Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 12. Screen Capturing & Printing<br />

Picking Up a Window<br />

Often there are many windows contained in the desktop window. Each application may have one<br />

mainframe window and several child windows. To let the user pick up a window with mouse clicking, we<br />

must find a way to detect if there is a window under the current mouse cursor.<br />

We can call function CWnd::WindowFromPoint(…) to retrieve the window under current mouse cursor.<br />

If there is such a window, its handle will be returned by this function. Otherwise the function will return<br />

NULL.<br />

We also need to monitor mouse movement and respond to its activities when the user is selecting a<br />

window. We all know that this can be implemented by handling mouse related messages: WM_LBUTTONDOWN,<br />

WM_MOUSEMOVE, and WM_LBUTTONUP. Also we must be able to receive these messages even if the mouse<br />

cursor is outside our application window. To implement this, we need to set window capture. By doing so,<br />

the user can hold the left button and move it anywhere to pick up window. As long as the left button is held<br />

down, we can receive WM_MOUSEMOVE messages (The capture will be released by the system if the left button<br />

is released).<br />

Another issue is how to indicate the selected window. To make the application easier to use, we need<br />

to put some indication on the window that is being selected. From the previous section we know that the<br />

DC of the desktop window can be obtained and used to draw anything anywhere on the screen. With the<br />

desktop window DC, we can reverse the selected window when the mouse cursor is over it, and resume it<br />

as the mouse cursor leaves the window.<br />

The drawing mode can be set by calling function CDC::SetROP2(…) using R2_NOT flag. After this if we<br />

draw a rectangle (By calling function CDC::Rectangle(…)) using the window’s position and size, the whole<br />

window will be reversed. Calling this function twice using the same parameter will resume the original<br />

window.<br />

One thing we must pay attention to is that the application itself also has a mainframe window, and<br />

therefore will be selected for capturing if the mouse cursor is over it. This is not a desirable feature. To<br />

solve this problem, after function CWnd::WindowFromPoint(…) is called, we must check if the window<br />

returned by this function belongs to the application itself.<br />

Because the windows can overlap one another, when the mouse cursor is over one window, we should<br />

not reverse the overlapped part (Figure 11-2). To solve this problem, we need to use region. We can create<br />

a region that contains only the non-overlapped part of a window, which can be selected by the desktop<br />

window DC. By doing this, the overlapped portion of the window will not be reversed when the function<br />

CDC::Rectangle(…) is called.<br />

Window A<br />

Window B<br />

If mouse cursor is over window A,<br />

we do not want to reverse the part<br />

that is overlapped by window B<br />

Figure 11-2. Reverse a window to indicate that it can be selected for capturing<br />

After the user has selected a specific window and executed Capture | Go! command, we can find out<br />

the size and position of this window, start timer, call function CDC::BitBlt(…) to make a snapshot of the<br />

window and store the data to the memory bitmap.<br />

Dialog Box IDD_DIALOG_SELECT<br />

Sample 12.2\GDI is based on sample 12.1\GDI. The new sample allows the user to select a specified<br />

window for making snapshot. First a dialog box is added to the application, it will be used to let the user<br />


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