Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 13. Adding Special Features to Application<br />

pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX),<br />

-pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY)<br />

);<br />

pDC->SetViewportOrg(rect.right/2, rect.bottom/2);<br />

rect=CRect(-100, 100, 100, -100);<br />

ptStart.x=rect.right;<br />

ptStart.y=0;<br />

ptEnd.x=(long)(r*cos(nA*2*pi/100));<br />

ptEnd.y=(long)(r*sin(nA*2*pi/100));<br />

brush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 0, 0));<br />

pBrOld=pDC->SelectObject(&brush);<br />

pDC->Pie(rect, ptStart, ptEnd);<br />

pDC->SelectObject(pBrOld);<br />

brush.DeleteObject();<br />

ptStart=ptEnd;<br />

ptEnd.x=(long)(r*cos((nA+nB)*2*pi/100));<br />

ptEnd.y=(long)(r*sin((nA+nB)*2*pi/100));<br />

brush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 255, 0));<br />

pBrOld=pDC->SelectObject(&brush);<br />

pDC->Pie(rect, ptStart, ptEnd);<br />

pDC->SelectObject(pBrOld);<br />

brush.DeleteObject();<br />

}<br />

ptStart=ptEnd;<br />

ptEnd.x=(long)(r*cos((nA+nB+nC)*2*pi/100));<br />

ptEnd.y=(long)(r*sin((nA+nB+nC)*2*pi/100));<br />

brush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 255, 0));<br />

pBrOld=pDC->SelectObject(&brush);<br />

pDC->Pie(rect, ptStart, ptEnd);<br />

pDC->SelectObject(pBrOld);<br />

brush.DeleteObject();<br />

In the above code, first MM_ISOTROPIC mode is set. Then the window extents is set to (100, 100). To<br />

map one logical unit to an absolute size, function CDC::GetDevice(…) is called using both LOGPIXELSX and<br />

LOGPIXELSY parameters. This will cause the function to return the number of pixels per logical inch in both<br />

horizontal and vertical directions. Then we use the returned values to set view port extents. This will cause<br />

100 logical units to be mapped to 1 inch in both horizontal and vertical directions. By doing this, no matter<br />

where we run the program, the output will be the same dimension.<br />

When calling function CDC::SetViewportExt(…), we set the vertical extent to a negative value. This<br />

will change the orientation of the y-axis so that the positive values locate at the upper part of the axis (See<br />

Figure 13-3).<br />

Next, function CDC::SetViewportOrg(…) is called to set the device origin to the center of the window.<br />

This will simplify the calculation of starting and ending points when drawing pies.<br />

13.4 Multiple Documents Implementation<br />

Not only can we implement an application with more than one type of views, but also implement an<br />

application that supports more than one type of documents. For example, generally a graphic editor needs<br />

to support several types of image files, such as bitmap and GIF files. Although we can support all file<br />

formats within one document, for MDI applications, the source code will become easy to manage if we use<br />

one document type to support one file format.<br />

Actually, the procedure of implementing more than one document is almost the same with adding more<br />

than one view to an application. All we need to modify is still function CWinApp::InitInstance(), within<br />

which we must create a new document template and call function CWinApp::AddDocTemplate(…) to bind<br />

the new document (along with a view) to the mainframe window.<br />

From the sample application created in the previous section, we know that when a new document<br />

template is being created, we need to provide a resource ID, a document class name, a view class name, and<br />

a frame window class name. If we look at the menu and icon resources of an MDI application, we will find<br />

that ID IDR_MAINFRAME is used in three different places: there is a string resource using this ID, which will<br />


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