Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 2. Menu<br />

}<br />

In the sample, bitmaps are prepared for both checked and unchecked states for a menu item. When<br />

calling function CMenu::SetMenuItemBitmaps(…), if either of the bitmaps is not provided (the<br />

corresponding parameter is NULL), nothing will be displayed for that state. If both parameters are NULL,<br />

the default tick mark will be used for the checked state.<br />

2.5 System Menu and Bitmap Menu Item<br />

System Menu<br />

By default, every application has a system menu, which is accessible through left clicking on the small<br />

icon located at the left side of application’s caption bar, or right clicking on the application when it is in<br />

icon state. The system menu can be customized to meet special requirement. Especially, we can add and<br />

delete menu items dynamically just like a normal menu.<br />

We already know how to access an application’s standard menu. Once we obtained a CMenu type<br />

pointer to the application’s standard menu, we can feel free to add new menu items, remove menu items,<br />

and change their attributes dynamically.<br />

System menu is different from a standard menu. We need to call another function to obtain a pointer to<br />

it. In <strong>MFC</strong>, the function that can be used to access system menu is CWnd::GetSystemMenu(…). Please note<br />

that we must call this function for a window that has an attached system menu. For an SDI or MDI<br />

application, system menu is attached to the mainframe window. For a dialog box based application, the<br />

system menu is attached to the dialog window.<br />

Unlike user implemented commands, system commands (commands on the system menu) are sent<br />

through WM_SYSCOMMAND rather than WM_COMMAND message. If we implement message handlers to receive<br />

system commands, we need to use ON_WM_SYSCOMMAND macro.<br />

Bitmap Menu Item<br />

From the samples in the previous sections, we already know how to customize a menu item: we can set<br />

check, remove check, change text dynamically. We can also use bitmaps to represent its checked and<br />

unchecked states. Besides above features, a menu item can be modified to display a bitmap instead of a text<br />

string. This can make the application more attractive, because sometimes images are more intuitive than<br />

text strings.<br />

Sample 2.5\Menu demonstrates the two techniques described above, it is based on sample 2.4\Menu.<br />

In this sample, one of the system menu items (a separator) is changed to bitmap menu item. If we execute<br />

this “bitmap command”, a message box will pop up. Also, another new command is added to the system<br />

menu, it allows the user to resume the original system menu.<br />

New Functions<br />

Function CWnd::GetSystemMenu(…) has only one Boolean type parameter:<br />

CMenu *CWnd::GetSystemMenu(BOOL bRevert);<br />

Although we can call this function to obtain a pointer to the system menu and manipulate it, the<br />

original default system menu can be reverted at any time by calling this function and passing a TRUE value<br />

to its bRevert parameter. In this case, function’s returned value has no meaning and should not be treated<br />

as a pointer to a menu object. We need to pass FALSE to this parameter in order to obtain a valid pointer to<br />

the system menu.<br />

Function CMenu::ModifyMenu(…) allows us to change any menu item to a separator, a sub-menu, a<br />

bitmap menu item. It can also be used to modify a menu item’s text. This member function has two<br />

versions:<br />


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