Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 14. Views<br />

CFileFind ff;<br />

BOOL bWorking;<br />

bWorking=ff.FindFile();<br />

while(bWorking)<br />

{<br />

bWorking=ff.FindNextFile();<br />

AfxMessageBox(ff.GetFileName());<br />

}<br />

Note we can also use wildcard characters when calling function CFileFind::FindFile(…) to match<br />

file name with specific patterns. If we do not pass any parameter to it, it will be equal to passing “*.*” to<br />

the function. In this case all the files and directories will be enumerated. If function CFileFind::<br />

FindNextFile() returns a non-zero value, we can call several other member functions of class CFileFind<br />

to obtain the properties of the enumerated file such as file name, file path, file attributes, created time and<br />

updated time.<br />

Adding Directory Nodes<br />

In order to add directory node to the tree view window, we need to implement a loop and enumerate<br />

directories for each available drive, then add the enumerated directories to the tree.<br />

Besides directories, we also need to enumerate sub-directories for the expanded nodes. This is because<br />

our tree control supports buttons (we have set TVS_HASBUTTONS style), which indicates whether an item has<br />

child items or not. For a node that contains child items, its button will contain a “+” sign when the node is<br />

in collapsed state, indicating that the node is expandable. For a node that does not contain child items, there<br />

will be no such type of buttons.<br />

So the directory enumeration can be added to the loop of enumerating all drives: after an existing drive<br />

is found, we can change the current working directory to the root directory of this drive, then enumerate all<br />

the first-level directories and all the sub-directories of each first-level directory.<br />

Function CDirView::AddDirs(…) is implemented in the sample, it will be used to add directory items<br />

to a specified node. It has two parameters, the first is the handle of the target tree item, and the second is a<br />

Boolean type variable indicating if we should further add sub-directories for each added directory node.<br />

The following is the format of this function:<br />

void CDirView::AddDirs(HTREEITEM hTreeItem, BOOL bFindChild);<br />

Before calling this function, we need to change the current working directory to the directory we want<br />

to examine. So in function CDirView::OnInitialUpdate(…), after one drive node is added to the tree view<br />

window, we change the current working directory to root directory of that drive, and call function<br />

CDirView::AddDirs(…) to add nodes for the directories. The following is the modified portion of function<br />

CDirView::OnInitialUpdate(…):<br />

……<br />

……<br />

for(drive=1; drive

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