Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 13. Adding Special Features to Application<br />

{<br />

}<br />

return TRUE;<br />

Disabling Non-client Area Painting<br />

We also need to pay attention to non-client area. Although the window does not have a caption bar, it<br />

has resizable border, which also belongs to non-client area. By default, the border will be painted as a 3D<br />

frame, which can be used for resizing the window. To make it transparent, we need to handle message<br />

WM_NCPAINT. We don’t need to provide any implementation here because there is nothing to be painted. In<br />

the sample, this message is handled in CBalloonDlg::OnNcPaint(), which is an empty function:<br />

void CBalloonDlg::OnNcPaint()<br />

{<br />

}<br />

We do need to override CBalloonDlg::OnPaint() to paint the elliptical area. Within this function, an<br />

ellipse is drawn in the client area, also a pointer is drawn at the left bottom corner. Both ellipse and its<br />

pointer are painted using yellow color.<br />

Moving the Window with Mouse<br />

Because the application does not have caption bar, we must provide a method to let the window be<br />

moved through using mouse. This should be implemented by handling three messages: WM_LBUTTONDOWN,<br />

WM_LBUTTONUP and WM_MOUSEMOVE. When the left button is pressed down, we need to set the window<br />

capture. As the mouse moves (with left button held down), we need to move the window according to the<br />

new mouse position by calling function CWnd::MoveWindow(…). When the left button is released, we need to<br />

release the window capture.<br />

Two variables are declared in class CBalloonDlg for this purpose: Boolean type variable<br />

CBalloonDlg::m_bCapture and CPoint type variable CBalloonDlg::m_ptMouse. Here, CBalloonDlg::<br />

m_ptMouse is used to record the previous mouse position. Whenever the window needs to be moved, we<br />

call function CWnd::GetWindowRect(…) to obtain its current position and size, then offset the rectangle (The<br />

size and position of the window is stored in a CRect type variable) according to both current and previous<br />

mouse positions, and update variable CBalloonDlg::m_ptMosue. Since all the calculation is carried out in<br />

the desktop coordinate system, we need to call function CWnd::ClientToScreen(…) to convert the mouse<br />

position before using it (Mouse position is passed to the message handlers in the coordinate system of the<br />

application window). The following is the WM_MOUSEMOVE message handler implemented in the sample:<br />

void CBalloonDlg::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)<br />

{<br />

CRect rect;<br />

POINT pt;<br />

}<br />

CDialog::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);<br />

if((nFlags & MK_LBUTTON) && m_bCapture)<br />

{<br />

pt=point;<br />

ClientToScreen(&pt);<br />

GetWindowRect(rect);<br />

rect.OffsetRect(CPoint(pt)-m_ptMouse);<br />

m_ptMouse=pt;<br />

MoveWindow(rect);<br />

}<br />

This implementation is slow, because when mouse moves a small distance, the whole window need to<br />

be redrawn at the new position. An alternative solution is to draw only the rectangular outline when mouse<br />

is moving (with the left button held down), and update the window only when the left button is released. To<br />

implement this, instead of calling function CWnd::MoveWindow(…) in WM_MOUSEMOVE message handler, we<br />

need to call function CDC::DrawDragRect(…) to erase the previous rectangle outline and draw a new one.<br />


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