Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 1. Tool Bar and Dialog Bar<br />

CBarDoc::CBarDoc()<br />

{<br />

m_bBtnRed=FALSE;<br />

m_bBtnGreen=FALSE;<br />

m_bBtnBlue=FALSE;<br />

m_bBtnYellow=FALSE;<br />

}<br />

Two types of message handlers (altogether eight member functions) are rewritten. The following<br />

shows the implementation of two member functions for button ID_BUTTON_RED:<br />

void CBarDoc::OnButtonRed()<br />

{<br />

m_bBtnRed=!m_bBtnRed;<br />

}<br />

void CBarDoc::OnUpdateButtonRed(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)<br />

{<br />

pCmdUI->SetRadio(m_bBtnRed);<br />

}<br />

If we execute the application at this point, we will see that the four color buttons behave like check<br />

boxes.<br />

Function CButton::SetButtonInfo(…)<br />

Although this is a simple way to implement “check box” buttons, sometimes it is not efficient. Suppose<br />

we have ten buttons that we expect to behave like check boxes, for every button we need to add a Boolean<br />

type variable and implement a UPDATE_COMMAND_UI message handler. Although this is nothing difficult, it is<br />

not the most efficient way of doing it.<br />

Class CToolBar has a member function that can be used to set the button styles. The function allows us<br />

to set button as a push button, separator, check box, or the start of a group of check boxes. We can also use<br />

it to associate an image with a button contained in the tool bar. The following is the format of this function:<br />

void CToolBar::SetButtonInfo(int nIndex, UINT nID, UINT nStyle, int iImage);<br />

To use this function, we need to provide the information about the button, the style flags, and the<br />

image information. Parameter nIndex indicates which button we are gong to customize. It is a zero-based<br />

index, and button 0 is the left most button or separator on the tool bar (a separator is also considered a<br />

button). Parameter nID specifies which command ID we want to associate with this button. Parameter<br />

nStyle could be one of the following values, which indicates button’s style:<br />

Flag<br />






Meaning<br />

push button<br />

separator<br />

check box<br />

start of a group<br />

start of a check box group<br />

The last parameter iImage indicates which image will be used to create the bitmap button. This is also<br />

a zero-based number, which indicates the image index of the tool bar resource. In our case, the tool bar<br />

resource contains four images, which are simply painted red, green, blue and yellow. The images are<br />

indexed according to their sequence, which means the red image is image 0, the green image is image 1,<br />

and so on.<br />

When we create a tool bar resource, it seems that a button’s command ID and the associated image are<br />

fixed from the beginning. Actually both of them can be modified through calling the above function. We<br />

can assign any command ID and image to any button. Also, we can change a button to a separator. In a<br />


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