Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 1. Tool Bar and Dialog Bar<br />

When we create tool bar resource, the control IDs are generated contiguously according to the<br />

sequence of creation. For example, if we first create the blue button, then the green button, the two IDs will<br />

have the following relationship:<br />


Modifying an ID<br />

Sometimes we don’t know if the IDs of the tool bar buttons have contiguous values, because most of<br />

the time we use only symbolic IDs and seldom care about the actual values of them. If the IDs do not meet<br />

our requirement and we still want to use the above message mapping macros, we need to modify the ID<br />

values by ourselves.<br />

By default, all the resource IDs are defined in file “resource.h”. Although we could open it with a text<br />

editor and make changes, there is a better way to do so. First, an ID value could be viewed in the Developer<br />

Studio by executing View | Resource symbols… command. This command will bring up a dialog box that<br />

contains all the resource IDs used by the application (Figure 1-3).<br />

If we want to make change to any ID value, first we need to highlight that ID, then click the button<br />

labeled “Change…”. After that, a “Change Symbol” dialog box will pop up, if the ID is used for more than<br />

one purpose, we need to select the resource type in “Used by” window (This happens when this ID is used<br />

for both command ID and string ID, in which case the string ID may be used to implement flyby and tool<br />

tip. See Figure 1.9). In our sample, there is only one type of resource that uses the button IDs, so we do not<br />

need to make any choice. Now click “View Use” button (Figure 1-4), which will bring up “Toolbar Button<br />

Properties” property sheet. Within “General” page, we can change the ID’s value by typing in a new<br />

number in the window labeled “ID”. For example, if we want to change the value of ID_BUTTON_RED to<br />

32770, we just need to type in an equal sign and a number after the symbolic ID so that this edit window<br />

has the following contents (Figure 1-5):<br />

ID_BUTTON_RED=32770<br />

Resource ID<br />

ID value<br />

Figure 1-3. View resource IDs and their values<br />

With this method, we can easily change the values of four resource IDs (ID_BUTTON_RED,<br />

ID_BUTTON_GREEN, ID_BUTTON_BLUE, ID_BUTTON_YELLOW) and make them contiguous. After this we can<br />

map all of them to a single member function instead of implementing message handlers for each ID.<br />

Unfortunately, Class Wizard doesn’t do range mappings, so we have to implement it by ourselves.<br />

Sample 1.4\Bar demonstrates how to implement this kind of mapping. It is based upon sample 1.2\Bar,<br />

which already contains the default message mapping macros:<br />

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CBarDoc, CDocument)<br />

//{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CBarDoc)<br />









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