Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 3. Splitter Window<br />

}<br />

else CWnd::OnLButtonDown(uFlags, point);<br />

The function implementation is simple. If the splitter window is trackable, we call<br />

CSplitterWnd::OnLButtonDown(…), which will implement tracking if mouse cursor is over the split bar.<br />

Otherwise we bypass this feature by calling function CWnd::OnLButtonDown(…).<br />

If the splitter window is created by the Application Wizard, there will be a command View | Split<br />

implemented in the application. By default, this command gives an alternate way to resize panes by<br />

tracking the split bar. If we want to disable the tracking completely, we also need to disable or remove this<br />

menu command.<br />

Summary<br />

1) To implement static splitter window, we need to derive a class from CView (or other type of view<br />

classes) for each pane, then declare a CSplitterWnd type variable in class CMainFrame. In function<br />

CMainFrame::OnCreateClient(…), we need to call CSplitterWnd::CreateStatic(…) to create the<br />

splitter window and call CSplitterWnd::CreateView(…) to attach a view to each pane.<br />

1) Static splitter window can be nested. This means instead of attaching a view, we can use CSplitterWnd<br />

to further create splitter window within a pane.<br />

1) Creating dynamic splitter window is simple. In order to do this, we need to declare a CSplitterWnd<br />

type variable in class CMainFrame; then in CMainFrame::OnCreateClient(…), we need to call function<br />

CSplitterWnd::Create(…).<br />

1) We can override functions CSplitterWnd::DeleteRow(…) and CSplitterWnd::DeleteColumn(…) to<br />

customize the behavior of split bars.<br />

1) We can override functions CSplitterWnd::OnDrawSplitter(…) and CSplitterWnd::<br />

OnInvertTracker(…) to customize the appearance of split bar, split box, split border and tracker.<br />

1) To disable split bar tracking, we need to call CWnd::OnLButtonDown(…) instead of CSplitterWnd::<br />

OnLbuttonDown(…) when handling message WM_LBUTTONDOWN.<br />


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