Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 12. Screen Capturing & Printing<br />

(0, 0) (m, 0)<br />

(0, 0)<br />

(m, 0)<br />

y<br />

(0, n) (m, n)<br />

MM_TEXT mode<br />

y<br />

(0, -n) (m, -n)<br />

Other modes<br />

Figure 12-5. The direction of y axis is different for different mapping modes<br />

Converting between Logical and Device Units<br />

Sometimes we need to implement the conversion between logical unit and actual device unit. Class CDC<br />

has a bunch of functions that allow us to do the conversion between two coordinate systems. For example,<br />

CDC::LPtoDP(…) allows us to convert a point (POINT type variable) or a size (CSize type variable) measured<br />

in logical unit coordinate system to device coordinate system. And CDC::DPtoLP(…) does the reverse.<br />

Implementing Print<br />

Actually it is easy to implement printing for applications generated from the Application Wizard.<br />

When the user executes File | Print or File | Print Preview command, a series of printing messages will be<br />

sent to the application. Upon receiving these messages, the frame window finds out the current active view,<br />

and call that view’s CView::OnPrint(…) function to output drawings to the target device.<br />

By default, CView::OnPrint(…) does nothing but calling function CView::OnDraw(…), so everything<br />

contained in the client window (view) will also be output to the printer. We can experiment this with the<br />

sample already implemented. For example, after executing sample 12.2\GDI, if we make a snapshot and<br />

execute File | Print command, the captured image will be sent to the printer. The actual size of the output<br />

image depends on the type of printer because in CGDIView::OnDraw(…), we didn’t set the mapping mode so<br />

the default mode MM_TEXT is used.<br />

We must know the resolution of the target device so that we can either scale the output to let it fit into<br />

the device or we can manage to print one image on separate papers. One way of obtaining the target<br />

device’s resolution is to call function CDC::GetDeviceCap(…) using HORZRES and VERTRES parameters. The<br />

returned value of this function will be the horizontal or vertical resolution of the target device, measured in<br />

its device unit. Besides this, we can also use LOGPIXELSX and LOGPIXELSY to retrieve the number of pixels<br />

per logical inch in the target device for both horizontal and vertical directions. Since the width and height<br />

of a minimum pixel in the target device may not be the same, the above two parameters may be different.<br />

Scaling the Image before Printing<br />

Sample 12.3\GDI is based on sample 12.2\GDI. In this sample, when doing the printing, the output is<br />

scaled so that it can fit within one sheet of paper no matter what the resolution of target device is. In order<br />

to implement this, we need to calculate the proportion between the logical unit and the physical unit of the<br />

target device before the image is output to the device.<br />

For example, suppose we have an image whose logical dimension is x×y, and want to output it to the<br />

target device whose physical resolution is px×py. We further assume that the aspect ratio of a minimum<br />

physical pixel on the target device is rx : ry. This is illustrated by Figure 12-6:<br />


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