Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 12. Screen Capturing & Printing<br />

Before printing begins, function CView::OnBeginPrinting(…) will be called. A CDC type pointer and a<br />

CPrintInfo type pointer will be passed to this function, from which we can obtain the information of<br />

current printing status. If we need to prepare something before the printing starts, we can override this<br />

function. This function is necessary because there exist some applications whose printing output is different<br />

from what is displayed in the client window. For example, if we are programming a video editing<br />

application, what can be displayed in the client window is usually one of a series of images. When the user<br />

does the printing, we actually want to print all the images. In this case, we must create either DIB or DDB<br />

data before the printing starts. Function CView::OnBeginPrinting(…) is a best place to implement such<br />

kind of preparation: we can create GDI objects, allocate memory, set device mapping modes, and so on.<br />

Since the GDI objects and memory prepared here are solely used for printing, after the printing is done, we<br />

must destroy them. Function CView::OnEndPrinting(…) is designed for this purpose, it will be called when<br />

the printing task is over.<br />

When the printing is undergoing, function CView::OnPrint(…) will be called. We can use CDC type<br />

pointer passed to this function to output objects to the printing device, this is the same with outputting<br />

objects to display device.<br />

Sample 12.4\GDI<br />

Sample 12.4\GDI is based on sample 12.3\GDI. In this sample the printing is handled in function<br />

CGDIView::OnPrinting(…), and CGDIView::OnDraw(…) is only responsible for painting the client window.<br />

Since we can use the DIB stored in the document for printing, we do not need to do any preparation in<br />

function CGDIView::OnBeginPring(…). Within function CGDIView::OnPrinting(…), we first need to obtain<br />

the DIB and palette from the document, and set the mapping mode to MM_LOMETRIC, which will map one<br />

logical unit to 0.1 mm. Then we need to select the palette into the target DC, call function<br />

::StretchDIBits(…) to copy the image to target device. Please note that after the mapping mode is set to<br />

MM_LOMETRIC, the direction of y axis is upward. When calling function ::StretchDIBits(…), we must set<br />

the output vertical dimension on the target device to a negative value if the origin is still located at (0, 0):<br />

……<br />

……<br />

::StretchDIBits<br />

(<br />

pDC->GetSafeHdc(),<br />

0,<br />

0,<br />

lpBi->bmiHeader.biWidth,<br />

-lpBi->bmiHeader.biHeight,<br />

0,<br />

0,<br />

lpBi->bmiHeader.biWidth,<br />

lpBi->bmiHeader.biHeight,<br />

(LPSTR)lpBi+dwBitOffset,<br />

lpBi,<br />



);<br />

Now no matter what type of printer we use, the output dimension will be the same. The only difference<br />

between the output from two different types of printers may be the image quality: for printers with high<br />

DPIs, we will see a smooth image; for printers with low DPIs, we will see undesirable image.<br />

Although the printing ratio is fixed for this sample, the user can still modify it through File | Print<br />

Setup… command. In the Print Setup dialog box, the user can also select printer, paper size and the<br />

printing ratio. The maximum printing ratio that can be set by the user is 400%. This may cause the output<br />

image unable to fit within the target device. In this case, we need to print one image on separate pages.<br />


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