage statistics, because they are unobtrusive to collect and can be integrated<br />

at a very early stage in the development cycle. <strong>Web</strong>site content adaptation is the<br />

dynamic modification of a website’s content based on the changing demands and<br />

needs of the user. [5]<br />

The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> would employ user activity tracking mainly <strong>for</strong> usage<br />

statistics analysis and user profiling combined with content adaptation in the <strong>for</strong>m of<br />

the Recommendation service (see R13: Recommender on page 20). From a technical<br />

standpoint, the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> should facilitate the tracking of almost any user<br />

activity including time-sensitive user location in<strong>for</strong>mation. However, due to privacy<br />

issues, the collection of any personally identifiable in<strong>for</strong>mation including locationand<br />

time-specific data would need to be anonymized to the extent that individual<br />

users are not identifiable or their movements traceable. The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> must<br />


15<br />

also comply with applicable privacy laws and data protection acts [63].<br />

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements<br />

The non-functional requirements specified <strong>for</strong> a web-based mobile application plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

are listed in Table 2. The requirements itemized in this section were mainly<br />

gathered from best practices in literature. These requirements describe attributes<br />

of the plat<strong>for</strong>m as opposed to the functional requirements specified in the previous<br />

section 3.1, which describe functionalities of the plat<strong>for</strong>m. The subsequent<br />

non-functional requirements specified <strong>for</strong> such an application plat<strong>for</strong>m were R7:<br />

Reusability, R8: Cross-device Functionality, R9: Scalability and R10: Multilingual<br />

Content Support.<br />

Table 2: The non-functional requirements defined <strong>for</strong> a web-based mobile service plat<strong>for</strong>m are R7:<br />

Reusability, R8: Cross-device Functionality, R9: Scalability and R10: Multilingual Content<br />

Support.<br />

No. Requirement Description<br />

Non-functional Requirements<br />

R7 Reusability Design architecture is hierarchical and consists of small modular<br />

components. Elements are modular, loosely coupled and<br />

lightweight.<br />

R8 Cross-device Functionality <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> is operating system, device and plat<strong>for</strong>m independent<br />

or at least provides mechanisms and processes <strong>for</strong> decreased<br />

dependence.<br />

R9 Scalability System has the ability to gracefully cope with a growing number<br />

of components or increased workload and is capable of extensibility<br />

and enlargement.<br />

R10 Multilingual Content Support<br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> supplies tools and processes <strong>for</strong> management and implementation<br />

of multilingual content.<br />

R7: Reusability<br />

The most fundamental and critical non-functional requirement of the mHUBI application<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m is reusability. In order to create a widely applicable and easily<br />

adaptable plat<strong>for</strong>m that is conducive to rapid development and deployment, the<br />

architecture should be hierarchical and consist of small modular components. The<br />

more generic and mutually independent architectural components are the easier<br />

they are to integrate and aggregate into other applications or architectures. [69, 88]<br />

Additionally, the initial mHUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> is more likely to evolve organically and<br />

spontaneously when its original design and structure is not a constraint. Thus<br />

interdependence of architectural elements would greatly hinder the probability of<br />

widespread assimilation.<br />

Designing functional components as modular, loosely coupled and lightweight<br />

elements supports their reusability and facilitates the cross-plat<strong>for</strong>m nature of the

entire application. [73] Modularity also increases the entire system’s possibility <strong>for</strong><br />

extensibility in future. [14]<br />

R8: Cross-device Functionality<br />

Mobile web applications are generally easier and faster to develop and deploy than<br />

native mobile applications. [32, 33, 71] <strong>Web</strong> technologies are intended and built to<br />

be operating system, device and plat<strong>for</strong>m independent. The <strong>Web</strong> 2.0 tenet goes so<br />

far as to state that the “web is a plat<strong>for</strong>m” [59]. This holds true to a certain extent;<br />

web technologies (XML, HTML, CSS, etc.) are structurally identical irrespective<br />

of the device or operating system accessing it. However, web pages still need a<br />

medium to display them to users and when it comes to the medium of choice,<br />

Internet browsers, they un<strong>for</strong>tunately interpret web pages differently. [71] That is<br />

why cross-browser functionality and uni<strong>for</strong>m presentation is a high priority when<br />

designing and constructing web pages and especially web applications.<br />

The realm of mobile web browsers has even more variation than desktop web<br />

browsers. Currently, there are two types of mobile web browsers available <strong>for</strong> smartphones:<br />

full browsers, also called direct delivery browsers, and mini browsers, also<br />

called server transcoding browsers. [37, 66] Full browsers have the same functionalities<br />

and execution as desktop web browsers. They download and render web pages<br />

directly from a web server or local file as is. Full browsers facilitate desktop-quality<br />

rendering, at least from a browser standpoint, but they may suffer from memory<br />

constraints resulting from the mobile plat<strong>for</strong>m they run on. Mini browsers employ<br />

an intermediate proxy server to request web pages on its behalf. The proxy server<br />

renders and compresses the response and then sends the converted web page to the<br />

mobile client browser. The benefit of mini browsers is their low memory requirement<br />

and the reduced data traffic involved, however, because they do not support clientside<br />

interactivity Javascript is effectively run on the proxy server. [66] These added<br />

constraints of mobile web browsers further emphasize the need <strong>for</strong> cross-browser<br />

functionality of mobile web applications.<br />

R9: Scalability<br />

Scalability refers to a number of system qualities and characteristics such as the<br />

ability of a system to gracefully cope with a growing number of components or<br />

increased workload and to be capable of extensibility and enlargement. [10] In<br />

web-based systems, scalability and extensibility are often cited as separate system<br />

qualities. In those instances, scalability refers to the system’s capacity to respond<br />

to simultaneous requests and an increased processing workload. [14] Extensibility is<br />

distinguished from scalability as supporting the evolution and change of what was<br />

originally designed. [27] An extensible context-aware system, <strong>for</strong> instance, facilitates<br />

the addition of new services, new context sensors and context data sources. [14]<br />

The drawbacks of non-scalability include delays or disconnects in response time,<br />

raised data processing demands, space or memory constraints and more expensive<br />

development ef<strong>for</strong>ts. Scalability can similarly be inhibited by shortsighted data<br />


structure and algorithm design. Extensibility af<strong>for</strong>ds the supplementation and replacement<br />

of system requirements in correspondence with user needs. [10]<br />

R10: Multilingual Content Support<br />

Modern websites and web applications need to facilitate global usage and consequently,<br />

offer content in multiple languages. Previously offering web content in<br />

English was seen as catering to an international audience, but with the advancement<br />

of content management systems and other facilitative technologies that is no<br />

longer sufficient [40]. In order to maintain multilingual versions of a single website,<br />

content and structure related issues need to be addressed. Content management<br />

and localization are the most critical factors when dealing with multilingual web<br />

content, but website naming and layout organization are also relevant structural<br />

factors [40].<br />

Management of multilingual content is especially pertinent to the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>,<br />

but localization issues should also receive due diligence. Proprietary content<br />

and extra-plat<strong>for</strong>m components should also be considered future system elements<br />

requiring multilingual support.<br />

3.3 <strong>Service</strong>-specific Requirements<br />

<strong>Service</strong>-specific requirements specified <strong>for</strong> a web-based mobile application plat<strong>for</strong>m,<br />

which are listed in Table 3, are HUBI.mobi Project Management dictated functional<br />

specifications <strong>for</strong> the plat<strong>for</strong>m. These requirements describe functionalities of specific<br />

services to be provided by and included in the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>. The first<br />

requirement is a routing service R11: Journey Planner that offers routing, geolocation<br />

and public transit related functionalities. The second requirement is R12:<br />

Events, a service that offers in<strong>for</strong>mation on upcoming and ongoing events which<br />

have been collected from external data sources. The third and final service-specific<br />

requirement is R13: Recommender, a service that provides personalized recommendations,<br />

content and services.<br />

Table 3: The service-specific requirements defined <strong>for</strong> a web-based mobile service plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

are R11: Journey Planner, R12: Events and R13: Recommender.<br />

17<br />

No. Requirement Description<br />

<strong>Service</strong>-specific Requirements<br />

R11 Journey Planner Provision public transit route options from point to point and<br />

display of route items on a map.<br />

R12 Events Ability to gather and display ongoing and upcoming event data<br />

to user. Events include location in<strong>for</strong>mation and possible semantic<br />

tags.<br />

R13 Recommender Provide users with personalized recommendations, content and<br />

services based on a user’s explicit and implicit usage preferences.

The requirements defined in this section were chosen in part by research and<br />

project goals dictated by HUBI.mobi Project Management and in part by resources<br />

and knowledge available to the project team at the time this thesis work was completed.<br />

Each service-specific requirement answers a real-life user need identified<br />

by the project management team. For instance, R13: Recommender is included<br />

to integrate concurrent textual data mining algorithm development and to provide<br />

the plat<strong>for</strong>m with means to facilitate personalized content. Similarly, R12: Events<br />

serves to provide users with personalized and situation-sensitive content that utilize<br />

individualized recommendations provided by R13: Recommender. Numerous<br />

other service-specific requirements could have been defined, but the ones included<br />

in this section are indicative of the types of services that can be implemented in<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m-based applications.<br />

R11: Journey Planner<br />

A public transport Journey Planner is a service to be implemented as part of the<br />

m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>. The Journey Planner could initially utilize the web service interface<br />

of the Helsinki Regional Transport Authority (HSL) [39] to provide users with<br />

public transport route in<strong>for</strong>mation in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The HSL<br />

interface supports bus, metro, tram, train, ferry and walking transport modes. The<br />

Journey Planner can utilize the user’s current location, which is automatically collected<br />

(see R1: Location-awareness on page 11), as the starting point or destination<br />

<strong>for</strong> a journey. The user can also choose journey departure or destination points from<br />

a list of bookmarked places (see R5: User Profile on page 13) saved to the user’s<br />

profile and only available if the user has logged in.<br />

Journey Planner<br />

18<br />

8:34<br />

Current location:<br />

Kamppi:<br />

Kimmontie 3, Helsinki<br />

Kampin keskus, Helsinki<br />

Departure<br />

Koskelantie crossing<br />

Koskelantie crossing<br />

Maunula<br />

Maunula<br />

Kamppi<br />

Kamppi<br />

Destination<br />

Show route map<br />

Figure 6: Mockups of the Journey Planner service. Left: Initial Journey Planner screen into which<br />

the user inputs departure, destination and time in<strong>for</strong>mation. This scenario is a journey from the<br />

user’s current location to a manually input destination at the current time. Middle: Several route<br />

options are displayed <strong>for</strong> a single journey. Right: Detailed route and transfer in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> a<br />

selected route.<br />

R12: Events<br />

A service to provide ongoing and upcoming events in the Helsinki Metropolitan<br />

Area is included in the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> specification. The service compiles event

data from various sources and lists them based on user prioritization, user profile<br />

settings and user- and group-specific recommendations (see R13: Recommender on<br />

page 20). Events are categorized according to event type such as theater, museum,<br />

sports, music, etc. and optional user preferences regarding each event type are saved<br />

to the user profile. (Figure 7)<br />

19<br />

Events<br />

Starting soon<br />

Events<br />

Near my location<br />

Starting soon<br />

Ending soon<br />

Figure 7: Mockups of the Events service. Left: Initial Events screen showing in<strong>for</strong>mation of<br />

currently ongoing and upcoming events near the user’s current location in the Helsinki Metropolitan<br />

Area. Middle: Users can sort events based on the event’s location, start time and end time. Right:<br />

Users can save event category related preferences, which are also used to sort events when a user<br />

is logged in.<br />

As mentioned above, Event service data is compiled from various external sources,<br />

which requires an interface <strong>for</strong> the input of event data. In addition to the generic<br />

data <strong>for</strong>mats described in section R3: Data Input Interfaces, several data models and<br />

<strong>for</strong>mats are available that focus solely on event-related data description. Shaw et al.<br />

[72] conducted a survey of existing event models and compared their event representations.<br />

Of the event models Shaw et al. describe, EventsML-G2 best serves the<br />

purposes of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>’s needs. Various qualities encourage the adoption<br />

of the EventsML-G2 standard including its machine-readable XML-based <strong>for</strong>mat,<br />

its compliance with the W3Cs Resource Description Framework (RDF) which supports<br />

event-specific semantic annotation and the standard’s extensible nature which<br />

facilitates appending application-specific functionalities. [41]<br />

Pertinent event-related in<strong>for</strong>mation to be included in event source data include:<br />

– title of event,<br />

– organizer of event,<br />

– start time of event,<br />

– end time of event,<br />

– textual description of event,<br />

– language(s) of event and/or of textual description of event,<br />

– location of event expressed as:<br />

– name of event location,<br />

– address of event location or<br />

– geocoordinates of event location,

20<br />

– link to external in<strong>for</strong>mation e.g. event website,<br />

– keywords of event and<br />

– semantic mapping of event to an ontology.<br />

R13: Recommender<br />

A Recommender service is required in the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> to provide users with<br />

personalized recommendations, content and services. The service will, at minimum,<br />

provide user-specific event listings in the Event service (see R12: Events on page 18)<br />

based on a user’s explicit and implicit usage preferences. Explicit user preferences<br />

are gained through user-solicited profile in<strong>for</strong>mation and implicit user preferences<br />

are acquired with the help of user activity tracking (see R6: User Activity Tracking<br />

on page 14).<br />

Recommendation systems generally fall under one of three categories. Contentbased<br />

recommenders suggest items similar to ones that a user has previously preferred.<br />

Collaborative recommenders rely on the behavior of user groups and suggest<br />

items that other users with similar preferences have liked. The third type of recommendation<br />

system is one that combines content-based and collaborative recommendation<br />

methods. [1]<br />

Disadvantages of purely content-based recommendation systems include limited<br />

content analysis and overspecialization. Limited content analysis is a result of restricted<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding users and/or item content. The restrictions may<br />

relate to privacy issues limiting personal in<strong>for</strong>mation dissemination and item content<br />

may be difficult or expensive to obtain or item quality may be problematic to<br />

machine-detect. Overspecialization follows from the nature of content-based recommendation<br />

systems. Because the system recommends items with similar content,<br />

there is a risk of it failing to recommend items with dissimilar content but which<br />

are still of interest to the user. [20]<br />

Collaborative recommendation systems do not suffer from the same disadvantages<br />

as content-based recommendation systems because they rely on inter-user<br />

similarity rather than inter-item similarity. However, collaborative recommendations<br />

are not without their own limitations. They must tackle new items, rating<br />

sparsity and new users, the latter of which also plagues content-based recommendation<br />

systems. New items pose a problem because they need to be rated by a<br />

sufficient number of users be<strong>for</strong>e they can be recommended to other users. Rating<br />

sparsity refers to the critical mass of users per item. In a realistic recommender<br />

system, items with few ratings will rarely be recommended unless there exist other<br />

users with nearly identical preferences. Both collaborative and content-based recommendation<br />

methods have a problem determining the preferences of a new user<br />

because that user has yet to rate any items. Usually explicit user input is needed<br />

to provide a basis <strong>for</strong> user recommendations prior to uncovering more insights. [1]

21<br />

4 <strong>Architecture</strong> of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong><br />

This section describes the architecture of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>. It begins with an<br />

overview of the entire plat<strong>for</strong>m and moves on to give more detailed introductions<br />

of server-side components and then client-side elements, respectively. The final<br />

subsection is a use-case scenario starring a fictitious plat<strong>for</strong>m-based web application,<br />

which illustrates the usage of the plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture and its components from a<br />

more practical perspective. The server-side architecture depicted in this section is<br />

implementation-independent, meaning it makes no assumptions or stipulations on<br />

what technologies are used to implement the plat<strong>for</strong>m itself. However, use of the<br />

optional content structure templates described in section 4.5 require the plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

server to run Java programs and support Java Server Pages technology.<br />

4.1 <strong>Architecture</strong> Overview<br />

The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> is a web server and web application client framework. The<br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> provides the foundation, structure and means <strong>for</strong> building, maintaining<br />

and developing context-aware user-specific mobile web applications. The m.HUBI<br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server consists of an application server (see section 2.1), one or more<br />

databases, a Recommender <strong>Service</strong> and several auxiliary components. The m.HUBI<br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client embodies a Javascript API as well as content structure and layout<br />

templates.<br />

As the diagram in Figure 8 indicates, the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server has several<br />

subcomponents. Arguably the more important of these components are the<br />

databases and the complementary Database Management module. The databases<br />

store data which is processed, derived from or utilized in m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client<br />

applications. Database data ranges from basic user in<strong>for</strong>mation such as usernames,<br />

email addresses and service profiles to event data provided by or gathered from external<br />

data sources (see section 3.1). The Database Management module ensures<br />

the accessibility, validity and continuity of all data kept in the databases.<br />

A mandatory element to any service that provides registration and user login<br />

is an Identity and Authorization Management module. This module is responsible<br />

<strong>for</strong> ensuring secure access, transaction consistency and isolation of individual<br />

entries of a database containing username and password in<strong>for</strong>mation. The Recommender<br />

<strong>Service</strong> deployed as part of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server utilizes user<br />

proclivity to produce personally valid content (see section 3.3). The Recommender<br />

harnesses both straight<strong>for</strong>ward input gathered from the users themselves and tacit<br />

user preferences gained from monitoring user behavior and tracking user activity<br />

(see section 3.1). Support functions are used by internal <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> server processes<br />

to per<strong>for</strong>m administrative tasks and maintain log files, <strong>for</strong> example. These functions<br />

run in the background and are not visible or accessible to plat<strong>for</strong>m clients.<br />

Figure 8 contains two external components that are not internal elements of the<br />

m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>, but are essential to its operation. The first such component<br />

represents external web services that the plat<strong>for</strong>m queries <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation, such<br />

as map images from a mapping service and route options from a public transit

22<br />

Javascript API<br />





HTTP<br />

GET / POST<br />

request<br />

HTTP<br />

GET / POST<br />

response<br />

(XML data <strong>for</strong>mat)<br />



Server<br />

HTTP<br />

GET / POST<br />

(XML<br />

data <strong>for</strong>mat)<br />



Databases<br />

Figure 8: The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> is a web application framework complete with server-side and<br />

client-side components. The plat<strong>for</strong>m queries external web services <strong>for</strong> application content such as<br />

map images and other mashup components and receives or retrieves XML <strong>for</strong>matted data, such as<br />

Events, from external sources. Data is passed between the the server and client sides and between<br />

the server and external services and sources via HTTP GET and POST requests and responses.<br />

The <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client is supplemented with proprietary content, layout and Javascript to create<br />

various mobile web applications.<br />

API. The second external component in the figure represents external data sources<br />

which provide source in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding events or other data utilized by plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

applications. The data received or retrieved from the external source, depending<br />

on whether the data input is initiated by the external source or by the m.HUBI<br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>, respectively, is saved to the plat<strong>for</strong>m database.<br />

The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client contains the front-end portion of the mobile web<br />

application. It constitutes the user interface of the service and is displayed to<br />

the end-user via a web browser, more specifically a mobile web browser. The

Javascript API contains documented and preprogrammed Javascript functions that<br />

support and implement application activity, interaction and communication with<br />

the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server. The <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client also includes templates <strong>for</strong> the<br />

application client’s structure and layout, but these are optional and their inclusion in<br />

a final web application is completely voluntary. The templates are primarily meant<br />

as a starting point <strong>for</strong> new application design and provide cohesive layouts <strong>for</strong> any<br />

m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> implementations.<br />

4.2 Server Core Functions<br />

The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server’s Core functions consist of the Database Management<br />

module, the Identity and Authorization Management module, the Recommender<br />

<strong>Service</strong> and various inconspicuous support functions. The first two modules are<br />

comprehensive monitoring and maintenance tools, which are critical to any web<br />

application that handles database or user account transactions. The Recommender<br />

<strong>Service</strong> facilitates the provision of intuitive and situationally relevant web services<br />

to mobile users. Lastly, support functions play the indispensable role of workhorse<br />

ensuring basic server operation and maintenance.<br />

4.2.1 Database Management<br />

The Database Management module is charged with monitoring and controlling access<br />

to the servers database(s), ensuring that any and all transactions are processed<br />

reliably and securely and multiple simultaneous transactions are effectively queued.<br />

A database transaction is a short sequence of database interactions which represent<br />

one meaningful activity in the user’s environment. The transaction processing module<br />

takes care that all transactions are executed indivisibly, meaning that either all<br />

of the actions are completed successfully or none of them are. [36] Persistence maintenance<br />

is particularly important in web applications because the applications allow<br />

data to be created, transferred and stored in different types of software components<br />

such as Internet browsers, relational databases and web servers. This architecture<br />

complicates the flow of data through the various pieces of software and emphasizes<br />

the need <strong>for</strong> persistent data. Data persistence refers to having the same data available<br />

in the same <strong>for</strong>m throughout and between user sessions. [56] In simplified terms,<br />

the Persistence module enables session data to outlive the session it was created in<br />

and facilitates the reinstatement of that data when the session is ‘resumed’.<br />

4.2.2 Identity and Authorization Management<br />

The Identity and Authorization Management module is responsible <strong>for</strong> ensuring secure<br />

access, transaction consistency and isolation of individual entries of a database<br />

containing username and password in<strong>for</strong>mation. Additionally, the Identity and Authorization<br />

Management module encrypts the passwords be<strong>for</strong>e they are stored to<br />

the database so that they are not saved in plain text <strong>for</strong>mat. This ensures an further<br />

layer of protection in user registration because even if the encrypted passwords were<br />

to fall into the wrong hands, they would be essentially useless. The Identity and<br />


Authorization Management module can also be tasked with providing secure connections<br />

between the web application client and server. Such connections are Secure<br />

Sockets Layer (SSL) connections, <strong>for</strong> instance, that use bilateral keys to encrypt and<br />

decrypt transmitted messages. SSL transactions are illegible to anyone other than<br />

its participants unless a third party attains both parties’ keys. [82]<br />

4.2.3 Recommender <strong>Service</strong><br />

The Recommender <strong>Service</strong> (see section 3.3) disseminates user-specific and contextsensitive<br />

content to m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Clients. Each registered plat<strong>for</strong>m user has<br />

an individual user interest profile associated with their account that is built and<br />

refined each time the user interacts with a plat<strong>for</strong>m service. The Recommender<br />

operates by gathering service content, e.g. event data from external sources, from<br />

the corresponding database. The externally sourced data may contain semantically<br />

relevant category tags indicating what topic group it belongs to e.g. sports, theater,<br />

music or the grouping is programmatically deduced from the data’s description<br />

text. The Recommender <strong>Service</strong> uses a novel keyword extraction algorithm that was<br />

developed as part of the HUBI.mobi Project along side the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>. The<br />

algorithm specializes in extracting keywords and phrases from short text documents,<br />

such as event descriptions or user created content. The extraction approach is based<br />

on three-level word analysis and clustering and aims to provide in<strong>for</strong>mative terms<br />

<strong>for</strong> data categorization and user modeling. The Recommender <strong>Service</strong> checks the<br />

user’s profile <strong>for</strong> their content preferences and sorts the list in descending order of<br />

preference.<br />

4.2.4 Support Functions<br />

The Support functions component is the grease that makes the gears of the m.HUBI<br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> turn smoothly. It is responsible <strong>for</strong> managing and maintaining auxiliary<br />

processes of the plat<strong>for</strong>m. The elements of the support functions module manage<br />

session cookie generation and validation, external web service connection initiation,<br />

preservation and suspension, and log file creation, population and maintenance.<br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> web application client cookies and external web service connections are<br />

processed on behalf of service components (see section 4.3). Log files keep a record<br />

of all the actions per<strong>for</strong>med in the server and provide written documentation in the<br />

event of an error or undesired action.<br />

4.3 m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Components<br />

The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server employs service components to provide m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong><br />

Clients with dynamic content and programmatic processing <strong>for</strong> database query<br />

responses. The <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> services are divided into thirteen separate components:<br />

Login, Logout, Location, Map, MyPlaces, POI, Track, Localization, Bookmark,<br />

Friends, User Management, Journey Planner and Feedback. The following sections<br />

describe each a<strong>for</strong>ementioned component in greater detail. Unless otherwise indi-<br />


cated, the input and output of the service components are HTTP GET request and<br />

response messages, respectively.<br />

Login<br />

The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Login service component grants m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> users access<br />

to their user account and corresponding profile data. The component receives<br />

data in the <strong>for</strong>m of a HTTP POST request (Figure 9). The input request is checked<br />

<strong>for</strong> a textual username and password, which a user has input into the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong><br />

Client browser. The Login component then checks the registered user database<br />

<strong>for</strong> a corresponding username and password. If such a user exists and that user’s<br />

account has the password provided in the request message, the service component<br />

indicates the user is online and creates a timestamped user-specific cookie, which<br />

is subsequently used to automatically identify the user <strong>for</strong> the cookie’s period of<br />

validity—the default duration is 12 hours. The Login component then creates an<br />

XML document containing the login cookie and returns the document as an HTTP<br />

POST response to the requesting client application.<br />

25<br />



HTTP GET request<br />

Figure 9: The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server includes <strong>Service</strong> components such as the Login and<br />

Logout components. Both components receive HTTP requests from plat<strong>for</strong>m client applications<br />

and communicate with the server’s registered user database to complete user authorization. A web<br />

cookie is returned to the requesting application when necessary processing is complete.<br />

Logout<br />

The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Logout service component changes the status of a registered<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m user to offline in the client application he or she is currently logged into.<br />

The Logout component receives a request containing a plat<strong>for</strong>m issued cookie, which

corresponds to a single registered user (Figure 9). The component checks and validates<br />

the contents of that cookie and logs the matching user out of the requesting<br />

m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client. Finally, the service component creates an empty cookie,<br />

appends it to the response message and returns the it to the requesting m.HUBI<br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client application.<br />

Location<br />

The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Location service component saves and retrieves database<br />

data disclosing the location of registered plat<strong>for</strong>m users. Additionally, the component<br />

delivers street addresses by reverse geocoding them (see section 3.1) from<br />

satellite coordinates. The component receives a request message containing a plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

issued cookie and the requesting user’s location as latitude and longitude coordinates<br />

(Figure 10). First, the component checks and validates the contents of<br />

the request cookie. Then, it saves the user’s current location to the user database.<br />

Lastly, the service component completes reverse geocoding on the user’s location<br />

coordinates and returns the result as an HTML document. The reverse geocoding is<br />

actually outsourced to an external web service, so in effect, the service component<br />

calls that external service with the input GPS coordinates and receives a response<br />

indicating the corresponding street address. The HTML document is returned to<br />

the requesting plat<strong>for</strong>m client application as a response.<br />

26<br />



Figure 10: The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server includes <strong>Service</strong> components such as the Location and<br />

Map components. Both components receive request messages from plat<strong>for</strong>m client applications and<br />

communicate with external web services to complete their tasks. The Location component returns<br />

a reverse geocoded street address and the Map service returns a map image to the requesting<br />


27<br />

Map<br />

The Map service component creates and supplies map images to display on m.HUBI<br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Clients. The component receives a request (Figure 10) containing various<br />

input parameters including user location and map center coordinates, desired image<br />

size and type of map e.g. Journey Planner route map (see section 3.3) or POI map<br />

(see section 3.3). First, the Map component uses the input coordinate parameters<br />

to calculate the needed image tiles and retrieves them from an external mapping<br />

service (see section 3.1). To decrease the time required <strong>for</strong> image retrieval from<br />

external services, the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> also employs an image cache where it stores<br />

frequently used map tiles. Next, depending on the map type indicated in the input<br />

parameters, the component will draw on top of the map image. For instance, in<br />

the case of a POI map, the service component will draw an icon <strong>for</strong> the POI in its<br />

corresponding coordinates. Finally, the Map component returns the resulting map<br />

image to the requesting plat<strong>for</strong>m client as a response message.<br />

MyPlaces<br />

The MyPlaces service component handles requests pertaining to user-specific and<br />

user-created locations and POIs. POIs saved as MyPlaces indicate frequently visited<br />

or important places to the user such as Home, Work, Mom and Dad’s, etc. The<br />

component receives a request containing a m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> issued cookie and various<br />

input parameters depending on what kind of action is desired (Figure 11). The<br />

MyPlaces service component executes addition, update, deletion, moving and listing<br />

of user-created POIs. MyPlaces POIs are stored, visible and usable only to a single<br />

registered user via that user’s plat<strong>for</strong>m account. A request asking the component <strong>for</strong><br />

a listing of a user’s POIs returns an XML document containing that in<strong>for</strong>mation as a<br />

HTTP GET response. Other requests contain input parameters indicating a POI to<br />

add, delete, update or move upward or downward in the POI listing. The MyPlaces<br />

component completes the requested action and returns a response message with a<br />

textual indication of the success or failure of that action.<br />

POI<br />

The POI service component executes requests regarding location annotated data<br />

such as event happenings that have been integrated into the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> from<br />

external data sources (see section 3.3). The component receives a request message<br />

(Figure 11) containing parameters indicating what kind of POI data is required,<br />

how that data should be sorted and whether or not the action should be tracked<br />

(see section 3.1). If the request also contains a plat<strong>for</strong>m issued login cookie, the POI<br />

component checks the validity of that cookie and utilizes user profile in<strong>for</strong>mation to<br />

supply focused listings (see section 3.3). The POI service component communicates<br />

with the user and external input databases as well as the Recommender <strong>Service</strong> to<br />

compile a return POI list. The list compilation is gathered as an XML document<br />

and returned to the message originating m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client application as a<br />


28<br />



Figure 11: The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server includes <strong>Service</strong> components such as the MyPlaces and<br />

POI service components. Both components receive HTTP requests from plat<strong>for</strong>m client applications<br />

and communicate with other server components to complete their tasks. The MyPlaces<br />

component contacts an external web service <strong>for</strong> geocoding assistance as well as the MyPlaces<br />

database to append, update or retrieve POIs. The POI component communicates with the user,<br />

user profile and POI databases as well as the Recommender <strong>Service</strong>. The MyPlaces service component<br />

returns either a success or failure indicator or an XML document, depending on the input<br />

parameters. The POI service component always returns an XML document.<br />

Track<br />

The Track service component handles the logging of usage tracking and communicates<br />

with the Recommender <strong>Service</strong> regarding those actions (see section 3.1). The<br />

component receives a request containing a plat<strong>for</strong>m issued login cookie and parameters<br />

indicating what action is being tracked (Figure 12). Tracking service usage is<br />

used to compile plat<strong>for</strong>m usage statistics and improve personal user recommendations<br />

and user experience in general. For example, each time a user views a list item<br />

in a client application’s service, that viewing triggers a tracking event which in turn<br />

triggers modifications in the lists provided to a particular user by the Recommender<br />

<strong>Service</strong>. The Track service component returns a response indicating if the requested<br />

tracking action was successfully carried out.<br />

Localization<br />

The Localization service component serves language-specific text and content to<br />

client applications if multilingual options are available. Different language options<br />

are handled in the plat<strong>for</strong>m by a separate language cookie, which has a validity<br />

period just as the login cookie does. Various services that offer multilingual content<br />

use the language cookie to determine what content to provide. The Localization<br />

component receives a request containing a plat<strong>for</strong>m issued language cookie (Fig-

29<br />



Figure 12: The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server includes <strong>Service</strong> components such as the Track and Localization<br />

service components. Both components receive requests from plat<strong>for</strong>m client applications<br />

and communicate with other server components to complete their tasks. The Track component<br />

returns a success or failure indicator regarding the status of the task it was asked to per<strong>for</strong>m. The<br />

Localization service component returns a plat<strong>for</strong>m issued language cookie as a response message.<br />

ure 12). If the request also contains parameters indicating the client that issued<br />

the request wishes to change the language settings, the component checks the existence<br />

and validity of the input language cookie and saves the language setting to<br />

that user’s profile. The Localization service component then appends the indicated<br />

language as a parameter of the language cookie and returns the amended cookie as<br />

a response to the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client application it emanated from.<br />

Bookmark<br />

The Bookmark service component handles user bookmark related tasks. Bookmarks<br />

on the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> are similar to web bookmarks, in that a user can bookmark<br />

a personally significant event, POI, place, etc. and save that item to their plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

profile. The Bookmarks are stored in a database and associated with the user<br />

account that created them. The Bookmark component receives a request (Figure 13)<br />

containing a plat<strong>for</strong>m issued cookie and input parameters indicating whether the<br />

user wants to add or delete a single bookmark or alternatively list all the user’s stored<br />

bookmarks. The service component communicates with the plat<strong>for</strong>m user database<br />

to execute the requested task and returns a response to the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client<br />

application the original request emanated from. Addition and deletion of bookmarks<br />

results in a simple success or failure response and a bookmark list request results in<br />

an XML document containing a list of the requesting user’s stored bookmarks.

30<br />



Figure 13: The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server includes <strong>Service</strong> components such as the Bookmark and<br />

Friends service components. Both components receive requests from plat<strong>for</strong>m client applications<br />

and communicate with the User and User Profile Databases to complete their tasks. The Bookmark<br />

and Friends components each return a success or failure indicator regarding the status of the task<br />

it was asked to per<strong>for</strong>m. If the requested action was to list a user’s bookmarks or friends, the<br />

corresponding service component returns the list as an XML document.<br />

Friends<br />

The Friends service component executes requests related to user friends. Similarly<br />

to social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, registered users of m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong><br />

can indicate that other registered users are their friends. The Friends component<br />

receives a request message (Figure 13) containing a plat<strong>for</strong>m issued cookie and input<br />

parameters indicating if the user wishes to add or remove a friend, decline a friend<br />

request or simply list that user’s friends. The service component communicates<br />

with the plat<strong>for</strong>m user database, which holds a record of individual user’s friends,<br />

to execute the requested task. The result is a simple success or failure indication<br />

in the cases of friend addition and removal and friend request refusal. When the<br />

m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client application has requested a list of user friends, the result<br />

is an XML document listing those friends. The Friends component returns the task<br />

result as a response to the plat<strong>for</strong>m client application the original request emanated<br />

from.<br />

User Management<br />

The User Management service component oversees actions concerning user accounts<br />

and related data. Tasks the User Management component executes include saving<br />

settings to and retrieving data from a user account as well as creating and deleting<br />

m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> user accounts. The service component receives a request that,<br />

barring the creation of a new registered user account, contains a plat<strong>for</strong>m issued

31<br />



Figure 14: The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server includes <strong>Service</strong> components such as the User Management<br />

and Journey Planner service components. Both components receive requests from plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

client applications and communicate with the User Database and External <strong>Web</strong> <strong>Service</strong>, respectively,<br />

to complete their tasks. The User Management service component returns a success or<br />

failure indicator or an XML document depending on the requested action. The Journey Planner<br />

service component returns an XML document containing route in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />

cookie (Figure 14). The request also contains parameters indicating what duties<br />

the service component should per<strong>for</strong>m. The User Management component communicates<br />

with the plat<strong>for</strong>m user database to retrieve or save data and returns any<br />

response data as an XML document in a response. If no data is being returned to<br />

the requesting m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client application, the response simply indicates<br />

the success or failure of the requested task.<br />

Journey Planner<br />

The Journey Planner service component handles communication between m.HUBI<br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client applications and the external Journey Planner service (see section<br />

3.3), which is currently implemented by the Helsinki Regional Transit Authority<br />

(HSL). The component receives a request message containing departure and<br />

destination addresses and a departure or arrival time (Figure 14). The Journey<br />

Planner component sends a message to the HSL Journey Planner web service that<br />

contains the service component input parameters. The HSL web service produces<br />

a response containing three complete route options from the given departure point<br />

to the provided destination. The service component parses the HSL web service<br />

response message into an XML document and returns it as a response to the client<br />

application that originally made the service component request.

32<br />

Feedback<br />

The Feedback service component delivers user feedback to the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong><br />

administrators. The component receives user feedback in the <strong>for</strong>m of a HTTP<br />

POST request containing the input entered by the user into the client application<br />

feedback <strong>for</strong>m (Figure 15). The Feedback component checks <strong>for</strong> a plat<strong>for</strong>m issued<br />

cookie and if such a valid cookie is found, indicates that the feedback is from a<br />

registered user. The component then <strong>for</strong>wards the user input as an email to the<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m administrators and returns an empty HTTP POST response to the client<br />

indicating whether the feedback was successfully processed.<br />



<strong>Service</strong> Components<br />

Figure 15: The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server includes <strong>Service</strong> components such as the Feedback and<br />

User Management service components. The Feedback component receives HTTP POST requests<br />

containing textual user feedback from plat<strong>for</strong>m client applications. The User Management component<br />

returns a success or failure indicator indicating if the feedback was <strong>for</strong>warded by email to<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m administrators.<br />

4.4 Javascript API<br />

This section presents the contents and operations of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Javascript<br />

API. The API consists of seven modules divided according to their functionality. The<br />

following descriptions are not intended as a manual or user guide to web developers<br />

utilizing the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> <strong>for</strong> application creation or <strong>for</strong> other technical purposes.<br />

This section merely introduces the functions included in the m.HUBI API<br />

and a provides a general overview of their capabilities.

33<br />

m.HUBI Javascript API<br />

Figure 16: The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client includes a Javascript API containing functions and<br />

classes utilized in plat<strong>for</strong>m client applications. The API is divided into seven modules according<br />

to function relativity. The modules are Communication, Foundation, Map, Positioning, Display,<br />

<strong>Service</strong>s and Auxiliary.<br />

4.4.1 Communication Module<br />

The Communication module contains functions that handle communication between<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m clients and the plat<strong>for</strong>m server. It is an integral part of the API and ensures<br />

that client applications serve users with up-to-date and valid data. The module<br />

also handles the <strong>for</strong>warding of server responses to the correct handler or callback<br />

functions.<br />

The first of the two Communication module functions is xhr, which sends request<br />

messages to the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Components (see section 4.3). The<br />

function creates an XMLHttpRequest and sends it to the URL indicated in url. The<br />

callback parameter indicates the function that will handle the processing of the<br />

returned XMLHttpRequest. The postData parameter contains optional textual data<br />

to send to the server if requestType is POST instead of the default GET.<br />

The second function, parseXMLListener, is a catch-all callback function <strong>for</strong><br />

various xhr function server calls. ParseXMLListener interprets and converts XML<br />

documents into Javascript Objects and <strong>for</strong>wards them to user-defined Javascript<br />

functions <strong>for</strong> display to the user. The function receiving the <strong>for</strong>warded Javascript<br />

Object is determined based on the content of the XML document and type of the<br />

subsequent Javascript Object.<br />

parseXMLListener ( resp )<br />

xhr ( requestType, url, callback, postData )<br />

4.4.2 Foundation Module<br />

The Foundation module contains functions that are generally relevant to the m.HUBI<br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> and Javascript API. The functions carry out fundamental processes such<br />

as login and logout of registered users, saving and updating user settings to the<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m server as well as displaying and concealing pages on the web application<br />

client. User action tracking (see section 3.1) on plat<strong>for</strong>m clients is facilitated in the<br />

Foundation module. The trackAction function can be called to register the usage

of a service or viewing of an item e.g. POI, Route, etc. API functions that take a<br />

track parameter call trackAction internally.<br />

autoLogin()<br />

back()<br />

clearFeedback()<br />

create ( key, value, expireDays )<br />

deleteUser()<br />

destroy ( key )<br />

displayXML ( objArray )<br />

getUserSettings()<br />

hide ( elementId )<br />

login()<br />

loginListener ( resp )<br />

logout()<br />

logoutListener ( resp )<br />

retrieve ( key )<br />

saveProfile()<br />

saveSettings()<br />

sendFeedback()<br />

setDate ( item, addHours, addMinutes )<br />

setHeader ( title, icon )<br />

show ( elementId, type )<br />

showPage ( pageId, title, icon, backPg )<br />

trackAction ( trackable )<br />

34<br />

Foundation Module<br />

autoLogin *<br />

displayXML<br />

logoutListener<br />

setHeader<br />

back<br />

getUserSettings *<br />

retrieve<br />

show<br />

parseXMLListener<br />

clearFeedback<br />

create<br />

hide<br />

login *<br />

saveProfile *<br />

saveSettings *<br />

showPage<br />

trackAction *<br />

xhr<br />

deleteUser *<br />

loginListener<br />

sendFeedback *<br />

destroy<br />

logout *<br />

setDate<br />

Figure 17: The m.HUBI API Foundation module contains functions that are generally relevant to<br />

the plat<strong>for</strong>m. The functions carry out fundamental processes such as login and logout of registered<br />

users, saving and updating user settings to the plat<strong>for</strong>m server and displaying and concealing pages<br />

on the web application client. Functions with an asterisk (*) after their names make a call to the<br />

Communication module’s xhr function.

35<br />

4.4.3 Map Module<br />

The Map module contains functions relevant to the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Map service.<br />

The map is used as a visual medium to show users their own location, locations<br />

of POIs, MyPlaces or Journey Planner Routes, RouteLegs or RoutePoints (see section<br />

4.4.6). Map module functions retrieve, display and adjust map images. The<br />

Map module also contains the Javascript class Point, which is used to define single<br />

map points with explicit geo- and screen coordinates. Point instances are used to<br />

precisely indicate e.g. user, POI and Buddy positions on map images.<br />

initializeIphoneMap()<br />

initializeWidgetMap()<br />

mapReset()<br />

panMap ( direction )<br />

panReset()<br />

setMapImage()<br />

setMapImageUrl ( url )<br />

showPoisOnMap ( poiList )<br />

showUserOnMap()<br />

zoomIn()<br />

zoomOut()<br />

zoomReset()<br />

Point(x, y) {<br />

getLat() setLat ( lat )<br />

getLon() setLon ( lon )<br />

getX() setX ( x )<br />

getY() setY ( y )<br />

}<br />

Map Module<br />

initializeIphoneMap<br />

setMapImageUrl<br />

initializeWidgetMap<br />

showPoisOnMap *<br />

mapReset<br />

panMap<br />

showUserOnMap<br />

zoomIn<br />

xhr<br />

panReset<br />

zoomOut<br />

setMapImage<br />

zoomReset<br />

Figure 18: The m.HUBI API Map module contains functions relevant to plat<strong>for</strong>m Map service.<br />

Maps are used as visual media to show users the location of themselves, user friends, POIs,<br />

MyPlaces, etc. In addition to the functions depicted in the figure, the Map module includes a<br />

Javascript Class declaration <strong>for</strong> Point objects. Functions with an asterisk (*) after their names<br />

make a call to the Communication module’s xhr function.

36<br />

4.4.4 Positioning Module<br />

The Positioning module contains functions that are relevant to positioning and geolocation<br />

processes of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>. The functions handle acquisition and<br />

evaluation of GPS, Geolocation or widget geocoordinate in<strong>for</strong>mation, depending on<br />

the capabilities of the mobile device and web browser being used. The module also<br />

handles the dissemination and retrieval of that location in<strong>for</strong>mation to and from the<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m server. Positioning is executed repeatedly at an interval that is set by the<br />

updateTimeout function.<br />

getPositioningStatus()<br />

initializeGPS()<br />

sendLocation()<br />

startPositioning()<br />

stopLocationShare()<br />

stopPositioning()<br />

updateGpsServer()<br />

updateLocation ( mode )<br />

updateTimeout()<br />

Positioning Module<br />

getPositioningStatus<br />

updateGpsServer *<br />

initializeGPS<br />

updateLocation *<br />

sendLocation *<br />

startPositioning<br />

updateTimeout<br />

xhr<br />

stopLocationShare<br />

stopPositioning<br />

Figure 19: The m.HUBI API Positioning module contains functions relevant to positioning<br />

processes of the plat<strong>for</strong>m. The functions handle acquisition and evaluation of GPS, Geolocation<br />

or widget geocoordinate in<strong>for</strong>mation, depending on the capabilities of the mobile device and web<br />

browser being used. The module also handles the dissemination and retrieval of that location<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation to and from the plat<strong>for</strong>m server. Functions with an asterisk (*) after their names<br />

make a call to the Communication module’s xhr function.<br />

4.4.5 Display Module<br />

The Display module contains functions that detect the screen proportions and characteristics<br />

of the device being used to view a m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client application.<br />

<strong>Based</strong> on the in<strong>for</strong>mation gleaned from the device, the module activates the appropriate<br />

CSS file or files. The Display module, if utilized without modifications or<br />

additions, should only be used in conjunction with plat<strong>for</strong>m layout templates (see<br />

section 4.5) as it utilizes and refers to them in the function evaluation.

37<br />

detectResolution()<br />

loadCss ( file, title )<br />

replaceImages()<br />

setActiveStyleSheet ( title )<br />

windowResized()<br />

Display Module<br />

detectResolution<br />

setActiveStyleSheet<br />

loadCss<br />

windowResized<br />

replaceImages<br />

Figure 20: The m.HUBI API Display module contains functions that detect the screen proportions<br />

and characteristics of the device being used to view a plat<strong>for</strong>m client application. <strong>Based</strong> on<br />

the in<strong>for</strong>mation gleaned from the device, the module activates the appropriate CSS file or files.<br />

4.4.6 <strong>Service</strong>s Module<br />

The <strong>Service</strong>s module contains functions that pertain to various services of the<br />

m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>, such as Events and Journey Planner (see sections 3.3 and 3.3).<br />

For ease of use and clarity, the functions have been divided into service-specific<br />

submodules named after the service they relate to.<br />

Bookmarks<br />

All functions of this module relate to Bookmarks. Registered plat<strong>for</strong>m users can<br />

bookmark certain items that are relevant, interesting or useful to them in client<br />

applications. Those bookmarks are saved to the user’s profile and can be retrieved,<br />

modified and utilized when that user is logged in. Generally bookmarks are POI<br />

objects, but other objects such as Journey Planner Routes can also be bookmarked.<br />

Friends<br />

addBookmark ( item )<br />

deleteBookmark ( item )<br />

displayBookmarks ( bookmarkArray )<br />

getBookmarks ( track )<br />

showBookmark ( item )<br />

The functions of this module relate to the plat<strong>for</strong>m’s Friends service. The Friends<br />

service allows users to create social networks by indicating their relationships with<br />

each other. Friends may view each other’s locations when location sharing is enabled,

which is the default setting. The Friends module also contains the Buddy Javascript<br />

Class, which represent user friends as they are depicted in the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>.<br />

acceptBuddyRequest ( friendName )<br />

addBuddy ( friendName )<br />

declineBuddyRequest ( friendName )<br />

displayBuddies ( buddyArray )<br />

getBuddies ( track )<br />

getBuddyInfo ( friendName )<br />

removeBuddy ( friendName )<br />

Buddy {<br />

getAvatar() setAvatar ( avatar )<br />

getDistance() setDistance ( distance )<br />

getLocDate() setLocDate ( locDate )<br />

getName() setName ( name )<br />

getPhone() setPhone ( phone )<br />

getStatus() setStatus ( status )<br />

}<br />

38<br />

<strong>Service</strong> Module<br />

Bookmarks<br />

Journey Planner<br />

addBookmark *<br />

getBookmarks *<br />

displayRoute<br />

showRoute<br />

deleteBookmark *<br />

showBookmark<br />

getRoute *<br />

updateRoute<br />

displayBookmarks<br />

getRouteToPoi<br />

updateRoutePage<br />

Friends<br />

MyPlaces<br />

parseXMLListener<br />

acceptBuddyRequest<br />

getBuddies *<br />

addMyPlace *<br />

getMyPlaces *<br />

xhr<br />

addBuddy<br />

getBuddyInfo<br />

deleteMyPlace *<br />

moveMyPlace *<br />

declineBuddyRequest<br />

removeBuddy<br />

displayMyPlaces<br />

updateMyPlace *<br />

displayBuddies<br />

POI<br />

displayEvents<br />

showPoi<br />

getPois *<br />

showPoiDescription<br />

Figure 21: The m.HUBI API <strong>Service</strong>s module contains functions that pertain to various services<br />

of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>. The services and corresponding function submodules are Bookmarks,<br />

Friends, Journey Planner, MyPlaces and POI. The Friends, Journey Planner and POI submodules<br />

also include Javascript classes, which are not depicted in the figure. Functions with an asterisk (*)<br />

after their names make a call to the Communication module’s xhr function.

39<br />

Journey Planner<br />

The functions of this module relate to the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> service Journey Planner<br />

(see section 3.3). The Journey Planner provides public transport route options from<br />

a given departure point to a given destination at a given time. The route options<br />

are requested from the plat<strong>for</strong>m server Journey Planner service component by the<br />

getRoute function and the response is displayed by the displayRoute function.<br />

The Journey Planner module also includes the Route Javascript class and Route-<br />

Leg and RoutePoint Javascript subclasses. A Route object represents a single Journey<br />

Planner route, which is retrieved from an external public transit web service. A<br />

RouteLeg object represents a subcomponent of a Route object. It is used to define<br />

a route section completed on e.g. a single bus or on foot from one point to another.<br />

Transfers, <strong>for</strong> instance, separate two RouteLeg objects from each other. A Route-<br />

Point object represents a subcomponent of a RouteLeg object. It is used to define<br />

a single point along a journey, such as the start or end point of a RouteLeg.<br />

displayRoute ( routeArray )<br />

getRoute ( from, to, depTime, arrTime, altDate, track )<br />

getRouteToPoi ( poi )<br />

showRoute ( route, legNo )<br />

updateRoute ( updateElId, updateElVal )<br />

updateRoutePage()<br />

Route() {<br />

getEnd() setEnd ( end )<br />

getLegs() setLegs ( legs )<br />

getStart() setStart ( start )<br />

getStartDate() setStartDate ( startDate )<br />

}<br />

RouteLeg() {<br />

getColor() setColor ( color )<br />

getEnd() setEnd ( end )<br />

getLength() setLength ( length )<br />

getLine() setLine ( line )<br />

getPoints() setPoints ( points )<br />

getStart() setStart ( start )<br />

getTransitType() setTransitType ( transitType )<br />

}<br />

RoutePoint() {<br />

getLat() setLat ( lat )<br />

getLon() setLon ( lon )<br />

getName() setName ( name )<br />


40<br />

MyPlaces<br />

The functions of this module relate to the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> service MyPlaces.<br />

MyPlaces are user-defined POIs that represent significant or frequently visited places<br />

<strong>for</strong> the user, <strong>for</strong> instance Home, Work, Mom and Dad’s, and so on. The moveMyPlace<br />

function is used to rearrange the MyPlaces list by moving a single MyPlace up or<br />

down in the list.<br />

POI<br />

addMyPlace()<br />

deleteMyPlace ( poi )<br />

displayMyPlaces ( myPlacesArray )<br />

getMyPlaces ( track )<br />

moveMyPlace ( poi, moveDir )<br />

updateMyPlace ( poi, updateData )<br />

All functions of this module relate to Places Of Interest (POI) and other location<br />

annotated data such as event happenings that have been integrated into the m.HUBI<br />

<strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> from external data sources (see section 3.3). The module also includes the<br />

Javascript class POI, which is used as a placeholder <strong>for</strong> POI objects received from<br />

the plat<strong>for</strong>m server and displayed on the web application client. The POI object<br />

methods getType and setType relate to the type or genre of each POI. The types<br />

of POI available depend on the kind of data accessible to plat<strong>for</strong>m clients. Example<br />

POI types can include theater, music, gallery, sports, education and so on.<br />

displayEvents ( poiArray )<br />

getPois ( track, sort )<br />

showPoi ( item )<br />

showPoiDescription ( item )<br />

Poi() {<br />

getAddress() setAddress ( address )<br />

getDataProvider() setDataProvider ( dataProvider )<br />

getDesc() setDesc ( desc )<br />

getDist() setDist ( dist )<br />

getEndDate() setEndDate ( endDate )<br />

getId() setId ( id )<br />

getIsHome() setIsHome ( isHome )<br />

getLat() setLat ( lat )<br />

getLon() setLon ( lon )<br />

getName() setName ( name )<br />

getPlace() setPlace ( place )<br />

getStartDate() setStartDate ( startDate )<br />

getType() setType ( type )<br />

getUrl() setUrl ( url )<br />


41<br />

4.4.7 Auxiliary Module<br />

The Auxiliary module contains functions that execute frequently required actions<br />

<strong>for</strong> various other m.HUBI API or proprietary Javascript functions. The module’s<br />

functions handle retrieval and setting of HTML element values, computation of<br />

mathematical calculations and per<strong>for</strong>mance of other menial tasks. This module is<br />

not essential <strong>for</strong> the use of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>, but it facilitates speedier processing<br />

times and decreases code repetition.<br />

appendUrlAttribute ( url, attribute, value )<br />

changeUrlAttribute ( url, attribute, value )<br />

createMenu()<br />

distanceBetween ( latA, lonA, latB, lonB )<br />

getCheckedValue ( radioObj )<br />

getSelectedValue ( selectObj )<br />

hasUrlAttribute ( url, attribute )<br />

latLngToPixel ( lat, lon, zoom )<br />

pixelToLatLng ( x, y, zoom )<br />

setCheckedValue ( radioObj, setValue )<br />

setSelectedValue( selectObj, setValue )<br />

Auxiliary Module<br />

appendUrlAttribute<br />

changeUrlAttribute<br />

createMenu<br />

hasUrlAttribute<br />

latLngToPixel<br />

pixelToLatLng<br />

distanceBetween<br />

getCheckedValue<br />

setCheckedValue<br />

setSelectedValue<br />

getSelectedValue<br />

Figure 22: The m.HUBI API Auxiliary module contains functions that execute frequently required<br />

actions on behalf of other Javascript functions. The module’s functions handle retrieval<br />

and setting of HTML element values, computation of mathematical calculations and per<strong>for</strong>mance<br />

of other menial tasks.<br />

4.5 Content Templates<br />

The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> offers content templates which may be used and filled in to<br />

create functional client applications (Figure 23). The integration of the structure<br />

and layout templates is discretionary, but they are provided to facilitate and ease the<br />

development of new client applications. The two types of content templates, structure<br />

and layout, address different aspects of mobile web application client interfaces<br />

and they can be utilized either together or separately, should they be utilized at all.

The structure template is constructed mainly in HTML but it is actually a<br />

JavaServer Page (JSP). JSP is a server-side technology that facilitates the creation<br />

and distribution of dynamic web pages. Standard HTML pages are static and require<br />

other technologies or mechanisms, such as Javascript, PHP and Perl, to dynamically<br />

alter their content. JSP pages consist of a combination of regular HTML tags and<br />

JSP elements. When a JSP page is requested from a web server, the server first<br />

executes the JSP elements, then merges the results with the static HTML and<br />

finally sends the outcome to the requester. [7] The template can also be modified<br />

or edited to better suit the purposes of the application being created.<br />

42<br />

Figure 23: The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server includes content templates to facilitate and ease development<br />

of new client applications. Structure and layout templates can be used together, separately<br />

or not at all.<br />

The layout templates are simple CSS files that adapt and con<strong>for</strong>m the web application<br />

content to various mobile devices, screen sizes and orientations. The layout<br />

templates can be used in conjunction with or independent of the plat<strong>for</strong>m content<br />

templates. The example client application shown in Figure 23 is constructed by using<br />

the complete content templates as they are provided, without any modifications.<br />

The default client language is English, but other languages can be offered and their<br />

text substituted using JSP variables and language files.<br />

The layout templates provided address three mobile device screen resolutions,<br />

namely Quarter Video Graphics Array (QVGA), Half-size Video Graphics Array<br />

(HVGA) [83] and Near High-definition (nHD) [84]. The respective pixel ratios in<br />

portrait orientation, meaning the screen width is smaller than the screen height, are<br />

240 x 320, 320 x 480 and 360 x 640 pixels. Each screen resolution size has two corresponding<br />

layout templates, one <strong>for</strong> portrait orientation and the other <strong>for</strong> landscape<br />

orientation. Additionally, a default layout template is provided <strong>for</strong> use when the<br />

device screen resolution is undefined and a browser-specific template is provided <strong>for</strong><br />

use with Opera mobile browsers. A comprehensive list of all the stylesheets included<br />

in the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client Layout Templates is supplied in Table 4.

43<br />

Table 4: List of all the CSS files included as the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Client Layout Templates. The<br />

stylesheets address various device screen resolutions and orientations.<br />

Name of template Screen resolution Browser type<br />

[W x H]<br />

qvga-portrait 240 x 320 Non-IE<br />

qvga-landscape 320 x 240 Non-IE<br />

hvga-portrait 320 x 480 Non-IE<br />

hvga-landscape 480 x 320 Non-IE<br />

nhd-portrait 360 x 640 Non-IE<br />

nhd-landscape 640 x 360 Non-IE<br />

opera 360 x 640 Opera<br />

default 320 x 480 Non-IE<br />

4.6 Use-case Scenario<br />

This section introduces a fictional m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> web application called My-<br />

Conf. The mock application is used to depict an end-user scenario that delineates<br />

the characteristics of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> and exhibits their functionality through<br />

potential real-life situations and usage contexts. The scenario depicted in the following<br />

text begins with a registered user logging into the fabricated MyConf application.<br />

The user then views application-specific event data that has been expressly input<br />

into the plat<strong>for</strong>m database <strong>for</strong> MyConf usage. Next, the pseudo user clicks on a<br />

single event item, which displays detailed in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding the event including<br />

a textual description of the event. Lastly, the user retrieves public transit route<br />

options using the MyConf Journey Planner in which the previously viewed event<br />

venue is the route’s destination.<br />

MyConf is a context-sensitive mobile web application created <strong>for</strong> use by participants<br />

of a scientific conference and workshop. The application contains a Journey<br />

Planner, a conference event calendar, a directory of conference participants and organizers<br />

and a taxi-share service <strong>for</strong> persons wanting to share taxi rides between<br />

different conference venues and hotels. MyConf was made using the structure and<br />

layout templates and Javascript API that are available with the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>.<br />

The application also includes proprietary Javascript functions, HTML and<br />

CSS content to focus and specify the application scope. The developers of MyConf<br />

have added conference events such as presentations, workshops and networking opportunities<br />

to the plat<strong>for</strong>m’s event database. A mock-up image of the application’s<br />

homepage is shown in Figure 24.<br />

Mr. Jones is a first-time conference participant and has not previously visited the<br />

conference venue. After checking into his hotel, Mr. Jones navigates to the MyConf<br />

homepage on his iPhone. As a registered conference participant, Mr. Jones received<br />

a username and password <strong>for</strong> his MyConf account and proceeds to the login page of

44<br />

MyConf<br />

Calendar<br />

Taxi-share<br />

Directory<br />

Figure 24: A homepage mock-up of the fictional MyConf web application client. The webapp<br />

includes a Journey Planner, a conference calendar, a conference participant and organizer directory<br />

and a taxi-share service <strong>for</strong> sharing taxi rides between different conference venues and hotels.<br />

the webapp. By inputting his account in<strong>for</strong>mation and pressing the Login-button,<br />

Mr. Jones initiates an asynchronous AJAX dialogue between the MyConf webapp<br />

client and the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> Server running MyConf. This dialogue, which is<br />

outlined below, is depicted in Figure 25.<br />

Use-case scenario: Login user<br />

function loginListener() {<br />

...<br />

}<br />

function create() {<br />

...<br />

}<br />

7<br />

Javascript<br />



HTTP<br />

GET / POST<br />

request<br />


HTTP<br />

GET / POST<br />

response<br />

(XML data <strong>for</strong>mat)<br />


1<br />

3<br />

The MyConf proprietary HTML contains the login page’s Login-button element.<br />

When that button is pressed its onclick attribute calls the m.HUBI API login<br />

function. The login function collects the username and password values Mr. Jones<br />

input into the login <strong>for</strong>m and calls the plat<strong>for</strong>m’s Javascript API xhr function with<br />

the parameters (’POST’, ’login’, loginListener, ’username: password’). The<br />

xhr function creates an HTTP POST request containing the login in<strong>for</strong>mation and<br />

sends it to the Login service component (see Figure 9) at the MyConf server via a<br />

secure SSL connection.<br />

The Login service component receives the POST request and asks the server’s<br />

User Database if the user data is valid. The User Database responds to the Login<br />

service component that the in<strong>for</strong>mation is indeed correct. Next, the Login service<br />

component requests that the plat<strong>for</strong>m server’s cookie generator create a session login<br />

cookie with Mr. Jones’ account in<strong>for</strong>mation. Finally, the service component creates<br />

a HTTP POST response containing the newly generated session login cookie and<br />

returns it to the MyConf webapp client. When the response message reaches the<br />

client, it is handed to the plat<strong>for</strong>m Javascript API loginListener function <strong>for</strong><br />

parsing. The loginListener function utilizes another API function, create, to<br />

save Mr. Jones’ authentication in<strong>for</strong>mation as a browser cookie with default validity<br />

of one year. Now, Mr. Jones is shown to his fellow MyConf users as logged in and if<br />

he has allowed the sharing of his location to friends or other conference participators,<br />

they will also see his location.<br />

Use-case scenario: Open event calendar<br />

45<br />

function parseXMLListener() {<br />

...<br />

}<br />

function displayEvents() {<br />

...<br />

} 8<br />

Javascript<br />

<br />

User Database:<br />

5<br />

Is session cookie<br />

valid?<br />

HTTP GET<br />

Server<br />

User Profile Database<br />

& POI Database:<br />

List Mr. Jones'<br />

6 calendar events<br />

Databases<br />

Figure 26: The sequence of events illustrates the component workflow when Mr. Jones views his<br />

event calendar on the MyConf web application client. Because Mr. Jones has already logged into<br />

the application, his registered event listing can be retrieved from the plat<strong>for</strong>m server databases.

Next, Mr. Jones checks out his conference itinerary from MyConf’s Calendar service<br />

(see Figure 26). When he presses the Calendar button on the MyConf homepage<br />

that button’s onclick attribute indicates that the proprietary openCalendar<br />

function is called. The openCalendar function calls the plat<strong>for</strong>m’s Javascript API<br />

function xhr with the parameters (’GET’, ’poi’, parseXMLListener, null). The<br />

xhr function sends the POI service component a message containing the session login<br />

cookie and parameters indicating that the webapp client would like a response message<br />

containing calendar events. The POI service component (see Figure 11) first<br />

checks the validity of the session login cookie by communicating with the server’s<br />

User Database, then it contacts the User Profile and POI databases to gather all<br />

of Mr. Jones’ calendar events i.e. conference events he has indicated that he will<br />

be attending. The POI service component then returns the collected events to the<br />

webapp client as an XML document.<br />

When the return message reaches the MyConf webapp, its handling is turned over<br />

to the plat<strong>for</strong>m’s parseXMLListener callback function, as indicated in the original<br />

xhr function call. The parseXMLListener dissembles the response XML document<br />

into Javascript POI Objects and calls the follow-up function displayEvents to<br />

handle the population and display of the actual Calendar page.<br />

Use-case scenario: View event details<br />

46<br />

1<br />

updateRoutePage and getRoute API functions to complete the route options retrieval.<br />

The updateRoutePage function fills in the event POI address and time as<br />

described above and the getRoute function calls the xhr function with the parameters<br />

(’GET’, ’journeyPlanner’, parseXMLListener, null).<br />

47<br />

Use-case scenario: Get route to event<br />

function parseXMLListener() {<br />

...<br />

}<br />

function displayRoute() {<br />

...<br />

}<br />

6<br />

Javascript<br />



HTTP<br />

GET / POST<br />

request<br />


HTTP<br />

GET / POST<br />

response<br />

(XML data <strong>for</strong>mat)<br />


1<br />

HTTP GET<br />


<br />

HTTP<br />

GET / POST<br />

request<br />



4<br />

< XML ><br />

HTTP GET<br />


HTTP GET<br />

HTTP<br />

GET / POST<br />

response<br />

Figure 28: After viewing details of a conference event Mr. Jones clicks the Journey Planner icon<br />

of the MyConf web application to retrieve public transit route options from his hotel to the event’s<br />

venue. The route options are queried from an external web service and returned to the webapp<br />

client in XML <strong>for</strong>m.<br />

The Journey Planner service component receives a HTTP GET request from<br />

the MyConf webapp client (see Figure 14). The service component reconstructs<br />

the incoming message into an outgoing message that it sends to an external web<br />

service that provides route in<strong>for</strong>mation and journey planning <strong>for</strong> public transit. The<br />

web service returns its response as an XML document, which is then restructured<br />

and returned to the MyConf webapp. At the client end, the parseXMLListener<br />

function handles the response message and saves the route in<strong>for</strong>mation as Javascript<br />

Route Objects. The parseXMLListener calls the displayRoute follow-up function<br />

to display and <strong>for</strong>mat the parsed route options to the MyConf webapp.

48<br />

5 Evaluation of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong><br />

The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> architecture defined, designed and documented in sections 3<br />

through 4 was analyzed and evaluated by three mobile web application and in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

systems experts. Two of the three expert analysts, Experts A and B, were<br />

previously familiar with the VTT project, HUBI.mobi, into which this thesis work<br />

was incorporated. They were asked to only evaluate the architecture and documentation<br />

provided and to disregard any prior knowledge they may have had regarding<br />

the plat<strong>for</strong>m.<br />

The expert analysts were first presented with two scenarios (see Table 5) in which<br />

a m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> mobile web application might be useful. They were asked to<br />

familiarize themselves with the plat<strong>for</strong>m requirements, design, architecture and, in<br />

particular, the Developer’s Javascript API. The experts were then asked to rate the<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m according to how well the requirements defined in section 3 were met in the<br />

architecture (see Table 6). Finally, the experts commented generally on the design<br />

and documentation of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> architecture (see section A1).<br />

5.1 Scenario Implementations<br />

The three expert analysts that evaluated the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> architecture design<br />

and documentation were provided with two fictional usage scenarios in which a<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m-based mobile application might be useful (see Table 5). They were asked<br />

to indicate whether they could implement an appropriate plat<strong>for</strong>m application <strong>for</strong><br />

each scenario. If they found that such an application could not be implemented, the<br />

experts were asked to describe why that was and what components were lacking or<br />

insufficient. Similarly, if they found the development of a relevant plat<strong>for</strong>m application<br />

plausible, the experts were asked to describe which components they would use<br />

<strong>for</strong> the implementation. Expert C was unable to contribute to the scenario analysis,<br />

as such the corresponding column is missing from Table 5.<br />

The first scenario is one of a housewife who is taking her two children to Helsinki<br />

<strong>for</strong> a day trip. The trip will include going to Korkeasaari zoo and then having<br />

dinner with their father in downtown Helsinki. The housewife needs public transport<br />

routing in<strong>for</strong>mation from her home to the zoo and also needs to reserve a table at<br />

a family-friendly downtown restaurant. Experts A and B both indicated that an<br />

application <strong>for</strong> this scenario was plausible, but only partially implementable due to<br />

an inadequacy in the retrieval of a particular POI type. The experts indicated that<br />

the public transport route option retrieval was straight<strong>for</strong>ward, but the filtering of<br />

family-style restaurants from the POI list was an unavailable function. As indicated<br />

in item 14 of Table A1, this issue was subsequently resolved by supplying a type<br />

parameter <strong>for</strong> POI retrieval.<br />

The second m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> usage scenario is one of a young urbanite who<br />

suddenly has an hour to spend in downtown Helsinki. The mock user is a frequenter<br />

of local art galleries and exhibits and would prefer not to view an exhibit he has<br />

already seen. Expert A determined that with the amendment of a type filter <strong>for</strong><br />

POI retrieval, which was already mentioned in relation to Scenario 1, and sorting

those POIs according to the exhibits’ starting date the scenario was implementable.<br />

Expert B concluded that a plat<strong>for</strong>m application to fit the scenario was implementable<br />

by utilizing the user’s profile and preferences to retrieve POIs to meet his interests<br />

and using the Friends service to view nearby Friends. However, Expert B stipulated<br />

that the implementation is conditional upon the retrieval, review and updating of<br />

the user’s profile preference in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />

Table 5: As part of an objective plat<strong>for</strong>m evaluation, three expert analysts were presented with<br />

scenarios in which a m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> mobile web application might be useful. The analysts were<br />

asked to evaluate if they would be able to develop a plat<strong>for</strong>m-based application to be used in the<br />

example scenarios.<br />

49<br />

No. Scenario Expert A Expert B<br />

1 Laura is a thirtyish housewife who lives in<br />

Riihimäki, Finland with her husband Pekka,<br />

their two children, Onni 2-years-old and Essi<br />

5-years-old, and the family dog Peppi. Laura<br />

is taking the kids on a day trip into Helsinki<br />

to do some shopping, visit Korkeasaari zoo and<br />

meet Pekka <strong>for</strong> a family dinner in the evening.<br />

Laura would usually drive the car the 70 km<br />

to Helsinki, but Pekka has taken it. As an unaccustomed<br />

public transit user, Laura is aware<br />

that there is a train station in Riihimäki, but<br />

doesn’t know the schedules <strong>for</strong> Helsinki-bound<br />

trains. Also, since Laura had planned on using<br />

her car’s onboard GPS navigation system<br />

to drive directly to the zoo, she doesn’t know<br />

how to get from the Helsinki train station to<br />

the Korkeasaari zoo.<br />

When Laura and the kids meet Pekka <strong>for</strong> dinner<br />

in Helsinki, which is something that the<br />

family does every few months, Pekka usually<br />

leaves the choice of restaurant and making of<br />

reservation up to Laura. Laura hasn’t been<br />

able to reserve a table at any of the family’s<br />

regular restaurants and she usually likes<br />

to make sure the restaurant they dine at offers<br />

a children’s menu and is generally familyfriendly.<br />

2 Mikko is a twenty-five year-old graphic design<br />

student who lives in Kallio, Helsinki. Mikko<br />

is meant to be meeting his mother <strong>for</strong> coffee<br />

in downtown Helsinki, but his mother sends<br />

him a text message saying that the meeting she<br />

is currently in will run late and suggests they<br />

can meet an hour later <strong>for</strong> dinner instead. As<br />

Mikko is already downtown he doesn’t see any<br />

point in going home to Kallio in the meantime,<br />

so he now has an hour to spend in the Helsinki<br />

city center.<br />

As a graphic design student, Mikko has visited<br />

most of Helsinki’s art museums and galleries<br />

many times, but he isn’t sure if some of the<br />

exhibits have recently changed. Mikko is not<br />

generally a solitary art-lover and usually takes<br />

a friend to galleries with him.<br />

Plausible / partially<br />

implementable.<br />

Use getRouteToPoi,<br />

displayRoute and<br />

getPois Javascript<br />

API functions. Would<br />

require a method <strong>for</strong><br />

retrieving particular<br />

POI types e.g. restaurants,<br />

family-friendly<br />

restaurants (see item<br />

14 in Table A1).<br />

Plausible / partially<br />

implementable. Use<br />

displayBuddies and<br />

getPois. Would require<br />

only museum or<br />

gallery POIs i.e. type<br />

parameter <strong>for</strong> getPois<br />

function (see item<br />

14 in Table A1) and<br />

sorted according to the<br />

most recent exhibit.<br />

Plausible / partially<br />

implementable. Use<br />

the Journey Planner<br />

service and map to<br />

retrieve and display<br />

route from Riihimäki<br />

to Korkeasaari zoo.<br />

Would require a type<br />

parameter <strong>for</strong> getPois<br />

function to specify<br />

the type of POI to<br />

return (see item 14 in<br />

Table A1).<br />

Implementable. Use<br />

user profile preferences<br />

and getPois function<br />

to retrieve nearby<br />

POIs and Friend service<br />

to view nearby<br />

friends. Would require<br />

user profile retrieval<br />

and updating.

5.2 Requirement Fulfillment<br />

The second part of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> analysis comprised of rating the architecture<br />

in regards to how well the requirements specified in section 3 were met. The<br />

experts were asked to mark each requirement with a rating from 0 to 5, whereby a<br />

score of 0 indicates that the requirement is not met at all and a rating of 5 denotes<br />

that the requirement is met perfectly. The experts were also permitted to comment<br />

on their ratings, especially if there was a particular deficiency that contributed to<br />

their rating. The expert analysis requirement rating results are presented in Table 6.<br />

Some ratings were left blank by the experts and they are indicated by n/a. The last<br />

column of the table is the average rating <strong>for</strong> each requirement, which was calculated<br />

in relation to the total amount of ratings given <strong>for</strong> that requirement.<br />

In terms of overall rating <strong>for</strong> the plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture reaching the plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

requirements, the expert analysis result is mediocre. The average rating <strong>for</strong> all the<br />

requirement groups, functional, non-functional and service-specific, is just above 3.<br />

This indicates that the architecture has adequately achieved the goals specified, but<br />

there is also room <strong>for</strong> improvement.<br />

The functional requirements R1–R6 were rated an average of 3.2, which was the<br />

highest average score out of the three requirement groups. Additionally, having<br />

earned a rating ratio of 5 ratings to 1 n/a, received the highest number of ratings<br />

out of the three requirement groups. The R4: Map requirement earned the highest<br />

average rating out of the functional requirements with a score of 4.0. Expert B<br />

justified his rating of 4 by stating that it was unclear whether the implemented map is<br />

interactive, as was specified in the original requirement on page 13. The lowest scorer<br />

of the functional requirements was R3: Data Input Interfaces, which only received<br />

a single rating of 1. The lone rating came from Expert B, who noted that there was<br />

an absence of input interfaces in the architecture description of section 4. The lack<br />

of data interface in the architecture documentation may explain why Experts A and<br />

C did not evaluate R3 at all. Requirements R1–R2 and R5–R6 received an overall<br />

average rating of 2.6–3.6.<br />

The non-functional requirements R7–R10 received an average rating of 3.1 and<br />

a rating ratio of 7 ratings to 12 n/a’s. 3.2 received the highest relative rating, with<br />

an average of 3.5. Expert A noted that his rating was based on the support <strong>for</strong><br />

various mobile device screen sizes and resolutions provided by the content templates<br />

described in section 4.5. Potentially this rating could have been higher, if more<br />

device characteristics besides screen size and resolution were taken into account,<br />

such as device plat<strong>for</strong>m or browser. 3.2 received the lowest rating out of the nonfunctional<br />

requirements with an average of 2.6. Expert A commented that there<br />

were no explicit figures or descriptions regarding the per<strong>for</strong>mance scalability of the<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m and Expert C stated the lack of physical deployment in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> his<br />

mark. The scalability issue is further discussed in section 5.3.<br />

The third and final requirement group of service-specific requirements R11–R13<br />

earned an average rating of 3.0, although the statistics are skewed due to the rating<br />

ratio of 1 rating to every 2 n/a’s. The only analyst to rate this group of requirements<br />

was Expert B, who found some deficiencies with the enabling of the R12: Events<br />


service and the documentation of the R13: Recommender service. Expert B commented<br />

that there were fields specified in the Events requirement on page 20 which<br />

were not included in the Javascript Class POI (see section 4.4.6, such as organizer<br />

and language. He also stated that the documentation regarding the Recommender<br />

<strong>Service</strong> (see section 4.2.3) was lacking. The latter issue is discussed in more detail<br />

in section 5.3.<br />

Table 6: As part of an objective plat<strong>for</strong>m evaluation, two expert analysts were asked to rate the<br />

m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> in regards to how well the requirements defined in section 3 are met.<br />

51<br />

No. Requirement Expert A Expert B Expert C ¯X<br />

Functional Requirements 3.2<br />

R1 Location-awareness 3 3 5 3.6<br />

R2 Context-awareness 1 3 4 2.6<br />

R3 Data Input Interfaces n/a 1 n/a 1.0<br />

R4 Map 3 4 5 4.0<br />

R5 User Profile 3 2 5 3.3<br />

R6 User Activity Tracking 3 3 n/a 3.0<br />

Non-functional Requirements 3.1<br />

R7 Reusability n/a 4 n/a 4.0<br />

R8 Cross-device Functionality 3 4 n/a 3.5<br />

R9 Scalability 1 4 3 2.6<br />

R10 Multilingual Content Support n/a 3 n/a 3.0<br />

<strong>Service</strong>-specific Requirements 3.0<br />

R11 Journey Planner n/a 4 n/a 4.0<br />

R12 Events n/a 3 n/a 3.0<br />

R13 Recommender n/a 2 n/a 2.0<br />

5.3 Critical Issues<br />

As the final part of the expert analysis of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> architecture design<br />

and documentation, the three experts were asked to comment freely and mention<br />

any inadequacy, discrepancy or inconsistency they found. The full list of comments<br />

is listed in Table A1 of Appendix 6. The more prominent and significant issues<br />

raised are discussed at length in this section.<br />

A distinct inadequacy in R2: Context-awareness of the functional requirements<br />

(see section 3.1), was noted by two of the three experts. The comments concerned<br />

the lack of a concise description of what the term context inferred in the scope of the<br />

m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>. Expert A was concerned that the only contextual in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

to be collected and utilized by the plat<strong>for</strong>m is locational, whereas Expert B also<br />

mentioned the Friends service. The root of the issue lies in the original requirement<br />

wording and ambiguous nature of the term context itself. In relation to the plat<strong>for</strong>m,<br />

the context-awareness requirement actually stands <strong>for</strong> providing mechanisms to add<br />

new contextual sensor input data to the plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture. Such data could be<br />

future mobile device sensor gathered in<strong>for</strong>mation including acceleration, tempera-

ture, audio and video data. The requirement does not make any assumptions on<br />

how the contextual input is used, but should require the plat<strong>for</strong>m to facilitate the<br />

collection, storage and dissemination of the data.<br />

A number of comments were made on the plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture documentation<br />

provided in section 4. The issues raised were concerned with the nonexistent data<br />

input interfaces (see requirement R3: Data Input Interfaces), the scalability characteristics<br />

of the architecture specified in R9: Scalability and the operations of the<br />

Recommender <strong>Service</strong> defined in R13: Recommender. The comments made on R3:<br />

Data Input Interfaces and R13: Recommender were deemed so severe by the writer,<br />

that the architecture description in section 4 was modified accordingly. An external<br />

data input interface was appended to Figure 8 and the corresponding text and the<br />

description of the Recommender <strong>Service</strong> in section 4.2.3 was revised and expanded<br />

to better explain the inner processes of the Recommender <strong>Service</strong> component.<br />

The remarks made regarding the scalability of the plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture, as mentioned<br />

also in section 5.2, were that there was no reference, explicit or implicit, of any<br />

kind of scalability parameters or statistics. Per<strong>for</strong>mance, distribution and physical<br />

deployment metrics of the plat<strong>for</strong>m and its components would have provided a practical<br />

view of the plat<strong>for</strong>m’s response to its scalability requirement (see section R9:<br />

Scalability).<br />


53<br />

6 Conclusion<br />

<strong>Web</strong>sites of the 21st century are hardly recognizable as the ancestors of the first<br />

static web pages implemented almost 20 years ago. Not only has the complexity of<br />

the pages themselves increased, but the technologies and software plat<strong>for</strong>ms used to<br />

serve the pages facilitate a multitude of dynamic content creation. Mobile phones<br />

have undergone a similar and simultaneous evolution that has trans<strong>for</strong>med them<br />

from simple telephony and messaging instruments to portable personal computers<br />

complete with high-resolution full-color screens, web access and synchronized applications.<br />

Through the confluence of these services and devices a need has emerged<br />

<strong>for</strong> context-sensitive, personal, feature-rich, quickly and easily accessible mobile web<br />

applications.<br />

<strong>Web</strong> services and rich web applications utilize technologies that allow desktopquality<br />

application functionalities and content to be disseminated over the Internet<br />

via a web browser interface. Modern web applications harness the modularity and<br />

distributed nature the web and promote the <strong>Web</strong> 2.0 tenets of utilizing the web itself<br />

as a plat<strong>for</strong>m and implementing lightweight and interactive architecture components<br />

that yield services instead of products. Rich web applications (RIAs) enable webbased<br />

applications to act and look more like desktop applications. They facilitate<br />

asynchronous data retrieval and server interactions, so the user is saved from having<br />

to communicate on the application’s terms and can instead focus on the activity<br />

they want to complete. <strong>Web</strong> services and RIAs also facilitate the population and<br />

delivery of personal content that is produced on-demand as the in<strong>for</strong>mation or service<br />

is requested. This mode of production allows <strong>for</strong> situationally relevant and highly<br />

personalized content to be automatically injected into the application.<br />

Smartphones, which are essentially hand-held mobile phone computers, have<br />

completely revolutionized the field of mobile applications. In addition to native applications,<br />

which are created specifically <strong>for</strong> a particular mobile operating system<br />

or device firmware, and cross-plat<strong>for</strong>m applications, which use application middleware<br />

to provide a uni<strong>for</strong>m runtime environment <strong>for</strong> various systems and plat<strong>for</strong>ms,<br />

smartphones are equipped with desktop-quality web browsers that can gracefully<br />

execute web applications. <strong>Web</strong> application development consumes less time and<br />

resources than native or cross-plat<strong>for</strong>m application development, because all web<br />

browsers are designed to correctly interpret and execute the same code regardless<br />

of the environment they are deployed in. In other words, where native applications<br />

require program code to be tailored separately <strong>for</strong> each operating system or mobile<br />

phone model and cross-plat<strong>for</strong>m applications require underlying operating system<br />

dependent middleware to be installed, merely a single program version of a web<br />

application needs to be written.<br />

The growing sophistication and penetration of smartphones in the mobile phone<br />

market combined with the advances in web technologies and standards has provided<br />

a fertile foundation <strong>for</strong> mobile-specific web applications. As these mobile webapps<br />

progressed, developers realized there was an untapped resource in the mobile device<br />

itself. The inherent sensing capabilities that modern smartphones provide combined<br />

with the dynamic capabilities and technologies of rich web applications enable the

automatic collection and utilization of tacit situational in<strong>for</strong>mation from the usage<br />

scenario.<br />

Interpretation of tacit in<strong>for</strong>mation is a notoriously difficult task <strong>for</strong> machine<br />

processing to accomplish. Tacit or implicit in<strong>for</strong>mation is knowledge that is not<br />

obvious, but can be inferred from a situation or the context of a situation. For<br />

instance, if a man is standing at a street corner with a map in his hands and is<br />

looking at the street signs around him it could be deduced that he is lost. Similarly,<br />

if the man is looking at his map and suddenly starts walking determinedly down<br />

the street one could assume that he has located where he is on the map and is now<br />

moving towards his destination. These details are relatively easy <strong>for</strong> a human being<br />

to conclude if they were observing the situation, but a machine would not easily<br />

make the correlation. The ability to automatically collect, interpret and store this<br />

kind of implicit data in a machine-accessible <strong>for</strong>mat is paramount to context-aware<br />

system design.<br />

The reason context and situational in<strong>for</strong>mation is viewed as a valuable addition<br />

to mobile applications is the facilitation of better and more appropriate operations<br />

and content. Situational in<strong>for</strong>mation af<strong>for</strong>ds a system to provide more relevant<br />

services and in<strong>for</strong>mation to the user’s particular scenario. Additionally, if the data<br />

can be automatically gathered and processed it relieves the user of the strain of<br />

manually inputing that in<strong>for</strong>mation. At the moment, mobile web applications suffer<br />

from the limitation of a difficulties in accessing mobile device’s other applications or<br />

content. Native applications do not have this dilemma, because they are executed by<br />

the device’s operating system in a plat<strong>for</strong>m-compatible programming language and<br />

are subsequently able to communicate with other applications or device hardware<br />

directly. An enhancement in this field would be the acceptance and implementation<br />

of the W3C Permissions <strong>for</strong> Device API Access working draft [78] that suggests<br />

the provision of a uni<strong>for</strong>m interface <strong>for</strong> web applications to access mobile device<br />

hardware and software elements.<br />

In this thesis, the requirements and specifications <strong>for</strong> a web-based mobile application<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m were defined. <strong>Based</strong> on the accumulated requirements, a plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

architecture was designed and documented and was finally evaluated by a panel of<br />

experts. This Master’s dissertation and the work involved was completed as part of<br />

the HUBI.mobi Project, which ran from 2009 to 2011, in the employ of VTT Technical<br />

Research Centre of Finland (VTT). The initial thesis specification was to design<br />

the architecture <strong>for</strong> a situation-sensitive, user-specific, feature-rich, highly portable<br />

and easily maintainable application plat<strong>for</strong>m with which the rapid development and<br />

deployment of mobile web applications would be possible. The resulting requirements<br />

were gathered in part from literature and in part dictated by the HUBI.mobi<br />

Project Management.<br />

The requirements outlined in this thesis <strong>for</strong> a web-based mobile application plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

were listed by their characteristics into functional, non-functional and servicespecific<br />

requirements (see section 3). The functional requirements specified were R1:<br />

Location-awareness, R2: Context-awareness, R3: Data Input Interfaces, R4: Map, R5:<br />

User Profile and R6: User Activity Tracking. The non-functional requirements outlined<br />

<strong>for</strong> the plat<strong>for</strong>m were R7: Reusability, R8: Cross-device Functionality, R9:<br />


Scalability and R10: Multilingual Content Support. Finally, the plat<strong>for</strong>m’s servicespecific<br />

requirements were identified as R11: Journey Planner, R12: Events and R13:<br />

Recommender.<br />

<strong>Based</strong> on the requirements specified the architecture <strong>for</strong> the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong><br />

was designed and its documentation presented (see section 4). The plat<strong>for</strong>m consists<br />

of server-side and client-side components. The client-side includes a Javascript API<br />

and optional layout and structure content templates. Implemented plat<strong>for</strong>m-based<br />

client applications may also include proprietary Javascript and content. The plat<strong>for</strong>m’s<br />

server-side consists of <strong>Service</strong> Components, a Database Management module,<br />

an Identity and Authorization Management module, a Recommender <strong>Service</strong> and a<br />

Support Function component. The <strong>Service</strong> Components module is comprised of several<br />

functionally independent subcomponents. Each subcomponent communicates<br />

with and executes processes between a corresponding component in the client-side<br />

Javascript API and the server-side Database Management module. Communication<br />

between the plat<strong>for</strong>m’s client-side and its server-side is handled via HTTP GET and<br />

POST messages that carry data in standard XML <strong>for</strong>mat.<br />

Following the design and documentation of the architecture of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>,<br />

it was evaluated by three expert analysts. The experts utilized their experience<br />

in mobile web application development and in<strong>for</strong>mation systems design to assess the<br />

m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> in regards to how well it meets the requirements set <strong>for</strong> it and<br />

how exhaustive and relevant its documentation is. The analysis consisted of three<br />

segments; a user scenario, an architecture rating and an open comment segment.<br />

The first segment consisted of two fictional usage scenarios in which a plat<strong>for</strong>mbased<br />

webapp might be useful. The experts were asked to indicate whether they<br />

believed they would be able to implement an appropriate m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> webapp<br />

<strong>for</strong> each scenario. The second evaluation segment was a straight<strong>for</strong>ward rating<br />

task, in which the experts indicated how well they felt each architecture requirement<br />

(see section 3) was met with a rating of 0 through 5. The third segment allowed<br />

the expert analysts an open <strong>for</strong>um to comment on any deficiencies, superfluities or<br />

discrepancies they found in either the architecture or its documentation.<br />

The results of the first segment of the expert evaluation are subject to scrutiny<br />

due to the small number of analysts that provided their estimations. Although the<br />

two experts to complete the evaluation viewed the fictional usage scenarios presented<br />

to be at least partially implementable with only minor changes enabling full implementation,<br />

the judgments were purely theoretical and based on the architecture<br />

documentation provided. A larger set of appraisers or more varied usage scenarios<br />

would result in a more credible evaluation outcome and provide a more objective<br />

result. The second evaluation segment, which entailed numerical rating of each architecture<br />

requirement in relation to its fulfillment in the designed and documented<br />

architecture, also suffers from similar credibility issues although all three experts<br />

submitted their appraisals. Despite the statistical disputability of the second evaluation<br />

segment, the plat<strong>for</strong>m requirements received an acceptable average rating of<br />

3.1, which is just above the scale median of 3.<br />

The expert evaluation, although limited in scope, revealed a number of relevant<br />

functional and superficial issues. An inadequacy brought up by several analysts was<br />


the ambiguous definition of context in regards to the plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture requirement<br />

R2: Context-awareness. The concern was that the architecture design did not<br />

incorporate enough variety in contextual data integration. The experts felt that<br />

the only context available to the plat<strong>for</strong>m was locational in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding the<br />

users and their service-using friends. Another critical issue raised was the lack of<br />

focus on requirement R9: Scalability in terms of the plat<strong>for</strong>m system’s per<strong>for</strong>mance,<br />

distribution and physical deployment. These metrics are left unaddressed, but they<br />

would provide valuable insight into the handling capabilities and system characteristics<br />

of the plat<strong>for</strong>m scalability. A number of remarks were made regarding the<br />

documentation of the architecture that primarily pertained to vague or ambiguous<br />

descriptions and specific functionalities of the Javascript API.<br />

In relation to existing comparable context-aware mobile application research<br />

frameworks and plat<strong>for</strong>ms, the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> is distinct in its solely web environment.<br />

Other frameworks such and the JCAF [6], xFace [43] and Lively <strong>for</strong><br />

Qt [49] rely on middleware programs to provide runtime environments <strong>for</strong> their contextual<br />

applications. Although, at present, m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> has limited access to<br />

mobile device hardware or software which creates difficulty in accessing contextual<br />

data, the problem will be significantly mitigated if not overcome with the adoption of<br />

standardized Device APIs [78]. The m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> resembles its framework and<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m counterparts by emphasizing the attributes of lightweightness, extensibility<br />

and plat<strong>for</strong>m independence. Although it also shares an open standards philosophy<br />

with the xFace web application engine, the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> is entirely based on<br />

W3C endorsed technologies whereas the xFace plat<strong>for</strong>m also utilizes standards published<br />

by other organizations.<br />

A comprehensive evaluation of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> architecture and documentation<br />

is difficult to execute thoroughly without an appraisable working implementation.<br />

A portion of any potential architectural deficiencies are such, that they do<br />

not manifest or are at least highly challenging to detect until a working version of<br />

the plat<strong>for</strong>m has been constructed. However, the existing architecture design and<br />

documentation was perceived as adequate in regards to the requirements laid out<br />

<strong>for</strong> it and acceptable as a mobile web application development plat<strong>for</strong>m.<br />

Potential improvement areas and considerations <strong>for</strong> future work are contextrelated<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m component specification, context input identification and collection<br />

implementation, scalability testing, and capability verification. The author views<br />

context input identification and the implementation of contextual data collection<br />

as a particularly crucial issue and potential pitfall <strong>for</strong> the architecture and plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

as a whole. A central focus <strong>for</strong> future work regarding the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong><br />

is pilot application implementation by both existing project members, whom are<br />

already familiar with the architecture, and external parties, that have no previous<br />

knowledge of the architecture and could provide valuable insight into the quality<br />

and suitability of the plat<strong>for</strong>m. Following application implementation, a pertinent<br />

parallel research avenue would be the comparison of various context-aware mobile<br />

applications created with frameworks and plat<strong>for</strong>ms similar to and including the<br />

m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong>.<br />


57<br />

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65<br />

Appendix: Comments from Expert Analysis<br />

Table A1: The results of the expert analysis discussed in section 5 and the possible actions taken<br />

in response are listed here.<br />

No. Issue<br />

=⇒ Action taken<br />

Requirements<br />

1 Requirement sections 3.1–3.3 are not concise enough<br />

=⇒ Added summary tables 2–3 to section 3<br />

2 No sources listed <strong>for</strong> the requirements in section 3. What are they based on?<br />

3 What is ‘context’ in the scope of the m.HUBI <strong>Plat<strong>for</strong>m</strong> architecture?<br />

4 Do mini browsers and full browsers (see section R8: Cross-device Functionality) both support plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

applications to the same extent?<br />

5 Does multilingual content management (see section 3.2) consider language-specific layout issues such<br />

as width of textual elements?<br />

6 <strong>Service</strong>-specific requirements in section 3.3 are too product-specific. Requirements should be specified<br />

from a higher level e.g section R11: Journey Planner could be Routing.<br />

<strong>Architecture</strong> Documentation<br />

7 <strong>Architecture</strong> is missing a viewpoint definition. What is the meaning of the different colored boxes in<br />

Figure 8?<br />

8 External data sources and input interfaces not mentioned in plat<strong>for</strong>m architecture.<br />

=⇒ Added external data input interfaces to architecture description in section 4.<br />

9 Map interactivity: Are the maps served by the Map <strong>Service</strong> Component (see Figure 10) interactive<br />

as indicated in the requirement R4: Map?<br />

10 What relationship do the architecture’s client-side proprietary elements have with the client-side<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m elements?<br />

11 What is the physical deployment of the plat<strong>for</strong>m especially in terms of scalability (see section R9:<br />

Scalability)?<br />

12 How does the Recommender <strong>Service</strong> (see section R13: Recommender) create the recommendations?<br />

=⇒ Added subsection 4.2.3 to architecture description.<br />

13 How is user activity tracking (see section R6: User Activity Tracking) handled <strong>for</strong> actions that do<br />

not require server communication?<br />

Javascript API<br />

14 Analysis scenarios: Unable to sort POIs by type.<br />

15 No explicit function <strong>for</strong> immediate location retrieval e.g. getLocation.<br />

16 No functions <strong>for</strong> explicit geocoding or reverse geocoding e.g. geocodeLocation( locString ) and<br />

reverseGeocodeCoordinate( lat, lon ).<br />

17 No corresponding start function <strong>for</strong> stopLocationShare in API Positioning Module.<br />

18 No functions <strong>for</strong> viewing, updating or managing user profile in API Foundation Module.<br />

19 No function <strong>for</strong> creating a new user account in API Foundation Module.<br />

20 No function to change application language.<br />

21 Is the positioning technology used relevant to the plat<strong>for</strong>m e.g. updateLocation( mode ) in API Positioning<br />

Module?<br />

22 Inefficient use of multiple functions <strong>for</strong> similar execution i.e. initializeIphoneMap and<br />

initializeWidgetMap and showUserOnMap and showPoisOnMap in API Map Module.<br />

23 All Event fields from R12: Events not represented in Javascript Object Class POI in API module POI.<br />

24 Amount of function-specific in<strong>for</strong>mation in section 4.4 insufficient. Either add more detailed in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

i.e. return values and function descriptions or move function lists to appendix.

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