Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 13. Adding Special Features to Application<br />

There are two ways of implementing this feature: 1) Register the hot key by calling function<br />

::RegisterHotKey(…). After doing this, whenever user presses the hot key, a WM_HOTKEY type message will<br />

be sent to the application. 2) Install a keyboard hook in the system to monitor all the keystrokes. If the hot<br />

key is pressed, we can activate the hidden application.<br />

Obviously, the second method will slow down the system, because it tries trap every keystroke in the<br />

system. Whenever possible, this method should be avoided.<br />

However, in some situations, we can use this powerful feature to create some special effects. For<br />

example, if we want to trap a special combination of key strokes, it is relatively difficult to implement it by<br />

registering hot keys.<br />

In this section we will demonstrate how to implement keyboard hook.<br />

Hook Installation<br />

Hooks can be installed either system wide or specific to a single thread. In the former case, we can<br />

monitor the activities in the whole system. To install a hook, we need to provide a hook procedure, which<br />

will be used to handle the intercepted message. For different kind of hooks, we need to provide different<br />

procedures. For example, the mouse hook procedure and the keyboard hook procedure look like the<br />

following:<br />

LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardProc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);<br />

LRESULT CALLBACK MouseProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);<br />

Although they look the same, the meanings of their parameters are different. For keyboard hook<br />

procedure, WPARAM parameter represents virtual-key code, and lParam parameter represents keystroke<br />

information. For mouse hook procedure, WPARAM parameter represents message ID, and LPARAM represents<br />

mouse coordinates. Different types of hooks have different hook procedures, they should be provided by<br />

the programmer when one or more types of hooks are implemented.<br />

To install a hook, we need to call function ::SetWindowsHookEx(…):<br />

HHOOK ::SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook, HOOKPROC lpfn, HINSTANCE hMod, DWORD dwThreadId);<br />

The first parameter indicates the type of hook, for a keyboard hook, it should be WH_KEYBOARD, for a<br />

mouse hook, it should be WH_MOUSE. The second parameter is the address of the hook procedure described<br />

above. The third and fourth parameters should be set differently for system wide hook and thread specific<br />

hook.<br />

System Wide Hook<br />

The complex aspect of hook is that if we want to install a system wide hook, the hook procedure must<br />

reside in a DLL (Except for journal record hook and journal playback hook, which will be introduced in the<br />

next section). In this case, parameter hMod must be the instance of the DLL, and dwThreadId should be 0. If<br />

we want to install a thread specific hook and the hook procedure resides within the application rather than a<br />

separate DLL, parameter hMode must be NULL.<br />

Variables in DLL<br />

Obviously in our case, we want the hook to be system wide, so we have to build a separate DLL. This<br />

causes us some inconvenience. When the hook procedure receives the hot-key stroke, it needs to activate<br />

the application. But since the DLL and the application are separate from one another, it is difficult to access<br />

the application process from the DLL.<br />

Suppose we want to implement the hot-key based screen capturing, as we execute Capture | Go!<br />

command (see Chapter 12), we can hide the application by calling function CWnd::ShowWindow(…) using<br />

SW_HIDE flag. From now on the application has no way to receive keystrokes, we have to process them in<br />

the keyboard hook procedure residing in the DLL. As we get the predefined key stoke, we need to make the<br />

capture and call function CWnd::ShowWindow(…) using flag SW_SHOW to activate the application.<br />

We can implement this by sending message from DLL to the application. If the DLL knows the<br />

window handle of the application’s mainframe window, this can be easily implemented. To pass the<br />


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