Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 12. Screen Capturing & Printing<br />

Using Custom Dialog Template<br />

Like other common dialog boxes, we can use our own dialog template to replace the standard one. This<br />

procedure is similar to that of other common dialog boxes. To use custom dialog template, we need to<br />

make changes to the default values of the following members contained in structure PRINTDLG: 1) Enable<br />

PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATE flag. 2) Assign the custom dialog template name to member<br />

lpPrintTemplateName. 3) Assign the application instance handle to member hInstance.<br />

Sample 12.6-2\GDI is based on sample 12.5-3\GDI and demonstrates how to use programmerprovided<br />

dialog template to implement print dialog box.<br />

The first step of implementing customized print dialog box is to add a new dialog template. We can<br />

copy this dialog template from file “Commdlg.dll” and modify it. Please note that we cannot delete the<br />

original controls contained in the template. If we want to hide certain controls, we can either move them<br />

out of the template, or disable them in the dialog box’s initialization stage. In sample 12.6-2\GDI, the new<br />

dialog template is PRINTDLG. For the purpose of demonstration, no change is made to the original template.<br />

The next step is to derive a class from CPrintDialog. If we double click on the dialog template, we<br />

will be prompted to add a new class for it. Since CPrintDialog is not in the list of base classes, we can first<br />

choose CDialog as the base class and change all the keywords CDialog to CPrintDialog later. Please note<br />

that the constructors of CPrintDialog and CDialog are different, so if we choose automatic method, we<br />

also need to change the constructor created by the Class Wizard. In the sample, the new class is CPrnDlg.<br />

There is no new variable or function added to it because we don’t want to make further modification. The<br />

only thing implemented in the new class is that flags PD_NOPAGENUMS and PD_NOSELECTION are set in the<br />

constructor so that the radio buttons and edit boxes will be disabled. This is the same with sample 12.6-<br />

1\GDI.<br />

The place where we can use this dialog box is still in function CGDIView::OnPreparePrinting(…).<br />

Since there is a default print dialog box implemented, we must delete the old one before we can use our<br />

own. After we allocate memory and implement a new print dialog box, we must assign it to member<br />

CPrintInfo::m_pPD. Also, we must set template name, instance, and enable PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATE<br />

flag. The following shows how the customized print dialog is implemented in function CGDIView::<br />

OnPreparePrinting(…):<br />

……<br />

BOOL CGDIView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo *pInfo)<br />

{<br />

delete pInfo->m_pPD;<br />

pInfo->m_pPD=new CPrnDlg(FALSE);<br />

pInfo->m_pPD->m_pd.nMinPage=1;<br />

pInfo->m_pPD->m_pd.nMaxPage=0xFFFF;<br />

pInfo->m_pPD->m_pd.hInstance=AfxGetInstanceHandle();<br />

pInfo->m_pPD->m_pd.lpPrintTemplateName=MAKEINTRESOURCE(PRINTDLG);<br />

pInfo->m_pPD->m_pd.Flags|=PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATE;<br />

if(DoPreparePrinting(pInfo) == FALSE)return FALSE;<br />

With the above implementation, the print dialog box will use the custom dialog template PRINTDLG.<br />

Summary<br />

1) To capture the screen, we need to obtain a DC of the desktop window, prepare blank memory bitmap,<br />

and call function CDC::BitBlt(…) to make the copy.<br />

1) For palette devices, we must obtain the system palette after a snapshot is taken. This can be<br />

implemented by creating logical palette using PC_EXPLICIT flags.<br />

1) One logical unit can be mapped to different size on the target device. If we use MM_TEXT mode, one<br />

logical unit will be mapped to one physical unit. We can also use other mapping modes to map one<br />

logical unit to an absolute length.<br />

1) To fit the output within the target device, we need to know the resolution of the device, along with the<br />

number of pixels contained in one inch for both horizontal and vertical directions. These parameters<br />

can be obtained by calling function CDC::GetDeviceCaps(…) and using flags HORZRES, VERTRES,<br />



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