Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 9. Font<br />

};<br />

Variable m_nRange indicates the range of the percentage bar, and m_nCurPos indicates the current<br />

position. They are initialized in the constructor:<br />

CPercent::CPercent()<br />

{<br />

m_nRange=100;<br />

m_nCurPos=0;<br />

}<br />

Funtions CPercent::SetPercentage(…) and CPercent::SetPosition(…) allow us to change the value<br />

of m_nCurPos, and CPercent::SetRange(…) allows us to change the total range.<br />

Within function CPercent::OnPaint(), we will draw the percentage bar using the values of m_nRange<br />

and m_nCurPos.<br />

We need to check if m_nRange is zero. If so, we can not draw the percentage bar. If not, we need to first<br />

find out the size of the window (the static control window) within which the percentage bar will be drawn.<br />

This information is stored in a local variable rect. Next, we create the text string and store it in another<br />

local variable szStr, whose format is “XXX%” (XXX represents a number between 0 and 100). To place<br />

the text in the center of the rectangle, we need to know its dimension.<br />

To retrieve the dimension of a text string, we need to call function CDC::GetTextExtent(…) and pass<br />

the actual string to it. The function will return a CSize type value that specifies the dimension of this text.<br />

The percentage bar is divided into two portions. On the left side of the rectangle, the text color is white<br />

and the background color is blue. The following portion of function CPercent::OnPaint() shows how to<br />

create text string, set foreground and background colors, and retrieve the dimension of the text:<br />

void CPercent::OnPaint()<br />

{<br />

CPaintDC dc(this);<br />

CRect rect;<br />

CRect rectHalf;<br />

CString szStr;<br />

CSize sizeExtent;<br />

COLORREF colorTextOld;<br />

COLORREF colorBkOld;<br />

……<br />

if(m_nRange != 0)<br />

{<br />

GetClientRect(rect);<br />

szStr.Format("%d%%", m_nCurPos*100/m_nRange);<br />

colorTextOld=dc.SetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));<br />

colorBkOld=dc.SetBkColor(RGB(0, 0, 255));<br />

sizeExtent=dc.GetTextExtent(szStr);<br />

Next, the dimension of the left side rectange of the percentage bar is stored in local variable rectHalf.<br />

Then function CDC::ExtTextOut(…) is called to draw the left part of the percentage bar (Mode<br />

ETO_CLIPPED is used here, it will restrict the drawing within the rectangle). Because ETO_OPAQUE flag is also<br />

used, the text will be drawn with white color and the rest part of rectangle (specified by rectHalf) will all<br />

be painted blue:<br />

……<br />

sizeExtent=dc.GetTextExtent(szStr);<br />

rectHalf=rect;<br />

rectHalf.right=rect.Width()*m_nCurPos/m_nRange;<br />

dc.ExtTextOut<br />

(<br />

(rect.Width()-sizeExtent.cx)/2,<br />

(rect.Height()-sizeExtent.cy)/2,<br />


rectHalf,<br />

szStr,<br />

NULL<br />


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