Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 16. Context Sensitive Help<br />

hData=::DdeCreateDataHandle<br />

(<br />

m_dwInst,<br />

(LPBYTE)(LPCSTR)szTime,<br />

szTime.GetLength(),<br />

0,<br />

m_hszTimeItem,<br />

CF_TEXT,<br />

0<br />

);<br />

……<br />

}<br />

Printf("Responded to client's request for time item\r\n");<br />

return hData;<br />

}<br />

else<br />

{<br />

Printf("Do not support this itme!\r\n");<br />

return (HDDEDATA)FALSE;<br />

}<br />

15.4 Transaction: Advise<br />

Basics<br />

Another interesting transaction is Advise, which provides a way to let the server inform the client after<br />

an item stored on the server side has changed. The advise transaction can be initiated from the client side<br />

by initiating XTYP_ADVSTART type transaction. As the server receives this message, it keeps an eye on the<br />

item that is required by the client for advise service. If the data changes, the server will receive an<br />

XTYP_ADVREQ message indicating that the item has changed (This message is posted by the server itself,<br />

which could be triggered by any event indicating that the topic item has changed. For example, for “time”<br />

item discussed in the previous section, it could be triggered by message WM_TIMER). After receiving<br />

message XTYP_ADVREQ, the server sends an XTYP_ADVDATA message along with the handle of the updated<br />

data to the client. After the client receives this message, it updates the advised topic item.<br />

Now that we understand how XTYP_REQUEST type transaction is handled, it is easier for us to figure out<br />

how the advise transaction should be implemented. First, the client initiates advise transaction by calling<br />

function ::DdeClientTransaction(…) and passing XTYP_ADVSTART to parameter wType. Upon receiving<br />

this message, the server must return TURE if it supports the specified topic and item; otherwise, it should<br />

return FALSE. Once the data has changed, the server should call function ::DdePostAdvise(…) to let its<br />

callback function receive an XTYP_ADVREQ message. Upon receiving this message, the server needs to<br />

prepare the data and send the data handle to the client (There is no special function for doing this, all the<br />

server needs to do is returning the data handle from the callback function). Once the server has provided<br />

advise, the client will receive an XTYP_ADVDATA message along with the data handle. After receiving this<br />

message, the client should update the advised item. The client can terminate the advise service at any time<br />

by sending XTYP_ADVSTOP message through calling function ::DdeClientTransaction(…).<br />

Initiating Advise Transaction<br />

In the samples contained in 15.4\DDE\, a new topic item “Text” is added to both client and server,<br />

which will be used as an example for advise transaction. Like “Time” item, a new edit box and a button<br />

labeled “Advise” are also added to the dialog box (Figure 15-4). On the server side, a variable<br />

CMainFrame::m_szText is declared and the user can edit this string through dialog box<br />

IDD_DIALOG_ADVISE. The following code fragment shows how the client initiates XTYPE_ADVSTART<br />

transaction after the user clicks “Advise” button:<br />


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