Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 16. Context Sensitive Help<br />

hszAppName Handle of the item name, must be obtained by calling function<br />

::DdeCreateStringHandle()<br />

The server must check if it supports the topic and the specific item, as well as the data format. If it<br />

supports all of them, the server must prepare data using the required format and send the data back to client.<br />

Preparing Data<br />

One way to send data to the client is to prepare data in server’s local buffers, then create a handle for<br />

this data, and send the handle to the client. The data handle can be obtained by calling function<br />

::DdeCreateDataHandle(…), which has the following format:<br />

HDDEDATA DdeCreateDataHandle<br />

(<br />

DWORD idInst,<br />

LPBYTE pSrc,<br />

DWORD cb,<br />

DWORD cbOff,<br />

HSZ hszItem,<br />

UINT wFmt,<br />

UINT afCmd<br />

);<br />

The data can also be sent through a pointer. We will discuss this in a later section.<br />

The following table explains the meanings of the above parameters:<br />

Parameter<br />

idInst<br />

pSrc<br />

cb<br />

cbOff<br />

hszItem<br />

wFmt<br />

afCmd<br />

Meaning<br />

Instance identification obtained from DDE initialization<br />

Pointer to the buffers which hold the data<br />

The length of the data in bytes<br />

Specify the offset from the beginning of the buffer<br />

String handle, indicating the item name<br />

Indicates the data format<br />

The creation flags which indicates who is responsible for freeing the data<br />

We can use standard clipboard format such CF_TEXT, CF_DIB to pass data. If we define a special data<br />

format, we must register it before passing the data.<br />

Receiving Data<br />

Because data is not sent directly, the client must obtain the required data from the handle first. For<br />

synchronous transmission mode, the data handle will be returned directly from function<br />

::DdeClientTransacton(). In case the transaction is not successful, a NULL value will be returned.<br />

After receiving the handle, the client must first call function ::DdeAccessData(…) to access the data.<br />

After the data is processed, function ::DdeUnaccessData(…) must be called to “unaccess” the data. If the<br />

data is created with HDATA_APPOWNED flag, the client should not free the data. Otherwise, it can release the<br />

data by calling function ::DdeFreeDataHandle(…).<br />

Samples<br />

In the sample application, an item “Time” is supported by the server under “Topic” topic name. When<br />

the client request an XTYPE_REQUEST transaction on this item, the server get the current system time and<br />

send it to the client. The client then displays the time in one of its edit box.<br />

Compared with the samples in the previous section, a new edit box and a button labeled “Request” are<br />

added to the dialog box (Figure 15-3). The edit box is read-only, which will be used to display the time<br />

obtained from the server. The button is used to let the user initiate the request transaction.<br />


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