2011-12 Annual Report - Howick Pakuranga Cricket Club

2011-12 Annual Report - Howick Pakuranga Cricket Club

2011-12 Annual Report - Howick Pakuranga Cricket Club


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The days are just starting to get longer signifying that we have reached the right<br />

side of winter, the side that leads towards a new cricket season.<br />

<strong>2011</strong>/<strong>12</strong> presented new challenges that encompassed all aspects of our club.<br />

One of the biggest impacts has been the significant continued reduction in trust<br />

grant funding that we have received. This has led to the club seeking other<br />

sources of revenue primarily from sponsors. In addition some fund raisers have<br />

produced mixed results. The most successful was the raffle that was put together<br />

and delivered in a very short time frame.<br />

Our financial status is far from unique in sporting circles and consistent with<br />

other strugglers in the cricketing arena. We have seen in recent times other clubs<br />

raise their game and offer their own facilities to their members rather than pay us revenue to utilise ours. Whilst at this<br />

time keeping our heads above water is challenging it forces the promotion of new ideas and aspirations and in the years<br />

to come I believe that we will look back and see this period as defining as our club goes forwards.<br />

Quite simply if we do not adapt then <strong>Howick</strong> <strong>Pakuranga</strong> <strong>Cricket</strong> <strong>Club</strong> will slip into history and become a distant memory. I<br />

have talked before in these reports about commitment, a collective responsibility and working together as a club. This is<br />

one of the positives that is starting to emerge with the raffle a case in point. The next twelve months requires even more<br />

commitment more dedication towards achieving these goals. The commitment and dedication however needs to come<br />

from a wider spectrum and not from the same stalwarts that all clubs harbour.<br />

As a club we need to develop our culture and discover respect for the hard working members that have laid the<br />

foundations to enable us to be members today. I talk about respect and culture from a number of different perspectives<br />

and experiences during the past twelve months. The most disturbing occurred whilst conducting a site inspection a few<br />

weeks ago. Roland and I compiled a long list of works that need to be completed and plans for some exciting projects we<br />

intend to undertake. During this inspection I was horrified to discover that our changing rooms had been vandalised with<br />

graffiti smeared over the walls. This was not small but large obscene daubs that effectively defined our club. It defined<br />

our club because the culprits were our members.<br />

I wonder today if those who contributed to this vandalism have any idea of the clubs history or those members who are<br />

contributing through a passion, desire and a love of the game, who wish to see our club be the best in the country. A club<br />

is its members and its successes and failures are due to its members.<br />

Pride, passion and commitment to this club needs to come from all if we are to move forwards. The close season has<br />

seen ideas beginning to flourish and different areas of the membership starting to work towards the future. This must<br />

continue, it must grow and fester in all areas.<br />

Last year in this report I wrote “the next eighteen months are pivotal in the clubs development and some interesting<br />

challenges lie ahead”. I still believe this to be true and between now and Christmas will prove to be a critical period in the<br />

club’s future. We need more people to come forward, to offer their help to provide a positive influence in any way they<br />

can.<br />

I would like to say thank you to all those who have contributed to this club during the past twelve months and thank our<br />

sponsors for their contribution. I would like to thank our volunteers and offer congratulations to all those who achieved<br />

during the past season and look forward to increased successes in the season ahead. I would like to also thank our paid<br />

staff who also offer their time and efforts well past their allotted contractual hours.<br />

There are some exciting plans ahead especially in areas of ground development where a sizable sum has been allocated<br />

to ground improvements by council. The senior committee are developing a player’s charter and there are a number of<br />

other player projects underway set to improve the club culture as a whole. The process to motivate has been slow to date<br />

but positive changes are certainly emerging and being lead by the players.<br />


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