Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 9. Font<br />

POINT pt;<br />

CClientDC dc(NULL);<br />

CFont *ptrFtOld;<br />

CString szStr;<br />

CSize sizeExtent;<br />

ASSERT(m_ftDraw.GetSafeHandle());<br />

ptrFtOld=dc.SelectObject(&m_ftDraw);<br />

szStr=m_szText.Left(m_nCaretIndex);<br />

sizeExtent=dc.GetTextExtent(szStr);<br />

dc.SelectObject(ptrFtOld);<br />

}<br />

pt.x=sizeExtent.cx;<br />

pt.y=0;<br />

return pt;<br />

The caret position is calculated through using function CDC::GetTextExtent(…), which will return the<br />

vertical and a horizontal size of a text string. We need a DC to select the current font in order to calculate<br />

the text dimension. In the sample, first a DC that does not belong to any window is created, then the current<br />

font is selected into this DC, and function CString::Left() is called to obtain a sub-string whose last<br />

character is located at the current caret position. The horizontal size obtained from function CDC::<br />

GetTextExtent(…) for the sub-string is the caret’s horizontal position. Because we have only one line text,<br />

the vertical position of the caret is always 0.<br />

This function may be called within the member functions of CGDIView to retrieve the current caret<br />

position. The other two functions, CGDIDoc::ForwardCaret() and CGDIDoc::BackwardCaret() can be<br />

called to move the caret forward or backward. They are implemented as follows:<br />

void CGDIDoc::ForwardCaret()<br />

{<br />

m_nCaretIndex++;<br />

if(m_nCaretIndex > m_szText.GetLength())<br />

{<br />

m_nCaretIndex=m_szText.GetLength();<br />

}<br />

GetCGDIView()->RedrawCaret();<br />

}<br />

void CGDIDoc::BackwardCaret()<br />

{<br />

m_nCaretIndex--;<br />

if(m_nCaretIndex < 0)<br />

{<br />

m_nCaretIndex=0;<br />

}<br />

GetCGDIView()->RedrawCaret();<br />

}<br />

Instead of calculating the actual position of the caret, we just increment or decrement the caret index.<br />

The range of this index is from 0 to the total number of characters (If there are five characters, we have six<br />

possible positions for displaying the caret). If the index goes beyond the limit, we set it back to the<br />

boundary value.<br />

At the end of above two functions, function CGDIDoc::GetCGDIView() is called to access class<br />

CGDIView, then CGDIView::RedrawCaret() is called to update the caret. This will cause the caret to be<br />

displayed in a new position. To access a view from the document, we need to call function CDocument::<br />

GetFirstViewPosition() and then call CDocument::GetNextView(…) repeatedly until we get the correct<br />

view. For an SDI application, we need to call this function only once. However, some applications may<br />

have more than one view attached to the document (Like an MDI application). In this case, we need to use<br />

RUNTIME_CLASS macro to judge if the class is the one we are looking for. In the sample, CGDIDoc::<br />

GetCGDIView() is implemented as a general function, it can also be used in an MDI application to obtain a<br />

specific view from the document. The following is its implementation:<br />

CGDIView *CGDIDoc::GetCGDIView()<br />


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