Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 9. Font<br />

CFont *ptrFt;<br />

}<br />

ptrFt=dc.GetCurrentFont();<br />

ptrFt->GetLogFont(&lf);<br />

ASSERT(m_fontDraw.CreateFontIndirect(&lf));<br />

m_colorFont=RGB(0, 0, 0);<br />

m_bTransparentBgd=TRUE;<br />

When a DC is created, it selects the default font, pen, brush and other GDI objects. So here we create a<br />

DC that does not belong to any window, and call function CDC::GetCurrentFont() to obtain its currently<br />

selected font (which is the default font). Then function CFont::GetLogFont(…) is called to retrieve the font<br />

information, which is stored in a LOGFONT type object. With this object, we can create a system default font<br />

by calling function CFont::CreateFontIndirect(…). By default, the font color is set to black and the text<br />

background mode is set to transparent.<br />

We need to provide a way of letting user modify the font styles. This can be easily implemented by<br />

using a font common dialog box. In the sample, two commands are added to the application: Font | Select<br />

and Font | Escapement and Orientation, whose IDs are ID_FONT_SELECT and ID_FONT_STYLE<br />

respectively. Also, message handlers are added through using Class Wizard, the corresponding functions<br />

are CGDIDoc::OnFontStyle() and CGDIDoc::OnFontSelect().<br />

Function CGDIDoc::OnFontSelect() lets the user select a font, set its styles, and specify the text color.<br />

It is impelemented as follows:<br />

void CGDIDoc::OnFontSelect()<br />

{<br />

CFontDialog dlg;<br />

LOGFONT lf;<br />

}<br />

if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)<br />

{<br />

dlg.GetCurrentFont(&lf);<br />

if(m_fontDraw.GetSafeHandle() != NULL)m_fontDraw.DeleteObject();<br />

ASSERT(m_fontDraw.CreateFontIndirect(&lf));<br />

m_colorFont=dlg.GetColor();<br />

UpdateAllViews(NULL);<br />

}<br />

A font common dialog is implemented to let the user pick up a font. If a font is selected, function<br />

CFontDialog::GetCurrentFont(…) is called to retrieve the information of the font, which is stored in a<br />

LOGFONT type object. Because member m_fontDraw is already initialized, we need to delete the old font<br />

before creating a new one. The font is created by calling function CFont::CreateFontIndirect(…). After<br />

this the color of the font is retrieved by calling function CFontDialog::GetColor(), and stored in the<br />

variable CGDIDoc::m_colorFont. Finally function CDocument::UpdateAllViews(…) is called to update the<br />

client window of the application.<br />

Since font common dialog box does not contain escapement and orientation choices, we have to<br />

implement an extra dialog box to let the user set them. In the sample, dialog template IDD_DIALOG_STYLE is<br />

added for this purpose. Within this template, besides the default “OK” and “Cancel” buttons, there are two<br />

other controls included in the dialog box: edit box IDC_EDIT_ESP, which allows the user to set escapement<br />

angle; check box IDC_CHECK, which allows the user to select text background style (transparent or opaque).<br />

A new class CStyleDlg is added for this dialog template, within which two variables m_lEsp (long type)<br />

and m_bBgdStyle (Boolean type) are declared. Both of them are added through using Class Wizard, and are<br />

associated with controls IDC_EDIT_ESP and IDC_CHECK respectively.<br />

Command Font | Escapement and Orientation is implemented as follows:<br />

void CGDIDoc::OnFontStyle()<br />

{<br />

LOGFONT lf;<br />

CStyleDlg dlg;<br />

m_fontDraw.GetLogFont(&lf);<br />

dlg.m_lEsp=lf.lfEscapement;<br />


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