Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 9. Font<br />

}<br />

szStr=szStr.Right(szStr.GetLength()-m_nCaretIndex);<br />

m_szText+=szStr;<br />

UpdateAllViews(NULL);<br />

BackwardCaret();<br />

}<br />

}<br />

else<br />

{<br />

if(m_nCaretIndex != m_szText.GetLength())<br />

{<br />

szStr=m_szText;<br />

m_szText=m_szText.Left(m_nCaretIndex);<br />

szStr=szStr.Right(szStr.GetLength()-m_nCaretIndex-1);<br />

m_szText+=szStr;<br />

UpdateAllViews(NULL);<br />

}<br />

}<br />

To delete the character before the current caret, we divide the text into two sub-strings, delete the last<br />

character of the first sub-string, and re-combine them. Then we update the view, and move caret one<br />

character left. When deleting the character after the caret, we do not need to change the position of the<br />

caret.<br />

Message WM_CHAR<br />

Now we need to use the above two member functions. In the sample, message WM_CHAR is handled to<br />

implement keyboard input. The difference between WM_CHAR and WM_KEYDOWN messages is that WM_CHAR is<br />

sent only for printable characters along with the following five keys: ESCAPE, TAB, BACK SPACE and<br />

ENTER. Message WM_KEYDOWN will be sent for all types of key strokes.<br />

In the sample, the message handler of WM_CHAR is CGDIView::OnChar(…), it is implemented as follows<br />

in the sample:<br />

void CGDIView::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)<br />

{<br />

CGDIDoc *ptrDoc;<br />

}<br />

ptrDoc=(CGDIDoc *)GetDocument();<br />

if(nChar != VK_RETURN && nChar != VK_ESCAPE && nChar != VK_TAB)<br />

{<br />

if(nChar == VK_BACK)ptrDoc->DeleteChar(TRUE);<br />

else ptrDoc->AddChar(nChar, nRepCnt);<br />

}<br />

CScrollView::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);<br />

We neglect the ENTER, TAB and ESCAPE key strokes. For BACK SPACE key stroke, we delete the<br />

character before the current caret. For all other cases, we insert character at the current caret position.<br />

The DELETE key stroke can not be detected by this message handler, we need to trap and handle it in<br />

function CGDIView::OnKeyDown(…):<br />

……<br />

void CGDIView::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)<br />

{<br />

}<br />

case VK_RIGHT:<br />

{<br />

ptrDoc->ForwardCaret();<br />

break;<br />

}<br />

case VK_DELETE:<br />

{<br />

ptrDoc->DeleteChar(FALSE);<br />

break;<br />

}<br />


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