Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 4. Button<br />

Check here to<br />

create bitmap<br />

button<br />

Figure 4-1. Change button’s style to “Owner draw”<br />

Although every button has four states, we do not need to provide four bitmaps all the time. If one of<br />

the bitmaps is not available, class CBitmapButton will draw the button’s corresponding state using the<br />

default bitmap, which is the bitmap associated with button’s “up” state. So the bitmap used to represent a<br />

button’s “up” state is required all the time and can not be omitted.<br />

Automatic Method<br />

We have two ways of associating bitmap images with different states of a bitmap button: we can either<br />

let class CBitmapButton handle this automatically or we can do it manually. To use the automatic method,<br />

the IDs of all four bitmap resources must be text strings, and must be formed by suffixing one of the<br />

following four letters to the button’s caption text: ‘U’, ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘X’. These letters represent “up”, “down”,<br />

“focused” and “disabled” state respectively. By naming the resource IDs this way, the rest thing we need to<br />

do is calling function CBitmapButton::AutoLoad() in the dialog box’s initialization stage (within member<br />

function CDialog::OnInitDialog()). Please note that we cannot call this function in the constructor of<br />

class CDialog. At that time, the dialog box window is still not created (Therefore, the buttons are still not<br />

available), and the bitmaps cannot be associated with the button correctly.<br />

Sample<br />

Sample 4.1\Btn demonstrates how to create bitmap button using automatic method. It is a dialog-based<br />

application that is generated by the Application Wizard. First, the ID of default dialog template is changed<br />

to IDD_DIALOG_BTN. Also, the “OK” and “Cancel” buttons originally included in the template are deleted.<br />

Then a new button IDC_PLAY is added, whose caption text is set to “Play” (Figure 4-2). Since the button<br />

will be drawn using the bitmaps, it doesn’t matter how big the button resource is. Besides this, we need to<br />

set button’s style to “Owner draw”.<br />

Set the button’s<br />

caption text to<br />

“Play”<br />

Figure 4-2. Add a button in the dialog template to create bitmap button<br />

Two bitmap resources are added to the application whose IDs are “PLAYU” and “PLAYD”<br />

respectively (Figure 4-3). They correspond to button’s “up” and “down” states. In addition, the sizes of the<br />

two bitmaps are exactly the same.<br />

A CBitmapButton type variable is declared in class CBtnDlg to implement this bitmap button:<br />


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