Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 9. Font<br />

Here, member lfFaceName specifies the font name; lfHeight and lfWidth specify font size; lfWeight,<br />

lfItalic, lfUnderline and lfStrikeOut specify font styles. Besides these styles, there are two other<br />

styles that can be specified: lfEscapement and lfOrientation.<br />

Under Windows 95, lfEscapement and lfOrientation must be assigned the same value when a font<br />

is being created. If they are non-zero, the text will have an angle with respect to the horizontal border of the<br />

window when it is displayed (Figure 9-1). To display text this way, we must assign the angle to both<br />

lfEscapement and lfOrientation when creating the font, the unit of the angle is one tenth of a degree.<br />

Please note that only True Type fonts can have such orientation.<br />

Escapement angle<br />

Figure 9-1. Font escapement<br />

After a font is created, it can be selected into DC for outputting text. After the text output is over, it<br />

must be selected out of the DC. This procedure is exactly the same with other GDI objects.<br />

Sample 9.1\GDI demonstrates how to create and use a font with specified styles. It is a standard SDI<br />

application generated by Application Wizard. In the sample, the user can choose any available font in the<br />

system and set its styles (bold, italic, underline, etc). The face name of the font will be displayed in the<br />

client window using the selected font, and the user can also set the escapement of the font.<br />

Two variables are added to class CGDIDoc: CGDIDoc::m_fontDraw and CGDIDoc::m_colorFont. The<br />

first variable is declared as a CFont type variable, it will be used to create the font. The second variable is<br />

declared as a COLORREF type variable, it will be used to store the color of the text.<br />

Besides font color, we also need to consider the background color of the text. A text can be displayed<br />

with either a transparent or opaque background. In the latter case, we can set the background to different<br />

colors. In order to display text in different styles, another Boolean type variable CGDIDoc::<br />

m_bTransparentBgd is declared, it will be used to indicate if the background is transparent or opaque.<br />

The following is the modified class CGDIDoc:<br />

……<br />

……<br />

class CGDIDoc : public CDocument<br />

{<br />

protected:<br />

CGDIDoc();<br />


CFont m_fontDraw;<br />

COLORREF m_colorFont;<br />

BOOL m_bTransparentBgd;<br />

public:<br />

CFont *GetCurrentFont(){return &m_fontDraw;}<br />

COLORREF GetFontColor(){return m_colorFont;}<br />

BOOL GetBgdStyle(){return m_bTransparentBgd;}<br />

virtual ~CGDIDoc();<br />

};<br />

Besides the three new member variables, there are also three new member functions added to the class.<br />

These functions allow the information stored in CGDIDoc to be accessible outside the class, they are<br />

CGDIDoc ::GetCurrentFont(), CGDIDoc::GetFontColor() and CGDIDoc::GetBgdStyle().<br />

The above variables are initialized in the constructor of class CGDIDoc:<br />

CGDIDoc::CGDIDoc()<br />

{<br />

LOGFONT lf;<br />

CClientDC dc(NULL);<br />


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