Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 4. Button<br />

4.5 Irregular Shape Bitmap Button<br />

Transparent Background<br />

Up to now all the buttons created by us have a rectangular shape. It is relatively difficult to create a<br />

button with irregular shapes (e.g., a round button). Even for bitmap buttons, their associated bitmaps are<br />

always rectangular.<br />

We may think that by setting the bitmap’s background color to the color of the dialog box, the bitmap<br />

button may look like a non-rectangular button. For example, in the previous samples, button IDC_PLAY is<br />

made up of two regions: its foreground is the triangular region, and rest area can be treated as its<br />

background (Figure 4-7). We can change the background color to the color of the dialog box so that this<br />

area appears transparent to us when the bitmap button is implemented.<br />

However, this is not the best solution. In Windows operating system, the color of dialog box can be<br />

customized. The user can double click “Display” icon contained in the “Control Panel” window and set the<br />

colors for many objects, which include title bar, backdrop..., and so on. So actually we have no way of<br />

knowing the color of dialog box beforehand. If we implement a bitmap button and set its background color<br />

to the dialog box color in our system, it may not work properly in another system.<br />

Background<br />

Foreground<br />

Figure 4-7. Foreground and background of a bitmap button<br />

To draw a bitmap with transparent background, we need to use “mask” when painting the bitmap. We<br />

can imagine a mask as a matrix with the same dimension of the bitmap image, and each element in the<br />

matrix corresponds to a pixel contained in the bitmap. The elements in the matrix may be either “0” or “1”.<br />

When we paint the bitmap, only those pixels with “0” masks are output to the device (we can also use “1”<br />

to indicate the pixels that need to be drawn).<br />

When programming the application, we can prepare two bitmaps of exactly the same size: one stores<br />

the normal image, the other one stores mask. The mask bitmap is made up of only two types of pixels:<br />

black and white. This is because for black color, its RGB elements are all 0s; for white color, the elements<br />

are all 1s. By implementing the mask bitmap like this, the background area of the mask bitmap is white and<br />

the foreground area is black.<br />

Windows allows us to output the pixels of a bitmap to the target device using different operation<br />

mode. We can copy a pixel directly to the target device, we can also combine a pixel contained in the<br />

bitmap with the pixel contained in the target device using various mode: bit-wise OR, AND, and XOR. For<br />

example, if we combine red color (RGB(255, 0, 0)) with green color (RGB(0, 255, 0)) using bit-wise AND<br />

operation, the output will be yellow color (RGB(255, 255, 0)).<br />

When painting the bitmap, we first need to output the normal bitmap to the target device using bit-wise<br />

XOR drawing mode, then output the mask bitmap to the target device at the same position using bit-wise<br />

AND mode. Finally we can output the normal bitmap again using bit-wise XOR mode. By doing this, the<br />

output bitmap’s background will become transparent.<br />

The reason for this is simple. Before bitmap is painted, the target device may contain a uniform color<br />

or any image pattern. After normal bitmap is first painted, the foreground area of the target device will<br />

become the combination of source image pattern and target image pattern. After we output mask bitmap<br />


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