Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 13. Adding Special Features to Application<br />

CMainFrame::CMainFrame()<br />

{<br />

CString szWinName;<br />

szWinName.LoadString(IDR_MAINFRAME);<br />

}<br />

Create<br />

(<br />

NULL, szWinName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, rectDefault,<br />


);<br />

We must provide a window name, which will be displayed in the caption bar of the window. In<br />

standard SDI or MDI applications, this string can be obtained from string resource IDR_MAINFRAME. To<br />

make the sample similar to a standard application, we can load this string and use it as the window name.<br />

Since we will not support any file type, in the sample string resource IDR_MAINFRAME contains only one<br />

simple string (This means it does not contain several sub-strings that are separated by character ‘\n’ as in<br />

standard SDI or MDI applications).<br />

For a simple application, there is no need to implement status bar and tool bar any more, so function<br />

CMainFrame::OnCreate(…) is removed, and variables CMainFrame::m_wndStatusBar, CMainFrame::<br />

m_wndToolBar along with another global variable indicators are also deleted.<br />

For any application implemented by <strong>MFC</strong>, it is originated from class CWinApp. This class has a CWnd<br />

type member pointer m_pMainWnd. When the mainframe window is created, its address is stored by this<br />

pointer. If we want to create window by ourselves, we must do the same thing in order to let the rest part of<br />

our application have <strong>MFC</strong> features.<br />

With the above implementation, function CGenApp::InitInstance(…) can be greatly simplified, what<br />

we need to do here is implementing a CMainFrame type object, assigning its address to CGenApp::<br />

m_pMainWnd, then calling functions CWnd::ShowWindow(…) and CWnd::UpdateWindow(…) to display the<br />

window. This last step is necessary, if we omit it, the window will not be displayed. The following is the<br />

modified function in the sample:<br />

BOOL CGenApp::InitInstance()<br />

{<br />

#ifdef _AFXDLL<br />

Enable3dControls();<br />

#else<br />

Enable3dControlsStatic();<br />

#endif<br />

m_pMainWnd=new CMainFrame();<br />

m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(m_nCmdShow);<br />

m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow();<br />

}<br />

return TRUE;<br />

Here variable m_nCmdShow indicates how the window should be displayed (minimized, maximized,<br />

etc). It must be passed to function CWnd::ShowWindow(…) in order to initialize the window to a specified<br />

state.<br />

Excluding Classes from Build<br />

Although we do not need to use view and document classes anymore (CGenView and CGenDoc in the<br />

sample), it is difficult to remove them from the project once they are generated automatically. However, we<br />

can change the project settings so that the two classes will not be complied when the project is being built.<br />

This can be achieved through following steps: 1) Executing command Project | Settings.... 2) From the<br />

popped up dialog box, expand “Source Files” node in “Settings For:” window. 3) Select “GenView.cpp”<br />

and click on “General” tab on the right part of the dialog box. 4) Check “exclude file from build” check box<br />

(Figure 13-1). We can do the same thing for file “GenDoc.cpp” to exclude class CGenDoc from build.<br />


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