Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 11. Sample: Simple Paint<br />

drawing tool to rectangular selection (if it is not). By doing this, everything will go on as if we just selected<br />

a portion of image using the rectangular selection tool.<br />

When the user executes Edit | Paste command, function CGDIDoc::OnEditPaste()will be called. The<br />

DIB data in the clipboard will be replicated and passed to function CGDIView::PasteDIB(…). Within the<br />

function, a new bitmap will be created using variable m_bmpSelBackup, and the DIB data contained in the<br />

clipboard will be copied to it. Please note we must replicate the clipboard data instead of using it directly<br />

because the data may be used by other applications later. The following is the implementation of function<br />

CGDIDoc::OnEditPaste():<br />

void CGDIDoc::OnEditPaste()<br />

{<br />

if(GetCGDIView()->OpenClipboard() == TRUE)<br />

{<br />


LPBYTE lpByte;<br />

HGLOBAL hDIBPaste;<br />

LPBYTE lpBytePaste;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

ASSERT(hDIB != NULL);<br />

hDIB=::GetClipboardData(CF_DIB);<br />

ASSERT(hDIB);<br />

hDIBPaste=::GlobalAlloc(GHND, ::GlobalSize(hDIB));<br />

ASSERT(hDIBPaste);<br />

lpByte=(LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hDIB);<br />

ASSERT(lpByte);<br />

lpBytePaste=(LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hDIBPaste);<br />

ASSERT(lpBytePaste);<br />

memcpy(lpBytePaste, lpByte, ::GlobalSize(hDIB));<br />

::GlobalUnlock(hDIB);<br />

::GlobalUnlock(hDIBPaste);<br />

::CloseClipboard();<br />

GetCGDIView()->PasteDIB(hDIB);<br />

::GlobalFree(hDIBPaste);<br />

The following portion of function CGDIView::PasteDIB(…) shows how to copy the clipboard DIB data<br />

to the backup DIB image by calling function ::SetDIBits(…) (the clipboard data is passed through<br />

parameter hData):<br />

void CGDIView::PasteDIB(HGLOBAL hData)<br />

{<br />

CClientDC dc(this);<br />


int nRatio;<br />

CGDIDoc *pDoc;<br />

pDoc=GetDocument();<br />

ASSERT_VALID(pDoc);<br />

AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(TRUE);<br />

lpBi=(LPBITMAPINFO)::GlobalLock(hData);<br />

ASSERT(lpBi);<br />

if(lpBi->bmiHeader.biBitCount != 8)<br />

{<br />

::GlobalUnlock(hData);<br />

return;<br />

}<br />

nRatio=pDoc->GetRatio();<br />

if(m_bmpSelBackup.GetSafeHandle() != NULL)m_bmpSelBackup.DeleteObject();<br />

m_bmpSelBackup.CreateCompatibleBitmap<br />

(<br />

&dc,<br />

lpBi->bmiHeader.biWidth,<br />

lpBi->bmiHeader.biHeight<br />


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