Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 11. Sample: Simple Paint<br />

……<br />

……<br />

m_ptPrevious=point;<br />

if(m_rgnFreeSel.GetSafeHandle() != NULL)<br />

{<br />

m_rgnFreeSel.DeleteObject();<br />

}<br />

m_dcMem.MoveTo(m_ptMouseDown);<br />

m_dcMem.BeginPath();<br />

For WM_MOUSEMOVE message, we need to draw the freeform outline in the client window and do the<br />

same thing to CGDIView::m_bmpDraw. Note since the current image ratio may not be 1:1, we must use<br />

normalized points when recording path:<br />

……<br />

……<br />

pPenOld=dc.SelectObject(&m_penDot);<br />

dc.MoveTo(m_ptPrevious);<br />

dc.LineTo(point);<br />

m_ptPrevious=point;<br />

dc.SelectObject(pPenOld);<br />

m_dcMem.LineTo(pt);<br />

For WM_LBUTTONUP message, we need to draw the last segment of outline, close the figure, and end the<br />

path. Then we need to create the region from path, and set the dimension of the tracker to the dimension of<br />

the bounding box of the selected region. Again we must consider ratio conversion here: since the path is<br />

recorded with a ratio of 1:1, we must scale its bounding box to the current image ratio. In the sample,<br />

function CGDIView::UnnormalizeTrackerRect(…) is added to scale a normalized rectangle to the current<br />

image ratio. The rest thing needs to be done is the same with that of rectangular selection: we need to back<br />

up the whole image as well as the selected area:<br />

……<br />

……<br />

pPenOld=dc.SelectObject(&m_penDot);<br />

dc.MoveTo(m_ptPrevious);<br />

dc.LineTo(point);<br />

dc.SelectObject(pPenOld);<br />

m_dcMem.LineTo(pt);<br />

m_dcMem.CloseFigure();<br />

m_dcMem.EndPath();<br />

m_rgnFreeSel.CreateFromPath(&m_dcMem);<br />

m_rgnFreeSel.GetRgnBox(rect);<br />

m_trackerSel.m_rect=UnnormalizeTrackerRect(rect);<br />

BackupCurrentBmp();<br />

BackupSelection();<br />

Invalidate(FALSE);<br />

Resizing and Moving the Freeform Selection<br />

Resizing and moving the freeform selection is almost the same with that of rectangular selection,<br />

except that before copying the selected area, we must offset or resize the region and select it into the target<br />

DC. The following portion of function CGDIView::OnLButtonDown(…) shows how the region is resized and<br />

selected into the target memory DC, and how the selected image is copied back:<br />

……<br />

::ReleaseCapture();<br />

m_trackerSel.Track(this, point);<br />

ResumeBackupBmp();<br />

m_rgnFreeSel.GetRgnBox(rectOrgTracker);<br />

rectCurTracker=NormalizeTrackerRect(m_trackerSel.m_rect);<br />

nCount=m_rgnFreeSel.GetRegionData(NULL, 0);<br />

lpRgnData=(LPRGNDATA)new BYTE[nCount];<br />


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