Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 2. Menu<br />

This function returns a CMenu type pointer that could be used to further access each item contained in<br />

the sub-menu. Before the menu is displayed, we may want to set the state of each menu item: we can<br />

enable, disable, set check or change text for a menu item. Please note that for a right-click menu, we do not<br />

need to handle message UPDATE_COMMAND_UI in order to set the states of menu items. Instead, there exist<br />

two member functions that can be used:<br />

UINT CMenu::EnableMenuItem(UINT nIDEnableItem, UINT nEnable);<br />

UINT CMenu::CheckMenuItem(UINT nIDCheckItem, UINT nCheck);<br />

The above two functions can be used to enable/disable, set/remove check for a menu item. When<br />

calling the two functions, we can reference a menu item by using either its command ID or its position.<br />

Normally we can pass a command ID to nIDEnableItem or nIDCheckItem parameter. If we want to<br />

reference an item by its position (0 based, for example, in the sample application, ID__POPUPITEM1’s<br />

position is 0, and ID__POPUPITEM2’s position is 1…), we need to set MF_BYPOSITION bit of nEnable or<br />

nCheck parameter.<br />

The menu can be activated and tracked by calling function CMenu::TrackPopupMenu(…):<br />

BOOL CMenu::TrackPopupMenu<br />

(<br />

UINT nFlags, int x, int y, CWnd* pWnd, LPCRECT lpRect=NULL<br />

);<br />

This function has 5 parameters. The first parameter nFlags lets us set styles of the menu (Where<br />

should the menu be put, which mouse button will be tracked). The most commonly used combination is<br />

TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, which aligns menu’s left border according to parameter x, and tracks<br />

mouse’s right button activity (because we are implementing a right-click menu). The second parameter y<br />

decides the vertical position of the menu’s top border. Please note that when message WM_RBUTTONDOWN is<br />

received, position of current mouse cursor will be passed to one of the parameters of function<br />

OnRButtonDown(…) as a CPoint type object. To make right-click menu easy to use, we can pass this<br />

position to function CMenu::TrackPopupMenu(…), which will create a pop up menu at the position of<br />

current mouse cursor. The fourth parameter is a CWnd type pointer, which indicates which window owns the<br />

pop up menu. In the sample, because the menu is implemented in the member function of class CMenuView,<br />

we can use this pointer to indicate the menu owner. The final parameter discribes a rectangle within which<br />

the user can click the mouse without dismissing the pop up menu. We could set it to NULL, in which case<br />

the menu will be dismissed if the user clicks outside the pop up menu.<br />

Implementing Right-Click Menu<br />

Now we can implement WM_RBUTTONDOWN message handler, load the menu resource and create rightclick<br />

menu in the member function:<br />

void CMenuView::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)<br />

{<br />

CMenu menu;<br />

CMenu *ptrMenu;<br />

menu.LoadMenu(IDR_MENU_POPUP);<br />

ptrMenu=menu.GetSubMenu(0);<br />

ptrMenu->EnableMenuItem(ID__POPUPITEM1, MF_GRAYED);<br />

ptrMenu->EnableMenuItem(ID__POPUPITEM2, MF_ENABLED);<br />

ptrMenu->CheckMenuItem(ID__POPUPITEM3, MF_UNCHECKED);<br />

ptrMenu->CheckMenuItem(ID__POPUPITEM4, MF_CHECKED);<br />

ClientToScreen(&point);<br />

ptrMenu->TrackPopupMenu<br />

(<br />


point.x,<br />

point.y,<br />

this,<br />

NULL<br />

);<br />

CView::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point);<br />


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