Catálogo completo en formato PDF - Soler y Llach

Catálogo completo en formato PDF - Soler y Llach

Catálogo completo en formato PDF - Soler y Llach


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* Yv.2a. 1931. 1 cto. gris sobrecarga DOBLE. Mag ni fi co y muy raro, muy po cos<br />

ejemplares conocidos. Cert. ROUMET. Yvert.2.000€.<br />

450 €<br />

7<br />

1860. BUENOS AIRES a COLMENA. 1 peso azul mat. FRANCO y mar ca<br />


gran aspecto pero con una rotura c<strong>en</strong>tral restaurada.<br />

250 €<br />


(*) Sc.2. 1858. CORDOBA. 10 c<strong>en</strong>t. negro. Magnífico ejemplar, ínfimo adelgaza -<br />

mi<strong>en</strong> to al dor so.<br />

800 €<br />

3<br />

° Sc.5. 5 pe sos ocre. Co lor fres co, már ge nes ajus ta dos (cor tes arri ba y aba jo).<br />


400 €<br />

4<br />

° Yv.9. 10 c<strong>en</strong>tavos verde. Magnífico <strong>en</strong> usado.<br />

750 €<br />

8<br />

1864 (Aug). Ri va da via perf 11 1/2, 2nd prin ting. 10 c. gre<strong>en</strong>, horizontal pair<br />

(left hand stamp sho wing pla te flaw BEPUBLICA) used on 1865 ou ter let ter<br />

sheet to ROSARIO at qua dru ple rate, tied by BUENOS AIRES (dec 17) cds. in<br />

black. A fine and at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

500 €<br />

5<br />

1802 (27 Fe bre ro). MADRID a BUENOS AIRES. Mar ca ESPAÑA <strong>en</strong> rojo, es -<br />

tampada a la llegada y BUENOS/AYRES <strong>en</strong> rojo, es tam pa da por error. Muy in te re -<br />

san te y RARA.<br />

300 €<br />

9<br />

1870 (May 14). Co ver to Lon don fran ked by Great Bri tain 1867 1s. gre<strong>en</strong><br />

pla te 4 tied by very fine stri ke of ba rred ´B32´ obliterator with double ring Bue -<br />

nos Ayres cds in black and London red arri val (June 14) on re ver se. A fresh<br />

and very fine co ver. SG Z25.<br />

400 €<br />

6<br />

Kn.13(2). 1859. BUENOS AIRES a CORRIENTES. 4 rea les verde pareja. Mat.<br />

PARRILLA ova la da <strong>en</strong> azul, cir cu la da por el bu que ´Ce guy´ a tra vés del río Uru -<br />

guay. MAGNÍFICA y RARA. Ex Hub bard. Cert. R. KNEITSCHEL.<br />

500 €<br />

10<br />

1870. BUENOS AIRES a ITALIA. Cir cu la da por el co rreo fran cés con se -<br />

llos de 40 cts. na ran ja (3) y 80 cts. rojo (3). Mat. ANCLA y fechador octogonal<br />

de la Ag<strong>en</strong>cia Consular Francesa BUENOS AYRES/*. Espectacular fran -<br />

queo.<br />

450 €<br />



11<br />

1871 (Dec 30). Co ver from BUENOS AIRES to BORDEAUX with rare mi xed is -<br />

sue fran king of 1863-67 80c. carmine rose and imperforate Bordeaux issue 20c.<br />

blue tied by ANCHOR LOZENGE in black. Octa go nal BUENOS<br />

AYRES/PAQ.FR.J.Nº.1 da tes tamp along si de in black. Some ageing but a rare<br />

franking. Ceres 32,46.<br />

375 €<br />

15<br />

Sc.23, 39 (4). 1891. BELGRANO a GENOVA. 4 ctvos. castaño y 8 ctvos.<br />

lila (4), mat. fe cha dor BELGRANO y mar ca CERTIFICADO <strong>en</strong> rojo.<br />


650 €<br />

12<br />

1876. BUENOS AIRES a FRANCIA. Cir cu la da con se llo de 10 ctvos. ver de y<br />

cuatro sellos franceses de 25 cts. azul pe ga dos <strong>en</strong> el so bre a ca ba llo <strong>en</strong> tre an ver so<br />

y reverso, mat. octagonal BUENOS-AYRES/PAQ. FR. J. Nº6. Muy raro apli ca do<br />

so bre los se llos.<br />

450 €<br />

16<br />


usado <strong>en</strong> Guatemala con franqueo de Guatemala de 10 cts. rojo, mat.<br />

BARRAS EN VIOLETA, al dor so fe cha dor de QUEZALTENANGO y lle ga da a<br />

Suiza. Interesante combinación de franqueo.<br />

125 €<br />

13<br />

1878. BUENOS AIRES a GENOVA. 8 ctos. castaño rojo, circulada por buque<br />

francés ´savoie´ tasada <strong>en</strong> Marsella con 80 cts. y a la lle ga da a Ge no va con 1,40 Li -<br />

ras. Pequeña rotura <strong>en</strong> la parte inferior derecha. Rara doble tasa.<br />

300 €<br />

17 AUSTRIA<br />

1857 (April 7). Enti re let ter <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´Col Va po re´ from TRIEST to<br />

MOLFETTA, fran ked by lar ge mar gi ned 1850-54 6kr. brown (mar gi nal at<br />

right) tied by TRIEST-FRUH. cds in black. Fra med red ´Brin di si´ tran sit on<br />

front and char ged 10 gra na in ma nus cript for Nea po li tan Post. A rare and fine<br />

<strong>en</strong>tire. Signed Ferch<strong>en</strong>bauer.<br />

180 €<br />

14<br />

Ce.92. 1883 (March 23). Mour ning <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe from BUENOS AIRES to PARIS<br />

fran ked by Fran ce Type Sage 25c. bis tre on ye llow in a ver ti cal pair, ca rried on the<br />

Pa que bot ´Ni ger´ and neatly tied by oc ta go nal LIGNE J-PAQ.FR.No.5 datestamps<br />

in black. Re pea ted stri ke at right and arri val cds on re ver se of a very scar ce co ver.<br />

175 €<br />

18<br />

Mi.3Ya, 4Ya. 1857 (Sept. 16). Enti re let ter to CHÊNE (near Ge ne va Swit -<br />

zer land) fran ked by 1850-54 Ma chi ne pa per 3kr. red and 6kr. brown (2) all<br />

with four mar gins, tied by GRAZ cds´s in black. Re ver se with Basel tran sit and<br />

Chêne arri val cds (22/9). A fine and very rare <strong>en</strong> ti re. Sig ned Fer ch<strong>en</strong> bauer.<br />

1.400 €<br />



19<br />

1859 (May 8). Prin ted Mat ter <strong>en</strong> ti re let ter from Kas chau (Slo va kia) to Vi<strong>en</strong> na<br />

fran ked by sin gle 1858 2kr. bright ye llow tied by su perb stri ke of Kashau cds in<br />

black. Vi<strong>en</strong>na arri val (May 11) on re ver se of fine and fresh <strong>en</strong> ti re. Scott 6.<br />

250 €<br />

23<br />

Sc.20, 24, 26. 1863/64. Mi xed is sue fran king co ver to HERMANSTADT<br />

bearing 1863 10kr. blue perf. 14 and 1863-64 5kr. rose and 15kr. brown perf<br />

9½, all tied by VIENNA cds´s in black. An at trac ti ve and scar ce co ver.<br />

250 €<br />

20<br />

Mi.21. 1862 (Nov. 8). Co ver from TRIESTE to CONSTANTINOPLE fran ked by<br />

ver ti cal pair of 1860 10kr. brown tied by fra med TRIEST da tes tamps in black. Blue<br />

Aus trian P.O. CONSTANTINOPEL arri val on re ver se (Nov 15).<br />

150 €<br />

24<br />

Mi.24, 26. 1864 (May 10). CROATIA. Co ver to SCUTARI fran ked by scar ce<br />

usa ge of 1863 perf. 14 2kr. ye llow (2) and 5kr. rose (2) all tied by bold stri kes<br />

of two line da ted RAGUSA hand stamps in black. An at trac ti ve and very scar ce<br />

co ver: 1kr. over-fran ked.<br />

1.500 €<br />

21<br />

1863 (March 16). Enti re let ter from Spa la to to Vi<strong>en</strong> na fran ked by 1860-61 trim -<br />

med 15kr. blue (pos tal sta tio nery cut-out?) tied by two line da ted ´SPALATO´ da -<br />

tes tamps in black. Triest and Vi<strong>en</strong>na da tes tamps on re ver se of a most unu sual <strong>en</strong> -<br />

ti re. Scott 16 var.<br />

500 €<br />

25<br />

Sc.23, 25, 26. 1866 (Jan 15). Registered <strong>en</strong>tire letter to ROME franked by<br />

1865 perf 9½ Arms 3kr. gre<strong>en</strong> (2), 10kr. blue (2) and sin gle 15kr. brown all<br />

tied by fra med TRIEST-RECOMMANDIRT in black. Mi la no (Jan 16) and Li -<br />

vorno tran sits on re ver se. A fine and scar ce co ver that dis plays well. Sig ned<br />

Colla. Certificate FERCHENBAUER.<br />

600 €<br />

22<br />

1863. KUBIN a PEST. 10 kr. castaño y sello 5 kr. rojo recortado de <strong>en</strong>tero postal.<br />

Parte de la dirección ha sido restaurada. Excepcional franqueo.<br />

350 €<br />

26<br />

1867. Re gis te red pos tal sta tio nary <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe of the Arms type 1863 is sue<br />

15 Kr brown up gra ded with Franz Jo seph 5 Kr red (Yvert 34) tied by WIEN cds<br />

in blue with ad ja c<strong>en</strong>t handstruck bo xed RCMDT. in red with GUNS tran sit and<br />

RECHWITZ arri val on re ver se. Su perb qua lity item of mi xed is sue Aus tria.<br />

425 €<br />



27<br />

1869 (Dec 30). Prin ted Mat ter <strong>en</strong> ti re let ter to Bis cho flack fran ked by Pos tal Sta -<br />

tionery cut-out 5kr. red tied by Triest cds. Re ver se with Lai bach tran sit and arri val<br />

(31/12). Rare.<br />

250 €<br />

31<br />

1880 (Dec 7). 2 Kr. brown pos tal sta tio nery card to SCHWANDORF can ce -<br />

lled by com ple te and fine fra med REICHENBACH-EGER (Sa xony) da tes -<br />

tamp in black with arri val cds of the fo llo wing day be low. An unu sual and see -<br />

mingly accepted usage within Germany.<br />

150 €<br />

28<br />

1870 (March 19). 3kr. gre<strong>en</strong> postal stationery <strong>en</strong>velope, locally used example<br />

s<strong>en</strong>t re gis te red and up-ra ted with 1867-74 5kr. red tied by WIEN-FILIALE cds´s in<br />

blue. Fra med red RCMDT at top and <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe also fran ked by Fis cal 10kr. black &<br />

dull ye llow gre<strong>en</strong>. An at trac ti ve and in tri guing co ver.<br />

200 €<br />

32<br />


FRANKING. On ob ver se 5 Kr. (Sc 43) (is sue for Aus tria only) tied with cds<br />

DOBRISCH/9/11/83 + addl. cds RECOM on left side with ms ´380´. Re ver se<br />

10 Kr. (Sc 30) (is sue of Aus tria-Hun ga rian Mo narchy) tied with abo ve<br />

cds. Receiving postmark WIEN/10/11/83.<br />

275 €<br />

29<br />

1872. 25 Kr. stam ped <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe (Mi U58) from TRIESTE to PARIS, can ce lled by<br />

an oval TRIEST Apr. 25 (date un clear). The front shows an oval s<strong>en</strong> der´s mark, a<br />

large brownish-red P.D. and blue cir cu lar Culoz bor der mar king Apr.30. Scar ce<br />

usage.<br />

500 €<br />

33<br />

1889. 2 Kr. brown pos tal sta tio nery card, H&G 43, up-ra ted with 1883 2 x 3<br />

Kr. pale gre<strong>en</strong> tied by MARIAHILF-WIEN cds´s of des patch to South Ame ri -<br />

can Bank no te Com pany. Arri val cds on re ver se of card to scar ce des ti na tion.<br />

150 €<br />

34<br />

1896-1913. Se lec tion of 15 post cards bea ring mainly the HUNGARIAN<br />

TENGERI POSTA mark of CATTARO-FIUME line, some with port can cels<br />

and paquebot marks.<br />

WEB 200 €<br />

30<br />

1875 (April 27). Co ver to FIUME fran ked by 1867 3kr. gre<strong>en</strong> coar se prin ting and<br />

1874 2kr. ye llow fine prin ting, can ce lled by neat stri kes of CHERSO thim ble da tes -<br />

tamps in black. Fiume arri val da tes tamp (April 28) on re ver se of fine co ver. Scott<br />

28,34.<br />

200 €<br />


Mi.6. 1867. Enti re let ter from CONSTANTINOPLE to VIENNA <strong>en</strong> dor sed<br />

´via Triest´ at lo wer left, fran ked by 1867/74 25 sol di gre yish pur ple tied by<br />

double ring CONSTANTINOPEL da tes tamp in black. Adhe si ve cros sed by<br />

light file fold. Re ver se with Vi<strong>en</strong>na arri val cds in black. Opi nion Fer ch<strong>en</strong> bauer<br />

(1991).<br />

300 €<br />



36<br />

1868 (Oct 25). Let ter to Li vor no <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´Via Brin di si´ fran ked at 28 sol di rate<br />

with mi xed is sue fran king of 1864 Arms perf 9½ 3s gre<strong>en</strong> and 1867 25s vio let tied by<br />

Constantinopel Lloyd cds in black. Re ver se with Brindisi & Livorno cds´s.<br />

250 €<br />

40<br />

Mi.2,3,5. 1872 (June 8). Enti re let ter from CONSTANTINOPLE to<br />

GENOVA (Italy) <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´via Cor fu, Brin di si´ fran ked by 1867/74 3 sol di<br />

pale gre<strong>en</strong>, 5s. red and 15s. brown all tied by sin gle ring<br />

CONSTANTINOPEL cds´s in black. Re ver se with Brin di si transit and G<strong>en</strong>ova<br />

arri val cds (June 13).<br />

200 €<br />

37<br />

1869 [April 8]. Enti re let ter to Triest fran ked by late usa ge of perf 9½ 1864 15s<br />

brown tied by two line da ted SALONICH hand stamp in blue. Re pea ted fine stri ke<br />

alongside and oval Triest arri val da tes tamp on re ver se of fine and scar ce <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

Scott 24.<br />

150 €<br />

41<br />

Mi.6. 1873 (Oct. 9). Co ver front s<strong>en</strong>t re gis te red to GALATZ (Ro ma nia) fran -<br />

ked by 1867/74 25 sol di grey li lac boldly tied by sin gle ring<br />

CONSTANTINOPEL cds´s in black. Fra med RECOM below. An attractive<br />

piece.<br />

100 €<br />

38<br />

Mi.2+3+5. 1870 (Sept 24). Enti re let ter from CONSTANTINOPLE to GENOA <strong>en</strong> -<br />

dor sed ´via Cor fu & Brin di si´ fran ked by 1867 3s. gre<strong>en</strong>, 5s. red and 15s. brown all<br />

tied by neat CONSTANTINOPEL cds´s. Red ´PD´ on front and Brin di si transit and<br />

G<strong>en</strong>ova arri val on re ver se (Oct 1). A fine and most att tra cit ve <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

200 €<br />

42<br />

1873. Enti re let ter to SWITZERLAND fran ked by Le vant 1867 5 s. red and<br />

15 s. pale brown tied by BERUTTI cds´s; with VIENNA tran sit and Swiss arri -<br />

vals on re ver se. Rare and fine co ver.<br />

250 €<br />

39<br />

1870. Enti re let ter to Chaux de Fonds fran ked by 1867 5 s. red and 15 s. brown<br />

tied by Constantinople Austrian PO cds´s (Nov 12). Fine and at trac ti ve co ver. Mi.<br />

3+5.<br />

175 €<br />

43<br />

Mi.2,3,5. 1873 (Aug. 26). Co ver from CONSTANTINOPLE to GENOVA<br />

(Italy) fran ked by 1867/74 3 sol di pale gre<strong>en</strong>, 5s. red and 15s. brown all tied<br />

by sin gle ring CONSTANTINOPEL cds´s in black. Re ver se with Vi<strong>en</strong>na tran -<br />

sit (Aug 30) and G<strong>en</strong>ova arri val cds (Sept 2).<br />

200 €<br />



44<br />

Mi.3, 6. 1874. Front of co ver from CONSTANTINOPLE to LONDON with 1867<br />

5s. red and 25s. li lac grey tied by fra med LETTERE ARRIVATE-PER MARE da tes -<br />

tamp in black and by London arri val cds in red. Along si de ad he si ves fine stri ke of<br />

framed W.FR./8 X cre dit mar king (8 kreu zers) in red (Van Der Lin d<strong>en</strong> fig. 2993).<br />

300 €<br />

48<br />

1884 (Sept 19). 25 s. violet postal stationery <strong>en</strong>velope s<strong>en</strong>t registered to<br />

TRIESTE cancelled by ALEXANDRIEN thim ble cds with fra med RECOM<br />

hand stamp at left and with TRIESTE arri val cds on re ver se of very rare usa ge<br />

of this item of sta tio nery. The co ver was la ter re tur ned with ALEXANDRIEN<br />

cds on re ver se.<br />

1.200 €<br />

45<br />

1875 (March 20). Aus train Le vant 4s rose red pos tal sta tio nery card writ t<strong>en</strong> in<br />

HEBREW and used to TRIEST. Can ce lled by good stri ke of GERUSALEMME cds<br />

with oval oval TRIEST arri val at left. A fine and very rare usa ge.<br />

750 €<br />

49<br />

Mi.27. 1895 (Jan. 25). Co ver front s<strong>en</strong>t re gis te red from<br />

CONSTANTINOPLE to SWITZERLAND fran ked by sin gle No vem ber 1892<br />

20pi. on 2g. car mi ne tied by bold CONSTANTINOPEL I /<br />

OESTERREICHISCHE POST in black with ye llow re gis tra tion la bel at left. A<br />

rare single franking-usage on letter unpriced by Ferch<strong>en</strong>bauer.<br />

200 €<br />

46<br />

1876 [June 10]. Enti re let ter from Smyrna to IBIZA, fran ked by sin gle 1876 10s<br />

deep blue tied by neat SMIRNE cds with re ver se sho wing Brindisi tran sit cds and<br />

arri val [June 23] cds. A very scar ce <strong>en</strong> ti re to a most unu sual des ti na tion. Scott 7F.<br />

400 €<br />

50<br />

1900. Di s<strong>en</strong> fec ted mail pic tu re post card to EGYPT bea ring Aus tria 10 he -<br />

ller red (Yvert 70) tied by TRIESTE LAZZARETTO MARITTIMO TRIEST<br />

SEELAZARETH dou ble ring with ZEFTA arri val. Very rare item of mail for the<br />

dis<strong>en</strong>fection specialist.<br />

400 €<br />

47<br />

1882. Co ver to GREECE, fran ked with 10s blue Franz Jo sef is sue (Sc 7f). Stamp<br />

tied by scar ce SPED.POST.PRESSO LLOYD/SMIRNE datestamp, and reverse<br />

shows SYRA arri val cds.<br />

125 €<br />

51<br />

1902 (Feb 28). 5 h. gre<strong>en</strong> sta tio nery card used to BELGIUM up-ra ted with<br />

strip of three 1899 1 h. mau ve and 2 h. black all tied by good stri kes of Stea mer<br />

cds SELIME-DE LLOYD in blue gre<strong>en</strong> with TONGRES arri val cds be low.<br />

Scott 70, 71.<br />

250 €<br />



52<br />

Mi.37,50. 1907 (March 2). Le vant Mo ney or der card s<strong>en</strong>t NACHNAHME (Cash<br />

on De li very) to LUCERNE (Swit zer land) with 1905 2pi. grey blue (4 exam ples) and<br />

1900 10pi. on 2k. vio let grey all tied by CONSTANTINOPEL II da tes tamps in black.<br />

Ye llow Swiss Tax la bel at left (5 fr. char ge). A fi<strong>en</strong> and most unu sual usa ge.<br />

100 €<br />

56<br />

Sc.68. 1900 (Feb. 11). British ´Ocean P<strong>en</strong>ny Postage´ illustrated <strong>en</strong>velope<br />

used from BRUSSELS to GIBRALTAR fran ked by 1893-1900 25c. ul tra ma ri -<br />

ne tied by BRUXELLES cds. Re ver se with Gi bral tar arri val (Feb 16). A fine<br />

and very scar ce usa ge.<br />

400 €<br />

53<br />

Mi.57,61. 1911 (Jan 30). Par cel Card ad dres sed to ZURICH fran ked by 1908<br />

1pi. blue on blued and 20pi. deep blue on grey tied by CONSTANTINOPEL-II da -<br />

tes tamp in black. Three la bels (one for each par cel) at top so mew hat cros sed by file<br />

fold but scar ce 20 pi. on co ver.<br />

100 €<br />

57 BOLIVIA<br />

1604 (30 Mar zo). LA PAZ a LIMA. Car ta com ple ta con tex to di ri gi da a<br />

´Antonio Correa Receptor del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición´. Excepcional,<br />

carta más antigua circulada <strong>en</strong> BOLIVIA.<br />

1.800 €<br />

54 BELGIUM<br />

1854 (Nov 27). CRIMEAN WAR. Co ver to BELGIUM mai led with ARMEE<br />

D´ORIENT-QUART.R GAL. da tes tamp in black. Char ged due ´4´ (40 c<strong>en</strong> ti mes) as<br />

cover unusually addressed outside of France, reverse with Louvain cds in red (Dec<br />

12). Rare and very fine co ver.<br />

350 €<br />

58<br />

1818 (2-Octu bre). COCHABAMBA a PLATA. Car ta com ple ta cir cu la da<br />

con la mar ca li neal COCHABAMBA y FRANCA am bas <strong>en</strong> rojo (nº 1 y 4) y al<br />

dorso marca lineal PLATA (nº 2) estampada a la llegada. Extraordinariam<strong>en</strong>te<br />

rara.<br />

400 €<br />

55<br />

1890 (June 19). 10c rose sta tio nery let ter-card used to SMYRNE, Tur key and<br />

up-ra ted with 1884 5c gre<strong>en</strong> and 10c car mi ne on blued tied by Anvers cds´s. A<br />

scarce destination. Scott 51,52.<br />

125 €<br />

59<br />

(1855 CA.). Small co ver with oval REPUBLICA BOLIVIANA/Paz/<br />

FRANCA can cel in red to SANTIAGO <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´Por el va por´ with cir cu lar<br />

´15´ arri val due mar king along si de.<br />

100 €<br />



60<br />

1869 (July 16). Enti re let ter from TUPISA to SALTA, fran ked by 1868 Nine Star<br />

5c. gre<strong>en</strong> pair tied by ma nus cript p<strong>en</strong> cros ses (and some glue stains) with pre-phi -<br />

la te lic TUPISA hand stamp abo ve. Scott 10.<br />

100 €<br />

65 BOSNIA<br />

1895. 5k. red pos tal sta tio nery <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe used to GMUNDEN, struck with<br />

FIUME des patch cds (Nov 6) with bo xed PAQUEBOT along si de in black. Re -<br />

verse with Gmund<strong>en</strong> arri val (Nov 8) cds. Scar ce.<br />

150 €<br />

61<br />

* Sc.14. 500 ctvos. ne gro. RARO con este ex cep cio nal c<strong>en</strong> tra je.<br />

200 €<br />

66<br />

1895 (April 26). 2n. brown pos tal sta tio nery card used to Stock holm, Swe -<br />

d<strong>en</strong> up-ra ted with 1894-98 3n. gre<strong>en</strong> tied by ´Mos tar´ cds´s. Three Stock -<br />

holm arri val cds´s (May 2) at left. Scar ce des ti na tion.<br />

100 €<br />

62<br />

1885. SUCRE a SALTA. 10 ctvos. naranja y sello bisectado para completar un<br />

franqueo de 15 cts. Mat. SUCRE/CANCELADO/REPUBLICA BOLIVIA.<br />

100 €<br />

63<br />

1880. COLQUECHACA a SUCRE. So bre con tex to com ple to fe cha do <strong>en</strong> Col -<br />

que cha ca, cir cu la da via Ma cha, por fal ta de se llos se apli có la mar ca<br />

MACHA/FRANCA (indicando el pago del franqueo <strong>en</strong> metálico). Muy rara circulada<br />

du ran te el pe rio do de la GUERRA DEL PACÍFICO.<br />

200 €<br />

67<br />

1895 (Sept 23). Registered 5n. rose-red postal stationery <strong>en</strong>velope to<br />

CHILE, fran ked on re ver se by first is sue 1879-94 2n. ye llow (3) and 3n. gre<strong>en</strong><br />

(3) tie by oval K. UND K. MILIT POST XV-BJELINA in brown. Val pa rai so arri -<br />

val cds (Nov 2) in black. A won der ful co ver for the Exhi bit co llec tion. Scott 4,5.<br />

1.800 €<br />

64<br />

(1890 CA). AROMA a TACNA. So bre cir cu la do por fal ta de se llos con la mar ca<br />

FRANCA/AROMA <strong>en</strong> co lor se pia, ta sa da a la lle ga da MULTADA/10C./TACNA y<br />

fechador TACNA/CHILE. MAGNÍFICA.<br />

200 €<br />

68 BRAZIL<br />

1804 (25 Abril). RIO DE JANEIRO a ALTAFULLA (Espa ña). Mar ca COR.<br />

DO R. DE JAN. del período colonial y PORTUGAL <strong>en</strong> rojo es tam pa do a la <strong>en</strong> -<br />

tra da <strong>en</strong> Espa ña. Rara des ti na ción a Espa ña <strong>en</strong> éste pe río do.<br />

250 €<br />



69<br />

∆ Yv.2. 1843. 60 reis negro sobre pequeño fragm<strong>en</strong>to, mat. circular CORREIO DE<br />

CORYTIBA <strong>en</strong> rojo. MAGNÍFICO y RARO.<br />

800 €<br />

73<br />

1861 (Aug 25). Pri ces Cu rr<strong>en</strong>t <strong>en</strong> ti re from RIO DE JANEIRO to<br />

BORDEAUX with very fine stri ke of oc ta go nal BRESIL/ESTRAMADURE (Sa -<br />

lles 1010) in black. Char ged ´8´ de ci mes handstruck on arri val (Sept 18).<br />

280 €<br />

70<br />

∆ Ed.2 + 6. 1843. 60 reis ne gro so bre frag m<strong>en</strong> to con un 60 reis de la se gun da emi -<br />

sión. Rarísima combinación con dos valores ´gemelos´, probablem<strong>en</strong>te único<br />

ejemplar conocido.<br />

1.200 €<br />

74<br />

1866. Dom Pe dro 20 r. red-li lac in a ho ri zon tal pair used on 1875 prin ted<br />

Pri ces Cu rr<strong>en</strong>t to Tries te, un der paid and struck with oval INSUFICIENTE in<br />

red. Re ver se with Ver viers/Coeln TPO, Vi<strong>en</strong> na cds and Triest arri val (24/1).<br />

Char ged 46 kreu zers due in blue cra yon ma nus cript on arri val. An unu sual<br />

and at trac ti ve <strong>en</strong> ti re that op<strong>en</strong>s well for Exhi bit dis play.<br />

475 €<br />

71<br />

1845 (June 23). Enti re let ter writ t<strong>en</strong> and sig ned by Empress The re za Chris ti na<br />

Ma ria (wife of the Empe ror Dom Pe dro II) ad dres sed to Car di nal Ca xo lli. Su perb<br />

com ple te wa fer seal on re ver se of a rare and fine <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

400 €<br />

75<br />

Sc.24. 1866 (Aug. 9). Co ver to SAO PAULO at sin gle rate fran ked on ob -<br />

ver se with 1850 60r. grey-black tied by bold stri ke of cir cu lar CORREIO DA<br />

CIDADE DA LIMEIRA with ma nus cript date in ser ted. Sao Pau lo arri val da -<br />

tes tamp at right. A rare and at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

175 €<br />

72<br />

1853 (June 11). Enti re let ter writ t<strong>en</strong> from Rio de Ja nei ro ad dres sed to ´Car deal<br />

Gio van ni Bru ne lli´ with let ter sig ned by Empe ror Dom Pe dro II. A rare and fine <strong>en</strong> ti -<br />

re.<br />

400 €<br />

76<br />

1875. Co ver fran ked with pair 200 r. black and sin gle 500 r. oran ge Dom<br />

Pe dro is sue, all tied by seg m<strong>en</strong> ted cork can cels. Front shows RIO DE<br />

JANEIRO de par tu re cds, red fra med PD handstamp, plus<br />

RIO-JANEIRO/PAQ. FR. J. Nº 1 Fr<strong>en</strong>ch ma ri ti me can cel (Sa lles 1079) as so -<br />

cia ted with the Lig ne J. pa que bot Ni ger. A scar ce fran king on a co lor ful Fr<strong>en</strong>ch<br />

maritime cover. Scott 59,60.<br />

450 €<br />



77<br />

Sc.46,59. 1877. RIO DE JANEIRO a PARIS. 60 reis ne gro, d<strong>en</strong>t. 13 1/2 y 200<br />

reis. Par te de la di rec ción bo rra da. Raro fran queo.<br />

250 €<br />

81 BULGARIA<br />

1886. 10 c. rose red pos tal sta tio nery card (H&G 1) used to<br />

CONSTANTINOPLE can ce lled by blue SLIVNO cds, ta xed with cir cu lar T<br />

mark on arri val with Tur key 1884 20 pa. car mi ne & rose tied by blue<br />

CONSTANTINOPLE cds. Scar ce card. Scott 68.<br />

250 €<br />

78<br />

(1878 CA.) (Aug 7). Co ver to Pa ris fran ked by per fo ra ted at Rio 1866 60r. black<br />

and pair of rou let ted Dom Pe dro 1876 100r. gre<strong>en</strong> tied by ba rred cork can cels. Rio<br />

cds at left and ´Bre sil/Ca lais´ <strong>en</strong>try mar king (Aug 31). Scott 46,65.<br />

300 €<br />

82<br />

1889. Enve lo pe to BATH, UK fran ked 10st. + 15st ´Lion´ tied by SOPHIA<br />

No. 2 date stamp. Full Za gorsky cer ti fi ca te (1993).<br />

100 €<br />

79<br />

1884. RIO DE JANEIRO to PETROPOLIS. 300 r bis tre brown in a strip of three<br />

and a sin gle with 1884/85, 100 r. li lac, all tied by fra mes REGISTRADA hand stamps<br />


JANEIRO in same co lour to co ver to Pe tro po lis, five ye llow wax seals on re ver se of<br />

scar ce mi xed is sue co ver (Scott nº 75,90).<br />

1.200 €<br />

83<br />

1890 (Nov 22). Cover to Constantinople franked at correct 25st. rate, bea -<br />

ring 1886-87 1st. pale and grey vio let (15 exam ples in clu ding a block of nine),<br />

1885 2st. sla te & pale grey pair and 1882 3st. oran ge & ye llow pair all tied by<br />

´Sop hia No. 2´cds´s. Ope ned for Exhi bit dis play, a fine co ver. Scott 13,24,25.<br />

180 €<br />

80<br />

Sc.86,87,88 y 91. 1885. RIO DE JANEIRO a USA. 10 reis naranja (3), 20 reis<br />

verde, 50 reis azul y 100 reis lila. Espectacular franqueo, magnífica.<br />

500 €<br />

84<br />

1896. Unpaid <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe to No ji n<strong>en</strong> writ t<strong>en</strong> from Var na with dis patch da tes -<br />

tamp char ged ´30´ in ma nus cript with TAX handstamp and Bulgarian postage<br />

due 30 on 50 st. blue (SG D78) im perf ap plied and tied on arri val by NOJINEN<br />

da tes tamp. Very rare item of pos ta ge due mail.<br />

250 €<br />



85<br />

Sc.28. 1898 (Nov 15). Superb complete Newspaper mailed with 1889 1st. li lac<br />

tied by VARNA cds; with GABROVO arri val cds tying ad dress la bel (Nov 17). A<br />

char ming and scar ce item.<br />

200 €<br />

89<br />

1849. VALPARAISO a LIMA. Mar ca de la P.S.N.C. VAPOR PERU/P <strong>en</strong><br />

azul.<br />

150 €<br />

86<br />

1918. Mi li tary mail pic tu re post card to Fran ce writ t<strong>en</strong> from Zpam with mi li tary ca -<br />


ORIENTAUX/MARSEILLE/BULGARE CENSURE in vio let. Su perb and rare item.<br />

100 €<br />

90<br />

1852. VALPARAISO a LIMA. Mar ca de la P.S.N.C. VAPOR SANTIAGO/P<br />

<strong>en</strong> ne gro. Cert. B. MOORHOUSE.<br />

150 €<br />

87<br />

1919. Mi li tary mail card to the Rus sian Con su la te in Sa lo ni que can ce lled by mi li -<br />



100 €<br />

91<br />

1853. SANTIAGO a LIMA. Mar ca de ori g<strong>en</strong> SANTIAGO/DE CHILE y<br />

FRANCA am bas <strong>en</strong> rojo in di can do que el por te es ta ba pa ga do <strong>en</strong> ori g<strong>en</strong>,<br />

mar ca de la P.S.N.C. VAPOR LIMA/P <strong>en</strong> ne gro y al dor so VAPOR <strong>en</strong> azul.<br />

200 €<br />

88 CHILE<br />

(1800 CA.). Envuel ta di ri gi da a LIMA. Mar ca CHYLE <strong>en</strong> rojo. MAGNÍFICA y<br />

RARA. Ex. col. GALVEZ.<br />

275 €<br />

92<br />

Sc.1. 1853. SANTIAGO a LIMA. 5 cts. cas ta ño rojo (1ª Ti ra da de Lon dres)<br />

mar ca de la P.S.N.C. VAPOR SANTIAGO/P. Muy rara com bi na ción de fran -<br />

queo.<br />

750 €<br />



93<br />

Sc.2. 1853. SANTIAGO a LIMA. 10 ctvos. azul (I Ti ra da de Lon dres) mar ca de la<br />

P.S.N.C. VAPOR BOGOTA/P <strong>en</strong> ne gro. Do blez de ar chi vo que afec ta al se llo. Muy<br />

rara com bi na ción de fran queo.<br />

850 €<br />

97<br />

Sc.12d. 1861 (6-Ju lio). VALPARAISO a SANTIAGO. 10 ctvos. azul, bi -<br />

sec ta do para ser usa do como 5 ctvos. Impre sión bo rro sa, co lor ex cep cio nal.<br />

100 €<br />

94<br />

Sc.3. 1854. VALPARAISO a SANTIAGO. 5 ctvos. cas ta ño rojo (2). Imp.<br />

DESMADRYL, már ge nes algo cor tos. Co lor muy fres co. MAGNIFICA.<br />

225 €<br />

98<br />

Sc.14+14j. 1865 (5-Ju nio). SERENA a VALPARAISO. 5 ctvos. rojo (2) y 5<br />

ctvos. rojo naranja. Magnífico franqueo combinando con dos tonos de color<br />

dis tin tos. RARA.<br />

300 €<br />

95<br />

Sc.10n. 1855 (23-Oct.). SAN FELIPE a VALPARAISO. 10 ctvos. azul<br />

DESMADRYL, bi sec ta do para ser usa do como 5 ctvos. Gran des már ge nes.<br />


150 €<br />

99<br />

Sc.17. 1868. TALCA a SANTIAGO. 5 ctvos. rojo, mat. de CORCHO y fe -<br />

chador TALCA/CHILE. Mar ca MULTADA y ta sa da con 10 ctvos. por fran -<br />

queo insufici<strong>en</strong>te. RARA.<br />

200 €<br />

96<br />

Sc.3. 1856. SANTIAGO a VALPARAISO. 5 ctvos. cas ta ño rojo. Imp. Gui llet.<br />

Márg<strong>en</strong>es <strong>completo</strong>s. MUY BONITA.<br />

200 €<br />

100<br />

1868. CHILLÁN a AUGOL. 1 ctvo. naranja y 2 ctvos. negro. Tarifa de<br />

Impre sos. MAGNÍFICA.<br />

350 €<br />



101<br />

Sc.17, 18 (2). 1868. CONCEPCIÓN a LIMA. 5 cts. rojo y 10 cts. azul (2), mat.<br />

CANCELLED cir cu la da <strong>en</strong> bu que de la P.S.N.C. MAGNÍFICA.<br />

175 €<br />

105<br />

Sc.17 (2), 18 (4). 1872. COPIAPO a COQUIMBO. 5 cts. rojo (2) y 10 cts.<br />

azul (4) para com ple tar un fran queo de 50 ctvos. al lado ma nus cri to ´Va por´.<br />

Por te de 40 ctvos. in ter no cuá dru ple más 5 ctvos. del por te ma rí ti mo, los 5 cts.<br />

restantes probablem<strong>en</strong>te se aplicaron como complem<strong>en</strong>to del porte marítimo<br />

por ser la car ta muy pe sa da. Muy raro fran queo.<br />

400 €<br />

102<br />

1868. TALCA a SANTIAGO. Car ta cir cu la da con se llo de 5 ctvos. rojo, pre via -<br />

m<strong>en</strong> te usa do a plu ma, el frau de fue des cu bier to y se le apli có la mar ca INUTIL, mul -<br />

tan do la car ta con ´10´ ctvos. MAGNIFICA.<br />

500 €<br />

106<br />

1872. VALPARAISO to FRANCE. Fran ked by Great Bri tain 3 p. rose and 4<br />

p. oran ge stamps tied by C30 from VALPARAISO. Fine and rare.<br />

400 €<br />

103<br />

Sc.18. 1870 (13 Mar zo). CHANARAL a CALLAO y reex pe di da a LIMA cir cu la da<br />

con se llo de 10 cts. azul, sello no matasellado <strong>en</strong> orig<strong>en</strong> y cancelado<br />

LIMA/7A/DISTRIBN. <strong>en</strong> azul a la lle ga da. Muy rara, úni co caso que co no ce mos de<br />

ésta ma ta se llos so bre un se llo de Chi le.<br />

350 €<br />

107<br />

Sc.18, 19. 1875. VALPARAISO a LIMA. 10 cts. azul y 20 ctvos. ver de, lle -<br />

ga da a Lima al dor so. MAGNÍFICA.<br />

300 €<br />

104<br />

Sc.19. 1872. ANJELES a VALPARAISO. 20 cts. ver de, mat. de CORCHO y fe -<br />


200 €<br />

108<br />

1876 (Jan 13). Co ver from Val pa rai so to Ham burg <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´per Stea mer<br />

via Pa na ma´ bea ring Great Bri tain 3d. rose pl.16, 6d. grey pl.14 pair and 2sh.<br />

blue tied by ´Valparaiso Paid/C30´ du plex. London red cds of tran sit on front<br />

and Hamburg arri val (March 2) on re ver se. So mew hat ti red but an ex tre mely<br />

scar ce fran king. SG Z63, Z75, Z86.<br />

700 €<br />



109<br />

Sc.17. 1877. SANTIAGO a FRANCIA. So bre de 5 ctvos. gris con fran queo adi -<br />

cional de 5 cts. rojo para el pago del por te in ter no, a la lle ga da ta sa da con ´12´ dé ci -<br />

mas. Ra rí si mo fran queo com bi na do con Ente ro Pos tal y más <strong>en</strong> car ta al ex te rior.<br />


400 €<br />

113<br />

1896. GERMAN POST OFFICES. Registered forerunner cover to<br />

STUTTGART fran ked 20 pf. and 25 pf. tied TIENSTIN KDPA cds, arri val<br />

back stamp; fine an scar ce.<br />

300 €<br />

114<br />

1894. 1 c. scar let, tied by LOCAL POST-CHEFOO cds on a blue 1896 co -<br />

ver to SHANGHAI, with SHANGHAI LOCAL POST back stamp. Very fine, qui -<br />

te scar ce.<br />

300 €<br />

110<br />

Sc.15, 16, 17 y 19. 1877. VALPARAISO a GENEVE (Sui za). FRONTAL (front<br />

only). 1 ctvo. naranja, 2 cts. ne gro, 5 cts. rojo y 20 cts. ver de, mat. du plex de Val pa -<br />

raiso. Excepcional franqueo cuatricolor.<br />

1.400 €<br />

111 CHINA<br />

1892. TIENSTIN a BREMEN. Cir cu la da con se llo ale mán de 20 pf. azul. Mat.<br />


150 €<br />

115<br />

Sc.87+88+89. 1897 (Dec 8). Co ver to LYONS (Fran ce) fran ked by Chi na<br />

1897 1c. ye llow, 2c. oran ge and 4c. brown (3) all tied by CHEFOO Do llar<br />

Chops in black. Chi ne 25c. black on rose (fault) ap plied for on ward trans mis -<br />

sion (Dec 10) can ce lled at Shanghai with re ver se sho wing Shanghai Dollar<br />

Chop in blue and arri val cds.<br />

600 €<br />

112<br />

1894 (Nov. 14). Co ver to HEIDELBERG with re turn ad dress on re ver se ´Swa -<br />

tow, Chi na´, fran ked by 1888 10pf. car mi ne block of four can ce lled by bold stri ke of<br />


verse with Singapore tran sit cds (Nov 15) and Leiman arri val cds. A char ming co -<br />

ver.<br />

200 €<br />

116<br />

1898 (May 7). Co ver from Shang hai to Cam ber ley, Su rrey fran ked by Chi -<br />

na 1897 1c. ye llow and 4c. brown (2) with CIP 1c. oran ge all tied by ´Pa-kua´<br />

with Shang hai Do llar Chop on re ver se in black. Hong Kong 5c. ul tra ma ri ne<br />

pair ap plied for on wards trans mis sion and tied by ´Shanghae´ cds´s in black.<br />

Scott 87,89,99.<br />

750 €<br />



117<br />

1898(May 30). Com bi na tion co ver from Shang hai with CHINA 1897 4c brown,<br />

5c rose and 1898 CIP 1c oran ge all tied by Shanghai Dollar chops in black, Hong<br />

Kong 10c pur ple on red ap plied for on ward trans mis sion to Pa ris, tied by Shanghai<br />

Bri tish PO cds. Ligne N Paquebot (Sa lles 2142) be low. A pretty co ver. Scott<br />

89,90,99.<br />

750 €<br />

121<br />

1901. CANTON to GERMANY. Re gis te red post card with Hong Kong 4<br />

c<strong>en</strong>ts gray, 10 c<strong>en</strong>ts blue and chinese 1 c<strong>en</strong>t on 1 ch. orange, 5 c<strong>en</strong>ts on 5<br />

ch. yellow and 8 c<strong>en</strong>ts on 8 ch. li lac with CANTON can cel. Rare and ap pea -<br />

ling mi xed usa ge.<br />

2.400 €<br />

118<br />

1900. 1 c. ocher, tied by pur ple WULAKAI tomb sto ne post mark on re ver se of a<br />

1903 red stri pe co ver to TIENTSIN, with LUKTING and PEKING tran sit can cels.<br />

Very fine, scar ce and co lor ful. Sc. 111.<br />

400 €<br />

122<br />

1908. Pic tu re post card from the Aus trian Ma ri ne De tach m<strong>en</strong>t bea ring Aus -<br />

tria 5 he ller gre<strong>en</strong> (Yvert 104) and 10 he ller rose (Yvert 106) tied by dou ble<br />

ring mi li tary ca chet K.U.K. MARINE DETACHEMENT IN PEKING addressed<br />

to the Fr<strong>en</strong>ch Mi li tary Te le grap hic Offi ce of the 16th. Re gi m<strong>en</strong>t can ce lled on<br />


cds (Pot hion Type C). Scar ce item pa ying in ter nal rate.<br />

120 €<br />

119<br />

1900 (June 8). Post card of Sea man and Chi ne se girl (real pho to) fran ked on re -<br />

ver se with CIP 4c. chest nut tied by bold stri ke of TAKU da tes tamp in black, mai led<br />

to BRIXEN (Aus tria).<br />

300 €<br />

123<br />

1915. (AUSTRIAN MILITARY DETACHEMENT). Let ter card ad dres sed to<br />

KRIZEVCI from the Austrian Military Detachem<strong>en</strong>t cancelled by K.UN K.<br />

FELDPOSTAMT 78 dou ble ring with mi li tary ca chet K.U.K. CHINA<br />

MUNITIONS KOLONNE 2/3/ZENSURIERT in vio let with arri val on re ver se.<br />

Su perb and rare item from the small Aus trian mi li tary post.<br />

350 €<br />

120<br />

1900 (July 20). Post card of Pe king from City Wall, writ t<strong>en</strong> from TAKU from Ita lian<br />

Na val Stea mer and fran ked on re ver se with CIP 4c. chest nut tied by bold stri ke of R.<br />

NAVE ELBA da tes tamp in black, mai led to VENICE.<br />

300 €<br />

124<br />

1918 (Aug. 17). 1c. gre<strong>en</strong> on buff pos tal sta tio nery card s<strong>en</strong>t un der paid to<br />

SHANGHAI up-ra ted with Junk ½c. brown tied by CHINKIANG des patch cds.<br />

Two Shanghai cds´s of re ceipt and gre<strong>en</strong> fra med Post man´s de li very rou te<br />

num ber chop in gre<strong>en</strong> and tax da tes tamp in same ink. Pre su mably unac cep -<br />

ted by the ad dres see (note cra yon ´X´ at upper left). An unu sual and rare card.<br />

500 €<br />



125<br />

1941 (Nov 7). Air mail co ver to SHANGHAI fran ked by Bur ma 3 p. pur ple & India<br />

2 a. 6 p. oran ge optd Bur ma, tied by RANGOON cds, red Re seal C<strong>en</strong> sor at left tied<br />

by gre<strong>en</strong> PASSED CENSOR-31 hand stamp, furt her stamp has fa ll<strong>en</strong> off and bi lin -<br />

gual Chinese-English handstamp in violet STAMP MISSING ap plied. Ta xed on arri -<br />

val with re-used Chi na 8 c. gre<strong>en</strong>. A scar ce ins truc tio nal hand stamp.<br />

175 €<br />

129<br />

1783 (fe cha de ar chi vo). BUGA a POPAYÁN. Envuel ta sin tex to. Mar cas<br />

BUGA y FRANCA <strong>en</strong> co lor se pia. MAGNÍFICA y MUY RARA.<br />

150 €<br />

130<br />

1784. LA PLATA a POPAYÁN. Car ta com ple ta con tex to. Mar ca PLATA <strong>en</strong><br />

tin ta de es cri bir (Tiz. nº 1) y FRANCA li neal <strong>en</strong> rojo es tam pa da a la lle ga da a<br />

POPAYÁN, tasa manuscrita de 1 1/2 reales. Excepcional, ÚNICA<br />

CONOCIDA con esta com bi na ción de mar ca. Ex San ta Ma ría.<br />

600 €<br />

126 COLOMBIA<br />

1670 (9 Mayo). ANTIOQUÍA a RIO GRANDE. Car ta com ple ta con tex to, al gu nas<br />

ero sio nes <strong>en</strong> el fr<strong>en</strong> te. RARÍSIMA, una de las más an ti guas car tas co no ci das de<br />

Colombia.<br />

700 €<br />

127<br />

1779 (18 Nov.). POPAYÁN a QUITO. Mar cas POPAYAN y DEBE <strong>en</strong> rojo.<br />

RARÍSIMA cir cu la da <strong>en</strong> el si glo XVIII. Cert. BORTFELDT.<br />

500 €<br />

131<br />

1800 (22 Octo ber). SAN GIL a SAPATOCA. Car ta com ple ta con tex to,<br />

marcas S. GIL y FRANCA am bas <strong>en</strong> rojo, ésta úl ti ma no re se ña da <strong>en</strong> la obra<br />

de M. Tizón. Extraordinariam<strong>en</strong>te rara, única conocida con las dos marcas.<br />

Ex. Hugo Go gel.<br />

750 €<br />

128<br />

1782 (26 Ju nio). CALY a POPAYAN. Car ta com ple ta con tex to, mar ca li neal<br />

CALY <strong>en</strong> rojo (con difer<strong>en</strong>cias a la catalogada por M. Tizon). Extraordinariam<strong>en</strong>te<br />

rara y fe cha más an ti gua co no ci da para una car ta de Caly. Ex. San ta Ma ria y Hugo<br />

Gogel.<br />

750 €<br />

132<br />

1801 (6 Ene ro). SAN JOSE DE CUCUTA a CACOTA DE SUNAIA. Car ta<br />

completa con texto, marca S. JOSE y DEBE. Extraordinariam<strong>en</strong>te rara, no re -<br />

señada <strong>en</strong> la obra de M. Tizón, reci<strong>en</strong>tem<strong>en</strong>te descubierta. ÚNICA<br />

CONOCIDO. Ex. Hugo Go gel.<br />

600 €<br />



133<br />

1802 (30 Feb.). QUILACHAO a POPAYÁN. Car ta com ple ta con tex to. Mar cas<br />

QUILACHAO y FRANCA <strong>en</strong> rojo. MAGNÍFICA y RARÍSIMA. Cert. BORTFELDT.<br />

400 €<br />

137<br />

1812 (27 Sept.). IBAGUE a SANTA FE. Car ta com ple ta con tex to. Mar ca<br />

FCA/YBAGUE <strong>en</strong> rojo. RARÍSIMA, sólo dos car tas co no ci das. Ex San ta Ma -<br />

ría. Cert. BORTFELDT.<br />

500 €<br />

134<br />

1808 (27 Sep.). LLANOGRANDE a POPAYÁN. Mar ca<br />

ILLANOGRAD./FRANCA <strong>en</strong> rojo. Rarísima <strong>en</strong> carta completa durante el período<br />

Colonial Español.<br />

400 €<br />

138<br />

1820. CARNECERIAS (To li ma) a NEYVA. Mar ca li neal PLATA/FRANCA<br />

<strong>en</strong> rojo. MUY RARA.<br />

200 €<br />

135<br />

1810 (17 Mar zo). PAMPLONA a OCAÑA. Car ta com ple ta con tex to, mar ca<br />

PAMPLONA/YNDIAS/FRANCA y VIVA FERNANDO VII am bas <strong>en</strong> rojo. Extraor di -<br />

na ria m<strong>en</strong> te rara. ÚNICA CONOCIDA. Ex. Jai ro Lon do ño y Hugo Go gel.<br />

800 €<br />

139<br />

° Yv.10. 1861. 2 1/2 ctvos. ne gro, mat. BOGOTA. Bor de in fe rior de hoja.<br />


400 €<br />

140<br />

° Yv.11 y 12. 1861. 5 ctvos. ama ri llo y 10 ctvos. azul. Ejem pla res suel tos,<br />


300 €<br />

136<br />

1811 (16 Ene ro). REMEDIOS a MEDELLÍN. Car ta com ple ta con tex to. Mar cas<br />

YOLOMBO y DEBE am bas <strong>en</strong> tin ta de es cri bir. La mar ca DEBE no está re se ña da<br />

(se co no ce DEVE). PROBABLEMENTE ÚNICA. Cert. BORTFELDT. Ex. San ta<br />

María.<br />

600 €<br />

141<br />

* Sc.14 (2). 1861. 5 cts. amarillo. Pareja horizontal. MAGNÍFICA. Cert. B.<br />


300 €<br />



142<br />

* Sc.18 (2). 1861. 1 peso rosa, pa re ja BORDE SUPERIOR DE HOJA, res tos de<br />

goma ori gi nal. MAGNÍFICA. Cert. B. MOORHOUSE.<br />

750 €<br />

146<br />

Yv.35. 1868. CARTAGENA a AMBALEMA. 10 cts. lila gris, mat. ova la do<br />

CARTAGENA/FRANCA <strong>en</strong> azul.<br />

350 €<br />

143<br />

Sc.46. 1866 (9 Ene ro). POPAYAN a BOGOTA. Car ta com ple ta con tex to fran -<br />

quea da con se llo de 10 cts. lila, mat. ma nus cri to ´Popu´. MAGNÍFICA.<br />

200 €<br />

147<br />

Sc.47. 1869 (July 6). Enti re let ter from SAN JOSE DE CUCUTA ad dres sed<br />

to MARACAIBO (V<strong>en</strong>ezuela) and franked by fine imperforate 1866 20c. light<br />

blue with ´CUCUTA´ manuscript cancellation. Docketing of receipt (July 22)<br />

in si de. A scar ce and fine ex ter nal usa ge.<br />

400 €<br />

144<br />

1866 (Dec 12). Enti re let ter from POPAYAN to BOGOTA fran ked by fine 1865<br />

10c. vio let tied by ma nus cript POPAYAN can ce lla tion. A fine and very scar ce <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

Scott 38.<br />

200 €<br />

148<br />

Yv.43. 1877 (25-Mayo). CARTAGO a MEDELLIN. 20 ctvos. azul, bi sec ta -<br />

do para ser usa do como 5 ctvos. So bre algo re du ci do por la de re cha. Raro<br />

franqueo.<br />

150 €<br />

145<br />

1867 (Jan 1). Enti re let ter from Ba rran qui lla to St. Ga ll<strong>en</strong>, Swit zer land, for war -<br />

ded in San ta Mart ha with blue F.A.C. on re ver se, s<strong>en</strong>t un paid with oc ta go nal Fr<strong>en</strong>ch<br />

Consular ´ST. MARTHE´ da tes tamp (Jan 4) in black. ´Ligne A´ da tes tamp on re ver -<br />

se and struck in Pa ris with trian gu lar Exchan ge mar king ´F./29´ in black. St. Ga ll<strong>en</strong><br />

arri val (Jan 27) on re ver se of rare <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

400 €<br />

149<br />

1883. CARTAGENA a INGLATERRA. 10 cts. lila (Sc. 115) mat. ova la do<br />

CARTAGENA y fechador maritimo octogonal frances ASPINWALL/PAQ.<br />

FR. A Nº 2.<br />

300 €<br />



150<br />

1921 (Nov 16). Co ver to BOGOTA fran ked by COLOMBIA 1920 3 c. and<br />

SCADTA hand stam ped in blue VALOR 10 CENTAVOS on 50 c. pale gre<strong>en</strong> (1400<br />

prin ted) tied by vio let two line NAVEGACION-NEIVA hand stamp. A rare co ver and<br />

stamp. Sc 359, C18.<br />

350 €<br />

154 CROATIA<br />

1806 (Dec. 4). Enti re let ter writ t<strong>en</strong> at the Isthmus of CROMA (Du brov nik)<br />

mai led to AUCH (Fran ce) struck with fine two line No. 1/ARM. DE DALMATIE<br />

in black; ra ted ´9´ to pay in ma nus cript. A fine and scar ce <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

350 €<br />

151<br />

∆ Sc.2. 1866. BOLIVAR. 10 c<strong>en</strong>t. rojo, tira de seis se llos so bre pe que ño frag m<strong>en</strong> to,<br />

esquina de hoja, sello inferior marg<strong>en</strong> algo corto. Mat. manuscrito ´Cartaj<strong>en</strong>a´.<br />


250 €<br />

155 CUBA<br />

1804 (5 Sep tiem bre). HABANA a ESPAÑA. Mar ca ISLAS<br />

DE/BARLOVENTO <strong>en</strong> rojo. MAGNÍFICA.<br />

75 €<br />

152<br />

1908. BUCARAMANGA. BUCARAMANGA a CARTAGENA. 20 ctvos. cas ta ño<br />

s. lila y se llo lo cal de 50 ctvos. <strong>en</strong> rojo, lle ga da a Car ta ge na al dor so.<br />

200 €<br />

156<br />

1826. LA HABANA a BARCELONA. Mar ca YNDIAS y tasa de 8R estampa -<br />

dos. Cortes de desinfección. Marca estampada probablem<strong>en</strong>te <strong>en</strong> VIGO.<br />

75 €<br />

153 COSTA RICA<br />

1900 (June 25). 3c. red on buff pos tal sta tio nery card used to GERMANY from<br />

PUNTAS ARENAS, fran ked by Ger many 5pf. gre<strong>en</strong> tied by KAIS. DEUTSCHE.<br />

MARINE SEEPOST/No. 36 da tes tamps. An unu sual usa ge with arri val cds along si -<br />

de (July 26).<br />

200 €<br />

157<br />


Bergantin ´Guadaleta´. Fechador ***/CADIZ y FRANCO am bas <strong>en</strong> rojo in di -<br />

can do que el por te se ha bía pa ga do <strong>en</strong> ori g<strong>en</strong>, fe chas ma nus cri tas de sa li da<br />

<strong>en</strong> an ver so y lle ga da al dor so. Se acom pa ña el tex to com ple to del in te rior del<br />

Registro. Excepcional se trata del único registro de embarque (sobre + texto)<br />

<strong>completo</strong> conocido.<br />

750 €<br />



158<br />

1849. VERACRUZ a HABANA. Cir cu la da por el co rreo in glés mar ca<br />

PAID/AT/VERACRUZ y tarifa manuscrita ´2/-´, aunque finalm<strong>en</strong>te circuló por el co -<br />

rreo Espa ñol. Mar ca EMPRESA/YNDIAS de la Nue va Empre sa de Co rreos Ma rí ti -<br />

mos y tasa de 4 rea les am bas <strong>en</strong> ama ri llo. Muy rara com bi na ción de mar cas.<br />

450 €<br />

162<br />

** Ant.9 (170). 1857. 2 rea les rojo. Hoja com ple ta de 170 se llos con már ge -<br />

nes y la ca be ce ra com ple ta con toda su goma ori gi nal. Rara, una de las po -<br />

cas, sino la úni ca, con ser va das com ple tas. Ex. Dr. IBAÑEZ. Cat. +3.900€.<br />

1.000 €<br />

159<br />

1850. MADRID a HABANA. Mar cas de lle ga da ESPRESA/ESPAÑA y li neal<br />

HABANA, am bas <strong>en</strong> ama ri llo. RARA la uti li za ción con jun ta de las dos mar cas.<br />

250 €<br />

163<br />

(*) Ed.12 + Ant.10/12. 1/4 r. ne gro, 1/2 r. ver de, 1 r. azul y 2 rea les rojo. Se rie<br />

com ple ta <strong>en</strong> blo ques de 80 se llos, al gún pe que ño plie gue o do blez sin im por -<br />

tancia. Pieza espectacular y rarísima, se trata del bloque más grande conoci -<br />

do de es tos se llos. (Cat. Espe cia li za do Edi fil del 2002 +5.480€).<br />

1.600 €<br />

160<br />

1854. HABANA a COPENHAGUEN. Cir cu la da por el co rreo bri tá ni co via Lon -<br />

dres y Ham bur go. Rara des ti na ción <strong>en</strong> éste pe río do.<br />

200 €<br />

161<br />

Ant.1, 4, 7. 1856-61. CORREO POR FERROCARRIL. Con jun to de sie te car tas<br />

circuladas con sello de 1/2 real (filigrana lazos, líneas cruzadas y sin filigrana) e in -<br />

dicaciones manuscritas ´Tr<strong>en</strong> Expreso Ci<strong>en</strong>fuegos´, ´Tr<strong>en</strong> 2 sale 6pm´, ´Ferrocarril<br />

mañana 25´... Interesante conjunto.<br />

WEB 400 €<br />

164<br />

Ant.7F. 1860. HABANA a STA. ISABEL DE LAS LAJAS. 1/2 real FALSO<br />

POSTAL (Gue rra tipo 2, Graus tipo III). MAGNÍFICO.<br />

100 €<br />



165<br />

Ant.9(4). 1860. HABANA a PTO. PRÍNCIPE. 2 rea les rojo. Blo que de cua tro <strong>en</strong><br />

fr<strong>en</strong>te de Plica Judicial. Mat. PARRILLA COLONIAL y fe cha dor de La Ha ba na.<br />

MUY RARO este se llo <strong>en</strong> car ta usa da <strong>en</strong> Cuba. Algu nas man chas de hu me dad.<br />

Cert. PF´2008.<br />

1.200 €<br />

169<br />

1863. SANTIAGO DE CUBA a BURDEOS (Fran cia). Cir cu la da con se llos<br />

franceses de 80 cts. rojo (2), mat. ANCLA y fechador octogonal CUBA/* más<br />

el fechador de la linea marítima CUBA/VERACRUZ. (Sa lles 1322).<br />

RARÍSIMA. Ex. col. Y. Kou ri.<br />

800 €<br />

166<br />

Ant.7F (2). 1862. HABANA a BILBAO. 1/2 real azul, pa re ja, FALSO POSTAL<br />

(Graus tipo VIII), mat. PARRILLA DE LINEAS y fe cha dor HABANA. RARA. Cert.<br />

COMEX.<br />

150 €<br />

170<br />

∆ Ed.7F (12). 1864 (28 Mayo). Docum<strong>en</strong>to Judicial con sellos de Derechos<br />

Judiciales de 5 rea les na ran ja (5) y 100 rea les ver de (4) y 12 se llos de Co -<br />

rreos de 1/2 real azul FALSOS POSTALES (Graus tipo V). Ra rí si mo uso de<br />

sellos falsos <strong>en</strong> un docum<strong>en</strong>to oficial. Pieza reproducida <strong>en</strong> la obra Falsos<br />

Pos ta les de Anti llas de M. Arm<strong>en</strong> gol y X. Ro sell, pag. 16.<br />

350 €<br />

167<br />

Ant.7. 1862. JARUCO a HABANA. 1/2 real azul tira de tres más una pa re ja. Mat.<br />


200 €<br />

171<br />

1864 (19 Ju nio). SANTIAGO DE CUBA a BURDEOS (Fran cia). Cir cu la da<br />

con sellos franceses de 40 cts. na ran ja (2), mat. ANCLA y fechador octogo -<br />

nal CUBA/* más el fe cha dor de la li nea ma rí ti ma CUBA/LOUISIANE (Sa lles<br />

1320). RARÍSIMA. Ex. col. Y. Kou ri.<br />

800 €<br />

168<br />

Ant.8 (16). NUEVITAS a PUERTO PRINCIPE. Pli ca Ju di cial con fran queo de 16<br />

se llos (blo que de ocho + 2 blo ques de cua tro) del 1 real ver de, de fec to <strong>en</strong> 2 se llos.<br />

Espec ta cu lar y muy raro fran queo.<br />

600 €<br />

172<br />

Ant.11. 1865. HABANA co rreo in te rior. 1/4 real ne gro. MUY RARO <strong>en</strong> car -<br />

ta.<br />

300 €<br />



173<br />

Ed.18. 1867. MANZANILLO a LA HABANA. 5 cts. lila. Mat. PARRILLA<br />

OVALADA. RARO fran queo de im pre sos.<br />

200 €<br />

177<br />

1872. Co ver from HAVANA to LIMA (Peru) fran ked by Fran ce 1867 80c.<br />

car mi ne (3 exam ples) all tied by dotted Anchor loz<strong>en</strong>ge in black. Octa go nal<br />

Consular cachet LA HAVANE at left in black Re ver se with LIGNE B / PAQ.<br />

FR. B. NO. 2 cds and Lima arri val (July 31) in black. Small im per fec tions but a<br />

scarce destination.<br />

700 €<br />

174<br />

Ant.13(3). 1868. HABANA a MORON. Car ta cer ti fi ca da con fran queo de 10 cts.<br />

azul (3) mat. ova la do CERTIFICADO EN LA HABANA, llegada y ´recibí´ manuscri -<br />

to del des ti na ta rio al dor so. MUY RARA.<br />

700 €<br />

178<br />

Ed.28. 1874. HABANA a NEW YORK. 25 cts. azul, ma ta se lla da a la lle ga -<br />


150 €<br />

175<br />

Ed.23. 1869. HABANA a STGO. DE CUBA. 5 cts. rosa. Ta ri fa de im pre sos. Car -<br />

ta fe cha da <strong>en</strong> el in te rior 1 de Ene ro de 1869 PRIMER DIA DE CIRCULACION de<br />

este se llo. RARISIMA.<br />

400 €<br />

179<br />

* Ed.25/27. 1873. PRUEBAS DE PUNZÓN. 12 ctvos. azul, 25 cts. azul, 50<br />

cts. azul y 1 pta. MAGNÍFICAS y RARAS.<br />

800 €<br />

176<br />

* Ed.25. 1871. PRUEBAS DE PUNZÓN. 12 cts. <strong>en</strong> azul y <strong>en</strong> ne gro reu ni das <strong>en</strong> un<br />

solo blo que. RARÍSIMA.<br />

500 €<br />

180<br />

1877. CIENFUEGOS a MANZANILLO. 25 ctvos. ver de. Mat. ova la do D.M.<br />

<strong>en</strong> el interior. Matasellos utilizado a bordo de los buques de cabotaje que na -<br />

ve ga ban <strong>en</strong> la Cos ta Nor te. MAGNÍFICA.<br />

350 €<br />



181<br />

Yv.44. (1878 CA.). HABANA a PTO. PRINCIPE. 5 cts. azul. Carta <strong>en</strong>tregada di -<br />

rectam<strong>en</strong>te al buque ¦Marmotita y Maria¦ a su salida de Habana y obliterada a la lle -<br />

ga da a Pto. Prin ci pe con mat. ova la do ADMINISTRACION PRINCIPAL DE<br />


200 €<br />

185<br />

1886. HABANA a PARÍS. 10 ctvos. castaño circulada por la línea de<br />

VAPORES DE ESTADOS UNIDOS. Mat. cir cu lar LINEAS P...<br />

MARITIMAS/EUMy fechador VAPOR CITY OF WA SHING TON. Al dor so fe -<br />


500 €<br />

182<br />

Ed.55. 1879. HABANA a SANTANDER. 1 pta. oliva, pliegue vertical de archivo.<br />

Fran queo de cua tro por tes. EXCEPCIONAL y RARÍSIMA, pro ba ble m<strong>en</strong> te úni ca<br />

co no ci da con este se llo. Re pro du ci da <strong>en</strong> el cat. Edi fil Expe cial pág. 153.<br />

1.200 €<br />

186<br />

1881. ALFONSO XII. Con jun to de 7 PRUEBAS DE PUNZON, márg<strong>en</strong>es medianos<br />

1 ctvo. car mín, 2 ctvos. ver de, 2 1/2 ctvos azul, 3 ctvos. lila, 5 ctvos.<br />

car mín, 10 ctvos azul y 20 ctvos. lila. MUY RARO CONJUNTO.<br />

800 €<br />

183<br />

1880. ALFONSO XII. Con jun to de 7 PRUEBAS DE PUNZÓN con már ge nes gran -<br />

des de 5 cts. car mín, 10 cts. lila, 12 1/2 azul, 15 cts. lila, 25 cts. castaño, 50 cts.<br />

verde y 1 pta. car mín.<br />

1.200 €<br />

187<br />

1882. ALFONSO XII. Con jun to de 7 PRUEBAS DE PUNZÓN, cuatro con<br />

márg<strong>en</strong>es pequeños, 1/2 mils. lila rosa, 2 mils. car mín, 4 mils. ver de, 3 mils.<br />

lila rosa; con már ge nes me dia nos, 1 ctvo. azul y con gran des már ge nes 5<br />

ctvos. azul y 10 ctvos. azul. CONJUNTO RARÍSIMO.<br />

875 €<br />

184<br />

Yv.60. 1880. CUBA a NEW YORK. 50 cts. cas ta ño, mat. cir cu lar CUBA A<br />

U.S./S. LINE/S.S.SANTIAGO de la li nea de va po res ame ri ca nos, al dor so fe cha dor<br />

de lle ga da a NEW YORK. Ra rí si ma y UNICA CONOCIDA has ta la fe cha.<br />

700 €<br />

188<br />

1897. STA CECILIA a GUANTANAMO. Car ta com ple ta <strong>en</strong> tre ga da di rec ta -<br />

m<strong>en</strong>te <strong>en</strong> el Ferrocarril, al dorso espectacular etiqueta del FERROCARRIL<br />

DE GUANTANAMO con la fe cha ´30 Agos to 1897´ ma nus cri ta (rota al abrir la<br />

carta). Rarísima, único caso que conocemos.<br />

300 €<br />



189<br />

1898. SANTIAGO a BURDEOS. 2 ctvos., 3 ctvos y 5 ctvos. Raro fran queo tri -<br />

color. MAGNIFICA.<br />

175 €<br />

190<br />

Ed.163. 1898. HABANA a NEW YORK. So bre con fran queo mix to de 5 ctvos.<br />

rosa y se llo US. de 5 ctvos. cas ta ño. Mat. PAQUEBOT/(N.Y. 29 DIV.) <strong>en</strong> vio le ta y<br />

fe cha dor de lle ga da al dor so. MUY RARO.<br />

475 €<br />

193<br />

1876-81. DERECHO JUDICIAL. Co lec ción <strong>en</strong> cua tro pá gi nas de ál bum. Se -<br />

llos la gran ma yo ría <strong>en</strong> nue vo, con blo ques y MUESTRAS. Ex.<br />


500 €<br />

194 CUBA - REVENUES<br />

1869-73. DERECHO JUDICIAL. 2 pá gi nas de ál bum con se llo y blo ques la<br />

mayoría <strong>en</strong> nuevo, también variedades SIN DENTAR y MUESTRAS. Ex.<br />


WEB 200 €<br />

195<br />

1869-71. DERECHO JUDICIAL. Blo que de 30 con la par te in fe rior del plie go<br />

del va lor de 25 es cu dos con ´Mues tra de se llos para De re cho Ju di cial de<br />

Ultra mar que se so me te a la apro ba ción de la Di rec ción de R<strong>en</strong> tas Estan ca -<br />

das´ y fir ma del Admi nis tra dor Jefe. Tam bién se llo de 1,25 pts. con ins crip ción<br />

´Mues tra de los se llos de De re cho Ju di cial para Puer to Rico´. Excep cio nal y<br />

ÚNICOS co no ci dos. Man chas del tiem po. Ex. BUSTAMANTE.<br />

WEB 150 €<br />

191<br />

Ed.159,161,164. 1899. HABANA a COPENHAGE. 1 ctvo, 3 ctvos y 6 ctvos.<br />

Franqueo tricolor. Rara destinación.<br />

200 €<br />

192<br />

1899 (Feb 14). Telegram <strong>en</strong>velope <strong>en</strong>dorsed ´Soldier´s Letter´ at upper left fran -<br />

ked by 1899 2½c. de peso on USA 2c. red tied by neat ´Correos/Habana´ cds in<br />

black. Washington arri val on re ver se. Slight <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe tears on re ver se but a rare<br />

usa ge. Scott 223.<br />

500 €<br />

196<br />

1856-64. DERECHO JUDICIAL. Co lec ción <strong>en</strong> 4 pá gi nas de ál bum, se llos <strong>en</strong><br />

nue vo y usa do con blo ques y ho jas com ple tas, tam bién dos do cu m<strong>en</strong> tos. Ex.<br />


750 €<br />



197<br />

1865-68. DERECHO JUDICIAL. 4 pá gi nas de ál bum con se llos <strong>en</strong> nue vo, blo ques<br />

y MUESTRAS. Excepcional conjunto. Ex. BUSTAMANTE.<br />

750 €<br />

199<br />

1868-96. SELLOS DE GIRO. Co lec ción <strong>en</strong> 18 pá gi nas de ál bum, se llos <strong>en</strong><br />

nue vo y usa do con al gu nos se llos SIN DENTAR y Docum<strong>en</strong>tos. Ex.<br />


800 €<br />

200<br />

1886-99. TIMBRE MÓVIL. Co lec ción <strong>en</strong> ocho pá gi nas de ál bum, con se llos<br />

<strong>en</strong> nue vo y usa do con va rie da des y do cu m<strong>en</strong> tos. Ex. BUSTAMANTE.<br />

WEB 200 €<br />

201<br />

1888-94. IMPUESTO DE TRANSPORTES. 3 pá gi nas de ál bum con se llos <strong>en</strong><br />

nue vo y usa do, tam bién un do cu m<strong>en</strong> to. Ex. BUSTAMANTE.<br />

WEB 120 €<br />

202<br />

1890-91. IMPUESTO DE TRANSPORTES. Se rie de 6 do bles se llos con nu -<br />

meración 0.000.000 MUESTRAS. MUY RAROS. Ex. BUSTAMANTE.<br />

WEB 150 €<br />

198<br />

1871-81. LIBROS DE COMERCIO. Co lec ción <strong>en</strong> ocho pá gi nas de ál bum, se llos <strong>en</strong><br />

nue vo y usa do y al gu nos blo ques, tam bién se llo de IMP. DE DEUDA de 1898. Ex.<br />


300 €<br />

203<br />

1865-88. DOCUMENTOS DE POLICIA. Co lec ción <strong>en</strong> 24 pá gi nas de ál bum.<br />

Cons ta de se ries con la ma yo ría de los se llos <strong>en</strong> nue vo, blo ques y MUESTRA.<br />

Importante conjunto. Ex. BUSTAMANTE.<br />

2.000 €<br />

204<br />

1869-75. SELLOS DE CÉDULA URBANA y CÉDULA RURAL. 2 pá gi nas de<br />

ál bum con se llos y blo ques, la ma yo ría <strong>en</strong> nue vo. Ex. BUSTAMANTE.<br />

WEB 150 €<br />



205 DENMARK<br />

1853 (Sept 6). Enti re let ter to Vei le fran ked by 1851 4rbs. brown tied by ´56´ nu -<br />

me ral with fine Ringkjobing cds along si de in black. Scott 2.<br />

120 €<br />

209<br />

Mi.11-14. 1870 (July 2). Re gis te red co ver from ODENSE to LONDON with<br />

de ligh tful four co lour fran king of 1864/70 2s. blue, 3s. li lac, 4s. red and 8s. ye -<br />

llow-brown all tied by 51 numeral obliterator and 4s. also tied by ex tre mely rare<br />

and fine stri ke of DENMARK-REGISTERED cds in black (July 4) ap plied in<br />

London on arri val. A mag ni fi c<strong>en</strong>t co ver.<br />

1.200 €<br />

206<br />

1855. Mour ning <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe to FRANCE bea ring 2 sk blue (Yvert 3), 4 sk brown<br />

(Yvert 4) and 16 sk li lac (2) (Yvert 6) tied by 1 in con c<strong>en</strong> tric ring of Co p<strong>en</strong> ha g<strong>en</strong> with<br />

PD, Fr<strong>en</strong>ch <strong>en</strong>try ca chet ma nus cript ´6 1/2´ with Pa ris re cei ver on re ver se. Very fine<br />

fran king a clas sic item.<br />

500 €<br />

210<br />

1871(Sept 7th). Re gis te red co ver from Hor s<strong>en</strong>s to Lon don, ca rried at 22<br />

ski lling rate and fran ked by 1870-71 2sk and five 4sk all tied by Hors<strong>en</strong>s nu -<br />

me ral can ce lla tions in black, also struck by very scar ce oval ´REGISTERED<br />

LONDON-FROM DENMARK´ da tes tamp in red (Sept 16th). Few small faults<br />

but a very scar ce and at trac ti ve co ver. Scott 16,18.<br />

350 €<br />

207<br />

1861 (Nov 19). Co ver to LAURVIG with re mar ka ble fran king of three pairs (two<br />

are ver ti cal pairs) of 1858-62 wavy span drels 4 sk. brown all tied by nu me ral 24<br />

hand stamps in black with HELSINGÖR des patch cds be low and SVINESUND cds<br />

(Nov 22). Scott 7.<br />

400 €<br />


1862. Co ver used to BORDEAUX sho wing a stri ke of the ´ PAID/AT/ST<br />

THOMAS/CROWN´ hs in red (SGCC 1) sup por ted by the dou ble arc ST<br />

THOMAS cds on the re ver se, sho wing the NDON LONDON tran sit cds & ma -<br />

nuscript charge ´4/8´.<br />

200 €<br />

208<br />

(1863 CA.). Co ver to BOGENSE fran ked by rou let ted 1863 4 sk. brown tied by<br />

bold stri ke of 221 nu me ral with su perb FELTPOST Nº1 cds along si de. Very rare<br />

and fine Mi li tary co ver. Sc 9.<br />

325 €<br />

212<br />

1879. ST. THOMAS a FRANCIA. Car ta cir cu la da por el co rreo fran cés.<br />

Marcas T de Tasa y fe cha dor da nes de ST. THOMAS. MAGNIFICA.<br />

200 €<br />



213<br />

1883 (Oct 27). 2c. blue postal stationery <strong>en</strong>velope to LIVERPOOL cancelled by<br />

two stri kes of ST. THOMAS cds´s in black; fine stri ke of oc ta go nal Pa que bot ST.<br />

THOMAS-PAQ. FR. B. No.1 (Sa lles 1444). A fine and scar ce usa ge.<br />

300 €<br />

217<br />

1892. Reply card: re turn half of Ger man 10 pf. reply s<strong>en</strong>t back to Ham burg<br />

in Ger many with CORREOS/DOMINICANA cds´s (15 Aug) with Fr<strong>en</strong>ch pa -<br />

que bot tran sit and arri val cds (4 Sep) along si de.<br />

200 €<br />

214<br />

1891. ST. THOMAS a ITALIA. 10 c<strong>en</strong>ts. cas ta ño y gris ta sa do a la lle ga da con<br />

sellos italianos de 5 cts. y 10 cts. (2). Diversas reexpediciones. MAGNIFICA.<br />

300 €<br />

218<br />

1895 (July 18). 3c. blue pos tal sta tio nery card writ t<strong>en</strong> from S.P. de Ma co ris<br />

with oval s<strong>en</strong> ders´ ca chet in blue; fran ked by USA Grant 5c. brown tied by<br />

New York du plex (Aug 2) and mai led on to Bre m<strong>en</strong> (Aug 12). A scar ce and ap -<br />

pealing usage.<br />

300 €<br />


1879 (17-Ju nio). PUERTO PLATA a NEW YORK. Ma nus cri to ´por San to Do -<br />

mingo´, tasada a la llegada con 5 c<strong>en</strong>t.<br />

200 €<br />

219<br />

1898 (Sept 4). 3c. deep blue pos tal sta tio nery card used to LUBECK can -<br />

celled with date in ma nus cript and by Ger man West India Line HESPERIA<br />

hand stamp in pur ple, fine stri ke of AUS WESTINDIEN-P.HAMBURG<br />

DAMPFER-ÜBER CÖLN cds be low. Lubeck arri val cds at left (Sept 23). Rare<br />

and very fine usa ge, only a few cards known to tra vel by Ger man Pa que bot.<br />

450 €<br />

216<br />

1885. Pos tal sta tio nery from Do mi ni can Re pu blic Puer to Pla ta May 18, 1885 via<br />

Da nish post Offi ce at St. Tho mas 25.5 and for war ded via the Fr<strong>en</strong>ch Post Offi ce at<br />

St. Tho mas May 29 via St. Na zai re to hei del berg in Ger many. Red Fr<strong>en</strong>ch ST.<br />

THOMAS PAQ. FR. B. No 2 May 29, 1885 and ca rried to Eu ro pe by the Vera Cruz<br />

pac ket ´Vi lle de Bor deaux´ which left Vera Cruz May 19th and arri ved in St. Na zai re<br />

June 12, 1885.<br />

350 €<br />

220 ECUADOR<br />

1789 (22 Ju nio). PILLARO a QUITO. Car ta com ple ta con tex to do bla da<br />

con esquina <strong>en</strong> ángulo (orig<strong>en</strong> MASONICO). Circulada privadam<strong>en</strong>te. Rara y<br />

muy antigua carta.<br />

150 €<br />



221<br />

1837 (9 Abril). GUAYAQUIL a LIMA. Car ta <strong>en</strong> ca mi na da has ta el Puer to de Ca llao<br />

donde fué depositada al correo peruano pagando el porte de 4 reales. Marcas<br />

CALLAO y FRANCA am bas <strong>en</strong> ne gro.<br />

100 €<br />

225<br />

1876 (Oct 24). Enti re let ter to NEW YORK from GUAYAQUIL fran ked by<br />

single 1872 1/2 r. ul tra ma ri ne tied by black cork can cel with blue<br />

GUAYAQUIL-FRANCA cds along si de. NEW YORK-PAID ALL cds in red on<br />

re ver se of very scar ce <strong>en</strong> ti re. Scott 9.<br />

400 €<br />

222<br />

Sc.2 (2). 1868 (8 Ene ro). GUAYAQUIL a TRUJILLO (Ecua dor). 1 real ver de (2)<br />

ta sa da con ´10´ c<strong>en</strong> ta vos para el por te in ter no pe rua no. Ra ras las car tas de Ecua dor<br />

a una des ti na ción que no sea Lima.<br />

250 €<br />

226<br />

Yv.12. 1883. GUAYAQUIL a ALEMANIA. 20 ctvos. azul violeta bisectado<br />

para ser usa do como 10 ctvos. Muy raro bi sec ta do <strong>en</strong> car ta al ex te rior.<br />

125 €<br />

223<br />

Sc.3 (2). 1869 (8 Di ciem bre). GUAYAQUIL a AREQUIPA (Perú). 1 real ama ri llo<br />

(2) ta sa da con ´10´ c<strong>en</strong> ta vos para el pago del por te in ter no pe rua no. Ra ras las car tas<br />

de Ecua dor a una des ti na ción que no sea Lima.<br />

250 €<br />

227 EGYPT<br />

1856. CAIRO a COLN (Ale ma nia). Fe cha dor de la ag<strong>en</strong> cia aus tría ca de<br />

ALEXANDRIEN cir cu la da via Tries te. Tasa de 6 1/4 kreu ser.<br />

275 €<br />

224<br />

1869 (Nov 8). Co ver front from Gua ya quil to Val pa rai so (a sur pri singly scar ce<br />

des ti na tion for first is sue mail) bea ring two pairs of 1865-72 1r. oran ge-ye llow tied by<br />

Guayaquil cds´s in blue. Scott 4. Opi nion Hol com be.<br />

200 €<br />

228<br />

1861 (Feb 7). Enve lo pe pre paid to USA can ce lled by Crown ´PAID AT<br />

CAIRO´ in red along si de Cai ro Bri tish P.O. cds. Pre paid 1/8d. in ma nus cript<br />

and th<strong>en</strong> ce via Lon don (Feb 20) in red. Crown Paid can cel so mew hat<br />

over-struck by Ame ri can ´5´ c<strong>en</strong>ts due mark. Boston cds (march 9) on re ver -<br />

se. Enve lo pe with small tear but very scar ce. SG CC2.<br />

500 €<br />



229<br />

1864 (Jan 8). Enti re let ter from BENHA ABUSIR to ZURICH (Swit zer land) with<br />

Com pany ca chet on front and re ver se with fine stri ke of oval For war ding Ag<strong>en</strong>t´s ca -<br />

chet FERDINAND KREBSER & CIE./ALEXANDRIE in blue. Th<strong>en</strong> ce via Aus trian<br />

P.O. in Ale xan dria with cds in black (10/1). Re ver se with Vi<strong>en</strong>na, Winterthur and<br />

Zurich cds´s.<br />

200 €<br />

233<br />

1870. Enti re let ter to USA fran ked by GB 4 d. ver mi lion pla te 11 and 6 d.<br />

mau ve pla te 8 tied by BO1 obliterators with ALEXANDRIA cds in black.<br />

LONDON red tran sit and char ged 2 C<strong>en</strong>ts. for lo cal de li very on arri val. Scar ce<br />

and fine. SG 95,103.<br />

400 €<br />

230<br />

1864. Enti re let ter to ZURICH from CAIRO with Com pany ca chet in blue, Aus -<br />

trian PO at ALEXANDRIA lar ge type ALEXANDRIEN cds in black, VIENNA tran sit<br />

and three Swiss cds on re ver se.<br />

175 €<br />

234<br />

Sg.15. 1870 (April 22). Co ver from SMYRNE to CONSTANTINOPLE with<br />

ad dress writ t<strong>en</strong> in Arme nian fran ked by 1867 2pi. blue tied by POSTE<br />

VICE-REALI EGIZIANE - SMIRNA da tes tamp in black. Re ver se, flap mis -<br />

sing, with lar ge part Costantinopoli arri val cds (Aug 25). Rare.<br />

500 €<br />

231<br />

1866 (Sept.). Small co ver s<strong>en</strong>t pro bably from ALEXANDRIA with egy ptian 1<br />

piastre li lac and fr<strong>en</strong>ch 10 cts. bis tre block of four (one mar gin cut with scis sors).<br />

The co ver was s<strong>en</strong>t di rectly to the fr<strong>en</strong>ch ship and tied on arri val at Marselle with<br />

2240 dots grill. On front PAQUEBOTS/DE LA/MEDITERRANEE in red and arri val<br />

can cels on back. Very rare com bi na tion, pro bably uni que known. Sig ned Cal ves<br />

and cert. G. OLIVA.<br />

2.500 €<br />

235<br />

Sg.14. 1871 (May 21). Co ver from VENICE (Italy) to CAIRO fran ked by<br />

Italy 1863 40c. rose red for pre-pay m<strong>en</strong>t to Ale xan dria; Egypt 1867 1pi. red<br />

ap plied and tied by POSTE EGIZIANE-ALESSANDRIA cds for in ter nal rate to<br />

Cairo. Imperfections but scarce.<br />

250 €<br />

232<br />

Sg.14. 1869 (Dec. 28). Co ver from CONSTANTINOPLE to SMYRNE mai led<br />

from Egyptian Con su lar Offi ce with 1867 1pi. red tied by fine POSTE VICE-REALI<br />

EGIZIANE - COSTANTINOPOLI da tes tamp struck in blue (rare). Furt her stri ke<br />

along si de at left and re ver se with POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE - SMIRNE arri val<br />

da tes tamp (Dec 31) in black. A de ligh tful and very rare co ver.<br />

1.500 €<br />

236<br />

Sg.14. 1871 (Oct. 14). Enti re let ter from CHIOS to CONSTANTINOPLE<br />

fran ked by 1867 1pi. red tied by bold V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE - SCIO da tes -<br />

tamp in black, the re ver se with V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE - COSTANTINOPOLI<br />

arri val (Oct 20). A rare and very fine <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

800 €<br />



237<br />

1873 (8 Dec.). Enti re let ter ad dres sed to FLORENCE bea ring 1863-65 40 c. rose<br />

(pair and sin gle) with 234 in lo z<strong>en</strong> ge of dots can ce lla tions and with ALESSANDRIA<br />

D´EGIPTO/POSTE ITALIANE datestamp alongside, arrival datestamp on reverse.<br />

Fine.<br />

250 €<br />

241<br />

1885. PORT SAID a FRANCIA. So bre con el tex to cir cu la do con Fran qui -<br />

cia, es cri to a bor de de ´Eclai reur´. Mar ca <strong>en</strong> un re cua dro CORR./DES<br />

ARMEES y fe cha dor ESCADRE DE LA MEDITE/MARSEILLE. (Sa lles 246).<br />

RARO.<br />

200 €<br />

238<br />

Sg.31. 1874 (July 13). Co ver fran ked by 1872 typo grap hed 1pi. red (2 exam -<br />

ples), neatly tied by sha red V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE - SMIRNE da tes tamp in black,<br />

with re pea ted stri ke on re ver se of <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe. Fresh and fine, a scar ce Con su lar usa -<br />

ge.<br />

700 €<br />

242<br />

1889 (Jan 14). Egypt 5 m. rose car mi ne pos tal sta tio nery card used to<br />

CASSEL, Ger many from ALEXANDRIA and writ t<strong>en</strong> on board P&O Stea mer<br />

which stop ped at Brin di si on rou te, whe re was can ce lled by su perb stri ke of<br />

ita lic PIROSCAFI POSTALI-INGLESI two line hand stamp in black. Scar ce<br />

and fine usa ge.<br />

600 €<br />

239<br />

Sg.39. 1877 (Feb. 11). Re gis te red co ver to CAIRO fran ked by 1874 2pi. ye llow in<br />

a ho ri zon tal pair tied by POSTE KHEDEVIE EGIZIANE - MINUF cds with re pea ted<br />

stri ke abo ve and fra med RACCOMANDATO registration cachet. Reverse with Cai -<br />

ro arri val cds. Rare and ex tre mely at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

300 €<br />

243<br />

Sg.172. 1898 (Nov 20). Soldier´s Concessionary rate cover to<br />

MANCHESTER, fran ked by Great Bri tain 1d. li lac tied by Egyptian PORT<br />

SAID cds. Straight line PLEINE MER at right and co ver coun ter-sig ned by<br />

Com man ding Offi cer of 12th Field Bat tery of the Ro yal Arti llery at left. Some<br />

ageing but a scar ce co ver-pre su mably from a gun ner on the way to Cre te, or<br />

on re turn from Omdur man.<br />

150 €<br />

240<br />

Sg.36+38. 1877 (Dec. 1). Enti re let ter from CAIRO to TRIESTE fran ked by<br />

1874-75 Bu laq 10pa. grey ho ri zon tal pair and 1pi. red tied by POSTE EGIZIANE -<br />

CAIRO cds´s in black with re pea ted stri ke at left. Re ver se with Brindisi (Dec 5) cds<br />

and oval Triest arri val (Dec 7). Fresh and very at trac ti ve <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

150 €<br />

244 ETHIOPIA<br />

1929 (26-XII). ADDIS to NEW YORK. FIRST FLIGHT. Fran ked by type 3<br />

mi xed co lours overp. one with part of hand stamp on the co ver, with New York<br />

arri val on back. RARE flight to over seas des ti na tion. (Mu. 2).<br />

150 €<br />



245<br />

1929 (29-XII). ADDIS to DIRE DAOUA. FIRST FLIGHT. Fran ked by type 2 red,<br />

blue and vio let over prin ted, arri val cds on back. (Mu. 2).<br />

100 €<br />

249 FRANCE<br />

1695 (July). Prin ted Enti re let ter from ´Camp Wal dorff´ with mss rate 4 and<br />

´De L´Armee s´Alle mag ne´ ma nus cript at top of let ter. A rare item from the<br />

Cam paign against Wi lliam III, mai led just be fo re Fran ce lost Na mur, Bel gium.<br />

The Treaty of Ryswick ta king pla ce in Sep tem ber 1697, the War of Spa nish<br />

Suc ces sion brea king out in 1701.<br />

600 €<br />

246<br />

1930 (24-III). ADDIS to LONDON. UNRECORDED FLIGHT. Fran ked by type 3<br />

mi xed co lours over prin ted with arri val cds on back. Not lis ted in Mu ller and N. Cape.<br />

RARE.<br />

200 €<br />

250<br />


BARCELONA a FRANCIA. Car ta de un sol da do fran cés del Ejér ci to del Ma -<br />

ris cal Ber wick es cri ta des pués de la con quis ta de Bar ce lo na <strong>en</strong> 1714. Mar ca<br />

DE L.ARM. DE CATALOGNE y por te de ´10´ (sous). MAGNÍFICA Y<br />


1.200 €<br />

247<br />

1930 (24-III). ADDIS to LONDON. UNRECORDED FLIGHT. Fran ked by type 3<br />

mi xed co lours over prin ted with arri val cds on back. Not lis ted in Mu ller and N. Cape.<br />

RARE.<br />

200 €<br />

251<br />

1735 (15 Ju nio). GUERRA DE SUCESIÓN DE POLONIA (1733-38).<br />

CAMPAÑA DE ALEMANIA. Car ta com ple ta fe cha da <strong>en</strong> VUDENHEIM y di ri -<br />

gi da a FRANCIA. Mar ca li neal CAMP DE BELLEISLE (Le nain Camp 14).<br />


850 €<br />

248<br />

1931 (16-III). ADDIS to GERMANY. UNRECORDED FLIGHT. Fran ked by type 2<br />

and 3 mi xed co lours over prin ted, with cds arri val on back. Not lis ted in Mu ller and N.<br />

Cape. RARE.<br />

200 €<br />

252<br />


MENORCA. Car ta com ple ta fe cha da <strong>en</strong> MAHÓN y di ri gi da a FRANCIA. Mar -<br />


1.700 €<br />



256<br />

1853 (April 7). Enti re let ter at dou ble rate from JARNAC to NEW<br />

ORLEANS (USA) with rare mi xed is sue fran king of 1849 1fr. carmine (2) and<br />

1853 10c. bis tre brown and 25c. blue (2) all tied by 1572 pe tit chif fres. Re ver se<br />

with Paris tran sit cds and ob ver se with BOSTON BR.PKT.-5 datestamp.<br />

Slight faults but an ex traor di nary and rare fran king. Sig ned Cal ves. Cer ti fi ca te<br />

SCHELLER. Ce res 6,9,10.<br />

1.500 €<br />

253<br />

1812 (Ene ro). Car ta <strong>en</strong> via da al Ci ru ja no Pie rre Hu guet a CIUDAD RODRIGO.<br />

Mar ca de ori g<strong>en</strong> Nº 7 / ARM. FRANCAISE / EN ESPAGNE. Manuscrito <strong>en</strong> negro y<br />

mar ca <strong>en</strong> rojo PRISIONNIER ´516´ (nº de re gis tro). Al dor so mar ca DEB. BAU GAL<br />

/ ARM. DE PORTUGAL <strong>en</strong> ne gro (muy de bil) y <strong>en</strong> ci ma DEB. BAU SEDENTAIRE /<br />

ARM. DE PORTUGAL <strong>en</strong> rojo y ma nus cri to ´Re buts de Juin 1812´. Por te de ´6´ de -<br />

ci mas. La car ta no <strong>en</strong> con tro al des ti na ta rio y se le es tam po el De bour se de la Armee<br />

de Portugal de donde dep<strong>en</strong>dia Ciudad Rodrigo e indico la razon ´Prisionero´. La<br />

carta finalm<strong>en</strong>te se <strong>en</strong>vio al Bureau Sed<strong>en</strong>taire qui<strong>en</strong> la conservó unos meses an -<br />

tes de de vol ver la a Pa ris. Pie za ex cep cio nal y UNICA CONOCIDA. Se tra ta pro ba -<br />

ble m<strong>en</strong> te de la pie za mas im por tan te de los Ejercitos Franceses <strong>en</strong> España.<br />

2.000 €<br />

257<br />

Ce.14. 1855 (May 13). CRIMEAN WAR. Co ver to PARIS fran ked by Fran -<br />

ce 1853 20c. blue, four mar gins, tied by AOQG lo z<strong>en</strong> ge of dots with co rres -<br />

ponding ARMEE D´ORIENT-QUART.R GAL. da tes tamp in black. Re ver se<br />

with INTENDANCE MILITAIRE ea gle ca chet on re ver se with arri val cds (May<br />

25). Rare and very fine co ver.<br />

350 €<br />

254<br />

1846 (May 27). Entire letter to GENOA with provisional manuscript cancellation<br />

´Nizza´ to indicate prov<strong>en</strong>ance and red three line VIA-DI MARE-(I) (Inter no) hand -<br />

stamp of re ceipt, char ged ´10´ de ci mes. Unu sual <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

100 €<br />

258<br />

1856 (Feb 14). Enti re let ter from LE HAVRE to VALPARAISO, Chi le fran -<br />

ked by 1853 10c. bis tre, 40c. oran ge and 80c. carmine (horizontal pair).<br />

Endorsed ´par Stea mer des Anti lles La Pla ta´ with fra med red ´P.P.´ and fra -<br />

med ´FOREIGN PAID´ in blue. Re ver se with SOUTHAMPTON tran sit cds in<br />

blue. A scar ce three co lour fran king. Ce res 13,16,17.<br />

400 €<br />

255<br />

Ce.3. 1849 (Dec. 9). Enti re let ter from POMPIDOU to WINNENDEN (near Stutt -<br />

gart, Wurt tem berg), fran ked by first is sue 1849 20c. black, just tou ched at lo wer left<br />

cor ner, tied by Grill can ce lla tion in black. A rare usa ge of the first is sue mai led to an<br />

ad dress abroad, ta xed on re ceipt at 17 kreu zer in red cra yon-no re duc tion for the in -<br />

ternal postage having be<strong>en</strong> pair. A rare <strong>en</strong>tire. Certificates BRUN, SCHELLER.<br />

1.600 €<br />

259<br />

∆ Yv.14A. 1858 (6 Fe bre ro). 20 cts. azul bi sec ta do para ser usa do como 10<br />

cts. con dos se llos de 20 cts. com ple tan do un fran queo de 50 cén ti mos, mat.<br />

de PUNTOS 1896 y fe cha dor de MARSEILLE. Prov<strong>en</strong>i<strong>en</strong>te de una carta pro -<br />

bablem<strong>en</strong>te dirigida a alguna destinación <strong>en</strong> el Levante francés. Rarísimo<br />

franqueo, probablem<strong>en</strong>te ÚNICO sello bisectado conocido destinado al exterior.<br />

Cert. P. SCHELLER.<br />

1.000 €<br />



260<br />

Ce.22, 23, 24. 1863 (July 9). Three co lour fran king co ver from PARIS to<br />

MADRID bea ring 1862 20c. blue, 40c. oran ge and pair of 80c. car mi ne all tied in<br />

black. Paris des patch cds at left and both Irun tran sit in red and Ma drid arri val cds<br />

(July 11) on re ver se of an at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

200 €<br />

264<br />

1867. Enve lo pe to Lyon fran ked 20c. tied by dia mond gri lle can cel with<br />

´Bri ga de Fran cais * Ita lie´ datestamp in association.<br />

175 €<br />

261<br />

1864. PARIS a LIMA. 20 cts. azul (6), ta ri fa de 1,20 Fr. por la vía in gle sa, mar ca<br />

<strong>en</strong> el an ver so CONDUCCION/DEL CARTERO/GRATIS y lle ga da al dor so. Mag ní -<br />

fi co fran queo a base de se llos de 20 cts. solam<strong>en</strong>te.<br />

300 €<br />

265<br />

Ce.29. 1869 (Aug 14). Enti re let ter from ST. MALO to LONDON fran ked by<br />

1863-70 20c. blue pair tied by unu sual thick stro ked ink cancellation on<br />

board Steamer. Superb octagonal framed SOUTHAMPTON-FRANCE-MB<br />

datestamp in black alongside. London arri val cds on re ver se of a rare co ver.<br />

Signed Calves.<br />

600 €<br />

262<br />

1861 (Sept 23). Mour ning co ver to Lon don, read dres sed to Port smouth, fran ked<br />

by Fran ce 1853 40c. oran ge (2), pos ted on board the Chan nel Stea mer and can ce -<br />

lled on arri val with the FOLKESTONE du plex with faint ´Folkestone-M.B.´ at left in<br />

red. Read dres sed from Lon don (whe re ad he si ves were can ce lled again) to H.M.S.<br />

Wa rrior at Port smouth. (It is in te res ting to note that H.M.S. Wa rrior, built in 1860, is<br />

still on dis play at Port smouth dock yard).<br />

600 €<br />

266<br />

1869. MARSELLA a TUNIS. 20 cts. azul (2) y se llo ita lia no de 40 cts. rosa<br />

con mat. rom bo de pun tos 2240 de Mar se lla. Mar ca APRES/LE/DEPART.<br />

Manuscrito ´Via Livourne et Cagliari´. RARA combinación de franqueo. Cert.<br />

P. SCHELLER.<br />

1.500 €<br />

263<br />

Ce.22. 1867 (Jan 24). De ligh tful small <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe to SITTINGBOURNE (K<strong>en</strong>t)<br />

fran ked by 1862 20c.blue pair tied by bold strkes of FOLKESTONE-303 sideways<br />

du plex in black. Re ver se with Sittingbourne arri val cds (25/8). A fresh and rare<br />

Mailboat cover. Signed Calves.<br />

650 €<br />

267<br />

1870. Bor deaux 30 c. deep brown and Siè ge 10 c. bis tre used on un der -<br />

paid 1871 <strong>en</strong> ti re let ter via Lon don (Sept 27) to NEW ORLEANS, USA; tied by<br />

ROUBAIX gros chif fres. Under paid for this rou ting with fra med<br />

AFFRANCHISEMENT/INSUFFISANT in red and rare usa ge on a stam ped<br />

co ver of fra med *FR*/2F ACCOUNTANCY hand stamp (Van Der Lin d<strong>en</strong> fig.<br />

1262) struck in black. On arri val NEW YORK/U.S. NOTES/18 ap plied in black<br />

(Oct. 12). Some scuffs and ageing but a rare <strong>en</strong> ti re. Cert. CALVES (1981).<br />

500 €<br />



268<br />

1870 (Nov. 4). Enti re let ter on prin ted LÉGION DES AMIS DE LA FRANCE no te -<br />

pa per of the Inter na tio nal Army (a si mi lar Army to that rai sed in the Spa nish Ci vil<br />

War as the Inter na tio nal Bri ga des, with fo reign Troops figh ting as a unit against the<br />

Prus sian), mai led wit hin Pa ris and writ t<strong>en</strong> by the Com man der of the Le gion (Ge ne -<br />

ral Van de Meer, a Bel gian and for mer Mi nis ter of War un der King Leo pold) to Ch.<br />

Lind berg; struck on in si de and out si de of <strong>en</strong> ti re with cir cu lar LÉGION DES AMIS DE<br />

LA FRANCE in red and by PLACE DE LA BOURSE cds and fra med P.P. in black.<br />

An ex tre mely rare and fine <strong>en</strong>tire.<br />

1.200 €<br />

272<br />

1873. Entire to Caracas, V<strong>en</strong>ezuela, franked 5c, 15c. + 80c. Ce res tied by<br />

numeral cancel of Bordeaux. Obver se also bears Lon don tran sit and<br />

handstruck ´2´ c<strong>en</strong>ts lo cal char ge. Attrac ti ve 3-co lour fran king.<br />

250 €<br />

273<br />

Yv.38. 1874. MARSELLA a NAPOLES. 40 cts. naranja, mat. COI<br />

POSTALI FRANCESI (Sa lles 698).<br />

150 €<br />

269<br />

1871 (Sept 3). Co ver to Pa ris at newly in tro du ced (Sept 1st) 25 c<strong>en</strong> ti me rate bea -<br />

ring rare mixed issue ´affranchisem<strong>en</strong>t composé´ 1867 1c. oli ve gre<strong>en</strong>, Bor deaux<br />

1871 im perf. 4c. grey and 1870 Siè ge 20c. blue tied by 4170 gros chif fres. A very<br />

rare fran king. Ce res 25,37,41.<br />

300 €<br />

270<br />

Yv.59. 1872. CAHORS a GRASSE. 15 cts. bis tres y se llo Fis cal de ´Qui tan ces<br />

Recus´ de 10 cts. y com ple tar el fran queo de 25 cts. Ra rí si ma com bi na ción de fran -<br />

queo <strong>en</strong> car ta sin ta sar. F.CALVES.<br />

1.200 €<br />

274<br />

1874 (April 6). Re gis te red Va lue De cla red co ver (for 5960 francs) used to<br />

ORLEANS bearing remarkable usage of Siège 40c. oran ge and lar ge fi gu res<br />

1872 80c. car mi ne (16 exam ples) all tied by ´2094´ gros chif fres of Lou don.<br />

Small im per fec tions but a re mar ka ble and very rare 13 franc 20 c<strong>en</strong> ti me fran -<br />

king. Ce res 38, 57.<br />

350 €<br />

271<br />

1873. Enve lo pe to Bos ton, USA, fran ked 15c., 25c. & 40c.(2) Ce res tied by 2656<br />

gros chif fres of Nice. Obver se also bears London tran sit and arri val cds.<br />

120 €<br />

275<br />

Yv.38, 57. 1875. MARSELLA a BARCELONA (Espa ña). 40 cts. naranja y<br />

80 cts. rosa, mat. a la lle ga da ADMON. DE CAMBIO/BARCELONA/009.<br />

Fran queo de tres por tes. MAGNÍFICA.<br />

250 €<br />



276<br />

1880. Co ver to ROSARIO DE SANT FE fran ked by Co lo nies Pea ce & Com mer -<br />

ce im perf 2 x 35 c. pur ple on ye llow of 1878 tied by BORDEAUX des patch cds´s with<br />

ROSARIO arri val and cir cu lar LIGNE J-PAQ.FR Nº 1 on re ver se. Scar ce ´home´<br />

usa ge. Sc 36.<br />

750 €<br />

280<br />

Ce.114. 1901. Co ver to SISSAK (Hun gary) fran ked by Mou chon 1900 25c.<br />

blue tied by two line ita lic ADRIA / UNGHERESE Ship´s Pur ser´s mar king in<br />

blue with PAQUEBOT. handstamp alongside in violet. Le Hav re cds in black<br />

(Aug 8) and re ver se with arri val cds. Scar ce and most at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

100 €<br />

277<br />

1881(Aug 30). ´La Compagnie Singer-Machines A Coudre´ illustrated adverti<br />

sing co ver s<strong>en</strong>t re gis te red to Nancy with Type Sage 30c cinnamon and 10c black<br />

on gre<strong>en</strong> pos tal sta tio nery cut-out lo cally mai led. Se wing Ma chi ne Tra de Mark at<br />

left. A fine and early co ver.<br />

150 €<br />

281<br />

* Yv.A 3/4. 1928. SERIE COMPLETA. MAGNIFICA. Cert. CALVES.<br />

3.000 €<br />

278<br />

Ce.75, 85, 89. 1898. Co ver to BRINDISI (<strong>en</strong> ve lo pe with Adria logo in blue on re -<br />

ver se), fran ked by Type Sage 2c. brown on ye llow (sin gle and in ter-pane block of<br />

four), 5c. gre<strong>en</strong> and 10c. black on la v<strong>en</strong> der all tied by ba rred M.K.A. obliterator<br />

(Mag yar Ki ral yi Adria) in blue. PAQUEBOT. hand stamp in vio let be low and<br />

KOKOTOBEN straight line at left. Brin di si (29/6) arri val on re ver se of a fine co ver.<br />

200 €<br />


1871. STRASSBURG a PADERBORN. Car ta cer ti fi ca da con se llos de<br />

Alsacia-Lor<strong>en</strong>a de 10 cts. castaño claro, 20 cts. azul y 25 cts. castaño (2).<br />

Precioso y raro franqueo tricolor.<br />

1.400 €<br />

279<br />

1900. Fran ce Type Sage 5c. pale gre<strong>en</strong>, mar gi nal exam ple, used on co ver from<br />

TRIESTE to VIENNA with ad he si ve tied by TRIEST cds and PAQUEBOT. hand -<br />

stamp in blue. Straight line S.S.PETOFI ca chet in black at left and re ver se with<br />

Vi<strong>en</strong>na arri val cds. A fine and at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

100 €<br />

283 ALGERIA<br />

1789. PERIODO ESPAÑOL. ORAN a BARCELONA. Mar ca li neal ORAN<br />

<strong>en</strong> rojo y ta ri fa ma nus cri ta ´12´ rea les. MUY RARA.<br />

500 €<br />



284<br />

1833 (15 Jul.). Fol ded let ter from ALGERIA, s<strong>en</strong>t to PARIS and re di rec ted to<br />

CORSICA. Front shows very fine ´A/ARMEE EXPED´E/D´AFRIQUE/P.P. ca chet of<br />

Mi li tary Post Offi ce, red oval AED hand stamp, plus cur si ve PURIFIE A TOULON<br />

de sin fec tion ca chet in red. Re ver se bears fine red DEBOURSES/CHAMBRE<br />

DEPUTES. Des pi te mi nor faults, a very rare de sin fec tion Armée Port Pa yée let ter<br />

with ´Bureaux Spéciaux´ Déboursé marking.<br />

450 €<br />

288 BENIN<br />

1901. 15c. postal stationery <strong>en</strong>velope uprated 5c. & 30c. ´Sage´, re gis te -<br />

red to Mu nich and can ce lled in tran sit at Por to Novo, Daho mey. Obver se also<br />

bears London tran sit date stamp.<br />

180 €<br />

285<br />

1852. Envuel ta di ri gi da a MARSELLA con se llo fran cés de 25 cts. azul (Yv. 4),<br />

<strong>en</strong>tregado directam<strong>en</strong>te al barco y anulado a pluma a bordo. A la llegada fechador<br />

ALGER/MARSEILLE. Espectacular y única conocida. Cert. ROUMET.<br />

700 €<br />

289 CAMEROON<br />

1916. Registered and charged france bearing 5 c grey and gre<strong>en</strong> (2), 10 c<br />

red, 25 c blue and brown and 35 c vio let and gre<strong>en</strong> (Yvert 41, 42,44,46) tied by<br />

DUALA (KAMERUN) da tes tamp in vio let with bo xed hand-struck<br />

REGISTERED and bo xed CHARGE with arri val in NICE on reverse. Superb<br />

item of mail from the Fr<strong>en</strong>ch Occu pa tion of Ca me roons. The first Char ge co -<br />

ver recorded.<br />

450 €<br />

286<br />

1872. ARGELIA a MARSELLA. Envuel ta de car ta fe cha da <strong>en</strong> St. Lu ci<strong>en</strong> (ac tual -<br />

m<strong>en</strong>te ZAHANA) y despositada directam<strong>en</strong>te a un buque español con franqueo de<br />

50 mils. azul (3) ma ta se lla do a la lle ga da a Mar se lla con 2240 <strong>en</strong> el fr<strong>en</strong> te fe cha dor<br />

ORAN/BATEAU A. VAP. <strong>en</strong> ne gro y de lle ga da a Mar se lla <strong>en</strong> rojo. Excep cio nal, pri -<br />

mera carta que hemos visto circulada desde Argelia con sellos españoles.<br />

1.500 €<br />

290<br />

1924. Internal mail <strong>en</strong>velope bearing Fr<strong>en</strong>ch G<strong>en</strong>eral Colony Postage<br />

dues 10 c<strong>en</strong>ts brown (strip of five) (Yvert 19) tied by DUALA CAMEROUN da -<br />

tes tamp ad dres sed to TABOUREL. Very rare item of pos ta ge due mail using<br />

the stamps to pay the pos ta ge.<br />

350 €<br />

287<br />

1876 (Feb. 15). Co ver to SIDI BEL ABBES fran ked by ORAN POSTAL<br />

FORGERY 25c. blue (imi ta tion of Ce res 60), left un-can ce lled with ma nus cript ´Loi<br />

du 16 Octo bre 1849´ and ta xed with ma nus cript ´4´ decimes charge alongside<br />

Oran cds. A great ra rity. Cer ti fi ca te ROUMET (2012).<br />

2.800 €<br />

291 CHINA<br />

1907. Co ver bea ring YUNNAN-FOU 0.4 c./ 1 c., 0.8 c./ 2 c., 2 c./ 5 c., 1.6<br />

c./ 4 c. (Sc 17-20) and ´Chi ne´ 1.6 c./ 4 c., 4 c./ 10 c. (Sc 20, 22) tied by<br />

YUNNAN-FOU MAR 4 cds to PARIS, with arri val cds on front. Nice fran king.<br />

150 €<br />



292<br />

1907. Military mail picture postcard bearing France F.M. 15 c<strong>en</strong>t gre<strong>en</strong> (Yvert 3)<br />

overprinted F.M. (Fr<strong>en</strong>ch Mi li tary) tied by PEKIN CHINE dou ble ring ad dres sed to<br />

the Fr<strong>en</strong>ch Le ga tion Co lo nial Infantry Pe king. Su perb item.<br />

100 €<br />

296<br />

1935. Inco ming mail from Saar bea ring 25 c deep blue (SG 179) and 40 c<br />

brown (SG 181) tied by HOMBURG datestamp, underpaid with boxed TAX<br />

handstamp and bearing Oubangui-Chari postage dues 5 c blue (Yvert 1), 50 c<br />

li lac (Yvert 7) and 1 f li lac brown (Yvert 9) ap plied and tied on arri val by<br />

OUBANGUI da tes tamp. Very scar ce item of pos ta ge due mail.<br />

120 €<br />

293<br />

1908. Reg. co ver bea ring TCHONG-KING 40 c./1 f., $ 2/5 f. & $ 4/10 f. (Sc 30,<br />

32, 33) tied by TCHONG-KING DEC 16 cds to PARIS. HAN-KEOU (Han kow) tran -<br />

sit on front and PARIS arri val on re ver se. Rare stamps on co ver.<br />

250 €<br />


Yv.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1894. Registered <strong>en</strong>velope to SILESIE bearing (Yv.1) 5 c.<br />

gre<strong>en</strong> (2) (one with fault), (Yv. 2) 25 on 2 c. brown, (Yv. 3) 50 on 1 c.<br />

black/blue, (Yv. 4) 1 f. on 5 f. car mi ne and (Yv. 5) 5 f. car mi ne tied by<br />

DJIBOUTI POSTES datestamp with boxed handstruck registered, routed via<br />

Obock s<strong>en</strong>t by Fr<strong>en</strong>ch pa que bot with oc ta go nal LE REUNION A MARSEILLE<br />

datestamp and LANDESHUT arri val on re ver se. A rare fran king on co ver with<br />

stamps. (Cat. 3.200 € for used stamps).<br />

1.500 €<br />

294 FRENCH CONGO<br />

1901. Registered <strong>en</strong>velope to France bearing 5 c<strong>en</strong>t gre<strong>en</strong> (Yvert 15), 30 c<strong>en</strong>t<br />

brown (Yvert 20) and 50 c<strong>en</strong>t rose (pair) (Yvert 22) tied by BRAZZAVILLE CONGO<br />

FRANCAISE dou ble ring with bo xed re gis te red s<strong>en</strong>t by Fr<strong>en</strong>ch pa que bot LOANGO<br />

A BORDEAUX with PARIS arri val. Very fine item.<br />

120 €<br />

298 DAHOMEY<br />

1905. Re gis te red pic tu re post card of ´Toua reg Wo man´ ad dres sed to Ger -<br />

many bea ring Golf de Be nin 20 c ye llow/gre<strong>en</strong> (Yvert 26) mi xed with Daho mey<br />

10 c rose (pair) (Yvert 2) tied by QUIDAH dou ble ring with bo xed re gis te red<br />

routed via AGOUE with HANOVER arri val. Scar ce use of re gis te red post<br />

card.<br />

120 €<br />

295<br />

Sc.35, 38 var. 1932 (Sept.). Co ver to ARACHON (Fran ce) bea ring 1924-30 30c.<br />

grey & vio let and dia go nally bi sec ted 40c. oli ve gre<strong>en</strong> & brown tied by MOSSAKA<br />

cds with large circular cachet alongside and manuscript d<strong>en</strong>oting the defici<strong>en</strong>cy of<br />

adhesives at the Office. Brazza vi lle tran sit on re ver se and arri val cds. Rare.<br />

200 €<br />

299<br />

1915. Mi li tary mail <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe writ t<strong>en</strong> from Ger man Pri so ner of War in Daho -<br />

mey cancelled by COTONU DAHOMEY dou ble ring with mi li tary ca chet<br />


OCCIDENTALE/COMMANDANT MILITAIRE dou ble ring with hand stamp<br />

c<strong>en</strong>sor S.M. PRIS=GUERRE V.U. in red ad dres sed to Darm stadt Ger many.<br />

Very rare item.<br />

200 €<br />



300 GUADELOUPE<br />

Ce.3+5. 1863 (June 28). Enti re let ter to ANGERS, fran ked by Ge ne ral Issues<br />

1859/65 Ea gle 10c. bis tre and 40c. ver mi lion tied by 49 dot lo z<strong>en</strong> ge mute in black;<br />

with unframed POINTE A PITRE / GUADELOUPE cds at left. Su perb stri kes at<br />

base of CORR. DES ARMEES / VERA CRUZ (July 1) de le ted in ma nus cript and oc -<br />

tagonal framed MARTINIQUE / VERA CRUZ datestamp substituted on same day.<br />

Angers (July 19) arri val on re ver se of a very rare and at trac ti ve <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

3.500 €<br />

304<br />

Ce.11. 1872 (May 28). Inter nal co ver to POINTE A PITRE fran ked by im -<br />

perforate 1871 Ceres 10 c. bis tre brown in a ho ri zon tal pair tied by dot ted lo -<br />

z<strong>en</strong> ge in black. Scar ce GUADELOUPE/MOULE da tes tamp and fra med P.P.<br />

at top. A scar ce and at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

850 €<br />

301<br />

1867 (April). Small un paid <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe to PARIS with fine stri ke of rare<br />

GUADELOUPE / MORNE-A-L´EAU cds of des patch on front, red cir cu lar COL. FR.<br />

PAQ. FR/ / ST. NAZAIRE <strong>en</strong>try mark (May 10). Re ver se with Poin te A Pi tre tran sit<br />

cds (April 20) and Paris arri val. Scar ce.<br />

225 €<br />

305<br />

1873 (Nov 9). Enti re let ter from POINTE A PITRE to FRANVILLE (Fran ce)<br />

bearing imperforate G<strong>en</strong>eral Issues Ceres 25c. blue pair tied by blue GPE lo -<br />

z<strong>en</strong> ge of dots with GUADELOUPE / POINTE A PITRE cds in blue along si de.<br />

St. Na zai re <strong>en</strong>try mar king (Dec 2) in blue on front. Ce res 23.<br />

350 €<br />

302<br />

Ce.3+4. 1867 (June 10). Co ver to FRANCE fran ked by Ge ne ral Issue 1859/65<br />

Eagle 10c. bis tre brown and ho ri zon tal strip of three 20c. blue tied by loz<strong>en</strong>ge of<br />

dots in black with GUADELOUPE / ST. CLAUDE da tes tamp in black at left. Fra med<br />

red ´PD´ also on front and <strong>en</strong>try mar king (June 28) in red. Basse-Terre and Quim -<br />

per cds´s on re ver se.<br />

1.200 €<br />

306<br />

Ce.13. 1873 (June 7). Co ver to NANCY fran ked by 1871-72 Ce res 40 c.<br />

ver mi lion tied by scar ce lo z<strong>en</strong> ge of 64 dots in blue, ma nus cript at right ´Per çu<br />

10 c. <strong>en</strong> nu me rai re´ (lost 10 c. ad he si ve/num ber) with<br />

GUADELOUPE/POINTE A PITRE cds at right in blue. Octa go nal COL. FR.<br />

/PAQ. FR. A. Nº 3 da tes tamp in red (June 9) and re ver se with NANCY arri val<br />

(June 25). Rare and most unu sual co ver.<br />

2.250 €<br />

303<br />

Ce.4. 1870 (Oct 4). Co ver to FRANCE fran ked at Mi li tary Con ces sion rate with<br />

1859-65 Ea gle 20 c. blue can ce lled by black dot ted lo z<strong>en</strong> ge with scar ce<br />

GUADELOUPE/SAINTES cds alongside. Reverse with manuscript ´Correspon -<br />

d<strong>en</strong>ce des Armees´ countersigned by Commanding Officer and LIGNE A/PAQ. FR.<br />

Nº 1 cds (Oct 7) and arri val (Oct 21). Slight <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe fault at upper left but a rare and<br />

appealing cover.<br />

1.600 €<br />

307<br />

1879 (July 13). Unpaid lo cal stam pless co ver used to POINTE A PITRE,<br />

struck with GUADELOUPE / POINTE NOIRE da tes tamp of des patch with<br />

trian gu lar ´T´ mark and ´30´ char ge along si de. Rare and unu sual in ter nal usa -<br />

ge.<br />

200 €<br />



308<br />

Ce.21. 1879 (Feb 10). Enti re let ter to SACKVILLE (New Bruns wick), fran ked by<br />

imperforate Ceres 1872/77 80 c. car mi ne pair, small faults, tied by bold<br />

GUADELOUPE/POINTE A PITRE cds. Re ver se with BASSE-TERRE cds (Feb<br />

11), HALIFAX/NOVA SCOTIA cds (March 9) and SACKVILLE, NEW<br />

BRUNSWICK cds (March 10). A co ver of great vi sual appeal to a rare des ti na tion.<br />

1.700 €<br />

312<br />

1865 (Oct 26). Co ver from Pon di chery to Tou lou se fran ked by 1859-65 40c<br />

oran ge pair can ce lled by black dot ted lo z<strong>en</strong> ge, fine stri ke along si de of<br />

´Inde/Pondichery´ cds and red ´Col Fr./Suez Amb´ (Nov 26). Flap mis sing<br />

but an at trac ti ve co ver. Ce res 5.<br />

300 €<br />

309<br />

Ce.19+53. 1883 (Dec. 6). Re gis te red co ver to Ca<strong>en</strong> fran ked at Mi li tary Con ces -<br />

sion rate with mi xed is sue usa geof Ge ne ral Issues im per fo ra te 1872/77 Ce res 15c.<br />

bis tre brown and perf. 1881 Du bois 25c. bis tre on ye llow for 40 c<strong>en</strong> ti mes rate; tied<br />

by GUADELOUPE / BASSE TERRE cds´s with oc ta go nal CORR.D.ARMEES / * /<br />

BASSE TERRE datestamp alongside. Octagonal Paquebot COL. FR. / LIG. A.<br />

PAQ. FR. NO.1 in black be low (Dec 11) and Paris cds in red (Dec 25) on front. Re -<br />

verse with Ca<strong>en</strong> arri val cds. Rare.<br />

2.800 €<br />

313<br />

1866 (Aug 7). Co ver to FRANCE from PONDICHERY fran ked by 1859-65<br />

Eagle 20 c. blue & 40 c. ver mi lion tied by dot ted lo z<strong>en</strong> ge with<br />

INDE-PONDICHERY cds in black. FRENCH CONSULAR ca chet in black on<br />

re ver se of scar ce co ver. Scott 4, 5.<br />

350 €<br />

310 GUYANA<br />

1853 (Nov 12). Enti re let ter from MANA writ t<strong>en</strong> in late 1853, mai led from<br />


in black, red cir cu lar COLONIES FR. / NANTES <strong>en</strong>try mar king and ´6´ decimes<br />

char ge hand stamp in red. Re ver se with Bordeaux arri val (March 10) cds. Insi de of<br />

the let ter rein for fed with tape.<br />

400 €<br />

314<br />

1879 (Jan 16). Enti re let ter from PONDICHERY to BORDEAUX via Brin di -<br />

si, fran ked by Ge ne ral Issues 1872-77 Ce res 5c. gre<strong>en</strong> and Type Sage 30c.<br />

brown tied by INDE-PONDICHERY cds´s with in ver ted date on all three stri -<br />

kes. Red Col. Fr. V. Brind. / A Mod. also on front (Feb 7). An at trac ti ve <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

Ceres 17,26.<br />

170 €<br />

311 FRENCH INDIA<br />

1860 (April 21). Co ver from PONDICHERY to BORDEAUX struck with cir cu lar<br />

BUREAU DE PONDICHERY in red, fra med PD alongside and red Suez Ambu lant<br />

cds at right (May 26). Bordeaux arri val cds (May 27) in black on re ver se.<br />

350 €<br />


° 1876. 5 c<strong>en</strong>ts. gre<strong>en</strong>. Strip of five. COR. D. ARM/COCHNE. OCTRANG.<br />

Very nice.<br />

250 €<br />



316<br />

1889 (April). Ge ne ral Issues Du bois 15c. blue postal stationery <strong>en</strong>velope, s<strong>en</strong>t<br />

re gis te red to Vinh-Long and up-ra ted with 10c. black on la v<strong>en</strong> der and pos tal sta tio -<br />

nery 15c. blue cut-out, all tied by un clear (Ton kin) cds´s. Re ver se with Tonquin<br />

(April 16), Saigon and Vinh-Long cds´s. A scar ce usa ge. Ce res 50.<br />

200 €<br />

320<br />

1908. Registered-AR cover, much re-addressed, franked by six differ<strong>en</strong>t<br />

adhesives 1903-04 10c. rose, 1906 5c. gre<strong>en</strong> and 10c. red, Indo Chi na Gras -<br />

set 10c. red and over prin ted ´Chi ne´ 5c. gre<strong>en</strong> and Mongtsze 1903 5c. ye llow<br />

gre<strong>en</strong> all tied by MONG-TSEU datestamps. Framed ´R´ and ´AR´ abo ve, re -<br />

verse with Lao-Kay cds (June 27) and Poss<strong>en</strong>hof<strong>en</strong> (Ger many) arri val (Aug<br />

5) cds.<br />

260 €<br />

317<br />

1891 (Sept 5). Cover (decorative Japanese <strong>en</strong>velope) mailed from Saigon to Pa -<br />

ris fran ked by Ge ne ral Issues Du bois 25c. black on pale rose, slight fault, tied by<br />

´Saigon C<strong>en</strong>tral´ cds. Re pea ted stri ke at left and red ´Modane A Paris´ <strong>en</strong>try mark<br />

(Oct 7).<br />

200 €<br />

321<br />

1929. Airmail registered cover to Switzerland franked by Canton 1919 2 pi.<br />

on 5 fr. (Scott 80) and Indo Chi na 1927 5 c. vio let tied by Saigon cds´s and fra -<br />

med ´Premier Voyage/Postal Par Avion/Indochine France´ in black. Brugg<br />

(April 22) arri val ver so.<br />

200 €<br />

318<br />

Ce.54. 1893 (Dec. 22). Co ver to PARIS fran ked by 1881 Du bois 25c. black on<br />

rose tied by VIETTRI-TONKIN cds with re pea ted stri ke at left. Rare lo cally ma nu fac -<br />

tured BM oval Boi te Mo bi le hand stamp along si de in black. Scar ce co ver. Sig ned<br />

Ja met.<br />

250 €<br />

322 LEBANON<br />

1920. ALEXANDRIA (Egip to) a BEYROUTH. So bre cir cu la do sin se llos.<br />

Tasa do a la lle ga da con se llo de Ta sas de Si ria de 4 pias tras. RARO.<br />

150 €<br />

319<br />

1903 (April 10). Co lour ful co ver to FRANCE bea ring 1892-1900 Type Sage 5c.<br />

yellow gre<strong>en</strong>, 10c. red, 15c. grey, 25c. black on rose and 40c. oran ge on ye llow all<br />

tied by su perb stri kes of LIGNE N / PAQ. FR. No. 6 in black (Sa lles 1924). Arri val<br />

cds of St. Maur Des Fos ses (May 6) on re ver se. Ce res 10,12,17-19.<br />

200 €<br />


1858 (June 9). Co ver from CONSTANTINOPLE to BARCELONA fran ked<br />

by 1853 10c. bis tre brown (2) and 40c. oran ge (2), tou ched to lar ge mar gins,<br />

all tied by ANCHOR LOZENGE with su perb Pa que bot GANGE cds along si de<br />

in blue-black. Fra med red PAQUEBOTS DE LA MÉDITERRANÉE and char -<br />

ged with ´4Rs.´ in blue on arri val (June 18). A rare co ver to a sur pri singly unu -<br />

sual destination. Ceres 13,16.<br />

600 €<br />



324<br />

1858. Co ver from Cons tan ti no ple via Tries te to Fran ce s<strong>en</strong>t stam pless from Aus -<br />

trian PO, struck with trian gu lar ´F/25´ Accoun tancy hand stamp in black. Lyon arri val<br />

(March 10) on re ver se of scar ce co ver.<br />

250 €<br />

328 MADAGASCAR<br />

1901 (Dec 21). Printed illustrated cover to France at Military Concession<br />

rate, fran ked by 1896 15c. tied by DIEGO SUAREZ cds. Re pea ted stri ke abo -<br />

ve and re ver se with arri val cds. An at trac ti ve co ver. Scott 35.<br />

250 €<br />

325<br />

1864 (Feb 9). Co ver from CAVALLA to MILAN, fran ked by Fran ce 1862 80c. car -<br />

mi ne tied by ´5095´ gros chif fres of Salonica with Fr<strong>en</strong>ch P.O. cds at left and three<br />

line PIROSCAFO-POSTALI-FRANCESI in red. Re ver se with Fr<strong>en</strong>ch P.O. Dardane<br />

lles cds, G<strong>en</strong>oa cds and Mi lan arri val (Feb 18). Scott 28.<br />

250 €<br />

329<br />

1904. Lo cal <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe to Tu lear with mi xed fran king of 1c. Die go Sua rez;<br />

4c. Nos si Be & bi sec ted 20c. De p<strong>en</strong> d<strong>en</strong> cies tied by 3-line ´Affranchisse -<br />

m<strong>en</strong>t/special/faute de figurines´ – all can ce lled Diego Suarez date stamp in<br />

blue.<br />

150 €<br />

326<br />

1867 (Apr 22). Co ver from ALEPPO to SWITZERLAND fran ked by Fran ce 1862<br />

40 c. ver mi lion & 80 c. rose tied by 5079 gros chif fres. Black PD along si de and fra -<br />

med AFFRANCHISEMENT-INSUFFISANT era sed in ma nus cript with 12 c<strong>en</strong>t<br />

charge erased. Unusual 66 hand stamp at right and arri val cds on re ver se of fine to<br />

unusual destination. Scott 27, 28.<br />

250 €<br />

330<br />

1915 (Sept 25). Co ver to Pa ris fran ked by 1915 Red Cross Cha rity 5c on<br />

10c rose & brown tied by cir cu lar ´Corps D´Occupation de Madagascar-Poste<br />

D´Ankorika´ ca chet in red with Diego Suarez cds in black along si -<br />

de. Paris arri val [Oct 29] on re ver se, slight faults, but a scar ce co ver. Scott B1.<br />

150 €<br />

327<br />

1873(May 5). Mourning <strong>en</strong>velope registered from Alexandria to Bordeaux, fran -<br />

ked by Fran ce perf Ce res 1872 2x80c car mi ne rose, one or two perfs short, tied by<br />

´5080´ gros chif fres and straight line ´Chargé´ hand stamp in red. Aleaxan -<br />

drie-Egypte cds also on front and re ver se with ´5080´ Re gis tra tion Rate box in<br />

black- ex tre mely rare usa ge of this mar king from this Offi ce. Des pi te small faults a<br />

rare co ver. Scott 63b.<br />

300 €<br />

331<br />

1921. Registered <strong>en</strong>velope to France bearing 1 fr on 5 f vio let (Yvert 123)<br />

tied by TANANARIVE dou ble ring with bo xed handstruck re gis te red and<br />

NEUFCHATEL receiver on reverse. Scarce single franking.<br />

125 €<br />



332 MARTINIQUE<br />

1755 (8 Dic.). ST. PIERRE a MARSEILLE. Cir cu la da via CÁDIZ. Mar ca<br />

ANDALUCIA/LA ALTA <strong>en</strong> ne gro de Cá diz y por te de 14 sous. Carta desembarcada<br />

<strong>en</strong> España por estar los puertos franceses bloqueados por la armada Británica.<br />

800 €<br />

336<br />

1873 (April 28). Dou ble rate <strong>en</strong> ti re let ter to GRANVILLE (Fran ce) fran ked<br />

by G<strong>en</strong>eral Issues 1871-72 imperforate 30c. brown (2) and su perb sin gle 80c.<br />

carmine tied by MQE lo z<strong>en</strong> ge in black. ST. PIERRE cds at left, arri val cds<br />

(May 15) on re ver se of fresh and fine <strong>en</strong> ti re. Scott 13,15.<br />

260 €<br />

333<br />

1786. ST. PIERRE (Mar ti ni ca) a BORDEAUX. Mar ca de <strong>en</strong> tra da<br />


150 €<br />

337<br />

Ce.17, 19. 1875 (March 13). Co ver to MARSEILLE fran ked by Ge ne ral<br />

Issues 1872 5c. gre<strong>en</strong> on gree nish ver ti cal pair and ver ti cal strip of four 15c.<br />

bis tre on ye llo wish in a ver ti cal strip of four, all tied by MQE dotted loz<strong>en</strong>ge. A<br />

fresh and very fine co ver and a most unu sual make-up of the 70 c<strong>en</strong> ti me sin gle<br />

rate. Sig ned Ja met, Lamy.<br />

300 €<br />

334<br />

1865 (Sept 10). Enti re let ter from St. Pie rre to Ag<strong>en</strong> fran ked by fine 1859-65 10c<br />

bis tre (3, in clu ding a pair) and sin gle 40c oran ge tied by ´MQE´ dotted loz<strong>en</strong>ge. St.<br />

Pie rre cds at right along si de red <strong>en</strong>try mar king (Sept 19). An attractive <strong>en</strong>tire. Ceres<br />

3,5.<br />

200 €<br />

338<br />

1876. FORT DE FRANCE a FRANCIA. Cir cu la da con se llo fran cés de 25<br />

cts. azul, mat. ANCLA y fechador marítimo COR. D. ARMEES/LIG. A PAQ.<br />

Nº 3 (Salles 1426) estampado a bordo del paquebot ´Colombie´ <strong>en</strong> la escala<br />

de Fort de Fran ce.<br />

250 €<br />

335<br />

1869 (9 Abril). So bre ma ta se lla do <strong>en</strong> la es ca la de PORT DE FRANCE. Cir cu la -<br />

da a FRANCIA con se llo de 20 cts. azul (ta ri fa mi li tar), mat. ancla y fe cha dor COR.<br />

D. ARMEES/LIG. A PAQ. Nº 3 cir cu la da a tra vés del Pa que bot ´Flo ri da´.<br />


475 €<br />

339<br />

1881 (Dec 26). Printed <strong>en</strong>tire addressed to FRANCOIS, re-addressed to<br />

Fort de Fran ce, <strong>en</strong> dor sed and coun ter sig ned as Offi cial at top on behalf of the<br />

´Federation du Jardin Botanique´, struck with MARTINIQUE / SAINT PIERRE<br />

datestamp in black. Reverse with FORT DE FRANCE / MARTINIQUE da tes -<br />

tamp of re ceipt (same day) in blue. A rare in ter nal Offi cial usa ge.<br />

150 €<br />



340<br />

1884 (May 23). Locally mailed printed <strong>en</strong>tire letter with manuscript ´Le Directeur<br />

de l´Interieur par delegation Le Commissaire Immigation´ and countersigned be -<br />

low, struck with fine FORT DE FRANCE / MARTINIQUE da tes tamp in black. An<br />

unusual cover.<br />

120 €<br />

344 MONACO<br />

Yv.4, 18. 1892. MONTECARLO a LONDRES. 10 cts. y 50 cts. Car ta cer ti -<br />

ficada, precioso franqueo mixto de dos emisiones.<br />

125 €<br />

341<br />

1887. Registered <strong>en</strong>velope to Paris franked 1c(5) ´Com mer ce´ + ´15c´, ´0.15´<br />

and ´MQE 15´ on 20c. Com mer ce all tied by Fort De Fran ce date stamp. Obver se<br />

also bears red ´Paris 11 Chargem<strong>en</strong>ts´ cds.<br />

240 €<br />

345<br />

1905. Registered and charged <strong>en</strong>velope to FRANCE bearing Monaco 40<br />

c<strong>en</strong>t grey on rose (6) (Yvert 17) and 15 c<strong>en</strong>t pale brown (2) (Yvert 24) tied by<br />

MONTE CARLO da tes tamp with handstruck CHARGE and bo xed ac coun -<br />

tancy with PARIS arri val on re ver se. Su perb.<br />

250 €<br />

342<br />

1889. Enve lo pe to USA fran ked ´10´ on 4c. ´05c´(5) and ´15c´ on 20c ´ – all on<br />

´Com mer ce´ tied by blue Fort De Fran ce date stamp. On re ver se, Saint Pie rre and<br />

New York tran sit cds.<br />

150 €<br />

346 MOROCCO<br />

Ce.12, 20-22. 1908. Co ver (with Na vi ga tion Co. blue logo on flap) mai led to<br />

BUDAPEST fran ked by 1902-03 10c. on 10c. rose and 1907/10 1c. on 1c.<br />

grey, 2c. on 2c. brown-li lac and 3c. on 3c. pale red in a block of four all tied by<br />

cir cu lar Ship´s Pur ser´s mar king ADRIA-UNGHERESE Anchor hand stamp in<br />

black with PAQUEBOT. along si de. Re ver se with Oran (July 9) and Budapest<br />

(July 16) cds´s. An at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

75 €<br />

343<br />

Ce.34+38+42. 1894 (March 5). Registered-Value Declared (for 1.000 francs)<br />

co ver to LYON (Fran ce) fran ked by 1892 5c. gre<strong>en</strong> on gree nish 25c. black on rose<br />

(2) and 75c. vio let brown on ye llow-oran ge all tied by SAINT<br />

PIERRE-CHARGEMENTS da tes tamps with straight line CHARGE in red along si -<br />

de. Reverse of <strong>en</strong>velope with delightful vignette of PLANTATIONS DU CARBET<br />

and red fra med char ge box. A fine and ap pea ling co ver.<br />

250 €<br />

347<br />

Ce.12, 20-22. 1908. Co ver mai led to UNTER LOITSCH (Hun gary) fran ked<br />

by 1902-03 10c. on 10c. rose and 1907/10 1c. on 1c. grey, 2c. on 2c.<br />

brown-lilac and 3c. on 3c. pale red in a block of four all tied by cir cu lar Ship´s<br />

Purser´s marking ADRIA-UNGHERESE Anchor hand stamp in black with<br />

PAQUEBOT. along si de in black. Re ver se with Gi bral tar (Aug 5) and arri val<br />

cds (Aug 11). An at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

100 €<br />




1872 (July 16). Co ver to Com mu ne Pri so ner at St. Ger main with su perb stri ke of<br />

´NLLE. CALEDONIE/NOUMEA´ cds in black, bea ring Fran ce 1867 20c. blue and<br />

pair of 1871-75 25c. blue pair tied on arri val by Paris Star cancellations. Red ´Col.<br />

Fr. V. Brind./A Mod.´ at right (Sept 27). Adhe si ves un der paid and unac cep ted and<br />

therefore charged ´8´ decimes due. Lesparre arri val on re ver se. Faults incl. crea se<br />

at top but a uni que usa ge. Ce res 29,60. Cert. J.F. BRUN.<br />

1.600 €<br />

352<br />

Ce.44. 1897 (Oct 29). Mi li tary co ver at con ces sio nary rate to FRANCE,<br />

fran ked by 1892 5c. gre<strong>en</strong> in a strip of three all tied by CORR.<br />

D´ARMEES-NOUMEA cds´s. Cir cu lar COR. D´ARMEES-PAQ. FR. T. No. 3<br />

Paquebot below and Langres arri val cds (Dec 15) on re ver se. A fine and scar -<br />

ce co ver.<br />

150 €<br />

349<br />

1876 (April 24). Enve lo pe to FRANCE sruck with pro vi sio nal hand stamp in tro -<br />

duced during stamp shortage, with scarce triangular PD-AFFRANCI-EN<br />


CALEDONIE ca chet and fra med PD along si de. Fine stri ke of Noumea cds at left<br />

and re ver se (June 25) cds of re ceipt. Rare and very fine co ver.<br />

200 €<br />

353<br />

1932. WALIS Y FUTUNA. Envelope from Indo-China addressed to<br />

Mata-Utu, Wa llis Island bea ring 1/10 c<strong>en</strong>ts blue gre<strong>en</strong> (pair) (Yvert 150) and<br />

2/5 oran ge (pair) (Yvert 152) tied by POSTE RURALE PROVINCE<br />

CANTHO/BINHTHUY dou ble ring in blue, rou ted via Sydney, un der paid with<br />

TAX hand stamp and Wa llis et Fu tu na pos ta ge dues 5 c<strong>en</strong>ts blue (Yvert 1), 15<br />

c<strong>en</strong>ts gre<strong>en</strong> (Yvert 3), 30 c<strong>en</strong>ts rose (Yvert 5) and 50 c<strong>en</strong>ts grey blue (Yvert<br />

6) ap plied and tied on arri val by PROTECTORAT FRANCAIS WALLIS dou ble<br />

ring. A very rare com bi na tion only a few pos ta ge due co vers known from Wa -<br />

llis.<br />

250 €<br />

350<br />

1882 (15 Sept.). Co ver with mi xed is sue fran king of 10 c. black on li lac (slight<br />

fault at top) and Du bois 1881 15 c. blue, tied by Nou méa c.d.s. in black with anot her,<br />

fine stri ke along si de and red ´MODANE A PARIS´ c.d.s. (9.11) on front, arri val on<br />

re ver se. A rare usa ge. Ce res 40, 51.<br />

475 €<br />

354 NEW HEBRIDES<br />

1911. Re gis te red co ver used to SWITZERLAND bea ring va rious ovpts of<br />

both FIJI & FR NEW CAL all can ce lled by the PORT VILLA cds´s.<br />

200 €<br />

351<br />

1893 (22 July). Co ver to Brest, Fran ce with Mi li tary (10 c.) ad he si ve, type III, im -<br />

per fo ra te in gold, red and blue tied by ´GENIE/NOUVELLE CALEDONIE´ Li berty<br />

Cap hand stamp in black with 1892 15 c. blue tied by<br />

´CORR.D´ARMEES/NOUMEA´ c.d.s. in black, with ´LIGNE T/PAQ.FR.NO.1´ oc to -<br />

go nal pa que bot c.d.s. at right (27.7) ap plied on board the ´Armand Behic´; flap mis -<br />

sing and small faults to <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe but a rare usa ge. Ce res 46.<br />

450 €<br />

355<br />

1930. Re gis te red co ver used to FRANCE bea ring 1925 1/2 d.x4, 3 d. & 5<br />

d.x2 all can ce lled by the NEW HEBRIDES cds´s in blue, sup por ted by the Re -<br />

gistry la bel & back stam ped on arri val.<br />

120 €<br />



356 REUNION<br />

1863 (Feb 24). Enti re let ter to MAURITIUS fran ked by 1859-65 Ea gle is sue 10c.<br />

bis tre in a ver ti cal strip of three can ce lled by MUTE DOTTED LOZENGE in blue; ST.<br />

DENIS-ILE DE LA REUNION cds abo ve also in blue and fra med ´PF´. Mau ri tius<br />

cds of re ceipt (Feb 28) on re ver se of a scar ce and at trac ti ve co ver. Ce res 3.<br />

225 €<br />

360<br />

1891. 40 c. red + 1 f. bron ze gre<strong>en</strong>, tied by ST. DENIS cds´s on an 1898 re -<br />

gis te red co ver to FRANCE (back stam ped); light vert, file folds. Very fine. Yv.<br />

26+28, Sc 26+28.<br />

200 €<br />

357<br />

1865 (May 18). Co ver front from St.Be noit to Fran ce fran ked by Fran ce 1862<br />

5x10c bis tre, one can ce lled by su perb stri ke of ´REUNION-ST.BENOIT´ cds in<br />

black, with red oc ta go nal Suez at right and handstruck ´6´ de ci mes due on de li very.<br />

Des pi te small faults a re mar ka ble and rare item. Scott 25.<br />

200 €<br />


1862. Stampless <strong>en</strong>velope to France cancelled by double ring ST. PIERRE<br />

AND MIQUELON da tes tamp (Ja met 4) char ged ´6´ with ad ja c<strong>en</strong>t Fr<strong>en</strong>ch<br />

<strong>en</strong>try ca chet, <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´via England´ with Fr<strong>en</strong>ch arri val on re ver se.<br />

180 €<br />

358<br />

1868 (Sept 19). Mi li tary con ces sion rate co ver to FRANCE with 1859-65 Ea gle<br />

is sue 10c. bis tre tied by MUTE DOTTED LOZENGE in black and fine stri ke of oc ta -<br />

gonal CORR. D. ARMEES - ST. DENIS (very scar ce). Re ver se sho wing oval blue<br />

Naval commander´s ca chet and arri val cds´s (Oct 19). Rare co ver. Ce res 3.<br />

300 €<br />

362<br />

1866 (April 24). Co ver from ST. PIERRE to GRANVILLE with s<strong>en</strong> der´s ca -<br />

chet in blue; struck with oval tran sit (NS) in black, via Lon don (May) whe re fra -<br />

med GB/2F Anglo-Fr<strong>en</strong>ch ac coun tancy mar king ap plied in black. Ra ted with<br />

handstruck 10 de ci mes on arri val.<br />

250 €<br />

359<br />

1883 (Feb 27). Stam pless co ver to Pa ris with trian gu lar ´T´ mar king and St.De -<br />

nis cds in black, re ver se with Paris arri val cds and Pos ta ge Due 1882 10c & scar ce<br />

40c black ap plied. Scott J16,J20.<br />

200 €<br />

363 SENEGAL<br />

1875 (April 23). Re gis te red co ver, side flaps re mo ved, lo cally used with<br />

fra med P.P. straight line CHARGÉ and SENEGAL ET DEP./ST. LOUIS cds<br />

all per fect im pres sions, struck in bright blue. Offi cial ca chet in blue on re ver se<br />

of a de ligh tful and rare co ver.<br />

300 €<br />



364<br />

Ce.23. 1876 (Oct. 13). Co ver and com ple te con t<strong>en</strong>ts from ST. LOUIS to<br />

BEAUNE (Fran ce) fran ked by 1872-77 Ce res 25c. blue tied by SNG lo z<strong>en</strong> ge of dots<br />

with octagonal CORR. D´ARMÉES-ST. LOUIS datestamp alongside. Endorsed for<br />

the 20c. Military Concession rate on reverse with further octagonal COL. FR.-PAQ.<br />

FR. J. No. 4 da tes tamp in black. A rare and fine co ver.<br />

250 €<br />

368<br />

Ce.4. 1887 (Nov 23).cer. Black on thick gre<strong>en</strong> for mu la card used with rare<br />

1887 provisional ´10´ on Du bois 20c. brick red on gre<strong>en</strong> tied by bold SAINT<br />

LOUIS-SENEGAL cds. Octa go nal LIGNE J-PAQ. FR. No. 4 datestamp in<br />

black be low (Nov 25). A re mar ka ble and rare usa ge in ex cep tio nal qua lity. Sig -<br />

nes Cal ves.<br />

1.250 €<br />

365<br />

Ce.23. 1876 (June 26). Co ver and ori gi nal con t<strong>en</strong>ts writ t<strong>en</strong> from DAKAR to<br />

BEAUNE (Fran ce) fran ked by Mi li tary Con ces sion rate with Ce res 1872-77 25c.<br />

blue tied by CORR. D´ARM.-LIG. J. PAQ. F. No.1 with repeated strike alongside.<br />

Reverse with Officer´s signature and manuscript ´Correspond<strong>en</strong>ce Militaire´ and<br />

arri val cds (July 6). A rare <strong>en</strong> ti re with in te res ting con t<strong>en</strong>ts.<br />

400 €<br />

369<br />

1890 (Jan 28). Re gis te red co ver from DAKAR to BELGRADE (Ser bia)<br />

fran ked by Fran ce Type Sage 25c. black on li lac rose (5, in a pair and strip of<br />

three), all tied by bold stri kes of oc ta go nal LIGNE J / PAQ. FR. No. 5 in blue.<br />

Framed ´R´ at right and re ver se with Dakar/S<strong>en</strong>egal des patch cds. A de ligh -<br />

tful co ver.<br />

475 €<br />

366<br />

Ce.60. 1876. Co ver, pro bably mai led by ser ving Sol dier in SENEGAL to<br />

GRAULHET (Fran ce) bea ring sol dier´s con ces sio nary rate fran king of 1871-75 ce -<br />

res 25c. blue tied on lan ding with MARSEILLE cds (May 8) with su perb fra med<br />

CORR. / DES ARMEES hand stamp in red. Re ver se with Mar sei lle and Graul het<br />

cds´s. A scar ce co ver.<br />

400 €<br />

370<br />

1893. Com ple te TELEGRAM to PARIS with mar gi nal 1892 25 c. tied by<br />

DAKAR cds. Blue pa que bot LIGNE J-PAQ FR No 6 abo ve, stamp da ma ged<br />

on ope ning the Te le gram form but a rare and ap pea ling usa ge. SG 15.<br />

125 €<br />

367<br />

1884 (March 25). Re gis te red co ver to MODENA (ad dres sed to Char les Die na)<br />

fran ked by Ge ne ral Issues 1881-89 1c. black, 2c. brown on buff (2), 5c. gre<strong>en</strong>, 10c.<br />

black on la v<strong>en</strong> der, 15c. blue (2) all tied by RUFISIQUE-SENEGAL cds´s in vio let. A<br />

delightful and appealing cover. Scott 46,47,49-51.<br />

475 €<br />

371<br />

1894 (March 31). Embossed Ladies´ Envelope addressed to Dagana fran -<br />

ked by 1892 15c. blue tied by ´St. Louis´ cds´s, faint blue arri val cds on re ver -<br />

se and read dres sed back to St. Louis (April 6). An ex traor di na rily early usa ge<br />

of an <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe of this type in Se ne gal. Scott 42.<br />

300 €<br />



372 SYRIA<br />

1832. DAMASCO a ESPAÑA. Car ta <strong>en</strong> via da por un Frai le Fran cis ca no al Pro cu -<br />

rador G<strong>en</strong>eral de Tierra Santa <strong>en</strong> Madrid a traves del ´conductor´ Francisco Vic<strong>en</strong>te<br />

Margu<strong>en</strong>da (indicación <strong>en</strong> el texto interior), desinfectada a su paso por Constanti -<br />

no pla con la mar ca NETTO DI FUORA ET DI DENTRO. Mag ní fi ca y muy rara car ta<br />

cir cu la da por el CORREO ESPAÑOL EN EL MEDIO ORIENTE.<br />

500 €<br />

376<br />

1837 (March 22). Enti re let ter to LONDON from HUAHINE ISLAND with<br />

framed ´INDIA LETTER - DOVER´ in red on re ver se and London (Dec 1) arri -<br />

val cds along si de; faint ´Paid Ship Let ter - Sydney´ oval on front in red and<br />

va rious ma nus cript ra tes. A rare <strong>en</strong> ti re, jour ney time 254 days.<br />

1.500 €<br />

373<br />

1858 (May 25). Co ver from Lon don to Alep po fran ked by 1856 6d. lilac horizontal<br />

pair tied by nu me ral ´21´ obli te ra tors. Ca rried via Ca lais, Fr<strong>en</strong>ch P.O. in Ale xan dria<br />

(June 6) and Bey rout (June 10), struck on arri val with scar ce ´POSTE FRANCAISE<br />

/ D´ALEP´ in blue. A fine and at trac ti ve co ver. SG 70.<br />

200 €<br />

377<br />

1839 (Oct 18). Enti re let ter to Lon don from Emeo (Moo rea Islands) with fra -<br />

med ´INDIA LETTER - LIVERPOOL´ in black on re ver se and London (June<br />

18) arri val cds along si de; ´Paid Ship Let ter - Sydney´ oval on front in red (Feb<br />

8) and va rious ma nus cript ra tes. A very fine and scar ce <strong>en</strong> ti re, jour ney time<br />

243 days.<br />

1.000 €<br />


1837 (Nov 28). Enti re let ter to Lon don from the mis sio nary Geor ge Platt at Raia -<br />

tea Island with fra med ´INDIA LETTER - LONDON´ on re ver se in red (July 16) and<br />

London cds of arri val. Ma nus cript rate ´8´ de le ted and char ged 1sh. 4d. due. A<br />

scar ce <strong>en</strong> ti re, jour ney time 231 days.<br />

700 €<br />

378<br />

1847 (Jan 27). Enti re let ter writ t<strong>en</strong> from Raia tea Island to Lon don, ca rried<br />

by Bri tish Ship with fine stri ke of fra med ´DEAL - SHIP LETTER´ in black on<br />

front; char ged ´8d´. due in ma nus cript. London arri val cds (May 17) on re ver -<br />

se in red. A very fine and rare <strong>en</strong> ti re, jour ney time 111 days.<br />

800 €<br />

375<br />

1838 (Feb 25). Enti re let ter from San ta Christina (Marquesas) to London with fra -<br />

med ´PORTSMOUTH - SHIP LETTER´ on front and ma nus cript due amount of<br />

´1sh. 4d´. Re ver se with London arri val cds (March 3, 1839). A fine and very rare <strong>en</strong> -<br />

ti re from this obs cu re is land, jour ney time of over a year-372 days.<br />

1.500 €<br />

379<br />

1887 (April 13). Registered cover to Bordeaux franked by G<strong>en</strong>eral Issues<br />

1881 25c. black on rose and 1fr. oli ve gre<strong>en</strong> tied by fine ´Papeete/Taiti´ cds´s<br />

with fra med ´R´ alongside. Bordeaux arri val (June 4) on re ver se of a fine and<br />

scarce cover. Certificate Behr, Sismondo. Ceres 54,59. Scott 54,59.<br />

500 €<br />



380<br />

Ce.51. 1892 (Jan). Co ver at Mi li tary Con ces sion rate fran ked by Du bois 1881<br />

15c. blue (fault) tied by bold oc ta go nal CORR. D´ARMEES-PAPEETE in black with<br />

re pea ted stri ke along si de. Mi li tary ca chet at right and re ver se with arri val cds´s (Feb<br />

24). Some faults to edge of <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe but rare.<br />

250 €<br />

384<br />

1913. Registered <strong>en</strong>velope to San Francisco franked ´Sage´ 5c., 25c. +<br />

pair 25c. overprinted ´Tahiti 10 C<strong>en</strong>times´ in red – all tied by Papete * Tahiti<br />

date stamp.<br />

225 €<br />

381<br />

1893 (Dec 5). 10c. black on li lac sur char ged pos tal sta tio nery card, re gis te -<br />

red-AR usa ge to Bor deaux with ad di tio nal 1893 over prin ted 15c. blue and 20c. red<br />

on gre<strong>en</strong> tied by ´Papeete/Taiti´ cds´s. Cir cu lar ´AR´ and fra med ´R´ in black along -<br />

side. A rare usage of these adhesives on letter. Certificate Sismondo. Ceres 24,25.<br />

Scott 22,23.<br />

500 €<br />

385 TUNISIA<br />

1862. Enti re let ter to MARSEILLE fran ked by im perf 20 c. blue Empi re tied<br />

by dot ted TUNIS cds in black for ´Port to Port´ rate only. A scar ce <strong>en</strong> ti re with<br />

arri val on re ver se. Sc 15. Cal ves and Rou met.<br />

1.500 €<br />

382<br />

1899 (Aug 26). Co ver from TAIOHAE to RAROTONGA (Cook Islands) fran ked<br />

by 1892 25c. black on rose tied by two stri kes of scar ce TAIOHAE - TAITI cds´s in<br />

violet. Black COOK ISLANDS-RAROTONGA arri val cds at left (Sept 16) and re ver -<br />

se with Papeete tran sit (Sept 1) cds. Adhe si ve crea sed but a rare co ver. Ce res 8.<br />

350 €<br />

386<br />

1898(Nov 7). 15c blue on grey sta tio nery let ter-card (H&G A3), re gis te red<br />

use to Pa ris at 40c rate (25c for re gis tra tion) and up-ra ted with Octo ber 1899<br />

20c red on gre<strong>en</strong> (Scott lists this as is sued in 1899 not No vem ber 1898) and<br />

re-im pres sion of the Octo ber 1888 5c gre<strong>en</strong> all tied by Tunis cds´s. De ligh tful<br />

three co lour card. Scott 11,17.<br />

100 €<br />

383<br />

1910 (Nov 24). Post card of ILE DE MAKATEA (Tua mo tu); fran ked on re ver se<br />

with 1900 10c. red tied by MAKATEA 24/11/10 manuscript cancellation with<br />

Fr<strong>en</strong>ch arri val cds at left (Dec 24). Extre mely rare and fine usa ge. Ce res 15.<br />

300 €<br />

387<br />

1899. Tunisian 5 c. gre<strong>en</strong> card used back to TUNIS fran ked by Fin land<br />

1890 2x 5 p. bright gre<strong>en</strong> tied by TAVASTEHUS cds´s, ST PETERSBURG<br />

transit and TUNIS arri val cds¦s, rea dres sed on to DIVISION MILITARE in<br />

PERUGIA with arri val. Unu sual usa ge. Sc 39.<br />

250 €<br />




1932. Enve lo pe to the Fr<strong>en</strong>ch Wa llis Islands bea ring Indo-Chi na 1/2 c brown (2)<br />

(Yvert 153) tied by POST RURALE BINHTHUY/PROVINCE CANTHO in blue, rou -<br />

ted via Cant ho and Sai gon, un der paid with TAX hand stamp and bea ring Wa llis pos -<br />

tage due 1 f blue gre<strong>en</strong> (Yvert 21) ap plied and tied on arri val by PROTECTORAT<br />

FRANCAIS WALLIS dou ble ring. Nice com bi na tion.<br />

250 €<br />

392<br />

1858 (May 25). Co ver to MUNSTER bea ring 1854 pair of 18 kr. ye llow, tou -<br />

ched at top, tied by su perb stri kes of 28 nu me ral hand stamps in black with<br />

AUGSBURG cds be low and BAVIERE-STRASB <strong>en</strong>try mark also on front. Sl.<br />

Re pair of ad dress but a rare fran king. Scott 8.<br />

450 €<br />

389 BADEN<br />

1861. Enti re let ter to MANCHESTER with three co lour fran king of 1860-62 1kr.<br />

black, 3kr. blue and 6kr. red-oran ge (2) all tied by ´87´ nu me rals of Mann heim. Lon -<br />

don tran sit (March 19) in red and furt her cds on re ver se in black. Scott 10,12,13.<br />

450 €<br />

390<br />

1867. Use of 3Kr postal stationery <strong>en</strong>velope, uprated with pair 1Kr black (Mi 17),<br />

pre pa ying the lo cal Ba d<strong>en</strong> pos ta ge plus com mis sion on a pre prin ted COD sub scrip -<br />

tion no ti ce. Stamps tied by HEIDELBURG datestamp, with additional strike alongsi -<br />

de. Front shows ma nus cript ´2f23´ to tal amount due, and re ver se bears BADEN<br />

railway transit and FURTWANGEN da tes tamp. A very scar ce and unu sual pos tal<br />

stationery item.<br />

170 €<br />

393<br />

Sc.10, 11, 14. 1865 (Feb). Co ver to MILAN three co lour fran king of 1862<br />

3kr. rose, 6kr. blue and 12kr. ye llow gre<strong>en</strong> all tied by Mu nich 325 numeral obli -<br />

te ra tors. Two line da ted Munch<strong>en</strong> hand stamp in black and, on re ver se, Mi lan<br />

arri val.<br />

525 €<br />

391 BAVARIA<br />

1857 (Nov 11). Co ver via BELGIUM to BATH, fran ked at 23 Kr. rate with<br />

1850-58, 2 x 1 kr. rose pink, 3 kr. blue and 18 kr. ye llow all tied by 325 numeral can -<br />

cels of Mu nich with two line des patch cds along si de, via Lon don with red cds and<br />

cir cu lar ´P´ mar king. Pretty and ap pea ling co ver. Scott 2, 4, 8.<br />

600 €<br />

394<br />

1870 (Jan 27). Co ver from Mu nich to San Fran cis co/USA bea ring im per fo -<br />

ra te pair of 1868 7kr. Ultramarine tied by Mu<strong>en</strong>ch<strong>en</strong> cds´s and red ´New<br />

York/Paid All´ cds. Ma nus cript ´3´ c<strong>en</strong>ts Ame ri can cre dit in red. An at trac ti ve<br />

cove. Scott 19.<br />

300 €<br />



398 HAMBURG<br />

1777 (March 17). Enti re let ter from HAMBURG (writ t<strong>en</strong> in En glish) <strong>en</strong> dor -<br />

sed ´frco. Has selt´ in ma nus cript and ad dres sed ´By way of Pa ris & Ca diz´ to<br />

OROTAVA, Isle of Te ne rif fe. Ma nus cript rate at upper right ´320´ and fair stri -<br />

kes of ´2 P.´ (pe se ta) due mar king in red on front. Mi nor im per fec tions but a<br />

scar ce <strong>en</strong> ti re (pos sibly dip ped for di sin fec tion but not slit ted) mai led to an unu -<br />

sual destination.<br />

125 €<br />

395 BRUNSWICK<br />

*/° 1569-1865. Schöne Samm lung Hun der ter gest./un gest. Mar k<strong>en</strong> und acht Be -<br />

lege, dabei 1852 1 Sgr., 3 Sgr. gest, 1853 1/4 Sgr. im s<strong>en</strong>kr. Dreiers trei f<strong>en</strong>, 1857<br />

4/4 Gr. in Ein hei t<strong>en</strong>, 1864 durchsto che ne Wer te mit Schön<strong>en</strong> Stem peln, 1865 mit<br />

Einheit<strong>en</strong>, gesammelt auch nach Papier<strong>en</strong> und Stempeln, weiterhin 35 vorphilatelis<br />

ti che Be le ge, da bei 1569 Brief des Her zogs Wil helm des Jün ge r<strong>en</strong> von<br />

Braunschweig und Lü ne burg. Los mit un ters chied li cher Qua lität, Stem pel auf Be le -<br />

g<strong>en</strong> z. T. nach ge malt, trotz dem schön präs<strong>en</strong> tie r<strong>en</strong>d.<br />

3.500 €<br />

399<br />

1860 (July 17). Ou ter let ter sheet from HAMBURG to LUBECK fran ked by<br />

large margined 1859 2sch. car mi ne tied by four ba rred obli te ra tor with<br />

HAMBURG fleuron datestamp alongside in black. An exceptional and attracti -<br />

ve co ver, ex Fe lix Brun ner sale 1948. Scott 3.<br />

400 €<br />

396<br />

Mi.8a. 1858 (Dec. 11). Co ver from BRUNSWICK to ST. PETER´S (Jer sey), fran -<br />

ked by 1853 imperforate 3sgr. black on dull rose, tied by black diamond oblitera -<br />

tor BRAUNSCHWEIG des patch cds in blue at right, cir cu lar ´P´ in red and London<br />

tran sit (Dec 13) in red. Re ver se with Jersey arri val cds (Dec 15). A scar ce co ver to a<br />

most unusual destination for Brunswick Mail.<br />

700 €<br />

400<br />

Mi.16. 1867. HAMBURGO a ROTTERDAM (Ho lan da). 4 sh. ver de.<br />


200 €<br />

397<br />

1866 (Oct 7). Co ver to Ha me lin fran ked by rare usa ge of 1865 1/3gr. black tied<br />

by Holzmind<strong>en</strong> cds´s. Iro ned but a very rare fran king. Cer ti fi ca te Lan ge (2003). Mi -<br />

chel 17. Scott 23.<br />

1.800 €<br />

401 HANNOVER<br />

1754. Enti re let ter from HANNO VER to BOURGES via Pa ris with good stri -<br />

ke of A.DU.B.RHIN in red, in te res ting and rea da ble con t<strong>en</strong>t. A scar ce let ter<br />

from this Cam paign against the Bri tish & Prus sian for ces.<br />

350 €<br />



402<br />

1804 (Aug. 22). Enti re let ter from HANNO VER to PARIS struck with fine BAU.<br />

GL./ARM. D´HANOVRE in red, ra ted ´7´ in ma nus cript. Red arri val cds on re ver se.<br />

Op<strong>en</strong>s well for dis play, a fine <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

150 €<br />

406 OLDENBURG<br />

1852. 1/30 tha ler black on blue, fine exam ple on at trac ti ve ou ter let ter sheet<br />

to BODTHORN tied by fra med and da ted NEUENBURG/1-3 hand stamp in<br />

black, re pea ted fine stri ke at right. Scott 1.<br />

200 €<br />


1869 (July 1). Re gis te red co ver to Pa ris with de ligh tful three co lour mi xed cu -<br />

rr<strong>en</strong>cy/is sue fran king of 1868 rou let ted ½gr. oran ge and strip of three 1gr. rose with<br />

7kr. blue (2, both over lap ping the edge of co ver) all tied by Frankfurt bo xed and da -<br />

ted hand stamps. Rare. Scott 3,4,10.<br />

600 €<br />

407<br />

1853 (Dec 28). Enti re let ter to CLOPPENBURG fran ked by 1852 1/30 tha -<br />

ler black on blue, fine with lar ge mar gins all round, tied by straight line<br />

FRIESOYTHE straight line hand stamp in blue and re pea ted stri ke along si de.<br />

Some con tem po rary doc ke ting but a rare co ver. Sig ned Cal ves. Scott 1.<br />

250 €<br />

404<br />

Sc.7, 9, 10. 1869 (Jan 25). Enti re let ter with se cond page sho wing 6 ob ver se / re -<br />

ver se si des of Me dals pro du ced by Doerr & Rein hart in Worms, fran ked by rou let ted<br />

1868 1kr. gre<strong>en</strong> (2), 3kr. red and 7kr. blue all tied by WORMS cds´s. A fine and ap -<br />

pea ling three co lour fran king.<br />

150 €<br />

408<br />

1861 (Nov 3). Co ver from Va rel to Ham burg bea ring fine lar ge mar gi ned<br />

1861 2 gr. red tied by Varel bo xed & da ted hand stamp in blue. Re ver se with<br />

Old<strong>en</strong>burg and Hamburg da tes tamps. A rare stamp on let ter (Mi. 13, Scott<br />

14). Certificate Maria Brettl.<br />

350 €<br />

405<br />

1871 (Oct 4). Enti re let ter from Ber lin to Fran ce fran ked by per fo ra ted 1869 ¼gr.<br />

Pale li lac, crea sed 1/3 gr. gre<strong>en</strong> and ver ti cal pair of 2gr. blue all tied by blue Ber lin<br />

cds´s. Lyon-Marseille TPO cds on re ver se. Scott 13,14,17.<br />

180 €<br />

409 PRUSSIA<br />

1811 (Aug. 11). Enti re let ter writ t<strong>en</strong> from STETTIN by a mem ber of the<br />

108th Re gi m<strong>en</strong>t, mai led pre paid to PARIS with very fine PP<br />

No.14/ARM.D´ALLEMAGNE in red. Fra med black PP be low and re ver se with<br />

arri val da tes tamp (aug 26) in black. A fine and rare <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

200 €<br />



410<br />

1855 (April 1). Enti re let ter to Le Hav re fran ked by 1850-56 1sgr. black on rose<br />

(5, irre gu lar block with strip of four, cros sed by file fold) all tied by ´373´ numeral can -<br />

cels of Elber feld. Th<strong>en</strong> ce via Va l<strong>en</strong> ci<strong>en</strong> nes to Hav re. A fresh and at trac ti ve <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

Scott 3.<br />

350 €<br />

414<br />

1864(Sept 6). Re gis te red <strong>en</strong> ti re let ter from Wein heim to Lon don with cds of<br />

des patch at left, oran ge ´Chargé´ hand stamp and, on arri val, struck with<br />

´Crown-Registered´ and ´PD´ hand stamps in pur ple with scar ce<br />

´PRUSSIA-CROWN-REGISTERED´ along si de. A pretty and scar ce <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

150 €<br />

411<br />

(1855 CA.). 1sgr. rose pos tal sta tio nery <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe mai led to POSEY COUNTY<br />

(India na-USA) up-ra ted with 1850-56 3sgr. black on ye llow in a ho ri zon tal strip of<br />

four tied by 210 nu me ral of Bunz lau. Aach<strong>en</strong> red tran sit and NEW YORK - PAID - 30<br />

da tes tamp (May 21) in red. Unclai med and s<strong>en</strong>t back with scar ce fra med AM<br />

BESTIMMUNGSORTE/NICHT ABGEFORDERT´ in red (Van Der Lin d<strong>en</strong> fig. 110).<br />

A rare and ap pea ling fran king. Sig ned Büh ler. Scott 5.<br />

1.000 €<br />

415<br />

1867. 3 sgr. pale brown sta tio nery <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe from Ham burg to Pa ris, up-ra -<br />

ted with rou let ted 1861-65 6 pf. oran ge and 1 sgr. rose neatly tied by Ham -<br />

burg cds´s. Scott 16,17.<br />

180 €<br />

412<br />

Mi.1, 9a, 12a. (1858 CA) (Jan 17). 1sgr. red postal stationery <strong>en</strong>velope (Mi.<br />

U17B) used to BERLIN and up-ra ted with mi xed is sue fran king of 1850 ½ sgr. oran -<br />

ge, 1858-60 4pf. gre<strong>en</strong> and 3sg. oran ge ho ri zon tal pair tied by ZABRZE da tes -<br />

tamps. All stamps with four mar gins, a dra ma tic and very rare co ver. Sig ned Ebel.<br />

Certificate BRETTL.<br />

1.200 €<br />

416 SAXONY<br />

1863 (Aug 29). Co ver to VIENNA fran ked by unu sual usa ge of 1863 1ngr.<br />

rose red and postal stationery cut-out 2ngr. blue tied by neat DRESDEN<br />

cds´s. Re ver se with Vi<strong>en</strong>na arri val cds. Scar ce and very at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

Scott 17.<br />

800 €<br />

413<br />

Mi.11a. 1858-60. 2sgr. blue, lar ge mar gins all round with mi nor in clu sion at<br />

upper right not affecting appearance, used on attractive Ladies´s <strong>en</strong>velope (one<br />

side flap mis sing) with red su rround neatly tied by KONIGSBERG cds (13/8) in<br />

black. Arri val cds on re ver se of a de ligh tful and rare co ver. Sig ned Kas taun BPP.<br />

180 €<br />

417<br />

1867. Co ver to FRANCE, fran ked with 1/2ngr oran ge, 1ngr red, and 3ngr<br />

brown (Mi 15,16,18), all tied by LEIPZIG da tes tamps. Front shows red fra med<br />

PD hand stamp, red PRUSSE/FORBACH Fr<strong>en</strong>ch <strong>en</strong>try, plus ma nus cript ´2<br />

1/2f´ credit, while reverse bears PARIS arri val da tes tamp. A very fine and co -<br />

lorful cover.<br />

200 €<br />



418 SCHLESWIG<br />

1855 (May 15). Enti re let ter writ t<strong>en</strong> from SAN JOSE (Cos ta Rica) s<strong>en</strong>t un paid to<br />

HOYER in the Duchy of Schles wig, with re ver se sho wing ma nus cript ´For war ded<br />

Be li ze, Hon du ras, 16 June 1855 by you ob di<strong>en</strong>t ser vants N. Wes sel hoeft´ and mai -<br />

led from the re via Bri tish Post Offi ce with BELIZE dou ble arc cds in black. LONDON<br />

tran sit cds (July 23) in red and Da nish P.O in Ham burg tran sit (July 27) in black.<br />

Plet ho ra of ra tes in ma nus cript ´10´ (p<strong>en</strong> ce) in ink (6 d. to GB + 4 d. to D<strong>en</strong> mark) = 8<br />

1/2 sgr. + Ger man sha re of 3 1/2 sgr. = 12 sgr. mar ked in blue ink. Roun ded up to 16<br />

shi llin ge = 52 ski lling + 9 ski lling Da nish sha re =61 ski lling due to pay (red cra yon). A<br />

marvellous and extremely rare <strong>en</strong>tire.<br />

850 €<br />

422<br />

Mi.24, 32, 34/I. 1864 (May 28). Enti re let ter from MAINZ to NEW YORK<br />

with rare (1 kreu zer over paid) fran king of 1859 15kr. brown pur ple (2) and<br />

1862 sin gle 3kr. carmine and 9kr. brown all tied by ´134´ target cancels in<br />

black with MAINZ cds alongside. Scarce mag<strong>en</strong>ta AACHEN-PAID 25 on front<br />

and NEW YORK/AMERICAN PACKET red datestamp. Small imperfections<br />

but rare and attractive. Certificate SEM.<br />

700 €<br />

423 GERMANY<br />

*/** 1863-98. LOCAL STAMPS. Colection on pages, diverse german cities,<br />


used.<br />

WEB 300 €<br />


1837 (April 20). Re gis te red co ver to VERSAILLE with red two line COBURG<br />

des patch hand stamp, two stri kes of CHARGE in red and in blue; fra med<br />

ALLEMAGNE-PARFORBACH <strong>en</strong>try mar king. An unu sual co ver with wax seals<br />

and VERSAILLES arri vals on re ver se.<br />

150 €<br />

424<br />

Sc.16, 18. 1873 (Dec. 31). KOHLER-DIETZ ad ver ti sing small box (stif fe -<br />

ned pink board <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe) used to ROUEN with Lar ge Shield 1872 1/2gr. oran -<br />

ge and 2gr. blue tied by MULHOUSE half-round da tes tamps in black. Ma g<strong>en</strong> -<br />

ta PD fra mes at left and arri val (Jan 2 1874) on re ver se. A most unu sual and<br />

early advertising box.<br />

650 €<br />

420<br />

1860 (Nov 9). Co ver from OFENBACH to MILAN fran ked by 1859-61 6kr. deep<br />

rose and 15kr. brown-pur ple tied by ´142´ numeral obliterators with Off<strong>en</strong>bach cds<br />

at right. Re ver se with Mi lan arri val cds (12/9). A scar ce co ver. Mi chel 22+24.<br />

125 €<br />

425<br />

1873. Re gis te red let ter s<strong>en</strong>t from GERMANY to FRANCE, fran ked with two<br />

examples of 2 1/2 gr. lar ge shield is sue (Sc 19). Stamps can ce led by<br />

DRESDEN cds, with se rra ted RECOMANDIRT hand stamp in red and black,<br />

plus Fr<strong>en</strong>ch script ¦Recommande¦ markings alongside. Reverse shows ¦1307¦<br />

Bu reau de Passe cds, plus CANNES arri val da tes tamp. A scar ce and co lor ful<br />

Registered letter under the 1872 Franco-German Conv<strong>en</strong>tion.<br />

250 €<br />

421<br />

Mi.16,18(2). 1863. NEUDIETENDORT a HOLANDA. Car ta cer ti fi ca da con fran -<br />

queo de 2 sgr. rojo y dos se llos de 5 sgr. lila. Mag ní fi co y muy raro fran queo. Cert.<br />

P.SEM.<br />

750 €<br />

426<br />

1873. Enve lo pe + ori gi nal let ter (long) to Lo well, Mass., USA, fran ked 9kr.<br />

tied by bo xed Frankfurt da tes tamp. Obver se also bears red straight line<br />

´Franco´ and ´New York Paid All´ cds. Very fine.<br />

250 €<br />



427<br />

1874-75. Registered Parcel Receipt coupon for 1 kilogramme packet, bearing<br />

1874 9kr. on 9kr. brown tied by ´Constanz´ cds. Spi ke hole at left, a scar ce usa ge.<br />

Sig ned Georg Buh ler. Scott 28.<br />

500 €<br />

431<br />

1890 (March 18). 10 pf. red on blue pos tal sta tio nery <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe<br />

(146x113mm) up-ra ted with 1889 10 pf. car mi ne tied by NAUMBURG cds and<br />

used to Kua la Bu ron, via Ban dar Ma sin, Kaha gan, BORNEO. Tran sits on re -<br />

verse with datestamps of NED INDIE-SINGAPORE (April 8), SEMERANG,<br />

SOERABAJA (April 14) and BANDAR MASIN. An extraordinary destination.<br />

Scott 48.<br />

200 €<br />

428<br />

1876. RIKHEIM to VESOUL. Three co lour fran king with 5 pf., 10 pf and 25 pf.<br />

(Scott 30, 31, 33).<br />

100 €<br />

432<br />

1898 (Jan 7). 10pf+10pf sta tio nery reply cards used from Braunschweig to<br />

K<strong>en</strong> hardt, Cape of Good Hope. On arri val the card was s<strong>en</strong>t on to The Gran ge<br />

PO, Trans vaal and 1898 ½d gre<strong>en</strong> ap plied and tied by K<strong>en</strong>hardt cds. Va riety<br />

of tran sits on re ver se of most unu sual card-reply half at ta ched unu sed. Scott<br />

59.<br />

300 €<br />

429<br />

1883 (Sept 22). Ger many 5pf. vio let sta tio nery card used from BERLIN to<br />

HAMBURG, re-ad dres sed on arri val to MALMO (Swe d<strong>en</strong>). On arri val trea ted as un -<br />

paid and char ged with Pos ta ge Due 3ö. rose car mi ne and 9ö. oran ge-ye llow tied by<br />

MALMO thim ble cds´s (Sept 24). Scar ce and at trac ti ve card.<br />

260 €<br />

433<br />

1907 (July 12). De ligh tful hand-illus tra ted co ver to PARIS with ink illus tra -<br />

tion of young man and ol der man (ad dress writ t<strong>en</strong> in speech bub bles) bea ring<br />

20pf. blue tied by GEBWEILER cds in black. A scar ce and at trac ti ve usa ge.<br />

Scott 69.<br />

150 €<br />

430<br />

1890 (Sept 9). Co ver to FRANCE fran ked by 1888 2 x 10 pf. car mi ne tied by<br />

DARMSTADT cds´s, read dres sed on arri val with Type Sage 5 c. gre<strong>en</strong> pair tied by<br />

DREUX A BUEIL con vo yeur TPO cds, and s<strong>en</strong>t back to MUNICH and GMUNDEN.<br />

Attractive redirected cover. Scott 48.<br />

250 €<br />


1903 (Dec 28). 5pa. on Germany 10pf. carmine postal stationery card<br />

used to PHILADELPHIA (USA) up-ra ted with Yacht 5pa. car mi ne tied by scar -<br />

ce IRINGA cds´s well struck in black. Dar-Es-Salaam tran sit cds at left (Jan<br />

18) and Philadelphia arri val (Feb 26). Fresh, at trac ti ve and scar ce. Scott 13.<br />

350 €<br />



435<br />

1906. EAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1 a. stationery <strong>en</strong>velope franked for use to<br />

GLOGAU, GERMANY with 1905 7 1/2 h. car mi ne, SG 28, tied by fine MOSCHI<br />

cds´s. TANGA tran sit on re ver se with arri val cds on scar ce and unu sual co ver.<br />

180 €<br />

439<br />

1898. AZEMOUR a MARRAKESCH. Cir cu la da con se llo de Co rreo Lo cal<br />

de 10 c<strong>en</strong>t. rojo.<br />

200 €<br />

436 CAMEROON<br />

1902. Re gis te red co ver to BREMEN fran ked with mi xed fran king Ger many 1900<br />

5 pf. gre<strong>en</strong> & 20 pf. blue with Ka me run Yacht 10 pf. carmine & 20 pf. blue all can ce -<br />

lled DUALA cds´s. A scar ce fran king with reg´d la bel at left and arri val ver so.<br />

300 €<br />

440<br />

(1900 CA.). So bre cir cu la do de CASABLANCA a MOGADOR. Cir cu la do<br />

con se llo ale mán de 10 pf. rojo con matasellos octogonal del Correo Local<br />

(Co rreo Che ri fia no) de CASABLANCA <strong>en</strong> rojo y fe cha dor de lle ga da <strong>en</strong> el<br />

fr<strong>en</strong> te del co rreo ale mán de Mo ga dor. RARÍSIMO.<br />

500 €<br />


1900. Enve lo pe to HANNO VER fran ked two pairs 10 Para on 5 pf. tied by<br />

JAFFA*DEUTSCHE POST datestamp.<br />

150 €<br />

441<br />

1913 (June 13). TANGIER. The Eastern Telegraph Company <strong>en</strong>velope<br />

s<strong>en</strong>t re gis te red to SAFFI fran ked by sin gle Got hic 1911 10cs. on 10pf. car mi -<br />

ne tied by TANGER-(MAROKKO)-A-DEUTSCHE POST cds in black. Re pea -<br />

ted stri ke at upper right. Scar ce usa ge. Mi chel 48.<br />

350 €<br />

438 MOROCCO<br />

1898 (July 15). Co ver from MAZAGAN to BREMEN with to ned 20pf. ul tra ma ri ne<br />


tamps in black. Ma nus cript ship <strong>en</strong> dor se m<strong>en</strong>t at top and re ver se with Brem<strong>en</strong> arri -<br />

val cds (July 23). Faults but scar ce usa ge. Sig ned Bot he BPP.<br />

325 €<br />

442<br />

1914 (July 8). CASABLANCA. Mo ney Order Form used to TANGIER fran -<br />

ked by Got hic April 1911 1p. on 80pf. deep car mi ne and black on red, tied by<br />

CASABLANCA-(MAROKKO)-DEUTSCHE POST cds in black. Tanger arri -<br />

val cds on re ver se (July 9). Mi chel 54.<br />

300 €<br />



443<br />

1914 (June 5). Mo ney or der card from MAZAGAN to FES fran ked by sin gle 1911<br />

25cs. on Germania 20pf. blue tied by MASAGAN cds´s. Fes arri val of Ger man<br />

P.O. on re ver se (June 10). A scar ce card. Scott 48.<br />

400 €<br />


1804 (Oct. 9). Enti re let ter from LONDON to TENERIFFE (Ca nary Islands)<br />

struck on re ver se with FOREIGN OFFICE dou ble arc in red (and unu sual cir -<br />

cu lar eight pron ged ´wheel´ in red-pos sibly an Inspec tor´s mar king); struck on<br />

obverse with fine ESPNA and YNGLATERRA mar kings in red. Doc ke ting of<br />

re ceipt on flap (Jan 5, 1805). A fine and ap pea ling Na po leo nic Bloc ka de <strong>en</strong> ti -<br />

re.<br />

150 €<br />

444<br />

1914 (July 24). Mo ney Order card to TANGIER fran ked by 1911 1p. on 80pf. tied<br />

by ALKASSAR-DEUTSCHE POST cds in blue, furt her stri ke along si de and ´Tan -<br />

ger´ arri val cds be low. Rare. Scott 53.<br />

350 €<br />

448<br />


WAR. Complete letter with ´Con di tions un der which Bri tish sub jects will be ad -<br />

mit ted to the Ser vi ce of the Cat ho lic Ma jesty Don na Isa be lla, the se cond<br />

Que<strong>en</strong> of Spain´ and full lis ting of time to be ser ved, award of bounty for m<strong>en</strong><br />

and Offi cers agreeing to ser ve as mer ce na ries in the 1st Car list War etc., mai -<br />

led from BRYANSTON SQUARE, Lon don to a Cap tain Sim mons of the Bri tish<br />

Arti llery in GUERNSEY with red TOMBSTONE PAID datestamp. Prepaid 2s.<br />

2d. in red ma nus cript at left. Sig ned by Sir Lacy Evans, Com man dant of the<br />

Bri tish Le gion in the First Car list War. An ex traor di nary do cu m<strong>en</strong>t.<br />

350 €<br />

445<br />

1914 (June 15). Mo ney or der card from LARACHE to FES fran ked by two 1911<br />

50cs. on Germania 40pf. (2) tied by LARASCH cds´s. Fes arri val of Ger man P.O.<br />

be low (June 18). A very rare card. Scott 51.<br />

300 €<br />

449<br />

1840 (Aug 28). Enti re let ter used wit hin LONDON, fran ked by fine 1840 1d.<br />

black, pl.7, let te red CD, tied by neat red MALTESE CROSS. Found to be<br />

over-weight (due to an <strong>en</strong> clo su re) and struck with cir cu lar MORE TO PAY in<br />

black and ma nus cript ´2d.´. Des patch cds on re ver se in red. A fine and scar ce<br />

<strong>en</strong>tire. SG 2.<br />

600 €<br />

446<br />

1914 (April 27). Mo ney Order card to MARRAKESH fran ked by 1911 1p. 25c. on<br />

1m. car mi ne tied by MOGADOR-DEUTSCHE POST cds´s in black. Marrakesh<br />

arri val cds on re ver se. A scar ce usa ge. Scott 54.<br />

350 €<br />

450<br />

1840 (Aug 7). Enti re let ter to COVENTRY fran ked by 1840 1d. black, pl.<br />

1b, let te red LB, can ce lled by neat red MALTESE CROSS. Fine stri ke of ita lic<br />


cds in red along si de. A fine and at trac ti ve <strong>en</strong> ti re. SG 2.<br />

1.250 €<br />



451<br />

1853 (May 9). Co ver from LONDON to BILBAO bea ring 1841 2d. blue pla te 4<br />

HF-HJ strip of five, <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´via Ca lais´ and with tran sit cds. on front, oval fra med<br />

PF in red and 10Rs hand stamp also in red on front, ad he si ves with three or four<br />

mar gins. Attrac ti ve.<br />

400 €<br />

455<br />

1856 (Oct 30). Co ver from ST. BOSWELL ad dres sed to ´H.M.S. Mo narch´<br />

at Val pa rai so via PANAMA; fran ked by ver ti cal pair of em bos sed 1847-54<br />

1sh. pale gre<strong>en</strong>, small fault at top and tou ched on lo wer stamp, tied by ´301´<br />

obliterator. Reverso with LONDON tran sit in red. Enve lo pe with em bos sed<br />

MELROSE ABBEY vignette on reverse. Unusual destination, attractive fran -<br />

king. SG 54.<br />

650 €<br />

452<br />

1854(April 24). Enti re let ter ad dres sed to ´Capt Fre re, HMS Be lle rop hon,<br />

MALTA´ fran ked at 2s 3d rate with im perf 1841 1d red brown, 2d blue and Embos -<br />

sed 1s gre<strong>en</strong>. Endor sed at upper left ´By En glish Pac ket via Mar sei lles, April 24,<br />

un der ¼ oun ce´. SG 8,14,55.<br />

600 €<br />

456<br />

1860 (Nov 16th). Co ver <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´Via Sout hamp ton´ to Ca llao, PERU ad -<br />

dres sed to care of US Con sul to ´Ship Ali ce Cour ce´ with 2s rate for un der ½<br />

oun ce bea ring four 1856 6d li lac, one de fec ti ve, tied by Glasgow-159 du ple -<br />

xes. Panama British PO tran sit (Dec 8th) in black on front. SG 70.<br />

200 €<br />

453<br />

Sg.24,58. 1855 (July 20). Enti re let ter from LONDON to NETHERLANDS with<br />

1d. red star, perf. 16, in a ho ri zon tal strip of three along si de Embos sed 1854 6d.<br />

deep mau ve all tied by London numeral obliterators. Fra med FRANCO in black<br />

be low. A few file folds but a fine and rare <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

200 €<br />

457<br />

1861(Oct 2nd). Co ver to Lu con, FRANCE fran ked at 1s 8d rate (un der 1¾<br />

oun ce rate) paid by 1856 1s gre<strong>en</strong> and 1d red stars (8) all tied by Hull-383 du -<br />

ple xes. Fi ling crea se but a re mar ka ble fran king and scar ce rate. SG 40,72.<br />

250 €<br />

454<br />

1855 (March 1). Entire letter <strong>en</strong>dorsed ´per Pac ket´ to DEMERARA (Bri tish<br />

Guia na) fran ked by sin gle 1847-54 em bos sed 6d. dull li lac tied by LONDON des -<br />

patch obli te ra tor in black. A fine and rare <strong>en</strong> ti re to an unu sual des ti na tion. SG 59.<br />

300 €<br />

458<br />

1872. Wrap per to Landscro na, Swe d<strong>en</strong>, fran ked 2d. blue, pla te 13, + 3d.<br />

pla te 8, tied by Leith ´221´ du plex da tes tamp. Obver se also bears lar ge red<br />

2½ d. accountancy handstamp. On reverse, Cop<strong>en</strong>hag<strong>en</strong> tran sit cds. Very<br />

fine.<br />

125 €<br />



459<br />

1875(Feb 16th). Enti re let ter to Ca ra cas, VENEZUELA at 2s rate for un der 1<br />

ounce, <strong>en</strong>dorsed ´per R.M.Steamer Tagus´ bearing 1867 2s blue tied by 498 nu me -<br />

ral obliterator with red Manchester-Paid cds´s at left. Scar ce fran king. SG 118.<br />

300 €<br />

463 ANTIGUA<br />

1815. ANTIGUA a FRANCIA. Car ta com ple ta con tex to, mar ca de <strong>en</strong> tra da<br />


150 €<br />

460<br />

1897 (Nov 13). Delightful hand-illustrated and painted <strong>en</strong>velope to WIESBADEN<br />

franked by Jubilee 1887-92 2½d. pur ple on blue tied by ´507´ obliterator with Marazion<br />

(Corn wall) cds abo ve. Wiesbad<strong>en</strong> arri val on re ver se of a lo vely co ver. SG 201.<br />

464<br />

1871 (April 27). Illus tra ted co ver (re turn ad dress) from Anti gua via Ha li fax,<br />

Nova Sco tia to Ban gor, USA with 1867 1d. ver mi lion tied by ´AO2´ obliterator<br />

in black, red ma nus cript ´1´ in cra yon. Struck with straight line ´Due 2 cts.´ in<br />

black on arri val. SG 7. BPA cer ti fi ca te (1963).<br />

675 €<br />

200 €<br />

461<br />

1899 (Oct. 9). Delightful hand-illustrated cover (featuring drunk<strong>en</strong> Monks) used<br />

to ST. ALBANS fran ked by 1d. li lac tied by TUNBRIDGE WELLS cds. Re ver se with<br />

arri val (same day).<br />

125 €<br />


Sc.14(3). 1855. SYDNEY a ESCOCIA. 2 p. azul tira de tres, már ge nes muy<br />

grandes. Tasada a la llegada con 5. MAGNIFICA.<br />

750 €<br />

462<br />

1899 (Oct 31). Delightful hand-illustrated and painted <strong>en</strong>velope to FRANCE with<br />

´Chesham G<strong>en</strong>eral´ footballers, franked by Jubilee 1887-92 2½d. pur ple on blue<br />

tied by LONDON cds. Paris cds on re ver se of a lo vely and most unu sual co ver. SG<br />

201.<br />

500 €<br />

466<br />

1856 (Mayo 8). Enti re writ t<strong>en</strong> from MELBOURNE to COPENHAGEN <strong>en</strong> -<br />

dor sed ´pr. Mer maid´ at dou ble rate, fran ked by 1854 6 d. orange-yellow hori -<br />

zon tal pair neatly tied by Mel bour ne ´1´ nu me rals in black, with re ver se sho -<br />


tes tamp (June 9) and DANISH P.O. in Ham burg cds (June 12). Par tial pay -<br />

m<strong>en</strong>t was not allo wed and thus char ged at full un paid rate, with ma nus cript<br />

´119´ ski lling due from re ci pi<strong>en</strong>t on re ver se (ma nus cript Bri tish rate on front 1<br />

s. 8 d. + Ger man sha re of 7 sgr. = 24 sgr. (mar ked in blue ink) = 102 ski lling,<br />

plus Da nish sha re 17 sk.= 119 ski lling to pay. A fresh and fine cover.<br />

650 €<br />



467<br />

1868 (April 17). Enve lo pe from NEW SOUTH WALES, fran ked by 6d. addres -<br />

sed to Lon don and re di rec ted to Du blin, fran ked by 1864-79 1d. pla te 108 HB tied by<br />

LONDON W.C. du plex, part of flap mis sing and some mi nor to ning, ot her wi se fine<br />

and attractive.<br />

450 €<br />

471<br />

Sg.209, 216. 1875 (May 4). Registered <strong>en</strong>tire letter to LONDON from<br />

RAYMOND TERRACE fran ked by 1871-1902 2d. deep blue pair and 6d.<br />

bright mau ve pair tied by NUMERAL obliterators. REGISTERED-LONDON<br />

arri vals (June 27) also on ob ver se of an at trac ti ve and scar ce co ver.<br />

150 €<br />

468<br />

1871. Co ver from WENTWORTH (NSW) to LONDON with com bi na tion fran king<br />

of New South Wa les 2d. blue (2) with WENTWORTH-NSW cds (June 19) at left,<br />

further franked by Victoria 1863-74 6d. blue (2) tied in ma nus cript and by black<br />

OBLITERATORS and red LONDON-PAID cds (Sept 11). Re ver se with SWAN<br />

HILL/VICTORIA cds (June 25) and MELBOURNE cds (June 26). Small im per fec -<br />

tions but a very rare com bi na tion co ver.<br />

425 €<br />

472<br />

Sc.116. 1883 (May 30). Co ver to ITALY <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´per Lu si ta nia´ fran ked<br />

by 1867-78 6d. blue tied by MELBOURNE du plex, struck with trian gu lar ´T´<br />

mark and ta xed by 1870 Pos ta ge Due 30c. on arri val in Na ples.<br />

285 €<br />

469<br />

Sg.129b, 132c. 1873 (Oct. 9). VICTORIA. Re gis te red co ver from STAWELL to<br />

GRAUBÜNDEN (Sui za) fran ked for via Sout hamp ton rate 1/6d. (postage 8d.+10d.<br />

registration) with delightful four colour franking of 1863/81 laureated 1d. ye llow<br />

gre<strong>en</strong> (6), 4d. pale rose, 6d. blue and 1873 2d. li lac tied by 152 numeral obliterators<br />

and oval REGISTERED hand stamp. London tran sits (Dec. 1) in red (in clu ding rare<br />

´Registered/PD/London´ marking) and reverse with Stawell cds, Zu rich, Chur and<br />

Samd<strong>en</strong> cds´s. A delightful and coloruful cover.<br />

475 €<br />

473<br />

1888 (Aug). Mour ning co ver from New South Wa les to Onta rio, Ca na da<br />

franked by 6d vio let tied in black. On arri val the co ver was read dres sed and<br />

mai led on to Batt le creek, USA fran ked by pair of Small Que<strong>en</strong>s 3c oran ge red,<br />

overlapping the original adhesive. Ontario cds on front and re ver se with five<br />

transit cds´s. An unusual combination.<br />

350 €<br />

470<br />

Sg.208, 211. 1874 (Sept. 22). Re gis te red co ver from MUSWELL BROOK (des -<br />

patch cds on re ver se) mai led to LONDON, <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´to be re gis te red´ and fran ked<br />

by 1871-1902 1d. sal mon and 3d. ye llow-gre<strong>en</strong> (3) all tied by 67 numeral oblitera -<br />

tors; London red arri val on front (Nov 18). An at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

225 €<br />

474 BAHAMAS<br />

1880. Co ver to NEW YORK bea ring perf 14 4 d. dull rose (SG 36) can ce lled<br />

´A05´ obliterator with BAHAMAS cds on re ver se and NEW YORK PAID ALL<br />

du plex arri val. Scar ce on let ter.<br />

185 €<br />



475<br />

1893. 1 1/2 d. Sla te blue pos tal sta tio nery <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe s<strong>en</strong>t re gis te red to LONDON<br />

and up-ra ted with pair of 1884 1 d. bright car mi ne tied by A05 obli te ra tors and by red<br />

LONDON arri val. REGISTERED-NASSAU cds in red at left. Scar ce and at trac ti ve<br />

cover.<br />

125 €<br />

479<br />

1925. Re gis te red co ver to KANSAS fran ked by sin gle 1912 $ 1 black and<br />

red on blue tied by BRUNEI cds with fi nely struck re gis tra tion ca chet at left.<br />

Reverse with LABUAN, SINGAPORE and NEW YORK tran sits. Scar ce<br />

stamp on co ver. SG 46.<br />

200 €<br />


1906. Re gis te red co ver used to GERMANY bea ring 1/2 d., 1 d. pair& 2 d. X2<br />

ovpts can ce lled by the PALAPAYE STATION cds´s.<br />

200 €<br />

480<br />

1940. Co ver bea ring 1924-37 6 c.& 2 c.& 4 c. (see reverse) cancelled by<br />

the ´BRUNEI/30/APR/1940´ cds, used to USA sho wing the fra med PASSED<br />

BY CENSOR/4 hs. Very scar ce com mer cial c<strong>en</strong> sor mail.<br />

325 €<br />

477<br />

1911 (Oct 10). Registered ´Duty 4d.´ on 2d.+1d. brown <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe used to Ma fe -<br />

king with 1911 1d. scar let, 1897-1902 3d. pur ple on ye llow, 1891-1904 1s. gre<strong>en</strong><br />

tied by ´Mochudi´ cds´s in black. Rare and ap pea ling usa ge. SG 37,63,68.<br />

350 €<br />


1864 (Feb 29). Leap year day co ver to King ston fran ked by 1859 1c. rose<br />

(5, one with small perf. fault) all tied by Mon treal du ple xes. Kingston arri val on<br />

re ver se. Scott 14.<br />

250 €<br />

478 BRUNEI<br />

** Mi.XVI/XIX. 1979. Ope ning of Ports and Har bors, pre pa red for use but not is sued<br />

set of four va lues 12s, 20s, 25s and 75s, each with the Sul tan´s por trait in black,<br />

o.g. ne ver hin ged. Very fine. (See Ste v<strong>en</strong> Tans Ca ta lo gue nº 301-304). Mi -<br />

chel.10.000€.<br />

3.750 €<br />

482<br />

Sc.38a. 1879 (Oct. 26). ST. PIERRE (New found land) to FRANCE. Hand<br />

illustrated cover with cont<strong>en</strong>ts, franked with 5 cts. grey (not can ce lled). On<br />

back London tran sit and Paris arri val cds´s.<br />

200 €<br />



483<br />

1864 (Nov 26). Co ver to Chel sea, Mass, USA fran ked for 10c rate with pair of<br />

19860 5c deep gre<strong>en</strong> tied by black grid can cel and red cir cu lar ´Paid-10´. Whi tes<br />

Cove des patch hand stamp with ma nus cript date at left. Re ver se with Gagetown<br />

and St. John cds´s (Nov 29). A scar ce co ver. SG 15.<br />

350 €<br />

487<br />

1882. Co ver to FRANCE fran ked by 1882 1/2 d. grey black, 1 d. rose and 6<br />

d. bright vio let all tied by 35 numeral handstamps with RONDEBOSCH cds<br />

along si de. Fine stri ke of red 2 1/2 d. (cre dit to GB) on front of scar ce co ver. Sc<br />

33, 34, 37.<br />

250 €<br />

484<br />

1895. 3c. postal stationery <strong>en</strong>velope, uprated ½c. black (Dog); 1c. P.O.W.; &<br />

10c. black schoo ner can ce lled ba rred cir cle of St. Johns and re gis te red to Cre feld,<br />

Germany. On reverse Glasgow & Carlisle Sorting T<strong>en</strong>der TPO cds. V.fine.<br />

200 €<br />

488<br />

1883 (Nov 7). Co ver to CHARENTE (Fran ce) fran ked by Hope 1882-84<br />

½d. grey, 1d. rose and 6d. mau ve tied by CLAREMONT cds´s; split rate<br />

´2½d.´ in red and CALAIS A PARIS cds of tran sit on front (Nov 29). Lon don<br />

tran sit on re ver se in red with arri val. A fresh and fine co ver. SG 40a., 41,44.<br />

150 €<br />


1855 (Nov. 15). Enti re let ter from CAPE TOWN to COPENHAGEN (D<strong>en</strong> mark),<br />

s<strong>en</strong>t un paid and <strong>en</strong> dor sed P. SWIFTSOUND, VIA OSTENDE with pl<strong>en</strong> ti ful array of<br />

tran sit ma nus cript ra tings, struck with straight line SHIP LETTER in black (and Bri -<br />

tish char ge of 2s. an no ta ted in mss.). Th<strong>en</strong> ce via Ham burg Da nish P.O. (Jan 20,<br />

1856) and char ged 37 ski lling on re ceipt. Rare <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

200 €<br />

489 EAST AFRICA<br />

1895. Re gis te red co ver used to ZANZIBAR bea ring 3 anna. black/dull red<br />

(SG 37) can ce lled by the MOMBASSA squa red cir cle ds´s.<br />

225 €<br />

486<br />

1855. Enti re let ter s<strong>en</strong>t un paid to COPENHAGEN (D<strong>en</strong> mark) at dou ble rate, <strong>en</strong> -<br />

dor sed ´p. str. Bahia na´ struck on re ver se with su perb oval CAPE TOWN in red<br />

(Sept 20), and fra med LIVERPOOL/SHIP in black (Nov 3). Red LONDON cds and<br />

re-<strong>en</strong> dor sed at top ´p. Impa ra dor via Ost<strong>en</strong>d´, with ´1 shilling´ char ge in ma nus cript<br />

and th<strong>en</strong> ce via Da nish P.O. in Ham burg (Nov 5). To tal char ge due of 68 ski lling no -<br />

ted on re ver se: 1 shilling = 10 sgr. + 3 3/4 sgr. for Ger man sha re (13 3/4 sgr. in blue<br />

ink) = 59 ski lling + 9 sk. for Da nish sha re (op<strong>en</strong>s well for dis play). Unu sual des ti na -<br />

tion.<br />

250 €<br />

490<br />

1895. Re gis te red co ver used to ZANZIBAR bea ring 1 ru pee carmine (SG<br />

43) can ce lled by the MOMBASSA squa red cir cle ds¦s.<br />

250 €<br />



491<br />

1895. Registered cover bearing 1895 8 a. blue lo cally hand stam ped, SG 42, tied<br />

by MOMBASA squa red cir cle da tes tamp with ZANZIBAR arri val cds on re ver se of<br />

scarce and attractive cover.<br />

250 €<br />

495<br />

1834 (April 24). Enti re let ter from Gi bral tar to Co p<strong>en</strong> ha g<strong>en</strong> with faint red<br />

´Gib/S.Roque/And. Baxa.´, slit ted for Di sin fec tion and th<strong>en</strong> ce via St. Jean De<br />

Luz and Ham burg Thurn & Ta xis Post Offi ce. An in te res ting <strong>en</strong> ti re that dis -<br />

plays well, an unu sual des ti na tion at this date.<br />

175 €<br />

492 FIJI<br />

1918 (9 May). Enve lo pe from SUVA to USA, bea ring 1/2d. (6) and War Stamp<br />

1/2 d. blue-gre<strong>en</strong> neatly can ce lled with cds., USA c<strong>en</strong> sor la bel af fi xed at left; scar ce<br />

and atttractive.<br />

200 €<br />

496<br />

1838. GIBRALTAR a MARSELLA. Circulada via Barcelona, manuscrito<br />

´por Ba lear´, mar ca BARCELONA/CATALUÑA y mar ca P.P. (porte pagado)<br />

´11´ rea les ma nus cri to. Entra da a Fran cia por Per pig nan. Muy rara via para<br />

una carta proced<strong>en</strong>te de Gibraltar.<br />

200 €<br />

493 GIBRALTAR<br />

1782 (31 Ene ro). SITIO DE GIBRALTAR (1779-1783) (SIEGE OF<br />

GIBRALTAR). Car ta fe cha da <strong>en</strong> el CAMPO DE SAN ROQUE y di ri gi da a<br />

BARCELONA. Mar ca li neal ANDALUCIA/BAJA <strong>en</strong> ne gro (no re se ña da <strong>en</strong> la re -<br />

ci<strong>en</strong> te obra de M. Ti zón). Pie za ex cep cio nal, pri me ra pie za que he mos vis to del<br />


300 €<br />

497<br />

1840 (1-ENE.). GIBRALTAR to LONDON. Can ce lla tion<br />

GIBRALTAR/PAID type II in black and FOREIGN PAID in red, stam ped in<br />

Lon don. Ma nus cript rate ´1/-´. FIRST DAY OF USE OF THE NEW MARITIME<br />

RATE. Outstanding piece.<br />

400 €<br />

494<br />

1809. MALTA a LONDRES, cir cu la da via Gi bral tar. Mar ca GIBRALTAR <strong>en</strong> rojo<br />

tipo I y ta ri fa ma nus cri ta ´2/8´. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA.<br />

400 €<br />

498<br />

1848 (July 2). Enti re let ter to Chud leigh, De von ca rried on the ´Eu xi ne´ un -<br />

der Cap tain Wil son, with Gi bral tar des patch cds in black and fine stri ke of two<br />

line ´GIBRALTAR/ SHIP LETTER´ in black. Char ged ´8d´. due on re ceipt with<br />

Chudleigh arri val (July 11) on front and London tran sit on re ver se.<br />

200 €<br />



499<br />

1859. GIBRALTAR a ORAN (Arge lia). 2 p. azul, mat. A 26 y fe cha dor de Gi bral -<br />

tar cir cu la da por vía de mar, fe cha dor de <strong>en</strong> tra da ESPAGNE/ORAN y tasa de ´8´<br />

décimas es tam pa da a Oran. RARA.<br />

600 €<br />

503<br />

1895 (Feb. 21). Great Bri tain ½d. + ½d. brown Pos tal Sta tio nery reply card<br />

up-rated with ½d. ver mi lion tied by CHESTER squa red cir cle, used to<br />

GIBRALTAR with reply partly paid by furt her GB ½d. vermilion on reverse tied<br />

by GIBRALTAR-A26 du plex in com bi na tion with 1889-95 10cs. rose tied by<br />

GIBRALTAR-SOUTH DISTRICT cds (Feb 27) with ma nus cript an no ta tion<br />

´No ted ½ Stamp re tur ned of no va lue as Pos ta ge in Gib´. Scar ce and most<br />

unusual usage.<br />

425 €<br />

500<br />

1879 (Dec 5). Co ver to ´HMS Alas ka´ in Pa na ma, fran ked by Great Bri tain 1875<br />

2½d. rosy mau ve pl. 16 tied by Gi bral tar /A26 du plex. Fra med red ´Returned / De -<br />

fici<strong>en</strong>t Postage´ and fran ked (over-paid?) by Great Bri tain 1s. gre<strong>en</strong> pl. 13 tied by<br />

heavy obli te ra tor can cel in black ap plied in Lon don. Red London tran sit (Dec 12)<br />

and Bri tish P.O. ´Panama´ arri val cds (Jan 23, 1880) in black. A rare and most unu -<br />

sual co ver. SG Z26,Z64.<br />

1.200 €<br />

504<br />

1897 (Nov 26). Co ver to MANCHESTER fran ked by Spa nish cu rr<strong>en</strong>cy<br />

1896 20c. oli ve gre<strong>en</strong> & brown tied by ´A26´ obliterator with unaccepted dia -<br />

gonally bisected 10c. carmine-therefore taxed with ´T´ mark on des patch and<br />

on arri val with ´1d./FB/C´ in black. Manchester cds on re ver se (Dec 1). A<br />

scar ce co ver. SG 23,24.<br />

500 €<br />

501<br />

1886 (Nov 27). Co ver to HUDDERSFIELD fran ked ini tially with Great Bri tain 1d.<br />

li lac can ce lled in ma nus cript (with ´T´ mark be low also de le ted) and 1886 ½d. dull<br />

gre<strong>en</strong> and 1d. rose-red tied by Gi bral tar-A26 duplex instead. Reverse with Huddersfield<br />

arri val cds (Dec 3). A scar ce and in te res ting first is sue co ver. SG 1,2.<br />

450 €<br />

505 GOLD COAST<br />

1848 (July 16). Enti re let ter writ t<strong>en</strong> from AKROPONG and mai led to<br />

JAMAICA with tran sit of ita lic BRISTOL-SHIP LETTER su perbly struck in<br />

black. Reverse with London tran sit cds (Dec 12) and ma nus cript ad dress of<br />

For war ding Ag<strong>en</strong>t era sed. A very rare <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

600 €<br />

502<br />

1891. Sobre circulado <strong>en</strong> el interior, fechadores GIBRALTAR / OFFICIAL / PAID<br />


150 €<br />

506<br />

1855 (July 10). Enti re let ter writ t<strong>en</strong> from ´Keta´ (Kwit ta) ad dres sed to Bre -<br />

m<strong>en</strong> ´care of Char les Young Esq., 8 High Street, Isling ton, Lon don´ with long<br />

letter in German carried privately to London. Forwarded Sept 19 in Lon don<br />

and <strong>en</strong> dor sed by the Ag<strong>en</strong>t ´Via Ost<strong>en</strong>d´, char ged 10½d. in ster ling to pay and<br />

48gr. in red on re ceipt. Only 3 <strong>en</strong> ti re let ters have be<strong>en</strong> re cor ded by Sa cher,<br />

this let ter lis ted on page 87. Extre mely rare and fine <strong>en</strong> ti re of great ra rity to<br />

both Gold Coast and Bre m<strong>en</strong> phi la tely.<br />

1.500 €<br />



507<br />

1871 (April 6). Envelope, embossed seal ´Spero´ on reverse addressed from D.<br />

Pa trick Chal mers to Edin burgh with su perb ´CAPE COAST CASTLE´ code A (Ma -<br />

crae 7), da tes tamp in black of des patch. Ra ted ´5´ p<strong>en</strong> ce in red ma nus cript due to<br />

G.P.O. for ½ oun ce rate. ´Paid / Li ver pool / Br. Pac ket´ cds in red of tran sit (April<br />

28) and re ver se with Edin burgh arri val cds. Very scar ce: the da tes tamp in black was<br />

used on pre paid let ters un til Nov. 1871 only; the reaf ter on un paid let ters. A rare and<br />

very attractive cover, unlisted by Sacher.<br />

450 €<br />

510<br />

1885 (Nov 21). Co ver with prin ted re ver se ´Ba sel Mis sion Fac tory, Addah´<br />

to Beils tein, Ger many fran ked by March 1885 4d. deep mau ve tied by heavy<br />

stri ke of ´Addah Seal´ hand stamp in black (ink has left tra ces of tro pi ca li sa -<br />

tion), Addah cds, code C, at left in black and Accra tran sit Nov 22. ´3´ (p<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

to G.P.O.) and ´1´ ac coun tancy marks in red cra yon. Red ´Paid / Li ver pool /<br />

Br. Pac ket´ cds at left (Dec 15) and arri val on re ver se. Late usa ge of this can -<br />

cel, the only known on a Crown CA 4d. co ver. SG 16.<br />

2.000 €<br />

511<br />

1894 (May 8). ½d. gre<strong>en</strong> pos tal sta tio nery card used to Abu ri can ce lled by<br />

two su perb stri kes of ´ABOKOBI´ cds´s in red. Abu ri arri val on front in black<br />

May 9. Fine and at trac ti ve usa ge, very rare.<br />

175 €<br />

508<br />

1878 (Dec 11). Cover <strong>en</strong>dorsed ´per Lualaba´ to Lon don, fran ked on re ver se<br />

with pair and block of t<strong>en</strong> 1d. blue all can ce lled by ´554´ obli te ra tors in black. Accra,<br />

code A cds of des patch on front in black and red ´Paid / Li ver pool / Br. Pac ket´ cds<br />

(Jan 10, 1879). Tri vial im per fec tions to <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe but a very rare co ver, un lis ted by<br />

Sa cher, with the lar gest known mul ti ple of the 1d. va lue on let ter. SG 5.<br />

1.500 €<br />

512<br />

1894 (Dec 17). Co ver from Quit tah to Lon don <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´Via Accra´ fran -<br />

ked by 1884 ½d. dull gre<strong>en</strong> (3) and 1d. car mi ne tied by ´B27´ obliterators with<br />

corresponding ´Quit tah´ cds, code C, at left. ´Paid / Li ver pool / Br. Pac ket´ in<br />

red (Jan 19, 1895) at left. An at trac ti ve co ver. SG 11,12a.<br />

140 €<br />

509<br />

1881 (Apr.). ADDAH to MILANO (Italy). Enve lo pe ´via Li ver pool pr Lan da na´, ´3´<br />

ac coun tancy mark in red cra yon and bea ring 1876-84, 1/2 d. oli ve-ye llow block of<br />

four and 1 d. blue (2) can ce lled with four fine stri kes of the oval in ta glio seal h.s.<br />

(Type 4) and ad di tio nally can ce lled with light stri kes of the ´554´ obli te ra tor in tran sit<br />

at Accra, sho wing Addah (´8´ on year date only) and ACCRA Type 2 c.d.s. and PAID<br />

LIVERPOOL BR. PACKET c.d.s. (19.5), the re ver se with LONDON (20.5) and Mi -<br />

lan (22.5) c.d.s. Highly at trac ti ve and one of the fi nest of the in ta glio seal hand stamp<br />

co vers. (S.G. 4,5). Ex. col. J. R. Dan son.<br />

3.750 €<br />

513<br />

1896 (May 4). Gold Coast ½d. gre<strong>en</strong> sta tio nery card up-ra ted with ½d.<br />

gre<strong>en</strong> ad he si ve used from Quit tah and tied by bold stri ke of oval ´Deutsche<br />

Seepost/Linie/Hamburg-Westafrika/IX´ in black. Frage arri val (June 4) at<br />

left.<br />

150 €<br />



514<br />

1898 (May 2). 2d. blue registered postal stationery <strong>en</strong>velope, size F, used to<br />

Lon don fran ked by 1884 ½d. dull gre<strong>en</strong> (5) all tied by bold stri kes of scar ce<br />

´APPAM´ cds´s in black (Type D4). SG 11.<br />

150 €<br />

518 HELIGOLAND<br />

1890 [Aug 12]. Co ver to Bre m<strong>en</strong> with 1889 10pf carmine in combination<br />

with HELIGOLAND 1875 5pf rose and gre<strong>en</strong> tied by Heligoland cds. Brem<strong>en</strong><br />

arri val on re ver se. Slight faults but very scar ce. Scott 16,48.<br />

250 €<br />

515 GRENADA<br />

1892. Registered cover franked with 1883 2 1/2 d., 6 d., and 8 d., plus 1886 1 d.<br />

on 4 d. oran ge (SG 32, 34, 35, 39), all tied by GRENADA cds. Front shows lar ge<br />

oval fra med ¦R¦ and red oval REGISTERED/LONDON datestamp, and reverse<br />

bears MEUNCHEN arri val cds. A very rare and co lor ful co ver, and be lie ved to be the<br />

only known co ver bea ring the 1 d. on 4 d. stamp. 1983 B.P.S. Cer ti fi ca te.<br />

650 €<br />

519 HONG KONG<br />

1850 (Jan 30). Enti re let ter from HONG KONG to PARIS via Mar sei lle, re -<br />

ver se with HONG KONG cds in black and ob ver se with good stri ke of PAID AT<br />

HONG KONG Crown Cir cle in red. Pre paid 1sh. in ma nus cript and char ged<br />

10 decimes due on re ceipt (March 21).<br />

750 €<br />

516 GRENADINES<br />

1912. Re gis te red co ver used to USA bea ring 6 d. TETE BECHE pair SG 34a tied<br />

by the GRENADA cds sup por ted by the Re gistry la bel.<br />

170 €<br />

520<br />

1852. Enti re let ter from SHANGHAI to LONDON with HONG KONG cds on<br />

re ver se and fine stri ke of ita lic SHIP LETTER/VICTORIA, HONG KONG in<br />

black. Ra ted 2 s. 7 d. due with LONDON arri val on re ver se of de ligh tful co ver.<br />

850 €<br />

517 GUYANA<br />

1831 (March 15). Enti re let ter con cer ning the cot ton crop, mai led from BERBICE<br />

to BELFAST and s<strong>en</strong>t un paid (char ged 1/3d. on re ceipt). Re ver se with Liverpool<br />

arri val cds in red (May 24) and fra med Belfast arri val da tes tamp in red of the fo llo -<br />

wing day. A scar ce and fine <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

120 €<br />

521<br />

1863. Co ver with ma nus cript <strong>en</strong> dor se m<strong>en</strong>t on front from HONG KONG,<br />

struck on re ver se with SINGAPORE sin gle ring da tes tamp (July 11) in black.<br />

Framed GB/1F 62 4/10 Anglo-Fr<strong>en</strong>ch ac coun tancy hand stamp in black with<br />

Mar sei lle <strong>en</strong>try mark (Aug 26) in red. Bolsuard arri val cds in red on re ver se of<br />

a fine co ver.<br />

400 €<br />



522<br />

1896. 1c. pos tal sta tio nery card upra ted pair 2c. tied by cds and ad dres sed to<br />

Bas le, Swit zer land. Obver se also bears Fr<strong>en</strong>ch ma ri ti me date stamp ´Lig ne N Paq.<br />

Fr. No. 5´.<br />

150 €<br />

526<br />

1906. Re gis te red co ver to WA SHING TON STATE fran ked by 1903-06 1 c.,<br />

2 c., 4 c., 5 c., 8 c. and 10 c. all tied REGISTERED-HONG KONG cds´s with<br />

registration cachet alongside, reverse with SEATTLE arri val cds. Co lour ful<br />

and attractive cover.<br />

250 €<br />

523<br />

1897. Lar ge par cel front s<strong>en</strong>t re gis te red to Mil wau kee, USA fran ked by 1882-96<br />

2c. rose, sin gle and two blocks of four of 5c. pale blue and block of eight 10c. pur ple<br />

on red all tied by Hong Kong cds´s. Ous tan ding fran king. SG 33,35,38.<br />

700 €<br />

527<br />

1915. Registered postal stationary <strong>en</strong>velope 10 c<strong>en</strong>ts violet upgraded with<br />

4 c<strong>en</strong>ts red (SG 93) tied by HANKOW da tes tamp (Webb 144) with bo xed<br />

hand-struck REGISTERED (Webb Fig 147) rou ted via Hong Kong with<br />

LONDON REGISTERED arri val. Very fine item of Treaty Port mail.<br />

500 €<br />


1857 (Jan 8). Long <strong>en</strong> ti re let ter from MADRAS <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´Per Stea mer via<br />

Mar sei lles´ with dou ble arc cds of des patch; mai led as Con sig nee´s let ter via<br />

Ship´s Cap tain to LONDON and via For war ding Ag<strong>en</strong>ts in the Strand, fran ked<br />

on arri val with GB 1 d. red tied by LONDON du plex to Re g<strong>en</strong>t Street. Unu sual<br />

usage and an appealing <strong>en</strong>tire.<br />

150 €<br />

524<br />

1898. KOWLOON to SWITZERLAND. 10 c<strong>en</strong>ts. pur ple on red with HONG<br />

KONG cds. and CUSTOMS/KOWLOON, very rare, spe cially tying the stamp.<br />

1.300 €<br />

525<br />

1901. Red Band <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe to FRANCE bea ring Chi ne se Impe rial Post 10 c<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

gre<strong>en</strong> (SG 113) tied by SWATOW da tes tamp rou ted via Hong Kong bea ring 10<br />

c<strong>en</strong>ts blue (SG 59) tied by bo xed SWATOW I.P.O. tie-print in red (Webb Type 3)<br />

s<strong>en</strong>t by Fr<strong>en</strong>ch pa que bot with oc ta go nal LIGNE N PAQ. FR No 5 datestamp with<br />

RETIERS arri val in Fran ce on re ver se. Very fine com bi na tion co ver.<br />

250 €<br />

529<br />

1858. Co ver to his GRACE the Duke of Nor folk at ARUNDEL with<br />

CALCUTTA des patch on re ver se and good stri ke of scar ce SAVED FROM<br />

THE WRECK/OF THE AVA in black. The Ava was wrec ked near<br />

TRINCOMALEE in CEYLON on 16 Fe bruary 1858 and the Mails mostly arri -<br />

ved in LONDON in June 1858.<br />

750 €<br />



530<br />

1869 (March 30). Co ver from CALCUTTA to LYON fran ked by 1865 8p. mau ve,<br />

2a. oran ge and 1866 4a. gre<strong>en</strong> pair all tied by Company cachets, straight line VIA<br />

BOMBAY, SUEZ&MARSEILLE and octagonal ´B/1´ obliterators in blue. Reverse<br />

with red Calcutta cds and Lyon arri val. A fine three co lour fran king. SG 57,62,69.<br />

100 €<br />

534 JAMAICA<br />

1874 (Sept 24). Enti re let ter from King ston to Jac mel, Hai ti with ma nus cript<br />

´4´ in red (Inter-is land rate) bea ring 1870-83 1d. blue and 4d. brown-oran ge<br />

tied by ´AO1´ obliterators. Kingston cds of des patch on re ver se. A fresh and<br />

fine <strong>en</strong> ti re. SG 8,11.<br />

250 €<br />

531<br />

1871 (April 26). Entire letter from Calcutta bearing 1856-64 defective 2a. oran ge<br />

ye llow and pair of 1866 4a. gre<strong>en</strong> tied by ´B/1´ in blue. Ori gi nally di rec ted via Brin di si<br />

and read dres sed on arri val in Lon don (May 19) to Ver sai lles with GB 3d. rose pl. 6<br />

tied by London duplex. An interesting <strong>en</strong>tire.<br />

450 €<br />

535<br />

1874 (Aug 8). Enti re let ter at dou ble rate from King ston to Jac mel, Hai ti on<br />

Stea mer Elbe, with ma nus cript ´8´ in red (dou ble Inter-is land rate) bea ring<br />

1870-83 4d. brown-oran ge and 6d. mau ve tied by ´AO1´ obliterators. King -<br />

ston cds of des patch on re ver se. A rare <strong>en</strong> ti re. SG 11,12.<br />

350 €<br />

532<br />

Sg.62, 69. 1872 (Aug. 16). Co ver from BOMBAY to CAIRO fran ked by 1865 2a.<br />

oran ge and 1866 4a. gre<strong>en</strong> tied by BOMBAY-1 du ple xes, struck in tran sit with Bri -<br />

tish P.O. SUEZ cds in black (Sept 1) and CAIRO cds in blue (Sept 3) with erro neous<br />

year date. An at trac ti ve co ver. Ex co llec tion Wolf sbauer.<br />

200 €<br />

536<br />

1874 (Aug 8). Enti re let ter at qua dru ple rate from King ston to Jac mel, Hai ti<br />

on Stea mer Elbe, with ma nus cript ´1/4d.´ in red (four ti mes the Inter-is land<br />

rate) bea ring 1870-83 2d. rose, 6d. mau ve and 1sh. brown tied by ´AO1´ obli -<br />

te ra tors. Kingston cds of des patch on re ver se. A very rare <strong>en</strong> ti re. SG 9,12,13.<br />

300 €<br />

533<br />

1917. SYRIA. Re gis te red co ver used to EGYPT bea ring 1/2 a. block of four, 3<br />

pies block of four, 1 a. & 2 a. I.E.F. ovpts can ce lled by the ´BUSRA CITY´ cds´s sup -<br />

por ted by the Re gistry la bel sho wing the PASSED CENSOR BOMBAY hs sup por -<br />

ted by lar ge CENSOR LABEL on the re ver se which is tied by the GENEVE & PORT<br />

SAID tran sits & also the ZAGAZIG arri val cds.<br />

175 €<br />


1913. Enve lo pe to BISBEE, AZ, USA fran ked 6 c. E. Afri ca & Ugan da can -<br />

celled MACHAKOS datestamp. Underfranked and taxed 6 c. on arri val made<br />

up with six 1 c. pos ta ge dues. Co ver bears MOMBASSA and NEW YORK<br />

transit cds.<br />

120 €<br />



538 LEEWARD<br />

1902. Co ver used lo cally in DOMINICA, ad dres sed to ST ANDREW fran ked by<br />

´One P<strong>en</strong>ny´ on 4 d. ´NARROW ´0´in ONE´ Va riety (SG 17a) + the ´One P<strong>en</strong>ny´ on<br />

6 d. (SG 18) both can ce lled by the DOMINICA/DE 6 cds´s with the<br />

´PORTSMOUTH´ vi lla ge tran sit cds along si de. Ra rely se<strong>en</strong> va riety es pe cially on a<br />

commercial cover.<br />

275 €<br />

542<br />

1851 (Aug 30). Enti re let ter from SINGAPORE to Ca diz via Gi bral tar, re -<br />

ver se with fine Bri tish Post Offi ce ALEXANDRIA cds (Oct 8) and front with<br />

Malta ´Purifié au Lazaret´ di sin fec tion ca chet. Char ged ´10d.´ due in ma nus -<br />

cript wit hout the usa ge of a ´To Pay´ mar king.<br />

200 €<br />

539<br />

1902. Co ver used lo cally in DOMINICA bea ring ´One P<strong>en</strong>ny´ on 7 d. ovpt (SG<br />

19) can ce lled by the DOMINICA/*/NO 29 cds, ad dres sed to WOODFORD HILL &<br />

sho wing the sin gle ring ´PORTSMOUTH´ vi lla ge tran sit cds on the face.<br />

150 €<br />

543<br />

1853. Enti re let ter from PENANG to BESANÇON (Fran ce) with faint fra -<br />

med PENANG-Bearing hand stamp in red. Tran sit of Bri tish Post Offi ce<br />

ALEXANDRIA cds along si de in black (sept. 10). Obver se of <strong>en</strong> ti re with PAQ.<br />

ANG.-MARSEILLE <strong>en</strong>try mar king in red (Aug 16-error for Sep tem ber) and<br />

charged 10 decimes in black. Lyon cds and Besançon cds in black also on<br />

reverse of a rare <strong>en</strong>tire. Certificate Holcombe.<br />

150 €<br />

540<br />

1903. Co ver used lo cally in DOMINICA, ad dres sed to ST ANDREW bea ring<br />

´One P<strong>en</strong>ny´ on 6 d. ovpt (SG 18) with par tial dou ble over print can ce lled by the<br />

DOMINICA/JA 31 cds & sho wing along si de the fra med ´TOO LATE´ h/stamp in<br />

black & just be low the ´PORTSMOUTH/FE 4´ village transit cds.<br />

300 €<br />

544<br />

1886. Co ver to PARIS <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´per Sut lej´ with dou ble rate of 16 c. paid<br />

by 4x 4 c. pale brown of 1883 (SG 64) tied by SINGAPORE/PO in black and in<br />

manuscript. Red SINGAPORE/PAID cds be low on fine and scar ce co ver.<br />

250 €<br />


1850. SINGAPUR a MADRID. Circulada via Alexandría y Gibraltar. Fechadores<br />

al dor so ALEXANDRIA y S.ROQUE/AND.BAX. En el fr<strong>en</strong> te mar ca DE<br />

GIBRALTAR S.ROQUE AND.BAXA y tasa de 1 real apli ca da <strong>en</strong> Ma drid. RARA.<br />

200 €<br />

545<br />

1906. Re gis ted co ver to PARIS with 1902-06 10 c. pur ple & black on ye -<br />

llow, 2x 1 c. gre<strong>en</strong>, 2x 5 c. pur ple all tied SINGAPOREcds´s with re gis tra tion<br />

cachet alongside, Fr<strong>en</strong>ch paquebot LIGNE N/PAQ FR No 3 (Sa lles 1924) oc -<br />

tagonal datestamp, reverse with further 1906 8 c. blue tied SINGAPORE with<br />

arrival cds´s alongside.<br />

125 €<br />



546<br />

1902. FMS 5 c. ultramarine registered stationery <strong>en</strong>velope used to PARIS and<br />

up-ra ted with FMS pair of 1900 3 c. black & brown with two 5 c. red and gre<strong>en</strong> on ye -<br />

llow tied KAMPAR squa red cir cle da tes tamp (Pe rak, Proud D1, R1) with re gis tra -<br />

tion cachet alongside and PENANG and PARIS cds´s on re ver se of de ligh tful co -<br />

ver.<br />

200 €<br />

550<br />

1817. MALTA a BARCELONA. Circulada privadam<strong>en</strong>te hasta M<strong>en</strong>orca<br />

(Islas Baleares) y allí depositada al correo. Marca lineal MENORCA y tasa es -<br />

pañola de ´8´. Muy rara car ta cir cu la da via Me nor ca.<br />

275 €<br />

547<br />

1933. Re gis te red first air mail co ver Alor Star-Cal cut ta flight, fran ked with<br />

1922-36 1 c. black, scar ce 35 c. pur ple and 50 c. brown & grey blue tied by ALOR<br />

STAR cds´s, with OXFORD arri val oval da tes tamp and air mail la bel on re ver se.<br />

Scar ce co ver.<br />

150 €<br />

551<br />

1822. Enti re let ter writ t<strong>en</strong> from LIVERPOOL, Jan 8 1822, ad dres sed to<br />

CORFU <strong>en</strong> dor sed on the front ´Pr FRIENDSHIP, CAPT SENNU TO MALTA<br />

AND TO THE CARE OF MR WILLIAM HUTTON, MALTA´ & sup por ted on the<br />

re ver se by a stri ke of the very scar ce APRIL 24:T.2.10 Pos ta ge Due hs ap -<br />

plied at MALTA, in black. Slit for di sin fec tion & sho wing the CORFU arri val hs<br />

on the front in gre<strong>en</strong>.<br />

350 €<br />

548 MALTA<br />

1733 (2 Fe bre ro). MALTA a PAMPLONA (Espa ña). Mar ca MARSEILLE/DE<br />

MALTA. RARA.<br />

200 €<br />

552<br />

1868 (April 20). Co ver from ANCONA to MALTA fran ked by Italy 1863 60c.<br />

deep mau ve tied by Anco na nu me ral ´2´ obliterator. Addressee had returned<br />

to Anco na and the co ver was mai led back with Great Bri tain 1862-66 4d. car -<br />

mi ne tied by MALTA / A25 du plex in black (April 29). Two dif fe r<strong>en</strong>t ´PD´ hand -<br />

stamps on front as paid both ways and Anco na re-arri val cds (May 6) on re -<br />

ver se. A rare and most ap pea ling co ver.<br />

1.400 €<br />

549<br />

1814 (Nov. 19). SPANISH POST OFFICE (Ge ne ral Post Offi ce in all the Midd le<br />

East). MALTA to MADRID. Co ver with ori gi nal con t<strong>en</strong>ts s<strong>en</strong>t from the Ge ne ral Spa -<br />

nish Con sul in Mal ta to the Duke of San Car los (Ge ne ral Su per vi sor of the Spa nish<br />

Post). Very in te res ting text, in clu des the Post ac counts of the Midd le East cou rier<br />

(years 1812 to 1814) and a rare ma nus cript Bill of Exchan ge of 200.000 Rea les de<br />

ve llón, drawn against the Su per vi sor of the Post Offi ce. Extraor di nary do cu m<strong>en</strong>t of<br />

Pos tal His tory in very good con di tion.<br />

800 €<br />

553<br />

1880 (Dec. 2). Re gis te red co ver to NAPLES at dou ble rate (5d.) + re gis tra -<br />

tion (4½d.) Fran ked by Great Bri tain 1880 ½d. gre<strong>en</strong> and 1d. v<strong>en</strong>etian red<br />

(pair, strip of three and a strip of four) all tied by ´A25´ obliterators.<br />

REGISTERED-MALTA cds along si de in red and Naples arri val cds on re ver -<br />

se of a very rare co ver.<br />

900 €<br />



554<br />

1901. 1d. red on buff pos tal sta tio nery card used to SICILY, struck with oval<br />


also can ce lled by two stri kes of AMB. SIRACUSA A REGGIO CALABRIA squa red<br />

circle datestamps (Aug 7). Scarce commercial usage.<br />

120 €<br />

558<br />

Sg.48,50. 1906. Co ver from VALETTA to ´Adria´ Ship ping Co in FIUME,<br />

fran ked by 1904-14 1d. black & red and 2d. pur ple & grey (2) tied by cir cu lar<br />

Ship´s Pur ser´s mar king ADRIA-UNGHERESE Anchor hand stamp in black.<br />

Straight line KIKOTOBEN and PAQUEBOT handstamps alongside. An at -<br />

trac ti ve co ver.<br />

125 €<br />

555<br />

1902. Co ver from MALTA to SISSAK (Hun gary) fran ked by 1900 Tu rul 25f. blue<br />

tied by cir cu lar Ship´s Pur ser´s mar king ADRIA-UNGHERESE Anchor hand -<br />

stamp in black. PAQUEBOT. hand stamp in black at right and straight line<br />

TENGEREN ca chet in black. Re ver se with Va llet ta cds and Su sak arri val. An at -<br />

trac ti ve usa ge.<br />

75 €<br />

559 MAURITIUS<br />

° Sg.8a. 1848-52. 2p. blue, late early im pres sion. Pos. 7 on the pla te of 12.<br />

PENOE va riety. Can ce lled by bo xed INLAND in black. The stamp has two pin<br />

ho les in the head and has be<strong>en</strong> trea ted and flat te ned. Ex Fe rra ri Co llec tion.<br />

Cert. P. HOLCOMBE. Stan ley Gib bons.9.500£.<br />

2.000 €<br />

556<br />

Sg.3. 1903. Post card used to CATANIA (Si cily) fran ked by 1903 ½d. gre<strong>en</strong> pair<br />

tied by cir cu lar Ship´s Pur ser´s mar king ADRIA-UNGHERESE Anchor hand -<br />

stamp in vio let. Ca ta nia cds along si de.<br />

100 €<br />

560<br />

1861 (July 3). Enti re prin ted Pri ces Cu rr<strong>en</strong>t mai led from PORT LOUIS to<br />

COPENHAGEN, fran ked by 1860 2 d. blue tied by smud ged B53 obliterator in<br />

black, s<strong>en</strong>t via Mar sei lles (Aug 10) and struck on re ver se with THURN &<br />

TAXIS and DANISH PO da tes tamps (Aug 13) in black and COPENHAGEN<br />

arri val cds of the fo llo wing day. Char ged ´11 ski lling´ due in ma nus cript on<br />

front of a fine and ap pea ling <strong>en</strong> ti re. Rare prin ted mat ter rate and unu sal des ti -<br />

nation.<br />

600 €<br />

557<br />

1903. 1d. red on buff pos tal sta tio nery card used to SICILY can ce lled by cir cu lar<br />

Ship´s Pur ser´s mar king ADRIA-UNGHERESE Anchor hand stamp in vio let.<br />

Squa red cir cle of Si ra cu sa be low (Dec 30). Scar ce and fine usa ge.<br />

100 €<br />

561 NEW GUINEA<br />

Sg.65-81. 1915 (May 17). Re gis te red co ver to SWITZERLAND mul ti-fran -<br />

ked with t<strong>en</strong> dif fe r<strong>en</strong>t ad he si ves, with 1915 over prin ted set com ple te to 1<br />

shilling va lue, all tied by oval RABAUL - NEW BRITAIN in vio let. Vio let<br />

CENSORED hand stamp at base of a char ming and RARE co ver.<br />

240 €<br />



562 NEW ZEALAND<br />

Sg.8, 9, 13. 1860 (May). Attrac ti ve three co lour fran king from OTAGO to<br />

SCOTLAND bea ring 1856-58 1d. dull oran ge, 2d. pale blue and 6d. brown (mar gins<br />

lar ge to just tou ched with 2d. su perb) all tied by nu me ral ´18´ obli te ra tors. Read -<br />

dres sed on arri val from IRVINE to PRESTWICK with 1858 1d. red pl. 95 tied by Irvi -<br />

ne duplex. A cover of dramatic appearance and of great scarcity. Certificate<br />

ODENWELLER. Ex co llec tion Hack mey.<br />

2.250 €<br />

566<br />

1905 (June 3). Co ver to LONDON fran ked by 1902 1d. dull pur ple & car mi -<br />

ne pair tied by fra med POSTED/ON/BOARD hand stamps in black; re ver se<br />

with Barbados cds and Paddington arri val. A fine and scar ce co ver. SG 59.<br />

150 €<br />

563 NIGERIA<br />

Sc.49. 1892 (Nov. 19). Co ver to HAMBURG <strong>en</strong> dor sed at upper left with ´pr.<br />

Eduard Boh l<strong>en</strong>´ and ´La gos Rhe de, 19-11-92, 54gr.´ bea ring Ger many 1889 20pf.<br />

blue (two pairs, one stamp with small ble mish on front) all tied by fra med AUS /<br />

WESTAFRIKA hand stamps in black. Hamburg arri val cds (14/2) on re ver se of a<br />

rare co ver.<br />

475 €<br />

567 SARAWAK<br />

1898. Registered cover franked with 2 c., 3 c., 5 c., 8 c., 10 c., 25 c. and 50<br />

c. bi-co lo red is sue (SG 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20), along with 4 c. black (SG 29),<br />

pre pa ying the let ter rate plus Re gistry fee to HONG KONG. Stamps can ce lled<br />

by SARAWAK cds, and front shows ad di tio nal scar ce SARAWAK/R Re gistry<br />

handstamp. Reverse bears SINGAPORE tran sit and HONG KONG arri val<br />

da tes tamps. A scar ce and co lor ful Re gis te red co ver.<br />

500 €<br />

564<br />

Sg.2, 3. 1893 (Oct. 23). 2d. blue registered Postal Stationery <strong>en</strong>velope used to<br />

LIVERPOOL, up-ra ted with 1892 over prin ted 1d. li lac (2) and 2d. grey-gre<strong>en</strong> & car -<br />

mi ne (2) all tied by OLD CALABAR RIVER cds´s in black. Liverpool arri val (Dec 3).<br />

A fine and scar ce co ver.<br />

120 €<br />

568 NATAL<br />

1900 (Feb 9). Co ver mai led du ring SIEGE OF LADYSMITH, lo cally used to<br />

a Staff Offi cer of the De f<strong>en</strong> ce Vo lun teers, with Na tal 1d. rose car mi ne tied by<br />

two line LADYSMITH SIEGE POST OFFICE/FEB 9th, 1900 hand stamp in<br />

blue. SG 99.<br />

150 €<br />

565 SAINT LUCIA<br />

1886 (July 11). Re gis te red co ver to BORDEAUX mul ti-fran ked with se v<strong>en</strong> dif fe -<br />

r<strong>en</strong>t adhesives with 1864-76 6d. li lac, 1883 ½d. gre<strong>en</strong>, 2½d. ultramarine, 4d.<br />

brown, Pos tal Fis cal 1882 3d. deep blue and 1s. oran ge with 1885 1d. dull mau ve all<br />

tied by ST. LUCIA cds´s and by oval ´R´ in black. London red tran sit (July 24) and<br />

Bordeaux arri val on re ver se of a most at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

350 €<br />

569 TRANSVAAL<br />

1899. Fran ce 10 c. card usaed back to PARIS fran ked by Trans vaal 1 d.<br />

gre<strong>en</strong> & car mi ne tied by JOHANNESBURG cds; ini tially ta xed as abu se of use<br />

but era sed on seeing ad he si ve. PARIS arrival alongside.<br />

200 €<br />



570 TOBAGO<br />

1897. Re gis te red co ver used to GERMANY bea ring 1/2 d., 1/- tied by the<br />

TOBAGO cds´s.<br />

200 €<br />

575<br />

IONIAN ISLANDS. Enti re let ter from CEFALONIA via Ath<strong>en</strong>s to SYRA,<br />

struck with fine hoo ded oval CEFALONIA da tes tamp in black. Two scar ce<br />

oval fra med rate marks (for 3 and 5 obo li res pec ti vely) in black on front and re -<br />

ver se with blue Ath<strong>en</strong>s cds (Nov 3) and Syra cds in black (Nov 5). A scar ce<br />

<strong>en</strong>tire.<br />

125 €<br />

571 TRINIDAD<br />

1901 (Jan 3). Co ver to TRINIDAD from AYR bea ring 1 d. li lac and re-ad dres sed<br />

on arri val in Tri ni dad with 1896-1904 1/2 d. li lac & gre<strong>en</strong> and 1 d. li lac & car mi ne tied<br />

by PORT OF SPAIN cds. Unusual readdressed cover with NEW YORK arri val on<br />

reverse. SG 172.<br />

225 €<br />

576<br />

Ed.Vl.29b(5),30. 1865. ARGOSTOLION a KERKYA. 2 l. cas ta ño cla ro (5) y<br />

5 l ver de (Mi. 17,18). Li ge ro plie gue de ar chi vo que afec ta a un se llo y pe que -<br />

ña ras pa du ra <strong>en</strong> el an ver so. Espec ta cu lar y raro fran queo para ha cer las 20l.<br />

de la ta ri fa.<br />

1.800 €<br />


1873 (Jan. 14th). Enve lo pe with com ple te text da ta li ned GRAND TURK, TURKS<br />

ISLANDS to BALTIMORE (USA) <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´Per S.S. Pe rit´. On back ma nus cript<br />

´for war ded by your obat. Servt. Arthur and Son´. On front black cds. NEW<br />


400 €<br />

573 GREECE<br />

1831-33. IONIAN ISLANDS. Enti re let ters (2) both from ZANTE to CORFU, ear -<br />

lier <strong>en</strong> ti re struck with fra med FRANCA and cir cu lar ISOLA DI ZANTE in red (with<br />

ma nus cript ´Free´ in ser ted); la ter co ver with ISOLA DI ZANTE in black with re ver se<br />

showing hooded oval Zante and Corfu da tes tamps in black. Small flap faults but a<br />

scarce pair.<br />

WEB 100 €<br />

574<br />

1847 (Feb 3). Enti re let ter to SYRA, Gree ce di sin fectd by slit ting against cho le ra,<br />

with front pa nel sho wing Fr<strong>en</strong>ch P.O. DARDANELLES/TURQUIE datestamp in<br />

black, reverse with SYRA arrival cds applied alongside complete impression of red<br />

wax seal DARDANELLES/POSTES with ANCHOR vig net te. Unu sual and scar ce.<br />

185 €<br />

577<br />

He.16,18. 1865. ATENAS a FRANCIA. Pe rio di co com ple to<br />

´EVANGELIKOS KIRYX´ circulado con franqueo de 2 l. y 10 l.. Fechador <strong>en</strong><br />

rojo de <strong>en</strong> tra da <strong>en</strong> Fran cia GRECE MARSEILLE. Ra ri si mo fran queo de 12l.<br />

sobre periodico. F.CALVES.<br />

1.000 €<br />



578<br />

Ed.Vl.29b,32. 1865. KERKYRA a LEFKAS. 2l. cas ta ño (3) y 20l. azul (Mi.<br />

17,20). Li ge ro plie gue ver ti cal que afec ta al se llo de 20l. Muy raro fran queo.<br />

700 €<br />

582<br />

1831 (July 26). Di sin fec ted <strong>en</strong> ti re let ter from ZANTE to VENICE with ma -<br />

nus cript ´via Otran to´ with re ver se sho wing ISOLA-DI ZANTE des patch ca -<br />

chet in black (rate ´D11´ in ser ted), hoo ded oval ZANTE and hoo ded CORFU<br />

tran sit (Aug 3) in black. Obver se with fra med STATO PONTIFICIO in black,<br />

framed SANITA DI VENEZIA / ESPURCO A DENTRO E FUORI in red, a rare<br />

<strong>en</strong>tire.<br />

170 €<br />

579<br />

1893. ´Win dow pane´ co ver bea ring a to tal of thirty im perf 1 l. brown on front and<br />

back, all can ce lled KERKYRA cds with MALTA cds of re ceipt on re ver se. Scar ce<br />

and appealing cover.<br />

150 €<br />

583<br />

1835 (Nov. 27). Enti re let ter from ZANTE to VENICE with ma nus cript <strong>en</strong> -<br />

dor se m<strong>en</strong>t ´via Anco na di mare´ and al te red to ´via Cor fu di mare´, struck with<br />

hoo ded oval da tes tamps of both ZANTE and CORFU (Dec 3) in black. Struck<br />

on <strong>en</strong>try with su perb JONIA hand stamp in blue with two line V<strong>en</strong>ezia arri val in<br />

blue on re ver se. A rare <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

170 €<br />

580<br />

1898. Olympic Ga mes 1l. bis tre brown (5 exam ples) and 10l. sla te pair used on<br />

co ver to England tied by four stri kes of straight line KIKOTOBEN ship ca chets in<br />

black. Vio let PAQUEBOT. hand stamp at left and re ver se with Hemel Hempstead<br />

arri val cds (May 12). Co ver clea ned but very scar ce.<br />

100 €<br />

584<br />

1841 (Sept. 27). Di sin fec ted <strong>en</strong> ti re let ter from ZANTE to VENICE with ma -<br />

nus cript ´Col Va po re Lloyd di Tries te´ and struck on re ver se with hoo ded blue<br />

ZANTE des patch da tes tamp, hoo ded CORFU tran sit on front (29/9). Fra med<br />

NETTO E FUORI - NETTO DI DENTRO in red and re ver se with su perb lar ge<br />


re ver se of a fine and rare <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

150 €<br />


1828. Di sin fec ted <strong>en</strong> ti re let ter from CORFU to VENICE struck with oval Cor fu<br />

ARMS ca chet in black, hoo ded oval CORFU da tes tamp in black on re ver se. Struck<br />

with straight line LEVANTE in tran sit and with faint cir cu lar ´E SPORCO LETTERE<br />

SANITA MARITTIMA IN VENEZIA di sin fec tion ca chet in black and V<strong>en</strong>ezia arri val.<br />

170 €<br />

585<br />

1843 (Aug. 22). IONIAN ISLANDS. Enti re let ter s<strong>en</strong>t un paid from ZANTE<br />

to TUNBRIDGE (K<strong>en</strong>t) struck with cir cu lar POSTA PAGATA in blue-gre<strong>en</strong><br />

(with ma nus cript ´3´ rate in ser ted and furt her ma nus cript ´6´ at left); re ver se<br />

with hoo ded oval ZANTE da tes tamp of des patch and London and Tunbridge<br />

cds´s (Sept 16). Ra ted 1s. to pay in ma nus cript on front. A fine <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

125 €<br />



586<br />

1852 (March 31). Rare re gis te red <strong>en</strong> ti re let ter from ZANTE to TRIESTE <strong>en</strong> dor -<br />

sed ´Col Va po re Aus tria co´ and struck with hoo ded oval ZANTE da tes tamp in gre<strong>en</strong><br />

and fra med FRANCA; reverse with RECOMANDIRT - TRIEST arrival datestamp<br />

(April 4) in black. Rare.<br />

500 €<br />

590<br />

1801. LE CAP (Hai ti) a BURDEOS. Mar ca de <strong>en</strong> tra da COL. PAR/BREST<br />

(Sa lles nº 5). MAGNIFICA.<br />

150 €<br />

587 HAITI<br />

1784 (Feb 19). Enti re let ter from PORT AU PRINCE mai led to BORDEAUX, <strong>en</strong> -<br />

dor sed at upper left ´Par le H<strong>en</strong>ry´ and struck with fine stri ke of rare cur ved <strong>en</strong>try<br />

marking COLONIES in black. Excep tio nal for this.<br />

185 €<br />

591<br />

1872 (25 Abril). CAP HAITIEN a FRANCIA. Cir cu la da con se llos fran ce -<br />

ses de 30 cts. cas ta ño (2) y 40 cts. naranja, mat. ancla y fechador octogonal<br />

LE CAP HAITIEN al dorso estampado <strong>en</strong> tránsito ST. THOMAS/PAQ. FR. B<br />

Nº 4. MAGNÍFICA.<br />

400 €<br />

588<br />

1786 (Sept 14). Enti re let ter from CAYES to LE HAVRE (Fran ce) struck on <strong>en</strong>try<br />

with straight line COLONIES PAR NANTES in black; ra ted ´11´ to pay in ma nus -<br />

cript. Rare <strong>en</strong>try mark. (Sa lles 11A).<br />

350 €<br />

592<br />

1873. Co ver to Ge noa fran ked by Great Bri tain 4d. ver mi lion pl. 13 and<br />

1sh. gre<strong>en</strong> pl. 7 can ce lled by ´C59´ obli te ra tor in black with red<br />

JACMEL-PAID Bri tish P.O. cds along si de. London cds of tran sit (April 14)<br />

and ma nus cript ´20´ in red cra yon. SG Z9,Z25.<br />

450 €<br />

589<br />

1790 (Jan 15). Enti re let ter from Cap Fran çois to Phi la delp hia <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´per The<br />

Ro yal Line, Capt. Jo nes´ and ra ted 2/2d. in ma nus cript at top, along si de fine stri ke<br />

of ´New York Feb 18´ straight line hand stamp in black. A rare and fine usa ge.<br />

300 €<br />

593<br />

1887 (Dec 28). Co ver to HAMBURG from GONAIVES <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´per Asca -<br />

nia´ fran ked by 1882 perf. 3 c. bis tre and 7 c. (faults) blue tied in tran sit with<br />

VERVIERS-COLN TPO da tes tamps in black. HAMBURG cds on re ver se<br />

(Jan 18). A rare usa ge. Scott 9, 11.<br />

600 €<br />



594 HUNGARY<br />

1896. Co ver mai led to FIUME fran ked by mi xed is sue 1888-98 3kr. gre<strong>en</strong> and<br />

pale gre<strong>en</strong> and 1898 2k. mau ve and 5k. rose red tied by PATRAS (Greece) dates -<br />

tamps in black with PAQUEBOT. in gre<strong>en</strong> be low. Fiume cds of arri val on re ver se of<br />

a scar ce co ver.<br />

100 €<br />

598<br />

1899. Co ver to DELNICE (Croa tia) fran ked by 1898 2k. mau ve and 8k.<br />

oran ge, each with red Anchor ca chet, tied by TENGEREN Ship´s Pur ser´s<br />

mar king in blue with PAQUEBOT. hand stamp along si de in blue-grey; ad he si -<br />

ves tied by GIBRALTAR-A26 du plex. Delnice arri val cds on re ver se of a scar -<br />

ce co ver.<br />

120 €<br />

595<br />

1897. Co ver (with Adria Co. logo on flap in blue) to RIPOSTO fran ked by Hun -<br />

gary 3kr. gre<strong>en</strong> and pale gre<strong>en</strong> tied by dot ted ´Anchor´ loz<strong>en</strong>ge and by FIUME da -<br />

tes tamp with straight line TENGEREN cachet alongside. Reverse with Riposto<br />

arri val cds (June 15).<br />

50 €<br />

599<br />

1899. Co ver to DELNICE (Croa tia) fran ked by 1898 2k. mau ve, 3k. gre<strong>en</strong><br />

pair and 12k. brown & gre<strong>en</strong>, each with blue Anchor ca chets, tied by<br />

TENGEREN Ship´s Pur ser´s mar king in blue with PAQUEBOT. hand stamp<br />

alongside in red-violet; adhesives tied by GREENOCK (Scot land) da tes -<br />

tamps in black (Aug 18). Delnice arri val cds on re ver se of a scar ce co ver.<br />

150 €<br />

596<br />

1897. Co ver to FIUME fran ked by Hun gary 1888/98 5k. car mi ne rose pair, tied by<br />

two stri kes of NAPOLI squa red cir cle da tes tamps in black. PAQUEBOT. hand -<br />

stamp in vio let be low and straight line S.S. ANDRASSY hand stamp in vio let at right.<br />

Fiume arri val cds (Dec 28) in black on re ver se.<br />

75 €<br />

600<br />

1899. Co ver to MARSEILLE fran ked by Hun gary 1888/98 2k. mau ve (2)<br />

and 3k. gre<strong>en</strong> (2) can ce lled by Anchor ca chets in black with PAQUEBOT.<br />

hand stamp be low in blue. Re ver se with Ga lli po li des patch squa red cir cle and<br />

Mar sei lle arri val (Aug 6).<br />

100 €<br />

597<br />

1898. 3k. pale gre<strong>en</strong> on grey pos tal sta tio nery card used to MESSINA, up-ra ted<br />

with 1888/98 2k. mau ve and 5k. rose tied by BARI squared circle datestamps<br />

(March 13) and by Messina arri val (March 15). Two line MAGYAR KIRALYI /<br />

ADRIA GOZOS and PAQUEBOT. in gre<strong>en</strong> along si de. Scar ce.<br />

75 €<br />

601<br />

1899. Post card of FIUME used to ANCONA fran ked by Hun gary 1888/98<br />

5k. rose tied by oval PIROSCAFO VILLAM ca chet in vio let with ANCONA<br />

squa red cir cle arri val da tes tamp (June 23) in black.<br />

85 €<br />



602<br />

1899 (Nov. 9). Post card (co lour pic tu re of the Adria) an no ta ted ´Atlan tic Ocean´<br />

to FIUME with 1898 2k. mau ve and 3k. gre<strong>en</strong>, each with black Anchor ca chets,,<br />

the 3k. tied by TENGEREN Ship´s Pur ser´s mar king in blue with PAQUEBOT.<br />

handstamp alongside in red-violet. Fiume arri val cds (Nov 18) also on front. Crea se<br />

but scar ce.<br />

100 €<br />

606<br />

1914. Co ver (with Adria Co. logo on flap in blue), mai led to NICE (Fran ce)<br />

with Hun gary 1900 Tu rul 1f. black (tied by ´Paquebot.´ hand stamp) and ho ri -<br />

zon tal strip of four 6f. oli ve bis tre tied by cir cu lar ADRIA / UNGHERESE ca -<br />

chets in black. Re ver se with MALTA cds (April 13) and Nice arri val cds (April<br />

18).<br />

75 €<br />

607 IRAK<br />

1856. Prep hi la te lic <strong>en</strong> ti re let ter s<strong>en</strong>t from MUSUL to ALEPPO sho wing all<br />

ARABIC negative AN CANIB-I POSTA-I MUSUL = ´On behalf of Mo sul Post<br />

Offi ce´ seal, C/W.<br />

275 €<br />

603<br />

1901. Co ver to ´Adria´ Ship ping Co in FIUME, fran ked with Tu rul 1900 2f., 3f.,<br />

4f., defective 6f. and 35f. all tied by PAQUEBOT. hand stamps in blue-gre<strong>en</strong> with<br />

Ship TENGEREN ca chet at right. Re ver se with Fiume arri val (April 4) cds in black.<br />

125 €<br />

604<br />

1903. Co ver to FIUME fran ked by Hun gary Tu rul 1900 1f. black and 6f. brow nish<br />

bis tre in a block of four all tied by cir cu lar REGIA UNGARICA SOCIETA ADRIA-Pi -<br />

roscafo ZICHY ca chets, with straight line TENGEREN and PAQUEBOT. along si -<br />

de. Reverse with Riposto (Feb 27) and Fiume cds´s.<br />

75 €<br />

608<br />

Ce.21+23. 1864 (Jan 16). Enti re let ter from BASSORAH (Bas ra, Iraq) to<br />

CONSTANTINOPLE fran ked by Fran ce 1862 10c. bis tre and 40c. oran ge tied<br />

by dot ted 5096 gros chif fres with dot ted SAMSOUN-TURQ. D´ASIE cds<br />

alongside (Jan 25). Reverse with Constantinople arri val cds (Jan 29). A rare<br />

and appealing cover.<br />

650 €<br />

605<br />

1910. Post card (Kral je vi ca) used with Hun gary 1900 Tu rul 5f. gre<strong>en</strong> tied by oval<br />

COMANDO / Pi ros ca fo / ABBAZIA ca chet in red dish pur ple. Scar ce and most unu -<br />

sual.<br />

100 €<br />

609 IRAN<br />

1835(May 10th). Lar ge part <strong>en</strong> ti re let ter to Lon don from TEHERAN with<br />

no ta tions in script re gar ding Bus hi re & Diri-i-cha meh; no pos tal mar kings on<br />

front but struck with cir cu lar black DISINFECTION Seal struck at Sem lin. Rare<br />

and early let ter.<br />

300 €<br />



610<br />

1862. Enti re let ter writ t<strong>en</strong> from RESCHT (Per sia) to ST. ETIENNE (Fran ce) with<br />

s<strong>en</strong> der´s ca chet on front in blue, mai led with fine stri ke of Fr<strong>en</strong>ch Post Offi ce<br />

TREBIZONDE / TURQ D´ASIE da tes tamp in black (Nov 17) with oval blue For war -<br />

ding Ag<strong>en</strong>t´s ca chet on re ver se G. HOGHISTRASSER & CO./TREBISONDA in<br />

blue. Constantinople cds of tran sit (Nov 23) and cir cu lar MEDITERRANÉE A<br />

MARS da tes tamp be low (Dec 4) and arri val cds. A very scar ce and most at trac ti ve<br />

cover.<br />

375 €<br />

614 PAPAL STATES<br />

1866 (June 2). Co ver from ROME to SPOLETO, fran ked with 1852 2b.<br />

black on pale gre<strong>en</strong> tied by GRIGLIA in black. Ta xed on arri val in Spo le to with<br />

1863 imperforate Postage Due 10c. ye llow tied by ´153´ numeral cancella -<br />

tions on arri val. Spoleto cds on re ver se of a fine and rare co ver. Cer ti fi ca te<br />

COLLA (2011). Sas so ne 3Ab + Due 1.<br />

900 €<br />


1854 (Nov 11). Enti re let ter from PESCHIERA to TRENTO fran ked by 1850-54<br />

15c. red tied by fancy fra med ´Imp. Reg. Va po re´ hand stamp in black. A fine and<br />

rare mar king, ap plied on board Lake Gar da Mail boat. Re ver se with Tr<strong>en</strong>to arri val<br />

cds. A fresh and fine <strong>en</strong> ti re. Scott 4.<br />

300 €<br />

615<br />

Sa.6, 7. 1867. ROMA a ESPAÑA. 5 baj. y 6 baj. Ta sa da a la lle ga da con 4<br />

reales.<br />

200 €<br />

616<br />

Sa.6, 7. 1867. ROMA a ESPAÑA. 5 baj. y 6 baj. Ta sa da a la lle ga da con 4<br />

reales.<br />

200 €<br />

612<br />

1856 (Dec 15). Embossed decorative Ladies´ <strong>en</strong>velope to VIENNA, with com -<br />

plete original <strong>en</strong>closure (also with decorative embossing) bearing 1850-54 45c.<br />

blue tied by BOTZEN cds´s. Some tri vial ageing but very rare and at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

600 €<br />

613 NAPLES<br />

* Sa.16. 1860. 1/2 tornese, goma original, marg<strong>en</strong> izquierdo ligeram<strong>en</strong>te corto. Se -<br />

llo muy raro <strong>en</strong> nue vo. Cert. A. DIENA.<br />

3.500 €<br />

617<br />

Sa.2, 5A, 7. 1867. ROMA a ESPAÑA. 1 baj., 4 baj. y 6 baj. ta sa da a la lle -<br />

gada con 4 rea les.<br />

250 €<br />



618<br />

1869 (Jan 26). Fine four co lour Tran sat lan tic co ver from ROME to BOSTON<br />

(USA) bea ring 1867 im perf. 80c. black on li lac rose and 1868 perf. 5c. black on<br />

blue-gre<strong>en</strong>, 10c. black on ver mi lion and 20c. black on wine red all tied in black by<br />

dotted loz<strong>en</strong>ge. Blue St. Mi chel tran sit cds on front and red Boston arri val cds. A<br />

de ligh tful and rare co ver. Cer ti fi ca te A. Die na. Sas so ne 20,25b,26a,27b.<br />

2.000 €<br />

622 TOSCANA<br />

1803. LIVORNO a TARRAGONA. Mar ca ma nus cri ta ´PROCEDENTE DE<br />

YTALIA´ y tasa de ´12 reales´, probablem<strong>en</strong>te realizada <strong>en</strong> Tarragona.<br />

Excep cio nal y UNICA QUE CONOCEMOS has ta la fe cha.<br />

300 €<br />

623<br />

1852. LIVORNO a MANCHESTER (Gran Bre ta ña). 1 cr. car mín, 2 ct. azul<br />

(2) y 6 cr. azul os cu ro. Mat. de ROMBOS. Algu nos már ge nes cor tos pero co -<br />

lo res muy fres cos y car ta muy atrac ti va.<br />

1.250 €<br />

619 SARDINIA<br />

Sc.10, 12, 13. 1857 (June 16). Co ver from GENOA to NAPLES fran ked by<br />

1855-60 5c. deep gre<strong>en</strong> in a ver ti cal pair, 20c. deep blue and 40c. rose red all tied<br />

by GENOVA cds´s in black. Re ver se with Naples arri val cds (19/6). An at trac ti ve<br />

three colour franking. (Sassone 7800€).<br />

600 €<br />

620<br />

Sa.14A,16A. 1859. FAVERGES (Sa voie) a FRANCIA. 10 cts. cas ta ño gris y 40<br />

cts. rojo. Mat. FAVERGES/*. MAGNIFICA.<br />

300 €<br />

624<br />

1853. Co ver to CONSTANTINOPLE fran ked by 1851-53 1cr. red on blued<br />

and 6cr. deep blue on gre yish (2) can ce lled by ba rred obli te ra tor from Flo -<br />

r<strong>en</strong> ce. Fr<strong>en</strong>ch P.O. in Constantinople arri val cds on re ver se (Dec 4). A scar -<br />

ce and fine co ver to a most unu sual des ti na tion. Scott 4,7.<br />

2.000 €<br />

621<br />

Sa.14Ac,16Ab. 1859. AIX LES BAINS (Sa voie) a FRANCIA. 10 cts. cas ta ño<br />

purpura y 40 cts. rojo, mat. AIX LES BAINS/*. Fe cha dor de <strong>en</strong> tra da <strong>en</strong> Fran cia<br />


250 €<br />

625<br />

Sa.14 (3). 1855. FIRENZE a LONDON. 4 cr. ver de, tira de tres, tres bue nos<br />

már ge nes y uno cor to. Ro tu ra del pa pel <strong>en</strong> el fr<strong>en</strong> te y fal ta una so la pa del dor -<br />

so. MUY RARO FRANQUEO. (Sas so ne 14.000 €).<br />

500 €<br />



626 ITALY<br />

Sa.13Ea, 17D+Italy 13. 1863 (July 23). Co ver from GENOA via Lon don to<br />

MONTEVIDEO (Uruguay) franked by unusual combination of Sardinia imperf. 5c.<br />

ye llow gre<strong>en</strong> and 80c. ye llow with Italy 1867 15c. blue (Type II) tied by GENOVA<br />

cds´s. London red tran sit (July 27). A rare and ap pea ling co ver. Cer ti fi ca te<br />


1.800 €<br />

630<br />

1875(June 4). Re gis te red co ver from Como to Bue nos Ayres,<br />

ARGENTINA fran ked at 2 lire 60c rate with 1863-77 60c li lac and rare usa ge of<br />

2 lire ver mi lion tied by ´9´ numeral obliterator with Como des patch cds along -<br />

side. Red London-Registered da tes tamp (June 7) of tran sit and arri val da -<br />

tes tamp on re ver se. Part of re ver se flap mis sing but a scar ce and fine co ver.<br />

Scott 32,33.<br />

1.000 €<br />

627<br />

1864. GÉNOVA a MARSELLA. 5 cts. gris (2), 15 cts. azul (2) y se llo fran cés de<br />

40 cts. na ran ja, con mat. P.D. estampado <strong>en</strong> Italia (<strong>en</strong> Génova o Torino). Excepcional<br />

fran queo mix to. RARÍSIMO. F. Bau dot y Cert. ROUMET.<br />

1.800 €<br />

631<br />

1898. Co ver mai led from MARSEILLE to MALTA fran ked by Italy 5c. gre<strong>en</strong><br />

and 20c. brown-oran ge tied by M.K.ADRIA straight line ca chet with<br />

PAQUEBOT. hand stamp in blue-gre<strong>en</strong> be low. Mar sei lle cds at left (April 23)<br />

and reverse with MALTA/A25 du plex ap plied on re ceipt (April 27). Scar ce.<br />

100 €<br />

628<br />

Sc.31, 32, 35. 1868 (July 17). Fa mous re gis te red co ver from MILAN to LONDON<br />

with 1863 40c. carmine (2), 60c. li lac and 1867 20c. blue (2, one with slight stai ning<br />

due to gum) all tied by 17 numeral obliterators. Mi la no des patch cds at left and ex -<br />

tre mely rare and fine stri ke of oval REGISTERED-LONDON-FROM ITALY in black<br />

(July 20). Re ver se with Torino tran sit. A mag ni fi c<strong>en</strong>t exam ple of this rare can ce lla -<br />

tion on a three co lour fran king co ver.<br />

300 €<br />

629<br />

1875. MILANO a CHIAVENNA. Cir cu la da con cua tro se llos de MARCA DA<br />

BOLLO de 5 cts. lila, no acep ta dos y ta sa dos con se llo de 30 cts. INTERESANTE y<br />

RARA.<br />

575 €<br />

632<br />

1898. Co ver to MALTA fran ked by mar gi nal strip of five Italy 1c. bron ze<br />

gre<strong>en</strong> all tied by SHIP IN FULL SAIL blue ca chets, red PAQUEBOT. hand -<br />

stamp and, be low straight line S.S. ANDRASSY ca chet in vio let. Mal ta arri val<br />

(May 1) on re ver se of at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

120 €<br />



639<br />

∆ 10 cts. ama ri llo (2) y 40 cts. rojo de Cer de ña so bre frag m<strong>en</strong> to con mat.<br />

PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/ITALIANI <strong>en</strong> azul. Mag ní fi co y RARO. (Sa. R1<br />

9.000€).<br />

300 €<br />

633 CRETE<br />

(*) Sa.2. 1 pi. s. 25 cts. PRUEBA DE PLANCHA y SOBRECARGA. Magnífica y<br />

MUY RARA.<br />

500 €<br />

634 EGYPT<br />

∆ DOS fragm<strong>en</strong>tos con franqueos mixtos Umberto+Vittorio Emmanuele ESTERO<br />

20+30 cts., 10 cts. (2) + 5 cts. Mat. círcu lo de ba rras 234 de ALESSANDRIA.<br />


WEB 75 €<br />

635<br />

CONJUNTO de se llos 20 cts. s. 15 cts. (2), 60 cts. y 2 lire DLR con mat.<br />

PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/FRANCESI. RAROS. (Sa. 13 pun tos 7.400€).<br />

WEB 150 €<br />

636<br />

CONJUNTO de se llos de 1 cto. (4), 5 cts. (2), 60 cts. y 2 lire DLR y 1 cto. ESTERO<br />

con mat. PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/ITALIANI. RAROS. (Sa. 10 pun tos 4.275€).<br />

WEB 150 €<br />

640<br />

∆ 10 cts. bis tre <strong>en</strong> pa re ja de Cer de ña con mat.<br />

PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/FRANCESI <strong>en</strong> azul. Plie gue na tu ral del pa pel. Mag ní -<br />

fi co y RARO. (Sa. R1 6.000€).<br />

150 €<br />

641<br />

° 80 c<strong>en</strong>ts. ama ri llo de Cer de ña con fe cha dor <strong>en</strong> azul ALESSANDRIA<br />

D´EGITTO/POSTE ITALIANE con la hora. Mag ní fi co y RARÍSIMO. (Sa. R2<br />

5.000€).<br />

200 €<br />

642<br />

80 c<strong>en</strong>ts. ama ri lo de Cer de ña con fe cha dor <strong>en</strong> ne gro ALESSANDRIA<br />

D´EGITTO / POSTE ITALIANE sin la hora. Mag ní fi co y RARÍSIMO. (Sa. R3<br />

8.000€).<br />

250 €<br />

637<br />

° ITALIAN POST OFFICE. Ita lian 1 cts. grey gre<strong>en</strong> block of four tied by the ex tre -<br />

mely rare ALESSANDRIA D´EGITTO/POSTE ITALIANE ca chet with the Arms of<br />

Sa voy in c<strong>en</strong> tre. A mag ni fi cant and very rare, only a few exam ples known. (See Za -<br />

naria-Serra pag. 198).<br />

200 €<br />

643<br />

∆ 40 cts. rojo (2) de Cer de ña so bre pe que ño frag m<strong>en</strong> to mat. PIROSCAFI /<br />

POSTALI / INGLESI <strong>en</strong> ne gro. RARÍSIMO. (Sa. R3 16.000€).<br />

300 €<br />

638<br />

∆ FRAGMENTO de car ta con se llos de 10 cts. na ran ja (4) y 40 cts. rojo DLR com -<br />

ple tan do un fran queo de do ble por te a Ita lia. Mat. PIROSCAFI / POSTALI /<br />



250 €<br />

644<br />

80 c<strong>en</strong>ts. ama ri llo de Cer de ña con mat. PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/FRANCESI<br />

<strong>en</strong> ne gro. Mag ní fi co y MUY RARO. (Sa. R1 3.000€).<br />

200 €<br />

645<br />

∆° CONJUNTO de se llos de Vit to rio Emma nue le y Umber to con y sin<br />

ESTERO. 3 frag m<strong>en</strong> tos con se llos de tasa 10, 40 y 60 con mat. de pun tos 234<br />


WEB 100 €<br />



646<br />

° 40 cts. rojo <strong>en</strong> pa re ja de Cer de ña con mat. PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/FRANCESI <strong>en</strong><br />

ne gro. Mag ní fi co y RARO. (Sa. R1 6.000€).<br />

200 €<br />

651<br />

* Sa.2b. 1874. ESTERO. 2 cts. castaño SIN SOBRECARGA. Ejem plar de<br />

bu<strong>en</strong> c<strong>en</strong>traje, d<strong>en</strong>tado ligeram<strong>en</strong>te irregular abajo y goma original, levem<strong>en</strong> -<br />

te tonalizada a la derecha. Ejemplar de gran rareza, pocos ejemplares cono -<br />

ci dos. F. E. Die na y cert. G. COLLA. Sas so ne.95.000€.<br />

8.000 €<br />

647<br />

° 15 cts. azul pa re ja. Mat. PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/INGLESI <strong>en</strong> azul. RARÍSIMO.<br />

(Sa. R3 16.000€).<br />

300 €<br />

652<br />

* Sa.3b. 1874. 5 cts. ver de gris. Tira de tres, se llo c<strong>en</strong> tral ÁNGULO<br />

DERECHO NO MODIFICADO. Excepcional y RARÍSIMO, probablem<strong>en</strong>te el<br />

úni co co no ci do <strong>en</strong> pa re ja con uno nor mal. Cert. A. DIENA. Sas so -<br />

ne.++30.000€.<br />

7.500 €<br />

648 ERITREA<br />

* ¿1885?. 10 cts.rojo habilitación MASSAUA. PRUEBA DE SOBRECARGA. Pro -<br />

bablem<strong>en</strong>te única conocida. RARÍSIMA. Ex. Col. F<strong>en</strong>ice.<br />

200 €<br />

653<br />

* Sa.4c. ESTERO. 10 cts. ocre ÁNGULOS INFERIORES NO<br />

MODIFICADOS. C<strong>en</strong>traje habitual de estos sellos. D<strong>en</strong>tado levem<strong>en</strong>te<br />

irregular y goma original levem<strong>en</strong>te tonalizada. RARÍSIMO, sólo tres ejempla<br />

res nue vos co no ci dos y uno de ellos está de fec tuo so. Cert. G. COLLA.<br />

1.500 €<br />

654<br />

° Sa.4d. 10 cts. naranja, ángulo superior izquierdo NO MODIFICADO.<br />

MAGNÍFICO. F. A. Die na. Sas so ne.2.250€.<br />

200 €<br />

655<br />

* Sa.5. 1878. ESTERO. 20 c<strong>en</strong>t. azul es qui na de hoja con par te de la le y<strong>en</strong> da.<br />

Exce l<strong>en</strong> te c<strong>en</strong> tra je. Muy raro <strong>en</strong> esta ca li dad. Cert. G. COLLA. Sas so -<br />

ne.+4.000€.<br />

600 €<br />

649 ESTERO<br />

* Sa.1e. 1874. ESTERO. 1 cto. verde gris SIN SOBRECARGA. Ejem plar de ex ce -<br />

l<strong>en</strong>te c<strong>en</strong>traje, d<strong>en</strong>tado ligeram<strong>en</strong>te irregular a la derecha y goma original levem<strong>en</strong> -<br />

te tonalizada <strong>en</strong> la parte inferior. Ejemplar de gran rareza, pocos ejemplares cono -<br />

ci dos. F. G. Bo laf fi, A. Die na y cert. G. COLLA. Sas so ne.95.000€.<br />

8.000 €<br />

650<br />

* Sa.1h. 1874. ESTERO. 1 cto. verde. Pareja vertical HABILITACIÓN<br />

DESPLAZADA A LA DERECHA ABAJO. Mag ní fi co y MUY RARO. Cert. G.<br />

COLLA. Sas so ne.4.800€.<br />

500 €<br />

656<br />

° Sa.5 var. 1874. ESTERO. 20 cts. azul. HABILITACIÓN DESPLAZADA A<br />

LA DERECHA Y ARRIBA. Ejem plar de gran pre s<strong>en</strong> cia, pese a te ner el án gu -<br />

lo de re cho re pa ra do. RARÍSIMO y no re se ña do ni <strong>en</strong> Sas so ne ni <strong>en</strong> Za na -<br />

ria-Se rra. Po si ble m<strong>en</strong> te se tra ta del ÚNICO EJEMPLAR co no ci do. Cert. G.<br />

COLLA.<br />

1.000 €<br />

657<br />

° Sa.6f. 1874. ESTERO. 30 cts. castaño DOBLE HABILITACIÓN. Mat. rec -<br />

tángulo de puntos 234 de ALEXANDRÍA DE EGIPTO. C<strong>en</strong> tra je ha bi tual y<br />

marg<strong>en</strong> derecho d<strong>en</strong>tado irregular con dos di<strong>en</strong>tes cortos. PIEZA<br />

EXCEPCIONAL, sólo dos co no ci dos, éste ejem plar y una car ta cer ti fi ca da<br />

con fran queo de 30 + 40 cts. fe cha da el 18 Ju lio 1875 <strong>en</strong> Ale xan dría. Una de<br />

las pie zas más im por tan tes co no ci das de todo el LEVANTE ITALIANO y<br />

EGIPTO. F. A. Die na y Cert. G. COLLA.<br />

8.000 €<br />



658<br />

° Sa.9b. 1874. ESTERO. 2 lire naranja ÁNGULO INFERIOR IZQUIERDO CON EL<br />

CENTRO DE LA FLOR MODIFICADO. Mat. rectángulo de puntos con sólo el ´2´<br />

visible (Tunisia o Alexandría). Sello de excel<strong>en</strong>te pres<strong>en</strong>cia con un ligero corte <strong>en</strong> el<br />

lado inferior izquierdo. PIEZA EXCEPCIONAL, muy pocos ejemplares conocidos.<br />

Sin pre cio <strong>en</strong> Sas so ne y se gún Za na ria-Se rra sólo se co no cía <strong>en</strong> usa do.<br />

1.000 €<br />

659<br />

° Sa.9(3). 1874. ESTERO. 2 lire na ran ja. Tira de tres con mat. DA BUENOS<br />

AIRES/COI POSTALI ITALIANI. RARA. Sas so ne.7.500€.<br />

500 €<br />

660<br />

° Sa.9(4). 1874. ESTERO. 2 lire na ran ja. Lote com pues to por dos pa re jas y un se llo<br />

suel to con mat. P.D. es tam pa do <strong>en</strong> GENOVA a la lle ga da y rec tán gu lo de pun tos<br />

con nº ¿15? estampado también a la llegada. RARO conjunto.<br />

WEB 500 €<br />

664<br />

* .P3 (2). 1874. ESTERO. PRUEBA DE ARCHIVO. 5 cts. verde ángulos no<br />

modificados, habilitación ESTERO <strong>en</strong> ALBINO. Pareja esquina de pliego.<br />

LUJO. Cert. G. COLLA. .5.000€.<br />

400 €<br />

665<br />

** Sa.P6A+6B. 1876. ESTERO. PRUEBA DE ARCHIVO. 30 cts. castaño <strong>en</strong><br />

pareja vertical, ángulos no modificados y habilitación ESTERO, se llo in fe rior<br />

sólo con la im pre sión par cial. RARÍSIMO. Re se ña do <strong>en</strong> Sas so ne sin pre cio.<br />

Sassone.+7.500€.<br />

800 €<br />

666<br />

(*) 10 cts. naranja, 10 cts. azul, 20 cts. azul y 20 cts. naranja con habilitación<br />

ESTERO y so bre car ga <strong>en</strong> rojo SAGGIO. Algu nas man chas del tiem po y d<strong>en</strong> -<br />

tado defectuoso habituales <strong>en</strong> los pocos ejemplares conocidos. RARÍSIMOS.<br />

Cert. A DIENA.<br />

1.000 €<br />

661<br />

**/* Sa.10a (4). 1878. ESTERO. 10 cts. azul. Blo que de cua tro, se llos in fe rio res,<br />

goma ín te gra sin fi ja se llos. Exce l<strong>en</strong> te c<strong>en</strong> tra je y co lor muy fres co. PIEZA DE LUJO.<br />

Cert. G. COLLA. Sas so ne.+9.000€.<br />

1.000 €<br />

662<br />

* Sa.11. 1878. ESTERO. 20 c<strong>en</strong>t. naranja. Color muy fresco. Excel<strong>en</strong>te conservación.<br />

MUY RARO. Cert. G. COLLA. Sas so ne.10.000€.<br />

1.200 €<br />

663<br />

* Sa.P1A. 1876. ESTERO. 1 cto. ver de gris PRUEBA DE ARCHIVO ángulos no<br />

modificados. Sassone.2.500€.<br />

250 €<br />


* Sa.1/7. 1908. I EMISIÓN LOCAL. Serie completa, colores frescos y c<strong>en</strong>tra -<br />

jes nor ma les <strong>en</strong> es tos se llos. RARÍSIMA. Sólo se im pri mie ron 49 se llos del 20<br />

pias tras. Se tra ta de la se rie más rara de todo el Le van te Ita lia no. Cert. G.<br />

COLLA. Sassone.79.450€.<br />

10.000 €<br />



668<br />

(*) Sa.1a. 1908. I EMISIÓN LOCAL. 10 para verde <strong>en</strong> pareja vertical UNO SIN<br />

HABILITACIÓN. Mag ní fi ca y MUY RARA. Cert. G. COLLA. Sas so ne.4.500€.<br />

400 €<br />

669<br />

* Sa.1b+1. 1908. I EMISIÓN LOCAL. 10 para ver de <strong>en</strong> TIPOGRAFIA DISTINTA <strong>en</strong><br />

pa re ja con uno nor mal. Excep cio nal y RARÍSIMO, me nos de 10 ejem pla res co no ci -<br />

dos. Cert. G. COLLA. Sas so ne.27.500€.<br />

3.000 €<br />

674<br />

** Sa.12h+12. 1908. 2 pi. s. 50 cts. Blo que de seis, un se llo ´0´ rascado.<br />

MAGNÍFICO. Sassone.3.100€.<br />

350 €<br />

670<br />

* Sa.1ca+1. 1908. I EMISIÓN LOCAL. 10 para <strong>en</strong> pa re ja, un se llo SIN ´10´. Excep -<br />

cional y RARÍSIMO, m<strong>en</strong>os de 10 ejemplares conocidos. Catálogo sin precio <strong>en</strong><br />

Sas so ne. Cert. G. COLLA.<br />

1.500 €<br />

675<br />

** Sa.12(6). 1908. 2 pi. s. 50 cts. lila. Blo que de seis. Pri mer se llo ´I´ rota y ter -<br />

cer se llo ´T´ rota. MAGNÍFICO. Sas so ne.+2.520€.<br />

300 €<br />

671<br />

° Sa.2ca. 1908. I EMISIÓN LOCAL. 20 para <strong>en</strong> pa re ja, un se llo SIN ´20´. Mat. fe -<br />

chador de Constantinopoli. Excepcional y RARÍSIMO, m<strong>en</strong>os de 10 ejemplares co -<br />

nocidos. Catalogado sin precio <strong>en</strong> Sassone. Cert. G. COLLA.<br />

1.000 €<br />

672<br />

* Sa.4d. 1908. I EMISIÓN LOCAL. 1 pias tra s. 25 cts. azul va rie dad PIASTRE <strong>en</strong><br />

lu gar de PIASTRA. Mag ní fi co y RARO. Cert. G. COLLA. Sas so ne.2.400€.<br />

240 €<br />

676<br />

** Sa.12i. 1908. 2 pi. s. 50 c<strong>en</strong>t. lila. Tira de tres, se llo c<strong>en</strong> tral ´2´ separado de<br />

piastre. MAGNÍFICO. Sassone.1.700€.<br />

170 €<br />

673<br />

** Sa.12. 1908. 2 pi. s. 50 c<strong>en</strong>t. lila. Blo que de 9. MAGNÍFICO. Sas so ne.3.780€.<br />

180 €<br />

677<br />

* Sa.12k+12. 1908. 2 pi. s. 50 cts. lila. Pa re ja, un se llo ´20´ <strong>en</strong> vez de ´2´.<br />

MUY RARO. Sas so ne.3.280€.<br />

325 €<br />

678<br />

* Sa.13. 1908. 4 pias tre s. 1 lira cas ta ño y ver de. Muy bo ni to ejem plar. MUY<br />

RARO, sólo se emi tie ron 400 ejem pla res. Cert. G. COLLA. Sas so ne.1.800€.<br />

200 €<br />



685<br />

* Sa.T1a, 2a, 3a. 1922. 10 cts., 30 cts. y 60 cts. na ran ja y rojo. SIN EL<br />

SELLO DE CONTROL. MUY RAROS. Cert. E. DIENA. Sas so ne.7.200€.<br />

600 €<br />

679<br />

* Sa.14. 1908. 20 pias tre s. 5 lire azul y rosa. Exce l<strong>en</strong> te c<strong>en</strong> tra je. RARÍSIMO se llo<br />

del que se emi tie ron sólo 200 ejem pla res. F. A. Bo laf fi y Cert. G. COLLA. Sas so -<br />

ne.12.000€.<br />

1.400 €<br />

680<br />

* Sa.14p+14. 1908. 20 pias tre s. 5 lire. Pareja vertical, sello superior ´20´ MUY<br />


do. Una de las gran des ra re zas del Le van te Ita lia no. F. Giu lio Bo laf fi y cert. G.<br />

COLLA.<br />

7.000 €<br />

686<br />

* Sa.1/6. 1922. SERIE com ple ta, con el se llo de con trol. Mag ní fi ca y MUY<br />

RARA. Sassone.3.750€.<br />

350 €<br />

681<br />

** Sa.17m(2). 1908. 20 pi. s. 5 lire. Pareja. SOBRECARGA MUY DESPLAZADA a<br />

la izquierda. MAGNÍFICA. Sassone.+1.200€.<br />

125 €<br />

682<br />

* Sa.18A+18. 1908. 20 pias tre ERROR EN EL VALOR <strong>en</strong> pa re ja con el se llo nor -<br />

mal de 4 pias tre. Mag ní fi ca y MUY RARA. Cert. G. COLLA. Sas so ne.4.000€.<br />

500 €<br />

687 LIBYA<br />

1888 (Nov 19). Co ver with bu si ness ad dress at top from Tri po li/Lib ya to Li -<br />

vor no; fran ked by Italy 1881 ´Este ro´ 25c. blue tied by bold stri ke of Mal ta<br />

´A25´ obliterator in black. Reverse with Mal ta cds and Livorno arri val. Scott<br />

15.<br />

250 €<br />

683<br />

* Sa.19c+19. 1908. 20 lire s. 5 lire. Pareja vertical, un sello DOBLE<br />

SOBRECARGA. MAGNÍFICO. F. Bo laf fi. Sas so ne.2.500€.<br />

300 €<br />

684<br />

** Sa.2c+2. 1922. 15 pias tre s. 30 cts. azul y rojo. Pa re ja ver ti cal, se llo su pe rior ´P´<br />

IMPRESA A MANO. RARÍSIMA y más <strong>en</strong> esta ex cep cio nal ca li dad. Po quí si mos<br />

ejem pla res co no ci dos y to dos de ca li dad me dio cre. Re se ña da sin pre cio <strong>en</strong> Sas so -<br />

ne. F. Brun y cert. G. COLLA.<br />

1.500 €<br />

688<br />

1891 (Dec. 28). Co ver from TRIPOLI (Lib ya) to LIVORNO fran ked by Italy<br />

1878 20c. oran ge tied in tran sit by fine stri ke of Mal ta ´A25´ obliterator in<br />

black. Re ver se with furt her Mal ta cds and Livorno arri val da tes tamp. A scar -<br />

ce and at trac ti ve co ver. Sig ned A. Die na.<br />

200 €<br />



689<br />

1894 (May 21). Co ver from TRIPOLI (Lib ya) to MILAN fran ked by Italy 1878 20c.<br />

oran ge tied in tran sit by fine stri ke of MALTA da tes tamp in black. Re ver se with furt -<br />

her Mal ta cds and Mi lan arri val cds (24/6). A scar ce and at trac ti ve co ver.<br />

200 €<br />

690 TUNISIA<br />

1866. Con jun to de 15 car tas o fron ta les y una tar je ta pos tal, la ma yo ría con fran -<br />

queos del Co rreo Ita lia no. A des ta car Ente ro Pos tal ita lia no usa do <strong>en</strong> el in te rior de<br />

Tu nez y car ta de 1889 di ri gi da a Tri po li con la ta ri fa es pe cial de 20 cts. (10 + 10 cts.<br />

rojo).<br />

WEB 400 €<br />

694<br />

1879. 3 c. pos tal sta tio nary <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe s<strong>en</strong>t from NEW YORK to TO KYO,<br />

with cir cled ´T´ hand stamp and cir cled DUE/4 arri val due mar king. Old Ko ban<br />

4 s. (JSCA 46) ap plied and tied by fra med ¦Insuf fi ci<strong>en</strong>tly Paid¦ chop. Co ver for -<br />

war ded to Yo koha ma with both Ro man type and three stri kes of Ma rui chi typ<br />

cds, and with ad di tio nal pair of Old Ko ban 2 s. (JSCA 43) tied by Yo koha ma<br />

mute can cels. Small fra med rail way let ter box mark SHIBASHI in red on front.<br />

A great ra rity.<br />

1.000 €<br />

691<br />

1884 (June). Co ver to Ca glia ri at 25 c<strong>en</strong>t. let ter rate, fran ked by ´Este ro´ 1882<br />

5c. gre<strong>en</strong> (cor ner de fect) and pair of 1877 10c. blue tied by cir cu lar ba rred ´3336´<br />

obliterator with corresponding ´La Goletta/Tunisi´ cds at right. Co ver has be<strong>en</strong> di -<br />

sin fec ted with two ver ti cal chi sel slits against Cho le ra. Scar ce and fine co ver.<br />

1.200 €<br />

695<br />

1892. Registered illustrated wrapper to FRANCE bearing Koban 1 s gre<strong>en</strong><br />

(SG 113), 2 s rose (SG 114) and 10 s bis tre (SG 120) tied by ver na cu lar da tes -<br />

tamp with boxed registered, routed via Nagasaki and Yokohama with hooded<br />

London registered transit and CALAIS arri val. Attrac ti ve item and scar ce use.<br />

150 €<br />

692 JAPAN<br />

1872. YOKOHAMA a PARÍS. Cir cu la da con se llos fran ce ses de 25 cts. azul (2)<br />

mat. ROMBO DE PUNTOS 5118 y fe cha dor YOKOHAMA/BAU FRANCAIS.<br />

425 €<br />

696<br />

1901. Registered <strong>en</strong>velope to Munich, Germany, franked 2s., 3s., 5s + 10<br />

s<strong>en</strong> Chrysant he mums tied by Yo koha ma date stamp. Rou ted via Vic to ria,<br />

Ca na da and an no ta ted to go on ss ´Ta co ma´.<br />

150 €<br />

693<br />

1875 (Aug 31). Attrac ti ve small <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe from YOKOHAMA to VERSAILLES,<br />

fran ked by Fran ce 1871-75 10c. brown on rose pink (2), 30c. deep brown and 80c.<br />

car mi ne on rose all tied by bold stri kes of ´5118´ gros chif fres with co rres pon ding<br />

YOKOHAMA / BAU FRANCAIS da tes tamp in black. Cir cu lar PAQ. ANGL. BRIND<br />

cds in red on front and Versailles arri val cds (Oct 24) on re ver se. A lo vely co ver.<br />

700 €<br />

697<br />

1916 (June 21). Prin ted co ver ´Truk Sta tion der Ja luit-Ge sellschaft, Truk´<br />

used from Ja pa ne se Na val Base to San Fran cis co bea ring Ja pan 10s. blue<br />

pair tied by Truk cds, with Truk and Yo koha ma re gis te red la bels at left. Read -<br />

dres sed on arri val in San Fran cis co to New York (July 29). A rare and very fine<br />

cover.<br />

2.000 €<br />



698<br />

1918 (May 7). Re gis te red co ver from the Ja pa ne se Na val Base at Ja luit, Mars -<br />

hall Islands bea ring Ja pan 20s. red-vio let tied by ´Ja luit´ in red ma nus cript and by<br />

na ti ve cds. Yo koha ma red & whi te Exchan ge Offi ce la bel on front and re ver se with<br />

New York arri vals (June 4). A rare and ap pea ling co ver.<br />

1.500 €<br />

702<br />

1910. SEUL a FRANCIA. Cir cu la da con se llos ja po ne ses de 3 s<strong>en</strong> rojo (2)<br />

y 10 s<strong>en</strong> azul, mat. SEOUL/COREA. MAGNIFICA.<br />

200 €<br />

703<br />

1913. Co ver, ope ned for dis play, fran ked by 1910-14 Mi li tary Frank over -<br />

printed 3s. car mi ne tied by Seoul da tes tamp in black Re pea ted stri ke at left<br />

and To kyo arri val (18/10) be low. Scar ce.<br />

250 €<br />

699<br />

1937. Air mail <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe to BUENOS AIRES (Arg<strong>en</strong> ti na). Fran ked 1 y<strong>en</strong> (3), 30<br />

s<strong>en</strong> (2), 20 s<strong>en</strong>, 10 s<strong>en</strong> (3), 8 s<strong>en</strong>, 4 s<strong>en</strong> and 3 s<strong>en</strong> tied by TO KYO/NIPPON da tes -<br />

tamp. On re ver se POSTA AEREA arri val ro ller can cel.<br />

120 €<br />

700<br />

1939. Air mail <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe to Lima, Peru, fran ked 30s(2) + 50s(2) ´Tais ho´ and 10s.<br />

Dais<strong>en</strong> National Park, tied by Kobe date stamp.<br />

150 €<br />

704<br />

1914 (Dec 19). Re mar ka ble lar ge co ver at 56 s<strong>en</strong> re gis te red rate to New<br />

York, bea ring 1913-25 2s. gre<strong>en</strong>, pair and sin gle; irre gu lar block of five 10s.<br />

blue all tied by scar ce KEIJO-SEOUL-CHOSEN in vio let. REGISTERED in<br />

red at left and Yo koha ma tran sit re gis te red la bel and cds´s on front. Re ver se<br />

with wax seals and New York oval arri vals (Jan 13, 195). A spl<strong>en</strong> did and ex tre -<br />

mely scar ce fran king.<br />

600 €<br />

701 KOREA<br />

1905. 4ch. red on rose sta tio nery card used to GERMANY and up-ra ted with<br />

1900 1ch. gre<strong>en</strong>, 2ch. blue and 3ch. oran ge red with 1903 3ch. Fal con all tied by<br />

SEOUL / COREE datestamps. Chemulpo and Shanghai tran sits and Neustadt<br />

arri val cds all on front of scar ce card. Scott 19,20B,21,42.<br />

500 €<br />

705<br />

1915. SEOUL a INGLATERRA. Pre cio so fran queo mat.<br />


300 €<br />

706 LIBERIA<br />

1916. HARPER a ST. GALL (Sui za). Espec ta cu lar fran queo. Car ta cer ti fi -<br />

cada, etiqueta de c<strong>en</strong>sura.<br />

WEB 150 €<br />



707 MEXICO<br />

(1860 CA.). VERACRUZ a MEXICO. 2 rea les verde amarillo y 2 rea les ver de es -<br />

meralda (Sc.3,3b). Ligera doblez de archivo que afecta a los sellos. Rarísima com -<br />

bi na ción de fran queo con los dos to nos de co lor del 2 rea les.<br />

250 €<br />

711<br />

1862. TAMPICO a ORAN (Arge lia). Car ta com ple ta es cri ta por un mi li tar<br />

francés explicando el desembarco de las tropas <strong>en</strong> Tampico. Circulada privadam<strong>en</strong>te<br />

via Cádiz dónde fué depositada al correo. Fechador de Cádiz y marca<br />


250 €<br />

708<br />

Sc.9a. (1861 CA.). (Gua da la ja ra). Co ver to ZAPOTLAN at 2 real rate fran ked by<br />

diagonally bisected 1861 4r black on ye llow tied by FRANCO GUADALAJARA cds<br />

well struck in blue. Schatz kes 297. Scar ce co ver. Cert. JARETZKY.<br />

150 €<br />

712<br />

∆ Sc.30(2). 1866. 50 cts. verde litografiado dos sellos sobre pequeño frag -<br />

m<strong>en</strong>to con habilitación MEXICO solam<strong>en</strong>te y fechador FRANCO/MEXICO<br />

11-SEP-1866. El co rreo pre pa ró és tos se llos para cam biar al pú bli co por los<br />

de la emi sión de Agui las, del 50 cts. solo se uti li za ron 53 ejem pla res de los<br />

que so la m<strong>en</strong> te 6 o 7 se han con ser va do has ta nues tros días. Pie za ex cep cio -<br />

nal pre s<strong>en</strong> tan do los se llos una do ble im pre sión <strong>en</strong> la par te in fe rior. PIEZA<br />

UNICA. Cert. MEPSI 2003.<br />

2.000 €<br />

709<br />

1861. MEXICO a S. LUIS POTOSI. 4 rea les car mín y 8 rea les lila. Magnífico y<br />

muy raro fran queo.<br />

600 €<br />

713<br />

° Sc.1. 1866. PROVISIONAL DE CHIAPAS. 1/2 real ne gro s. azul, mat. ova -<br />


DE RUMANIA. Cert. MEPSI.<br />

750 €<br />

710<br />

Sc.6 (8). 1861. GUADALAJARA a TECOTLÁN. 1/2 real ne gro s. bis tre, dos pa -<br />

re jas y una tira de cua tro. Excep cio nal fran queo para ha cer los 4 rea les del por te.<br />

Ex. Paliafito y Lange.<br />

450 €<br />

714<br />

1872. TAMPICO a VERACRUZ. 12 ctvos. azul para el pago del por te lo cal<br />

y sello británico de 4 p. naranja (marg<strong>en</strong> superior cortado a tijera), mat. B.P.O.<br />

C63 y fe cha dor de la Ag<strong>en</strong> cia Bri tá ni ca. TAMPICO to VERACRUZ. 12 ctvos.<br />

blue for the pay m<strong>en</strong>t of the lo cal post and Bri tish 4 p. oran ge stamp for the pay -<br />

m<strong>en</strong>t of the Bri tish Post to Ve ra cruz. VERY BEAUTIFUL.<br />

1.500 €<br />



715 MOROCCO<br />

Ed.107. 1871. TANGER a BARCELONA. 50 mils. azul, mat. ROMBO DE<br />

PUNTOS <strong>en</strong> azul y fe cha dor C. ESPAÑOL EN MARRUECOS/TANGER <strong>en</strong> azul.<br />

Ra rí si ma <strong>en</strong> car ta com ple ta. Ex. T.DASI. Cert. GRAUS.<br />

2.500 €<br />

719<br />

1673 (Ja nuary 4th). AMSTERDAM to LIVORNO (Italy). Endor sed ´Frca.<br />

p. Mª´ du ring the FRENCH OCUPPATION pe rio de in Ho lland (1672-78). A<br />

rare early co ver.<br />

150 €<br />

716<br />

Yv.48, 51. 1896. 20 c. brown horizontal pair 1 p. ye llow, tied by J. Bru do c<strong>en</strong> ce lla -<br />

tions of 25 Dec. to <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe to Tan ger ad di tio nally fran ked Fr<strong>en</strong>ch Offi ce<br />

1891-1900 20 c. on 20 c., 50 c. on 50 c. with MAZAGAN dotted circle cancellations<br />

of 31 Dec., the <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe slightly crum pled and with small pe ri me ter faults. A spec ta -<br />

cu lar and rare mi xed fran king, only two co vers exist with the 1 pe se ta stamp. Sche -<br />

ller Certificate (2009).<br />

1.500 €<br />

720 SURINAME<br />

1843 (Dec. 31). Enti re let ter writ t<strong>en</strong> from PARAMARIBO to AMERONGEN<br />

and char ged ´60´ due on re ceipt, struck on front with oval<br />

ZEE-BRIEF/DEN-HELDER in red (Feb 21) and re ver se with Utrecht tran sit<br />

cds (Feb 22). Fine and early <strong>en</strong> ti re.<br />

100 €<br />

721<br />

1852 (April 18). Enti re let ter to PARAMARIBO (Su ri nam) s<strong>en</strong>t pre paid<br />

(rare thus), with GRAVENHAGE/FRANCO des patch in black, th<strong>en</strong> ce via Lon -<br />

don with SHIP LETTER / Crown / LONDON and PAID da tes tamps in red<br />

(April 21). Ra ted pre paid 1/8d. in ma nus cript and PARAMARIBO arri val cds in<br />

black (June 1). Scar ce and ap pea ling co ver.<br />

125 €<br />

717<br />

1898 (June 24). Mazagan-Marrakech Local Post 20c. lake on rose buff pos tal<br />

sta tio nery card, used to GERMANY can ce lled by Mazagan cds´s in vio let; in com bi -<br />

nation with Morocco Ag<strong>en</strong>cies 1898 10cs. carmine cancelled on arrival in Wildung<strong>en</strong><br />

(July 8). Tran sits of Bri tish P.O. Mazagan, Tangier (July 1) and Gi bral tar<br />

alongside. A fine and interesting combination usage. SG 2.<br />

1.400 €<br />


1676 (Octo ber 23rd). AMSTERDAM to LIVORNO (Italy). Endor sed ´Fran ca<br />

pm´, du ring the FRENCH OCUPPATION pe rio de (1672-78). A rare scarly co ver.<br />

150 €<br />

722<br />

1861 (Aug. 4). Co ver s<strong>en</strong>t un paid to MAASTRICHT (re-ad dres sed on arri -<br />

val back to Gra v<strong>en</strong> haa ge) and <strong>en</strong> dor sed P. MAIL VIA DEMERARY &<br />

SOUTHAMPTON, struck with wa tery PARAMARIBO des patch cds in blue.<br />

Reverse with both Maastricht and Grav<strong>en</strong>haage da tes tamps (Sept 1) in red<br />

and oval AFGESCHREVEN / MAASTRICHT ca chet in red. An in te res ting co -<br />

ver.<br />

125 €<br />



723 NORWAY<br />

1858 (July 25). Re gis te red co ver from Man dal to Leith, Scot land at 35sk. rate,<br />

fran ked by Oscar 1856-57 3sk. li lac grey and ho ri zon tal strip of four 8sk. lake red all<br />

tied by ´197´ tar get hand stamps in black. Mandal cds at left and red ´Ham -<br />

burg-Paid´ tran sit cds. Struck on arri val with scar ce ´Hamburg-Crown-Registe -<br />

red´ in red. re ver se with Edinburgh arri val (Aug 1). Faults but a very rare co ver.<br />

Scott 3,5.<br />

950 €<br />

727<br />

1906. PALESTINE. Cover bearing 1 pias tre tied by bi lin gual NAPLOUS<br />

can ce lla tion to USA (C/W fig.72).<br />

150 €<br />

724<br />

1867 (July 16). Enti re let ter from Thrond hiem to Spain fran ked by Va p<strong>en</strong>typ<br />

1863 2sk. ye llow and 24sk. brown tied by Throndhiem cds´s in black and by<br />

Fr<strong>en</strong>ch Erque li nes <strong>en</strong>try mark. Front with red fra med ´PP´ and char ged with ´4R.´<br />

due mar king on arri val, re ver se with Sandosund tran sit cds and blu rred arri val cds.<br />

An exceptional and fine cover to a rare destination. Certificate NIELSEN. Scott<br />

6,10.<br />

575 €<br />

728<br />

1918. (FRENCH DETACHMENT IN PALESTINE). Mi li tary mail <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe<br />

<strong>en</strong> dor sed SECTOR DU D.F.P DU PORT SAID S.P. 601a with mi li tary ca chet<br />


the <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe is rou ted via Port Said with CORR D´ARMEES PORT SAID dou -<br />

ble ring. This co ver was re co ve red from the sea of Mar sei lle the ves sel ha ving<br />

be<strong>en</strong> tor pe doed on rou te from Port Said and the ca chet BATEAU<br />

NAUFRAGE MARSEILLE ap plied. A rare and in te res ting co ver from the<br />

Fr<strong>en</strong>ch military detachm<strong>en</strong>t.<br />

400 €<br />

725<br />

Mi.13-15. 1870 (Sept. 2). Re gis te red co ver to SCOTLAND with 1867 3sk.3 li lac,<br />

4sk.4 blue and 8sk.8 red all tied by THRONDHIEM cds´s and by rare oval<br />

REGISTERED LONDON-FROM DENMARK in red (Sept 12). Re ver se with San -<br />

dosund and Dunfermline cds´s. Aged in pla ces but ex tre mely rare.<br />

600 €<br />

729 PANAMA<br />

1843. BORDEAUX (Fran cia) a LIMA. Via Pa na ma, fe cha dor PANAMA/*<br />

<strong>en</strong> rojo (estampación débil) de Consulado Francés <strong>en</strong> Panamá.<br />

300 €<br />

726 PALESTINE<br />

1905. PALESTINE. Cover bearing 1 pias tra tied by bi lin gual ACRE cancellation<br />

to WA SHING TON (C/W fig.41).<br />

150 €<br />

730<br />

1843. AREQUIPA a MORLAIX. Enca mi na da has ta Pa na ma por ´Tho mas<br />

Lachambre´ (manuscrito al dorso) y <strong>en</strong>tregada <strong>en</strong> el Consulado Francés de<br />

Panamá donde le estamparon la marca PANAMA/* <strong>en</strong> rojo. RARA.<br />

700 €<br />



731<br />

1844 (4 Ju nio). AREQUIPA (Perú) a MORLAIX (Fran cia). Cir cu la das vía el Co -<br />

rreo Francés, manuscrito. Marca estampada <strong>en</strong> el Consulado francés de Panamá<br />

PANAMA/* y al dor so AMER. SUD/PANAMA, am bas <strong>en</strong> rojo. MAGNÍFICA y MUY<br />

RARA.<br />

800 €<br />

732<br />

1874 (March 27). Entire letter on ´Hamburg-Amerikanische´ stationery, some<br />

tropicalisation, used from Colon to Bu<strong>en</strong>av<strong>en</strong>tura franked by Colombia imperforate<br />

1868 10c. li lac and very scar ce usa ge of 1870 5c. oran ge ye llow tied by se rra ted<br />

´PANAMA´ oval hand stamp. An ex tre mely rare co ver.<br />

1.800 €<br />

735 PERU<br />

° Sc.3 (6). 1858. 1 dinero azul. Tira ver ti cal de 6 se llos (po si cio nes<br />

5-10-15-20-5-10), mat. FECHADOR de TACNA. Tres gran des már ge nes, el<br />

de re cho cor to <strong>en</strong> dos se llos. Muy raro múl ti ple.<br />

400 €<br />

733<br />

1880 (Oct 19). Lar ge part co ver with em bo seed ´H.M.S.Shan non´ co lou red crest<br />

on re ver se, used to England with Great Bri tain 1d. red pl. 193 in ver ti cal strip of four<br />

all tied by ex tre mely rare ´PANAMA TRANSIT/C35´ duplexes. Envelope trimmed<br />

but nevertheless, a cancellation rarity. SG Z72.<br />

800 €<br />

736<br />

(*) Sc.9. 1860. 1 dinero azul. Bloque de seis, márg<strong>en</strong>es <strong>completo</strong>s alrededor<br />

del se llo, leve do blez ho ri zon tal <strong>en</strong> los se llos su pe rio res. Muy ra ros los múl ti -<br />

ples <strong>en</strong> nue vo.<br />

700 €<br />

734<br />

1888. PANAMÁ a NEW YORK. Tar je ta pos tal con res pues ta co mer cial fran -<br />

quea da con se llo de Co lom bia de 1 ctvo. (Sc. 129). Mat. AGENCIA POSTAL<br />


500 €<br />

737<br />

1839. LIMA a ESPAÑA. Mar ca li neal PERÚ <strong>en</strong> rojo. MAGNÍFICA.<br />

100 €<br />



738<br />

1844. LIMA a VALPARAISO. Mar ca de la P.S.N.C. VAPOR PERU/P <strong>en</strong> ama ri llo.<br />


200 €<br />

742<br />

Sc.3 (2). 1858 (3 Octu bre). CUZCO a FRANCIA. 1 dinero azul pa re ja,<br />

mat. CÍRCULO DE PUNTOS de CUZCO <strong>en</strong> azul. Cir cu la da por el co rreo bri -<br />

tánico, marca de intercambio GB/2F 87 5/10 y tasa fran ce sa de ´12´ dé ci mas.<br />


450 €<br />

739<br />

1849 (31 Di ciem bre). VALPARAISO a LIMA. Ma nus cri to ´Car ta Ma rí ti ma´ y ´Por<br />

Ma ria Lui sa´ (pa que bot bel ga que hizo al gu nos via jes a Amé ri ca del Sur). Eti que ta<br />

ama ri lla con al mar ca FRANCA estampada <strong>en</strong> rojo utilizado como SELLO<br />

PRECURSOR uti li za do para el pago de la ta ri fa de 1 real <strong>en</strong> tre Ca llao y Lima. Ra rí -<br />

si ma no más de diez ejem pla res co no ci dos, ésta es la úl ti ma fe cha de uso co no ci -<br />

da. Ex. Gon za lez Gar cia y E. Fox.<br />

1.500 €<br />

743<br />

Sc.9 (4). 1858 (18 Octu bre). TACNA a COROCORO (Bo li via). 1 dinero<br />

azul (4) y do ble por te, ma nus cri to ´2Q´ (2 on zas de peso) y ´2 r´ (rea les) tasa a<br />

pa gar para el pago del por te bo li via no. RARA.<br />

325 €<br />

740<br />

1849 (31 Di ciem bre). CALLAO a LIMA. Eti que ta ama ri lla con la es tam pa ción de<br />

la mar ca FRANCA <strong>en</strong> rojo uti li za do como SELLO PRECURSOR uti li za da para el<br />

pago de la ta ri fa de 1 real <strong>en</strong> tre Ca llao y Lima. Ésta eti que ta de pre pa go fue idea da<br />

por el Administrador del Correo de Callo D. Vic<strong>en</strong>te Aramburu. Debe considerarse<br />

como el pri mer se llo de Co rreos uti li za do <strong>en</strong> Perú y esta car ta es la fe cha más an ti -<br />

gua conocida. Rarísima, no más de diez ejemplares conocidos. Ex. Gonzalez<br />

García y E. Fox.<br />

1.500 €<br />

744<br />

1858. LOCLE (Sui za) a LIMA (Perú). Enca mi na da has ta LE HAVRE por<br />

´CH. VIGNIER´ (mar ca al dor so) y fran quea da con se llos fran ce ses de 40 cts.<br />

(2) y 80 cts. (2). Mar ca de <strong>en</strong> tra da <strong>en</strong> Perú MZ (indicando la llegada por correo<br />

ma rí ti mo). Mag ní fi ca y muy rara y más <strong>en</strong> car ta pro ce d<strong>en</strong> te de Sui za.<br />

350 €<br />

741<br />

1856. LIMA a SEVILLA (Espa ña). Enca mi na da has ta LONDRES por ISASI y<br />

CIA (ma nus cri to al dor so) y allí fran quea da con se llo de 1p. rojo, 2p. azul y 10sh.<br />

verde. A la llegada tasada con 4 rea les. RARA combinación.<br />

500 €<br />

745<br />

Sg.6,6a. 1859. TACNA a COROCORO (Bo li via). 1 dinero azul y 1 dinero<br />

azul pálido. Mat. ADMON. PRAL. DE CORREOS / TACNA. Magnífica combi -<br />

na ción de fran queo con dos to na li da des de co lor dis tin tas del mis mo se llo.<br />

Muy raro. Cert. B. MOORHOUSE.<br />

700 €<br />



750<br />

Sc.4. 1861 (19 Sep tiem bre). TACNA a COCHABAMBA (Bo li via). 1 peseta<br />

rojo (1ª emi sión), por te in te rior de Perú (dis tan cia has ta la fron te ra 25 le guas)<br />

y ma nus cri to ´2´ rea les para el pago del por te bo li via no.<br />

300 €<br />

746<br />

Sc.8. 1859. TACNA a LIMA. Enca mi na da has ta ARICA por J. EMILIO<br />

GARCIA/ASENTE/ARICA y allí de po si ta da al co rreo con se llo de 1 peseta rojo.<br />

Rara com bi na ción, pri me ra vez que la he mos vis to <strong>en</strong> una car ta in ter na.<br />

250 €<br />

747<br />

Sc.3 (2). 1859. HUANTA a LIMA. 1 dinero azul, pa re ja, mat. CÍRCULO DE<br />

PUNTOS y HUANTA <strong>en</strong> azul. MAGNÍFICA.<br />

150 €<br />

751<br />

Sc.12b (2). 1863 (19 Octu bre). TACNA a COCHABAMBA (Bo li via). 1 di -<br />

nero rosa (2) PAPEL DELGADO ta sa da a la lle ga da con ´2´ rea les para el<br />

pago del porte boliviano.<br />

100 €<br />

752<br />

Sc.12 (2). 1863-67. Dos car tas cir cu la das con se llo de 1 dinero di ri gi das a<br />

COCHABAMBA (Bo li via) con se llo de 1 dinero rojo. Una ta sa da con 2 rea les<br />

para el pago del co rreo bo li via no y la otra sin ta sar si gui<strong>en</strong> do la nue va ta ri fa de<br />

Febrer de 1866. Interesante pareja.<br />

WEB 125 €<br />

748<br />

Sc.7. 1859. TACNA a COROCORO. 1 dinero azul, pa re ja para el pago del por te<br />

lo cal pe rua no y ´1 1/2´ (rea les) ma nus cri to para el pago del por te lo cal bo li via no.<br />

125 €<br />

753<br />

Sc.12 (2). 1864. ISLAS DE CHINCHA a LIMA. 1 dinero rosa (2), mat.<br />


125 €<br />

749<br />

Sc.3 (2). 1860. TACNA a LIMA. 1 dinero azul (2), mat. ARICA/VAPOR.<br />

125 €<br />

754<br />

1865 (16 Octu bre). MEJILLONES a PISAGUA. Círcu lo de pun tos<br />

MEJILLS <strong>en</strong> azul, ma nus cri to ´FRANCA´ y ´E.Y.´ ini cia les del Admin si tra dor<br />

de Co rreos de ésta pe que ña po bla ción. Uti li za do por fal ta de se llos <strong>en</strong> ésta<br />

población. Muy rara, pocas conocidas.<br />

300 €<br />



755<br />

1865. LIMA a SEVILLA (Espa ña). 1 dinero rojo (de fec to <strong>en</strong> un án gu lo). Cir cu la -<br />

da por el co rreo bri tá ni co, ta sa da a la lle ga da con 4 rea les.<br />

100 €<br />

759<br />

1870 (22 Di ciem bre). TACNA a FRANCIA. Cir cu la da con se llo de Perú de<br />

1 dinero verde y sellos británicos de 3 p. rosa y 4 p. naranja, mat. C-36 de la<br />

B.P.O de ARICA. Mar ca INSUFFICIENTLY/PREPAID y tasa fran ce sa de ´12´<br />

décimas, marca de intercambio GB/1F90c. Interesante texto sobre ´Siège de<br />

Paris´. Rara combinación de franqueo.<br />

1.200 €<br />

756<br />

1865 (28 Mayo). LIMA a GRANADA (Ni ca ra gua). Mar ca PAID/AT/CALLAO <strong>en</strong><br />

rojo. Magnífica, muy rara destinación.<br />

450 €<br />

760<br />

1871. Sobre <strong>en</strong>tregado directam<strong>en</strong>te a un buque de la PSNC probable -<br />

m<strong>en</strong> te <strong>en</strong> Ca llao con se llo de Perú de 1 dinero verde y sellos británicos de 6 p.<br />

lila (2) y 1 sh. ver de. Los se llos fue ron anu la dos <strong>en</strong> trán si to <strong>en</strong> PANAMA con la<br />

cancelación C-35 (el se llo Pe rua no no fué anu la do, el co rreo bri tá ni co lo ig no -<br />

ró). Fal ta par te de la so la pa del dorso.<br />

400 €<br />

757<br />

Sc.14. (1869 CA.). LIMA a AREQUIPA. 1 dinero ver de tira de tres, tri ple por te in -<br />

te rior.<br />

125 €<br />

761<br />

Sc.14. 1873. TRUJILLO a LIMA. 1 dinero ver de, car ta ta sa da con 10<br />

ctvos. por fal ta de fran queo. Ma nus cri to ´Deft. 10 c.´.<br />

100 €<br />

758<br />

1869. TACNA a FRANCIA. 1 dinero ver de (2), mat. CÍRCULO DE PUNTOS y fe -<br />

chador de Tacna, circulada tramite el Correo Británico, fechador BPO de ARICA.<br />

Ta sa da a la lle ga da con ´12´ de ci mas y mar ca de in ter cam bio GB/1F90c.<br />

180 €<br />

762<br />

(1874 CA.). So bre con mar ca de la DIRECCIÓN DE CONTABD.<br />

GRAL/SECCIÓN MILITAR circulado a HUANCAVELICA. Tasada con 10<br />

CENTAVOS, mar ca <strong>en</strong> el fr<strong>en</strong> te, pa ga dos con dos se llos de 5 ctvos. rojo al<br />

dorso.<br />

200 €<br />



763<br />

1874. IQUIQUE a FRANCIA. 1 dinero ver de, mat. IQUIQUE/PERU cir cu la da<br />

tra mi te el Co rreo Bri tá ni co has ta Pa na má, al dor so fe cha dor B.P.O. de CALLAO.<br />

En COLON la car ta pasó a un bu que fran cés, dón de le es tam pa ron el fe cha dor oc -<br />

to go nal PANAMA/PAQ. FR. A Nº 1. Ta sa da a la lle ga da con ´15´ de ci mas.<br />

250 €<br />

766<br />

Sg.153. 1878 (May 28). Enti re let ter (se cond sheet) mai led to LONDON<br />

and fran ked by 1878 20c. scar let tied by LIMA cds in black, pre pa ying dou ble<br />

the in ter nal rate; <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´Via Pa na ma & St. Na zai re´. Struck with trian gu lar<br />

´T´ mar king with PAYS ETR./PAQ. ANG. BORDEAUX (June 2) and ap pa -<br />

r<strong>en</strong>tly ta xed on arri val with 1877 4d. sage gre<strong>en</strong> pl.15 in a strip of three all tied<br />

by REGISTERED-LONDON da tes tamps in error (June 3). A re mar ka ble and<br />

very rare cover. Certificate HOLCOMBE.<br />

650 €<br />

767<br />

Sc.27 (2). 1879. HUANCAVELICA a LIMA. 20 cts. rojo car mín (2). Mar cas<br />

CERTIFICACION y CERTIFICADO/LIMA. Al dorso ´recibí´ del destinatario.<br />

150 €<br />

768<br />

1879. Dos car tas cer ti fi ca das de HUANCANELICA a LIMA con fran queos<br />

de 10 cts. (5) y 20 cts. (2) + 10 cts.<br />

WEB 200 €<br />

764<br />

1876. Dos car tas cir cu la das des de CALLAO a NAPOLES (Ita lia) con se llo de<br />

Perú de 1 dinero y dos se llos bri tá ni cos de 10 p. y otra car ta de CALLAO a<br />

TATMEGOUCHE <strong>en</strong> CANADA (Nue va Esco cia) con fran queo de 1 dinero y se llo<br />

bri tá ni co de 1 sh. De fec tos <strong>en</strong> los so bres pero des ti na cio nes no usua les (la de Ca -<br />

na da es pro ba ble m<strong>en</strong> te úni ca). Ex. Aldo Sal vat te ci.<br />

750 €<br />

765<br />

1877. CALLAO a LONDRES. Cir cu la da con una tira de tres del se llo bri tá ni co de<br />

6 p. mat. C38 de la B.P.O. <strong>en</strong> Ca llao. Rara <strong>en</strong> via da di rec ta m<strong>en</strong> te des de la B.P.O. de<br />

Callao. Ex. A. Salvatteci.<br />

500 €<br />

769<br />

1826-1852. Co lec ción con un es tu dio de to das las ta ri fas in te rio res de éste<br />

período incluido <strong>en</strong> correo Judicial. Consta de 47 cartas y 6 docum<strong>en</strong>tos montados<br />

<strong>en</strong> hojas de colección con descripciones. Muy interesante conjunto.<br />

1.000 €<br />



770<br />

1827-1857. Co lec ción de RELACIONES POSTALES <strong>en</strong> tre BOLIVIA y PERÚ<br />

cons ta de 5 car tas y 3 do cu m<strong>en</strong> tos.<br />

250 €<br />

772<br />

1830-73. Co lec ción de RELACIONES POSTALES <strong>en</strong> tre CHILE y PERÚ,<br />

cons ta de 8 car tas mon ta das <strong>en</strong> ho jas de co lec ción con des crip cio nes.<br />

300 €<br />

771<br />

1830-60. Colección de 13 cartas proced<strong>en</strong>tes de Francia, Alemania, Bélgica,<br />

Gran Bre ta ña y Espa ña di ri gi das a Perú. Mon ta da <strong>en</strong> ho jas de ex po si ción con des -<br />

cripciones.<br />

600 €<br />

773<br />

1836-66. Co lec ción de car tas des de PERÚ a FRANCIA, GRAN BRETAÑA<br />

y BÉLGICA. Montado <strong>en</strong> hojas de exposición con descripciones.<br />

300 €<br />



774<br />

1858-71. CORREO PROCEDENTE DE GRAN BRETAÑA. 4 car tas con se llos<br />

británicos 1 + 1 sh. (2), 6 + 6 + 6 p. y 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 p. di ri gi dos a LIMA. Una con la mar -<br />

ca de trán si to PAITA y la otra con la mar ca ´E´ (proced<strong>en</strong>cia del extranjero).<br />


700 €<br />

775<br />

Sc.7, 9 y 12. 1859-64. Seis car tas cir cu la das <strong>en</strong> el in te rior del país con ta ri fa de 1<br />

dinero.<br />

WEB 200 €<br />

777<br />

° Sc.9. 1860. Estudio especializado sobre el sello de 1 dinero azul con re -<br />

construcciones de plancha, retoques y variedades. INTERESANTE. Ex.<br />


500 €<br />


1859. MANILA a CADIZ. 1 real ver de, mat. fe cha dor <strong>en</strong> azul MANILA/IS.<br />


200 €<br />

776<br />

*/° 1859-68. Colección especializada montada <strong>en</strong> páginas de exposición con<br />

descripciones. Conti<strong>en</strong>e sellos nuevos, parejas, tiras y bloques y 15 cartas. Multi -<br />

tud de matasellos. Precioso conjunto.<br />

2.000 €<br />

779<br />

Yv.7(3). 1860. TAAL a MANILA. 5 cuar tos ber me llón, tira de tres con mat.<br />

fechador MANILA/ISLAS FILIPINAS. Mag ní fi ca y muy rara, se tra ta del múl ti -<br />

ple más gran de co no ci do de este se llo <strong>en</strong> car ta. Cert. GRAUS.<br />

850 €<br />



780<br />

1861. MANILA a ESPAÑA. 1 real ver de (3), mat. PARRILLA COLONIAL y fe -<br />

cha dor de Ma ni la. Ro tu ra <strong>en</strong> el an ver so. Muy raro fran queo.<br />

225 €<br />

784<br />

1880. RECARGO DE CONSUMO. Sello de Giro habilitado para Recarga de<br />

Consumo de 1 peso 50 c<strong>en</strong>tavos. Blo que de 10 un se llo <strong>en</strong> po si ción in ver ti -<br />

da. TETE-BECHE, mat. de la Adua na de Ma ni la. Pie za ex cep cio nal y úni ca<br />

conocida.<br />

1.500 €<br />

781<br />

Ed.6b. 1863. MANILA a ESPAÑA. 2 rea les car mín. Mat. PARRILLA<br />


175 €<br />

785<br />

Ed.57(2), 59. 1888. MANILA a ALEMANIA. FAJA DE PRENSA (wra per),<br />

circulada con dos sellos de 2 ctvos. car mín y 2 4/8 ctvos. azul. RARÍSIMA ta -<br />

rifa de impresos.<br />

350 €<br />

782<br />

Ed.7. 1863 (18-Dic.). MANILA a BINONDO. 5 cts. bermellón borde inferior de<br />

hoja, algunas erosiones de papel <strong>en</strong> la parte superior, sin importancia.<br />


400 €<br />

783<br />

Ed.20L. 1870. MANILA a SEVILLA. 1 real verde amarillo HABILITADO/POR<br />

LA/NACION. Ma ta se llos círcu lo de pun tos, raro uti li za do <strong>en</strong> esta emi sión.<br />


350 €<br />

786<br />

1889. MANILA a ALEMANIA. 8 ctvos. castaño (2) y sello provisional de 2<br />

4/8 ctvo. azul ha bi li ta do para 8 ctvos. para com ple tar un tri ple por te a Ale ma -<br />

nia se gún las nue vas ta ri fas de la U.P.U. MUY RARA com bi na ción de fran -<br />

queo. Cert. COMEX.<br />

650 €<br />



787<br />

1890. FILIPINAS a SEVILLA. So bre cir cu la do por co rreo cer ti fi ca do con fran -<br />

queo de 12 4/8 ctvos. ver de, 5 ctvos. ne gro y 20 ctvos. rosa. Mat. PARRILLA<br />

COLONIAL. Al dorso fechador de llegada. Excepcional franqueo con el rarísimo 20<br />

ctvos. rosa <strong>en</strong> car ta.<br />

600 €<br />

792<br />


LETTER ad dres sed to Sr. Go bern dor P. M. y Gral. <strong>en</strong> Jefe de su Ejer ci to de<br />

estas Islas Bisayas w/ violet official seal ´Republica Filipina * Tubungan / sun<br />

& 3 stars in trian gle de sign at c<strong>en</strong> ter over Yloi lo´, w/ mns ´S.M.N.´ or Ser vi cio<br />

Mi li tar Na cio nal.<br />

150 €<br />

793<br />


LETTER ad dres sed to the Jefe Lo cal w/ black of fi cial seal ´Je fa tu ra Mi li tar *<br />

Arse na de Olon ga po / trian gle w/ sun & 3 stars over cros sed an chors de sign at<br />

c<strong>en</strong> ter´, w/ mns ´S.M.´ or Ser vi cio Mi li tar.<br />

175 €<br />

788<br />

Ed.117, 118 (2), 120 (3), 124, 12. 1897. MANILA a HAMBURG (Ale ma nia). Pre -<br />

cioso franqueo, llegada al dorso.<br />

400 €<br />



dres sed to the Te ni<strong>en</strong> te Co ro nel de Inge nie ros w/ blue of fi cial seal ´Oper nes Mres<br />

del Supr Pam pa * Cuar tel Gral / sun & 3 stars over moun tain ran ges de sign at c<strong>en</strong> -<br />

ter´, w/ mns ´S.M.´ or Ser vi cio Mi li tar on of fi cial sta tio nary and sgd by G<strong>en</strong>. To mas<br />

Mascardo.<br />

175 €<br />

794<br />


dres sed to the Jefe Lo cal w/ blue of fi cial seal ´Co man dan cia P.M. De * Olon -<br />

ga po / sun & 3 stars over moun tain ran ges de sign at c<strong>en</strong> ter´, w/ mns ´S.M.´ or<br />

Ser vi cio Mi li tar.<br />

150 €<br />

791<br />


dres sed to Sr. Jefe de la Co mi sion de Go ber na cion w/ black of fi cial seal ´Pre si d<strong>en</strong> -<br />

cia Lo cal de S. Mi guel / sun & 3 stars in trian gle de sign at c<strong>en</strong> ter over Iloi lo´, w/ mns<br />

´S.F.Rno.´ or Servicio Federal Republicano; registered mail.<br />

140 €<br />

795<br />


ad dres sed to Sr. Jefe de la Co mi sion de Go ber na cion de este Esta do Fe de ral<br />

de Bi sa yas w/ black of fi cial seal ´Pre si d<strong>en</strong> cia Lo cal de Tu bun gan / 3 stars at<br />

top of trian gle w/ sun over moun tains de sign at c<strong>en</strong> ter´, w/ mns ´S.D.E.F.´ or<br />

Servicio Departam<strong>en</strong>to Estado Federal; registered mail.<br />

150 €<br />



796<br />


FOLDED LETTER ad dres sed to the Pre si d<strong>en</strong> te Lo cal w/ 4 of fi cial seals: blue ´Je fa -<br />

tu ra P. M. * Min do ro / sun & 3 stars over moun tain ran ges de sign at c<strong>en</strong> ter´, black<br />

´Min do ro * Pi na ma la yan / sun & 3 stars de sign at c<strong>en</strong> ter´, black ´La la wi gan ng Min -<br />

do ro * Nau jan / sun & 3 stars de sign at c<strong>en</strong> ter´, and pur ple Pola seal, w/ mns ´S.R.´<br />

or Servicio Revolucionario; rare forwaded letter to the hinterlands.<br />

175 €<br />

800<br />

1901 (Jan 18). U IN PINOLOTAN, ILOILO FOLDED LETTER addressed<br />

to the Jefe Su pe rior De La 1a Co lum na Gue rri lla w/ black of fi cial seal ´Admon.<br />

Mi li tar 1a Co lum na * C<strong>en</strong> tral / sun & 3 stars over land de sign at c<strong>en</strong> ter´, w/ mns<br />

´S.M.N.´ or Ser vi cio Mi li tar Na cio nal.<br />

125 €<br />

797<br />

1900 (May 18). ANTIKE TO PANDAN IN PANAY FOLDED LETTER addressed<br />

to the Jefe Lo cal w/ black of fi cial seal ´Go bier no P. M. * —Anti ke— / sun & 3 stars in<br />

trian gle over moun tain de sign at c<strong>en</strong> ter´, and mns ´S.M.R.´ or Ser vi cio Mi li tar Re pu -<br />

blicano.<br />

150 €<br />


1902. Co ver to DRESDEN fran ked by 1899 over prin ted 2 c. carmine. 3 c.<br />

violet and 10 c. brown all tied by MANILA-1 du plex. DRESDEN arri val on re -<br />

verse.<br />

120 €<br />

798<br />


dressed to Presid<strong>en</strong>te Provincial w/ black official seal ´Presid<strong>en</strong>te Lokal * Tubao -<br />

Union / sun & 3 stars over loo king moun tain ran ges de sign at c<strong>en</strong> ter´, w/ mns ´S.R.´<br />

or Servicio Revolutionario at top. Cont<strong>en</strong>ts indicated in mns: cash amounting to $40<br />

as war tax of Car los Or<strong>en</strong> cia.<br />

175 €<br />

802<br />

1904 (June 3). Re gis te red co ver to ZURICH fran ked by 190/04 1 c. blue<br />

gre<strong>en</strong> strip of three and sin gle 50 c. oran ge tied in black with MIL. STA.<br />

ZAMBOANGA cds in vio let be low and fra med re gis tra tion ca chet along si de.<br />

ZURICH arri val cds (July 9) on re ver se. Fi<strong>en</strong>, the 50 c. va lue is rare on let ter.<br />

375 €<br />

799<br />

1901 (May 7). U IN BOHOL FOLDED LETTER addressed to Sr. Comandante<br />

Gral. Na cio na lis ta w/ black of fi cial seal ´Goba. Mitr. del Ctel.Gral. Revo. * Bohol /<br />

sun & 3 stars in trian gle over moun tain de sign at c<strong>en</strong> ter´, and mns ´S.M.R.´ or Ser vi -<br />

cio Mi li tar Re pu bli ca no; front VF but part of let ter mis sing.<br />

150 €<br />

803 PORTUGAL<br />

* Af.1. 1853. 5 reis castaño rojo. Excepcional calidad. Marg<strong>en</strong> derecho borde<br />

de hoja. LUJO. Cert. NFACP. Afin sa.4.720€.<br />

2.000 €<br />

804<br />

° Af.1. 1853. 5 reis castaño. Mat. parrilla CON CIFRA 52 de PORTO <strong>en</strong> azul.<br />

EXTRAORDINARIO EJEMPLAR. Afin sa.1.440€.<br />

350 €<br />



805<br />

° Ed.AF 9 (4). 1855-56. 100 reis vio le ta. Tira de cua tro, mat. nu me ral 102 de VIANA<br />

DO CASTELO. Már ge nes ex cep cio na les. PIEZA DE LUJO. Cert. INEXFIP.<br />

400 €<br />

809<br />

Af.8. 1858. LISBOA a AMSTERDAM. 50 reis verde, circulada via España y<br />

Fran cia. Ta sa da a la lle ga da con 80 cts. Muy raro uso del se llo de 50 reis al ex -<br />

te rior.<br />

350 €<br />

806<br />

** Af.14. 5 reis cas ta ño tipo III. Blo que de seis es qui na de plie go. EXCEPCIONAL<br />


850 €<br />

810<br />

Af.9,13. 1859. PORTO a REZENDE. 25 reis rojo y 100 reis, fechador<br />

PORTO/REGISTADA. Extraor di na rio fran queo, una de las po cas car tas cer ti -<br />

ficadas conocidas de las primeras emisiones de Portugal.<br />

650 €<br />

807<br />

* Af.17. 50 reis ver de. Extraor di na rio ejem plar. PIEZA DE LUJO. Cert. INEXFIP.<br />

Cat. 1.140€.<br />

300 €<br />

811<br />

Af.13(5). 1861. FARO a LISBOA. 25 reis rosa. Car ta CERTIFICADA. Mat.<br />

número 208 y mar ca cir cu lar FARO/REGISTRADA. RARÍSIMA, una de las<br />

pocas cartas certificadas conocidas circuladas de las primeras emisiones.<br />

Cert. A.C.D.P. y P. DIAS.<br />

650 €<br />

808<br />

Af.7(4). 1855. LISBOA a PARIS. 25 reis azul (4). Espec ta cu lar fran queo de cua -<br />

tro por tes.<br />

700 €<br />

812<br />

Af.7,8. 1864. LISBOA a NOVI (Ita lia). 50 reis verde y 100 reis lila.<br />


500 €<br />



813<br />

Sc.16. 1865 (Oct. 12). Co ver to LIVORNO (Italy) <strong>en</strong> dor sed as dou ble weight,<br />

mai led from LISBON with 1862-64 100r. li lac, sin gle and ho ri zon tal pair with mar -<br />

gins huge to tou ched, tied by ´1´ of Lis bon. Fra med ´P.D.´ be low and Livorno arri val<br />

on re ver se. A very rare pre paid co ver.<br />

1.500 €<br />

817<br />

Af.37, 129 (3), 139. 1898. FRENTE DE PAQUETE POSTAL <strong>en</strong>viado por<br />

co rreo cer ti fi ca do de CALHARIZ a PARIS con fran queo de 15 reis (3), 500<br />

reis y 1000 reis (leve defecto <strong>en</strong> el d<strong>en</strong>tado superior). Rarísimo franqueo, lle -<br />

ga da <strong>en</strong> el an ver so.<br />

250 €<br />

814<br />

1870. ENVELOPE to Ger man town, PA, USA, fran ked pair 80 reis tied by ba rred<br />

1 can cel with LISBON da tes tamp in as so cia tion. Obver se also bears red PAID<br />

LONDON SHIP LETTER cds and 2 CENTS (being amount due to USA) hand -<br />

stamps.<br />

300 €<br />

818<br />

1907. DOVER to LEIPZIG. Por tu gal 10 reis postal stationary card uprated<br />

with four stamps Ger man 10 pf. carmine with maritime cancel.<br />

225 €<br />

815<br />

Sc.31, 46. 1872 (Nov. 15). Co ver from LISBON to POOLE (UK) fran ked by mi xed<br />

is sue usa ge of 1867-70 100r. li lac and 1870-84 120r. blue tied by Lis bon ´1´ numeral<br />

obliterators. Oval Lisbon des patch at left and re ver se with Poole (Nov 20) arri val<br />

cds. A fine and scar ce co ver.<br />

700 €<br />

819<br />

Af.211. 1914. LISBOA. Co rreo in te rior. 2 1/2 reis lila bi sec ta do para ser<br />

usa do como 1 reis. Muy raro el uso de se llos bi sec ta dos <strong>en</strong> esta épo ca.<br />

150 €<br />

816<br />

1898. Ente ro pos tal de 50 reis gris de LA PHILATELIE PORTUGAISE con fran -<br />

queo complem<strong>en</strong>tario de 50 reis azul con habilitación PROVISORIO. MAGNIFICO<br />

Y RARO.<br />

250 €<br />

820<br />

1933. CARTA <strong>en</strong> via da des de un bu que ale mán <strong>en</strong> el Atlán ti co cir cu la da a<br />

HANNOVER y franqueada con sello portugues de 65 reis y se llo ale mán de<br />

20 pf.<br />

200 €<br />



821 ANGOLA<br />

1863 (March 4). Ou ter let ter sheet from LOANDA to LISBON with hand stamp<br />

´40´ in black struck in error as the 40 r. rate was al te red to 50 reis in Sep tem ber<br />

1861 and furt her hand stam ped with fine fra med CORREIO CENTRAL DE<br />

LOANDA in black with furt her rate mark ´50´ (lar ge type) abo ve. LISBON arri val (23<br />

April) on re ver se in black. Some in ter nal re pair to co ver but very scar ce.<br />

350 €<br />

825<br />

1921 (Sept 19). 20r. Vio let on straw pos tal sta tio nery card used to Alep -<br />

po/Syria up-ra ted with 1912 300r. black on azu re and Ce res 1½c. brown and<br />

2½c. vio let. Beyrouth bilingual arrival cds on reverse. An unusual destination.<br />

180 €<br />

822<br />

1896 (March 13). Co ver s<strong>en</strong>t to Bres lau from Loan da, un der paid and found to be<br />

dou ble rate (22 grams in ma nus cript) bea ring Ger many 1889 10pf. car mi ne pair tied<br />

by oval da ted ´Deutsche Seepost/Linie/Hamburg-Westafrika/XI´ in black. Furt -<br />

her stri ke at left and ma nus cript char ge ´40pf´ due dou ble the de fi ci<strong>en</strong>cy. A scar ce<br />

and ap pea ling co ver. Scott 48.<br />

305 €<br />

826 GUINEA<br />

(*) Af.5(4). 1879. 40 reis azul. Blo que de cua tro, es qui na de plie go, li ge ros<br />

adel ga za mi<strong>en</strong> tos al dor so sin im por tan cia. PIEZA MUY RARA. Cert. P. DIAS.<br />

Afinsa.+6.300€.<br />

1.500 €<br />

823 CAPE VERDE<br />

1856. Enti re let ter from Sai lor on duty with the Afri ca Squa dron da te li ned ´U.S.S.<br />

Ja mes town, Por to Pra ya, March 10, 1856; by Brig Zero to NY´ mai led to WA SHING -<br />

TON DC (USA), struck with fine NEW YORK - SHIP - 8 Cts da tes tamp (April 14) on<br />

<strong>en</strong>try. A fine and rare <strong>en</strong> ti re with long and in te res ting let ter.<br />

275 €<br />


Yv.AF 2. 1872 (21-Ene ro). BOMBAY a PANGIM. 20 reis rojo y se llo de<br />

India Ingle sa de 1/2 an nas. MUY RARA. Cert. B.P.A.<br />

300 €<br />

824<br />

Af.56,57,65. 1902. S. VICENTE a BUDAPEST (Hun gria). Car ta cer ti fi ca da, fran -<br />

queo tricolor. Extraordinario franqueo y rara destinación <strong>en</strong> esta época.<br />

450 €<br />

828<br />

1873 (6 Oct). Enve lo pe re gis te red from DAMAUN to GOA, bea ring on re -<br />

ver se, 1871-73 Die II 20 r. ver mi lion (2) in com bi na tion with India 1/2a. and 4<br />

a., all can ce lled ´11´ and showing registration cachet, BASSEIN, BOMBAY,<br />

SAWANTWAREE and PANGIM d.s., all on the re ver se; a few small im per fec -<br />

tions though a rare and at trac ti ve re gis te red fran king.<br />

1.250 €<br />



829<br />

Af.17. 1874. PANGIM a MARGAO. 20 reis rojo, bor de de hoja, mat. ba rras ´1´ de<br />

Pan gim y mar ca CHECOU/TARDE. Al dor so fe cha dor de lle ga da a Mar gao.<br />


350 €<br />

833<br />

1933. Registered/AR cover to Germany franked by un-overprinted Ceres<br />

1923 24 a. sla te gre<strong>en</strong> and pro vi sio nal 12 a. on 14 a. vio let tied by he xa go nal<br />

Macau da tes tamp (March 10). Front with cir cu lar ´AR´ and re ver se with Hong<br />

Kong tran sit and arri vals (April 4). Scott 227,265.<br />

240 €<br />

830 MACAO<br />

1914. Re gis te red/AR co ver to Chica go fran ked by 1913 Ce res 2 a. blue gre<strong>en</strong><br />

and 18 a. on 2½ r. News pa per stamp tied by Macau da tes tamp in black. Cir cu lar<br />

´AR´ also on front and re ver se with Hong Kong (March 13) and Chicago da tes -<br />

tamps. Scott 131,213.<br />

300 €<br />

834 MADEIRA<br />

1868(Oct 17). Enti re let ter to Edin burgh fran ked by 1868 120r blue tied by<br />

45 numeral cancellation of Funchal, dis patch cds along si de and, on re ver se<br />

Lisbon and Edin burgh (Oct 26) cds´s of tran sit and arri val. Scar ce fran king<br />

and an at trac ti ve co ver. Scott 14.<br />

400 €<br />

831<br />

1932. Co ver to Chica go fran ked by 1913 Vas co Da Gama 8 a. deep blue with<br />

1931 provisional 12 a. on 14 a. vio let tied by Macau hexagonal datestamp (Feb 1).<br />

Hong Kong tran sit cds on re ver se. Scott 191,265.<br />

125 €<br />

835<br />

Sg.4,20. 1869 (June 21). Co ver from FUNCHAL to PORT MEDWAY (Nova<br />

Scotia) franked by overprinted ´Madeira´ 1868 100r. dull lilac imperforate and<br />

1868-70 120r. blue, perf. 12½, tied by nu me ral ´51´ obliterator with FUNCHAL<br />

cds along si de (June 21). Re ver se with arri val da tes tamp of Ha li fax and ´3d´<br />

split rate char ge mar king in red. A rare fran king to a most unu sual des ti na tion,.<br />

Certificate BPA (2008).<br />

1.400 €<br />

832<br />

1932. Re gis te red co ver to Chica go fran ked by 1931 12 a. on 14 a. vio let and<br />

un-overprinted 1923 Ceres 24 a. gre<strong>en</strong> tied by Macau hexagonal datestamp (July<br />

14). Re ver se with Hong Kong tran sit and Chica go arri val (June 14). Scott 227, 265.<br />

240 €<br />

836 MOZAMBIQUE<br />

Af.17, 19(2). 1889. LOURENÇO MARQUES to STOCKHOLM. 20 reis<br />

rosa (defecto) y 40 reis cas ta ño (2). Mat. ova la do CORREIO/LOURENÇO<br />

MARQUES. Al dor so trán si to por Lis boa y lle ga da. Raro fran queo y des ti na -<br />

ción.<br />

400 €<br />



837 TIMOR<br />

Af.161. 1914. TIMOR a LEIPZIG (Ale ma nia). 78 reis gris, mat.<br />

CORREIO/TIMOR y mar cas REGISTRADO y A.R. al dor so fe cha dor de lle ga da.<br />

Excepcional valor alto de la serie <strong>en</strong> carta. Rarísimo, probablemnte único.<br />

500 €<br />

841<br />

1842. S. JUAN a ESPAÑA. Mar ca PUERTO RICO/FRANCO <strong>en</strong> rojo.<br />

RARÍSIMA, no más de tres pie zas co no ci das. Ex. ROCA y ACEVEDO.<br />

850 €<br />

838 PUERTO RICO<br />

* .(7). 1880. PRUEBAS DE PUNZON sobre los valores de 5 cts. azul, 10 cts. ver de,<br />

15 cts. castaño, 25 cts. car mín, 40 cts. lila, 50 cts. ultramar y 1 pta. lila. Algun va lor<br />

man chas del tiem po. Con jun to de 7 prue bas muy ra ras.<br />

1.500 €<br />

842<br />

1844. GUAYAMA (Pto. Rico) a BILBAO. Mar ca ISLAS DE BARLOVENTO<br />

<strong>en</strong> co lor ver de, es tam pa da a la lle ga da a La Co ru ña y 5 Rs. de Bil bao. Uni ca<br />

co no ci da <strong>en</strong> co lor ver de pro ce d<strong>en</strong> te de Puer to Rico. Ex. ACEBEDO.<br />

700 €<br />

839<br />

1841. SAN JUAN a MADRID. Car ta de po si ta da di rec ta m<strong>en</strong> te al bar co y con la<br />

marca estampada a la llegada a España CADIZ y lle ga da a Ma drid JLIO 9 y tasa de<br />

´9´ rea les. Muy rara, a la co rres pon d<strong>en</strong> cia lle ga da de las Anti llas se les es tam pa ba<br />

la mar ca YNDIAS o ISLAS DE BARLOVENTO. Es la pri me ra vez que ve mos una<br />

car ta pro ce d<strong>en</strong> te de Puer to Rico con esta mar ca.<br />

250 €<br />

843<br />

1847 (10 Abril). GUAYAMA a ROGLIANO (Isla de Cor ce ga, Fran cia). Mar -<br />

ca ARROYO y FRANCO <strong>en</strong> rojo. Cir cu la da por el co rreo bri tá ni co vía St. Tho -<br />

mas, fe cha dor de la B.P.O. al dor so y mar ca de in ter cam bio fran co-bri tá ni ca<br />

COLONIES/ART.18. Magnífica y rarísima, única conocida con la marca<br />

FRANCO <strong>en</strong> rojo de ARROYO.<br />

600 €<br />

840<br />

1841. S. JUAN a MADRID. Mar ca ISLAS DE / BARLOVENTO estampada <strong>en</strong><br />

CADIZ.<br />

250 €<br />

844<br />

1857. SAN JUAN a ALTONA (Di na mar ca). Cir cu la da por el co rreo bri tá ni -<br />

co vía Londres y Hamburgo. Diversas marcas de tránsito y tarifas manuscri -<br />

tas. Muy rara des ti na ción <strong>en</strong> ésta épo ca. Ex. col. CUESTA.<br />

300 €<br />



845<br />

1862. SAN JUAN a CADIZ. 1 real ver de (6), mat. PARRILLA COLONIAL y fe -<br />

chador PUERTO.RICO/* y mar cas FRANCO <strong>en</strong> azul y rojo in di can do que el por te<br />

es ta ba pa ga do <strong>en</strong> su to ta li dad. Al dor so fe cha dor de la B.P.O. PORTO RICO, trán -<br />

si to de Lon dres y lle ga da a Cá diz. Plie gue de ar chi vo sin im por tan cia que afec ta a<br />

un sello. Extraordinario franqueo de 6 rea les pagando 12 portes, probablem<strong>en</strong>te el<br />

más alto co no ci do (<strong>en</strong> car ta co mer cial) de las pri me ras emi sio nes de las Anti llas<br />

Españolas.<br />

1.500 €<br />

849<br />

1873. SAN JUAN a CADIZ. 50 cts. cas ta ño, tira de cua tro, mat. CRUZ DE<br />

MALTA y mar ca li neal FRANCO y fe cha dor de PUERTO RICO. Erosiones del<br />

pa pel <strong>en</strong> el fr<strong>en</strong> te. Mag ní fi co y raro fran queo.<br />

500 €<br />

846<br />

1865. SAN JUAN a COPENHAGEN. Envío de im pre sos con la mar ca <strong>en</strong> el fr<strong>en</strong> -<br />

te PRINTED MATTER circulada por el correo británico vía Londres, Hamburgo. Al<br />

dorso fechador de la BPO PORTO-RICO al dor so y di ver sos trán si tos, <strong>en</strong> el fr<strong>en</strong> te<br />

di ver sas ta ri fas ma nus cri tas.<br />

250 €<br />

850<br />

1874. Co ver from ARECIBO (Puer to Rico), for war ded to St. Tho mas and<br />

mai led to New York with a US 10 c. brown. Date stam ped ST. THOMAS<br />

14.2.1874, canc. on arri val N. YORK STEAMSHIP and on the re ver se<br />


400 €<br />

847<br />

1870 (May 9). Enti re let ter from Gua ya ni lla Puer to Rico, for war ded from the re to<br />

St. Tho mas and th<strong>en</strong> ce to Lon don, with lar ge oval ´Geo. A. Phi lips & Co.´ For war -<br />

ding Ag<strong>en</strong>ts ca chet in blue and fran ked by Great Bri tain 1sh. gre<strong>en</strong>, pl. 4 in ho ri zon -<br />

tal pair tied by ´C51´ obliterators. Red ´St. Tho mas-Paid´ cds be low and Lon -<br />

don-Paid arri val cds (May 30) in red. A fine and scar ce <strong>en</strong> ti re. SG Z29.<br />

550 €<br />

851<br />

1876. MAYAGUEZ a SANTANDER (Espa ña). Cir cu la da con se llos bri tá ni -<br />

cos de 1/2 p. rojo, 1 p. rojo y 1 sh. ver de, mat. F-85 de la B.P.O. y fe cha dor<br />


250 €<br />

848<br />

Ant.19, 21. 1870. SAN JUAN a CADIZ. 10 cts. ver de (2) y 40 cts. rosa. Mat li neal<br />

FRANCO. Circulada via Inglaterra. Fechadores de la B.P.O. y LONDON <strong>en</strong> el re -<br />

verso. Magnífica y rarísimo el mat. FRANCO so bre los se llos. Ex. PRESTON.<br />

450 €<br />

852<br />

Sg.Z82,Z90. 1876. Co ver from SAN JUAN to VIVERO (Spain) fran ked by<br />

Great Bri tain 1870 ban tam ½d. rose red, pl. 10, in a ver ti cal strip of three with<br />

4d. ver mi lion pl. 14 in a ho ri zon tal strip of three, all tied by ´C61´ obliterators.<br />

PORTO RICO cds in black be low and London tran sit (March 16) in red. Vivero<br />

arri val cds on re ver se of a rare co ver.<br />

850 €<br />



853<br />

Ed.11 (4). 1876 (25 Sep tiem bre). SAN JUAN a SANTANDER. 25 cts. gris (do -<br />

ble ru bri ca), tira de cua tro, plie gue de ar chi vo, al dor so mar ca RDA. VIA<br />

DE/INGLATERRA, <strong>en</strong> el fr<strong>en</strong> te FRANCO.<br />

300 €<br />

858<br />

1905 (April 18). Registered usage of USA 2c. rose pos tal sta tio nery <strong>en</strong> ve -<br />

lo pe from AGUADILLA to REMSCHIED (Ger many) up-ra ted with 1901 1c.<br />

gre<strong>en</strong>, 2c. rose-red ver ti cal pair and 6c. lake all tied by AGUADILLA STA. /<br />

PORTO RICO du ple xes. Re gis te red ca chet at lo wer left in vio let and New<br />

York tran sit la bel a left, arri val cds (May 5) on re ver se of a fine co ver.<br />

125 €<br />

854<br />

Ed.20(4). 1878. MAYAGUEZ a FRANCIA. 25 cts. ver de. Tira de cua tro. Mat.<br />


200 €<br />

859 ROMANIA<br />

(1864 CA.). GIURGIU to BUCAREST. 30 b. blue (2). Registered folded let -<br />

ter.<br />

300 €<br />

855<br />

Ed.25 (2), 26 (2). 1879. S. JUAN a GÉNOVA (Ita lia). 15 cts. ver de (2) y 25 cts.<br />

azul (2). Circulada via Inglaterra.<br />

180 €<br />

860<br />

(1865 CA.). POCSANI to BUDEV. 20 b. red (2). Registered folded letter.<br />

500 €<br />

856 U.S.A. OCCUPATION<br />

* Ed.1. 1898. 5 cts. ne gro PROVISIONAL DE COAMO. Muy bo ni to ejem plar (Sc.<br />

201 650$). F. Sto low. Cat. 420€.<br />

200 €<br />

857<br />

* Ed.2. 1898. 5 cts. violeta PROVISIONAL DE PONCE. Ejem plar con goma ori gi nal<br />

con dos pe que ñas man chas y un leve adel ga za mi<strong>en</strong> to. Ejem plar fres co de co lor y<br />

con grandes márg<strong>en</strong>es. Sello rarísimo, no más de 15 ejemplares conocidos (Sc.<br />

200 7.500$). Cert. PF y APS. Cat. 4.200€.<br />

1.500 €<br />

861 RUSSIA<br />

1821. ST. PETERSBOURGO (Ru sia) a LISBOA. Fe cha dor de ST.<br />

PETERSBOURG y mar cas de trán si to de MEMEL y PRUSSE PAR GIVET y<br />

mar ca de lle ga da a LISBOA, ta sa da con ´360´ reis y de sin fec ta da con vi na -<br />

gre. RARA.<br />

150 €<br />



862<br />

Sg.8. 1846 (July 3). Enti re let ter writ t<strong>en</strong> in ST. PETERSBURG, ca rried as a Con -<br />

sig nees Let ter, fran ked in LONDON with four mar gi ned Great Bri tain 1841 1d. red<br />

brown tied by LONDON NUMERAL with arri val (July 27) on re ver se. A rare usa ge,<br />

one of the ear liest Rus sian let ters known bea ring an ad he si ve stamp.<br />

150 €<br />

866<br />

1869 (March 8). Co ver from NYKÖPING to HELSINGFORS, Fin land with<br />

three co lour fran king of 1863 3 ö bis tre brown, 1866 20 ö ver mi llion and 1858 5<br />

ö all tied by NYKÖPING cds´s with fra med Stockholm datestamp on reverse<br />

and fra med Ank mar king of arri val. A fine co ver. Scott 6, 13, 16.<br />

400 €<br />

863<br />

∆ Yv.5. 1864 (April 9). Small pie ce fran ked by interpanneau pair of perf 1858 12½<br />

10k brown and blue tied by Odessa datestamp. Extremely scarce, in g<strong>en</strong>eral any<br />

mar gi nal copy of the se is sues in used con di tion are nigh on im pos si ble to find and<br />

an interpanneau marginal pair especially so. Mikulski certificate. Scott 8.<br />

1.500 €<br />

867<br />

1877. Co ver fran ked with the dou ble-print va riety of the 20ö ver mi llion (Fa -<br />

cit 23), pre pa ying the GPU let ter rate to Spain, and tied by GOTEBORG cds.<br />

Front shows blue ALLEMAGNE/ERQ.PARIS <strong>en</strong>try mar king, and re ver se<br />

bears JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA arri val da tes tamp. A rare stamp on a very<br />

fine co ver to an unu sual des ti na tion.<br />

250 €<br />

864 SWEDEN<br />

1853. BILBAO a STOCKHOLM. Mar ca cir cu lar del CONSULADO DE S.M. EL<br />

REY DE SUECIA Y NORUEGA EN BILBAO. Fe cha dor de sa li da de BILBAO y mar -<br />

ca de trán si to SPANIEN estampada <strong>en</strong> Alemania. ESPECTACULAR Y MUY<br />

RARA.<br />

250 €<br />

868<br />

1881 (Dec 10). Re gis te red co ver to Pa ris fran ked by 1877-79 4 ore grey (2)<br />

and sin gle 30 ore pale brown tied by Hudiksval cds´s. Fra med ´Recomm<strong>en</strong>deras´<br />

on front and re ver se with Paris arri val (Dec 14). Scott 29,35.<br />

300 €<br />

865<br />

1858. 5 ö. light ye llow gre<strong>en</strong>, 12 ö blue and 30 ö rose brown, tied by<br />

STOCKHOLM cds on 1875 (3 Oct.) re gis te red <strong>en</strong> ve lo pe (string and wax seals on<br />

re ver se in tact) to MORA, the 5 ö has a cou ple of shor tish perfs at right. Very fine 47ö<br />

clo sed re gis te red let ter rate com po sed of 12 öre in land let ter rate up to 1 1/4 lod plus<br />

35 öre sup ple m<strong>en</strong> tary fee. Fa cit 7f2, 9c3, 11g. Cert. KAISER.<br />

500 €<br />


1840 (Sept. 4). Enti re let ter with fine FRIBOURG/SUISSE des patch cds in<br />

red. Cir cu lar AUSTRIA/No.3 in black (Van Der Lin d<strong>en</strong> fig. 349) and oval ´LT´<br />

in red. Arri vals in black and red on re ver se.<br />

50 €<br />



870<br />

1853 (May 3). Enti re let ter to Frei burg fran ked by fine mar gi ned Ra yon III 15rp.<br />

ver mi lion can ce lled by blue grid hand stamp with ´Luzern´ cds along si de in blue.<br />

Excep tio nal qua lity and a sca re co ver. Cer ti fi ca te MARCHAND. Scott 12. Zums tein<br />

20.<br />

400 €<br />

874<br />

1860 (April 17th). Attractive <strong>en</strong>velope s<strong>en</strong>t registered from Berna to Vi<strong>en</strong> -<br />

na, Aus tria with 1857-62 (Ber ne III) 10r. blue, 20r. oran ge ye llow and 40r.<br />

gre<strong>en</strong> all tied by Berna cds´s. Straight line ´ZU SPÄT´ in black at lo wer left and<br />

´CHARGÉ´ at right, re ver se with Vi<strong>en</strong> na (April 21st) arrival datestamp. SBK<br />

23G,25G,26G.<br />

800 €<br />

871<br />

1853 (June 15). Enti re let ter to Ber ne fran ked by 1850 Ra yon I 5rp. light blue &<br />

red (part fra me at top of Cross) and 1852 lar ge fi gu res Ra yon III 15rp. ver mi lion tied<br />

by ita lic ´Wyl´ hand stamps in black. Berne arri val on re ver se of a rare co ver. Scott<br />

10,12.<br />

350 €<br />

875<br />

Yv.36,41. 1864. FRIBOURG a NEW YORK. 10 rp. azul y 1 Fr. oro.<br />


270 €<br />

872<br />

1856 (Nov 28th). Re gis te red dou ble rate (3rd Ra yon) co ver from Schaff hau s<strong>en</strong><br />

to Kiers pe near Elber feld, Prus sia, fran ked by very fine sin gle 1855 1fr. grey tied by<br />

Fe de ral grill can ce lla tions in black with des patch cds at right and ita lic ´Chargé´ in<br />

black. Re ver se with ´Deutz/Mind<strong>en</strong>´ TPO datestamp and arrival cds. Certificate<br />

Rell stab. SBK 27C.<br />

3.000 €<br />

876<br />

1864 (Aug 24). Enti re let ter from Hoch dorf fran ked by 1862-64 2c. grey,<br />

3c. black and 10c. blue all tied by ´Hochdorf´ cds´s. Blue ca chet at right and<br />

ma nus cript char ge of 45c. at right. Cer ti fi ca te MARCHAND. Scott 41,42,44.<br />

Zumstein 28,29,31.<br />

400 €<br />

873<br />

1857 (March 31st). Co ver from Ba sel to Col mar, fran ked by 1854-56 (Ber ne II)<br />

5r. brown and very fine 1fr. grey with 1854-55 (Ber ne I) 20r. oran ge all tied by Fede -<br />

ral grill can ce lla tions in black. Red ´Suisse/St. Louis´ <strong>en</strong>try mark in red and Col -<br />

mar arri val on re ver se (March 31st) along si de Basel-Strasbourg TPO cds. Cer ti fi -<br />

ca te Be rra-Gautschy AIEP. SBK 22D,25B,27C.<br />

1.600 €<br />

877<br />

1864 (Oct 13). Co ver to Bar ce lo na, SPAIN fran ked by 1862-64 20c. oran -<br />

ge and 60c. bron ze brown tied by G<strong>en</strong>eva cds´s. Fra med blue ´Sui za´ at lo -<br />

wer right and re ver se with Barcelona arri val cds. A scar ce co ver. Zums tein<br />

33,35. Scott 45,48.<br />

350 €<br />



878<br />

1866 (March 26). Co ver from Ge ne va to Rome fran ked by 1862-64 20c. oran ge<br />

and 60c. bron ze neatly tied by G<strong>en</strong>eva cds´s in b;ack. Trea ted as fully paid on des -<br />

patch but ta xed in tran sit. Rome arri val cds (April 4) on re ver se of a de ligh tful co ver.<br />

Certificate GUINAND. Zumstein 32a, 35.<br />

280 €<br />

882<br />

1888. 25 c. ye llow gre<strong>en</strong>, perf. 9 1/2 tied by neat GENEVA cds on an 1889<br />

co ver to CAIRO, Egypt (three back stamps). Very fine, a scar ce des ti na tion for<br />

Swiss mail. Mi chel 59B, Zums tein 67B, Sc. 90.<br />

200 €<br />

879<br />

1872 (March 18). 5c. brown postal stationery <strong>en</strong>velope s<strong>en</strong>t registered (Value<br />

De cla red for 1000 Francs) to Fran ce up-ra ted with 1862-67 5c. brown, 30c. ul tra -<br />

marine (contemporary defect, right corner missing), 60c. cop per bron ze and ver ti -<br />

cal pair of scar ce 1fr. gold all tied by G<strong>en</strong>eve cds´s. An exceptional and attractive<br />

four co lour fran king. Scott 43,48,50,56.<br />

850 €<br />

883<br />

Yv.83(2). 1890. GENEVE a FRANCIA. 5 c<strong>en</strong>ts. cas ta ño rojo y 40 cts. gris.<br />

D<strong>en</strong>t. 9 1/2 (2). Va lor De cla ra do, mar ca CHARGE y la cres al dor so. Ro tu ra a<br />

la derecha del sobre producida al abrirlo, sellos <strong>en</strong> perfecto estado. Rarísimo<br />

el 40 c<strong>en</strong>ts. d<strong>en</strong>t. 9 1/2 <strong>en</strong> car ta.<br />

475 €<br />

880<br />

Yv.33. 1873 (7-Abril). TARJETA POSTAL mul ti co lor cir cu la da <strong>en</strong> LOCLE con<br />

sello de 2 cts. gris. Mag ní fi ca y una de las Tar je tas Pos ta les con ilus tra ción mul ti co -<br />

lor mas antiguas conocidas.<br />

200 €<br />

884 THAILAND<br />

1896 (Feb 10). Reuter´s Telegram <strong>en</strong>velope locally used in Bangkok bearing<br />

1894 1a. on 64a. Pur ple and brown tied by Bangkok/1 cds. Re ver se with<br />

Krung T´hep na ti ve cds and Bangkok/2 arri val. A scar ce usa ge. SG 46.<br />

250 €<br />

881<br />

1874 (July 26). Co ver to CARLSBAD, BOHEMIA (Aus tria) fran ked by 1867-68<br />

25c. gre<strong>en</strong> tied by straight line ST. SAPHORIN SUR MORGES hand stamp in black,<br />

re pea ted stri ke at right with ma nus cript date be low. Carlsbad arri val cds on re ver se<br />

of scar ce and at trac ti ve co ver. Scott 55.<br />

180 €<br />

885<br />

1897 (Feb 12). 10c. reed on buff sta tio nery card can ce lled by ´Gi bral -<br />

tar/A26´ du plex, used to Ger many. Unu sually struck with ´Royal Siamese<br />

Consulate´ cir cu lar ca chet at left.<br />

250 €<br />



886<br />

1899. BANG KOK to GERMANY. 3 atts. on 12 atts. A very rare early post card.<br />

150 €<br />


1857. NEW ORLEANS to DENMARK. 5c. red brown. Used with 10c. gre<strong>en</strong><br />

Ty. III and 3c. dull red three 3 c. sin gles, mar gins to in, tied by NEW ORLEANS<br />

LA. May 19, 1857 circular datestamps on blue folded letter to Cop<strong>en</strong>hag<strong>en</strong>,<br />

D<strong>en</strong> mark, ma g<strong>en</strong> ta ´24´ cre dit, red bo xed P.D. handstamp, NEW YORK and<br />

HAMBURG back stamp, pre su mably and ad di tio nal 3c stamp is mis sing which<br />

made up the 27c rate via Fr<strong>en</strong>ch Mails, still ap pears Fine, rare usa ge, one of<br />

only two re cor ded usa ges of the 5c. 1856 is sue to D<strong>en</strong> mark, the ot her co ver<br />

pays the 35c. rate via Prus sian Clo sed Mail, un pu blis hed C<strong>en</strong> sus No.<br />

12-COV-335, ex Hugh J. Ba ker. (Sc 12,15,11).<br />

2.500 €<br />

887<br />

1903. 4 a. pos tal card (1899 is sue) used with King Chu la long korn 3rd is sue 1 a.<br />

(x2) (Sc 75) tied by BANG KOK-1 Jul 29 cds (Thai only, da ted 29-4-22) to<br />

BELGIUM. BANGKOK-2 tran sit cds on front. Rare usa ge, es pe cially with ex cep tio -<br />

nally clear Bang kok cds.<br />

150 €<br />

891<br />

1861. EAST DENNIS to MELBOURNE (Aus tra lia). 1 c. blue, Ty. V (24).<br />

Rich co lor, used with ho ri zon tal pair of 10 c. gre<strong>en</strong>, Ty. V (35) and 24 c. gray li -<br />

lac (37), tied by grid can cels and EAST DENNIS MASS. MAY 15 cir cu lar da -<br />

testamp on cover to Melbourne, Australia, red BOSTON PAID 24 MAY 17 cre -<br />

dit circular datestamp, 1861 LONDON tran sit, mis sing part of top flap, tears at<br />

top, 1 c. has small fault. Fine ap pea ran ce. A scar ce and co lor ful fran king pa -<br />

ying the 45 c<strong>en</strong>t. rate to Aus tra lia via Mar sei lles. Ex. Nein k<strong>en</strong>.<br />

850 €<br />

888<br />

1904. Enve lo pe hea ded Trou pes D´Occu pa tion du Siam with mi li tary ca chet<br />


SAIGON COCHINCHINE CORPS EXP. da tes tamp ad dres sed to the Troops at<br />

Vinh-Long Co chin-Chi ne with re cei ver on re ver se. A su perb item of oc cu pa tion<br />

mail.<br />

400 €<br />

892<br />

1864. NEW ORLEANS a ESPAÑA. 5 ctvos. cas ta ño (2) (un mar g<strong>en</strong> cor ta -<br />

do a tijera) circulada vía Inglaterra. Marca PAID ONLY/TO ENGLAND y ta sa -<br />

da a la lle ga da con 12 rea les.<br />

150 €<br />

889<br />

1916. BANG KOK a SUIZA. Ente ro Pos tal de 3 sat. ver de con fran queo adi cio nal<br />

de 2 sat. y 3 sat.<br />

175 €<br />

893<br />

1865. NEW YORK a SUIZA. 1 cto. azul (de fec to) y 10 c<strong>en</strong>ts ver de (2).<br />

Marca de intercambio GB/1F40c corregido a GB/40c. Ta sa da a la lle ga da<br />

con 1F20c. Rarísima la marca GB/1F40c. estampada por error.<br />

375 €<br />



894<br />

1866 (Aug 25). Co ver from Glas gow to Wor ces ter, Mass, USA <strong>en</strong> dor sed at top<br />

´per Sco tia via Cork and New York´fran ked by GB 6d mau ve pl.5 pair tied by Glas -<br />

gow duplexes. Red ´N.York Br.Pkt Paid´ cds on front. On arri val the co ver was for -<br />

war ded back to New York with USA 3c adhesive tied by Worcester tar get hand -<br />

stamp in black. Appea ling and unu sual co ver.<br />

350 €<br />

898<br />

Yv.35,38(2). 1872. Envuel ta cir cu la da a SALTO. 5cts. azul y 20 cts. rosa<br />

(2). Mat. nu me ral ¦29¦ y mar ca CERTIFICADO. PRECIOSA.<br />

350 €<br />

895<br />

1870-71. 3 c. gre<strong>en</strong> used on un der paid 1871 co ver to FRANCE, tied by CIN -<br />

CINNATI du plex in blue (Dec. 26), s<strong>en</strong>t via Lon don (Jan 8, 1872) and struck with<br />

INSUFFICIENTLY PAID in black and fra med Accoun tancy mar king GB/2F in black.<br />

BLARMONT arri val cds on re ver se (Jan 9) and char ged with ´12´ decimes due marking<br />

in black. Scar ce.<br />

275 €<br />

899<br />

1874. MONTEVIDEO a MASNOU (Espa ña). 5 ctvos. azul (2). Mat. oval de<br />

ocho lí neas y ta sa da a la lle ga da con 4 rea les. MUY RARA di ri gi da a Espa ña<br />

an tes de la UPU y fran quea da con se llos.<br />

250 €<br />

896<br />

Sc.158+161+179. 1875. Co ver s<strong>en</strong>t re gis te red from STILLWATER-MINN. to<br />

GRAUBRUNDEN (Swit zer land); with three co lour fran king of 1873 3c. blue-gre<strong>en</strong><br />

and pair of 10c. brown with 1875-79 Ray lor 5c. blue all can ce lled in black with des -<br />

patch cds at left and fra med CHARGEE in black. New York tran sit in red on front<br />

and reverse with Basel and Chur cds´s.<br />

400 €<br />

900<br />

1875. MONTEVIDEO a LISBOA. TELEGRAMA cir cu la do con se llo de 20<br />

ctvos. rosa, fechador maritimo MONTEVIDEO/PAQ. FR. J. Nº 3.<br />


375 €<br />

897 URUGUAY<br />

Sc.30, 31. 1866 (Dec. 12). Enti re let ter from MONTEVIDEO to BUENOS AIRES<br />

<strong>en</strong>dorsed ´Vap. Rio Parana´, franked by 1866 imperforate 5c. blue (2, dif fe r<strong>en</strong>t sha -<br />

des) and sin gle 10c. gre<strong>en</strong> all tied by nu me ral obli te ra tors in black.<br />

165 €<br />

901<br />

1892. MONTEVIDEO to HAMBURGO with Ger man blue 20 p. stamp tied<br />


150 €<br />



902 VENEZUELA<br />

Ed.Sc.13b. (1863 CA.). LA GUAYRA a CARACAS. 1 real azul bi sec ta do para<br />

ser usa do como 1/2 real. MAGNIFICA Y RARA.<br />

350 €<br />

906<br />

Sc.160 (3). 1901. CIUDAD BOLÍVAR a FRANCIA. 1 bolívar gris, tira de<br />

tres. RARO fran queo.<br />

125 €<br />

903<br />

1864. Inco ming stam pless <strong>en</strong> ti re let ter from LIVERPOOL (26 Dec) with s<strong>en</strong> der´s<br />

ca chet <strong>en</strong> dor sed ´per Kilo´ ad dres sed ´Messrs. Krut zer & Ri vo do / Ca ra cas / La<br />

Guaira´ with HERNANDEZ & RIVODO/LA GUAIRA for war ding ag<strong>en</strong>t ca chet and<br />

addes 1863 1/2r Ea gle tied by LA GUAIRA cds (18 Mar) to pay on going pos ta ge to<br />

Ca ra cas. RARE usa ge of an Ea gle stamp.<br />

375 €<br />

907<br />

Sc.160 (4). 1901. CIUDAD BOLÍVAR a PARÍS. 1 bolívar gris blo que de<br />

cua tro. Lle ga da al dor so. RARO fran queo. Le ves ro tu ras <strong>en</strong> el so bre.<br />

200 €<br />

904<br />

1876 (3 Abril). CARUPANO (V<strong>en</strong>ezuela) a SANTANDER (España). Circulada<br />

con se llos de Fran cia de 10 cts. cas ta ño s. rosa (2) (un se llo de fec to), mat. ANCLA<br />

y fechador octogonal COL.FR./PAQ. FR. B Nº 4 (Sa lles 1446).<br />

400 €<br />

908 YEMEN<br />

1894. Cover from HUDEIDA to BOMBAY fran ked by Tur kish 1892 10 pa -<br />

ras three (faults) with bi-lin gual Hudei da can ce lla tion. With Sea Post Offi ce<br />

and the very small ADEN da tes tamps ap plied in tran sit. On ob ser ve, bo xed<br />

TOO LATE hand stamp.<br />

200 €<br />

905<br />

1876 (31 Di ciem bre). CARUPANO (Ve ne zue la) a SANTANDER (Espa ña). Cir -<br />

cu la da con se llos de COLONIAS FRANCESAS de 40 cts. naranja y 80 cts. rosa<br />

(marg<strong>en</strong> corto), mat. LIGNE B/* PAQ. FR. * Nº 1* (Sa lles 1431). Ta sa da a la lle ga da<br />

con 1,30 pts. Pe que ña ro tu ra <strong>en</strong> la par te in fe rior de la <strong>en</strong> vuel ta. Raro uso de se llos<br />

de Colonias Francesas.<br />

600 €<br />

909 ZEPPELIN<br />

1930 (8 Mayo). AUSTRIA. VIENA a RIO DE JANEIRO. 15 gr., 30 gr. y 3 s.<br />

volada por GRAF ZEPPELIN. Mar ca del vue lo y lle ga da al dor so. (Sie ger<br />

57M).<br />

100 €<br />



910<br />

EGYPT. ALEXANDRIA a ALEMANIA. 500 m. y 100 m. volada por GRAF<br />

ZEPPELIN, fechador especial del vuelo y llegada al dorso. Sobre reducido <strong>en</strong> la<br />

parte superior. Raro correo comercial. (Sieger 105B).<br />

120 €<br />

914<br />

1933 (29 Mayo). ITALY. ROMA a ALEMANIA. 25 cts. y 3 lire volada por<br />

GRAF ZEPPELIN. Mar ca del vue lo <strong>en</strong> azul y lle ga da. (Sie ger 208A).<br />

100 €<br />

911<br />

1929 (15 Agos to). GERMANY. FRIEDRICHSHAFEN a MUNICH (Ale ma nia). 1,<br />

2 y 4 Mk. volado por GRAF ZEPPELIN, via To kio, Los Ange les y La kehurst. Mar cas<br />

del vue lo y lle ga da. (Sie ger 30Ad).<br />

100 €<br />

915<br />

1932 (27 Ju nio). LIECHTENSTEIN. VADUZ a LONDRES. 25, 35 y 40 rp.<br />

volada por GRAF ZEPPELIN. Marca del vuelo y llegada Friedrichshaf<strong>en</strong>.<br />

(Sieger 168Aa).<br />

100 €<br />

912<br />

1932 (April 29). GREAT BRITAIN. LZ 127 re gis te red flight co ver fran ked by 9d.<br />

gre<strong>en</strong>, 1s. bis tre and Seahor se 2/6d. brown all tied by Norwich cds´s. Red 4<br />

SUDAMERIKAFAHRT ca chet, blue Uruguay ca chet and red cir cu lar ca chet<br />

BERLIN-FRIEDRICHSHAFEN at left. Montevideo cds on re ver se. A fresh and fine<br />

cover. Sieger 157B.<br />

140 €<br />

916<br />

1932. NETHERLANDS. ´7th S. Ame ri ca Flight´. Re gis te red Dutch ac cep -<br />

tance <strong>en</strong>velope to Curityba-Parana, Brazil, franked 5c. Juliana & 7½c Tou -<br />

rism + 36c. & 70c. Airs tied by R<strong>en</strong>kum da tes tamp. Obver se also bears red<br />

Ber lin and gold ´Palms´ flight ca chets.<br />

125 €<br />

913<br />

1933 (25 Ju nio). HUNGARY. SZEGED a ROTTERDAM (Ho lan da). Cir cu la da<br />

para <strong>en</strong> la zar con el GRAF ZEPPELIN <strong>en</strong> Frie drich sha f<strong>en</strong>. Mar ca del vue lo y lle ga -<br />

das. (Sie ger 217).<br />

100 €<br />

917<br />

1932. NETHERLANDS. ´Dan zig Flight´. Dutch ac cep tan ce card to Gt. Bri -<br />

tain fran ked 12½c. Tou rism + 40c. Air tied by Rotterdam datestamp. Obverse<br />

also bears Ronne and Friedrichshaf<strong>en</strong> tran sit cds & blue flight ca chet.<br />

140 €<br />



918<br />

1933. NORWAY. ´8th S. America Flight´. Norwegian acceptance card to Recife<br />

franked 12 ore post horn + 45 ore air tied by Oslo da tes tamp. Obver se shows red<br />

Ber lin-Frie drich sha f<strong>en</strong> + vio le te ´Hanger´ flight ca chets.<br />

150 €<br />

922<br />

1932 (Oct 15). SWITZERLAND. 5 c. on 7 1/2 c. gre<strong>en</strong> News pa per pos tal<br />

sta tio nery wrap per (sold at 6 c.) s<strong>en</strong>t re gis te red by Graf Zep pe lin to RECIFE,<br />

Bra zil and up-ra ted with 1922-24 50 c. black & red and 1 fr. vio let tied by<br />

GENEVA cds´s. Gre<strong>en</strong> 3rd SUDAMERIKAFAHRT hand stamp be low and red<br />

three line ACHTUNG! hand stamp struck twi ce. FRIEDRICHSHAFEN cds and<br />

PERNAMBUCO cds of re ceipt on re ver seof scar ce wrap per usa ge. Scott<br />

C9,C12. Sie ger 133ba.<br />

250 €<br />

919<br />

1933 (26 Mayo). SAN MARINO. SAN MARINO a ALEMANIA. 75 cts., 2 Li. y 5<br />

Li. volada por GRAF ZEPPELIN. Mar ca del vue lo y lle ga da. (Sie ger 209Ib).<br />

125 €<br />

920<br />

1932 (8 Sep tiem bre). SWEDEN. STOCKHOLM a PERNAMBUCO. 50 (2), 60 y<br />

85 ore circulada para <strong>en</strong>lazar con el GRAF ZEPPELIN <strong>en</strong> Friedrichshaf<strong>en</strong>. Marca<br />

del vue lo y lle ga da. (Sie ger 177A).<br />

100 €<br />

923<br />

1932. SWITZERLAND. ´4th S.Ame ri ca Flight´. Swiss ac cep tan ce card to<br />

Pernambuco, Brazil, franked 1931 20c. & 30c. Pro Juv<strong>en</strong>tute, 1fr Di sar ma -<br />

m<strong>en</strong>t + 40c. Air tied by Olt<strong>en</strong> da tes tamp. Obver se also bears Frie drich sha -<br />

f<strong>en</strong> tran sit cds + red ´Map´ flight ca chet.<br />

100 €<br />

921<br />

1933. SWEDEN. 1st S.America Flight. Swedish acceptance cover registered to<br />

Bu<strong>en</strong>os Aires franked various (6 values) including 35 ore UPU, tied by Blotberget<br />

da tes tamp. Blue and red flight ca chets and back stam ped.<br />

200 €<br />

924<br />

Mi.62. 1930. VATICANO. Tar je ta cir cu la da de ROMA a SEVILLA via Frie -<br />

drich sha f<strong>en</strong> por GRAF ZEPPELIN <strong>en</strong> el vue lo a Sud amé ri ca. Fran queo de 25<br />

cts. azul de VATICANO, 1 Lira de ITALIA y 1 mark de ALEMANIA. Llegada a<br />

Se vi lla <strong>en</strong> el fr<strong>en</strong> te.<br />

250 €<br />


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