Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 9. Font<br />

for(i=0; iGetSafeHandle() != NULL);<br />

ptrFtOld=pDC->SelectObject(ptrFont);<br />

pDC->TextOut(10, nYPos, (m_lpLf[1]+i)->lfFaceName);<br />

nYPos+=(m_lpLf[1]+i)->lfHeight;<br />

pDC->SelectObject(ptrFtOld);<br />

ptrFont++;<br />

}<br />

nYPos+=20;<br />

szStr.Format("Number of TrueType fonts: %d", m_nFontCount[2]);<br />

pDC->TextOut(10, nYPos, szStr);<br />

nYPos+=20;<br />

}<br />

for(i=0; iGetSafeHandle() != NULL);<br />

ptrFtOld=pDC->SelectObject(ptrFont);<br />

pDC->TextOut(10, nYPos, (m_lpLf[2]+i)->lfFaceName);<br />

nYPos+=(m_lpLf[2]+i)->lfHeight;<br />

pDC->SelectObject(ptrFtOld);<br />

ptrFont++;<br />

}<br />

For each font family, all the font face names are listed. Three loops are used for this purpose. Within<br />

each loop, one of the enumerated font is selected into the target DC, and function CDC::TextOut(…) is<br />

called to output the font’s face name to the window. To avoid text from overlapping one another, a local<br />

variable nYPos is used as the vertical orgin of the output text, which will increment each time after a line of<br />

text is output to the window.<br />

Because the memory is allocated at the initialization stage, we need to free it when the application<br />

exits. In the sample, WM_DESTROY message handler is added to class CGDIView through using Class Wizard,<br />

and the corresponding member function is implemented as follows:<br />

void CGDIView::OnDestroy()<br />

{<br />

CScrollView::OnDestroy();<br />

if(m_lpLf[0] != NULL)delete [](BYTE *) m_lpLf[0];<br />

if(m_lpLf[1] != NULL)delete [](BYTE *) m_lpLf[1];<br />

if(m_lpLf[2] != NULL)delete [](BYTE *) m_lpLf[2];<br />

if(m_ptrFont != NULL)delete []m_ptrFont;<br />

}<br />

The application is now ready to enumerate all the available fonts in the system.<br />

9.3 Output Text Using CDC::ExtTextOut(…)<br />

Function CDC::ExtTextOut(…)<br />

Usually we use function CDC::TextOut(…) to output text. There is another powerful function CDC::<br />

ExtTextOut(…), which allows us to output the text to a specified rectange. We can use either transparent or<br />

opaque drawing mode. In the latter case, we can also specify a background color. Besides this, we can set<br />

the distances between neighboring characters of the text. One version of function CDC::ExtTextOut(…) has<br />

the following format:<br />

BOOL CDC::ExtTextOut<br />

(<br />

int x, int y,<br />


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