Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 9. Font<br />

}<br />

hMem=::GlobalAlloc(GHND | GMEM_SHARE, szStr.GetLength());<br />

ASSERT(hMem != NULL);<br />

lpStr=(LPSTR)::GlobalLock(hMem);<br />

ASSERT(lpStr != NULL);<br />

memcpy(lpStr, szStr, szStr.GetLength());<br />

::GlobalUnlock(hMem);<br />

GetCGDIView()->OpenClipboard();<br />

::EmptyClipboard();<br />

::SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hMem);<br />

::CloseClipboard();<br />

First, we assign the smaller of the two selection indicies to variable nSel, and the number of selected<br />

characters to variable nNum. Then we copy the selected text to a CString type variable szStr. Next, we<br />

allocate a memory block, lock it, copy the string from szStr to the new buffers. Then we unlock the<br />

memory, open the clipboard, clear it, and copy the data to the clipboard. Finally we close the clipboard.<br />

The implmentation of Edit | Cut command is almost the same except that we must delete the selected<br />

text after copying the data to the clipboard. So function CGDIDoc::OnEditCut() is implemented as follows:<br />

void CGDIDoc::OnEditCut()<br />

{<br />

OnEditCopy();<br />

DeleteSelection();<br />

}<br />

For Edit | Paste command, everything is the reverse. We need to open the clipboard, obtain data from<br />

the clipboard, lock the global memory, copy the data to local buffers, unlock the global memory, and insert<br />

the new string to the text at the current caret position. The following is the implementation of this<br />

command:<br />

void CGDIDoc::OnEditPaste()<br />

{<br />

HANDLE hMem;<br />

LPSTR lpStr;<br />

CString szStr;<br />

}<br />

DeleteSelection();<br />

GetCGDIView()->OpenClipboard();<br />

hMem=::GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT);<br />

ASSERT(hMem != NULL);<br />

lpStr=(LPSTR)::GlobalLock(hMem);<br />

ASSERT(lpStr);<br />

szStr=lpStr;<br />

m_nCaretIndex+=szStr.GetLength();<br />

::GlobalUnlock(hMem);<br />

::CloseClipboard();<br />

m_szText=m_szText.Left(m_nCaretIndex)+szStr+m_szText.Mid(m_nCaretIndex);<br />

UpdateAllViews(NULL);<br />

GetCGDIView()->RedrawCaret();<br />

Now the application can exchange data with another application that supports clipboard.<br />

9.10 One Line Text Editor, Step 7: Getting Rid of Flickering<br />

The editor is almost finished except for one annoying feature: every time the user inputs a character,<br />

makes selection or moves the caret, the text will flicker. This is because whenever the text is being updated,<br />

we call function CDocument::OnUpdateAllViews(…) to cause the whose view window to be updated. By<br />

default, before the client window is redrawn, it will be erased using white color. This is the cause of<br />

flickering. To get rid of it, we need to update only the area that has changed (instead of updating the whole<br />

window).<br />


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