Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 14. Views<br />

Actually, in the callback function, one of the above functions is called to perform the comparison<br />

according to parameter lParamSort:<br />

int CALLBACK CExplorerView::CompareFunc<br />

(<br />

LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort<br />

)<br />

{<br />

CListCtrl &lc=<br />

(<br />

(CExplorerDoc *)<br />

(<br />

((CMainFrame *)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->GetActiveDocument()<br />

)<br />

)->GetCExplorerView()->GetListCtrl();<br />

switch((int)lParamSort)<br />

{<br />

case 0:<br />

{<br />

return CompareByName(lParam1, lParam2, lc);<br />

break;<br />

}<br />

case 1:<br />

{<br />

return CompareBySize(lParam1, lParam2, lc);<br />

break;<br />

}<br />

case 2:<br />

{<br />

return CompareByType(lParam1, lParam2, lc);<br />

break;<br />

}<br />

case 3:<br />

{<br />

return CompareByDate(lParam1, lParam2, lc);<br />

break;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />

return 0;<br />

Please note that the callback function must be either a global function or a static member function. So<br />

within it we cannot call CListView::GetListCtrl() directly to obtain the list control. Instead, we must<br />

first obtain the current instance of list view, then use it to call function CListView::GetListCtrl() and<br />

obtain the list control. This is why at the beginning of the callback function the current active document is<br />

first obtained, from which the current active list view (and the list control) is obtained.<br />

Using Parameter to Find an Item<br />

Within the function that implements comparison, the only information we know about an item is its<br />

parameter. This is not enough for making comparison. We need to obtain the item and get more<br />

information (In our sample, this includes file name, extension, type, and updated time) before proceeding to<br />

compare the two items.<br />

An item can be obtained from its parameter by calling function CListCtrl::FindItem(…). In order to<br />

call this function, we need to stuff a LV_FINDINFO type object specifying what information is provided for<br />

item searching. To search an item by its parameter, we need to set LVFI_PARAM bit of member flags of the<br />

structure, and assign the parameter to member lParam. In the sample, a static member function<br />

CExplorerView::FindItem(…) is implemented, it can be called from any static member function to find an<br />

item using its parameter:<br />

int CExplorerView::FindItem(LPARAM lParam, CListCtrl &lc)<br />

{<br />

LV_FINDINFO lvfi;<br />


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