Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 12. Screen Capturing & Printing<br />

For picture controls,<br />

we can display various<br />

types of images<br />

Figure 12-4. Set the properties of a picture control<br />

Variable CSelDlg::m_hWnd is used to store the handle of the selected window. Also, variable<br />

CSelDlg::m_rectSelect is used to indicate the rectangle of the previously selected window. If this<br />

rectangle is empty, no window is currently being reversed.<br />

As the mouse moves, we will keep on receiving WM_MOUSEMOVE messages. In the sample, function<br />

CSelDlg::DrawSelection(…) is implemented to handle this message. Within this function, first we create a<br />

region that contains all of the desktop window excluding the area occupied by the application window. We<br />

select this region into the desktop window DC before reversing any window. By doing this, if the selected<br />

window is overlapped by the application window, the reversing effect does not apply to the application<br />

window. The following portion of function CSelDlg::DrawSelection(…) shows how the region is created:<br />

void CSelDlg::DrawSelection(CPoint point, BOOL bErase)<br />

{<br />

if(m_bCaptureOn == TRUE)<br />

{<br />

CWnd *pWnd;<br />

CWindowDC dc(CWnd::GetDesktopWindow());<br />

int nRop2Mode;<br />

CRgn rgn;<br />

CRgn rgnDesk;<br />

CRect rect;<br />

……<br />

GetWindowRect(rect);<br />

rgn.CreateRectRgnIndirect(rect);<br />

AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->GetWindowRect(rect);<br />

rgnDesk.CreateRectRgnIndirect(rect);<br />

rgn.CombineRgn(&rgnDesk, &rgn, RGN_OR);<br />

rgnDesk.DeleteObject();<br />

CWnd::GetDesktopWindow()->GetWindowRect(rect);<br />

rgnDesk.CreateRectRgnIndirect(rect);<br />

rgn.CombineRgn(&rgnDesk, &rgn, RGN_DIFF);<br />

dc.SelectClipRgn(&rgn);<br />

In order to resume the reversed window, the drawing mode should be set to R2_NOT, which will reverse<br />

all the pixels contained in the rectangle when function CDC::Rectangle(…) is called. The drawing mode<br />

can be set by calling function CDC::SetROP2(…):<br />

……<br />

……<br />

nRop2Mode=dc.SetROP2(R2_NOT);<br />

Then we call function CWnd::WindowFromPoint(…) to see if the current mouse cursor is over any<br />

window. We use the returned pointer to retrieve the handle of that window, and compare it with the handles<br />

of our application windows (both mainframe window and dialog box window). If there is a match, we<br />

should not draw the rectangle because the cursor is over the application window (In this case, if there exists<br />

a window that has been reversed, we should resume it). Otherwise, we further compare it with the handle<br />

stored in CSelDlg::m_hWnd, if they are the same, we don’t do anything because the window under the<br />

cursor has been reversed. If not, this means a new window is being selected and we should resume the old<br />

reversed window (If there exists such a window) then reverse the newly selected one:<br />

……<br />

if<br />


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